Architect Portfolio 2016-2019

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Hao-Yu Yu Portfolio in Design and Architecture Selected Work ( 2016 - 2019 )

游皓宇 Hao-Yu,Yu

Tamkang University December 3th, 1993 Taiwanese Exhibitions November 2018

11th Taipei Biennial

August 2014

1 st 「中建海峽盃」兩岸大學生實體構築大賽

July 2013 & 2018

Digital AIEOU SinkingShip Lineage Workshop

August 2015 - 2017

International Housing Workshop

Micro Architecture


Structural Design Competition



Basic Geometry Construction & Form-finding through Physical Simulation

Community Regeneration with Inclusive Proper Housing

Sketch Up / AutoCad / Rhino + Grasshopper / Revit Lumion / Artlantis Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Design Microsoft Handmade Modeling / 3D Printer / Laser Cutting



Landscape Architecture Studio

Salt Field Observatory - Notation / Landscape / Terrior Notation Landscape Measuring


Micro Architecture Studio

Healing Station - Water Filtration / Wetland / Mangrove Forest Mirco Architecture Water Purification Plan


Aggregation Studio

New Diet Pattern - Space Conflict / Prototype / Material Prototype Concept Model Study


Daycare Center

Community Zoo - The Elderly / Animal Assisted Therapy Programs Animal Assisted Therapy


life to the universe, whether it is the movement of celestial bodies, the rhythm of the seasons, or daily farming.

/ Theme / - Salt Field Observatory

Project Type : Purpose : Size :

Landscape Architecture Nomadic Landscapes Recording 4800 sq.m.

In modern times, this connection no longer exists. Another feature is that measurement is a dialogue between the body and the material. Many traditional measurement units (such as feet, foot) are related to labor, body, and base. Most of our contemporary measurements use machines as an intermediary. This indirectness often means that we forget the intimacy between body and space.

According to James Corner , “Taking Measures Across the American Landscape�.

The terroir on the salt pans is nomadic, not like geological phenomena constantly emerging. A terroir phenomenon that slowly produces qualitative changes through the accumulation of slow time.

In ancient civilizations, numbers and proportions have philosophical and theological meanings, revealing the harmonious relationship of the natural world. There are two characteristics of traditional measurement that have been lost in modern society: one is that they connect daily

The project plans to help tourists and salt workers experience nature through perception through a nine-day hotel and observation station, and to influence behavior in the space through the nomadic phenomenon of the landscape. 2

/ Index in Salt Field / In 1935, in response to industrial demand, this area has since become a heavy place for drying salt. Each salt yard supports each other to form an industrial production chain. However, most of the salt fields were left idle after the salt fields were abandoned in 2002. I think about how to use these abandoned landscapes.

- Dormitory -

- Medical Room -

- Baume Hydrometer -

- Watergate -

Industrial activities have left various influential signs in the landscape and ecosystem of the region. These basic physical tools connect complex spatial effects with the land. The project reinterprets objects and thinks about how to generate new land use methods under the operation of industrial activities.

- Observatory -


M. Wg. P.T. B. - Channel -

- Waterwheel -

E.T. - Water Tank -

- Train -


Wm. D.

- Ditch -


- Windmill -








D. T.


/ Climate Slice / Geology, soil and climate deeply affect the process of salt making, causing it to produce different impurities, evaporation, and crystallization speeds, resulting in different salt qualities. I regard the process of condensing seawater into crystallization as a slice of the environment, to record the nomadic landscape of climate change.

The Source of Salt

Water System


Salt Field


/ Trace / Salt has different evapotranspiration and crystallization speeds in different seasons, and produces different shapes and sizes. Salt flowers are produced in the rainy season, coarse salt is produced in the heavy flood season, and frost salt is produced in the small flood season.


Salt Field

Small Flood Season

Rainy Season



Heavy Flood Season

/ Salt Field-Measuring / Through a series of investigations, I re-recorded the regional elements, organized the landscape, texture, and salt state of the area, and established a tentative standpoint to figure it out. Finally, I found that these phenomena are accompanied by nomadic pastoralism with the salt pan structure.



- Solar -

52˚ 34˚ 25˚

100% 85%

- Evaporation Speed-

65% 10mg/s 5mg/s


Salt Field

- Section-



Salt Field


/ Salt Field-Measuring / Various nomadic phenomena appear on the ground, such as rising water levels, rainwater leakage, delays in ground temperature, and material precipitation. The salt fields record these traces through the characteristics of various materials. I re-measure and quantify this landscape phenomenon through materials to enhance people's perception of space. Big Evaporation Tank

Precipitation Tank




Particulate Matter

1 cm



0 sec

1 cm

30 sec




60 80 100

10 cm

Crystallization Tank 25%


0 sec 20 40

20 sec 300 cm



10 sec

- Precipitation -

Small Evaporation Tank 8.5%

0 sec

0.7 sec

- Ecology -

(m) 0

40 hr


80 hr


- Infiltration -

3 4

141 hr



52˚ 34˚ 29˚ 30˚

51˚(磚瓦) 33˚(蓋面土) 31˚

0 1

- Ground Temperature(大汛期)




3 26˚




(m) 0



- Ground Temperature(小汛期)


2 3


4 5


/ Terrior Notation / The terroir on the base is made up of three systems of salt water, soil, and radiation. Through the arrangement of materials, various ways of perception of people and the environment are established, which in turn affects the daily work of salt workers and the behavior of passengers.

51˚(磚瓦) 33˚(蓋面土) 31˚ 29˚ 27˚


- Ground Temperature - Fog -

- Delay of Temperature -


16:00 18:00

0.3 m

- Evaporation Speed-

0.2 m

- Wet & Dry 0.1 m

6:00 (m) 0 40 hr


土層 (緊密)

80 hr

2 土層




- Soil salinization -


- Precipitation -

141 hr


- Infiltration -



Solar radiation

- Gravity -

- Position -

- Opening -


/ Prototype / The artists of the 1970s tried to liberate art from the gallery. Discuss the relationship between people and the environment through landscape art. As a container of materials, how to re-construct the connection between people and the environment through the arrangement of materials.

- Ground Temperature Delay -

- Season Change -

- Desalination -

- Humidity -

- Rain Seeps -

- Soil Salinization -

(m) 0

(m) 0

- Radiation -











- Precipitation -


- Fog-

Unit A -Precipitation-

Unit -Season C


tB Change-

Unit C -Ground Temperature Delay-

/ Salt Worker Dormitry & Hotel /

The changes in the landscape of the salt field structure can record the concentration of terroir. The salt workers advance the sea for a period of time every day, so nine days is the shortest cycle in my opinion to experience a complete terroir. Visitors can read each terroir through the changes in the amount of water deposited by the seawater.

When the building is loaded with different materials, various terroir phenomena will be recorded in every corner of the salt field, such as rainwater seepage, changes in ground temperature, evaporation and precipitation rate, etc. 12

Salt workers use different soil materials to generate temperature differences to control the efficiency of evaporation and crystallization. In order to make salt efficiently, the salt field structure is divided into several sections, and the seawater is introduced into the salt field and slowly evaporates under the influence of sunlight. Evaporation ponds of different

concentrations will produce different precipitation. shortest cycle in my opinion to experience a complete terroir. Visitors can read each terroir through the changes in the amount of water deposited by the seawater. Salt workers use industrial facilities to control the process of drying salt. , I positioned these 13

objects in Yantian, and rethinked how salt workers produced a new management method under the influence of these facilities.

The Program is an observatory. By recording nomadic changes in the landscape, workers can measure more subtle information, and tourists can reinterpret a piece of land.

Salt workers need to patrol the salt pans every day to inspect every process, and to observe the equipment and the salt pan conditions through visual means. 14




/ Theme / - Popular Education of wetlands

Project Type : Purpose : Size :

Micro Architecture Education 120 sq.m.

Micro architecture hopes through engaging in research on micro-architecture and resulting close interaction with the environment, team members will develop more innovative thinking as well as an optimistic approach when facing the challenging environmental problems. Only through the creative and experimental process of (re-) construction can we achieve the long-term goal of living in harmony with our natural surroundings. In recent years, due to global warming and the emissions of industrial waste water, the wetlands in downstream of the Mississippi River in the United States have been greatly reduced, causing a threat to the local natural ecosystem and fish catch by fishermen have also decreased seriously. However, the mangroves which are special species of wetlands, can provide benthic fry, also prevent floods and filter out river pollution. Therefore, we hope through educational micro-buildings, the importance of wetlands will be called on and Mangroves play the role in this wetland. We use the wastewater from the closure of the factory to the filtered micro-architectural demonstration area, where people come and slide a small boat from a nearby camping area to observe the ecological impact of clean water, to visit the gravel purification observation corridor, to go through the beauty of mangroves and to snoop on the traces of birds. Through here, People understand the importance of wetland conservation as well.


/ Social Cost of Industry and Agriculture /





2010 Subsidence Vegetation Coverage Biodiversity Sediments

The wide range of benefits provided by the wetlands of this region were not recognized by people in the early 20th century. Wetlands provide vital ecological services including flood control, fisheries production, carbon storage, water filtration. However, wetland loss in coastal Louisiana as attributed to human activities. Subsidence of the coast is certainly occurring. The reason is that oil and gas were removed from the reservoirs in which they had accumulated over millions of years, these reservoirs lost their ability to support the weight of the rocks above. As these structures slowly collapsed, the soil above gradually subsided. The wetlands on the surface began to sink into the gulf waters. Another factor is industrial effluent caused the loss of vegetation coverage.


/ Polluted Mangroves /

High Tide Low Tide

Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove)

Avicennia germinans (black mangrove)

Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove)

I hope through mangrove to recover wetland. The mangrove can provide three services including absorb heavy metal ion to filter water, slow down water rate to control flood and provide a space for benthos to grow. So we propose to recover mangroves to heal wetland. In site, there are three kinds of mangroves. Only Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia germinans are polluted seriously, because they are bath in river polluted by heavy metal ion. So I input a plan about how to filter Mississippi river and discuss what can micro architecture be in this plan.


Power Plant

Oil Refinery Chermical Plant Chermical Plant

Forge Chemical Plant Petroleum Processing Plant Oil Refinery


/ Water Purification Plan /

Step 1

First Purification Pollution Sources Intercept Waste Water

Sewage Treatment Plants Discharge Water into Wetlands

Step 2

Second Purification

x Cut the River

Purificate Water by Wetlands Demonstration

Step 3 ( Mirco Architecture )

Pump River

Setting Pond

Provide Water Recovery Area Contact Bed Treatment



ewage Treatment Plants Oil Refinery

Sewage Treatment Plants


Site The major pollution sources of heavy metal ion are generated from factories including petroleum processing plant, chemical plant and power plant. The pollution rate is too high to live for the seeding of mangroves, so we input a water purification plan. First of all, we intercept waste water and move it to sewage treatment plants to decrease the rate of pollution. But the water is not clean enough to live, we need to filter water again. Secondly, we transport the water that is filtered to mangroves wetlands near New Orleans city. The root of mangroves can absorb heavy metal ion, so we use it to do the second purification. Lastly, we transport the clean water to our site for creating a health space for mangroves.



/ The Situation of Site / The site is in Pass A Loutre state wildlife management area. People can hunt, fish, camp and participate summer camp here. We hope to combine activities in site and usefulness of mangroves in micro architecture. And then, we find that the seed of mangroves can be used to repel mosquitoes. So people can do some ointment and watch the process of water purification. Finally, we create a space for seed of mangroves to live well, people can watch healthy mangroves in camping area. By calculating, we can find that waste water volume is enough to recovery mangroves about 9000 square meter. 23

/ Contact Bed Treatment /

Mud Storage Tank Demonstration Aeration Area

Pump River

No Aeration Area

UV Disinfection Pipe

Sediment Pond

Discharge Water

Microorganism Microorganism Adsorption Resolve Sediment

/ The Calculation of Water Purification / Pollution Sources Pollution Sources


Waste Water Volume

Oil Industry :



Chermical Plant :



Other Industry :



Waste Water Volume 135000 CMD

Removal Rate = 36 ppm x ( 100 % - 40 % ) =

Area Biloxi Salvador

Filter Volumn 2

170 km


140 km

21.6 ppm

First Purification

Removal Rate

26150000 CMD

92 %

21540000 CMD

92 %

Recovery Area = 135000 CMD = 9000 sqm 0.75 m x 2

Removal Rate = 21.6 ppm x ( 100 % - 92 % ) = 1.7 ppm


Second Purification

/ Program /

People who come here to camp and hunt are main users in micro architecture. We hope through demonstrating how the water be filter, people will know the importance of wetland. There are some educational space for people to experience including birdwatching platform, mangroves watching corridor and intact bed treatment observation corridor. First of all, people can watch mangroves in different height. Secondly, they can see the process of water purification. Finally, as you climb to the top of platform, the whole natural environment of wetland comes into the view. In addition, you can do some ointment here. You will learn how the ointment be produced by seed of mangroves.


/ The Detail of Structure / 10. 7. 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 10. 16. 17. 18. 19.

6*12cm 6*12cm 6*4cm 1.7cm =0.2cm 2.4*14cm 1.2*10cm t=0.3cm =0.5cm t=0.3cm

Structural column(Thuja plicata) Structural beam(Thuja plicata) Secondary structure(Thuja plicata) M12 Hex bolts Wood screw Wood flooring Board 0.3cm L Angle clip #10 Wood screw 0.3cm L Angle clip

17. 16. 1. 18. 5. 19. 18.


2. 4.

/ The Detail of Cabin /

1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 10. 17. 23. 24.

6*12cm 6*12cm 6*4cm 1.7cm =0.2cm 2.4*14cm t=0.3cm t=1cm 1.5*18cm

1. 10. 7. 24. 5. 17. 23. 4. 2.

Structural column(Thuja plicata) Structural beam(Thuja plicata) Secondary structure(Thuja plicata) M12 Hex bolts Wood screw Wood flooring 0.3cm Angle clip Roof membrane Clapboard siding


/ The Detail of Membrane Structure /

1. 6*12cm 2. 6*12cm 3. 6*12cm 4. 6*4cm 5. 1.7cm 7. =0.2cm 10. 2.4*14cm 14. =2.6cm 15. 0.7cm

Structural column(Thuja plicata) Structural beam(Thuja plicata) Structural bracing (Thuja plicata) Secondary structure(Thuja plicata) M12 Hex bolts Wood screw Wood flooring M6 Lifting Eye Bolts Nylon net

10. 7. 5. 14.

4. 2. 1. 3.



/ Structural System /

Poor communications make transporting and working difficult, so we use local wood to build it. [ 2x4 Engineering Method ] is using two columns to hold one beam, so that we can use smaller material to reach same structural strength. Through this method, workers build it more convenient, and make the loss to the minimum of environment.



Ointment Making Cabin 31

Total Model

Birdwatching Platform

Intact Bed Treatment Observation Corridor 32

Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. A wide variety of materials may be worked by removal such as carving, assembled by welding or modelling, or molded, or cast. We hope through sculpturing model to study some kind of style team member will develop a new theory about the effect of architecture to respond the program.

/ Theme / - New Dietary Patterns

Project Type : Purpose : Size :

Composite Architecture Reduce Waste Food 4500 sq.m.

I study three styles to develop prototype including werewolf, cyborg and bionics. Those have something in common. All of those are composed of A and B, so I bring up a theory 33

about combining A and B to create a special effect on space. Robert Venturi said,� A valid architecture evokes many levels of meaning and combinations of focus: its space and its elements become readable and workable in several ways at once.� If A and B in architecture are not elements anymore, those can create a bonus C to respond some issue.

to resolve the problem. What will architecture play in the theoryďź&#x; I think it play a container is friendly to specific program, so studying prototype is important thing in designing process.

Most people nowadays produce much waste food after cooking, eating or expiring. Most food is wasted in restaurant, home and market. By combining restaurant and market, we can create a new dietary pattern in this architecture 34

/ Style / Concept Model






Werewolf is a fusion of A and B. You can see one in the other one.

Cyborg is a system composed of the immiscible objects. They need a special system to connect A with B.

Bionic is that a machine imitates a being. The appearance is A, but it is composed of B’s elements.


/ Prototype /


• Linear • Transparent




• Flow


• Efficient

Inside & Outside

• Low Flow


• Poor Interactive


• Closed


• Static


• Interest

Inside & Outside

• High Flow


• Good Interactive

/ Typology /

The prototype of restaurant and market conflict, so studying typology will help to find out the best type of architecture. The bonus C is a prototype comes with nature of those. Programs can be used in harmony with each other to create a new dietary pattern. Finally, using a special structural system (the axis of U and V are used interchangeably) helps to hold two elements of those.




The site is located in the center of Tsukiji market. This market main provide catch to consumers, many kinds of food are not provided from it. So we hope through connecting Tsukiji market with a dietary pattern. Many food nowadays is wasted during the production process including cooking, kitchen waste, stale and unmarketable. Creative private kitchen will play a important role in this dietary pattern, after combining restaurant and market. First of all, many people make much kitchen waste after having meal. But now you can buy some other food in market and make it become another meal by creative private kitchen. Secondly, liqueur can be made of bread and fruit nearing expiration date so that we can reduce waste food in many ways. 40


/ Theme / - Daycare Center

Project Type : Purpose : Size :

Housing Medical 5500 sq.m.

Aging society is a universal concern. Along with the development of medical technology, the health care delivery system and prolonged life expectancy, the size of the elderly population in Taiwan continues to increase annually. The purpose of this project is to address the trends and policy of elderly and long-term care in Taiwan. In response to the increasing demand of an aging society, healthcare professionals play crucial roles in elderly and long-term care and quality assurance of services. However, what role architecture play in this project? In the past, elderly disabled people could only choose from home care or nursing homes, but now assisted living, retirement centers, and hospice care have been added to the list of options. Traditional daycare center can’t heal people effectively, it only cares the elderly. I hope through caring the elderly with animal assisted therapy, they will recovery. So that we chose some kinds of animal including cow, house, dolphin and dog to accompany them to do some work. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. The goal of AAT is to improve a patient's social, emotional, or cognitive functioning. Advocates state that animals can be useful for educational and motivational effectiveness for participants. In recent decades, an increase number of research indicates the social, psychological, and physiological benefits of animal assisted therapy in health and education field.


/ Intersection Action of Park /













Most elderly people are concerned about not feeling as quick and steady on their feet as they used to and of finding it difficult to cope with stairs. As muscles weaken, coordination depletes and joints stiffen, our elderly relatives are at a greater risk of experiencing a fall that could lead to a painful fracture and months of recovery. Physiotherapy can ensure a full and effective recovery from most types of accidents by gradually helping patients regain the physical strength and mobility they once had. So we hope through walking the dog and doing work with animal to make the elderly stretch their body, they will be willing to go outside. There are different kinds of beings in ecology park including butterfly, frog, bird and fish. Walking the dog can make them have a perfect interaction with nature. 43

/ Animal Assisted Therapy /




Animal assisted therapy draws on the bond between animals and humans in order to help improve and maintain an individual's function and is being used to assist in the process of enhancing the individual's quality of life in nursing homes. It including therapy, activity and reading. According to different purpose, we put different programs and animals in the space. The elderly usually have some physiopschological disease including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder and dementia. So they will receive treatment in reading room, saloon , activity center and music classroom.


Learning Activities 44

/ Animal-assistance Programs /




Activity & Learning

Activity & Therapy farming



mass game

Dolphin assisted therapy's agenda is to help people with autism, Down syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy with rehabilitation in motor function, speech, and language as well as to maintain and increase the client's attention span. Horse assisted therapy hopes through doing equestrian sport to make people stretch their body, they can do some action that they can’t do it by themselves.




a Therapy

Therapy farming


milk a cow

Learning feeding



The interaction between patients and therapy dogs also aids reducing stressful and anxious feelings patients have. Due to those benefits, canine assisted therapy is used as a complement to other therapies to treat diagnosis such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and dementia. Physical Therapy


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