Architecture & Graphic Design Portfolio - Randy Gunawan

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RANDY GUNAWAN architecture & graphic design por�olio

RANDY GUNAWAN architecture & graphic design por�olio

0 12.5 25

50 cm

formal educa�on 2009-2011 SMP Dian Harapan DM 2011-2013 SMA Dian Harapan DM 2016-2020 Architecture Major Universitas Pelita Harapan

introduc�on randy gunawan architect, graphic designer, 3D ar�st

work experience

about me Hi, I am an architect and graphic designer with a passion in visual presenta�on. Especially in illustra�ons (vector and hand drawn), 3D graphics (isometric diagrams, renders), and BIM (Revit). I can also do mo�on graphics.

skills & exper�se

* I prefer resolve than premiere to edit videos & enscape than vray to render


2013-2016 Freelance Graphic Designer 2017 Internship Monokroma Architect 2017 Internship WAR Architect 2019-2020 Lecturer Asistant Universitas Pelita Harapan


adobe illustrator

sketchup + plugins

adobe photoshop


adobe indesign

revit + enscape (render)

adobe lightroom


adobe a�er effects

microso� word

adobe animate (flash)

microso� powerpoint

davinci resolve

microso� excel


Puri Gardena C3/6 Kalideres, Jakarta Barat @incoudio_art | @incoudio_photo @incoudio_arch

indonesian (na�ve)



BIM (revit)



pixel art

dra�ing (CAD) 3D modelling

documenta�on + photography



digital + anima�on print layout (mo�on graphics)

figh�ng games


contents architecture projects the ripple architecture design studio 2

01 the funnel 05 parametric architecture ac�ve senior park 09 landscape architecture the knit 13 architecture design studio 5 the flow 19 final project assorted architecture renders 25 Interior + exterior renders

graphic design bengkel arsitektur + saka pratama auto logo design

33 history of architecture 35 �meline infographic bank mantap (bank mandiri) 37 mural illustra�on sketsa pulang kerja + other pixel arts 39 voxel render + pixel art

architecture projects




the ripple co-working space for musicians architecture design studio 2 Indonesia is known to have a large potential in the music industry. New local artists and bands are contributing the indie scenes in recent years using the help of social media. Both to search for members and listeners. Yet, there is no place for startup artists and bands to socialize freely with each other. To musicians, music itself can be a communication aspect. Trying to find the practice in a cafÊ would result as sound pollution to the cafe goers. Local studios would be too small for teachers to mentor a crowd of beginners. A band’s physical contact to another band would only happen in a music event. Without a place to freely use the music instruments, a communication aspect of musicians is lost. With a lot of small music studios to record and practice in Indonesia, there is a scarce place for startup bands and sound engineers to work and socialize together without the fear of becoming a nuisance. What if there is a place to find new members, mentors, or crowds in one place, creating a perfect startup co-working space for new musicians?

To explore more about how these functionsconnectstoeachother,afurther research is needed. Especially on the user and the acoustic treatments. Rooms involving music as the focus will need special acoustic treatment. A recording room will need a different treatment to a live performance room. An abstraction will be needed by rearranging the rooms to find the perfect functional space. From the tectonics to the form of the building, the existence of theme will be essential as the main keyword is rhythm. Mainly, the materials used will be the ones which are already popular to acoustic treatments, such as wood, glass reinforced gypsum (GRG) and egg carton. The main intention of the design is to create a coworking space with a continuous working rhythm with little to no distraction. With wood palettes as the main material for the facade, interiors furnitures, and details of the building.




perspec�ve renders



1st floor plan

2nd floor plan

3rd floor plan

roof plan




the funnels bike shelter designed to feel like under a tree parametric architecture Trees are natural shades, protecting us from the sun with their emerging branches and leaves. They also reduce carbon emission, providing cleaner air to the surroundings. However, they do not fully protect us from rain and harsh temperature. A shelter is still needed to fully protect ourselves from the rainwater and sunlight. Especially for people who want to park their bicycles. While bicycles usually are water resistant, a lot of people prefer to not have their expensive bike wet. What if we could make a shelter for people nad their bicycles by modifying a tree? We could use a large ‘vase’ to envelop the tree, using parametric column. Using folding technique inspired by origami, we could make a geometric funnel. Starting from a small hexagon, branching from bottom to up by adding another polygon above it with one side added. Until the top of the form is closed by a 10-sided polygon, then these arrangements of polygons are connected through the vertices. This results in a star shaped pattern if seen from above.

1 This paper like structure is a highly simplified form of a tree. By covering the tree with this shape, people under the structure will have a more fully enclosed canopy protecting from Tangerang’sharshafternoonsunlight(78° al�tude on 12:00 PM). The material used as the skeleton are 10 cm diameter steel pipes following the lines created byconnecting the funnel form. Enclosed by MDF wood, cut in triangle pieces with pattern given. The top part of the funnel is covered with acrylic. Creating transparency so that the viewers can see the branches of the tree. This transparency creates shadow similartoanormaltree.Thebicycleparking is located around the base of the columns, with each of the column can hold up to 6 bikes. On the other side of the column, there exist a half-circle bench formed using concrete. The placement ofthese bicycles and benches are planned for circulation of pedestrians around Benton Junction. So that people can go within and park their bicycles without stopping the flow of the pedestrians.



1. The form starts from a 6-sided polygon into a 10-sided polygon. 2. Each of the points are connected to each other. While the top of the ’funnel’ is enclosed into a hexagon. These lines are used as the main structures. 3 These connected points creates vertices which can bes used as planes which covers the main structure. The top 3 levels of the funnel are enclosed with glass, while the others are enclosed with plywood.

render on site


construc�on detail

connecto r glass 5 mm sealant steel pipes ø 5cm plywood 5 mm



bicycle parking

sec�onal drawing of the funnel

top view of the funnels’ structure, crea�ng a pa�ern similar to kaleidoscope




color theory

ac�ve senior park


Decora�ve plants



an ac�ve park for the elderly to jog and exercise together landscape architecture An existing park in Taman Himalaya, Karawaci needs a redesign for a new goal of active living for the elderly. Acording to the book ‘Building Types Basics for Senior Living’, to make a more appealing park for the elderly, site and user analysis were needed. The existing park doesn’t have any usage aside from greenery for the neighborhood of Taman Himalaya. According to the site analysis, more greenery are needed and there isanexistingcommunicationtowerwhich is not used at the �me.

21st June Equinox

After conducting an interview with the elderly club of the neighborhood in 30th October 2019, user analysis concludes that the main function of the park is for tai-chi, line-dancing, and jogging. Which is why the main focus ofthedesignistointegratethoseactivities with the relaxation and social areas (according to the book, both are needed for balance). How to users can be both ac�ve and social.

22nd Dec vegeta�ons pohon bintaro

bench sand

toilet plan

gazebo type 1 pohon bintaro buildings


LOCATION Bencongan, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten (-6.239489, 106.590881)

gazebo type 2

AREA 5805.55 m² Outdoor Gym

LAST USAGE Greenery for the neighborhood

Plaza Pot + Bench Pond Lampu Pagar Eksis�ng



1 exis�ng

2 zoning



macro circula�on


5 nodes

pohon angsana pohon palem ijo pohon bintaro toilet gazebo

detailed circula�on

ixora lavender


6 toilet

water features

sec�on A-A’


19.38 3.01


pohon angsana pohon palem ijo pohon bintaro toilet gazebo

ixora lavender

final site plan



sec�on B-B’






pohon angsana

pohon bintaro pohon palem jepang lavender ixora kemuning shrubbery




concept diagram

the knit senior housing with co-working space for fabric cra�manship hobbyists Architecture Design Studio 5 Half of all the elderly population in Seoul lives in poverty and secluded. These senior citizens must work all day, usually collecting trash around the city or watching their store (mostly in Malli Market). Some are homeless, which can be seen around Seogye-dong and Dongja-dong. While this thing could probably show that the elderly are still productive, the seclusion of each other and their own familycould potentially results in depression, demen�a. With the existing fabric factories and the seclusion of the elderly in Seogye-dong, we could create a space to gather the quilting enthusiasts. While the main target of urban regeneration is to raise the economic value of the area, even though the price of the land use is extreme, we need to raise the life quality of the seniors living in the site first. Most of the owners of the houses in the area are the elderly who don’t want to move from their own house, usually because of the memory they share with the place or economic incompetence. The design of the building started from the existing buildings, those buildings are relocated into two separated mass off

vertical housings, each withdifferent types of units. The middle of the building is used for the semi-public area like the shared kitchen, and community coworking with an exhibition space underneath plus (the focal area of the building). To make a more community based shared housing, the kitchens and the balcony are shared. The balconies are located in the middle of the housing masses, creating a view for the house owners to the Seoul Station vista. The kitchens are located near the middle cores, having a lot of tables for the house owners to also work on the textile arts. Each shared kitchen has a pantry and kitchen. There main exhibition area uses a zig-zag shaped ramp, creating a disabled friendly vertical movement. The partitions used are wood louvres, which can be ornated by quilting or fabric arts. On the upper area, the gyms are separated with outdoor and indoor gym equipment. The outdoor gym can be accessed to the public, while the indoor one cannot be. The topmost part of the easement stairs is used as a plaza for seniors to do yoga and other sport ac�vi�es.


axonometric from BIM (Revit)


ground floor plan

third floor plan


Sixth Floor

Seventh Floor

Eight Floor

Nine Floor

Tenth Floor

exploded axonometric


Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fi�h Floor




flooded concept

flow skate park and basketball court designed with flood adapta�on in mind Final Project Flooding is a common problem found in urban areas such as Jakarta. This usually occurs due to large-scale developments in urban areas using impermeable surfaces such as asphalt. Without infiltration of natural rainwater using landscaping, flooding became one of the most common disasters found in cities. Public spaces generally uses green elements and water features which can be used for social activities. These are the reasons of why investigating about how the design of a recrea�on public space can adapt to


flooding is important. This research begins by searching for already existing theoretical studies and precedents regarding public spaces used to respond on flooding. Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta was chosen as the site because of the large economic loss due to flooding which happened in early January 2020. Then the parameters of successful design are made by using the estimated calculation of the inundation volume which needs to be accommodated in the public space.



eleva�on 1

eleva�on 2


flood adapta�on strategy





assortment of architectural renders





graphic design






b+a = b a

Iden�cal with

+ top view of a nut

= back view of a pencil

bengkel arsitektur UI logo (architecture model and dra�ing services)


inspired by pushie with tags

→ saka pratama auto logo (secondhand car dealership)

architecutre history infographic




bank mandiri bank mantap mural illustra�on 1 work with Febrian Anugrah

bank mandiri bank mantap mural illustra�on 2



voxel render sketsa pulang kerja poster


movie directors pixel art Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, George Lucas

president pixel art Joko Widodo, Jusuf Kalla

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