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You’ll learn leverage at the next level - leverage your team, systems, time, business model, marketing, sales, and lifestyle. The program boasts an intimate encounter with award-winning million-dollar business coach and mentor Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, her super friends, and stellar coaching team, as well as a group of your high-achieving entrepreneur peers. In this program, you’ll experience powerful masterminding, laser-focused customized strategy, world class coaching, business growth training to quantum leap your business, spiritual guidance, productivity, and life coaching... all backed by accountability.

In this program, you will receive:


Your Incredible Factor Assessments (In-depth Business Audit – 200+ questions and Kolbe A) – the purpose of these assessments is so that Darnyelle can see who you are and what problems exist in your business. Trust me, after taking all of the assessments, you’ll already feel much more equipped to scale your company toward the million dollar mark.

Four (4) Private Strategy Calls with IFU Business Coaches

After you complete all your assessments and business audit, you’ll have a strategic planning session with an IFU Coach where you get your plan for the year with your own implementation schedule to set the direction of your year in the mastermind. Plus one private call in each of the 3 remaining quarters during your enrollment year should you need them for private support beyond the weekly group calls.

Four 2.5 Business Building Implementation Retreats

Four times a year, you’ll join Darnyelle and team for an intense, spiritual retreat to work on you and your business. During each retreat, expect goal clarification and setting, revenue infusion, up-leveled business conversation to make achieving your next money milestone ($250K, $500K, $1MM) closer than you think. All meals covered during retreats.

Complimentary Ticket to Annual Live Event You’ll receive a complimentary general admission ticket to our annual live event.

Custom Million Dollar Business Roadmap You’ll receve a custom built roadmap for your company to navigate this powerful community and program. Your IFU coach will keep you on track each quarter to achieve your milestones.

Floating Private Calls with Life & Accountability Coach

Over the course of your year, as you need, you have access to our coaching team to ensure the WHOLE CEO is developed.

Twice Monthly Open Group Q & A Calls with Darnyelle

You’ll enjoy consistent access to Darnyelle to work through your business strategy, ask your questions, get insight and advice to watch your results accelerate quickly. Calls are split by under $500K and over $500K to make sure you have peer support and community for your most pressing challenges right now.

Twice Monthly Mastermind Pods Upon enrollment, you’ll be assigned a Mastermind Pod. During the 2nd and 4th weeks each month, your pod will meet with an IFU coach for masterminding support.

Monthly Office Hours with the IFU Expert Coaches. Need help with your Leadership, HR, Sales, Facebook Ads, Social Media, Legal, or Tech and Automation? Each month, our coaches will have open office hours to help you or a member of your team work through challenges.

Access to the ENTIRE Incredible Factor University Leverage + Scale Module Suite With over 100 modules at your disposal, anything you want to know to build your business and gain new skills is within reach.

Private Online Client Forum Designed to be a place for sharing, feedback from your peers and staying connected, this added benefit will help you to avoid the lone-lies of entrepreneurship.

Accountability Consistency is key to results multiplied. Through your accountability partner, special weekly strategy, and Profit First prompts, you’ll be accountable to building your business to serve you and fund the life you crave.

Reviews, Audits, and Critiques of Your Work For quick laser coaching or document review as needed, you’ll have the IFU Team at your fingertips to get the guidance you need quickly.

Financial Management Review Enjoy one private call with IFU’s financial management coach to make sure that you have a clear strategy to minimize tax liability while maximizing what you earn in your company.

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