2 minute read


World Class Education

• Modules on EXACTLY what to do, in the right order to get massive results.


• The foundational how-to’s are delivered in easy-to implement pieces.

• All of the strategy has been done for you, just follow the plan.

Retreats/Live Meetings

For deeper learning, mindset shifts, spiritual alignment, best practices, and transformation.

Live Support (weekly

or bi-weekly)

For your burning questions, troubleshooting, and massive clarity. Personalized support is always within reach from Darnyelle and her IFU coaching team to make better decisions and get the answers you’ve been seeking when you need them.

Your Personal “Advisory Board”

In the Mastermind and Legacy Collective, you’ll get your own mini-mastermind pod for facilitated masterminding, brainstorming, and prioritization in between retreats.

Business Assets Review

We are committed to making sure that you have business assets that move the needle for you. Our coaching team will review your assets and make sure that they are designed to accelerate your growth goals.

Implementation Time

Throughout your program we will hold IFU

Implementation Parties. These virtual parties are designed for the entire IFU community to come, focus, and implement revenue-generation activities with your peers so that your confidence is high and your focus yields the results you’ve been craving. These are open to all IFU clients, regardless of program.

Daily Accountability

You’ll choose an accountability partner and use our daily prompt system to stay focused so that you implement more each day. Procrastination and the bright shiny object syndrome will cease to exist in your life and business.

Prayer and Spiritual Covering

Know that at all times, Darnyelle is praying for you and holding the space for your biggest breakthroughs. During calls and interactions with Darnyelle, she will cover you spiritually before pouring into your business. You’ll even take the How to Hear the Voice of God class with our resident prophet.

Supportive Community

Our Facebook group is filled with amazing, talented, heart-centered, mission-driven, entrepreneurs committed to doing work that shakes the planet. We pray for, edify, exhort and support one another in every way. We are always championing you on to your next level everything. Our community is an extension of your family. You’ll have access to the friendship and unconditional love you’ve been praying for your entire life.

When I think of this Robert Frost quote, I’m often reminded of my now nonnegotiable decision to take the road less traveled. I’m talking about the road that is paved with coaching, mentorship, and accountability. Only 10% of all entrepreneurs earn more than six figures in their business and less than 3% earn seven figures. (And less than 0.5% of Black entrepreneurs make seven figures.)

Why? Because only the confident, clear, and committed entrepreneurs who take the road less traveled build profitable, thriving businesses serving the world.

As I continue down the road less traveled, I get excited about the possibility of you joining me because you’re FINALLY ready to leverage your Incredible Factor. If you’re truly ready, come walk with me. I will meet you at your crossroad and I will guide you along the path to success... and more importantly, financial and spiritual abundance.

Be Incredible,

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