7 minute read

The Move to Millions Charge

“Million-dollar CEOs are made in the actions they take.”



One of my favorite movies that I watch every time it’s on TV is Sister Act

2: Back in the Habit, 37 starring Whoopi Goldberg. If you love musicals like I do, this movie will give you all the feels. There is one scene in the movie when Whoopi’s character, Sister Mary Clarence, is waiting for Lauryn Hill’s character, Rita, near Rita’s home. It’s just after Rita and Tanya (another student in the choir) were singing in the chapel, and Sister Mary Roberts walked in on them. (I told you I love this movie!) Rita and Tanya were singing, and when confronted by Sister Mary Roberts, they stopped cold. Sister Mary Roberts convinced Sister Mary Clarence to pay Rita a visit. When Rita walks past Sister Mary Clarence on the street, she got her attention and left her with these words from Rainer Marie Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet: “If when you wake up in the morning, you can’t think of anything else but singing, you’re supposed to be a singer, girl.”

Now, I say the same to you. If you can think of nothing other than getting your business to the million-dollar mark, not just for the money but to live your why, to deepen your connection to God, and to impact the lives of those you love and desire to bless, then you are supposed to be a million-dol- lar CEO. If the desire to make, move, and leave millions is in you, it’s there because that is what God desires for you.

When I read Psalm 37:4, “Delight thyself also in Jehovah and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart,” I have always believed that God is saying if you have the desire, it is because I gave it to you. The desire to make millions isn’t arbitrary. It’s what God desires for you. It’s your birthright; it’s what God saw for you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. God has told us so many times in His word that we are to have access to wealth. Your business is the vehicle God is using to bring wealth into your lineage. There’s nothing wrong with desiring a million-dollar company. You don’t have to apologize or downplay your desire either. You don’t have to say it out loud or share it to appease others. Just say it in your soul. Just confirm it in your spirit. Just take the next step you know to take so that the path can emerge. You don’t need anyone’s permission to desire making, moving, and leaving millions either. Nor do you have to explain why you’re moving to millions. It’s your decision alone. If you want it deep down inside, you have to claim the desire as your own. That is how the path emerges. Decide first. In another one of my favorite movies, Facing the Giants, 38 I love the scene where Mr. Bridges, a local man who comes into the school weekly to pray over the students’ lockers, confronts Coach Grant Taylor. You see, Coach Taylor was having his own Moses Moment. Some fathers of the football players were trying to get the principal of the school to let him go because he’d had six losing seasons. Coach Taylor walked in on the fathers talking with one of his coaches and the principal, and the little courage and confidence he had dissipated. Coach Taylor started to lose heart but knew where to look—to the Father. He started praying, but the feelings of inadequacy weren’t vacating. So, in walked Mr. Bridges one day with a message. He told Grant to bloom where he was planted. Grant, enamored by the message, went after Mr. Bridges for clarity. When Grant expresses his uncertainty to Mr. Bridges, he shared the story with Grant that I now want to share with you. The story goes (I’m paraphrasing a bit here): There were two farmers who were praying for rain, but only one went out and prepared his fields for it. God will send the rain when He is ready, but He won’t send the rain if you’re not prepared.

We’ve come to the end of this book, Incredible One. I have shared everything that God has told me to tell you. Now you have a decision to make. Are you going to prepare your business for the million-dollar rain as you pray, or are you going to pray without preparing to give God something to bless?

Only you can decide what you will do now, so I am leaving this Move to Millions charge with you:

Tighten your strategy, sales infrastructure, systems, support, and success mindset. Develop and master your Million Dollar Assets. Become operationally obedient by way of surrender, alignment, forgiveness, and confidence. Hold the vision for your next level with a commitment to do whatever it takes to manifest, and by all means, go forth, execute, and make millions. I am so grateful to be at this point in the book with you. I answered the call God gave me to start this movement, rebranded my company and podcast, and wrote this book. I did it, despite my own Moses Moments, for you. It was more important for me to give you the blueprint, light the torch, and chart the path for your next level than it was to let my own fears consume me. I am so glad that I didn’t let my fear win. Instead, I saw it for what it was: an indication that my next level was present. Writing this book is the catalyst to my next level. As a result of this body of work, I am now ready to step into leading the Legacy Collective and hosting God Girls Making Millions®, not just because I am one but because I know how to create others. As I already shared, we have added thirty-eight million-dollar CEOs to our list over the last few years. I have to admit that it is poetic justice because I am finishing the writing of this book just days before the inaugural GGMM is set to begin. I love it when God winks at me! And now He’s winking at you.

You might be the first in your family to make millions, but you won’t be the last. Most have the desire but have no idea how to make it a reality. So, they talk themselves out of their birthright.

You will not talk yourself out of your birthright. I wrote this book for you. It is my hope that I answered your prayer to learn how to make the Move to Millions in a way that serves you, glorifies God, and doesn’t turn you into a number-chaser. I feel 100 percent confident that I did my part.

Now, it’s your time to MOVE.

Your Move to Millions starts here.

Let’s go!

Pass The Blessing On

“True joy and fulfillment are found when you focus on being a blessing to others.”


One of my favorite songs is Patti LaBelle’s “When You’ve Been Blessed (Feels Like Heaven).” What I love the most about this song is that it fosters a mindset to help others even when there’s nothing in it for you. In his book $100M Offers, Alex Hormozi says, “People who help others (with zero expectation) experience higher levels of fulfilment, live longer, and make more money.”

Has reading Move to Millions blessed you so far? If you are shaking your head unequivocally yes, then I have an ask for you.

Would you do me the honor of sharing how Move to Millions has blessed you by passing the blessing on to others in the form of a book review? I promise that it will only take you a minute or less to share your thoughts via the platform (Amazon, Audible, etc.) you used to invest in yourself through this book.

I have a mission that many may think is elusive. I want to impact five million entrepreneurs through my work. To impact this volume of entrepreneurs and small business owners, I must expand my reach. To that end, I need your help. Your review will help others learn about and read this powerful book for themselves.

Think of the difference book reviews and recommendations have made for the books currently lining your nightstand and bookshelves. By sharing your review of Move to Millions, you will offer the same feeling of confidence and excitement to others.

By taking the time to do me this favor, you will be helping another entrepreneur or small business owner learn how to become a million-dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You’ll be instrumental in the transformation of another life because of what they learn in order to leverage and scale their business.

Thank you in advance for passing the blessing on.

Connect With Darnyelle Online

We absolutely must keep this party going! Remember, you didn’t just buy a book, you’ve unlocked a vault of resources to aid you on your Move to Millions. I invite you to join me online to continue to deepen our connection. You can find me by searching Darnyelle Jervey Harmon on all online platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok.

Remember that, throughout this book, I have shared additional worksheets with you that are waiting for you online at https://www.movetomillionsbook.com/resources. Once you opt in, you will be able to download each worksheet for your professional library. Additionally, you’ll have information about our programs and other products and services created with your Move to Millions in mind.

About The Author

Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the award-winning Inc. 5000 recognized CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, which specializes in transforming six-figure service-based entrepreneurs and business owners into CEOs who make, move, and leave millions. Harmon and her work have been featured in Inc., Success, Essence, Forbes, O, and Black Enterprise magazines and on a host of podcasts and other media outlets. With a mission to change the lives of others through words, when she is not writing or creating content, you can find her keynoting on stages around the world or hosting her podcast, The Move to Millions with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. The Delaware native lives in New Castle, Delaware, with her husband, Bernard, and their puppy, Lady.

Learn more about Darnyelle at www.drdarnyelle.com or her company website, www.IncredibleOneEnterprises.com

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