4 minute read


Iam so excited to present to each of you the book I was born to write. This book wouldn’t have been possible without those I mention here.

My creator, God: Thank you, God, for choosing and using me. I accept the call to be your modern-day Moses to teach your children how to master the little things so that they can live and experience what you desire for them.


My mother, Regina: I’m so grateful for how our relationship has blossomed. To my late father, Robert. I am grateful for every conversation leading up to this book.

My husband and best friend, Bernard: Thank you for allowing me to miss date nights and work on this book in bed. You are truly the wind beneath my wings, and because of your support, my light gets to shine. Thank you for never doubting, asking questions, or dismissing my greatness. Thank you for being my biggest supporter and gracefully standing beside me so that I can be the impact God created me to be.

My editorial team: Tenita Johnson and Melissa Stevens, you have been instrumental in making my words come to life. To my advanced readers who took the time to read every word I wrote and give me valuable feedback. Thank you so much for lending your time and talent in an effort to help me to turn this book into a masterpiece.

My sister-friends who have been cheering me on as I’ve navigated life and business. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder, praying big prayers for me, reminding me that I can do it and holding my hand through writing this book. I love each of you to life: Janice Anderson, Lucinda Cross, Aprille Franks, Natasha Joan Haughton, Shawndra C. Johnson, Nina Parker, Doreen Rainey, and Linda Denise Williams.

My Incredible Factor University® clients, past and present: Thank you all for trusting your Incredible Factor® to me and being an important part of my journey. Thank you for encouraging me to play bigger so that others would know what you do and that my work changes lives and businesses. A special thank you to the clients highlighted in this book: Attiyah Blair, Bridgett Battles, Christine Cambrio, TerDawn Deboe, Herman Dolce, Dr. Pamela Ellis, Dr. Angela Grayson, Althea Hearst, Keira Ingram, Lindsey Jones, Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas, Kim Kendall, Dr. Madeline Lewis, Marissa Q. Paine, Crystal Perkins, Marquel Russell, and Jasmine Womack.

My Incredible One Enterprises LLC team: Thank you for supporting the vision and mission of the company and taking things off my plate so that I could write this book. I am grateful to each of you and the role you play in helping me to shake the planet.

My future babies: I get excited thinking about you reading this book one day and knowing that what created your financial legacy has shaken the planet.


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