Born in 1996
from West Java, Indonesia


Indah Mega Ashari
LANGUAGE Bahasa Indonesia
IELTS Academic Module
Band 7.00/9.00
October 2022
Japanese Passed JLPT N4
December 2021
An open-minded person with a working background in a researchbased approach in creative fields. gained experience in heritage building conservation and urban space development during my working period at an architectural firm. While am immensely eager to explore a design framework of caring urban space and its relation to a heritage context, I am also interested in the intersection of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and heritage district development. Moreover, I am keen to discuss the multidisciplinary product of urban heritage study, architecture, and art, specifically illustration as a visualization method.
The University of Sheffield MA Urban Design, Sheffield School of Architecture (SSoA)
Master of Arts 2023-2024
Graduated with Distinction
Institut Teknologi Bandung
(Bandung Institute of Technology)
Department of Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture
2014 - 2018
GPA: 3.52/4.00
INTEREST Urban Spaces Design
Caring Architecture & Urbanism
Heritage in Architecture & Urbanism
Art & Design
Writing & Journalism
Media & Content Branding
Intermediate Architectural Designer
2019 - 2023
Writer Intern
IAWR Studio (Imelda Akmal Architectural Writer Studio)
Book Editor and Layout
“Green Architecture Module” by Department of Architecture, ITB
Participant of Jogja Planning Gallery Design Competition
IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) DIY
Part of Bagan Desain team
Participant of Indonesian
Architect Week Rio 2021
IAWR 2021 Committee
Part of Bagan Desain team
Member of Community Angklung in Sheffield (CASH) 2023
Participant of Godean
Market Revitalization Design Competition
Student Assistant in Documentation Team
“Footprints” Annual Portfolio by Department of Architecture, ITB VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE
IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) DIY
Part of Bagan Desain team
Bagan Desain DIGITAL
PPI (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia) Sheffield
Participant of Marissa Duplex Apartment Design Competition
Host Staff in Archiprix SEA
“Architecture for the Public Good” Event held by Archiprix
Volunteer in Illustration 2021-2022
Hand to Hand Indonesia, an
NGO working on children’s education
Al Salimi Company, Saudi Arabia
Part of Bagan Desain team
Participant of Bundaran HI Infrastructure Design Competition
Sarana Jaya, Indonesia
Part of Bagan Desain team
Speculating A Care-full Knowledge Commons: The ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage
Trail of Invisible Post-Colonial Practices in Kota Tua, Jakarta
Type : Academic Project

Supervisor : Emre Akbil & Lara Anna Scharf
Kota Tua Jakarta has been developed as a heritage tourism site, representing a post-colonial transformation in an urban area. Local spatial practices have been participating in the heritage tourism scheme that UPK Kota Tua, a formal governmental body, manages. However, due to the fluctuating political agendas, there is a possibility that heritage tourism activity will become extractive.
Overshadowed by the dominant tourism narrative, ‘gotong royong’ is conducted by local spatial practices to maintain their life. ‘Gotong royong’, the activities of communal work built on care, represent cultural heritage value and tacit knowledge in Indonesia. To preserve ‘gotong royong’ in urban life, I propose the ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail design framework. ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail aims to celebrate ‘gotong royong’ invisible practices by highlighting them as a post-colonial cultural value through a knowledge-sharing strategy. This proposal is designed to prevent extractive tourism by governing ‘gotong royong’ as a commoning process towards a care-full knowledge commons.
Firstly, this thesis project linked ‘gotong royong’ to commoning in the urban commons theory. Then, coconducted fieldwork and remote archival observation were conducted as the primary data collection methods. Furthermore, the research was navigated by applying Three Horizons Frameworks, Backcasting, and Storyboarding methods to speculate a carefull knowledge commons and frame the commoning process. The study produced a ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail design framework, consisting of a heritage trail map guiding the walking tours and the knowledgesharing events as a spatial intervention at the Gotong Royong Hub.
Extracted from the abstract
Theoretical Framework


What if we enhance the ‘gotong royong’ as a commoning practice through knowledge-sharing activities to prevent the extractive tourism activity? What if we speculate a more care-full future with the
in urban life?
Dominant narrative of mass tourism in Kota Tua heritage district + Possibility of turning into an extractive tourism development
Overshadowed ‘Gotong Royong’ in local practices’ mundane activities
Heritage trail walking tour as inspirational practice in the present!
Gotong Royong Urban Commons | Knowledge Commons Caring Commoning Speculative Future
Framing Gotong Royong as cultural heritage, tacit knowledge, and care practices
all of these elements coexist in Kota Tua Jakarta.
Heritage site
Tourism site
Small business area
Residential area (Urban Kampong)
Low Emission Zone (Initiation)
The problem statement: The main issues: The potential:
‘gotong royong’ being celebrated
Research by Design Approach

To conduct this research by design project, had to construct a methodology first. This diagram concludes the methodology for this project. This diagram also presents the urban design tools and methods which applied on this project.
Highlights from Data Analysing and Data Visualization
collaborated with my colleagues in Indonesia, and we collected the data from the fieldwork. The data gathered included photographs, videos, and ‘gotong royong’ stories from local practices in Kota Tua, specifically our study case area. We gathered stories from onthel bicycle rental, human statue artist, street illustrator, street musician, and street vendor. I transformed the data into the mapping of local practices’ location, ‘gotong royong’ locations, and the illustrations capturing the ‘gotong royong’ forms.

Visualization of Local Practices’ ‘Gotong Royong’ stories
Mapping of ‘Gotong Royong’ Locations

Present Commoning Practice
‘Speculative Future’ Approach as the Key Methods
This project utilized the ‘speculative future’ approach by applying key methods, such as the Three Horizons Framework, Backcasting, and Storyboarding the desired future. ‘Speculative Future’ was applied to exercise the desired future and then decide what the steps to reach it, particularly what kind of commoning practice we needed to design. The forms of speculative future were presented through Manifesto and Speculative Relationscape.

Design Framework

‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail as the commoning process defines the product and the making process that maps the traces of ‘gotong royong’ practices as post-colonial heritage and tacit knowledge representation. This trail will enrich the existing heritage trail, which mainly focuses on the built heritage.
‘Gotong royong’ in knowledge-sharing scheme
Highlighting the overshadowed ‘Gotong Royong’ as part of cultural heritage value and tacit knowledge
The initial map of ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail will be one of the resources to initiate a new alliance between Kota Tua local practices, UPK Kota Tua as a formal institution, and Komunitas Historia Indonesia (KHI) as an organisation which often plans walking tours at Kota Tua Jakarta.
presenting and making visible the traces of ‘gotong royong’ conducted by local practices through a heritage trail map for a self-guided + organised walking tour in Kota Tua
supported by urban furniture at ‘Gotong Royong Hub’, events will be conducted to enhance knowledgesharing of ‘gotong royong’ and highlight the traces of ‘gotong royong in everyday life

‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail
Three Horizons Framework Backcasting Method
‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail Map for Walking Tour
To highlight the ‘gotong royong’ in Kota Tua, this project visualizes a heritage trail map that presents forms of ‘gotong royong’ in the local practices’ activities.
The diagram on the right explains how the stage will work and what are the two types of walking tour to support this stage.
Importantly, the key points of this stage is igniting the participation of local practices and visitors of Kota Tua in the ‘gotong royong’ activities while doing the walking tour. These illustrations present the storyboarding of walking tour.
The cover of the heritage trail map shows the location of the case study for this project and the introduction of Kota Tua.



The ‘Gotong Royong’ Heritage Trail map indicates the locations of ‘Gotong Royong’ conducted by local practices. Supported by the illustration style, this map was designed to attract younger generation in participating the heritage walking tour. This map also points out the location of the ‘Gotong Royong’ Hub prototype in Kota Tua, near the Jakarta History Museum and KOTIC.
Key Points from ‘Gotong Royong Heritage Trail’ Mapping
Knowledge-sharing Event as Part of Spatial Interventions
A spatial intervention in the form of knowledge-sharing events shall be developed as part of the commoning as the method to speculate a care-full knowledge commons in Kota Tua
1 The diagram on the right explains the framework of designing the knowledge sharing event. It accentuates the attempt to include local practices in the knowledge-sharing scheme as a team that governs it. The ‘Knowledgesharing’ events comprise of the ‘Gotong Royong Storytelling’ and ‘What Will We Learn Today’.
2 The flyers explain the designed knowledgesharing events. These flyers shall inform more local practices in Kota Tua and the visitors about the aim of the events.
4 These illustrations present the speculative storyboarding of the knowledge-sharing event at ‘Gotong Royong’ Hub. Local practices and visitors seem working together to exchange tacit knowledge and conduct ‘gotong royong’ together.
6 The image accentuates the speculative condition when the association of local practices taking part in governing the knowledge-sharing events.

Gotong Royong Hub 1
Jakarta History Museum
Diagram of Knowledge-sharing Event Framework

Research Background
joined the ‘Just Energy’ Studio for Urban Design Project 1 and Urban Design Project 2 modules. The ‘Just Energy’ studio explored the potential of developing a more just energy transition in the local community, specifically in Wicker, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Divided into two modules, focused on research during UDP 1 and continued with designing the spatial intervention in UDP 2.
Standing on ‘Energy Knowledge & Skills’ as our research topic, my group explored the potential of community centers in Sheffield to be the focal point of knowledge infrastructures about energy transition in everydayness. To ensure a just energy transition happening in Sheffield, we emphasize the role of community centers in enhancing energy knowledge and skills exchange within their networks. Initiated with a manifesto of “Tune in Transition: Join the Great Reskilling in Wicker”, my group expanded the reskilling and knowledge-sharing exploration by developing a mobile care infrastructure, SADACCA To-Go. It shall expand the care practices in SADACCA to solve the fuel poverty problem. The mobile care infrastructure was designed to support the gathering of used materials, retrofitting the cold houses with energy efficiency measurement actions, and repairing the urban fabrics along the process.
During UDP 1 studio group, contributed to the research process and visualization of the Manifesto. Moreover, during the UDP 2 studio group, I participated in further research of the catalyst project and the design development of mobile infrastructure.

Sadacca as the Key Community Partner
SADACCA (Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association) is a local community in Wicker, Sheffield. The community offers space as a community center, including an exhibition space, daycare, and a recording studio for radio or musical recordings. Nurtured by its volunteers and community members, SADACCA activities are grounded by care practices and creative production.

There is a gap in understanding the knowledge about energy consumption, specifically about green energy and localized energy systems. Moreover, there is a collective need for local community actions in the reskilling movement to enhance green skills which mostly include basic skills such as gardening, carpentry, etc.
In Wicker and Burngreave, a lot of small businesses and housing suffer from fuel poverty. One of the cases is turning off the heater at night because the bill will be expensive.
As a growing business area, the need for job opportunities in Castlegate increases. Its proximity to Wicker indicates that the local community may be able to take part in the economy movement.
How can community centres in Sheffield be a focal point of knowledge infrastructure in transformation towards sustainable lifestyle?
That is why community centres in Wicker, Burngreave, and Castlegate become the keys of the local energy transition.
Design Approach | Manifesto
In Urban Design Project 1, my group concluded our design manifesto as “Tune in Transition: Join the Great Reskilling in Wicker”. My group concluded our strategies in three keywords:
Energy Hub
In Urban Design Project 2, my group explored the “Knowledge” and “Reskilling” parts with a catalyst project. Thus, we concluded our new design manifesto as: “Tune in with SADACCA Energy To-Go” The name of our catalyst project represents the mobility of a cart, which offers care practices and energy knowledge exchange through retrofitting the house, repairing the urban fabric, and collecting used materials. The making of the cart utilizes reskilling movement when local community members assemble the parts together with carpentering and DIY skill.

Design Product | Mobile Infrastructure as Spatial Intervention
Design Development Stage

The development of mobile infrastructure as the spatial intervention for our catalyst project went through some exploration stages. was assigned to explore the form of the cart. In the end, the shape was concluded to follow the actions. The cart was designed to pair with an electric TukTuk in accommodating its function to gather heavy used materials such as carpets and clothes, as well as to carry tools for retrofitting and repairing action.

Why do we need to repair urban fabric?
To represent SADACCA as the key community to govern the catalyst project, one of the programs emphasizes the care actions towards urban fabric through reparation. It includes to reskilling movement, where the local community revisits basic living skills such as carpentry and DIY skills.

This diagram was produced in collaboration with my colleague
This cart is specialized to support recycled material harvesting in local fabric resources, cooperating with SADACCA EcoEcho (the other group’s project). This cart also will help in storing the materials in local storage (McCharty’s Storage).

This cart is specialized to support gathering events in public spaces such as Ellesmere Green. The design represents a joyful event while gathering recycled materials and skilled people.

This cart is specialized to support the caring action by visiting the neighborhood to retrofit residents’ houses and expanding domestic care, as well as repairing the urban fabric along the route where it goes.

Why do we need materials mapping?
To exercise circularity in this design project, created a mapping of possible local materials and used materials in Sheffield that shall be used to assemble the

Axonometric of SADACCA To-Go Cart
SADACCA To-Go cart.
Spatial Intervention Location
Spatial Intervention Location
Spatial Intervention Location
Revitalization, Architecture, and Urban Design Project
Revitalization of Kota Intan Bridge

Kota Tua, DKI Jakarta
Team Leader Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Type Professional Project of Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Project Overview Main Issues Design Concept
Located in Kota Tua Jakarta, Kota Intan Bridge is wellknown as the oldest hanging bridge in Indonesia which was built by the Dutch East India Company. As the only hanging bridge left that represents the technology from the 17th Century, this bridge became cultural significance in Kota Tua. This bridge is under the management of Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Culture Department. In 2023, the revitalization project was initiated to produce a revitalization design plan. Collaborated with Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (PDA), the revitalization design plan will be developed later when the fund is granted.
contributed as an intermediate architectural designer and assistant to the principal architect. participated in the initial historical research and exploration of the urban design proposal for the area around the bridge, including designing the supporting building such as the security post and toilet. created the 3D models, CAD drawings, and report documents for this project.
As the bridge that defines historical significance in Jakarta, it is important to preserve the historical value of it, including the original material, shapes, and technology systems.
The bridge needs to be highlighted more as a part of Kota Tua historic sites. Thus, the view towards the bridge needs to be clear and not disrupted by other elements.
There are requests and new requirements for the supporting building around the Kota Intan Bridge, such as the room for CCTV and security purpose.
As the historical tourism spot in Kota Tua, the facilities and urban spaces around it need to be developed to enhance the quality.

Design Approach | Learning from the Existing
These purple circles notify the existing entrances of the Kota Intan Bridge. However, we proposed changing the entrance’s location to the south area of the site to respond to the new urban spaces being developed around it. The flow of people also supported this action. The new proposed locations are identified by orange circles.
The existing condition presented that there was no zebra cross for people to cross the street to the other side of the road. That condition ignited our idea to initiate a design intervention leading to a new access.
Existing buildings were regarded as too disruptive to the historic bridge.

The indicated area with purple color presents the new urban development conducted by the government. A new pedestrian way was built along the Kali Besar, but the design language stopped right at the Kota Intan Bridge area.
The east area of the bridge was occupied by local public minibus (angkot).
From the fieldwork outcomes, the team found out that there was potential to develop the design of open spaces as part of the urban development proposal in Kota Tua. The areas were indicated by pink circle annotation.
The purple circle indicates the security issue due to the unavailability of security posts and fences.

Accessibility, people circulation and existing building
Urban area development and vehicle circulation

The shape of the site boundary did not respond the current development of Kali Besar streetscape. Thus, we proposed to refine the site boundary to provide more space for pedestrian. We also proposed to change the entrances position aligning with the people movement. Refine the Site Boundary

Proposal to accommodate a more walkable city
We proposed to initiate access from the pedestrian way to the other side of the street, to convince the government that zebra cross is important.
Accesibility and Security Issues
Following the requirements from local government particularly to prevent kids from falling to the river, fences were obliged to surround the bridge site. However, the fences were designed to be as simple as possible to provide a good view of the bridge.
Proposal to redesign the landscapes elements (hardscape & softscape) We

We proposed to redesign the landscape elements by shaping the hardscapes to correspond to the stairs of the bridge. Moreover, we proposed to treat the prominent big trees as landscape elements by designing benches around them.

Supporting Building Design Concept
The supporting building which houses the security desk and a toilet was designed with a compact design yet still represented the design language from the bridge. Using the wood and wall tiles with stone texture as the materials, the supporting building aimed to match the materials of the existing Kota Intan Bridge. Moreover, the building was proposed to be constructed with a light and moveable structure system such as hollow galvanized steel, so that it would be easier to be deconstructed or translocated if needed.

Learn History through Urban Furniture
We proposed to place urban furniture which explains the knowledge about the bridge. Located within the fence and outside the fence to be more approachable.
Revitalization, Architecture, and Urban Design Project
Revitalization of Pniel Church
Team Leader Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Type Professional Project of Sandhy Sihotang, IAI

Pasar Baru, DKI Jakarta
Main Issues Design Concept
Pniel Church, more well-known as “Gereja Ayam”, is one of the prominent historical churches in Jakarta. Located near Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, this church is the only Neo-Romanic church in Jakarta. Therefore, this church has become one of the cultural significances in the Pasar Baru area. In 2022, the revitalization project of this church was aimed until the basic engineering stage. The outcome of this stage shall be the basic to be developed for the DED stage which was planned to be conducted in the future.
In this project, contributed as a junior architectural designer. My participation in this project includes conducting initial research about the revitalization method of the landscape and the new buildings within the church complex as well as proposing a design for the landscape and the supporting buildings. also made 3D models, CAD drawings, and report documents.
This church is a part of cultural significances in Pasar Baru as the only Neo Romanic church in Jakarta. Not only the main church building, the landscape around the church building is also part of cultural significances.
There are needs of new rooms to accommodate church community activities.
People who come from the east side of the church (from H. Samanhudi Street) cannot see church clearly due to the position of additional building.
Damaging flood once happened in the past and it affected the condition of church main building.
Future revitalization plan of Pniel Church aims to develop this religious complex to be a good-quality tourism spot. Current supporting facilities in Pniel Church need to be upgraded.

Design Approach

| Landscaping Concept
Symmetricality & circular shape application based on church architectural characteristic.

Revive the original landscape characteristic referring to the historical pictures.

Research Materials
Based on Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur’s research, the significances can be seen from the diagram on the side.
Church main buildng dan shape of landscape as prime cultural significances.
New supporting buildings (built in 2002 -2004).
New canopy (intrusive elements).
In conclusion, new supporting buildings should be able to be reconstructed since they are not part of the prime cultural significance. On the other hand, the layout of the landscape shall be proposed to be redesigned referring to its initial layout (as can be seen from the historical picture).
Zoning of private and public areas including an attempt to create a friendlier landscape for pedestrians.


Final Landscape Design
This picture shows the upcoming design proposal for church supporting buildings.

Subtract the mass of the initial buildings so that the main church will be more visible from the street
Distinguishable yet simple facade of supporting buildings
Distinguishable yet simple facade of supporting buildings
Renovate the supporting buildings on this side so that they will appear symmetrical

Supporting Buildings as The Church Background
Two supporting buildings which are located around the church shall act as the church background. Therefore, the facade of the building shall show the different character compared to the main church so it will be easier to differentiate the additional buildings and the church. This concept is based on Burra Charter point.
Two supporting buildings which are located around the church shall emphasize the symmetry concept. The length of two sides shall be similiar to each other. Emphasize The Symmetry Concept
Emphasize The View to The Church by Redesigning Building Mass
The view to Pniel Church from H. Samanhudi street is intruded by the existing building. To respond that condition, existing building which is located near H. Samanhudi street shall be redesigned by subtracting the mass.
New Function to Support Church as Tourism Destination
In order to develop Pniel Church as a historical tourism destination, new function such as gallery will be added into the supporting building. As can be seen from the pictures on the left, the gallery shall be placed near the entrance. This gallery will act as a visitor center as well.


Precaution to Prevent Flood
Since the past flooding was harmful to the church’s physical condition, it is important to prevent flooding from coming into the site. A new design of a fence was proposed so it will be able to prevent flooding from coming in. Hydraulic flood barrier shall be placed near the gate.
Another proposal to prevent floods is developing a sump pump system near the connection of the church site and the city drainage system.

How Did We Treat the Space Between the Historical Church and Supporting Buildings?
CREATE MORE GAP between the church and supporting building A in order to make the historical church wall able to “breathe” more easily.
Circulation of visitor

CROSS VENTILATION shall be initiated by designing facade that will let air getting through, such as using ventilation block and louvre.

Supporting Building A
Landscape area
Revitalization, Architecture, and Urban Design Project
Revitalization of Immanuel Church
Team Leader Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Type Project of Bagan Desain

Gambir, DKI Jakarta
Project Overview Main Issues Design Concept
Bagan Desain was assigned to revitalize Immanuel Church, one of the oldest historical buildings in Jakarta. Collaborating with HAP and Netap Studio, we attempted to bring back the original character of the landscape based on research, while revitalizing the church building to its prime condition. In this project, Bagan Desain was assigned to revitalize the outdoor area, including renovating supporting facilities such as the security post, toilet, MEP house, and office corridor. Masterplan and landscape main concepts were designed by Bagan Desain while the hardscape and softscape of the landscape design were designed by Netap Studio.
contributed as a junior architectural designer and junior project coordinator to this project. Since we revitalized a heritage building, historical research needed to be done before the master plan design. participated in composing the research and conceptual document. Besides, I also helped out in making 3D models and CAD drawings. As junior project coordinator, assisted my principal coordinator in coordinating with external parties, such as Dinas Bina Marga, etc.

The existing condition of the Immanuel Church landscape was still too oriented to vehicles.
As a heritage building complex, the landscape area did not show its original landscape design.
Referring to DKI Jakarta’s revitalization plan of religious tourism spots, the Immanuel Church landscape area shall be developed. The existing landscape condition needed much improvement.


Design Approach For Visual

To emphasize the circular pattern on landscape design based on the church’s main building.
The circular pattern that was going to be applied on the landscape area near Medan Merdeka Timur Street refers to a historical picture from the year 1940 (picture 1.1)
As the focal point, the main building shall be the center of four axes. At each axis, a node was placed facing the church to respect the main building. This kind of design approach has been done since the neoclassical era, which put the focal point in the middle of the axes.


Based on historical research in the picture above, nodes were placed at the end of the axis to emphasize the imaginary line. In this project, important nodes were designed so people would be able to look at the church while sitting or doing activities.
Not only the main building, the smaller buildings within the Immanuel Church area are also have unique characteristics, one of them are pastor’s house. We proposed to show an important part of the buildings from the entrance area by designing a second opening around the existing entrance. Therefore, people who pass by the street can see there are also historical buildings beside the main church building.

Crediit: this landscape image was rendered by Netap Studio

Architecture and Urban Design Concept Development
Solo Baru
Mixed Use
Type Project of Bagan Desain

Solo Baru, Central Java
Team Leader Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Project Overview Design Requirement Design Concept
Bagan Desain was assigned to plan and design a mixed-use development in Solo Baru on a 11825.16 sqm site. This mixed-use will support various functions, such as a condotel, office, and shopping center. For this project, we had to propose two alternative concepts.
In this project, participated mostly in designing the landscape and outdoor area, as well as making the 3D model. was assigned to explore the design of public spaces as the interface between the building and public footpaths. I contributed to composing the conceptual proposal including conducting the initial research and making the spatial diagrams. Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Site Area 11825.16 m2 GFA : 2590.4 m2,
Ir. Soekarno Street, Solo Baru, Central Java

5 towers referring to client’s request
2 towers referring to client’s request
What did we do to solve the main issues?
• To research what are the plus points that can strengthen the mixed-use presence amongst the existing competitors.
Alternative 1 This option should accommodate three main programs. To create a unique mixed-use complex, Bagan Desain needed to do the competitor’s analysis first. After we conducted research, we decided to develop the mixed-use concept as a new landmark representing four words: GREEN, LIVELY, CONNECTED, and ICONIC.

A study of the existing nodes around the site was needed to understand the local context of this area. Based on this study, we learned that the area near Air Mancur Pandawa had the potential to be developed as a commercial area since the economic activities were happening there, whether formal or informal activities.

• To divide the site based on the first phase and second phase development.
• To study the future development of the commercial junction around mixed-use area.

We proposed to develop an area around Air Mancur Pandawa as a new commercial junction in Solo Baru. In the future, the mixed-use complex will be connected with an existing hotel, an existing supermarket, and a new function for future development.
Site Study
We proposed a phasing plan to accommodate the client’s needs. A phasing plan was made referring to the existing site condition. There are still two existing buildings within the site area.

and Massing Study
Massing was studied based on the shape of the site. The massing on the corner should respond to the shape.
Condotel towers were placed like the twin towers if we see from the Air Mancur Pandawa.

SOLAR PANEL LOCATION based on sun diagram
The sun diagram study was conducted to decide the position of the solar panel. We proposed the solar panels should be placed on the area with the red marks.
POCKET GARDEN on the facade
We proposed to maximize the percentage of greenery on the building by adding pocket gardens on the façade. Natural lighting can also get through the pocket garden due to its transparent and open façade.
To design a new kind of mixed-use building in Solo Baru, we attempted to develop public green areas that can attract people to come. Green areas were designed to be placed on the rooftop, near the entrance from Merak Street, and along Ir. Soekarno Street (in front of Hotel Brother). The location near Merak Street and Ir. Soekarno Street was decided based on existing informal street vendors’ activity.
Green Building Initiative

Some conceptual plans attached here are the selected floors showing important functions. GF floor shows landscape design. The first floor shows the iconic bridge and commercial pods. The third and fourth floors show the connecting bridge to Hotel Brothers.
The fifth floor shows a shopping area and a cinema. The Seventh and Eighth floors show the convention area and parking lot. The ninth floor shows an outdoor roof deck design. The typical floor shows the conceptual layout for the condotel and office.

Crediit: 3D renders for alternative 1 were rendered by outsource 3D artist
To Develop an Iconic Building within the Mixed Used Complex as New Landmark in Solo Baru
This option should accommodate three main programs, which were condominium, hotel & ballroom, and entertainment square. Entertainment Square was designed as the main program consisting of the shopping area, cinema, and outdoor public space. For this alternative study, the upcoming mixeduse was also aimed to represent four words: GREEN, LIVELY, CONNECTED, and ICONIC.

Zoning Plan
Following the client’s request, we conducted the zoning study if the main entry was from Ir. Soekarno Street. The entry was placed there so the main facade of the entertainment center could be more visible since most of the people’s circulation happened there.
Because the office was eliminated from the program, we decided to develop the design of two towers only. The podium under tower one shall be dedicated to the entertainment square while the podium under tower 2 shall be dedicated to the convention center. Two basements were designed to provide a parking area within the mixed-use complex.

Massing Study
Entertainment Square
As the main face of the mixeduse complex from Ir. Soekarno Street, entertainment square entrance was designed to be the iconic part of the whole building. Shaped like irregular stepped blocks, we designed it to adopt the shape of a mountain since Central Java was famous for its mountains such as Merapi, Merbabu, etc.

Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that the ballroom area will be connected to the retail area and hotel so that people who intend to visit the ballroom can also leisurely walk from the hotel area or retail. Additionally, there will also be a specific lobby for ballroom visitors.

Sun Shading Study
The mixed-use complex was designed to provide an outdoor roof deck area for condominium residents and hotel guests. To make sure the outdoor area on the roof deck would be comfortable for users, we conducted a sun shading study. From the sun shading study, it was proven that the roof deck area was under the shadow of two towers.
The appearance of main facade from Ir. Soekarno Street

Urban Design Concept Competition
Redesign Bundaran HI
Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Team Leader Sandhy Sihotang, IAI
Type Design competition held by Sarana Jaya

Project Overview Main Issues Design Concept
Bundaran HI has been representing Jakarta’s iconic places along with Monas and other historical monuments. After the MRT Jakarta construction finished, the area around Bundaran HI has been starting to be packed with people because it became easier to access the area by public transportation. Bundaran HI area has the potential to be developed as a more accessible and welcoming public space. Therefore, this design competition was held by Sarana Jaya to revitalize the Bundaran HI area.
In this project, was part of a team that consisted of four persons. took part as an architectural assistant who participated in developing the architectural and urban design concept, creating 3D visualizations, and making conceptual diagrams for the presentation board.
Based on historical research, in 1950, the road to Tanah Abang was not designed to be the main corridor as the other 4 roads were. This can be seen from the historical map presented below. As for now, Kebon Kacang Street is one of the most important accesses to Tanah Abang, so this matter shall be one of the issues to think of.
The Bundaran HI’s main attraction, the water fountain, can only be seen from afar unless the car-free day happening. Accessibility to experience the water fountain has not been anticipated enough.
The current Bundaran HI area, the main axis roads, and the Kebon Kacang road to Tanah Abang do not have the same visual element. The organized pedestrian and road terminates at Thamrin City Kebon Kacang entrance.
Existing Kebon Kacang Street shall be revitalized so it can represent the fifth corridor with a better quality pedestrian like the 1st - 4th corridors.
Bundaran HI water fountain is the main attraction of this area. New tunnels as access to the water fountain shall be proposed to connect the fountain and its surroundings. Not only that, public furniture shall be placed around the Bundaran HI water fountain.


Pedestrian movement study
This street becomes an important axis, connecting the North part and South part of Jakarta.
This street was named Grisseweg/ Madoera-weg, and it represented an important axis in Batavia at that time.
This street was part of the West-East corridor, part of the Niewu Gondangdia development back then.

We conducted a simulation of pedestrian movement study based of the existing pedestrian condition. Underground tunnel entrance

After we conducted the pedestrian movement study, we determined the tunnel entrances position. Public space platform
We proposed to build a public space platform near the water fountain to initiate human activity.

We proposed to dig the ground around the Bundaran HI fountain as well as build tunnels from 4 different directions that would go straight to Bundaran HI. Underground tunnels shall be able to minimize visual distraction as much as possible so that Bundaran HI fountain shall be the main vista. The public platform (picture on the left) and underground pathway (picture below) were also designed so people could enjoy the view of the Bundaran HI fountain from a new point of view.

The tunnel shall connect the main fountain area with the existing pedestrian way beside the main road. Along the tunnels’ wall, some information boards and artworks shall be placed.
People on the platform and the underground area would experience a new perspective towards Bundaran HI.
To emphasize Bundaran HI as the main vista from above, we also designed the pattern of the road around the water fountain. The pattern was inspired by DKI Jakarta’s gigi balang pattern then we modified it to a new form.

The platform area was designed to be a relaxation and recreation space. The shape shall encourage people to relax. It was also designed to be shadowed by

This diagram was produced in collaboration with my colleague
This diagram was produced in collaboration with my colleague
a canopy
This diagram was produced in collaboration with my colleague
This diagram was produced in collaboration with my colleague

Pedestrian quality on Kebon Kacang Street should be as good as pedestrian quality on M.H Thamrin Street and around Bundaran HI Fountain. Therefore, the design pattern on Kebon Kacang Street shall continue the pattern of the street around Bundaran HI to create the same visualization of urban space. Not only that, pedestrian comfortability also should be prioritized, so we proposed for the pedestrian’s way to be wider. We also proposed to place a canopy in some parts so that people can rest.

The riverside area along Kebon Kacang shall be redesigned as an organized public place. We proposed to continue the street pattern from zone B to zone A but make it simpler so the shape of the riverside platform would stand out. The vehicle way pattern shall blend with the pedestrian pathway by using the same hardscape materials.
Architecture Academic Project
The Regional Museum of Contemporary Art:
“Woting Seni Lan Masyarakat”
Team Leader Aswin Indraprastha. S.T M.T, Ph.D
Type Final Year Academic Project

Sleman Regency, DIY
Design Concept
Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), including Sleman Regency, has been a travel destination for the art and culture enthusiasts. Art, which is already rooted in DIY, sparked the development of various art genres, and contemporary art is one of them. Moreover, this museum is built to answer the need for a facility for the preservation, protection, publication, and development of contemporary art creations made by local artists.
This museum is located in a developing area in Sleman where the settlement zone turning into a commercialized zone. That condition leads the museum to be a public place for the community around the site, especially people who create and enjoy art. Besides, the site is also located near the mountainous area in Central Java, leading to a design that should respond to the mountain as mother nature.
Main Issues
As a museum, sequence is important part to be developed within the site and the building, including outdoor exhibition sequence.
Circulation of visitor, museum staffs, artists, and service function shall be divided neatly within the site.
The site is located in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, and located near the mountain. The city around it is rich culture and contemporary art.
The museum shall look humble and inclusive since there are some residential areas near the site.
Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta Palagan Tentara

: 1,2-2

Museum as a connecting space for art and local community
Public Space as a connector Creating art in daily life
Educating people attractively

Outdoor public spaces around the museum to respond the site context as residential area. Educational events shall be conducted here.


Elevation and Facade Concept Development
The facade shall be composed of bricks, arranged to create a pattern. The overall looks of the facade shall represent local materials to appreciate the local context.

The application of dilatation structure corresponds the location, which is situated in an earthquake-prone zone

Other Works and Projects

Model Making, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography
Architectural Sketches
always believe that sketching is the easiest way to visualize my initial spatial design concept and understand the spatial context.
This sketch presents an initial design manifesto for my postgraduate study project (Urban Design Project 1 and 2).
These are my sketches during the “Situating” method (Urban Design Project 1 and 2). Site sketching while walking helped me to understand the urban area where my project was located.
These are my architectural sketches for my undergraduate final year project, The Regional Museum of Contemporary Art.

Graphic Design
And Illustration
