MArch Portfolio Overall

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tengku INDA


“ If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? ” - Rumi

I believe Rumi’s quote on describing the hardships needed to obtain greatness, it is the same as the learning inherent in the practice of architecture. How can you be great, if you fall down and you’re not able to pick yourself back up? Architecture takes several layers of learning, building and failing to obtain clarity through design and success within the field we walk through daily. The following work represents my education career at University of Technology MARA in Malaysia and Manchester School of Arts in United Kingdom. Having studied and work in different environments and cultures has made me come to understand that architecture can be seen through very diverse lenses. The aim of this Portfolio is to show my projects done at school as well as other work related to architecture highly influenced by design and story-telling, which I wish to expand with my forthcoming professional experiences.

table of

CONTENTS [1] [2] [3] [4]

Urban Oasis UiTM 2012 1KHOME Workshop

Malaysian Pavilion HKAS 2013 1KHOME Workshop

Re:Birth of Manchester MSA 2013 d3 Housing Competition

Gaia Dwellings MSA 2014 d3 Housing Competition

[5] Em[BED]


[6] [7]

[8] [9] [10]

MSA 2015

d3 Housing Competition

Empire Gastronomy MSA 2015 d3 Housing Competition

Management Projects MSA 2014 Technology Ecolog d3 Housing Competition

Research Developments MSA 2014/15 d3 Housing Competition

Other Artworks 2008-2015 d3 Housing Competition

CV & Contact Technology Ecology y


[ Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia ] UiTM 2012 Individual work “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach the man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime�

Homeless is a global issue. Almost all countries in the world are facing this phenomenon. Most of the homeless in Malaysia are drug addicts. However, they are not healthy people thus being rejected by the society for their crimes. These people want change, but they need the support and a place for change. The project is about giving shelter to these homeless people, whereby it is a centre that elevates caring for the least of our community to civic importance. This centre acts as a rehabilitation with multipurpose strategy dedicated to providing a haven and social service to them as well as acting as a public integration between the society and the homeless.


This project offers an integration programme of the Design Studio, Technology and Architectural Science. The design problem of this stage is a fairly complex project that requires integrated solutions in both the design and technical aspects; encouraging greater demands in judgements and decision-making. Moreover, it makes me think about the relation between the ‘normal’ urban society and the ‘outcasts’ as a whole network that integrates the whole system in the city.

MALAYSIAN PAVILION [ Milan | Italy ] HKAS 2013 Group work “Healing the Rainforest, Replenish source of Life” The concept takes the inspiration to create the spaces moulded by the very form of Nature. The design of the pavilion was inspired through the rich and beautiful rainforests of Malaysia for it acts as a gesture of celebration upon cultivating the seeds that came from the rainforest. The dynamic shape and growth nature of the seed encapsulate the celebrated form and house the country’s authentic content as its nutrients. This is amplified and emerges as a physical and tangible feature, forming the iconic visual focus for the visitors to the exposition. The overall programme evolves around the character of a seed or grain.




2. SOW


‘‘ Lifecycle of a Tree ”



LVL +1.20

F&B LVL +0.45

LVL +3.00



LVL +1.60


LIGHT POD 141 m²

DARK POD 141 m²


LVL +3.00



LVL +3.00

LVL +3.00

LVL +3.00

LVL +1.60 LVL +0.00

LVL +0.75




LVL +0.00


LVL +3.00

I was part of the team but only in the preliminary stage, from the brief up until the tender. However, I was fortunate enough to take part in such a unique project and was able to propose the concept and initial ideas of the design. This project has taught me so much about team management within the practice and also with the other teams, environmental and structural engineers. It was interesting to learn skills and knowledge that could not be taught or experienced at school. In a nutshell, I was surprised and overwhelmed to find out that our design is being built for the Milan Expo in 2015.



[ Manchester | United Kingdom ] MSA 2013 Individual work What if it is possible to create a housing community that could give its residents the leverage of creating economic opportunities? The tenant is given that much unfurnished space for him to renovate it as according to his lifestyle. However, there will be an unused space that could be rented out to other tenants. Or even converted into other modules that could help generate income for the person whereby, in the long run, could sustain as an investment. Alongside with the flexibility option of choosing the modular space, the tenants are given the option to choose which faรงade that best suits their lifestyle adapting to the sustainability issue.


city ce ntre


city ce

city ce


e y centr





e y centr





+ home + home




+ +

home + combined office + home



= daycare


city ce

city ce




+ home + tuition centre


home + squash



solar panel


home + garden

+ home + laundrette

? home + home + home



home + office



= garden

green wall

home + daycare centre



home + community hall + home



= water collection



city ce


city ce


This project was a good experience in terms of working individually on a medium scale project that requires attention to detail in a different aspect. What was originally a simple concept of a family’s growth and the typology, evolving based on the growth; evolved into a more complex concept. It made me rethink of how we should see the concept as a whole instead of fussing over the little details and trying to tie the pieces together which will collapse due to the weak tie between themselves.


[ Salford | United Kingdom ] MSA 2014 Group work "There are no better




‘‘ a closed loop-system ”

materiality + facade


food strategy

Located on the site of the East Phillips St, Manchester, he Biospheric Passive House project is a unique development in the result of a partnership between BDP architect, Biospheric Foundation and Urban Splash Manchester. The aim of the project is to stimulate the development a low carbon built environment in that area and also to kick-start a ‘green’ economy in the country. With the increasing population in the site, the needs of comfortable residential and living spaces become urgent. In creating a feasible design that can contain the vegetation along the growing society in the small land, the lifecycle concept was implemented in the design.


Vincent 2014

water strategy

designer than Nature"

PV solar panels

It was a different experience working with a real client yet still maintaining the academic proposition. Not only do we have to think it as an entree’ for our future design thesis, but we had to think of both the client and also the state agent. Communication skills are a necessity in this project, as we have to be smart in delegating works and presenting proposals to the clients and also to the banks.

rainwater harvesting

glulam post & beam

straw bale wall

MHRV domestic


urban farming

living green wall

heating & cooling

locally grown food

local sewage system


CHP national grid

CHP unit

worm + natural compost

worm based septic tank

worm + natural compost

rainwater tank



[ International ] MSA 2014 Group work We were required to design a new concept of office space, breaking the generic system of the workspace particularly open-plan office. After studying the generic office plan system, we decided to embed the breakout area within the workspace to give rest spaces for workers hence increase their productivity and social interactivity. It was designed to fit any situation within the office space creating an immediate personal break out space. Moreover, expansion of office also affects the needs for storage space which will also be included in the design. The component consists of three types of configuration which were based on the level of pleasure needed - private, semi-private, public resulted in the production of SIT, SLEEP, and STORAGE.

current situation





seating area





[General Office Layout]


unplanned 'nap'

solution diminishing the distance between break out area to workspace by embedding em[bed]2

situation at a generic office



[ Manchester | United Kingdom ] MSA 2015 Individual work - Final Year Design Thesis

selling/ buying

Food — used to be the center, the social core of the city — at the periphery. It used to be a social event, buying and selling food. Now it’s anonymous.


We used to cook; now we just add water, or a little bit of egg if you’re making a cake or something. We don’t smell food to see if it’s okay to eat. We just read the back of a label on a packet. And we don’t value food. We don’t trust it. So instead of trusting it, we fear it. And instead of valuing it, we throw it away.


One of the great ironies of modern food systems is that they’ve made the very thing they promised to make easier much harder. By making it possible to build cities anywhere and any place, they’ve actually distanced us from our most important relationship, which is that of us and nature. And also they’ve made us dependent on systems that only they can deliver, that, as we’ve seen, are unsustainable. The Hungry City (2013)

civic state political factors


the current situation

commercial corporate economical factors

the ideal situation

individual groups social factors

I’ve done a mapping onto the Bridge Street Axis to understand the macro environmental factors. The first factor is the political factor, which is basically to what degree the government intervines to the econmy. Next is to map out the economical factors. It impacts on how the business operates and cash flow within the city. Lastly is the social factors to be studies. It is the state of being, of emotive responses and cultural aspects of the object - person - space relationships. It is basically the pleasures found within the city, and little is found along the axis of Wood Street as compared to the other two factors.

FOOD FOR SOCIETY: COMMUNITY KITCHEN From the research and analysis of the key texts, I think it would be appropriate to propose an Empire Gastronomy, which acts as a transition between the pleasure of eating and the pleasure of cooking. There are many food based areas around the locale of the site but no result in reconnecting the urban fabric to the society. It is because today's society lies upon the loss of understanding about the importance of food in everyday life. Community kitchens (also called collective kitchens‘) are community based cooking programs where small groups of people come together to prepare meals and take food home to their families. In a community kitchen every member contributes by planning, preparing, and cooking food. eat

eating + learn


cook + learn


eat + cook


ground floor plan, showing the series of events happening both inside and outside of the building

"The desire to create pleasure was and still is the principle of a good chef , but is doubtful whether it is the aim of all architects today". Antonin Careme one of the sections, showing both the structure and ambience of the space

mechanical floor level

second floor level

first floor level

above: 3D special emphasis study understanding the technological constraints of the building below: the detail study of materiality and lighting effect on the space right: 1:20 scale on A0 facade study

ground floor level actual ground level

basement level


[ Altrincham | United Kingdom ] MSA 2013 Group work

The Manchester School of Architecture and the National Trust are working together on a Pavilion Project for the garden at Dunham Massey. We had to design a micro passive-pavilion, a single space structure that should provide shelter but also be accessible and educational. Our client is Dunham Massey, owned and operated by The National Trust. The site for this project, the Winter Garden and grounds at Dunham Massey, are regularly visited by all sectors of the community, from the very young to the very old, enjoying a range of activities throughout the day and the year. We were given five months to design, configure the construction, source out sponsors and materials, prefabricate the pavilion and install onto the site. I had to work closely with the head designer and restructure the construction techniques in order to stabilise the whole structure. We had the opportunity to handle a live project with a real client and budget issues and to manage the project within the time frame given.



This event is formed with the key agenda of connecting students from Year 01 and 02 Architecture with MArch Students through projects which engage public space in the city. The event is required to have an agenda developed alongside an external collaborator which is shown through a series of installations, workshops and exhibitions. For our event, students are required to produce “wearable shelters� that serve as protective all-weather garments in the day and insulating dwellings at night. These garments must demonstrate the quality of being able to be reused/ recycled applying cradle-to-cradle approach. Students are highly encouraged to use their creativity to the maximum by using recycled materials. To mark the end of the celebration a collective exhibition is placed and a publication in which the events were captured and credited.


[ Manchester | United Kingdom ] MSA 2013

Group work




Around 165.1 million tonnes of waste were produced across the industrial, commercial and domestic sector in 2008. Nonetheless, the true manifestation of the natural ecosystem is there are no ‘useless’ waste in nature, instead it is a closed loop cycle. As a whole, these considerations would be implemented for the need to design not for assembly, but for disassembly. This paper is concerned with the representation of Design for Disassembly being implemented into actual practice. The research reveals that Design for Disassembly does alter the design approach but does not entirely change the way architects approach the building’s design. The question of using new materials or construction techniques is not appropriate anymore as the true question goes to how much energy and effort needed for the design process of the structure and the construction process itself.

“Building is not something you finish, building is something you start.” Brand 1995


“Architects spent so much time polishing the fence that they forgot to open the door” Bruce Mau 2010

This essay presents a meta-view of the architectural profession and where it might be heading. The central message is that I believe architecture can reclaim some social and public relevance by expanding its toolkit of strategies. It was said that we Architects ‘spend so much time polishing the fence that we forget to open the door’. In other words we’ve constructed such an exclusive professional fortress of accreditation, institutes, awards and even our own discourse that we lose touch with other people and adjacent disciplines and what we could learn from them. What do you reconsider the most urgent reshaping or refocusing that architecture needs? I think architecture needs to redefine what it can offer society at large. While many architects are comfortable operating as strategic integrators and practical visionaries, reframing the profession is more than about marketing and perception, we also have to change the way we operate to meet in the middle somewhere. Thus in this short reflective essay, I touched on the past, present and future of Architects, and as a conclusion to assemble a more diverse set of strategies for how we might shape the city.

Reflective Essay on Future of Architects [ United Kingdom ] MSA 2015


Line-work has become a passion of mine since taking an elective at MARA University of Technology. The art of conveying emotions and information into a single line and developing it into a story of its own is challenging and intriguing. There is a relationship between particular facets of these lines and some components of architecture which makes the art so appealing. The ability to capture time, space, form and lighting – all within one drawing – is the beauty to which I am drawn.


te n g k u i n d a s y a z w i t e n g k u zubir basic information d.o.b: 19 apri l 1991 p.o.b: Mal ay s i a na tionality : Mal ay s i an

education Ma r a Univer sity of Technol ogy (Ui TM) B ac helor o f S c ien ce (Hons ) Archi tecture 2008 - 2012 CGPA : 3. 37 Ma nc hester Metropol i tan Uni v ers i ty Mas ter of Archi tecture 2013 - 20x x


software proficiency

l a n g u a g e s e n glis h

a dobe in de s ign

l a n g u a g e s m a la y

a dobe ph ot os h op

d e si g n i d e a s & c o n c e pt

a dobe illu s t r a t or

c o m m u n i c a ti o n s k ills

a dobe a f t e r e f f e c t s

m a n u a l sk e tc h / d ra w in gs

a dobe pr e mie r pr o

m a n u a l d ra f t in g

a dobe f la s h

g ra p h i c & i l l u strat ion

a u t oc a d

3 D m o d e llin g

r h in oc e r os

vi su a l i sat ion

lu mion r e n de r in g

o f d e si g n a n d th e d e fi n i ti o n o f a rc h i te c tu re. I h a v e a stro n g i n fo r m a ti o n g ra p h i c a n d d ra w i n g sk i l l s, a l o n g wit h c o m m u n i c a ti o n a n d p re se n ta ti o n sk i l l s a s I sh o w p r ide i n a l l th e w o rk I p ro d u c e. I h a ve a n a d e q u a te a b i l i t y t o

wor k in div idu a lly, y e t I br in g good qu a lit ie s in t o t e a mwor k a n d or ga n is a t ion . I lov e a c h a lle n gin g pr oje c t a n d wor k we ll u n de r pr e s s u r e. I t a k e e v e r y le a r n in g pr oc e s s a s a n oppu r t u n it y t o e n h a n c e s k ills a n d t o de v e lop f r e s h ide a s.

profile A y o u n g d esig ner wi th a huge pas s i on for a r c h i t e c tur e a nd des i gn, al l the ex peri ence g a i ned over the yea rs s tudy i ng archi tecture ha v e sha ped my phi l os ophi cal thoughts

address: F3-36, Sir Charles Groove Halls, M15 6PF, Manchester email: phone no: 07778144477

Masters in Arch itectu re work experience Ma nc h es ter M etropol i tan Uni v ers i ty Tea c hing A ssistant [October 2014 - pres en t]

extra curricular activites A ssi sta n t C l a ss R e p re se n t a t iv e

[2 0 0 8 ]

o rg a n i se r (te a m m e m b e r) i n A rc h i te c tu ra l Wo r k s h op ‘ R u m i’ U iTM

Uni v ers i ty Mal ay a Hea d Designer for P ERINTIS Competi ti on [A ug u s t 2014 - September 2014 ] Hi j j as K as turi As s oci ates Sdn As s i s t ant A r c hitec t [Augus t 2012 - Augus t 2013 ] Arki tek K i tas Ar chitec tur a l Tr a inee [M ay 2011 - Jul y 2011 ]

a d m i n i stra ti o n m e m b e r o f A rc h i te c tu ra l M u si c G r ou p

[2 0 0 9 ]

(M e s t ik a )

awards and achievements K F C r e s t a u r a n t de s ign ide a n a t ion a l le v e l win n e r

[2 0 1 2 ]

e c o- r e s a lt e r n a t iv e a f f or da ble h ou s in g de s ign c ompe t it ion u n iv e r s it y le v e l s e c on d pla c e

o rg a n i se r (te a m m e m b e r) i n R I B A A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t of U i T M A rc h i te c tu ra l Pro g ramme s

[2 0 1 0 ]

p a rti c i p a te d i n D AT U M : KL (I n te r n a ti o n a l A rc h i te c t u r a l

[2 0 1 1 ]

D e si g n C o n fe r e n c e ) h e a d o f S o u vi n e e r C o m m u n i te e (A rc h i te c tu ra l Fe s t iv a l

gr e e n s pa c e a n u ge r a h h ija u n a t ion a l le v e l h on or a ble me n t ion

‘ E xp re s s ion ’ ) p a rti c i p a te d i n U rb a n D e si g n R e se a rc h L a b U D R L in c o l l a b o ra ti o n w i th O xfo rd B ro o k e s U n i v e r s it y h e a d o f G ra p h i c s o f Kh a z a n a h S tu d i o D e s ign Pu b l i c a t ion

[2 0 1 2 ]

se c re ta r y o f M a l a ysi a n A rc h i te c tu re S tu d e n ts o f U n it e d Ki n g d o m (M A S U K) A sso c ia t ion

s e la n gor a f f or da ble h ou s in g c ompe t it ion n a t ion a l le v e l h on or a ble me n t ion

[2 0 1 4 ]

( Ma n c h e s t e r Sc h ool of Ar t s ) MSA de s ign a wa r ds u n iv e r s it y le v e l h on or a ble me n t ion I n f r a s t r u c t u r e U n iv e r s it y I n n ov a t ion C ompe t it ion ( P ER I N TI S) n a t ion a l le v e l t h ir d pla c e

[2 0 1 4 ]

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