Wednesday, August 15, 2012
94th year • Issue 1
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919
Provost search
Jacobs makes his pick Pending approval, Scarborough to become Main Campus Provost By Vincent D. Scebbi Editor-in-Chief
Former Rocket works his way up to Cowboys starter / 8
Pending approval from the University of Toledo Board of Trustees, Scott Scarborough will succeed Bill McMillen as Main Campus Provost.
Scarborough is senior vice president for finance and administration at UTMC. In that position, he said, his objective was to “keep the hospital steady” and allow it to grow. Scarborough said
he believes the provost is similar to a Chief Operations Officer of a corporation in that both positions supervise operational work. UT President Lloyd Jacobs said the basic job description of the pro-
vost is twofold. He said the administrator “keeps the trains running” by making sure classes are scheduled and supervising grading. The second part is being able to look ahead and foresee
issues facing the higher education institution. “It’s a difficult job to balance the sort of operational stuff and the strategic visionary stuff,” Jacobs said.
moving in Faculty and alumni form new theatre group / 11 Green Fund good to go / 3
Law school orientation starts today
The new student convocation event will be held at Savage Arena from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. The event will allow new students to meet one another and some of their professors, and tips for navigating campus and succeeding academically will be discussed. A parking lot BBQ is scheduled to follow the event.
SigEp to host slip n’ slide The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity will host its fourth annual slip n’ slide party located on the hill adjacent to Parks Tower. The event is also sponsored by Red Bull, who will supply a DJ and drinks.
Unpaid bills? Price could be high Editor-in-Chief
In brief
New student convocation is Friday
By Vincent D. Scebbi
Welcome to your campus newspaper / 6
Orientation begins for 2012 university law school students today at 6 p.m. The two-day event is located at the Law Center Building and will prepare incoming law students for the academic year. Students will meet with faculty advisors, listen to guest lecturers, and register for student services. Friends and family are invited to join the students for a reception and special program at 7:30 p.m. Tomorrow, the event will continue with a breakfast at 8:45 p.m. and conclude with an optional campus tour at 4 p.m. On Friday, the Admissions Office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer any questions or provide additional information.
See Provost / 4 scarborough
ryan clair / IC
Students, families and friends all help the new freshmen move into Parks Tower on Tuesday, Aug. 14.
Beginning of new year doesn’t have to be stressful By Russell Axon Rocket Life Editor
As the University of Toledo slowly awakens for fall semester this week, blue bins filled with toiletries and yellow shirts covered by frogs will be a common sight. New and returning students are moving into the campus residence halls today and tomorrow. The students will be assisted by members of the Office of Residence Life and volunteers. While a majority of residents arrive today and tomorrow, a few hundred students moved into Carter Hall and the lower floors of Parks Tower yesterday. For those who have not experienced it, the busy atmosphere of a move-in day is similar to a Golden Age film studio. “I think the genuine excitement is there for everybody,” said Matthew Perry, the hall director for Parks.
Making everything run smoothly
UT’s campus holds eight distinct residence buildings, including a freshman-only tower and a Greek village for fraternities and sororities. Combined, these building are
Ryan Clair / IC
John Ezinski, a freshman living in Carter Hall, examines his new home away from home on Tuesday, Aug. 14.
home to at least 3,400 residents during the semester. Directing and assisting that many moving bodies is a daunting task in any scenario, but Res. Life is up to the challenge. Perry describes the movein process as “organized chaos.” “It’s kind of chaotic, but we do have a really nice structure to it,” he said. Hall directors and resident
advisors prepared for the move-in days several weeks ago by cleaning the hallways and rooms of every residence building, and making sure the living spaces were habitable and running efficiently. Additionally, emails with move-in information and tips were sent to incoming residents. On move-in day, residents use their Rocket Cards to check-in at registration table
outside of the residence halls. Then, they receive their key, a sticker identifying their residence hall and a room condition checklist. Residents also receive informational packets which contain sports schedules and Res. Life info. Residents then bring their belongings to their room and situate themselves, typically accompanied by parents and siblings. Incoming residents are assisted by first-year resident orientation guides, or FROGs, who are easily identified by their yellow shirts. Consisting of RAs and student and faculty volunteers, FROGs have many responsibilities during the move-in process, including directing traffic, managing elevators, and pushing bins filled with a student’s possessions. “Our goal is that the families never push the blue bins,” Perry said. According to Perry, the 100-200 FROGs are essential to making everything run smoothly. See Moving / 4
Students who do not have their financial accounts settled before the start of the semester next week will be dropped from their classes and their housing arrangements with the implementation of an invalidation process. In an effort to help reduce uncollectible debt, students who do not settle their balances by Aug. 19 will not be permitted to attend classes, said Vice President of the Student Experience Kaye Patten Wallace. In addition, any housing arrangements, parking permit and meal plans will also be revoked. Students will have until Aug. 31 to erase the balance in their account, which is the end of the Add/Drop period. “I don’t even like the word [invalidation], but it’s a matter of we want you to take a serious look and see if you can make this financial commitment,” she said. Patten Wallace said students with minor imbalances will not be deregistered, but she did not specify the cutoff amount. She did say that this is geared toward students who struggle to pay tuition and their room and board fees. Patten Wallace said that while part of the implementation is to collect funds, the other side of it is to remind students to settle their financial issues before classes begin. “Part of this communication [process] is to not say ‘we’re going to invalidate you,’ but to get your attention that now is the time to take a serious look at their financial commitment and how you’re going to meet it,” Patten Wallace said. The decision to reinstate this process comes after the past two years of being unable to collect on the debt. Patten Wallace said last year, Toledo lost approximately $3.5 million because of this, but she could not confirm the total loss at press time. Notifications regarding the invalidation process began being sent out Aug. 1 through an emailed postcard. See Deregistration / 4