Full Issue 9-20

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99th year • Issue 5

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Toledo tames Tulsa


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Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919



UT discusses DACA By Bryce Buyakie News Editor

Aman Mojadidi shines a light community / 2 »

Going the Extra Smile

sports / 4 »

“They even had to cancel the much anticipated musical in the spring, “Evil Dead: The Musical.” This means that the “24-Hour Plays” is all we have for a while.” evan sennett The 24-Hour Play Festival opinion / 3 »

A forum was hosted by the University of Toledo Sept. 13 to inform students and the community about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival students and the Dream Act. Peter Thomas, director of immigration; Jeff Newton, UT chief of police; Arturo Ortiz, senior paralegal attorney at ABLE Law; and Eugenio Mollo Jr., managing attorney at ABLE Law, led the forum. “The University of Toledo is 100 percent in support of our DACA students,” Willie McKether, vice president of diversity and inclusion, said. “Here at UT we recognize

“The University of Toledo is 100 percent in support of our DACA students.” Willie McKether Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion

that our DACA students are hard achieving students that came to the US as immigrant children and have given to this great nation of ours.” A tweet from Latino Student Union member Luis Galindo inspired the event and spurred communication between campus organizations and UT administrators, said McKether. “I think this is important for me because I went to a school that lacked diversity. I was the only person of Latino descent, even though I went to a school with a thousand people or more,” said Galindo, a fourth-year international business and marketing student. “I was underrepresented then and still feel that Latinos are over looked [at UT].” Many questions looked at how community members can show support for DACA beneficiaries and the Dream Act. The best way to show support for DACA and the Dream Act is to contact Congressional representatives, tweet at Paul Ryan, write letters to the editor

of local newspapers and to attend rallies and events, said Eugenio. The Dream Act should be the priority because it will provide a permanent solution for immigrant minors and open a way to citizenship, both of which the DACA program lacked, said Eugenio. Another student asked Newton what would happen if there was an Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid on Campus. “The stance from ICE has been that it will not go onto campuses and it will not enforce the immigration law on campus,” said Newton. “I think they recognize the sensitivity of the issue on campuses.” However, not everyone shared the same opinion on the matter. A man in the audience said the questions about ICE raids, deportations and hypothetical scenarios were nothing but “fearmongering and hyperbole.” “Nobody is rounding

See Discourse / 2 »

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“Ending DACA will cause major harm to young people who could possibly be deported...”

editorial Defending DACA opinion / 3 »


DACA recipients tell their stories By Bryce Buyakie News Editor


UT receives $2.4 million for biofuel research By Corey Latimer Associate News Editor

The U.S. Department of Energy awarded the University of Toledo $2.4 million for their studies in producing algae biofuel. “The grant awarded is part of $8.8 million funding the research for alternative methods of fuel production by the U.S. Department of Energy,” said Sridhar Viamajala, a UT associate professor of chemical engineering. UT is now leading the way toward the future with a quicker and cleaner biofuel that could serve as a replacement to fossil fuels, said Viamajala. “We are trying to speed up the growth of algae by providing a very high pH

environment that allows algae to take up carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere more efficiently and prevent unwanted contamination,” Viamajala said. “Since it grows in water, algae doesn’t have as much carbon dioxide available. We are trying to improve the cleaner fuel potential.” This study is a continuation of his work at other colleges around the United States, including Montana State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Arizona State University. “These types of programs can lead to breakthroughs that will create American jobs and enhance our energy security,

which is why I remain committed to renewable energy and advanced research from my role overseeing Department of Energy funding on the Appropriations Committee,” Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur said in a UT press release.

“We are trying to speed up the growth of algae by providing a very high pH environment...” Sridhar Viamajala UT Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering


Former Rocket excels in NFL

Rachel Nearhoof / IC

Latino Student Union members Julia Hernadez (left) and Luis Galindo (right) speak at the DACA forum Sept. 13.

Website launched for community engagement By Olivia Rodriguez Staff Reporter

The University of Toledo is launching a new community engagement website with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie’s definition of community engagement describes the collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. “We interviewed our external stakeholders and ask[ed] them what are we doing well, what could we improve on,” said Director of Strategic Initiatives Margie Traband. “They asked to be communicated more. They asked for different procedures to access information at the institution.” Per UT’s community engagement website, Toledo received the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement

of Teaching classification in 2015 and the American Public Land Grant Universities’ Innovation and Economic Prosperity University designation in 2013. “This recognition will last for 10 years, and then the University of Toledo will have to reapply. Both are peer reviewed by other public universities,” Traband said. The APLU website listed three categories that universities needed to do well in to receive this designation: talent, innovation and place. Talent is how well the university is preparing people for the economy. Innovation is what the university is doing to build knowledge for others to benefit society. Place is how the university is making the region a better place to live. Per UT’s community engagement website, UT qualified for these honors with CampMed, an on-campus program that does water

testing, and the academic affiliation with ProMedica. “We’re basing how [Carnegie] defines community engagement. I think that’s one of the things that [is] going to be an interesting process for the institution, is truly getting our arms around what community engagement is because a lot of people have different definitions of it,” Traband said. Students have done their part to help receive these recognitions with RockeTHON and The BIG Event, alongside many other opportunities to volunteer. The data is collected from the Office of Student Affairs, said Traband. “UT’s faculty, staff and students make impactful contributions to our community every day. I am excited about this initiative, to highlight these contributions and recognize the good work that makes UT such a vital community partner,” UT President Sharon Gaber said.

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals will stop accepting new and renewal applications, leaving nearly 800,000 beneficiaries open to deportation. Two DACA recipients at the University of Toledo told their stories on the condition of anonymity for safety concerns. They will be referred to as “A” and “N.” A came to the US from Mexico when he was three on a visitor’s visa. He grew up in Toledo and graduated high school before the DACA program was initiated in 2012. “I’m from the border states in Mexico. There are no opportunities and it is very run by drug cartels. It’s not a safe state,” said A. “DACA students don’t come from first-world countries. They come from very poor and dangerous countries.” DACA was a taste of what being American was like, but it always was temporary protection from deportation, said A. “Without DACA, you would be completely undocumented,” said N. “At the end of high school, you knew it was almost over for you. Without DACA, we can’t drive and you can’t go to school. We have so much freedom depended on this program.” DACA not only provided the opportunity to work and

to gain an education, but it granted ID cards to applicants, allowing them to drive, open a bank account and live “normal” lives, said A. “All my friends had summer jobs, and I wasn’t able to do that. Going anywhere that required an ID was impossible without a ride. It was embarrassing to explain that and make excuses,” said A. N, whose family came to America after a three-month journey from Colombia, says she doesn’t know her relatives who stayed behind and has no memories of Colombia. “My parents always say how jealous they are with me because they don’t have a license,” said N. “You never realize the troubles of paying bills, not having your own bank accounts. My parents have spent more than half their time in America; they have learned the second language and adapted to the culture. They refer to themselves as Americans, then as Colombians.” There doesn’t need to be a path to citizenship, but some legal securities similar to DACA for parents, said N. “If you’re undocumented, so are your parents and family members,” said A. The parents came here for a better life for their kids, for us. You can’t blame people for wanting a better life.” Unlike the DACA program, the Dream Act will provide a See Journey / 2 »

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Period Toledo documents unveiled

By Benjamin Morse Staff Reporter

Toledoans have rediscovered items of historical significance. Community member, Julie Gibbons, former Toledo Police officer, Phil Carroll, and Director of the University of Toledo’s Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, Barbara Floyd, came across early City of Toledo documents in a safe that was tucked in the attack of Toledo’s Safety Building downtown. The Canaday Center showcased the historic

point in Toledo’s history through the public unveiling of the documents dating back to 1836. “By placing the documents in the Canaday Center, the city can help to ensure their permanent preservation, as well as make them more accessible to the people who might want to conduct research in them,” said Floyd. According to a press release about the event, the new records found earlier this year in the Safety Building were added to existing local historical

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