Wednesday, February 14, 2018
99th year • Issue 20
Happy Valentine’s Day! Be ours!
Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919
UT alumna defines being an American By Samantha Gerlach Associate News Editor
BASHcon 2018 COMMUNITY / 5 »
Toledo basketball wins fifth straight road game
SPORTS / 6 »
“With addicts pushing the limits on what items they will try to manipulate to get a high, product restrictions are getting tighter for the masses.” ALEXIS NIESZCZUR Addicted: How far will we go? OPINION / 4 »
Meet the Success Coach
“If there were more male feminists, we could lessen the harm done to our sisters by raising world consciousness.” DESHAWN CAVANAGH We need more male feminists
Shamila Chaudhary, University of Toledo alumna and foreign policy analyst, delivers a lecture Feb. 8 in Doermann Theater.
NASA lecture marks 50 years of UT astronomy By Olivia Rodriguez Staff Reporter
Robert Dempsey, a University of Toledo alumnus and NASA flight director for the International Space Station, spoke to members of the University of Toledo community Feb. 8 in Driscoll Auditorium. During his presentation, “Houston, We Have a Problem — When Things Go Wrong on the International Space Station,” Dempsey described the many factors that keep the ISS from falling apart. The event was part of a celebration marking 50 years of astronomy at UT, the Ritter Planetarium, the Ritter Astrophysical research center and the founding of the Ph.D. physics and astronomy program, Karen Bjorkman, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, said. As the flight director, Dempsey makes sure everyone works together to ensure that the U.S. and its international partners are doing the right thing, Dempsey said. “One of the problems NASA had with the ISS was when they were putting the solar arrays into their final position, they snagged on the guide wire that helped secure it from flapping when they slid out, causing it to rip,” Dempsey said. NASA decided to make “cufflinks,” which are wires that were attached to a plate that acts as a string holding it together to fix any tears and prevent further damage, he said. On the ground, NASA researched how to make these cufflinks in space with microgravity and astronaut gloves, Dempsey said. Another problem that Dempsey described was when the three main computers all had bad hard drives. The first one failed to “talk” to its hard drive and eventually crashed, he said. The second computer automatically had the same problem when booted up and also crashed. Eventually the computer
“It’s kind of inspiring to see all he’s accomplished and think that us UT students are in the same position he was years ago.”
UT alumna Shamila Chaudhary returned to campus to deliver the second lecture of this year’s Jesup Scott Honors College Distinguished Lecture Series. The event, titled “The Meaning of America, at Home and Abroad,” took place Feb. 8 in Doermann Theater. Chaudhary read an essay which detailed her definition of the true meaning of America. UT President Sharon Gaber introduced Chaudhary. “Shamila Chaudhary is a foreign policy expert who specializes in U.S.-Pakistan relations, Pakistan domestic politics and security policy, and regional issues in South Asia,” Gaber said. “She is senior adviser to Dean Vali Nasr at the School for Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.” Chaudhary earned an M.A. in international affairs from the Ameri-
can University School of International Service and a B.A. in English literature and women’s studies from the University of Toledo. She began her essay recalling her memories of reading Walt Whitman’s poetry as an American literature major at UT. “I read about his vision of America, of living in America, of being an American,” she said. “As I continued to read, I became hungry and nostalgic all at once, enraptured by a vision of America so industrious and primitive at the same time. The more I realized about our current nation, the more questions I had.” Chaudhary said Whitman’s works serve as a wake-up call to dangerous economic and political trends today that favor economic and political elites over wide spots of the country. She felt Whitman’s works were a “little Post-it note from America,” See America / 4 »
Leading with Levis Photos by Mike Miller
MADDY SILVEOUS First-year Accounting Major
was put on standby. The third computer also crashed after experiencing the same problems, but it was left on so the second computer could not turn back into the “main” computer, he explained. This computer system on the ISS controls everything on the space station from communication to recording data. However, no one thought it would the system would fail, right up until it did, Dempsey said. There was a second set of lowertier computers that Dempsey and the control room used to turn off the third computer and turn the second computer back on. The astronauts replaced the hard drive for the first computer until NASA could get more hard drives to them, Dempsey said. Maddy Silveous, a first-year accounting major, said it was inspiring to see what a UT graduate accomplished. “I thought it was so cool to hear about real experiences from somebody that actually went through it,” Silveous said. “It’s kind of inspiring to see all he’s accomplished and think that us UT students are in the same position he was years ago.” The next event is Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6:30 p.m. in Wolfe Hall room 1205. Ken Sembach, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute, will talk about the James Webb Space Telescope.
The University of Toledo promoted students to ‘take flight’ Feb. 10 at the annual Levis Leadership Conference. (ABOVE) Jeremy Holloway, UT Ph.D. student and motivational speaker, lectures to attendees about the importance that ‘imagination’ holds in leadership. (LEFT) Ken Leslie, founder of 1Matters, shares his personal experiences with students to inspire them to be better leaders and people. (BELOW) Students participate in small groups to brainstorm ways to improve themselves as leaders.
UT Transition program brings education to all By Jessica Harker Opinion Editor
The University of Toledo Transition program is a two- or four-year postsecondary program designed to help people living with physical and cognitive disabilities attend college courses and gain job skills. The program started five years ago and is unique to every student, allowing for individualized class schedules and work experience to help students gain the knowledge
they need to succeed in their chosen fields, according to Patricia Devlin, the founder of the UT program. Danny Napoli, a third-year student studying business in the program, said the people running T² are great to work with. “Gillham Hall is just the best,” Napoli said. “They care so much about their students, they’ll do anything for them.” Napoli said that he has autism and is studying business in T²
with the goal of owning a comic book shop one day. “I just go to classes, I have fun with T²,” Napoli said. “I have teachers who really care about me.” He is the first student in the program to join a fraternity and live on campus, staying in the Pi Kappa Phi house in McComas Village. It was through Pi Kappa Phi that Christian Nopper, a fourth-year disability studies major, met Napoli and the two became friends.
“I am a year older than Danny, and he came in for recruitment in 2015. Ever since then, Danny has just kind of grown with us,” Nopper said. “We have just kind of become really good friends, we have bonded over a lot of things. I’m Batman, he’s Superman; we coincide.” Napoli was also voted as prom king in 2017 through Pi Kappa Phi. He has been a member of the See Disabilities / 4 »