Arts & Life, B1
Sports, B4
Second annual Music Fest on main campus
Dantin takes early lead against QB battle against Owens
Independent Collegian IC The 92nd year Issue 1
Monday, August 22. 2011
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919
Auto services and lofts to come to Dorr Street Casey Cheap IC News Editor
The corner of Secor Rd. and Dorr St. will look different for fall semester 2012, as the groundbreaking for the Dorr Street Gateway Project took place Aug. 10th, 2011. Phase one of this project is a joint venture between the UT Foundation and Fairmont Properties that is expected to bring more foot traffic to the UT campus area of Toledo. “Besides the initial businesses moving into the new development, the UT Foundation is looking at the first phase of construction as an investment because it is a “student centered project,” Matt Schroeder, vice president for real estate development at UT foundation said.” The long-term goal is to have a substantial “college town” feel with area development in the next five or ten years. “This has been five years in the making,”Schroeder said. “We have done significant research through student opinion
and have looked at other universities to see what the project would look like.” “To make this successful, we had to appeal beyond just university students to appeal to tenants. In our opinion, these tenants are the best fit, and they complement each other well,” Schroeder said. The building that will be constructed at the corner of Secor and Dorr Streets will cost about $12 million, and will be 88,500 square feet—spread out over three floors. An 18,000 square foot Barnes and Noble student bookstore will be the anchor for this project. “[The development] will also include Gradkowski’s Sports Grille, Starbucks, Great Clips and a yogurt shop,” Schroeder said. Schroeder said that although there were tenants already leased, there is still available space for other retailers in the 19,000 square foot allotment for retail. Retail outlets will be on the ground floor.
Kevin Sohnly/IC
Community leaders participate in breaking ground for the Dorr-Secor Gateway project on August 10. The project is expected to be open by Fall 2012 and will include a hair salon, several auto service centers, lofts, the UT student bookstore and a sports bar. The upper levels will be reserved for student housing in the form of 48 apartments. “We are trying to create an urban feel [with the lofts],” Schroeder said.
“I want to stress for incoming students that construction is 100 percent under way, the bookstore will open in July 2012, and soon after the retailers will follow. We are already leasing two
and four bedroom unit apartments.” Student Government President Matt Rubin wanted to stress that no tuition money or student general fees went into this project.
“Student Government surveyed students last fall and found a good 30-50 ideas,” Rubin said. “Student ideas included things such as — Dorr, Page A3
Rocky gets female counterpart Smoking zones installed
Courtesy of UT Marketing and Communication Department
UT’s new female mascot Rocksy sports a ponytail and a skirt in contrast to the original mascot Rocky. The name Rocksy was chosen by students and faculty through online voting. She will not be making apperances at football games this year.
By John Gumersell IC Staff Writer
By Casey Cheap IC News Editor
The University of Toledo will welcome a new female mascot to the UT family on Aug. 31 during the second annual Music Fest. The mascot, Rocksy, is a female version of the current mascot Rocky the Rocket, with a ponytail and skirt.. After one month of online voting, 1,779 students and faculty chose the name Rocksy beating out other choices such as Rochelle, Rockelle and Ricki according to the UT Marketing and Communications department. Rocksy will make appearances this fall at community service programs throughout campus; she will not, however, be present at football games this year. This is an attempt to subtly introduce Rocksy to the UT community, according to Student Government President Matt Rubin. Rubin said this will allow students to become acquainted with Rocksy before she appears at sporting events. According to academic
Students wanting to take a smoke between classes will now only have seven locations on campus to do so. The new designated tobacco area policy was implemented on Aug. 1. The previous policy stated students could smoke no closer than 30 feet from the door to any building. The seven designated areas include Dowd, Nash, White and MacKinnon Halls, outside of Stranahan Hall, between Student Union and Carlson Library, between Horton International House and Academic House, between the Crossings and Ottawa House, among McComas Village, Parks Tower and Carter Hall and Nitschke Hall. The smoking zones were based on which areas were safest for students at night. There will be temporary smoking sites set-up prior to the start of athletic and other major events and for an additional three hours after the event,
— Rocksy, Page A3
Nick Kneer/ IC
There are now seven designated smoking areas on UT’s main campus. UT’s Health Science Campus will remain smoke-free. according to the official tobacco policy. “Student Government, Faculty Senate, Student Advisory Board, and the Board of Trustees have all
had input in this, we really tried to market this through UT News, and we held town hall meetings,” said Alcohol Prevention Specialist — Smoking, Page A3
What steps do you take to ensure your safety on campus?
Michael Tye
Junior, pro. sales, marketing
Texting UT Alert and knowing the UT police number.
At night, travel in packs.
Cesily Carter
Sophomore, nursing
Brittany Pullie
Senior, broadcasting
I always walk with a partner.
Have everything ready including keys and rocket card.
Always walk in groups.
Ryan Seibert
Fresh., math highschool ed.
Michekka Forrest Fresh., bio.
Check out our story on two students who were attacked and suggestions to keep yourself safe on and off campus on page A3.