Independent Collegian Fall 2011 Issue 24

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Serving the University of Toledo since 1919 92nd year Issue 24

Interim dean chosen for College of LLSS Memorial service announced for former LLSS dean Alice Skeens By Sura Khuder News Editor

Jamie Barlowe was named the new interim dean for the College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences Tuesday. The professor of women’s and gender studies and English, and previous associate dean for the College of LLSS, was promoted after Alice Skeens, the former dean of the college, died Saturday morning. In an email sent to the UT community, Bill McMillen, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, said Barlowe was appointed to the position due to

her long history of faculty known for its strong liberal leadership, citing her work in arts core.” Faculty Senate, UT’s Strategic The college is in the process of refining Plan and as associate Her leadership style that vision dean of the as they work could best be de- on their straCollege of LLSS. scribed as collaborative. She tegic plan. Barlowe tried to involve as many of B a r l o w e said she said this hopes to en- the college’s constituents as work is a possible in the decisions c o l l a b o r a sure the college mainthat affected the college. tive effort tains its that involves various strong foun- Jamie Barlowe dation and Interim Dean, members of dedication to College of LLSS the College’s community UT’s vision of becoming and will ulti“a thriving student-centered, mately be approved by the community-engaged, compre- College as a whole. hensive research university Barlowe has been a

UT professor for 21 years. She arrived to UT from the University of Chicago where she served as an Andrew Mellon post-doctoral fellow in the Humanities. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and a master’s degree and doctorate from The Ohio State University. She taught in the Department of English for 10 years, and in 1999 she was named the Founding Chair of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. She served as chair for nine years before becoming an associate dean in the new College of LLSS in February 2011. Barlowe’s research and scholarship includes the book


“The Scarlet Mob of Scribblers” (2000) and numerous articles on 19th and 20th century women’s literature, 20th century filmmaking, Ernest Hemingway, Nathaniel

Hawthorne and feminist theory. She is currently completing a book on silent film. She has received multiple honors, including the University Outstanding Teacher Award, Outstanding Faculty Woman Award and a Master Teacher title in the former College of Arts and Sciences. She has served on many college and university committees, such as President of the Faculty Senate, co-chair of the University Prioritization Committee, co-coordinator of the UT Strategic Plan (Directions 2011), Chair of the University Athletics Committee and a founding member of the — LLSS, Page A2

Rarely used railroad may become bike trail to HSC By Jennifer Ison IC Staff Writer

Ryan Clair / IC

The railroad tracks that run through Main Campus and lead to the Health Science Campus will be turned into a bike trail if UT receives outside funds for renovations. UT purchased the tracks for $1.

UT is planning to transform a portion of the mostly inactive railroad track on Main Campus into a bike and pedestrian trail. The university recently bought 4.1 miles of the track leading from Main Campus to the Health Science Campus for $1 from the Toledo Metroparks, according to Matt Schroeder, vice president of Real Estate and Business Development. “Federal dollars were utilized for UT’s purchase in the Rail to Trail project,” Schroeder said. “No student fees, no student dollars, no tuition dollars.” Schroeder said UT will seek funds at the federal and state level and from non-profit foundations to transform the railroad track. According to Schroeder, there is a small chance the project will not be funded, as there are other railroad-totrail projects asking for grant money. He emphasized student money will still not be used if UT does not receive outside funds for the project.

Schroeder estimates the transformation will take three to five years but could not give an estimate on how much the trail would cost. Schroeder said the purchase was part of a plan to extend and enhance the current pedestrian trail from UT’s Main Campus to Wildwood Park. According to Schroeder, the trail would also provide safe and easy access to the Health Science Campus for all students who do not travel by car. He said it would welcome foot traffic, dog walking, bikes, rollerblades, skateboards and anything else already allowed on the trail. According to Student Government President Matt Rubin, the railroad track was only used once a year. Rubin said the purchase was not a direct result of Student Government’s Bike Friendly Initiative, but SG supported the purchase. The Toledo Metroparks recently purchased the entire 11.6 miles of the railroad track from CSX Transportation Corporation for $6.5 million. The trail was divided and sold to four separate entities

including the city of Toledo, the Wood County Port Authority, the Wood County Park District and the University of Toledo. Scott Carpenter, Director of Public Relations for Metroparks of the Toledo Area, said the railway buyers had no immediate ideas to transform their purchases, but had future plans in mind. The Toledo Metroparks paid $1 million for the purchase. The remainder was funded by Congress in the 2005 transportation bill. U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur told the Toledo Blade the purchase was part of the Westside Rail to Trail project which will help transform the Lake Erie shoreline into a tourist destination. Amber Mitchell, a senior majoring in psychology, said she would not use the trails because she is a commuter. “I do think it’s a good thing for people who want to get their exercise in, if UT isn’t funding the trail with tuition and general fees,” she said. Zack Yohman, a junior majoring in communication, said he would use the trail depending upon the weather and how well the trail was maintained.

No food, no drink, not an issue COIL aims to make library more ‘welcoming’ to students By John Gumersell IC Staff Writer

Its is not uncommon to see a student eating pizza or enjoying a frosty beverage while studying at the Carlson Library. This is due to a change in Carlson’s food and drink policy that allows students to consume freely. Benjamin Pryor, vice provost of Learning Ventures and dean of the College of Innovative Learning, said he chose to eliminate Carlson’s food and drink policy since almost all public universities in the country have done the same in their own libraries. Pryor said extensive research was conducted before determining whether or not to discontinue the policy. “Studies show that university libraries that do not permit food are actually messier than

libraries that allow food and snacking,” he said. “This is due to students using the ‘sneak’ factor when eating. It causes them to leave a paper trail rather than throwing it in the trash.” Pryor said “No food” policies in libraries create a hostile atmosphere. “When I stepped in to Carlson [library], I saw ‘NO food’, ‘NO drink’ signage at every turn. ‘No talking’, ‘No this’, ‘No that’ on each floor, with animated characters with zippers over their mouths. If I walked into a library to study and saw those threatening and intimidating signs, I would feel unwelcome,” Pryor said. With the dismissal of the no food or drink policy, there are no set limits on students’ eating or drinking within the library. The plan of food permission, however, is still in development.

Pryor said a “food-safe atmosphere” will be developed in time, meaning designated areas for meals like subs or pizza will be created. Vending machines on the first and second floors of the library may also be included. “The bottom line is, many students need to eat while they study,” Pryor said. “Many faculty members are worried about the absence of the policy, and their worries are valid, as this is a big change for the library, but I trust the students to keep a clean atmosphere.” Pryor said the mess in the library has been maintained since the omission of the no food no drink policy. “Students have reported that they have noticed no more garbage or mess in the library since the policy was terminated, so I am confident that the majority of the students are respectful of their food privi-

leges while in the library,” Pryor said. David Remaklus, Library Administrator and director of Access Services, praised the allowance of food in the library. “When I was a student at UT, I used to sneak in M&M’s during my studies at the library,” Remaklus said. Remaklus plans to have a structured committee to handle the food allowance in the library. He said they hope to elect a student committee to contribute to designing designated areas for eating in the library. “You can’t contain something like snacking in the library. It is something that will take place regardless of its allowance. It is best to allow students to safely enjoy their meals and snacks while they study,” Remaklus said. — Library, Page A2

Nick Kneer/ IC

Komal Kaur, a sophomore majoring in biology, eats pizza as she studies with Amira Gazaly, a junior majoring in pharmacy, at the Carlson Library. Ben Pryor, vice provost of Learning Ventures, said images telling students “NO food” and “NO drink” in the library were “intimidating.”

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