96th year • Issue 13
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
UT vs. BG Xxy Battleyxx of I-75
Inside this week’s xxyy xy issue, The Independent Collegian yxxy y isyxx publishing the rival game edition, xyy / 7 which » includes a recap from Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919
Toledo area veterans honored at the 10th annual UT ceremony
Yik Yak on campus The app is a different way to use social media for students at campuses all around the nation. COMMUNITY / 7»
Students jazz up guitars on Nov. 18 Using only guitars, performing arts students will hold GuitArkestra, a jazz ensemble at UT’s Center for Performing Arts Recital Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 18. NEWS / 3 »
Veterans of all ages were honored at the 10th Annual Veteran’s Day Appreciation Breakfast and Resource Fair hosted by the University of Toledo on Nov. 11 in the Student Union. By Colleen Anderson and Katelyn Montgomery Staff Reporters
Dive into the deep Students travel the country and learn how to dive with the recordbreaking UT scuba club.
NEWS / 3 »
“Once I got to the store, I reminded myself that I only have $15 to spend on food to live for five days.”
Veterans of all ages, from World War II to Afghanistan, were present at the 10th Annual Veteran’s Day Appreciation Breakfast and Resource Fair hosted by the University of Toledo. Interim Provost John Barrett said the event brings in hundreds of veterans from the surrounding area. “It’s just a place that we can all come together on Veteran’s Day,
and thank the veterans, have the veterans here, appreciate our thanks and say to the Toledo community that we really care about these people,” Barrett said. The event, which began at 8:30 a.m. in the Student Union, included a full breakfast and a number of vendors offering different services. Veterans from all different generations were socializing, wearing everything from Marine baseball caps to Army T-shirts; some of the attendees were even in full uniform. About an hour later, the cer-
emony itself started, with Jerry Anderson from Toledo News Now as the master of ceremonies and Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins gave the keynote speech. After the speech, there was a moment of remembrance for the veterans who gave their lives during service. A ceremonial bagpipe played and a solemn bell rang to honor them. Once the event concluded, busing was offered to take veterans to UT’s Veteran’s Plaza. The resource fair itself was See Ceremony / 5 »
Poetry reading held Nov. 7
The University of Toledo Premiere Literary Magazine, The Mill, hosted a poetry reading Nov. 7 in Memorial Field House. Students read their own creative writing pieces at the event and free food and drinks were provided. To learn more about The Mill or submit your own work, email themillmagazine@gmail.com.
the NIU game, a story about former Rockets who were part of the I-75 rivalry and a conversation with the editor-in-chief of BG News about the upcoming game.
UTMC launches travel registry for Ebola and other disease prevention By Ashley Diel Staff Reporter
UT recently launched a travel registry for students, staff and faculty that will be traveling out of the country. Anyone going out of the country is asked to fill out the registry so the university’s health centers can determine if they should undergo a health screening upon their return. The registry was launched in light of the Ebola outbreak, but these precautions will cover more than just Ebola. “We will use the registry on an ongoing basis as a public health initiative to keep our community safe here at the university,” said Heather Lorenz, director of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety. “We want this to be a way that will be able to help us to not only monitor for potential signs of Ebola, but also to help identify any other outbreaks that could occur in the future.” The registry requires people to fill out their domestic contact information, travel dates and locations as well as if they have come into contact with anyone from West Africa. UT has also implemented new procedures at the University of Toledo Medical Center (UTMC) in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in an effort to be prepared for a potential case of Ebola. One of the ways Lorenz said preparations were made is through a drill required of hospitals state-wide. Each Ohio hospital was required to perform a drill in which a theoretical patient with Ebola would come to the hospital. “Here at the UTMC we have See Travel log / 5 »
Don’t let fashion give you a cold Fashion columnist Emily Modrowski gives advice on how to dress stylishly while also bundling up for the cold weather.
“You cannot just close your eyes and get along with different people without knowing about where they come from.”
American Cancer Society challenges students to quit smoking starting Nov. 20 By Joe Heidenescher Associate Community Editor
University of Toledo students are being challenged to take the leap and quit smoking tobacco. Every year on the third Thursday in November, the American Cancer Society sponsors the Great American Smokeout, an event that encourages people to reduce their risk of cancer by quitting smoking. “It’s just really not as big of a leap,” said Stanley Edwards, director of the UT Counseling Center. “I’d say we want to challenge anyone, any student to quit.” According to the American Cancer Society, “Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature
death in the U.S., yet about 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes — a bit under 1 in every 5 adults.” In order to reach UT students and encourage them to quit smoking, the UT Counseling Center and Rocket Wellness will set up information booths on Nov. 20 in the Student Union near the food court. “The purpose of the Great American Smokeout is to raise awareness about tobacco, the ills that it causes, but primarily to have people challenge their notions about using and trying to quit,” said Will Pecsok, associate director and clinical counselor at the UT Counseling Center. The Counseling Center will be
at Student Union from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. providing students with information about quitting smoking and issuing a 72-hour tobacco-free challenge. According to Pecsok the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Program at the Counseling Center provides students with information on quitting, resources available to help quitting and support groups on campus. “We provide one-on-one counseling and supportive services for students. We also work in conjunction with the Student Medical Center who can provide information regarding nicotine therapies that are available,” Pecsok said. Pecsok said the point is to reach out to students one-on-one and talk to them about the health risks and costs of smoking. “The hardest part is connecting with someone when they are ready to quit,” Pecsok said. “As far as substance or any addiction, the key to the thing is strike when the fire is hot, to See Smokeout / 5 »