Nov. 13, 2013

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95th year • Issue 14

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Students to start equestrian group NEWS / 3 »

Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919



Apple Tree day care set to leave campus By Lindsay Mahaney Staff Reporter

Toledo pounds Buffalo The Rockets crushed the Bulls 51-41 Tuesday night to the tune of 323 rushing yards and four touchdowns. SPORTS / 5 »

Canaday Center displays UT’s hidden historical treasures


“I’m sorry; I never went to high school. Unless, of course, you count the time I took the ACT in a normal classroom.”

SAMUEL DERKIN Homeschoolers: We’re not all weird OPINION / 4 »

Apple Tree Day Care, a child care center on the University of Toledo campus, will close at the end of December after being unable to work out an agreement with UT. Staff members and families who use Apple Tree were informed in a letter Nov. 4 that the center’s Board of Trustees was unable to work out an agreement with UT in a manner “that would allow Apple Tree to maintain operational control and retain our authority to make decisions regarding the staffing of the Child Care center and the quality of care provided.” The letter also stated that the center will officially close on Dec. 31, and that UT would instate another highquality day care center after Apple Tree closes. Apple Tree board President Scott Molitor said the day care center’s enrollment suffered due to several factors, including a decrease in enrollment at the university. Molitor said that about 10 years ago, UT provided the day care with over $100,000 annually to subsidize the cost of providing child care to students of the university, but that aid had been withdrawn. Presently, he said Apple Tree is paying about $130,000 annually for utility and maintenance of the facility. Additionally, Molitor said he believes Apple Tree’s enrollment has decreased due See Apple Tree / 3 »


Art exhibition for area high school educators University of Toledo students will be able to connect with the community when they see the work of local high school art teachers in an exhibit starting this Friday.


Meager turnout at first dining services townhall By Amaris Smith Staff Reporter


Nia Kilimanjaro holds her crying daughter Phoenix Hamlett Nov. 13 at Apple Tree Day Care. The on-campus center sent out letters Nov. 4 stating that the current board was unable to work out an agreement with UT, and is set to change managment hands Dec. 31.

Kyle Brown teaches a class of students Nov. 13 inside Apple Tree Day Care.

Zoey (left) recieves a hug from Phoenix Hamlett during class Nov. 13 at Apple Tree Day Care.

Auxiliary service administrators are looking for more student feedback after the first meeting in a series town hall meetings about dining received almost no attendance from students Tuesday. The University of Toledo’s dinning auxiliary service held a meeting at Rocky’s Pub and Grill on Nov. 12. When three of the Independent Collegian’s reporters arrived at the event, nobody else was attendance, so staff members personally invited others to come. Four other students then joined the group. Joy Seifert, director of auxiliary services, said she was saddened by the lack of attendance and said no change can occur if students do not come and state their problems with dining services. “Without students attending these meetings, I am missing parts of the puzzle,” Seifert said. “I want to know what we can do better on because if I don’t know what the problem is, I can’t change it.” Seifert said she’s looking for more input from students at the next meeting Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 10:30 a.m. See Dining / 3 »


Ragin’ Cajun stomps to UT’s campus as distinguished lecturer

By Samantha Rhodes

UT theatre program to perform comedic play ‘Out to Lunch’


News Editor

American political commentator and consultant James Carville will be coming to the University of Toledo as part of a lecture series with educational speakers this year. Carville will be the second speaker in the Jesup Scott Honors College Distinguished Lecture Series on Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in Doermann Theater. Carville, a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, gained national attention for his work as the lead strategist of the successful 1992 presidential campaign of Bill Clinton, an effort that many say lead Clinton to defeat Republican incumbent George H.W. Bush. Carville is also a media personality, appearing on numerous broadcasts and films, such as CNN’s “Crossfire” and “The Situation Room.” He also took a lead role in “The War Room,” a documentary about Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Carville has written various political works, such as “40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation” in 2009 and “It’s the Middle Class, Stupid!” in 2012 with Stan Greenburg. He is married to Republican

political consultant Mary Matalin and has two daughters. Kaitlyn Filzer, president of UT College Democrats and a fourthyear double majoring in political science and global studies, said in an email interview that she believes it’s exciting anytime an Nationally-recognized political commentator and consultant accomplished person comes to James Carville is slated to speak Nov. 18 on UT’s campus. He’s UT, but she is particularly excited the second guest of four to present as part of the Jesup Scott about Carville because of his “in- Honors College Distinguished Lecture Series this year. teresting political experiences.” “James Carville has expressed and read a few of his books. many insights to share with us.” opinions and views similar to “People who have worked in Lynn agreed, saying that an unboth my own and the College politics at the highest level always derstanding of politics is especially Democrats as have interesting important for college students. a whole,” Filzer perspectives on “It is important to have an unIf you go said. “I admire particular issues derstanding of politics especially him for his What: Political commenand how the counfor college age students, who will tator and consultant James innumerable actry should be run,” be the future leaders of this counCarville speaks complishments, Lynn said. try,” Lynn said. “The way to learn Where: Doermann Thebut particularly Filzer believes more about politics is to acquire ter on UT’s campus. his role in Bill it’s good for UT to knowledge from others.” When: Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. Clinton and invite such a promiRegardless of political preferTickets: $25 for general Tony Blair’s nent political figure ence, Filzer believes all students public, $10 for students campaigns, as to speak to students, can benefit in some way from Sponsered by: Jesup well as his focus especially since listening to Carville speak. Scott Honors College Dison topics such tinguished Lecture Series. political figures “No matter what side of the as the economy can sometimes go political aisle you identify with, and health care.” ignored by students. Carville has had a prominent Benjamin Lynn, vice president of “I think that young people can role in American politics and has UT College Democrats and a third- be quite apathetic towards polimany interesting experiences to year history and political science tics sometimes,” Filzer said. “Such discuss,” Filzer said. major, said he agrees fundamena well-known political figure may Warren Reuther, a second-year tally with Carville’s views and has interest more students in political heard some of Carville’s speeches issues, and I’m sure he will have See Ragin’ Cajun / 3 »

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