Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919
95th year • Issue 19
Mozart’s music comes to Toledo COMMUNITY / 7 »
“Crazy how the mind of someone who could be sitting right next to you could be thinking of ways to kill themselves but never speaking about them aloud.”
PARIS BLACK Understand before you judge OPINION / 4 » UNIVERSITY COUNCIL
TOBACCO BAN LIKELY University Council approves campus tobacco ban By Samuel Derkin News Editor
In a nearly unanimous vote, the University of Toledo’s University Council voted in support of a resolution proposing a campuswide tobacco ban. This resolution, which includes all tobacco products except for electronic cigarettes, is now in the hands of President Lloyd Jacobs,
who will decide whether or not to introduce the resolution before the UT Board of Trustees on Feb. 10. “The executive committee of the University Council put the smoking ban discussion on the agenda,” said UTMC Chancellor Jeffrey Gold, a member of the council. “And the reason we did was because we know that it
was something the students and Faculty Senate were both interested in discussing and moving forward with.” The resolution was proposed by Student Government President Emily Kramp during Friday’s University Council meeting, and Gold drafted it for the council to vote on. “There was a whole lot of
Staff Reporter
Joy Seifert, director of auxilliary services, presents plans to renovate Rocky’s Pub and Grill on Jan. 21 alongside Sammy Spann, vice provost for the Center for International Studies and Programs. The tentative plans include changes like a new outdoor patio, two walls of flat screen televisions, an open and spacious layout, an unexposed kitchen area and a parking lot outside with about 72 new parking spaces. Seifert and Spann said they are also considering using an outside vendor to run the new Rocky’s.
By Samantha Rhodes Associate News Editor
Fashion Editor Isis Darks explains three ways to wrap your scarf this winter so you can stay warm but still be whimsical. COMMUNITY / 7 »
On the road again The Rocket’s road woes continued over the weekend with a 78-72 loss at Western Michigan on Saturday. SPORTS / 5 »
New VP to lead several student services
By Destiny Washington
UT planning renovations to Rocky’s Pub and Grill Scandalous Scarves
See Tobacco / 8 »
UT aims for world record while fighting cancer This marks the fourth year the University of Toledo’s Tie One On event will serve as a fundraiser for prostate cancer awareness and outreach. But UT is upping the ante — by also shooting to break a world record. NEWS / 3 »
discussion as to whether or not it would be all tobacco or just smoke tobacco; whether or not e-cigarettes would be part of it,” Gold said. “And the decision was made after a lengthy, lengthy discussion to limit it to all tobacco products, but not include ecigarettes, just because there is no
Extensive renovation plans to Rocky’s Pub and Grill — which included a new patio, a new stage area and an extended parking lot — were announced at a Student Government meeting Tuesday. Director of Auxilliary Services Joy Seifert presented several new plans for Rocky’s Jan. 21, along with Sammy Spann, vice provost for the Center for International Studies and Programs. Spann said the atmosphere was re-thought to mimic the restaurant chain Buffalo Wild Wings. “We want it to be something that students really like, but administrators can come in and have lunch,” Spann said. Seifert and Spann said the renovations are tentatively set for completion in Fall 2014, but they are looking for student opinions and inputs regarding
the details of the renovation. Both said they are set to come back to SG in the coming weeks to get more feedback. According to Spann, the new renovations will include two walls of flat screen televisions, an open and spacious layout, an unexposed kitchen area and a new parking lot outside with about 72 new parking spaces. Adding outdoor seating was also mentioned as a possibility. Seifert and Spann are also considering using an outside vendor for the new Rocky’s cuisine, rather than using the UT-affiliated Armark food vendor. If an outside vendor did rent Rocky’s Pub, Spann said the possibility of using meal swipes with a student rocket card was still negotiable. See Renovation / 8 »
City council approves new housing near campus By Lauren Gilbert Copy Editor
A new four-story housing complex geared toward students at the University of Toledo is set to be constructed on Bancroft Street. The Toledo City Council voted 9-2 on Jan. 14 to approve a zoning change that was required in order for the project to proceed. Councilman Tyrone Riley was one of the two councilmen who voted against allowing the $27 million project. He stated during the meeting that his reservations stemmed from his concerns about the neighborhood and its inhabitants. See Housing / 3 »
This map shows the location of a planned apartment complex just off campus.
Rocket Solution Central (RSC) and several other student services will now be overseen by a newly-hired employee in a newly-created position. Steve Schissler, an Ohio native who recently moved back from San Diego, is now the vice president of STEVE financial aid SCHISSLER and enrollNewly appointed ment services, vice president which oversees of financial aid Rocket Soluand enrollment tion Central, services Admissions Operations and New Student Orientation at the University of Toledo. “I am excited and proud to be joining the enrollment staff at UT,” Schissler said. “Everyone on this team is dedicated to finding ways to help students succeed. While I might be a little nervous because everyone wants to succeed in a new job, I am also confident that my background will help me accomplish our goals.” This position came about shortly after the retirement of Carol Baumgartner, UT’s previous director of financial aid. Schissler said that his responsibilities are broader than his predecessor’s and are meant to ease the workload of Cam Cruickshank, vice provost of enrollment. “The expansion happened in order to reduce the VP of Enrollment’s span of control,” Schissler said. “This allows the VP to focus on getting enrollment where it needs to be.” Schissler said he feels his experience will suit his new position’s needs. “In my previous university positions, making changes was one of my primary responsibilities and one that I enjoyed,” Schissler said. “Higher education is dynamic and always changing; therefore, you must be willing to change to offer the best educational experience possible. My experience has prepared me See Administrator / 3 »