Wednesday, February 11, 2015
96th 95th year • Issue 21 23
BASHCon celebrates 30 years of gaming COMMUNITY / 8 » Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919
Administrators voice thoughts
Search prompts discussion of desired presidential qualities By Trevor Stearns Associate News Editor
Coming into her own Junior guard Ana Capotosto is developing into a prominent player. Capotosto averages 9.1 ppg as a starter this season. SPORTS / 5 »
This is the third of a four-part series, allowing individuals to voice what they want in the next president.
In the past two weeks, we have covered what the students and the faculty would like to see in the new president of the University of Toledo. This week, the administration voiced their opinion.
and pharmaceutical sciences, said engaging with the community is important for the new president to do. “I think one of the things, of course, is to be engaged to the community, engaged and visible,” Early said. “I know that’s a lot in a city of this size with the number of community organizations but they can be managed so that while leading the university, those living ... where we share a common name have contact with our leadership.”
“It’s important to be able to listen to all of the different constituents and their perspectives on some of these complex issues.”
External Focus
Date night dress up Fashion columnist Emily Modrowski and Associate Community Editor Joe Heidenescher have advice on what to wear on Valentine’s Day.
John Barrett, interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, said he thinks the next UT president needs to have an external focus in order to push UT to the next level. “They need to help us create a division for where UT is going to go under the presidency and put a team in place to help get us there and then focus his or her energy on a number of things that are external,” Barrett said. On Barrett’s list of what need to be addressed are opportunities for research and student placement, fundraising and the recruitment of good students and good faculty. He also said he thinks the president should “ultimately be someone who is a dynamic, externallooking president.” Barrett’s condition is that the new president acts with integrity, is transparent and values shared governance. Johnnie Early, dean of the college of pharmacy
CAM CRUICKSHANK Vice president for enrollment management and online education
Early said the same is true internally, and presidents in the past have always handled exposure to the faculty, staff and students well. “That’s also important because every organization has social components that helps move the organization along,” Early said.
Finances Cam Cruickshank, vice president for enrollment management and online education, said state funding has changed funding for higher education, See Administration / 7 »
“But we truly believe this plan will be good for students as well as the university. It will allow those who can’t afford college an opportunity to go as well as a baseline level of education for incoming students.” EDITORIAL Free college in the future OPINION / 4 »
Trustees look at budget A past, present and future budget comparison was the main topic of discussion on the Feb. 10 full Board of Trustees meeting. NEWS / 3 »
UT’s Campbell preaches trust when recruiting Matt Campbell uses his philosophy of trust to determine who will be part of the football team. SPORTS / 5 »
MTV comedian to perform at scholarship fashion show By Alexandria Saba Community Editor
Students will strut down the runway and strike a pose during the 46th-annual Black Student Union Scholarship Fashion Show. The fashion show will take place on Friday, Feb. 13 in the Student Union Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. “One should expect to hear a lot of great and meaningful music as well as see some great clothing ensembles,” said Teddi Covington, a second-year psychology major and director of the BSU Fashion Show. The theme for this year’s show is Black Revolution. According to Covington, the theme captures the fight for and progression of freedom of expression throughout the black community. “The fashion will be inspired by the different black movements that has happened from the 1960s to present,” said Autumn Baker, a second-year communication major and co-director of the fashion show. Covington and Baker agree that the music selected is inspired by the struggle that African-Americans experienced and the adversity they still face. Along with music and fashion, comedian Tanisha Long from MTV’s Girl Code will host the event and perform stand-up comedy. The fashion show will be divided into two parts with an extended intermission.
If you go What: BSU Scholarship Fashion Show. Where: Student Union Auditorium. When: Friday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by: The Black Student Union.
“During intermission, we will announce the scholarship winners and have UT’s own rendition of a Girl Code episode,” said Tiffany Fulford, producer of the fashion show and vice president of BSU. All of the show’s profits will go toward the two BSU scholarships, both worth $1,000. They will be awarded at intermission to one male and one female student of African-American decent. The students selected must be in good academic and judicial standing and an undergrad in the 2015-2016 school year. “We put on the show every year to raise scholarship money for AfricanAmerican students in support of their See Fashion show / 10 »
Ubuntuthemed lunch kicks off Black History Month By Amanda Pitrof News Editor
Hundreds of community members and University of Toledo students and staff gathered Feb. 7 to kick off Black History Month with a soul food luncheon. The event, which took place in the auditorium of UT’s Student Union, featured performances from the UT Gospel Choir, a guest speaker and soul food. Merida Allen, a member of the Black History Month celebration planning committee, said the theme of this year’s celebration is the South African proverb Ubuntu, or “I am because we are.”
“We’re all in this together. What I do, what happens to me, impacts you and I can make a difference in your life.” KAYE PATTEN WALLACE Senior Vice President for Student Affairs
“To me it means that I don’t stand alone in my success and in my challenges,” Allen said. “I am who I am because of my community, because of my ancestors, because of my support system.” She said it reflects American history, and helps students realize and understand that their success was built upon the foundation of someone else who supported them or helped them in one way or another. “It’s something that I personally live my life by. I’m very legacy-driven, and want to make my family proud in the things that I do in life, and I do the things I do always with them in mind to know that I stand on their shoulders,” Allen said. Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Kaye Patten Wallace said she reverses the phrase to “You are because I am” because she has had that kind of support in the past and wants to give that to others. “We’re all in this together,” Patten Wallace said. “What I do, what happens to me, impacts you and I can make a difference in your life.” According to Allen, students should remember, “there’s someone who’s rooting for you. There’s someone who had a hard time before you, whether it’s a friend or a teacher, someone’s there part of your ‘we.’” Guest speaker and UT professor Willie McKether said a way he incorporates the meaning of Ubuntu in his See History event / 3 »