Feb. 12, 2014

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95th year • Issue 22

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Calling Doctor Love

A conversation with Dr. Stanley Edwards about relationships COMMUNITY / 7 » www.IndependentCollegian.com

Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919




Student Government passes Students five pieces of legislation to learn about careers at event

By Joshuah Hampton Staff Reporter

Weekend win The women’s basketball team soundly defeated Kent State last Sunday 83-55. SPORTS / 5 »

Events aim to inspire student leaders Students will have an opportunity to enjoy leadership programming Feb. 17-20. COMMUNITY / 8 »

“I can speak for me, and only me, when I say I don’t know as much about my history as I should. But that doesn’t mean I don’t respect my heritage enough to speak out on how I feel about how the African American race is viewed.”

PARIS BLACK Be proud of your ancestry OPINION / 4 »

Local engineers to be celebrated The 2014 Toledo Area Engineers Week will be held this year from Feb. 17 through Feb. 22 with a variety of local events highlighting engineers in the community and their accomplishments. NEWS / 3 »

Matchmaker, matchmaker Fashion editor Isis Darks talks about how you can pull off a couples wardrobe for Valentines Day. COMMUNITY / 7 »

Safety, food and “swag” were some of the topics of legislation passed in a Student Government meeting Feb.11. One of the resolutions that was passed and sent to administration to be approved was a resolution to improve dining at engineering. Mahbod Pourriahi, a first year bio-engineering major and senator in SG, brought up a resolution which entailed potentially providing better food for the POD and adding another venue for dining. “Engineering is far away from the main campus and a lot of engineers end up resorting to the POD in engineering for food, which is meant for snacks rather than meals, in my opinion,” Pourriahi said. “I, along with other engineers, feel as though it is inappropriate to have a snack for a meal when I am at Engineering, especially since main campus is a 15-minute walk from engineering and that is the closest place to get a legitimate meal.” Another resolution that was passed was brought up by Joey Kubicki, a first-year computer science engineering student and senator of SG. The resolution was to improve the fence between main campus and engineering, which would increase the safety of students. “A lot of UT students commute from O-Town to main campus or walk to main campus from Engineering,” Kubicki said. “The ways to get on to campus from the En-

By Samantha Rhodes Features Editor


Student Government President Emily Kramp leads the meeting Tuesday, where five resolutions were passed. One called improvments to Provisions On Demand, or POD, dining choices.

gineering side or vice versa is to go all the way down Bancroft or enter by the Rec Center. From my own experience I have seen that many kids do not want to walk all the way around, so students walk across that main road which is Douglas road.” During the fall semester of 2013, there was a fence put up on UT main campus to prevent students from jaywalking across the busy street. “There is a steep hill on the edge of main campus which leads to the main road, and when it snows it gets very slippery,” said Kubicki. “There is constant pedestrian traffic around that fence to get onto the campus.

The resolution is just to improve the fence, which will increase the safety of students before somebody gets hurt.” In other news: • Trisha Khambadkone, a firstyear psychology major, presented a resolution for creating SG “swag”. The resolution included buying more giveaway products with SG logo on them to promote their organization. • Another resolution passed during the meeting would improve the street lighting on West Rocket Drive behind BowmanOddy, heading north past the West Ramp Parking Garage and Lot 13.


Updates given to UT trustees By Samuel Derkin News Editor

At the full Board of Trustees’ meeting on Feb. 10, administrators gave progress reports concerning a variety of topics, including accreditation, search committee reports, financial reports, and a progress report on the new student housing building — the Academic Village. • In a report about university accreditation, Provost Scott Scarborough said that of the 12 recent reviews by accreditation committees, 11 brought back favorable reviews. In March, the doctoral program of clinical psychology received a letter from the accrediting body of the American Psychology Association stating that they had found the program’s faculty members “not able to provide high quality clinical education and training to their students due to the current hostile climate in the program.” Scarborough said the APA issued what is called a “show-cause” letter. “This is what I would interpret as a ‘notice of possible probation’” Scarborough said. Scarborough said that the psychology department had been working on fixing the problems presented in the letter and they would be sending in the letter to the APA next week. “We’ve been working for the past six weeks, very hard, to see that letter turned in next week,” Scarborough said. • In clinical affairs, executive vice president for finance and administration David Morlock discussed the progress of a plan to work with Promedica and St. Luke’s Hospital. Morlock said

that by July of 2015, UT will have taken over the full cost of St. Luke’s Family Medicine Clinic, including moving the clinic to UT property. “When I say ‘taking over,’ that means being responsible for running the clinic- we bill and collect the revenues and absorb expenses, those sorts of things,” Morlock said. • Morlock also gave a progress report on the budget meetings. He said the preliminary administrative department meetings will be completed by the middle of this month and the clinical budget meetings will be completed by the middle of March and turned into President Lloyd Jacobs for review in April. • Matt Schroeder, vice president of Real Estate and Business Development, gave an update on the multi-phased project to build new housing units across from Scott and Tucker Halls. The project involves UT partnering with a third-party developer to build what Schroeder called “Academic Village.” Schroeder said that the risk of this building project will rest on the developer and the housing foundation. “This is truly a public-private partnership,” Schroeder said. “I’m not going to be going to David Morlock asking for money; we’re not going to be going to the state of Ohio asking for money — the risk of this project is 100% on the housing foundation.” Schroeder said that the second phase of this building project will be completed by the end of the year with the financing deals closing by April and groundbreaking in May, which will begin phase three.

“I had the image that all marketing people made television commercials and all sales people were just like the bad car salesman you hear about.” This was the impression Julie Taylor, a then thirdyear majoring in accounting, had before she attended the Marketing and Professional Sales Career Discovery Night last September. But after attending the event, Taylor realized “this was not the case” and eventually added a professional sales major to her accounting major. Career Discovery Night, co-hosted by the University of Toledo Marketing and International Business Department and the Ed Schmidt School of Professional Sales, will take place again on Feb. 17 in the Student Union’s Ingman Room from 4 to 6 p.m. “The purpose is to expose students to potential career opportunities in the business world that typically happen in the marketing and sales areas,” said Ellen Pullins, Director of the Schmidt School of Professional Sales and UT professor of marketing and international business. “We have a lot of demand for students in these areas, and many students aren’t familiar with all of the types of opportunities they might pursue, and in some cases, may even hold incorrect stereotypes about careers in these fields.” Twelve business firms will be represented at the event, including Tenneco, TNS Marketing Research, The Andersons and Quicken Loans. According to Pullins, each business person there will be assigned one particular career area to discuss and students will rotate through six areas. Pullins said because the event requires professional interaction between students and business people, it “represents a great place for students to get some networking skill practice in a business setting.” “The tables are interactive, not just listening to a presenter,” Pullins said. “There is also time for open networking with the businesses, student organizations and advisors, as well as student to student, before and after the event.” Though Pullins said the event is targeted toward freshman and sophomore students considering a career in the College of Business and Innovation, she said it could also benefit students See Career Day / 3 »

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