March 26, 2014

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

95th year • Issue 27

In My Skin

Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919


Jacobs to step down in 2015 ADMINISTRATION

By Samuel Derkin and Samantha Rhodes

News Editor and Features Editor

University of Toledo President Lloyd Jacobs announced March 21 that he will step down on June 30, 2015. “My time in Toledo has been among the most personally rewarding years of my life, and

Ola and I are looking forward to many more at UT and in the community,” Jacobs, 72, said in a press release. “I’m excited by a new opportunity to help UT and other universities adapt to the financial and resource pressures that will grow only more challenging over time.” Joseph Zerbey, chair of the UT

David Fluellen is hoping to become the first UT football player drafted by the NFL since 2008.

See Jacobs / 7 »


UT’s Pershing Rifles troop aims high

SPORTS / 5 »

“When you’ve got people who want to work, who want the group to succeed more than the individual, you can be unstoppable.”

DANIELLE GAMBLE Former editor questions life and the future OPINION / 6 »

Faculty senate passes core curriculum resolution Faculty Senate unanimously passed a resolution March 25 asking the administration to change core curriculum courses. NEWS / 3 »

SG proposes changes to help UT student groups Student Government expressed a need to strengthen student organization collaboration by passing several pieces of legislation on March 25 that included the support of a system-wide website consolidation and a student organization leader retreat. NEWS / 3 »


Board of Trustees, said Jacobs’ departure is a “mutually agreed decision between Dr. Jacobs and the board of trustees.” Jacobs’ contract was to run through June 30, 2016, meaning that the president will leave one year before his contract ends.


Chasing dreams

Inside this week’s issue The Independent Collegian is publishing a special edition, “In My Skin,” which includes topics like mental health issues, body issues, sexuality, gender identity or cultural differences. To focus our resources on this important project, we did not include the usual Community section in this week’s paper. INSIDE »

Student Gov’t debate set for March 31 By Amanda Pitrof Associate News Editor


The University of Toledo’s Pershing Rifles troop L-1 performs a drill at NATCON, a national convention at which the John J. Pershing Memorial Drill Competition occurs. The student organization won the title of national champions at the competition in both 2013 and 2014. By Samantha Rhodes Features Editor

Crossed legs, collared shirts and shoes polished to the kind of shine that would make a new car jealous — it was evident in their interview that members of the University of Toledo’s Pershing Rifles troop L-1 take great pride in their organization. Why wouldn’t they? They’re two-time national drill competition champions, fraternity brothers and members of an elite military organization nearly 120 years old. And Michael Gonyea, Jason Trujillo and Logan Mains — leaders of the troop — are confident that those highlights only scratch the surface of what it means to be in the Pershing Rifles. Gonyea, a second-year mechanical engineering technology major who is also The Independent Collegian’s operations manager, serves as the president; Trujillo, a second-year secondary education major, serves as the chaplain; and Mains, a fourthyear history major, serves as the

vice president. “High school prepared me for nothing and I just saw myself doing nothing,” Trujillo said. “I sat down one night and said, ‘I want something better for my life. I want to accomplish something.’ And PR [Pershing Rifles] not only gave me a sense of accomplishment, but it said ‘You have the ability to do so much more than what you’ve been told.’” Founded in 1894, Pershing Rifles is a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) fraternal organization found on college and university campuses across the nation, according to the group’s Facebook site. Together, these units make up the National Society of Pershing Rifles. Brotherhood was a recurring theme during their conversations, and each of them said it was ingrained into them. These ties of brotherhood are so strong that Mains said he “has no doubt” his brothers would remain in his life after graduation. “When I get married, my best man will definitely be one of my

PR brothers for sure,” Mains said. “Maybe even the whole groom’s party…. Four or five years down the road, if I couldn’t get people that I had personally known, I would come back to this university and come to the actives and say, ‘Hey, I have a wedding — does anyone want to be in the grooms party and does anyone want to do a saber guard?’” Performing a saber guard in military weddings is just one way in which Pershing Rifles serves their community. Other services include performing color guards for football games and graduations, working with the Wounded Warrior Project and performing official ceremonies for those in the community who need to respectfully retire an American flag. Every year, the troop looks See Pershing Rifles / 7 »

A debate between the presidential tickets for Student Government will be held March 31 at 6 p.m. in the Student Union’s Trimble Lounge. The Independent Collegian and election board will co-sponsor the debate, where presidential candidates Clayton Notestine and Austin Serna, and their running mates Ali Eltatawy and Derek Martindale, will discuss their platforms and answer studentsubmitted questions. Board Chair Kaitlyn Filzer said she is hoping for a good turnout. “It’s an interesting way to find out more about the people who could be representing you in order to make informed voting decisions,” she said. “It is a major event in the election process.” Serna is a second-year majoring in political science and public administration. Martindale, his running mate, is a second-year majoring in accounting. Notestine is a third-year majoring in political science. His running mate, Ali Eltatawy, is a fourth-year double majoring in biology and chemistry. Representatives of referendums and prospective senators will also be at the debate. Elections will take place April 7 through April 10. Students will be voting not only on SG president but also on SG senators and a referendum that would change the Green Fund from an opt-in fee to an opt-out fee.


UT reports about $84,000 in alcohol sales By Joshuah Hampton Staff Reporter

The University of Toledo has earned about $84,000 this year in alcohol sales at football games, basketball games and Rocky’s Pub and Grill. UT spokesperson Meghan Cunningham said that during the Fall 2013 football season, about $63,084 was earned in home-game alcohol sales, and about $20,000 has been taken in during basketball games in Savage Arena. This fall, the Glass Bowl became the fourth football stadium in the Mid-American Conference to sell alcohol. Fans were able to buy 16-ounce beers in plastic bottles and sealed plastic cups of wine, which were available for purchase two at a time and priced at $6 each. Regardless of age, all customers are required to provide identification. UT’s football-season total exceeded the typical sales at one nearby school, Bowling Green State University, which pulls in between $20,000 and $25,000 annually in revenue from alcohol sales at football games. Joy Seifert, director of Auxiliary Services, said

that although athletic-related alcohol sales were high, the same results were not seen at Rocky’s Pub and Grill, something she attributes to the hours Rocky’s is open. Cunningham said alcohol sales from Rocky’s Pub and Grill, located in the Student Union, totaled about $875. “The good news is that it is well received at our sports events,” Seifert said. “But it is not so well received by the general student body during academic study periods.” According to Seifert, overall alcohol sales came

in under the projected goal. “We would have liked to see around 10 or 15 thousand more than we have totaled right now,” Seifert said. Seifert said all of the money received from alcohol is used for university-related expenses, such as paying Aramark, the university’s food service contractor. See Alcohol sales / 8 »

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