ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday, August 27, 2014
96th year • Issue 2
Survival of the Undead comes to campus / 8 » www.IndependentCollegian.com
Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919 SMOKING BAN
What you need to know about UT’s tobacco ban
We have a new look: Check out the IC’s updated website
By Trevor Stearns
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Staff Reporter
The long controversial tobacco ban around campus was instated recently in an attempt to make the school a healthier place. The tobacco ban, established last spring, also bans chewing tobacco, cigarettes, ecigarettes, cigars, snus and pipes. Many students agree with the ban, including Alexis Blavos, a fourth-year doctoral graduate assistant in the Department of Health and Recreation Professions. Having smoked for ten years before quitting ten years ago, Blavos said the initiative is fantastic.
“Over 1,000 universities across the country have gone tobacco-free in the last few years,” Blavos said. “I’m glad that UT is finally following this trend.” Blavos also mentioned that in her Ph.D. program research, she found studies conducted to show that tobacco-free campuses improve the health and satisfaction of students, faculty, and staff. “It truly is an initiative that promotes the health of all students, faculty, staff and visitors,” Blavos said. “I’m proud to go to a See Ban / 6 »
The tobacco ban established last spring also bans chewing tobacco, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, snus and pipes.
Campus comes back to life
Should you go Greek? The Interfraternity Council will hold recruitment week Sept. 8-12 and the Pan-Hellenic Council will hold sorority recruitment Sept. 3-7. COMMUNITY / 9 »
Want to get involved? Everything you need to know about student groups on campus before deciding to join one.
NEWS / 3 »
“We’re going out on a limb on this one: we trust President Naganathan.”
EDITORIAL Let’s help Naganathan succeed OPINION / 4 »
Rockets draw UT’s Sunday home opener against Cal State Northridge ends in 0-0 tie. SPORTS / 5 »
Essentials for a college wardrobe Fashion columnists Autumn Baker and Teddi Covington give their top three picks for basics to be worn day and night. COMMUNITY / 8 »
Students wait in line at Centennial Mall on Tuesday Aug. 26 to get free T-shirts from dining services. Other services and organizations on campus have also been interacting with students to welcome them back.
UT bike share program to be tested before implementation in spring 2015 By Emily Johnson Staff Reporter
The UT bike share program will be tested by Student Government this semester after three years of planning. The Provost’s Office plans to implement the program spring 2015. After the changing of departments due to budget cuts to the university, the program was shuffled from department to department until it was in control of Douglas Collins, director of grounds and off-site facilities. According to Clayton Notestine, SG president, the total cost for the program is unknown at this time, as the program, dubbed Rocket Wheels, is still in the testing phase. Students will not have to pay a fee to partake in the program. Notestine said SG and other departments will be testing the five bikes this semester, then the Office of the Provost will make their final decision in the spring of 2015. Diana Watts, transit coordinator and director of transit services, said that while research is currently being done for the program, student input is still
greatly desired. “We will still continue our efforts and research more options in the weeks to come and welcome any feedback from the students to help this initiative move forward,” Watts said. According to Notestine, SG has been pushing UT to become more bike-friendly since fall 2010 when they added bike corrals where students could enter with a swipe of their rocket card. In addition, the bike lanes were repainted this summer on Bancroft Street and North Towerview Boulevard. The program reached a standstill in 2013 after major budget cuts were made throughout UT, according to Notestine. However, he said the program has had the continued support of students since its revival. “The support of the students fluctuates from year to year, but it has been steady,” Notestine said. Notestine said the green aspect is what intrigues most students. As the university becomes more green, students’ general fees paid to UT each semester that go toward maintaining buildings, like Carlson Library, will go down.
During January 2014, Joy Seifert, the director of auxiliary services, was working with the university to decide on a company for the bikes. At the time, the university was considering B-Cycle. After more research, the company was determined to be too expensive for the university in the long run. With that in mind, Notestine, started to look at other options. He said that there are three ways UT could establish a bike share program. “The first way is that we could have a very smart bike lock system which See Bike share / 6 »
“We will still continue our efforts and research more options in the weeks to come and welcome any feedback from the students to help the initiative move forward.” DIANA WATTS Transit coordinator and director of transit services