97th year • Issue 3
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
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UT partners with the city to provide internships for students By Morgan Kovacs News Editor
Football kick-off UT football prepares to begin its season with high hopes as starters Kareem Hunt and Terry Swanson take the field. SPORTS / 5 »
Prayers, praise and fellowship Community members gather together to pray for students and staff of UT as the fall semester begins. COMMUNITY / 6 »
“A good test of an institution’s quality is a measure of its pro-activeness in dealing with emergencies. It is hard to say if we were prepared for this situation. Or we were probably just not ready yet for the profit of our investments on enrollment.”
EDITORIAL Can UT handle increased enrollment?
An internship is a valuable asset to a student’s education. The Office of Undergraduate Research and the Office of Experiential Learning and Career Services at the University of Toledo have joined forces to expand their internship programs in the city of Toledo. Their efforts have resulted in the creation of a new program called Toledo Talent Keeps Toledo Great. “It seemed to be a natural place to partner with the Office of Undergraduate Research and expand it then for the city,” said Shelly Drouillard, UT director of experiential learning and career services. Toledo Talent Keeps Toledo Great focuses on students immersing themselves in all aspects of local affairs ranging from government, human resources, arts, finance and more. “Students will be working in city offices and that will enrich their academic experience by actually solving real world problems within the city,” said Thomas Kvale, UT director of undergraduate research. Thomas Whitman, a fourth-year economics student, interned with the city of Toledo’s finance department. Whitman said that seeing the theories he learned in class applied to the real world was an awesome experience.
“Students will be working in city offices and that will enrich their academic experience by actually solving real world problems within the city.” THOMAS KVALE UT director of undergraduate research
“I would highly recommend starting in Toledo,” said Sam Duling, a fourth-year political science and economics major who interned in
the mayor’s office in the summer of 2015. “At the local level, that is where I think really fulfilling work for students is at play. In an national office, there are fewer opportunities.” Kvale said that before Toledo Talent Keeps Toledo Great program was created, students took part in Tol-Interns. Unlike Tol-Interns, students now have the opportunity to intern during each semester as opposed to only the summer. “During the academic year, the internship is mainly for academic credit. During the summer, students can earn stipends as their form of pay,” Kvale said. “Three to four students get those paid internships.” Students should not be discouraged to do an internship without the stipend, however. Both Kvale and Drouillard noted that these internships help students make good connections, network and boost their resumes. In fact, two former interns are now working for the presidential campaigns. The expansion of this program opens the doors for more students. According to Drouillard, both President Sharon Gaber and the city of Toledo fully support this program. They feel passionate about working together to create these opportunities. “Until Gaber came along, the office of undergraduate research was more closely married to the honors college,” Duling said, “Her initiative is to bring that a little bit closer to students who aren’t necessarily honors students.” Drouillard added that it is very near and dear to President Gaber’s heart that this opportunity is open to all students who are in good academic standing. Toledo Talent Keeps Toledo Great also plays the role of a matchmaker. “If students go to the website and don’t see a match for themselves, they can come to us and say ‘I’m interested in such-and-such’ and we will go back to the city and try to find them an internship,” Drouillard said. Both Whitman and Duling agreed that students can really benefit themselves by staying local.
This picture of Lake Erie was taken May 16, 2016 taken by MODIS on NASA’s Terra satellite shows a large amount of sediment and algae in the water.
UT researchers study the effects of algae blooms on the liver By Meg Perry Staff Writer
Researchers from the University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences are studying the effects that algal bloom toxins may have on the human liver. This project hits close to home after the 2014 Toledo water crisis prompted their interest for studying the algal bloom toxin microcystin and the effects it has on individuals with preexisting Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. “Since it is estimated that at least one-third of all adults in the U.S., including those living right here in Northwest Ohio, already have an early form of liver disease called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease,” said David Kennedy, assistant professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, “we wanted to know if this pre existing liver disease increased the susceptibility of livers to damage due to microcystin.” Research began in the spring of 2016 after receiving a $45,000 grant from the David and Helen Boone Foundation and the State of Ohio Sea Grant. “Our goal with the State of Ohio Sea Grant is determining the molecular mechanisms and long term effects of microcystin exposure in setting of pre existing liver disease,” said Steven Haller, assistant professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. “We are also working on laboratory tests to determine microcystin levels in the blood in order to provide a potential diagnostic test for microcystin exposure.” In addition to Kennedy and Haller, senior undergraduate biology student Dalal Mahmoud and secondyear medical student Aaron Tipton take part in the research. Both Tipton and Mahmoud See Algae / 4 »
See Internships / 4 »
Gaber enacts new policy to avoid salary bloating for former administrators returning to faculty
By Jessica Harker
“It wouldn’t be normal for me as a professor to make $300,000 and work in this discipline”
UT falls into service University of Toledo’s Big Event gains a new sister event for the fall semester and includes new opportunites for students to give back.
“As someone who has suffered from anxiety her entire life, this immediately struck me as strange. Talking about anxiety is not the norm; in fact I have spent most of my life actively trying to cover up my anxiety...” JESSICA HARKER How a podcast changed my life OPINION / 3 »
University of Toledo President Sharon Gaber enacted a new policy last week that eliminates salary bloating of administrators who are returning to the faculty level. “I wanted to be thoughtful with what are we doing with people who are administrators when they go back to faculty and make sure we’re sort of deescalating I think … it wouldn’t be normal for me as a professor to make $300,000 and work in this discipline,” Gaber said. Gaber continued to say that the policy is inline with her strategic plan for the university,
“I wanted to be thoughtful with what are we doing with people who are administrators when they go back to faculty and make sure we’re sort of deescalating” SHARON GABER UT President
which includes decreasing administrative costs as one of her five strategic goals. The amount of a salary cut administrators in this position may be facing is to be determined on a case-to-case basis, according to Gaber. She said that the policy only requires that the salary the person made as an administrator is not a factor in determining their salary as they go back to faculty positions. The policy actually states that “Beginning July 1, 2016, the base faculty salary for the return of new administrators (deans level and above) to a faculty appointment must be established at the time of the administrative assignment... The salary previously earned as an administrator is not a factor in determining the new salary.” Gaber said she is subject to this policy, as well as anyone hired under her as presi-
dent. She would go from her presidential salary of $450,000 to a salary of $130,000 if she were to return to faculty. Other administrators under this policy include the new Provost Andrew Hsu who makes $337,500 as provost and would stand to make less than 50%, only $150,000 if he were to return to faculty. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich, the dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Willie McKether, the vice president for diversity, are both restricted under the new policy as well. “I don’t think that the university had really thought about that previously,” Gaber
said. “So I know there are question marks all the time: is it a good policy, is it a bad policy? I do know some good universities that are using it.” Gaber also said that anyone hired before she became president or who has a previously determined contract would not be affected by the policy. Other policy changes Gaber has enacted within the last year that were inline with her desire to reduce administrative costs include creating the division of advancement and merging several of the colleges resulting in the colleges of Arts and Letters, University College and Health and Human services.
“I don’t think that the university had really thought about that previously.” SHARON GABER UT President