Wednesday, October 8, 2014
96th year • Issue 8
Sisko makes noise on Toledo’s tennis courts SPORTS / 3 »
Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919
“They should have warned you.”
EDITORIAL Something stinks OPINION / 4 »
“And now, with a leaky pipe dripping behind the Croutons food service area, we’ve encountered our fourth major issue. It’s time to ask why.”
EDITORIAL Leaky pipes point to bigger problems OPINION / 4 »
Pipe burst causes eatery in Student Union to close By Colleen Anderson Staff Reporter
Operations were shut down twice last week at the Student Union salad bar Croutons due to a leaking pipe over the back room behind the kitchen. Tony Johnson, senior food and beverage director, said water began to leak from the ceiling last Wednesday, Oct. 1, resulting in an early closure. Croutons opened Thursday for operation, but was closed again for all of Friday. A dining employee, who wished to remain unnamed, said they arrived at Croutons and found the back area covered in dirty-looking water. “I showed up at 11 a.m. on Wednesday ... I went to the back to check my schedule, and the back area where the three-compartment sink and all the coolers are was cordoned off,” the employee said. “I guess there was a spill from the ceiling, all over the back area, and it was a black sludge, kind of, like black water...” Johnson said the room affected by the leak contained a freezer, a cooler and a threecompartment sink; no food is prepared there. During cleanup, he said the workers were instructed to avoid the area so the water would not drip on them. The dining employee mentioned that while they were working, it was a signifi-
A pipe burst in Croutons on Wednesday, Oct. 1. Brown-colored water was visible in the back room (left) as the spill leaked through the ceiling tiles (right). After closing twice, Croutons reopened Monday, Oct. 6 once repairs were made.
cant inconvenience. The day after the leak, Johnson said he didn’t know which pipe was leaking, but that the problem had been taken care of. “Honestly, I don’t know where it came from … we had a water leak, we called maintenance, they came over and addressed it, and then we were able to reopen. That’s really all there is to it,” Johnson said Thursday.
The football game will take place Saturday, Oct. 11 at 3:30 p.m.
See Leak / 5 »
UT heads to Iowa State to challenge Big 12 Cyclones
In a Friday interview with Johnson, he said the leak came from a soda and ice machine drain-off pipe. Johnson said the leak stopped Wednesday after maintenance came in but restarted the next day, causing the restaurant to close early. The student employee confirmed that when they went back in to check on the situation,
Annual zombie attack comes to UT’s campus
SPORTS / 3 »
“... I think it’s important to take a moment and consider this: why is it acceptable—perfectly normal, even—for me to whine about an hour-long wait for pizza when there are probably people within a couple blocks of me who can’t even afford a meal?” ASHLEY GEARHEART First World Problems OPINION / 4 »
IN BRIEF A University of Toledo student is facing drug trafficking charges after selling marijuana on campus to an undercover police officer, according The article said Din Abayomi Christon, 19, sold two plastic bags filled with the drug to the undercover cop on Monday according to court documents. “Christon … has been charged with two counts of trafficking in drugs with intent to sell and one count of preparing drugs for trafficking. He is free on bond and will next appear in court on Oct. 17,” according to the article.
CORRECTIONS In last week’s story, “SG wants to remove students from grievance council,” we misspelled Ronald Tallon’s name. Also, we mistakenly referred to the Kappa Delta Sorority as a fraternity of men in the first brief on page A3. We regret these errors.
Zach Rasey works sorting boxed food as a volunteer student worker at the UT Student Food Pantry. The pantry is located in the basement of the Interfaith Center across from Lot 13.
A group of students discuss strategy to defeat zombies at the event from September 2012. This year oUTbreak will take place Oct. 16-24. By Josie Schreiber and Abigail Sullivan Staff Reporters
Prepare yourselves — zombies will plague the University of Toledo campus soon after you return from fall break. The annual Humans vs. Zombies event will take place on Oct. 16 beginning at 8 a.m. and will last until Oct. 24. “Humans vs. Zombies, or oUTbreak as we like to call it, is basically like a giant game of tag on campus,” said Nick McCullough, president of Ad-Hoc and a third-year criminal justice major. McCullough said oUTbreak is put on to give students an opportunity to meet new people, participate in a simulated zombie apocalypse and is a stress reliever to many students on campus. “I have met some of my best friends through this game,” McCullough said. “And it has gotten me involved in other organizations on campus.” McCullough has been involved with the event for the last three years. Chad Barnes, a third-year electrical engineering technology major has also played a role in oUTbreak. “I’ve played it every semester the last two years, and I helped run it in the spring semester,” Barnes said. Maxwell Barnt, a fourthyear majoring in independent studies and criminal justice and Ad-Hoc’s quartermaster, said the humans of the game are required to wear a bright armband, and the zombies are required to wear a bright headband or bandana.
This is so players will be able to indicate whether or not a student is participating, or just walking on campus. The quartermaster is in charge of any equipment throughout the game and during the off season. “The game usually lasts a week, and on the first day, an original zombie, or OZ, is released,” Barnt said. Barnt said the OZ’s job is to tag the human
“I have met some of my best friends through this game, and it has gotten me involved in other organizations on campus.” NICK MCCULLOUGH Ad-Hoc President
two-hand tap style which will result in that human turning into a zombie. The new zombie will then help the OZ tag more humans, thus creating a zombie horde. There will be missions that both teams will participate in with benefits or penalties depending on their outcome. At the end of the week, Barnt said there will be an “extraction.” This will be the remaining human’s “final stand against the zombies.” Barnt has participated in oUTbreak since it began in 2010. Barnt said he started out as just a player, but since then he has either served as a game coordinator or has assisted the current coordinators in making the game possible. “Every game, I tell myself that this is going to be my last game,” Barnt said. “But I don’t find See Humans vs. Zombies / 5 »
UT opens student food pantry Oct. 12 alongside hunger walk By Trevor Stearns Staff Reporter
Shelves filled with boxed and canned food line the inside of the University of Toledo Student Food Pantry as it prepares for its grand opening on Oct. 12. “We were aware that some of our students simply run out of food or meal swipes or things are just not in order for them at any given moment and they could have a hunger need,” said Sabina Serratos, associate director of the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services and head of the food pantry. “Of course this is not in place to take care of their hunger needs in full, but it’s to bridge that gap if they have trouble supporting themselves.” The food pantry, located in the basement of the Interfaith Center across from Lot 13, is available to all UT students as long as they meet both of the requirements that the pantry holds. “The first requirement is you have to be a UT student — undergrad, grad, Health Science Campus, Main Campus — it doesn’t matter, as long as you are a UT student with a UT student ID,” Serratos said. “The other requirement is that they have a genuine need.” When it comes to having a “genuine need,” Serratos said they look at the poverty level for an individual, which is an annual income of about $17,000. Serratos said anyone at or below this income level is considered to have need, meaning they can utilize the pantry. However, income level set aside, Serratos said the pantry trusts students who say they are hungry and will feed them. The pantry is open Monday through Thursday, and their hours can be found See Pantry / 5 »