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Independent Collegian IC The 92nd year Issue 20
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919
‘The band is out on the field’
NIU player suspended after running over Rocket Marching Band members, four injured By IC Staff
Northern Illinois University football players ran onto the football field before Tuesday’s game, injuring four UT
marching band members. According to Andrew Rhodes, UT assistant director of bands, the team was told not to enter the field until the band had exited. It is unclear who gave the
Video frame from ESPN 2
Four members of the Toledo Rocket Marching band were injured after being hit by an NIU player at Tuesday’s game. The game was broadcasted live on ESPN 2.
orders for the football team to come onto the pitch. The incident was caught on tape and an investigation has been launched by UT and the Mid-American Conference counsel, according to UT faculty and administrators. Jamaal Bass, a freshman linebacker for the Huskies, has been suspended for his actions by the Northern Illinois athletic department. Northern Illinois Head Coach Dave Doeren said Bass will not be playing in the team’s next game because the incident was unrepresentative of the program. “I want to publicly apologize to the Rocket Marching Band and to — Band, Page A2
Racist fliers circulated on campus By Jennifer Ison IC Staff Writer
An unidentified individual stood in the Student Union Building passing out fliers with Ku Klux Klan symbols and demands for “No African American student groups if there are no student groups for European Americans,” last week. One of the fliers called for ending racial discrimination, equal financial aid, no Affirmative Action hiring and no racist or racial student groups on campus. The unknown individual handed one of the fliers to members of the Student African American Brotherhood while the group was fundraising in the Student Union last week. The individual then presented SAAB with a flier for a second time on Tuesday. Kaye Patten-Wallace, vice president for the student experience, and Kevin West, senior human resources officer, sent out an email to the UT community addressing the incident yesterday. Patten-Wallace said the Office of Student Affairs is leading an investigation to identify the individual pass-
ing out the fliers. Although the individual has First Amendment freedoms, Patten-Wallace said she would like to “have a conversation” with him about the fliers. According to Patten-Wallace the tone of the fliers conflicted with university
I’m not offended or afraid of someone who is speaking ignorantly. He wasn’t inciting violence, he’s just dumb; he’s misinformed.
Shane Mendez Senior, Broadcast and film
values. Kenneth Harbin, a senior majoring in chemistry, sent an email with one of the flier attached to administrators last week. “I would like to see exactly what kind of action the university is going to take,” Harbin said. “I want them to let us know what they’re doing.”
The email sent by PattenWallace and West defended freedom of speech as an important part of the university, despite the fact it gives a voice to those whose opinions are not popular and differ from the university community’s. “As uncomfortable as it may be to have these kinds of polarizing conversations, they are one of the pillars of our democracy,” the email read. Harbin said he believes the individual was looking for a reaction from SAAB. “Students were talking about how they don’t feel safe [at UT] because it happened a second time,” Harbin said. “Some people were really upset, tweeting and talking about it.” At a SAAB general meeting following the incident, the president of the organization brought the fliers and members discussed it. Shane Mendez, a senior majoring in broadcast and film said, “I’m not offended or afraid of someone who is speaking ignorantly. He wasn’t inciting violence, he’s just dumb; he’s misinformed.”
Photos submitted
Jesse Jackson against Issue 2 The Rev. Jesse Jackson urged bystanders to vote no on Issue 2 on the Student Union Building steps yesterday, saying collective bargaining is the “the American way.” Jackson compared his fight for civil rights in the ‘60s to the fight against Issue 2. After the rally, Jackson spoke in the Ingman Room, discussing Issue 2 further and touching on issues of race and equality. Jackson’s visit was made possible by We Are Ohio, a community-based coalition for the repeal of Senate Bill 5, and UT’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
Number of students studying abroad doubles By Stephanie Spencer For the IC
Increased financial assistance and guidance through the application process has resulted in more students becoming interested in studying abroad, according to Sammy Spann, executive director of the Center for International Studies and Programs. Over 65 students will be involved in the study-abroad program by the end of the fall semester, which is almost twice as much as last fall semester.
One hundred sixty five students participated in the study — abroad program throughout the 2010-2011 academic year. Susan Cuffee, a specialist for international education, said more students are expected to study abroad during the summer when most travel occurs. UT’s program allows students to study in five continents. Spann said many scholarships and travel grants have made the program more affordable for all students,
Spann said. When Spann took over, he spent a lot of time traveling to different universities and observing how their studyabroad programs gained student interest. As a result, he said administrators have been supportive of his new ideas and helpful in trying to put them in place at UT. For example, the Office of Academic Engagement is attempting to start a program to help faculty take students in — Abroad, Page A2
Student organizations created in support of Israel and Palestine By Kaitlyn Miller For the IC
File photo Nick Kneer/ IC
UT Trustee Linda Mansour spoke about Palestine’s bid to the United Nations for statehood recognition last month during a discussion hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has found its way to UT with the recent introduction of two new, student-led organizations. Christians United for Israel and Students for Justice in Palestine were formed this year, independent of one another. Both organizations are passionate about the current conflict and raising awareness across campus by educating students. SJP is a human rights organization made up of students, faculty and members of the Toledo community. SJP President Butheina Hamdah, who is Palestinian, said members believe the United States should stop supporting Israel in the conflict. CUFI is a national organization. According to the president of
UT’s chapter John Sander, CUFI is not associated with any United States political parties, but strongly sides with Israel in relation to the Middle East conflict. Hamdah said SJP also does not take any political stance. “We don’t address a specific political solution to the conflict, we don’t believe in violence; we are committed to non-violent means of activism, and we believe that the Palestinian people should be able to decide their future,” she said. According to Sander, the mission of Toledo’s CUFI chapter is to ensure Israel is heard in any debate that occurs on campus and to inform students what is taking place in the Middle East. “From the Bible, the Jews were granted the area around Jerusalem to settle there… and they have just not been able to live for the past 2,000 years and beyond,
and they have finally been able to on campus. live there,” Sander said. “It is important to be politically SJP Vice President Reem Subei aware at the very least and undersaid the purpose of their organiza- standing international affairs in tion is to inlight of globalization form people It is important to be and growing interabout the connectedness of politically aware at the the world,” she said. conflict and “stop the very least and understandHamdah said she murder of would love to coling international affairs in Palestinian laborate with CUFI light of globalization and for future events on children.” growing inter-connected- campus. “Palestine is also killing Both organizaness of the world. innocent citions held events vilians, but Butheina Hamdah this semester. they are not President, CUFI hosted a being funded Students for Justice in presentation by Irby America,” Palestine ving Roth, a holoshe said. caust survivor at the “Whereas America has a direct Student Union Building last week responsibility to stop the killing and SJP hosted a presentation by Israel is doing because America is Linda Mansour, a UT Trustee, funding Israel.” about Palestine’s bid to the UnitHamdah said it is important to ed Nations for statehood recognihave these kinds of organizations tion last month.