Arts & Life, B1
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UT Group of the week: Trinity Jazz Ensemble
Toledo dismantles Huskies, 71- 41 at Savage Arena
Independent Collegian IC The
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919 92nd year Issue 30
SOPA and PIPA bills Student circulates game day parking petition threaten online freedom Danielle Gamble Copy Chief
By Vincent D. Scebbi Managing Editor
Neil Horani woke up yesterday morning and needed to quickly look at a periodic table of elements on the Internet. He first went to Wikipedia, only to discover the homepage was blacked out. “I was kind of disappointed
because I use Wikipedia to look up facts and information,” Horani, a senior majoring in nursing, said. “It was the first time Wikipedia let me down.” Other frequent users of pages such as Google, Reddit and I Can Has Cheezburger noticed — Censorship, Page A3
performed for almost two years. A proclaimed advocate, she couldn’t let the To Lauren McCafferty, complaints of her residents game day parking should be go unanswered. very simple. “We’re really here to be “If you pay $5 at a basket- helping the residents to ball game but I pay $20,000 make them feel at home in tuition, that parking spot here, because it is their is more mine than yours,” home,” she said. she said. Using her This attiposition as a If you pay $5 at a tude spurred UT Journals the junior basketball game s t u d e n t majoring in but I pay $20,000 in blogger, Mcbiology to tuition, that parking C a f f e r t y take action posted a –— she start- spot is more mine than blog entry ed a petition yours. entitled “The on Change. Parking org, a site Lauren McCafferty Chronicles” that hosts Junior, on Dec. 7. petitions for Biology Shortly afvarious soter, she crecial causes, ated the petition. in December. “I didn’t want to raise my Once affiliated with the fist at the university — I just website, any member can wanted to bring attention to sign the petition asking UT it,” McCafferty said. to “stop reserving parking Initially concerned about for attendees of weekday the waves her posts might athletic events.” have created, McCafferty McCafferty said she first was disappointed about the noticed students were dis- lack of feedback from the content with game day park- administration. ing when she served as a — Petition, Page A3 resident advisor, a job she
Graphic by Nick Kneer/ IC
Parking Lot 10 and Parking Lot 9 are two lots that have reserved parking for attendees of athletic events hosted during the week.
UT professor to host concealed weapon course By IC Staff
Screenshots from and
Wikipedia and Google are two of several websites that protested the SOPA and PIPA yesterday. Wikipedia had a blackout while Google displayed censorship.
Shots will fly as five members of UT’s College Republicans attend a concealed weapons course this weekend. This day-long seminar will begin with a lecture explaining how to legally conceal and carry a firearm. The students will then demonstrate
their shooting abilities with live ammunition at a shooting range. If their aim is accurate, participants who are 21 years old and up will be licensed to carry a concealed firearm in Ohio. This is the second time the College Republicans will have the opportunity to learn about carrying a concealed
firearm. Scott Mazzola, Doug Dettert, Drew Ashcraft, Patrick Richardson and Beth Mellinger will be exercising their right to bear arms Saturday. Mellinger, a senior majoring in communication, was an attendee of the previous course and is looking forward to another chance to shoot. “I had so much fun and
learned so much [at the first course],” Mellinger said in an email. “I think this definitely helped our group feel more unified because we were able to bond over taking full advantage of our rights.” This session will be hosted by Brian Patrick, associate professor of communication
Big Bird and Elmo come Student proposes reconstruction of Student Government to Ritter Planetarium Megan M. Vollmer For The IC
Although Big Bird usually stays grounded on Sesame Street, students may be able to see him flying through Ritter Planetarium. Ritter showcased several renovations with a children’s program called “One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure” to a packed house Saturday. Audiences got the chance to lounge in new seats inside the full dome of the planetarium which recently underwent a $500,000 renovation, including a new Spitz SciDome XD projector. The new projector cost approximately $350,000, according to Alex Mak, associate director of the Ritter Planetarium. He said the remaining cost went to installing new seats and carpets. The cost of the renovation and new projector was funded by UT President Lloyd Jacobs. The projector is one of two used in the entire world. Using 6.5 million pixels, the projector gives the audience a 360 degree view around the entire 40-foot hemisphere of the dome, making them part of the program. Mak said the addition allows for more educational opportunities since anything found on the internet is able to be projected onto the big screen. “Big Bird’s Adventure” teaches the basics of astronomy and Earth. It explains how the characters of “Sesame Street” start to realize that the same sky they see every night is the exact same sky as the one in China. Elmo, Big Bird and Hu Hu Zhu, their friend from China,
use analogies such as the Big and Little Dippers looking like dipping spoons into a pot of soup to simplify the subject. Throughout the program, the characters teach audiences the main constellations in the sky, as well as finding particular stars and planets in our solar system. The show also gives facts at the beginning of the program to engage the audience. Mak came out and introduced the program, asked questions regarding it, and gave fun facts about the renovation and projector. The program was well received, and the children and their families were excited to answer questions and follow along with Mak and the characters of the program. The Ritter Planetarium will be running programs for the UT community. “Big Bird’s Adventure” will play again this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. The next show, “IBEX: Search for the Edge of the Solar System,” will be Friday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. This particular program is also produced by the Adler Planetarium. It follows the creation of NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Scientists are using this to investigate the boundaries of space. “IBEX is a program about the area between where our solar system ends and interstellar space begins,” Mak said. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for children 4 through 12, seniors and UT students and employees. For more information, call Ritter Planetarium at (419)530-2650 or its 24-hour information hotline at (419)530-4037.
— Concealed, Page A3
By Sa’de Ganey IC Staff Writer
other students listen to and discuss Ridenour’s views which he describes as an The tension at Tuesday’s improved organization that Student Government meet- promotes community and ing thickened as a student awareness. discussed his Ridenour idea for rebegan by moving the There is no sense of stating that organization he was not and replac- community at the Uni- a politician, ing it with a versity of Toledo. just a nor“more effecmal student tive” model. who set out Jantzen to form a Ridenour, a Jantzen Ridenour new system senior major- Senior, other than ing in reli- Religious Studies SG. gious studies He said if and an advocate for recon- his idea of a new organizastruction, made an appear- tion were to go through, ance to discuss his oppos- then more students would ing views. — SG, Page A3 SG senators along with
Photos by Diane Woodring/ IC
(top) Jantzen Ridenour, a senior majoring in religious studies, addresses the Student Senate with his ideas for doing away with their current model and recreating the organization at Tuesday’s senate meeting. (right) Students at Tuesday’s meeting listen to Ridenour’s speech.