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Rockets win historic fourth MAC title on MacLeod goal
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ censored
Independent Collegian IC The 92nd year Issue 21
Monday, November 7, 2011
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919
Parking system fixed, warnings issued By Sura Khuder News Editor
UT will begin enforcing parking citations next week. The license plate recognition system implemented at the beginning of the semester is now functioning, according to Joy Gramling, director of auxiliary services. The license plate scanner was not functioning because
the system needed to be built into the software required to run the program The two-part system is composed of a scanning device and online registration system. Gramling said the system experienced technical issues when the two components could not communicate with each other. Due to the malfunction in the software, the license plate system had not been able to scan
New medical simulation center to come to HSC
Artist rendering
The Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center that will be built on the HSC will be the only one of its kind in the nation. By Danielle Gamble Copy Chief
The University of Toledo and ProMedica have partnered to build a new facility that will “help revolutionize health education.” Plans for the “Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center” involve constructing a three-story building to house three different forms of learning, including a progressive anatomy and surgical skills center, an advanced simulation center and a virtual immersive reality center. “There’s nothing else like it in the country to my knowledge,” said Jeff Gold, UT chancellor and executive vice president for biosciences and health affairs. The center will be built next to UT’s Center for Creative Education Building on the Health Science Campus. Ben Stobbe, administrative director and business manager of the IISC, said one of the most important aspects of this concept will be that students from a variety of medical branches will be able to work together before they enter the field. “The goal behind the [IISC] is
“ Nico Covarrubias Soph., anthropology
bringing other people together to do simulation training together so they’re learning what each other’s roles are and they’re starting that communication and it’s built into a scenario,” Stobbe said. Pamela Boyers, senior adviser to the chancellor for the advancement of interprofessional education and executive director for simulation, believes this new center will advance health care and improve patient safety. “We want to be able to serve the region and become a national and global destination,” Boyers said. Gold said UT has signed a memorandum of understanding to be validated by the Ohio Attorney General. This will allow ProMedica to donate up to $18 million dollars to match UT’s contribution to the project, which is composed of a combination of cash and materials. This $36 million deal will not be enough to sustain the project according to Stobbe, but there are plans in place to combat the deficit. This means allowing — Simulation, Page A2
for registered vehicles since the beginning of the semester. The Information Technology staff has been working with parking enforcement to get the ticketing component of the system up for the duration of the semester. They made progress fixing the system last Monday, when the first warnings were issued. Last year between Aug. 2 and Oct. 15, parking enforcement
issued 5,156 permit-related citations, generating approximately $154,465 in revenue. This year, exactly 12,268 students and 4,521 employees purchased parking permits between the months of August and September. In an email, Gramling said UT will not be refunding students for permits they’ve purchased because UT charges for the ability to park on campus.
Some students, however, feel they should receive a refund. “We are paying for a service that is only working for less than half of the semester,” said Mike Bolan, a first-year pharmacy student. Other students thought parking was not as hectic this year and it would not make sense for the university to refund
File photo by Nick Kneer/ IC
— Parking, Page A2
UT will not be issuing refunds for parking fees.
Veteran’s flag stolen for the fourth time By Sura Khuder News Editor
When Richard Crawford bolted an American flag on his front porch last summer, he secured it tightly to prevent thieves from stealing his flag again. This extra effort was not enough for the Korean War veteran, whose flag was stolen for the fourth time in four years. “This was all pure disrespect — it wasn’t just disrespect for me, but for every G.I. that has fallen since The Revolution,” Crawford said. Crawford began flying the American flag in honor of friends who died in combat. “They used to say ‘many gave some, but some gave all,’ and I hang my flag for the ones who gave all,” he said. The 76-year-old is a resident of the Bancroft Hills neighborhood, east of UT’s Main Campus. His flag was stolen on
Oct. 30 and Crawford said the thieves managed to rip the flag from the bolt and post. Crawford said he was so outraged he went to neighbors he suspected stole his flag and threatened to fight. “I may be old, but I know how to fight – I haven’t forgotten my military training,” Crawford said. “You have to take a stand for yourself or things won’t change.” He said although his flags have consistently been stolen, it won’t prevent him from putting up another one in the future. Crawford said he plans on installing security cameras to identify the thief. He said he is short on funds right now, but will press charges if a thief is identified. Crawford said while he understands college students can be “wild,” admitting he partied when he was younger, students in his neighborhood are out of hand.
“I did wild things, but never crossed the line of disrespect to this degree,” he said.
This was all pure disrespect — it wasn’t just disrespect for me, but for every G.I. that has fallen since The Revolution.
Richard Crawford Korean War Veteran
Crawford has lived in his home for more than 40 years and has no desire to move. “These kids come into the neighborhood and they leave and the new ones come in,” Crawford said in a previous interview with the Independent Collegian. “They are temporary [neighborhood residents], we are permanent residents here.”
According to Diana Schreiner, the co-chair of the Bancroft Hills Association and Block Watch, thefts like Crawford’s are common in this neighborhood and she isn’t surprised the theft happened again. “He has a unique flag and these kids want to steal it,” she said. Schreiner said a lot of crimes occur in this neighborhood -- recently, many students’ homes have been broken into and with television sets allegedly stolen. Schreiner said Crawford should look at other options to keeping his flag secure, such as hanging the flag from his second floor window or putting the flag in at night. “It’s right there on the porch and they want it, it’s like they want ‘bump’ signs and ‘no parking’ signs,” Schreiner said. — John Gumersell contributed to this article.
Local organization takes veterans to visit memorials By Stephanie Spencer For the IC
Donald Kubicki used to say, “Before I die, I want to go see the memorials.” At 90 years old, the former corporal of the U.S. Army Air Corps never thought it would happen. Kubicki, however, did make it to the World War II Memorial at Washington D.C., due to Honor Flight Northwest Ohio, a nonprofit organization that flies military veterans to see war memorials. The majority of World War II veterans still alive are ill and don’t have much time left to take the trip, according to Marti Franco, the community outreach director for Honor Flight. She said the organization is trying to make sure they can give the experience to as many World War II veterans as they can before time runs out. “We want to get through all the World War II vets,” Franco said. Since 2007, Honor Flight has flown 859 veterans, with 397
Photo courtesy of Donald Kubicki
World War II veteran Donald Kubicki sits in front of the WWII Memorial. Honor Flight Northwest Ohio takes veterans to war memorials and provides them with full transportation and meals for the day.
flying in 2011, according to Franco. The trip includes full transportation and meals provided throughout the
day. Each veteran is accompanied by a personal guardian from the time they leave the airport to the time they ar-
rive back. Upon their return, veterans are greeted by music — Honor flight, Page A2
How will you vote on Issue 2 during Tuesday’s elections? Why?
I would vote no because my dad is a part of a union. Limiting his rights would affect my family pretty deeply.
I would vote no because I don’t think it benefits Ohio workers.
Franklin Socha Junior, pharmacy
Hannah Blanke Fresh., special ed.
No. Being a future teacher, we are going to have more kids in the classroom.
No. If there is no support, it hurts us all in the end.
Bryan Wood
Senior, communication
Check out our story on the results of Tuesday’s ballot in Thursday’s issue!
I am unsure. I will research it before I go to the polls.
Robert Berry
Sophomore, physics