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Buckley leads Rockets past UNC-Wilmington, 75-73
Relay for Life
Independent Collegian IC The
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Serving the University of Toledo since 1919 92nd year Issue 26
Shafir to sit remainder of season out By Nate Pentecost Assistant Sports Editor
but because she’s a great kid. candidate was injured while She has sacrificed so much to driving to the basket in the be here and was looking for- opening minute of the RockNaama Shafir walked delib- ward to having a tremendous ets game at Indiana last Frierately, making certain she senior year.” day. She tried to return to the did not put too much weight Cullop insists that Shafir game later in the first half but on her right leg as she made will continue to be an impor- was unable to put significant her way across Savage Arena tant part of weight on her to address the media Tuesday the Rockets injured knee. afternoon. I never thought I 2011-12 camUT rallied in It was the opposite of the paign. She the absence of would get injured free-flowing style of play by said since the Shafir to pull like that. You can’t re- out a 69-58 which she electrified crowds injury, Shafir on the same hardwood court has taken on a ally prepare for it. But I win. coaching role, am trying to stay posi“I think our for the last three seasons. players are reWhat was the same, how- i n s t r u c t i n g tive and be there for silient,” Cullop ever, was the infectious smile t e a m m a t e s the team. said. “I was the the Israeli-born point guard from very, very has also become well-known sideline. Naama Shafir “We’re not proud of how for. Point Guard they handled “It’s hard,” Shafir said. “I going to lose UT Rockets leaderthe Indiana never thought I would get in- her game because jured like that. You can’t real- ship,” Cullop ly prepare for it. But I am try- said. “Because she’s still going it happened in the first few ing to stay positive and be to be on the bench and she’s seconds. They reacted in the still going to be a part of a lot way that I expected them to there for the team.” of our practices and games – with great courage. And we Shafir’s optimism might be won the game.” surprising to some, consider- leading from the sideline.” Shafir admits that adapting Shafir was averaging 9.3 ing she learned last weekend to her new position has been points, a team-best 3.5 assists, she will miss the remainder of difficult, though. 2.3 steals and 1.5 rebounds the 2011-2012 season as the “You really want to help and this season before sitting out result of a torn anterior cruyou don’t know how,” Shafir for the first time in 107 games cial ligament in her right knee. said. “You try to talk to them in a loss at Arkansas State on “When it first happened my File photo Nick Kneer / IC but you just want to be the Sunday. heart sank,” said UT head one to do it.” Naama Shafir was injured while driving to the basket in the coach Tricia Cullop. “Not only The MAC Player of the Year — Naama Page A2 opening minute of the Rockets game at Indiana last Friday. because she’s a great player,
New members appointed to Board of Trustees By Stephanie Spencer IC Staff Writer
Ohio Gov. John Kasich appointed John Perez and Gary Thieman to the University of Toledo Board of Trustees last month. Perez will work with the Finance and Trusteeship, Governance and Audit committees until his term ends in July 2020. “I wanted to make a difference; I wanted to focus on education,” Perez said. Perez said his first goal is to
make adjustments to how the board functions before he can work with his committees. Thieman was the senior vice president of Medical Mutual’s Northwestern Ohio region and will serve until his term ends in July 2017. The two men were nominated by Lucas County Republican Party Chairman Jon Stainbrook. “We worked very closely with the governor’s office to ensure that both John Perez and Gary Thieman were appointed because both are
highly qualified and have strong ties with the local community,” Stainbrook said in a statement. Thieman, a UT graduate, served as a chairman of the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce as well as chairman of the Compass Corporation for Recovery Services, from 2005 to 2007. Perez was born and raised in a migrant worker family in Texas and started working Thieman
— BOT Page A2
BOT pushes for University Senate By Jennifer Ison IC Staff Writer
A University Senate that will include students and faculty who discuss issues concerning the university community may be established next year. The University of Toledo Board of Trustees is pushing for the joint senate which would merge Faculty Senate and Student Senate into one. Student Government President Matt Rubin said the Student Senate addresses community and student issues while the Faculty Senate addresses issues involving curriculum. A University Senate would have the authority to discuss all of these separate groups’ responsibilities together and present their findings to the BOT. Rubin said some faculty members have been opposed to the idea, while members of the Student Senate are in favor of it. “One of the faculty senators was opposed to having students sit on this university committee,” Rubin said. “He said that faculty are the ones that are there permanently and students come and go. He said they should be able to speak up, but they shouldn’t vote.” The BOT created a Best Practices Sub Committee, made up of members from Student Senate and Faculty Senate along with UT administrators, to make decisions regarding a university senate. Faculty Senate and the Student Senate will still exist separate of the University Senate. The board charged the committee with proposing recommendations for a University — Senate, Page A2
Raising awareness about AIDS UT offers free HIV testing for World AIDS day By Allison Seney IC Staff Writer
Crowning the Big Man
Photo courtesy of Matt Rubin
Zach Herge, a sophomore and member of Phi Kappa Psi, was crowned the “Big Man on Campus” during last night’s competition. The winner is chosen based on their UT spirit, talent and other categories, according to Student Government President Matt Rubin.
The month of December opens with World Aids Day, an international day to educate about the transmission, prevention and prevalence of HIV and AIDS. To raise awareness, the second-annual AIDS gala will take place today in the Student Union Building and the AIDS walk will occur at the track in the Student Recreation Building Saturday. “We want people to understand that there are 34 million people around the world living with HIV/ AIDS and that these are people who have a voice,” said Fatima Roohi Pervaiz, the MLS program coordinator for the Office of Multicultural Student Success. “We want to make sure that their voices are heard. They did not choose to be infected, yet it’s something they have to live with everyday,” The African Peoples Association will host an AIDS gala featuring poetry reading, vocal performances, Greek stepping and other student performers. Confidential HIV testing will be provided by the AIDS Resource Center of Ohio free of charge. The Office of Multicultural Student Success and LGBTQA Initiatives will play the movie “Life Support,” starring Queen Latifah, which highlights the effects of — AIDS Walk, Page A2
Shaded map of Africa showing percent of people living with AIDS, by country, and chart showing African countries with the highest AIDS rate. Chicago Tribune 2011.