Independent Collegian Spring 2012 Issue 26

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Rockets drop a close one at NIU 65-61

Pure Party X-cellence

Independent Collegian IC The 92nd year Issue 36

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Serving the University of Toledo since 1919

Meal plan changes proposed for 2012-13 By Randiah Green Editor-in-Chief

Students may have a Moe’s Southwest Grill and a Chick-fil-A added to their on-campus dining options in addition to a decrease in dining hall hours for the 2012-13 academic year. These proposed

Student Government tickets announced

changes are a part of Auxiliary Service’s plans to adjust meal plan options for the upcoming school year. New dining hall hours Students may notice some of these changes N

— Food, Page A2









Ryan Clair / IC

One of the proposed changes includes the introduction of “Residential Dollars” which students can use to swipe a guest into the dining halls.

UT staff attend religious leadership seminar By Danielle Gamble News Editor

A faculty member questioned the use of university funds for a religious leadership seminar in a recent newsletter by the UT chapter of the American Association of University Professors union. Linda Rouillard, associate professor of French and member of the UTAAUP executive board, wrote an article questioning the use of university funds that sent 15 administrators and staff members to the Global Leadership Summit over the past two years. This seminar is sponsored by Willow Creek Associations, a Christian non-profit organization that seeks to empower churches. “We’re all free to pursue our religious beliefs and values, but I don’t believe it’s the place of the university to pay for employees to do that,” Rouillard said. “There is still the issue that either these people were on university time when they did this, or they were on their personal time and the university paid for it.” President Lloyd Jacobs said while this particular conference was “not the perfect choice,” the time administrators spent at the seminar counted as staff development. “I believe that was a reasonable expenditure for high-quality leadership training, and that’s a perfectly legitimate use of university resources,” Jacobs said.

Rouillard said she found Purchase card statements with charges for the leadership summit by serving the university with a public records request. She then asked for follow-up documentation showing the registration receipts for university employees. Disbursement forms show the UT Foundation reimbursed the P-card usage for the office of Chuck Lehnert, vice president of administration, for the 2011 seminar hosted by WCA. Lehnert denied knowledge of any seminars hosted by Willow Creek. Rouillard said though the university reimbursed the P-card charges, there is still a matter of using university funds to attend a religious seminar. “It’s still UT money and this is not an appropriate use for that money,” she said. “This is not to say that I don’t think anybody from this campus should be participating in these things, but I don’t think they should be participating in them on the university’s time and on the university’s dime.” Jacobs said he was unaware of the seminar’s religious affiliation until about a week ago. “It’s certainly not a matter of using university resources to support any particular religion or persuasion. What we really want to do is live out our commitment of diversity, and I think we work really hard at that, but this — AAUP, Page A2



By Vincent D. Scebbi Managing Editor

Five pairs officially declared their intention to run in next month’s Student Government President/Vice President election yesterday. The following are the pairs

who turned in their election packets yesterday: • Maxwell Gold, a senior majoring in philosophy/Kenneth Harbin, a senior majoring in chemistry. • Tate Stricklin, a junior majoring in computer science engineering technology/Victoria

Delly, a junior majoring in political science. • Nancy Ngo, a junior majoring in social work/Patrick Richardson, a junior majoring in marketing. • Heather Engle, a senior majoring in political science/ Brent Teall, a senior majoring in

Swimming, and fishing advisory signs removed from Ottawa River By Vincent D. Scebbi Managing Editor

For over 20 years, the gold and blue signs forbidding activities such as swimming and the consumption of fish stood at the edge of the Ottawa River. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Department of Health and the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department gathered at UT to remove the signs yesterday, lifting the fish consumption advisory with the exception of carp in this section of the river. Director of the Ohio EPA Scott Nally said the advisory, which first went into effect in 1991, came as a result of decades of manufacturing activity and improper disposal of toxins like PCBs, nutrients like phosphorous, E. coli and heavy metals like mercury and lead. Patrick Lawrence, professor and chair of the Department of Geography and Planning and chair of the UT President’s Commission on the River, said toxins in the water were absorbed by the fish and retained in their tissue. Due to a variety of projects and the cleaning and remediation of two downstream landfill sites in the mid-1990s, wildlife and the environment’s exposure to the toxins has decreased. “The Ottawa River that flows through the University of Toledo Main Campus is an important part of our university and we are pleased to see the health of the river improve and the advisories lifted,”

adolescent young adult education. • Paulette Bongratz, a senior majoring in international business and marketing/Christopher Dykyj, a junior majoring in athletic training. Polls will open April 2 and — Candidates, Page A2

SG cabinet member improves campus accessibility By Megan Vollmer IC Staff Writer

Vincent D. Scebbi / IC

Cherie Blair, Maumee RAP coordinator, and Johan Gottgens, professor of ecology at UT, remove the fishing advisory sign. Lawrence said in a statement. “The university is committed to enhancing the waterway and retaining the valuable natural resource for future generations.” Nally said some of the projects that received grants from the Ohio EPA included rain gardens, grass buffer strips, filter strips in the river and habitat restoration. “This is a major success story for safe, clean water in Lucas County, but more importantly it has provided better health and well-being for Lucas County and its residents,” said Health Commissioner of the county health department David Grossman in the press release. “This endeavor has taken over a decade to be celebrated and could not have happened if not for the work and commitment of

numerous individuals and groups. However, in Lucas County there is much more work to be done on improving water quality.” Lawrence said not all sections of the Ottawa River have been unbanned. He said the section between Lake Erie and Jermain Park are under advisory not to eat any species of fish. From there to Main Street in Sylvania, which includes UT, the advisory has been lifted with the exception of carp. The remainder of the river, which runs west into Fulton County, has no restrictions. Lawrence said the advisory lift, although unrelated to plans unveiled last month to restore habitat in the river, should improve aquatic life.

Some people are born problem-solvers, but Ernie Brancheau learned this skill through his personal struggles. Brancheau, a member of the Student Government cabinet, is paraplegic due to the dengenration of his cervical intervertebral discs. He also has hydrocephalus, where a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid causes the brain to swell and press against the skull, damaging brain tissue. Brancheau said he is medically considered “terminally ill,” but this has not stopped him from pursuing his goals. “The initial reason why I rolled onto campus is so I can learn sign language, so when I come into contact with ASLonly community I can better be a voice for them,” Brancheau said. “In doing so, I have encountered some issues and I’ve been asked to serve in a bigger capacity.” Brancheau has been working with different departments around campus to improve conditions for UT students. “I am doing it because I want the community to come together and be engaged with each other and their surroundings,” Brancheau said. Jordan Maddocks, vice president of Student Government, said Brancheau noticed — Ernie, Page A2

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