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Winter 2011





GLEN’S IN TUNE WITH GOD LEGENDARY singer Glen Campbell has Alzheimer’s, but despite this debilitating condition he has just completed his ‘Goodbye Tour’ in the UK. He’s played with some of the biggest names in music – but Glen says his ultimate goal is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ Full story on page 7

Bravery of shark attack victim Bethany BETHANY HAMILTON was just 13 when her right arm was severed in an horrific shark attack in Hawaii. Despite losing her arm the up-and-coming teenage surf star was back in the water in less than a month.

She went on to became a professional surfer winning a host of titles and awards. A committed Christian her story has been made into a film and now Bethany is an inspirational to millions around the world. Read Bethany’s amazing story on page 15





‘ kind to one another, tender hearted...’ Ephesians 4:32 NKJV

THE SECRET to closeness in marriage is not sparkling conversation or shared interests or incredible sex. As good as those are, the secret is practising plain, old-fashioned thoughtfulness and kindness. It’s the stuff we learn when we’re young and forget when we’re too busy: things like respect, sensitivity, attentiveness and caring. If your marriage needs a tune-up, start doing these four things. First, practise ‘hug therapy’. When you’re at odds with each other, remember this: ‘Hearts may agree though heads differ’. A hug works wonders. When we touch one another in caring ways our bodies actually produce chemicals that calm us emotionally and help us to bond physically. God designed us that way. Second, don’t forget the small stuff. When you routinely build little kindnesses into your marriage they become a source of strength later; it’s like money in the bank you can draw on. So think ‘personal’ and ‘sweet’, like helping to clean up after dinner, making the bed, walking the dog or putting out the bins. Third, mind your manners. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean common courtesy should go by the wayside. The Bible says, ‘Be kind to one another, tender hearted.’ That means listening without interrupting, and practising the basics like saying ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’. This stuff’s not rocket science, but it works! Finally, compliment each other. Your marriage partner is not a mind reader. Whenever you think something nice about them, tell them! We live in a cold, competitive world; hearing that we’re loved, smart, attractive and fun from someone whose opinion we really value means everything.

This article is reproduced from UCB’s ‘Word for Today’ which is available online at Page 2


Winter 2011

Rosemary keeps in shape with God ROSEMARY CONLEY is one of the best-known names in the world of slimming and fitness – and she puts her success down to her Christian faith and God’s guidance. Her journey of faith began 25 years ago at a low point in her life. She had been diagnosed with gall stones, her job had come to an end and the relationship with the new man in her life had broken down. While in hospital Rosemary saw an advertisement for a Christian book called The Power of Living about celebrities who experienced life-changing encounters with God.

Fitness and health guru puts her success down to divine guidance discovered the benefits of her now famous Hip & Thigh Diet. Having been diagnosed with gall stones she was given the option of either surgery or eating less fat.


She chose the change in her diet, and was amazed at how quickly her body shape totally changed making her look and feel the best she had ever felt in her life. Having created a special low fat diet for herself, then her extensive research of its effect, combined with the right exercise, has meant that Rosemary’s diet plan has given new hope to millions.

“There were no blinding flashes of light or cracks of thunder or puffs of smoke when I asked Jesus into my life, but I know that as soon as I had prayed, kneeling at the side of my bed, something very dramatic had happened.

Her book, The Complete Hip & Thigh Diet became an international best-seller in 1988, and remained on the top selling list for more than nine years, selling in excess of two million copies. Subsequent books and videos have all been instant best-sellers.

“When I woke the next morning I knew that my sins had been forgiven, and I was reborn and ready to live a new life. I had no idea my life would change so dramatically in the years that followed.”

Her company is now a household name with 165 franchises running almost 2,000 diet and fitness classes every week in the UK. Her company twice won the British Franchise Association’s Franchisor of the Year as well as other awards for business acumen.

She sent away for it, and it changed her life, she says. “I knelt at the side of my bed after I left hospital and asked God into my life, my body and soul,” she recalls.

It was purely by accident that Rosemary

She firmly believes her conversion was

Rosemary Conley’s favourite Bible verse “Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail.”

1 Corinthians 13 verses 4-7

responsible for the success that followed: “When I gave my life to the Lord it was like having a new chairman of the board making the decisions, someone who had your best interests at heart. “My faith has given me the patience and ability to cope with the challenges and opportunities and the courage to cope when things don’t go well.

BLESSING “Whilst I have enjoyed great success with my books, videos, diet and fitness clubs and magazine, none of it could have been achieved without the blessing of the Lord. “He gave me the energy, the ideas, the opportunities, and the humility to realise that what I had achieved was God’s own gift.” She said that since she became a Christian she had felt the most unbelievable amount of love towards her husband, her daughter and towards her fellow human beings. “I know that this is God`s love reaching through me to touch others. We cannot survive in this world without love and the feeling that we are loved. “Every day I try to remember to tell the Lord, as well as my husband, that I love Him. Love is something that we should never take for granted, but to know that the Lord Jesus loves us more than we could ever love Him, should be one of the greatest comforts we will ever experience. “It is His love at work through us, that enables me to face each day determined to help others in whatever way He shows.”

20,000 sign up to ‘I’m Not Ashamed’ campaign LORD CAREY, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has written a special leaflet entitled ‘I’m Not Ashamed’ as part of the new campaign of the same name aimed at restoring the position of Christianity in society. The campaign, which has been organised by pressure group Christian Concern, has already received the backing of more than 20,000 people who have signed up

to its Declaration of Christian Hope for Our Nation.

Christ and that have so shaped our nation, for the good of all.

The declaration reads: “We believe that Jesus Christ is good news for our nation. He is the only true hope and solid foundation for our society.”

In the I’m Not Ashamed leaflet, Lord Carey highlights the great benefit that the Christian faith has brought to the nation over many years as well as the current challenges to that heritage. He urges readers to consider whether as a nation and as individuals we really want to turn our back on Jesus Christ.

We call on government, employers and other leaders in our country to protect the freedom of Christians to participate in public life without compromising biblical teaching and to promote in our society the values that are revealed through Jesus

Lord Carey said: “My cross is something I wear with pride; I’m not

ashamed of it. But in our country and many other parts of the western world Christians are under attack, they’re silenced at work, and this is an opportunity for all Christians in Britain to be proud of the cross once again, not to be ashamed of it, because the Christian faith has done so much good to our society. “We see it in our laws, we see it in our history, we see it in the many hospitals and schools of our land and throughout the world.” Visit

Natalie Cole, daughter of the late, great, Nat King Cole talks about her grief and struggles after his death and how she has found...

Faith in her heavenly Father NATALIE COLE, daughter of the great Nat King Cole, has become a legend in her own right with close to three decades in the music industry.

In 2009 Natalie Cole was on dialysis, her kidneys failing. Without a kidney transplant, her future was uncertain. Throughout Natalie’s illness one of her biggest supporters was her beloved sister Cooke. But then Cooke herself became ill, with cancer. Astonishingly, as Cooke lay dying in a hospital, Natalie received a call that a kidney was available, but the surgery had to be performed immediately. Natalie couldn’t leave her sister’s side—but neither could she refuse the kidney that would save her own life.

Her credits include 27 albums, multiple Grammy awards, and even a highly acclaimed acting career. But the good times were often soiled by years of drugs, physical abuse, and failed marriages. Through the power of friends, family, and her faith, she has become a true survivor, and much like her father, she is ‘unforgettable’ too. Natalie said: “There’s inevitably something missing when you grow up in this kind of an environment when your parents travel a lot. When your father is famous, you are looked at and expected of. There are standards you need to meet. You are probably stuffing and suppressing things about yourself that you probably would not be afraid or told not to show.” When Natalie was only 14 years old, her fairy-tale life was turned upside-down. The man whom she adored and cherished had died of lung cancer. Natalie said: “The devastation that he died, the fact that I wasn’t there when he died, the fact that I did see him before he died and I was still recovering from that, the way he looked, how sick he was - it was a combination of things. “I was trying to make sense out of it, and it just came crashing down on all of us. I don’t think that the impact was greater on me than anyone else. I just think that I dealt with it differently and I acted out more than anyone else in the family.”

This is a story of sisters, Natalie and Cooke, but also of the sisters who made the transplant possible, Patty and Jessica. It was Jessica’s death that gave new life to Natalie, even as Natalie experienced the devastating loss of Cooke. Patty, too, suffered her own terrible loss, but when she met Natalie, she found that her sister’s spirit still lived.Through the gift of life, Natalie and Patty became sisters in spirit.

In her grief Natalie turned to drugs – including cocaine and heroin – and toxic relationships. “I don’t think that my family even imagined that I would be exposed to drugs. In those days, for some reason, it was not talked about. You know so many things in the way that you were raised that were just not discussed, so you kind of fend for yourself.

NO FEAR “I don’t think I wanted to die. I had no fear, and I think that is one of the insanities of being on drugs, that you really aren’t afraid of anything. Like her father and mother, Natalie had the gift of song, but just as she was making a name for herself in the music industry, she was also gaining a reputation that threatened to destroy her. She became known for her erratic behaviour and drug binges. And worse yet, Natalie’s star was beginning to fall as quickly as it was rising.

easy when you put your faith and your trust and your destiny into the hands of God. You have to go on faith, but I have learned over the years to turn my life over to God.” Natalie has come to grips with the death of her father and has experienced first hand the unconditional love of her Heavenly Father. When she talks about her life today, she’ll tell you how God has restored all that was lost – her health, her career, and even her new love.

Natalie has recorded the events in Love Brought Me Back: a story of loss and recovery, sorrow and joy, success and despair – and, finally, success again.

Natalie added: “I had finally managed to get myself into a place where I was actually content for Jesus to just be the man in my life.

“God surrounded me with people of faith, people of strong faith, people of power, spiritual power, and I saw little miracles happen in their lives,” said Natalie.

I didn’t need anything else. I didn’t need anybody else. A man would come in and that was just not me. I was just in a state of desperation for many years. I really wanted a man in my life so badly it was pathetic.

“By it happening in their lives, I started believing it could happen to me. I’m a little like Thomas: I doubt. I know that the Lord is good, but I have been a doubter of His goodness for me. “God was going to be to me the father that I never had, the father that I didn’t have enough of, enough time with. God was saying, ‘I can do that for you if you let Me.’ And that’s what He’s been to me. “I had to learn to trust that as a father He would be there for me, that He disciplines me, that He encourages me, that He tests me, that He challenges me, that He believes in me, and that He has great things for me. All I have to do is trust and follow. “It’s taken me from that time until this time in my life to see that He

has done exactly what He has promised. By the time I got to the point that I was able to really release myself from the drug use, that was a strength that I could really say cemented. “Now there were other weaknesses I had to work on. That was the one that could always get me. And once I had conquered that one, I started to really believe ‘Gosh, I just might be able to make it.’ I have not always been faithful. I have not always been good, certainly not worthy, but the wonderful thing about the Lord is that He knows your heart.”

STRENGTH It’s been many years since Natalie gave up drugs and turned her life around. She owes her strength to her friends, her family, and, most of all, to Jesus Christ. “I’m much more in a surrendering mode now than I’ve ever been, but it was a challenge. I think for the most hardheaded people, it’s not

PATHETIC “It was pathetic because it took so much of my time and it took so much out of me. I realized that every time I did that I would give myself away. “I was not keeping the most important part. And the most important part was what God wanted to use of me. “I had found myself in a place were I was giving my best to the man who deserved it – and that was Jesus in my life. Her final words of advice for others who face adversity: “Never stop working on your relationship with the Lord. It is an awesome experience. He is there in our lives.”

“God was going to be to me the father I never had...” THE SON

Winter 2011 Page 3


+ Christian news from home and abroad +


Comedian Jo Brand looks forward to Christmas services

THE true message of Christmas is a political one, an academic has said. Dr Stephen Holmes, a lecturer in theology at St Andrew’s University, claimed that Mary and Joseph should be seen as asylum seekers fleeing oppression who lacked decent healthcare as Jesus was born.

COMIC Jo Brand is looking forward to the nativity scenes and reliving the experience of her childhood at a church service this Christmas.

And he claimed that for many years the Christian festival was celebrated in Britain with ‘anarchic reversals’ of authority as Hallowe’en is now.

The British comedian will be joining the 2.5 million people expected to take part in a Church of England Christmas service this year.

But it became sentimentalised by the Victorians, who wanted to shut the door on the outside world at Christmas and enjoy domesticity with families, the Daily Telegraph reports.

She’s backing a new website launched by the Church of England to help people find their nearest seasonal service. Details of Christmas, crib, nativity, Christingle and carol services posted by many of the Church of England’s 16,000 places of worship are just a click away at

GOOD BLOKE “As usual, I am looking forward to Christmas this year and going to a church service,” said Jo.


holly are a great attraction for families at Christmas time, particularly for me, because they remind me of my childhood in a small Kent village when it always seemed to be snowing at Christmas.”

“I’m not really a churchy person although I do think Jesus was a good bloke.

People looking for some festive cheer can find the times and places of nearby Christmas and carol services by entering their postcode on the ChurchNearYou website.

“The singing of carols and Christmas churches decorated with nativity scenes and

“I think many people in this country who are not regular churchgoers do manage to get

along to a traditional Christmas service,” said Jo.

CONSUMERISM “It marks a time of year when we should be thinking particularly about people for whom Christmas is a grim or sad time and how it’s not all about presents and consumerism.” The Church of England will launch a similar website in 2012 to promote special services to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

It’s official – attending church is good for your health PEOPLE who go to church are more likely to have a positive outlook on life and a lower risk of having depression, a new study has found. Those who attend religious services regularly are 56 per cent more likely to have an optimistic view of life and 27 per cent less likely to have depression than those who don’t, a study by an American University suggests. Published in the current issue of the Journal of Religion and Health, the Women’s Health Initiative observational study is based on a survey of 92,539 post-menopausal women from diverse backgrounds and over the age of 50.

The group was chosen as women generally live longer than men, and seniors are a growing group. “We looked at the religious practices of nearly 100,000 women and – like it or not – found a strong connection between going to church or any other house of worship and a positive outlook on life,” Medical News Today quoted research leader Eliezer Schnall as saying.

PSYCHOLOGICAL “We looked at a number of psychological factors: optimism, depression, cynical hostility, and a number of subcategories and subscales involving social support and social strain,” said Schnall, an associate professor of psychology.

“The link between religious activity and health is most evident in women, specifically older women.” The researchers examined various aspects of support, such as sharing about difficulties with a priest or a pastor, someone driving a participant to a doctor and positive interaction. They also looked at possible negative aspects that could cause a social strain – a relatively new inquiry in the field. For example, close association with a religious group can also dissuade an individual from interacting with people with a different belief. “We did not find that those who

attend religious services were characterised by additional social strain,” Schnall said. “However, the person who says ‘I guess if I go to services, that will make me more optimistic’ while a possibility, that may not be true,” Schnall cautioned, Christian Today reported.

OPTIMISTIC “There is a correlation, but that does not mean there is causality. One could argue people who are more optimistic may be drawn to religious services.” The study was funded by the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, the National Institutes of Health, and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

King James Bible for every school in England EVERY state school in England is to receive a new copy of the King James Bible from the government. The move by education secretary Michael Gove is to mark the 400th anniversary of its translation. In a move intended to help every pupil access Britain’s cultural heritage, every primary and secondary school will be sent a new copy of the 1611 translation by next Easter. Page 4


Winter 2011

Gove, who is proposing to write a two-line introduction for the Bibles sent to schools, said of the 1611 translation: “It’s a thing of beauty, and it’s also an incredibly important historical artefact. “It has helped shape and define the English language and is one of the keystones of our shared culture. And it is a work that has had international significance.” The Department for Education estimates the

cost of the scheme at £375,000, and is seeking philanthropic sponsorship. A spokesman said: “Understanding the story of its publication and the impact it has had on today’s Englishspeaking society is an important part of the teaching and learning of history and language.” The initiative has been criticised by secular campaigners as a waste of money. The National Secular Society said that schools were already “awash with Bibles”.

Dr Holmes concludes: “The birth of Jesus was a political event, through and through. Our celebration of Christmas should therefore be political also.” Elizabeth Hunter, the director of the religion think-tank Theos which published his paper, added: “Christmas is undoubtedly a time for family and for generosity. But it should also be a moment when we hear and attend to a message of justice and freedom for all. “The gospel writers repeatedly emphasise the political implications of the birth of Jesus, but we fail to hear them through the clamour of jingle bells. “However, in this year above all, in which we have seen the Arab Spring and the Occupy protests, we should turn from a sentimentalised vision of the season and listen carefully to the true political message of the Christmas story.” In his report, Dr Holmes says that the number of political themes in the nativity story is ‘striking’. Mary and Joseph were forced to travel to Bethlehem because of a government census, and have to stay in an unsanitary stable because of overcrowding, ‘so we can add healthcare provision to the list of themes referenced’.

HOMELESS “The family is homeless when Jesus is born; their flight into Egypt turns them into asylum seekers.” He also claimed that Mary was a ‘single teenage mother’. The theologian said that Christmas was ignored for many years in Britain and in some places became a ‘season of misrule’ where officers would swap ranks with soldiers and children would demand gifts from neighbours – ‘a situation not too far removed from the English urban riots of the past summer’. But the revival of carols in the early 19th century, followed by the popularity of Charles Dickens’s story of Scrooge and the idea of personal charity, turned Christmas into a ‘celebration of domesticity’. Now, Dr Holmes writes, ‘we don’t do politics at Christmas’ with even the Prime Minister refraining from sending a message to Christians as the ‘otherwise endless partisan debate shuts down’.

Dream goods and designer clothes in Christmas ad Christian charity has launched its 2011 Christmas ad design and is appealing to churches and individuals to bring the campaign to life across parishes. The free poster re-casts the nativity scene with trendy twenty somethings, designer fashions and luxury gifts proclaiming ‘However you dress it up.... Christmas Starts with Christ’. The campaign aims to address the High Street shopper who has lost sight of the meaning of Christmas in the consumer frenzy. It's the meeting of Christianity and high street consumerism, with Christ in the middle.

“We know from research that only 7% of people aged between 18-24, know the Christmas story.” The Archbishop of York

The wise men are depicted as three successful entrepreneurs with iconic gifts of a Swarovski crystal perfume bottle, a Faberge egg and a replica Damian Hirst skull. But the traditional nativity arrangement is unchanged, with Jesus as its clear focus. Church leaders across the denominations have welcomed the campaign and are urging Christians and churches all over the country to get involved. The Archbishop of York welcomed the image, saying: “We know from research that only 12% of adults, and only 7% of people aged between18-24, know the Christmas story. “As Christians we want to keep Christmas focussed on Christ, by retelling the story in a way which engages creatively and positively with people’s interests. “I hope our congregations across the country will be sharing this with their neighbours and friends in the coming weeks.”

DECORATIONS WITH THE REAL MESSAGE OF CHRISTMAS... SETS of Christmas tree decorations that help parents tell their children about the Christmas story have become a ‘best seller’. The decorations are produced by the Meaningful Chocolate Company, which earlier in 2011 produced an Easter egg with a message about Jesus’ resurrection on the box. Now the group says the Christmas decorations have become a ‘best seller’ ahead of a decision to extend the deadline for ordering them. David Marshall, from the company, said: “What we have realised is that once people see the decorations – in the flesh – they love them!” The chocolate Christmas tree decorations are sold in a pack that includes a limited edition Christmas card, a sticker set and six Fairtrade chocolate tree decorations. The company said at the product’s launch: “The

Christmas story, which can be found on the card, enables adults or children to read the Christmas story while placing character stickers on the decorations. “Once completed, the decorations can be hung on the tree as a reminder of the real meaning of Christmas and as a meaningful treat for all.” At the time the Bishop of St Albans said: “I am delighted that, following the success of The Real Easter Egg, The Meaningful Chocolate Company has developed this great product which enables the telling of the Christmas story as well as supporting Fairtrade and charitable causes. This is a fun way for people to share that story.” Last year the company’s Easter egg hit the headlines because some supermarkets were cautious about stocking it, fearful that the message about the resurrection of Jesus may offend unbelievers. But other supermarkets sold the egg, and mail order stock was sold out, making it a runaway success.

Christmas decorations from the Meaningful Chocolate Company


Winter 2011 Page 5


True meaning of Christmas his issue contains several stories and features which highlight the true meaning of Christmas.


The high-profile advertising campaign which has as its slogan ‘Christmas starts with Christ’ is being used across the country to highlight the conflict between consumerism and the celebration of Christ’s birth. Even comedian Jo Brand, not known for her pro-Christian views, has given her backing to a new website which will help people to find a Christmas service near them. The true meaning of Christmas is love. John 3:16-17 says, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.’

ACT OF LOVE The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love. The real Christmas story is the story of God's becoming a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ. Why did God do such a thing? Because He loves us! Why was Christmas necessary? Because we needed a Saviour! Why does God love us so much? Because He is love itself (1 John 4:8). Why do we celebrate Christmas each year? Out of gratitude for what God did for us, we remember His birth by giving each other gifts, worshipping Him, and being especially conscious of the poor and less fortunate. The true meaning of Christmas is love. God loved His own and provided a way—the only Way—for us to spend eternity with Him.

FREE GIFT OF LOVE He gave His only Son to take our punishment for our sins. He paid the price in full, and we are free from condemnation when we accept that free gift of love. ‘But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Romans 5:8). As we gather with friends and family to share and celebrate it is worth remembering and holding on to the fact that without Christ there would be no Christmas and that Jesus is the real reason for the season.

By leading Christian speaker and evangelist J.John


...what would the Apostle say about it? The troubled stand-off between the anti-capitalist protesters of the ‘Occupy the London Stock Exchange’ and the management of St Paul’s Cathedral has put Christianity into the national headlines for al l the wrong reasons. The first closure of London’s great landmark since the Blitz of the Second World War and the succession of resignations that have followed has perplexed many. What is going on? Who’s right and who’s wrong? The reality is that it’s a complex matter, involving both the purpose of our cathedrals (now uneasily both places of worship and tourist attractions) and the relationship between the church and the establishment. My own take on the matter is that it results from a subtle but deadly disease: the mistaken priority. Widespread through all denominations and not just my own C of E, this frequently lethal ailment so mutates the faith that it ends up wasting away.

PROCLAMATION My reading of the New Testament – supported by my own personal experience and confirmed by my thirty years as a minister – is that the heart of Christianity is the proclamation of the need for men and women to follow Christ. The same St Paul after whom the cathedral is named wrote this in the first chapter of his letter to the Romans: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” Throughout the New Testament we get the same message from many different voices: people should be called to Christ to be forgiven, adopted into God’s family and transformed. Bringing people to faith in Jesus is the good news and it is the foundation of any form of

living Christianity. This emphasis on making disciples is as essential to Christianity as that on scoring goals is to a successful football team. Without it, the church has in every sense lost the plot. Now to say that Christianity is about conversion is not to abdicate our responsibility for social comment. God proclaims his standards clearly, not least in the summary that is the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, the letters of the New Testament are full of practical, moral exhortations concerning how Christian believers are to live. Yet the New Testament offers no advice whatever on church buildings and stays silent on how believers should advise a secular government and culture. The priority of the Early Church was preaching the good news of salvation through

Jesus Christ. We would do well to follow its example. The inevitable consequence of neglecting this foundation of Christianity is that secondary matters will become primary. Matters such as church buildings and commending or condemning social protest will take priority, with the unavoidable result that the cart will get firmly put in front of the horse.

RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility of the church is to transform society but it is to do it by changing the attitudes and actions of individuals. A common maxim these days is ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ In this context it may be particularly appropriate to ask, ‘What would St Paul say?’ I have little doubt that he would advocate preaching good news to the captive audience outside. It’s not a bad idea!

For further information on J.John (Canon), visit Lifelines Trust c/o Cornerstone Vision 28, Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth PL3 4PY Tel: 01752 225623 Fax: 01752 673441 E-mail: The Son is published by the Lifelines Trust and produced by Cornerstone Vision. Editor: Chris Girdler Advertising: Debbie Girdler 07989301331 The Son Order Line: 01752 225623

X-MEN SENT ON MISSION FOR CHRIST CHRISTIAN charity the Damaris Trust has released a new resource to help churches reach more young adults. Viewfinder provides media-rich and seeker-friendly material to get 18 to 30-year-olds discussing the issues that interest them and introduce them to the Gospel. It has been produced in response to a recent survey from the Evangelical Alliance which found that although 96 per cent of church leaders regard increasing the number of 16 to 30-yearolds in their church as a ‘top priority’, only 11

per cent of church leaders feel ‘well resourced’ to do it.

movies, it makes sense to use that love of cinema to help them discover the love of God.”

The first edition of Viewfinder uses clips from the X-Men movie franchise and encourages young people to explore the themes that arise in the films.

Holly Price, editor of Viewfinder said: “Viewfinder is an easy and exciting way for churches to reach out to the missing 18–30s. It gives church leaders everything they need to put on a thoughtful and professional presentation.”

Following editions will look at the themes relevant to young people in other movies. The first Viewfinder was written by Dr Krish Kandiah, director of churches in mission at the Evangelical Alliance. He said: “So many young people enjoy

Each edition of Viewfinder features downloadable video clips, a full script and PowerPoint presentations. The X-Men: First Class edition of Viewfinder is available at



Winter 2011

Glen’s goal...

Faith schools: PM tells atheist Dawkins ‘you don’t get it’



DAVID CAMERON has said atheist campaigner Richard Dawkins ‘just doesn’t really get it,’ on the issue of faith schools. The Prime Minister made the comments as he answered questions from well-known figures for a Guardian newspaper article. Mr Cameron said he thinks faith schools are ‘very often good schools,’ and he noted that the church had provided ‘good schools long before the state got involved’. Prof Dawkins asked the Prime Minister: “Why do you support faith schools for children who are too young to have chosen their faith, thereby implicitly labelling them with the faith of their parents, whereas you wouldn’t dream of so labelling a ‘Keynesian child,’or a ‘Conservative child’.”

COMMUNITY Mr Cameron responded: “Comparing John Maynard Keynes to Jesus Christ shows, in my view, why Richard Dawkins just doesn’t really get it.

LEGENDARY country singer Glen Campbell has completed his farewell tour of the Uk after revealing earlier this year that he has Alzheimer’s. Glen Campbell: The Goodbye Tour saw Glen supported by his two daughters and his son’s band, performing many of his greatest hits, including Gentle on My Mind, By the Time I Get to Phoenix, Wichita Lineman, Galveston, Rhinestone Cowboy and Southern Nights. While music has been at the centre of his 50 year career in show business, Glen says that his ultimate goal is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and then see God. “That’s my ultimate goal,” he said. His family publicly revealed his illness in the summer, announcing that his latest album Ghost on the Canvas would be his last.

“I think faith schools are very often good schools. Why? Because the organisation that’s backing the school – the church or the mosque or the synagogue – is part of the community. follow the teachings of Jesus Christ

Glen’s wife of 29 years Kim said: “Glen’s really healthy and really happy.

AMAZING SHOWS “When he goes on stage, it’s just like a light switch turns on. He’s been doing amazing shows, sings great, plays great. It’s really good for him to play music and keep going. But we know at some point it’s going to be time to stop.” Glen, a youthful 75 year old said: “I’ve lived at least a thousand lifetimes. “ Once a top session guitarist who played with everyone from Elvis to Sinatra to the Beach Boys, he has struggled with alcohol and cocaine, been married four times, and has eight children, including three with Kim.

Although mostly sober for decades, there have been relapses. He was jailed for drink-driving and assaulting a police officer in 2003 (which his family now suspect was actually an early indication of his illness). “God allowed him to get caught,” according to Kim. “I just tell you, the Lord’s been good to me,” said Glen. “Even if I was a drinker, He’s been really, really nice to me.” “I’m glad things evolved like they did in my life. I think it was the guidance of God. He definitely had His Hand on me, guiding me, to end up where I am right now.”

ARCHBISHOP LAUNCHES ONLINE ADVENT CALENDAR THE Archbishop of York launched an online Advent calendar at the beginning of December. Dr John Sentamu will post a message on his website each day until December 24, to mark the traditional Christian countdown. He said the messages would include daily reflections, allowing people to follow the Archbishop's personal journey towards Christmas following the success of his 2010 online Advent calendar.

Dr Sentamu said: “Last Christmas I wrote a series of reflections on my website as part of an online Advent Calendar – I was delighted to hear from people across the world who got in touch saying what a fantastic thing it was to be able take a little time out each day to reflect about what Christmas is all about. “Christmas is, for me, the greatest story ever told. God’s wonderful gift of love is for each and every one of us. “These reflections will begin on my website today and appear daily as we count down to the

big day itself. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, and I hope that people will join me so we can share the expectation and excitement of Advent together.” The Archbishop’s reflection on launch day included thoughts about how God came into the world through Jesus. He also refers to an appeal he is supporting to build a new Community Centre for the deaf in Cairo, Egypt. Visit to see the calendar.

“And it brings a sense of community and a sense of responsibilty and the backing of an institution to a school. “The church was providing good schools long before the state ever got involved, and we should respect the fact that it’s not just the state that can provide education – other bodies can too. “So I support faith schools on the basis of the proof that over the years they’ve been good schools.” The Prime Minister also responded to a question from TV presenter Jonathan Ross, who called for more drugs to be legalised. But Mr Cameron replied: “I don’t believe in legalisation. If you legalise, you make more available; and if you make more available, you build up a larger problem.”

INDOCTRINATE Last year Prof Dawkins said he wanted to set up a school where children could ‘automatically work out that they are atheists’. He was speaking in light of the Government system which allows individuals to set up ‘free’ schools. Claiming not to want to ‘indoctrinate’ children into atheism, Prof Dawkins said his school would teach children ‘to ask for evidence, to be sceptical, critical, open-minded.’ He went on to say: “If children understand that beliefs should be substantiated with evidence, as opposed to tradition, authority, revelation or faith, they will automatically work out for themselves that they are atheists.” Prof Dawkins has previously labelled the teaching of orthodox Christian beliefs about life after death as ‘child abuse’.


Winter 2011 Page 7

SONS ARE SHINING FOR BOY BAND the Jonas Brothers are one of the biggest names in the world of music and entertainment. The success of Joe, Kevin and Nick is in no small measure due to the support and encouragement of their mother Denise, who reveals how important their Christian faith and her prayers have been in the last 20 years.

the Hummel figurines for n fun. And have fun with the

In a recent media interview Denise shared some tips on how to raise happy kids – and how God plays His part in the family.

“The most valuable thing your kids’ gifts. Your d softball? Find a team. Your

Denise said: “Believe it or not, no one is famous in the Jonas household. Yes, I’m blessed to have very talented sons, but the challenges I had raising them are like what all mums face. I had to discipline and encourage them, set boundaries and bring them up with good values. I had to tolerate their tussling and correct them when they made mistakes.

“The boys grew up surro Sr. (our oldest is also Kevin and songwriter. He was leader at our church, so t songs. You should hear them to tease.

MISJUDGED “I also learned from my mistakes. When you raise kids, you grow a lot too. Most of all, I had to make sure they knew they were loved. Love is the greatest value of all.

The Jonas Brothers – one of the top boy bands in the world

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“Nick was the most prec three, he wandered around you hear that? Do you hea burst out with some song.

“With four boys I quickly found out rugs are like tumbling mats and a sofa will be turned into a fort. I remember being in the kitchen once and wondering if a football team had invaded the living room.

“One day when he was e the salon where I was gett kid should be on Broa introduced us to a manag performing six nights a w Miserables and Beauty and

“‘Rug time,’ I called it. I thought of it as rearranging the furniture without a license. But you know what? My husband, Kevin, made sure no one got hurt and the boys released a lot of pent-up energy. So forget

“It wasn’t easy sending h I didn’t know—his dad usu York from our house in New knew I had to help Nick

Big Ben’s

X-Factor hopeful quit show over Halloween theme A MEMBER of The X Factor group The Risk decided to quit – because the show’s Halloween theme broadcast on October 31 went against his Christian faith. Ashley Baptiste, 22, (pictured above) said he felt uneasy celebrating the holiday as it had its roots in pagan rituals. A show source said Ashley had struggled to fit in because of his faith and added: “He’s on a different wavelength to the rest. He doesn’t want to upset his bandmates but knows this is for the best.” The Cambridge graduate, who lives in South London, tweeted: “I love The Risk but am not in the right place to commit. I love the boys and all you amazing people.” Ashford Campbell, of ousted band Nu Vibe, was drafted in as a replacement. Page 8


Winter 2011

Actor starts going ACTOR Tom Hollander has revealed that he has become a churchgoer since playing a beleaguered vicar in the hit BBC comedy Rev. The actor, 44, is returning to the role of inner-city vicar for a second series of the sitcom, which was a surprise TV success last year. Tom told the Radio Times: “People we have met in the church since have said: ‘Thank you for making us look normal.’ Because they’re used to being treated as weirdos. “The moment they start talking about faith or a belief in God, people start to behave as if they have got the plague.” He added: “I believe in the idea of God now.

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gurines for now. Let your kids have fun with them.

luable thing a parent can do is nurture fts. Your daughter wants to play team. Your son likes to sing? Listen.

rew up surrounded by music. Kevin, s also Kevin), is an amazing vocalist r. He was the pastor and worship church, so the boys learned all his uld hear them mimic him – they love

he most precocious musically. At age ered around the house, asking, ‘Do Do you hear the music?’ Then he’d some song.

hen he was eight a lady heard him at e I was getting my hair done. ‘That e on Broadway,’ she said. She to a manager and soon Nick was nights a week in shows like Les Beauty and the Beast.

sy sending him off to be with people —his dad usually drove him into New house in New Jersey. I worried. But I help Nick believe in himself. He

learned more about music and performing than we could ever teach him and he met kids who shared his passion. Me? I learned to trust in the gifts God had given Nick and help him realize his talent. “Not every phone call or text message you send to your teenagers is going to be returned. Don’t stop sending messages. Kids need to know you love them. I even buy cards for the boys when they’re on the road.

TOUCHING “And it’s so touching when they connect to you. Two weeks ago I came home to a bouquet of flowers and a card from Joe. All he wanted to say was: ‘I love you, Mum.’ It made my day. In our house you can never say ‘I love you’ too much. “You’re not the best friend. You’re the mum. Set limits and an example. Anyone can be a friend. Only the mum can be the mum. Sometimes that’s difficult. My kids are responsible and hard-working. I’ll worry I’m being too strict or I’m not trusting them enough. “I’m passionate and strong-willed—my Italian blood again. I want to be front and centre in my kids’ lives. I have opinions about everything. I have a lot of influence with them. All the more reason I sometimes need to step back and

let God do the most important work. Don’t push him out of the way! “My mum was a prayer warrior when I was growing up and taught me to trust God. Still, letting go can be scary. “Several years ago Nick started losing weight. On a school retreat, Joe saw that his brother wasn’t doing well. ‘When we went swimming,’ he said, ‘he looked like a skeleton.’ “We took Nick to the hospital, and he was diagnosed with diabetes. For several nights, while doctors worked at getting his insulin levels in check, I sat by his hospital bed, . ‘Lord,’ I asked, ‘what’s your purpose here? What’s going to happen to Nick? Will he ever perform again?’ I could remember seeing the joy on his face those first times he performed on Broadway. Why would God deny him something that was

so clearly his gift? In the dim morning light, I reminded myself there was only one thing to do. Trust. Let go. It’s the hardest thing for any mom, but we can’t allow God to do his work unless we give up our control. “Today, Nick performs with a small insulin pump attached to his back. He’s got a wireless device that he keeps in his pocket to monitor levels. There are worries of course. Will the pump work? Do we have a back-up pump? Do we have shots with us when he’s on tour? “When the fears get the worst of me, I pray – fiercely and fervently. I love my kids, but God loves them just as much if not more. I remember how my mum prayed for me, and I pray for them. That they’re safe in God’s hands. That they’ll be well. That they’ll make good choices. That they’ll know, no matter what, they have a mom who believes in them and knows when to let go and let God.”

Denise Jonas at home with her sons and husband Kevin


oing to church after playing Rev

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Since doing Rev I believe in what the idea of God represents, but I can’t say anything more concrete than that.”

that’s why we have been welcomed by the church because, unusually, we don’t make the priest appear ridiculous.”

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Asked whether he goes to church, other than for research, he said: “Occasionally, yes. It began mostly to check if I was getting it right but then I was doing it so often it became a habit.

Hollander dreamt up Rev after bumping into a vicar at a dinner party near where he lives in west London.

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“Since we stopped shooting I look forward to poking my nose in without it being work.”

INHERENTLY FUNNY However he said he would never consider a job in the church if the acting work dried-up, telling the magazine: “No, it would be hard to take myself seriously, wouldn’t it?.. “To go from a fictional vicar to a real vicar would be very strange. I don’t think I want to go pro.” He said of Rev: “There is certainly something inherently funny about men wearing dresses, but we set out not to make Adam Smallbone (Tom’s character) a comedy character. “In a way he’s the straight man of the show and

“It started as a joke, an anecdote I heard about the vicar being invited to lots of parties because well-connected parents were trying to get their kids into a church school. “I was already friends with a vicar in Northamptonshire so I spoke to him about it. Then I spoke to James Wood, (the writer who helped him devise the series.) “We spent time with vicars and discovered how interesting it was that they sat right in the middle of society, although everyone thinks of them as marginal, because we are a secular society. But the church is still right at the heart of it, with weddings, funerals and schools. “You can look at what is going on in our lives through the perspective of the priest, because he has access to everything.


Winter 2011 Page 9

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Winter 2011


SINGER Jordin Sparks is quick to give God all the credit for the success she has achieved after becoming the youngest ever winner of American Idol at the age of 17 in 2007. Since winning American television’s highest profile talent show she has performed for two Presidents, sung the American National Anthem at the US Super Bowl and been nominated for a Grammy Award.

GOD-GIVEN TALENT Jordin’s enthusiasm and gratitude for her success are apparent when she speaks. It’s a perspective nurtured by her family and through faith. “I definitely recognize that I have a God-given talent,” she said. “I have a sense of inner peace, I know God gave me this wonderful voice and I feel that what He needs me to do is share it with others.” Jordin started sharing her musical talent shortly after learning to walk. “I literally have been singing my whole life,” she said. “Over Christmas my

grandma pulled out these old videos of me singing ‘Jingle Bells’ when I was two and I knew all the words and was on key. It was crazy to see.” As comfortable as Jordin may have always been on stage, she also embraces the challenge of being a Christian in the fast-paced world of popular music. She sports a purity ring indicating her intention to remain abstinent until marriage. “My faith has been a humungous part of how I have looked at my career,” she explained. “I started out singing in church very young and it took off from there. With my purity stance, I’m very careful about what I wear and the lyrics in my songs. “The music business is a very secular world and there are always people quick to point to you as a hypocrite when you mess up with something and fall. I know that God has blessed me to be where I am and everything He has placed before me is just so amazing.”

American Idol’s youngest ever winner talks about her success – and faith

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Winter 2011 Page 11


Music Reviews supplied by Cross Rhythms, the UK’s leading Christian music voice. For more than 20,000 reviews, music news, articles, online radio and shop visit

Emphasize - Up To Jerusalem

Jamie Grace - One Song At A Time

The talent of this southLondon ensemble is clear, in part from the members’ individual proficiency but also from their ability to weave so many genres together holistically.To suggest that Emphasize have merely dipped into the genre goody bag is to betray the organic blend of the music.While rock, funk and hip-hop are the obvious roots of their sound, there is none of the clumsiness which emerges in similarly influenced but less capable hands the clumsiness that has given the term ‘rap-rock’ such a derogatory tone. Indeed, the rhymes of Fuse are like a native dance to both the grooves of the formidable rhythm section guitar riffs of Sam Keer. Mikey G is also a competent vocal contributor, handling the more pop/rock melodies. Not content with their own cumulative quality, the band bring some additional friends along for theshow; Giovanna Jayne’s vocals on Do It Again are an album highlight and when Revolution sing Turn the music up! in the chorus of their cameo cut, you can’t help but feel they’ve summed it all up.

Atlanta’s Jamie Grace is a black college student studying children’s outreach. Her first single taken from this album, the infectious Hold Me, featuring CCM star Toby Mac, went to number three in the US Christian radio chart. Jamie’s songs, with their acoustic soul vibe, are catchy and instantly memorable. With You has a childlike quality, which suits her voice well, but lyrically Jamie has cornered the art of introspective lyrics focusing on her relationship with God while getting the feet tapping! Musically, the pace slows with track five Come To Me, but the mature songwriting continues as she reflects on Christ’s invitation to lift our burdens. At times, as on tracks such as God Girl and Holding On, there are similarities to Natasha Bedingfield’s vocal style. My favourite track 1945 features Jamie reflecting on what life would have been like if she had been born in a different time, but concludes she has been born in the right time for her. Amongst all the musical messages aimed at teenagers in the 21st century, it’s clear Jamie is a powerful voice to her generation and this album should open doors for her.


Toby Mac - Christmas In Diverse City This festive release from multi Grammy Award winner Toby Mac is very much a game of two halves with the first six songs featuring the former dc Talk rapper as he enlists the help of hitmaker Adam ‘Owl City’ Young and soul singer Jamie Grace on versions of yuletide classics The rest of this release is given over to Mac's touring band Diverse City .This is an undeniably accomplished Christmas collection that will no doubt add some creative singalong cheer to your festive preparations.



Worship Central - Spirit Break Out There have been thousands of live worship albums released in the last few years, but very, very few reach the heights of this project. As we have observed more than once at Cross Rhythms, reviewing worship music, particularly that recorded during an act of worship, is a major challenge for the hapless reviewer. For alongside all the aesthetics (the quality of the songs, the ability of the lead singers, the band arrangements right on through to the minutiae - is the high hat too loud in the mix? Isn’t that lyric just a tad TOO clichéd?) there is sometimes another dimension to be considered. I believe some worship recordings contain within their performances a supernatural dynamic which might be described as ‘the anointing’, if such a phrase still has value after so many years of overuse. Recorded at London’s HMV Forum five worship leaders - Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon, Al Gordon, Nikki Fletcher and Luke Hellebronth - have taken a batch of newly minted songs and with a tight rock band here demonstrate that given the right musical skill and the right hearts abandoned in worship, the result is far more than its constituent parts. Not everyone will be convinced or affected by ‘Spirit Break Out‘ of course. But for others, from the first prayerful notes of Daniel Iverson’s timeless “Spirit Of The Living God” to Nikki Fletcher,Tim Hughes and Martin Smith’s “All Glory” closer this album will echo the faith, passion and hope many feel towards the Lord who ‘makes the mountains shake and tremble’ and ‘will soon return to reclaim the world’.


Ashes Remain - What I’ve Become This major label debut from Baltimore rockers Ashes Remain gets off to a thundering start with Keep Me Breathing and this track alone typifies an album of supremely good music coupled with a refreshing realism towards the struggles of life. Songs such as On My Own reflect something of the dark place that we find ourselves in without God whilst Right Here and the memorable Change My Life point to reliance on Christ as the solution. Musically, it is the harder rock elements of this release that showcase the true talent of this stunning five piece with tracks such as the pounding End Of Me containing some arrestingly powerful vocals from frontman Josh Smith whilst Rob Tahan’s face-melting guitar solos are the stuff that every budding teenage guitarist’s dreams are made of. Elsewhere, more mainstream numbers such as Everything Good and Without You are equally as accomplished and provide a more tender side to the band. In short, this is a stunning release from a band set on communicating God’s love in a real, relevant and electrifying way.


Switchfoot - Vice Verse

As Reviewed In this Issue of The Son...

Vice Verses plays like an album Switchfoot actually wanted to write and play. Having famously cherry-picked Hello Hurricane’s track listing from over 80 songs, this, their eighth studio album, sees the band focus on a much more limited selection, finding in discipline a freedom to be inventive. Vice Verses was on the cards before Hurricane had even hit the shelves although little of the band’s original track listing made it through to the final recording.Thematically the album treads similar paths to previous albums - nostalgia and loss (Souvenirs), making the most of this life (Dark Horses, Rise Above It), vacuous media hypocrisy (Selling The News) and the title track which examines the serious questions that arise out of life, death and suffering. Vice Verses also conveys that our reality is more than what we see in front of us: ‘A warm body doesn’t mean I’m alive,’ Foreman sings on Thrive; ‘Just because you’re present, doesn’t mean that you’re here,’ he claims on Rise Above It while the album’s seven minute closer, Where I Belong, sees Foreman expressing his hope for an eternal reality. Switchfoot’s diverse approach to rock music means that there are some pleasant surprises amongst the obligatory acoustic introspection and foot-stomping rock - highlights are first single Dark Horses and anthemic The War Inside.Vice Verses has the innovative Switchfoot spark that’s been missing off the last couple of albums, expressing truth without pretension, deep yearnings unencumbered by cliche and crucially you feel like they’ve written a song just for you. Vice Verses is a rock album of the highest calibre.


Toby Mac Christmas In Diverse City 7/10

Worship Central Spirit Break Out 10/10

Switchfoot Vice Verses 10/10

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Winter 2011 Page 13

Henry Olonga...a brave man who made a costly stand against evil and tyranny ZIMBABWE cricketer Henry Olonga faced death after making a high-profile protest against the tyrannical government of Rogert Mugabe. Sickened by the way his country was being destroyed by the dictator Mugabe he wore a black armband as a protest during the 2003 World Cup in his home country. He was branded a traitor, sentenced to death in his absence and forced to dramatically flee his homeland and his family.

It was Henry’s deeply-held Christian faith which gave him the courage to sacrifice everything to do something that he hoped would make a difference. Inspired by Edmund Burke’s oftquoted phrase ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing,’ fast bolwer Henry and fellow cricketer Andy Flower made their very public gesture of defiance. Henry said later in an interview with the War Cry: “I became a Christian when I was 16, I couldn’t have made my protest unless I was sure that it was something God was asking me to do. Now a lot of people blame their actions on ‘God told me to do it’.

STEP OF FAITH “At the time it was a step of faith. I knew there would be consequences. I didn’t know what would happen to me. I just knew I should take action. Looking back it is easier to see how God was at work and, therefore, how it really was God who was behind it. I received death threats and knew I had to get out of the country.” Henry Olonga – inspirational speaker and preacher

Henry was Zimbabvwe’s first ever black cricketer and the youngest ever player to represent his country at

international level. The talented Olonga never regretted his decision and has since settled in England developing a successful career as a singer, photographer and artist, as well being in much demand as an inspirational speaker and gospel preacher. “There is more to life than cricket,” he said, “If all anybody lives for is a career, it is very sad. “When I’m on my deathbed, I want to be able to look back on more than how many wickets I took, or how many World Cups I played in. I believe God has a greater purpose than that. And I want to live my life with him.” He tells his story in the highlyacclaimed autobiography Blood, Sweat and Treason, which was first published in 2010 and released in paperback version earlier this year. The paperback edition includes a brand new What Happened Next chapter; how he felt his book was received, what has happened regarding his passport situation and a possible return to Zimbabwe, his music career and becoming a father. For those who didn’t get round to reading it first time, now is an ideal time to get hold of the updated paperback version. Published by Vision Sports Publishing, Blood, Sweat and Treason is available at a recommended retail price of £8.99 ISBN 9781907637292.

Henry Olonga in action for Zimbabwe...he tells his story in the highlyacclaimed Blood Sweat and Treason

Signed copies can also be ordered from Henry’s personal website at

DON'T MISS OUT ON NEWS FROM A CHRISTIAN POINT OF VIEW You'll get Good News every day with News of the Word Our website updates daily with news that matters to Christians and focuses on Good News We want Christians to be heard with News of the Word! Page 14


Winter 2011

Former footballer Stuart Elliott is ordained as pastor of Hull church • CONTINUED FROM BACK PAGE me through the young people that I saw there. It was September 3, 1995 that I actually asked Jesus into my heart.” On becoming a born-again Christian, the former window cleaner said: “You still have your everyday problems but you do have assurance of eternal life and you have a friend in Christ who you can take your burdens to. That is really how things have changed for me and I’ve had great peace and joy since I became a Christian.” Despite enjoying success on the pitch with numerous clubs including Glentoran, Motherwell and Doncaster Rovers, the exAshfield Boys’ pupil said his faith always took precedence over sport. “It is everything to me. I loved football but my faith came first and always has done. I’m not ashamed to say that and I think anyone who has

ever known me knows I’ve never made a secret of it.”Stuart, who always prayed before going onto a football pitch, said his former teammates were always “very respectful”. His most memorable sporting moment was being part of the Northern Ireland team which defeated England at Windsor Park in 2005. “It’s every boy’s dream to play against some of the biggest stars in the world and here was little Northern Ireland in a David and Goliath-type battle. I was thrilled and I’ll never forget that night as long as I live.” Overseeing a congregation of over 100 people, the former footballer will share preaching duties with Shankill Road-born pastor, John Thompson, at the helm of the Hull church. Stuart added: “I don’t know what the future holds but I know I will give it my best shot and hopefully I’ll see a lot of fruit being borne in my Christian ministry.”

Bethany overcomes shark attack to inspire millions with her faith SHARK ATTACK victim Bethany Hamilton has become a source of inspiration to millions through her story of faith, determination and hope.

Teenager recovers from horrific injuries to become one of the top women surfers in the world

Born into a family of surfers on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, Bethany began surfing at a young age. At the age of eight, Bethany entered her first surf competition winning both the short and long board divisions. This sparked a love for surf competition within her spirit. From a young age, Bethany’s parents instilled their faith in Jesus Christ and at the age of five she made the decision to have a personal relationship with Him. Bethany’s foundation of faith has been her backbone; her source of truth, hope, and strength.

STRENGTH AND FAITH She needed all the strength and faith she could muster when the horrific shark attack took place. At the age of thirteen, on October 31, 2003, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark while surfing off Kauai’s North Shore. The attack left Bethany with a severed left arm. After losing over 60% of her blood, and making it through several surgeries without infection, Bethany was on her way to recovery with an unbelievably positive attitude. Lifeguards and doctors believe her strong water sense and faith in God helped get her through the traumatic ordeal.

Bethany Hamilton competes against able-bodied surfers

Miraculously, just one month after the attack, Bethany returned to the water to continue pursuing her goal to become a professional surfer.

turned profesional. Bethany has since participated in numerous Association of Surf Professionals and World Tour Events with her major highlight being a second place finish in the ASP 2009 World Junior Championships.

and for home entertainment in August, 2011. Other books Bethany has written include Devotions for the Soul Surfer, Rise Above, A ‘Soul Surfer’ Bible, Ask Bethany, and Clash, Burned, Storm, and Crunch.

Two months after the attack in January 2004, Bethany made her return to surf competition finishing 5th in the Open Women’s division of that contest.

Since losing her arm, Bethany’s story has been told in hundreds of media outlets and she has been recognised with numerous awards, public appearances, and various speaking engagements.

Bethany was also the inspiration behind Becky Baumgartner’s 2007 documentary entitled Heart of a Soul Surfer.

With no intention of stopping, Bethany continued to enter and excel in competition. Just over a year after the attack she won her first national title.

In October 2004, Bethany shared her life story in her autobiography entitled Soul Surfer. Earlier this year the book was made into a bearing the same title which released theatrically in April,

Out of the water, Bethany has grown from a young teenage girl with aspirations of becoming a professional surfer into a 20-year old professional surfer with aspirations of becoming

In 2007, Bethany realized her dream and


a beacon of inspiration and hope. Through the platform of professional sport, Bethany has been able to touch a large number of people with her message, charitable efforts, and overall spirit. Bethany just launched her own foundation, Friends of Bethany, which supports shark attack survivors, traumatic amputees, and serves to inspire others through her life story, and is involved in numerous other charitable efforts. Bethany’s story is continually growing as she strives to be the best at whatever God calls her to do.

On the crest of a wave with Jesus TOP SURFERS from all over the country took part in the Jesus Longboard Classic in Cornwall in October. The event, hosted by Tubestation, was one of a number of competitions organised by Christian Surfers UK, part of a global mission called Christian Surfers International. Founded in the early 1970s on the northern beaches of Sydney, Australia, Christian Surfers International now has a mission

presence in over 20 countries around the world, including the UK. It has received recognition for its commitment to the international surfing community, faith initiatives and compassion activities such as Tsunami Relief and other aid projects. Christian Surfers publish the Surfers Bible, runs mission trips, camps and surf competitions such as the Jesus Longboard Classic and Jesus Surf Classic in the UK. Christian Surfers also provides a

positive mentoring environment for young surfers, offers hospitality for travelling surfers and undertakes numerous social action initiatives. The Jesus Longboard Classic attracted over 70 competitors to compete in stunning conditions. An offshore breeze and three-foot-plus waves gave the long-boarders the opportunity to show off their prowess in the waves. With four divisions and a prize purse of £1000 up for grabs, the

juniors, women’s, masters and open categories saw some big names from the world of long-boarding enter along with entrants new to the competition scene. Phil Williams of Christian Surfers UK said: “We are a group of full-on surfers who are also committed Christians and we see God’s signature written all over his creation. “Our desire is to experience this amazing God for ourselves through a personal relationship with his son

Jesus Christ. Our aim a simple one: to tell other surfers that they too can have a relationship with Jesus Christ. “We are not a church, but our members represent a wide range of different churches to which they belong. However, it is a main objective to bridge the gap between the beach community and the church. “We are clear that we are not Christians because of any of the good things we might have done, nor that we go to church. God saves us by His grace alone.”


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POWER OF PRAYER MANCHESTER United’s latest goalscoring sensation has revealed that the power of prayer is behind his dramatic rise to fame. Javier Hernandez is a committed Christian who prays on the pitch before every game, to thank God for the helping realise his dreams. But the deep-thinking Mexican centre-forward is far from selfish in his demands on the Almighty. Javier, or Chico as he is known at Old Trafford, also asks before every match for God to look out for his team mates and the opposition, and keep them from serious injury on the pitch. It certainly seems to work. The 23-year-old burst on the scene with a remarkable 13 Premier League goals in his debut season, with six more by the end of November this year. These included the winning goals against Everton at Goodison Park and vital equalisers against Liverpool and Newcastle. And the talented striker is not afraid to admit that his faith is a large part of his game.

PROCLAIM “I always pray on the pitch before a game. It is an important routine for me but it is not superstition,” he explained. “I like to pray. I talk to God and I tell him to take care of the health of both teams because the worse thing for a sportsman are injuries and there are a lot of accidents on the pitch that nobody wants. “I like to ask God to take care of me, because he gave me the opportunity to play.” The approach of Hernandez is refreshing in the cynical modern era of football. He seems unaffected by fame, despite his elevated status at Old Trafford. But he comes from good football stock. Both his father and grandfather played professional football in Mexico, and he admits that their experience has given him a perfect grounding to deal with the attention. United fans are already calling him the new Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, and while he admits that is massively flattering, he is not about to

Javier gets on his knees to pray before every game

Striker Javier Hernandez celebrates another goal for Manchester United and (left) praying before the start of a recent match

get carried away just yet. “Of course it is flattering, because Ole is is a legend at Manchester United. Usually people compare me to my dad or grandad,” he said. “I’m only 10 per cent of what Ole was. I need to work harder and keep improving to became like him. “Obviously my dad and grandpa were both former players in Mexico but the biggest advice they give me is away from the pitch - to be careful of bad influences and bad people. I am their son and grandson so naturally they want the best for me.

PROCLAIM “I am enjoying my life in Manchester. My family have told me the fans have a new song about me – Chico is the man and he scores goals from anywhere – I need to listen to the song and I need to thank the guy who wrote it.” The brilliant striker has given many interviews in which he has spoken of his faith in God and those who watched the match against Chelsea on Sky couldn’t have failed to miss him in prayer before the game. In the Bible (Matthew 10:32-33) Jesus says: “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Javier Hernandez has placed himself in the best possible hands!

Javier Hernandez Fact File Full name Javier Hernández Balcázar Date of birth 1 June 1988 (age 23) Place of birth Guadalajara, Mexico Height 1.75 m 5 ft 9 in Playing position Striker Current club Manchester United Squad Number 14 Youth career 1997–2006 Guadalajara Senior career 2006-2010 Guadalajara 64 appearances 26 goals 2010-present Man Utd 39 appearances 19 goals International Career 2007 Mexico U-20 5 appearances 1 goal 2009-present Mexico 33 apps 23 goals

From winger to pastor... A FORMER Northern Ireland footballer, who is now a pastor, has described his full-time conversion to Christianity as ‘fantastic’.

but as the years progressed I felt that that was the way God was leading me,” he said. The ex-Hull City midfielder, who was joined at the ordination ceremony by his wife and two children, described the event as “very special”.

Stuart Elliott – who won 36 caps for his country between 2000 and 2007 – begins his new life as an evangelical minister in January 2012 after being ordained at the Living Hope Church in Hull.

“I had a lot of friends and people over from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It was just a fantastic day and one that will live long in my memory.” Stuart revealed he first found God when attending a service at the Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle on Belfast’s Shore Road.

Speaking after his ordination, the east Belfast man insisted his faith has always been more important to him than sport since becoming a born-again Christian at the age of 17. The 33-year-old quit professional football in 2009 to fulfil his long-held ambition. He played more than 300 league games, including 193 for Hull City and 70 for Motherwell in a professionPage 16


Winter 2011

al career spanning more than 12 years. “Ever since I became a Christian I’ve had a real heart to serve Christ and at the beginning I didn’t see myself going into full-time ministry

“I was invited along to a tent mission at the Whitewell Church. God really started to speak to


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