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Skincare for active people
GERRY CUPIDO geraldine.cupido@inl.co.za
Build up a sweat and still have SENSATIONAL SKIN
WHETHER you’re a runner, gym bunny or yogi, working up a sweat is part of any workout.
Exercise is great for your skin as well. The increase in blood flow brings nutrients and oxygen to the skin. When we exercise, the stress hormone cortisol is lowered. This helps improve inflammatory skin conditions.
However, if you don’t take care while being active, you could become prone to break-outs and dehydration.
Here are 7 tips on how to keep your skin healthy while working on your body.
1. Avoid wearing make-up
There are women who simply cannot leave home without make-up but wearing a full face of make-up while working up a sweat, is not only a waste of make-up but so bad for your skin.
If your workout sessions are planned for the end of the day, it’s understandable why one would be tempted to hop onto the treadmill without first taking the time to cleanse your face.
Well, make the time. The last thing you want is to get make-up into your pores while your sweating.
2. Always cleanse your skin after a workout
Whether you’ve worn make-up or not, it’s essential that you wash your face after a training session.
A gentle clean will quickly get rid of dirt and oil mixed with sweat that tends to sit on your skin during a workout. You don’t want to give those impurities time so settle into your pores and cause skin irritation.
Opt for cold water when washing your face. This well help cool down your skin and avoid inflammation. Using hot water can dry out your skin.
3. Always have a clean workout towel at hand
Due to Covid-19 there are very strict hygiene and sanitation processes in place at gyms right now. However it’s always advisable to have your own clean towel.
Having a towel will help prevent you from using your hands to wipe away sweat from your face. Even if you sanitize hands every 10 minutes, it’s a no-no to touch your face while working out. All you’ll be doing is spread the sweat and dirt all over your face.
Be sure to always use a clean towel. It’s pointless trying to keep your face clean with a dirty towel.

4. Keep your hair off your face
If you want to prevent a breakout on your forehead it’s best to wear a hair band to keep your hair off your face.
This helps to prevent oils from your hair and hair products, mixed with the sweat from running down onto your skin and clogging your pores.
If you prefer wearing a sweatband, be sure to clean it after every use because sweat and dirt gets trapped in them.
5. Never leave home without sunblock
No matter the weather and whether you’re in or outdoors, the number one skin care rule is to always wear sunblock.
This is particularly important for those who take their workouts outdoors.
The last thing you want is to age your skin while keeping you body young and fit.
Look for lightweight high SPF face sunscreen.
6. Wear the right training clothes
Look out for good quality, lightweight and breatheable fabrics with sweat-wicking properties. These types of fabrics help regulate your temperature which will help prevent unnecessary levels of sweat.
While skin tight sports wear reduces friction, wearing lighter loose fitting garments will reduce the amount sweat trapped against your skin.
7. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate!
Always have a bottle of water with you when you’re exercising to sip on water during your workout. After a workout it’s vital to drink plenty of water to replenish the fluids lost through sweating.
Staying hydrated is essential part a healthy skincare to prevent dry, itchy skin due to post-workout dehydration.