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8 Easy ways to get your eating back on track

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1. Don’t delay. Start today


Don’t delay and set a targeted date to start eating lean in the future. The challenge with this is that too many false starts and “last treats” can add up to hundreds of calories, and essentially counteract what you are trying to achieve. The sooner you start, the sooner you will feel better.

2. Plan your meals

Spending a little time doing a weekly meal plan will save you time and money and enable you to make sure you have what you need to eat according to your best intentions. If you have to decide what to eat every night, you are likely to eat according to what you have at home, which may not be ideal.

3. Start each day on the right note

There is a saying “win breakfast and you win the day!” If you start the day on the right note, you are more likely to continue in the right direction. While each person is unique, protein is always a good start to a day. However, the opposite is also true; for example, if you start with a muffin, which is essentially cake loaded with sugar, your energy will spike, then drop and you’ll likely be eating unhealthy food all day.

4. Stay hydrated

Our brains often confuse dehydration and hunger. Your body needs water to function optimally. When your body is working the way it should, it’s easier to find

5. Use a hunger scale

If you’re not eating mindfully, it can be difficult to figure out why you are eating. For example, are you wanting to eat because you are hungry, stressed, sad or bored? Try picturing a scale where 10 means you’re ravenously hungry and 1 means you’re not hungry at all. Before you eat, think of the scale and consider where you are on it, then match that assessment to how much you will eat. For example, if your hunger is at “1,” you really don’t need to eat, but perhaps need another diversion like taking a walk.

6. Set up your kitchen for success

Very few people can resist a delicious biscuit or chocolate if it is right in front of you. After you have done your meal planning, buy what you need and nothing more.

7. Try a new recipe

It is easy to feel unmotivated to make a change to your diet if you are tired of eating the same old foods. So, try a new recipe using healthy ingredients.

8. Keep a food diary

Those bites, licks and tastes can add up to big calories! Make this your mantra: if you bite it, write it. You might be surprised at where you are taking in extra calories that are keeping your weight loss efforts from taking off.

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