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It is with profound joy and gratitude that I congratulate yet again, WOZA and its firebrand team under the leadership of Rehana Khan for breaking the boundaries of female participation and recognition. I deliberately do so with gratitude because this message congratulates the winners of the Awards. This makes us realize that there are living champions amongst us who live the promise of greatness in potential held by all women, but sadly the world rarely gives a chance to discover.

We are grateful for and thank these strong women for lighting the path and giving hope to all other women and men supportive to gender equity. The legal profession remains one of the professional spaces in which females are excluded from leadership and change can only be achieved through targeted interventions. SADC LA’s mission is to promote human rights and rule of law without fear or favor. Until all persons are equal the quest for rule of law and a prosperous society remains a mirage. So we thank WOZA for uniting us under this cause and the women we celebrate today for giving us the cause.

Vimbai Nyemba President SADC Lawyers Association

304 Brooks St, Menlo Park, Pretoria, South Africa, Telephone: +27 (0) 12 366 8800 Fax: +27 (0) 12 362 0969 Email address: info@sadcla.org

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