WHEN IS THE TRIP? We will leave IPC on Monday, July 11, at 7:00 a.m. We will return on Saturday, July 18, at 8:00 a.m. (we will depart late Friday evening traveling overnight).
WHO CAN GO? This trip is designed for any student who BY THE TRIP will have completed 8th grade through students who have completed 12th grade.
WHAT IS THE COST? The base cost of the trip is $385, which includes roundtrip bus transportation to Panama City Beach, Florida, four nights of lodging at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, and meals throughout the week. However, if you sign up with a $100 deposit BY SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, you will SAVE $60 on the cost of your trip, making your total cost $325. The remaining balance will then be due by Sunday, May 8. Note: The initial deposit is on-refundable.
While four breakfasts, four lunches, and four dinners WILL BE provided, students will need to be prepared to purchase a couple of fast food meals, a night out at a nicer restaurant, along with snacks throughout the week. Therefore, a minimum of $75 in spending money is necessary. If a student is interested in this trip, but money is a concern, financial assistance is available for those willing to work. For more information, contact Justin Jones at 901.685.8206 or justinjones@indepres.org.
HOW DO I REGISTER? Signing up is a two-step process: 1. Fill out the medical/liability release form (on the inside of this brochure) and send it to Independent Presbyterian Church, RYM, 4738 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN 38117. Included with this form should be a $100 deposit, payable to IPC, with the student’s name written in the memo line. This deposit should not be placed in the offering plate. Once we receive the deposit, you are officially signed up. However, after February 1, we will need you to also do the following: 2. Go to www.rymonline.org/hsfl2, and complete all of the required information including RYM’s “release of liability and waiver” portion.
July 11 - 16
Panama City Beach, Florida
With RYM being a new trip for many of our students, we will offer an informational meeting for participating students and/or any parents/guardians. This meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 18th, from 5:40–6:20 p.m. in the Senior High space.
INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - “SUMMER RYM 2016” MINOR RELEASE OF LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT I hereby give my permission for my child to participate in Summer RYM 2016. I certify that my child is healthy and capable of participating, or I have communicated any medical conditions of which Independent Presbyterian Church (“IPC”) should be aware that may hinder my child’s participation. I understand that it is solely my responsibility to determine if there is any medical reason that my child should not participate. In consideration for IPC allowing my child to participate, I hereby, on behalf of myself and on behalf of my minor child, release, discharge, waive my right to sue, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless IPC, its directors, officers, staff, employees, volunteers, agents, and third party contractors, from any and all legal claims, liabilities, losses, expenses and demands of any nature whatsoever, including those related to personal injury, sickness, harm, death, or property damages suffered by my child or me as a result of, or arising in any way out of, my child’s participation. Furthermore, I acknowledge that there are risks involved in participating, and I hereby, on behalf of my minor child, assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense arising out of or related to my child’s participation. I hereby authorize IPC and its staff, employees, volunteers, agents, and third party contractors to provide necessary transportation, food, and lodging for my child’s participation. In the event of a medical emergency, I understand that IPC will make reasonable efforts to contact me or my child’s emergency contacts, however: (1) I authorize IPC and its staff, employees, or volunteers to administer first aid or CPR to my child, if they think it is necessary; (2) I authorize IPC and its staff, employees, or volunteers to administer appropriate medication to my child if they deem it necessary, except for any medications I have listed below, to call for emergency treatment, if necessary, to transport my child to a medical treatment facility, and to consent, if I or the emergency contacts cannot be reached, to xrays, medical or dental examination, diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care, including emergency surgery, as advised by the treating physician, surgeon, or dentist; and (3) I authorize IPC and its staff, employees or volunteers to disclose any relevant medical information about my child as necessary for his/her treatment. I understand that I will be solely responsible for any medical, hospital or related charges, which may be incurred, on behalf of my child in connection with any injury, illness or other medical condition suffered by him/her during these trips or activities. Upon request, I will reimburse IPC for any charges paid by them on my child’s behalf. I also authorize IPC, its staff, employees, and volunteers to photograph or digitally record images of my child and to record my child’s voice during his/her participation and I authorize IPC to use such photos, images or recordings for any purpose relating to the IPC youth ministry. I waive any and all privacy or intellectual property rights I or my child may have with respect to any such photos, images, or recordings, and release IPC and its directors, officers, staff, employees, volunteers, agents, and third party contractors, from any and all legal claims, demands, or causes of action, of any nature whatsoever, relating to photos, images, or recordings taken of my child pursuant to this authorization. NAME OF PARTICIPANT (Please Print)_______________________________________ AGE: _______
the church? So many questions surround the Church these days: “If I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian then why should I go? Isn’t church optional? Is it really relevant to my life? Isn’t it outdated? Can I trust it? Does it care? Isn’t my peer group more important to my life than the church? What is my place in the church? It seems to be geared more for younger children and older adults. Why should I be a part of the Church at all? My life is fine without it.” It is very easy to get down on the church, after all it is the only community you ever join that requires you to vow that you are not very good and need to be rescued! Every other community you join asks you to present a resume of your own merits and achievements. So, to say the church is unlike any other group in the world is an understatement. If you are struggling with the church, down on the church, or just indifferent about it, then we encourage you to take a fresh look at scripture. The Bible makes outrageous statements about the church. It says that it is the church that brought Jesus out of heaven. It says that Jesus passionately and intimately loves the church like a husband loves his bride. It says that Jesus heroically gave his life to win his bride and make her eternally beautiful. It says that the church is a community where EVERYONE is needed. Indeed, the Bible goes on to make the most outlandish claim of all—the church is the embodied presence of God in the world! In other words, the community of believers connected to Jesus and to each other demonstrates to us and to the world what God is really like!
THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT: Father/Mother/Legal Guardian: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________ The undersigned states on oath that he or she is the parent (custodial parent if divorced or separated) or legal guardian of the Participant and intends to be bound by this signature.
If you have questions, contact Justin Jones, by phone: 901.685.8206, by email: justinjones@indepres.org
Come join us at RYM this summer as we together seek to answer questions about the church, explore the wonder of God’s love for his church, and find out not only why the church is important to your life, but also why you are important to it.
Brian grew up in Mississippi, as did his wife, Dana, and graduated from Mississippi State University and Covenant Theological Seminary. After seminary, he served as a campus minister with Reformed University Fellowship at MSU and at Vanderbilt University. The Habigs moved to Greenville in May 2005. Brian serves as the Senior Pastor of Downtown Presbyterian Church. Brian and Dana have three children: Henry, John and Betsy.