IPC Mercy Ministry Partner Handbook

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independent presbyterian church

memphis ministry partners

grace and mercy for a new memphis

“Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.” 1 Timothy 1:2

my dear friends, In nearly every letter that the Apostle Paul wrote, he opened with a good word of blessing. Most often, it was “grace and peace,” but a few times he emphasized “grace, mercy, and peace.” The words really all go together: grace is God’s undeserved action for us; mercy is God’s motivating attitude toward us; and peace is God’s resultant gift in and around us. As the church, we long to see how God’s grace and mercy might come to our city through us so that Memphis might know peace, shalom, wholeness and well-being. We know that the basis of our mission to our city is the proclamation of the Gospel of God’s transforming grace; but we also believe that our city needs the practice of this Gospel of compassionate mercy through deeds of justice and service. And the goal of it all is the New City—the heavenly Jerusalem, which we long for and which we desire would be reflected in our own city, in a new Memphis. May God grant us this vision and cause it to flourish! In the grip of God’s grace,

Sean Michael Lucas Senior Pastor, Independent Presbyterian Church

The mission of Independent Presbyterian Church is to make disciples of Jesus by gathering for worship, growing in community, and going out in love.

PURPOSE At IPC, our deacons hold a specific office within the church that focuses on sympathy and service, but all Christians are called to be imitators of Christ who came not to be served but to serve. We believe that God’s work in our lives puts us to work in the lives of others. This handbook is to be used as a resource to serve and to pray for the ministries we are partnering with in our city. The handbook includes direct contact information for all IPC ministry partners in Memphis as well as a 30-day prayer guide.

[ grace and mercy for a new memphis ]

mercy partners Advance Memphis................................................. 3 Bethany Christian Services.................................. 3 Center for Religious Expression......................... 3 Child Evangelism Fellowship.............................. 3 Church Health.......................................................... 4 Citizens for Community Values......................... 4 Forrest Spence Fund............................................. 4 Life Choices...............................................................5 Memphis Athletic Ministries............................... 5 Memphis Union Mission...................................... 5 Neighborhood Christian Centers...................... 6 Palmer Home for Children................................... 6 S.O.S. (Service Over Self )......................................7 Streets Ministries Graham Heights.................. 8 Su Casa..................................................................... 8 White Station Elementary School..................... 8 Youth Striving for Excellence............................. 9

RESOURCES...................................................... 10 30-day prayer guide........................ 10

Advance Memphis The mission of Advance Memphis is to serve adults in inner city Memphis by helping residents acquire knowledge, resources and skills to be economically self-sufficient through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. www.advancememphis.org | 769 Vance | Memphis, TN 38126 CONTACT: Steve Nash, Executive Director snash@advancememphis.org | 901.543.8525

Bethany Christian Services The largest national adoption and family service agency in the United States. Opportunities for service include transporters to drive pregnant clients to and from doctors appointments or counseling sessions, clothes closet organizer, a shepherding home family who would provide a supportive Christian home for a young pregnant woman to live during her pregnancy, special friend to provide emotional support for a young woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy: take her to lunch or to the mall, transport her to appointments, etc. www.bethany.org/memphis | 1044 Brookfield Road, Suite 102 Memphis, TN 38119-3834 CONTACT: Teri Seaton-Reaves, Executive Director tseaton-reaves@bethany.org | 901.818.9996

Center for Religious Expression CRE is a servant-oriented, non-profit Christian legal group dedicated to the glory of God and the religious freedom of His people. They provide competent and pro bono (free) legal representation to those in need in the Mid-South and beyond to assure them of the freedom to exercise their faith, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and express their views, so that transforming truth may go forth throughout the world. Please pray for them as they strive to clear the path for truth. www.facebook.com/CenterForReligiousExpression 699 Oakleaf Lane, Suite 107 | Memphis, TN 38117 | 901.684.5485 CONTACT: Nate Kellum. Executive Director nkellum@crelaw.org | 901.606.5828 | www.crelaw.org Ashley Janovich, Development Director ajanovich@crelaw.org | 901.684.5485 | www.crelaw.org

Child Evangelism Fellowship Our passion is to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism, discipleship, and establishing them into a local church. In the metro area, 7,000 boys and girls were reached through Good News Clubs during the school year and 5-Day Clubs and Camp Good News during the summer. Over 400 individuals were trained in children’s ministry; 200 who volunteered with CEF. continued 3

Child Evangelism Fellowship continued Sponsor a specific child through our key program, Good News Club, by supporting in daily/weekly prayer; sending volunteers once-a-week to mentor kids; or donate resources to provide snacks, Bibles, devotional handouts. CONTACT: Janie Walker, Director of Metro Memphis

cefmemphis@bellsouth.net | 901.726.9084

Church Health Church Health seeks to reclaim the Church’s biblical commitment to care for our bodies and spirits. Our ministries provide healthcare for the poor and promote healthy bodies and spirits for all. Please see website for volunteer and service opportunities. www.churchhealthcenter.org | 1210 Peabody Avenue | Memphis, TN 38104 1350 Concourse Avenue | Suite 142 | Memphis, TN 38104 (Location as of March 201 7) CONTACT: Randy Kostiuk | kostiukr@churchhealth.org | 901.701.2108

Citizens for Community Values CCV seeks to inspire, motivate, and mobilize citizens, community leaders, and elected officials to take action against sexual exploitation and pornography, so that our children and families are protected, victims lives may be restored, the standard of decency raised, and our quality of life is improved. CCV actively fights sexual exploitation and the harmful effects of pornography in the city of Memphis in children and adults. Opportunities for involvement include: women to lead Bible studies at The Moriah House; transportation needed to go to doctor appointments; mentors needed. Please pray for Executive Director, Russell White, in this fight for decency in our city. Pray we will make safer places for our families to raise our children. May there be rescue for women who desire to leave the sex-for-sale industry, and help that they may find restoration and wholeness in Christ. www.ccvmemphis.org | P.O. Box 770775 | Memphis, TN 38177 CONTACT: Lacey Craig | lacey@ccvmemphis.org | 901.452.7884

Forrest Spence Fund The Forrest Spence Fund is an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that was founded in 2007 in memory of Robert Forrest Spence. The mission of the Fund is to assist with the non-medical needs of critically or chronically ill children and their families throughout the Mid-South. In honor of Forrest, the organization strives to support families dealing with similar difficult situations and to give back to regional children’s hospitals like Le Bonheur, where the amazing medical staff fought for Forrest and continues to fight for thousands of other children each year. www.forrestspencefund.org | P.O. Box 770478 | Memphis, TN 38177 CONTACT: Brittany Spence | brittanymspence@yahoo.com | 901. 270.0977 4 | G O I N G O U T I N LOV E : I P C M I N I S T RY PA RT N E R S

Life Choices “Empowering young women to make the best choices.� Serving Memphis in two locations, helping women by giving them better options. Please be prayerful of the women in our city and the choices that they make, that they will be willing to seek help and know that there are alternatives and support available. Please come to our offices to learn about ways to volunteer and be of encouragement to pregnant women of Memphis. www.lifechoicesmemphis.org | 5575 Raleigh LaGrange | Memphis, TN 38134 Midtown Location: 2400 Poplar Ave., Ste. 500 | Memphis, TN 38104 CONTACT: Shamiah Gillespie, Director of Client Services shamiah.gillespie@lifechoicesmemphis.org | 901.452.8991

Memphis Athletic Ministries MAM uses a variety of means to attract youth into our centers and introduce them to the life-changing power of the Gospel. Our Christ-centered programs are used to teach life lessons and help our youth grow in their faith through activity or discipleship groups. www.mamsports.org | 2107 Ball Road | Memphis, TN 38114 CONTACT: Allison Weiss, Volunteer Coordinator aweiss@mamsports.org | 901.378.6585

Memphis Union Mission Did you know there are approximately 2,000 people who are homeless in the city of Memphis, on any given day? Memphis Union Mission ministers to the needs of these people in crisis offering recovery programs to help them become self-sufficient. continued


Memphis Union Mission continued Opportunities for involvement include: prayer for individuals; come serve lunch or dinner any day of the week; offer MUM vouchers instead of cash to those on the street, and you will cover the cost of a nutritious meal; and safe lodging at the shelter. www.memphisunionmission.org CONTACT: Randy Daniels | rdaniels@memphisunionmission.org | 901.526.8403

Neighborhood Christian Centers The mission of the NCC is to provide compassionate, Christ-centered ministry to the practical and spiritual needs of the city’s poor. www.ncclife.org | 785 Jackson Avenue | Memphis, TN 38107 CONTACT: Pamela Cox, Director of Community Engagement pcox@ncclife.org | 901.881.6013

Palmer Home for Children The mission of Palmer Home for Children is to present the hope of Christ to children who, through lack of adequate family structure, are in need of a permanent, longterm, Christ-centered home. Since 1895, Palmer Home has remained committed to privately-funded, non-governmental child care which keeps siblings together, models evangelical Christian values, mends emotional scars, and restores for each child the full opportunity to reach his or her God-given potential. Opportunities for involvement at the Hernando Campus are for volunteers to help with interior painting, general repair work on cottages, and fall landscaping.

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www.palmerhome.org Palmer Home for Children Hernando Campus | P.O. Box 929 | Hernando, MS 38632 Central Office | P.O. Box 746 | Columbus, MS 39703 | 662.328.5704 CONTACT: Pam Criger, Business Director Hernando pgriger@palmerhome.org | 662.449.2400

S.O.S. (Service Over Self) Service Over Self (SOS) exists to glorify God by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed through urban home repair camps. Thousands of homes in Memphis are in shocking condition. Many are unsafe to live in. SOS is seeking to improve the housing conditions of disadvantaged persons in Memphis. The organization is committed to providing free home repair service to deserving families in Memphis neighborhoods. Opportunities for Outreach: During the spring, SOS offers four one-week sessions for college students, hosting up to 80 participants per week. Throughout the summer, SOS offers eight one-week sessions for senior/junior high groups, hosting up to 180 participants per week. With each spring and summer session, SOS provides participants with urban home repair work every day of the week, as well as a Christcentered program each evening. Please check our spring and summer camp dates for availability. Every summer, SOS hires approximately 40 college staff to help run our camps. www.sosmemphis.org | 2505 Poplar Ave. | Memphis, TN 38112 CONTACT: Philip Walkley, Executive Director Philip@sosmemphis.org | 901.681.9044


Streets Ministries Graham Heights “Every time you build into the life of another person, you launch a process that ideally will never end.� Streets is dedicated to serving Urban Memphis. You can change a life by mentoring. Mentors needed! Please pray for our staff, our students, and the many families that are affected by this ministry. May God use our city for His Glory. www.streetsministries.org | Graham Heights - Center of Hope | 1304 N. Graham St. Memphis, TN 38122 CONTACT: Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@streetsministries.org | 901.525.7380

Su Casa The mission of Su Casa Family Ministries is to glorify God and advance His Kingdom by ministering to the spiritual, physical, and social needs of the growing Hispanic community in Memphis. www.sucasamemphis.org | 1302 N. Graham Street | Memphis, TN 38122 CONTACT: Tim Jewett, Executive Director Tim@SuCasaMemphis.org | 901.320.9833

white station elementary school This is a church wide effort to reach our community for Christ through meeting the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of students, families, and teachers in a local school. There are numerous ways to be involved with this ministry, with varying time commitments as well. Involvement ranges from donating items to the school and families, serving at the school for special events, and spending time with the students, teachers, and families. IPC has adopted White Station Elementary School, which has tutoring and mentoring needs. If you would like to serve, please see the contact information. 8 | G O I N G O U T I N LOV E : I P C M I N I S T RY PA RT N E R S

www.scsk12.org/schools/whitestation.es/site/index.shtml 4840 Chickasaw Road | Memphis, TN 38117 CONTACT: Sarah Hamar, hamarsw@scsk12.org | 901.487.5801

Youth Striving for Excellence The mission of YSE is to encourage youth to build a strong relationship with God, family, and peers by breaking negative life cycles and teaching life skills. We conduct Bible studies, build self-respect, promote sexual abstinence and academic excellence. Opportunities for involvement include: teaching ministry curriculum; assisting teachers; kitchen helper to prepare snacks for club meetings; chaperone special events planned throughout the year; tutors. www.youthstriving.org | 2886 Allen Road | Memphis, TN 38128 CONTACT: Pearl Lee, Executive Director yse1@bellsouth.net | 901.386.9300


resources If you are interested in learning more about God’s concern for justice and His delight in mercy, please consider the following resources as guides and practical helps along the way. BOOKS When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett Generous Justice by Timothy Keller Tangible by Chris Sicks ONLINE RESOURCES The Guidelines for Mercy Ministry in the PCA http://www.pcahistory.org/pca/2-414.html PCA General Assembly Overture #43 http://www.pcaac.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Overture-43-PotomacPursuing-Racial-Reconciliation.pdf

30-day PRAYER GUIDE Pray that you would pray. Ask God to move you to pray for Memphis in specific ways. Ask Him for a bigger heart for Him and for others. DAY 1

Pray for the spiritual health of the Church in Memphis. That God would be at work through His people for the sake of the peace and prosperity of Memphis. (Jer. 29:7)

DAY 2 Pray for the pastors and ministry leaders in Memphis to have a kingdom

vision for Memphis that extends beyond the walls of their own church.

DAY 3 Pray that churches in Memphis would work together to impact their

neighborhoods and that God would bless the membership to love and serve their neighbors with their gifts and resources.

DAY 4 Pray for our ministry partners and those they are seeking to serve. Ask

that God would bless their mission and provide the people and resources they need.

DAY 5 Pray for the public safety of Memphis. Pray for our police officers and their

families as well as the victims of crime and their families. Pray for repentance for those who have committed crimes and that our judicial system would render true judgments.

DAY 6 Pray for the family unit in Memphis. Ask that families would be restored

and that the home would be a safe place for everyone, especially children.

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DAY 7 Pray for Palmer Home as they seek to provide loving homes for children.

Pray for the house parents and the children as well as for those who God would raise up to foster and adopt.

DAY 8 Pray for Bethany Christian Services and Life Choices as they seek to

come along side mothers considering abortion. Ask that God would be at work to protect the unborn and that He would move the Church to speak and act on their behalf.

DAY 9 Pray for education in Memphis. Pray that God would open up

opportunities for children to grow and learn that they might thrive in school. Pray for Memphis Teacher Residency (MTR) and other organizations that are seeking to impact the educational system with the love of Jesus.

DAY 10 Pray for our teachers in Memphis. Ask for patience and perseverance in

the classroom. Especially pray for the teachers in our own congregation.

DAY 11 Pray for our ministry partners like Streets that reach students through

after school programs and tutoring. Ask that God would reverse the failing statistics that would cause students to lose hope.

DAY 12 Pray for our coaches and mentors who seek to guide and train students.

Ask for deepening relationships that last.

DAY 13 Pray for the distressed and vulnerable neighborhoods of Memphis. Pray

for those who have lost their homes or are in danger of losing their home.

DAY 14 Pray for Memphis Union Mission and other organizations that are serving

the homeless.

DAY 15 Pray for the economic development of Memphis. Memphis still ranks at the top of the poorest cities in the U.S. Ask that God would reverse this trend.

DAY 16 Pray for Advance Memphis and other organizations that offer financial

literacy and job preparedness skills. Ask that those seeking work would be provided a job.

DAY 17 Pray for those who have lost their jobs. Ask that God would provide

employment. Also pray for those who are caught in the cycle of poverty. Ask that they would be able to provide for themselves and their families.

DAY 18 Pray for the sojourners, refugees, and immigrants in Memphis. Ask

that the Lord would provide relationships of trust and understanding in these communities.

DAY 19 Pray for Su Casa and World Relief as they seek to minister to these

individuals and families.

DAY 20 Pray for the Gospel to advance among the nations here in Memphis and

for the Church to work together to reach those outside of the faith. 11

DAY 21 Pray that God would raise up leaders from every community and

background in Memphis.

DAY 22 Pray for our elected officials and those public servants who need God’s wisdom.

DAY 23 Pray for our healthcare providers and hospitals in Memphis. Ask that God

would be at work through them as they seek to take care of others.

DAY 24 Pray for the Forrest Spence Fund and other organizations that serve

patients and families in their time of need. Pray for Gospel opportunities to arise out of this loving concern.

DAY 25 Pray for Memphis’ business and development community. Ask that God

would use them to serve this city well through their God-given resources.

DAY 26 Pray for the elderly in Memphis, especially those who do not have family connections.

DAY 27 Pray for the social and racial divides that exist in our city. Ask God to tear down barriers and be at work through the Gospel to heal and unite Memphis.

DAY 28 Pray for yourself. Ask that God would cause you to delight in Mercy as

He does.

DAY 29 Pray for your family. Ask that God would help you demonstrate and

declare His mercy and for it to rub off on them.

DAY 30 Pray that we as a church family would know and show the compassion

of Jesus.

“When He saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples,

“‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laboreres into his harvest.’”

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