The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto hosted Porto Academy from the 20th to the 27th of July 2016. The academy consisted of a weeklong workshop and lectures with Adalberto Dias, Adam Caruso 'Caruso St John', Angelo Bucci 'SPBR', Anne Lacaton 'Lacaton & Vassal', Arno Brandlhuber, Andrew Groarke 'Carmody Groarke', Cecilia Puga, Christoph Gantenbein 'Christ & Gantenbein', Graça Correia 'Correia Ragazzi', Jun Igarashi, Martino Tattara 'Dogma' , Nuno Graça Moura, Piet Eckert 'E2A', Roger Diener 'Diener & Diener' and Tatiana Bilbao.
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