India and China doing business together
One size doesn’t fit all
They have to play with rules set by others yet there is hope that the two rising nations are likely to play to reinforce each other. S Jaishankar
he growth stories of India and China, impressive in recent years in their own right, have acquired an added sheen. Their paths of development have in many respects been unique. This means that they not only differ from the western experience but from each other as well. Certainly, they do share some similarity in their broad socio-economic goals and the
scale of change being attempted. As developing economies, they also possess competitive skills in their particular areas of competence. Where they do diverge is in their approach and processes. One is more statist, supply driven, collectivist and goal oriented. The other is more entrepreneurial, demand influenced, pluralistic and process focused. If scale is the key characteristic of China’s growth, frugality is the hallmark of
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India’s development. When scale meets frugality, this becomes the basis for a significant economic interaction. So, what is actually happening between India and China? While attention has been focused on the issues in the relationship, it is on the opportunity side that gains have been steadily recorded. Out of nowhere, within a decade, India has emerged among the top 10 trade partners of China. A turnover of less than USD