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Interpreting the Great

‘Chinese Dream’ The new vocabulary in the international relations lexicon is the concept of ‘Chinese Dream’. It is an ideational concept with profound meanings that every country in the global sphere is trying to deconstruct and demystify. India’s concern lies in the current dynamics of ‘China’s rise’ in the global sphere. There are some questions, which necessitate immediate attention and deliberation. What does the ‘Chinese Dream’ mean for India? Whose Dream is it? What does it signify for the world? More importantly, in what ways does the ‘Chinese Dream’ hold relevance for India? According to some experts the Dream is a road that marks the regaining of China’s lost glories; a quest to reclaim its erstwhile position of being the ‘Son of Heaven’.

|22| India-China Chronicle January 2014

Amrita Jash Am


he idea of ‘Chinese Dream’ was ÂżUVW SXW IRUZDUG E\ &KLQDÂśV ÂżIWK JHQHUDWLRQ OHDGHUVKLS following the 18th CPC National fol Congress. It was the new leadership Co un under the command of Xi Jinping that put forward the strategic vision th of the Chinese Dream, whereby the consciousness of the past seems to co sh shape the future. Expounding the notion of the ‘Chinese Dream’, Xi no sta stated that “We must make persistent

efforts, press ahead with indomitable will, continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation�. On 29 November 2012, while speaking at the National Museum “Road to Revival� exhibition at Beijing, Xi pronounced his grand vision for the achievement of the “great renewal or rejuvenation of the Chinese nation� which would aim at the “national aspiration for a ‘Chinese Dream’ about making the country stronger

through development.� From these very words one can sense the nostalgia that underpins the Dream, where there exists a conscious endeavour to recall China’s past humiliations and sufferings as a mirror to look forward to the future of great revival of the Chinese nation. Hence, the Dream is a quest to reclaim China’s erstwhile position of being the ‘Son of Heaven’ who in the vestiges of its humiliation,lost its glory and became the ‘Sick Man of Asia’. For China, the Chinese Dream paves the way for the ‘road that stretches ahead’ that is going January 2014 ƒ India-China Chronicle |23|


to be one of a ‘strong and prosperous state, a revived nation and a well-off society of the Chinese people’. Whose Dream Is It? In this context, the question that lies central to the understanding of the Chinese Dream is: ‘whose dream LV LW"Âś )URP ;LÂśV ZRUGV LW LV UHĂ€HFWLYH that it is the ‘Chinese people’ who are at the centre of gravity of this Dream. The objective would be met when the Party at the apex in cohesion with the hundreds of millions of people will work to foster the national rejuvenation. In resonance to the Chinese public, Xi reminded “we must be clear that 128 million Chinese people still live in poverty, China has a lower ranking per capita GDP, the gap remains between us and the developed countries in terms of science and technology, thus the urban and rural gaps as well as social injustice are yet to be solvedâ€?. He further elaborated, “As the reform LV QRW \HW ÂżQLVKHG ZH VKRXOG IXUWKHU carry forward the spirit when we stand at a new starting point. Be it breaking the mental shackles, shattering interest groups, removing obstacles to de|24| India-China Chronicle ƒ January 2014

IT IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL DREAM BUT RATHER A NATIONAL DREAM. THE CHINESE DREAM IS A NATIONAL CONCEPT THAT PIVOTS ON CHINESE NATIONALISM OVER CHINESE INDIVIDUALISM. THIS IS BECAUSE THOUGH IT IS PEOPLE CENTRIC AND HAS A CHARACTER OF INCLUSIVITY YET IT EVIDENTLY IGNORES THE CHINESE PEOPLE’S INDIVIDUAL ASPIRATIONS AND AMBITIONS. velopment, or releasing the bonus of reform and development, only when we carry forward the spirit can we have a brighter prospect�. He further stated “to realize the Chinese dream we must pool the strength of the whole country, that is, the strength of all ethnic groups across the country and the concerted efforts of the 1.3 billion

Chinese people�. The statements of Xi Jinping clearly outline the image of the Chinese Dream. Here the dream of the people is not their own dream to actualize their interests. Rather it is the collective dream of the people to rejuvenate the Chinese nation as a whole. In this way, Xi has rendered a sense of unanimity and inclusivity in the grand Chinese vision where one hand, the Chinese people join hands with the Communist Party to make the dream come true, while on the other it unites the divided people of varied ethnic groups under the same Chinese umbrella. It is not just the dream of the Han Chinese but also of the multi-ethnic groups in China, that taken together make up the Chinese Dream of all the Chinese People. Apart from this, the most distinct feature of the dream is its commitment to socialism. It can be seen as the Dream that leads to the ‘road of socialism with Chinese characteristics’, which walks the path of socialism which is distinctive to China and not universal in approach. Xi’s visionary outlook holds to be a pragmatic road to China’s modernisation. It is strategic in its approach and

philosophical in its beliefs. It is the Beijing spirit that seems to join in matrimony with China’s internal instability to its external relations. It is the Dream that is constructive and waits to come true with the actualisation of peace and development. How Does the Chinese Dream Translate for India? The Chinese Dream can be seen as a window of opportunity for India. The Dream is chased at the right time where India can have optimal gains. In the current global dynamics, there is a power shift that is exhibited in the


turn of the compass rotating from the West to the East, where both India and China are the key actors, both rapidly growing and emerging. This is making for a paradigm shift in international politics with the dawn of the Asian Century. It can be anticipated that there is much that India can gain by engaging with this vision rather than by remaining in isolation. With both the Asian giants coming together, the dream can therefore, become that of an ‘Asian Dream’.

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There is a commonality of objectives for both India and China as they strive for peace and stability with sustainable economic growth. Since India and China have two of the biggest human capital with the largest populations in the world, they face the same risks in terms of driving economic development, improving the livelihood of the people and deepening of reforms. This makes the political objective same for both as that of ‘well-being, prosperity and development’ for the people. Hence, when the objective is same, both countries can cooperate in pooling their means to meet the ends. This therefore, calls for more engagement between India and China both economically, politically and socially. The existing differences can be resolved only when there are some common grounds for co-existence with active economic cooperation by increasing trade, and more peopleto- people exchanges rather than just keeping the relationship to the leadership level as that can lead to the |26| India-China Chronicle January 2014

THE COMMONALITIES OF CHINA AND INDIA CAN BE TAPPED TOGETHER FOR GREATER BENEFITS FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER, THUS, MAKING THE DREAM MORE UTILITARIAN. CHINA AND INDIA CAN COOPERATE IN THE FIELDS OF TRADE, FINANCE, ENERGY AND INTERCONNECTION. Dream being actualised sooner. China with India can share the burden of bringing prosperity to the people of the nation and the world with their peaceful emergence. In this environment of bonhomie, ZKDW UHPDLQV VLJQL¿FDQW IRU ,QGLD DQG China is the ‘boundary question’. With the hopes held high with the Chinese Dream which calls for China to be more responsive and egalitarian, it can

be anticipated that the much awaited territorial tension can be resolved at the best interest of each nation. The phenomenon of ‘hot economics and cold politics’ can be transformed into a ‘win-win cooperation’, making the politics and economics go hand in hand with each other. Apart from these, the two nations can act in collaboration in security issues as those of both traditional and non-traditional concerns. There can be more engagements in maritime sectors, energy issues, climate concerns and others. What opens the window of RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU ,QGLD LV LWV VLJQL¿FDQW characteristics vis-à-vis China as the largest neighbour, emerging power, biggest trading partner, huge human resource, traditional and civilizational links and the similar socio-economic conditionality. China and India can together become the factory and service centre to the world and thereby, largely drive much of the world economy of this century and also in the future. This way the Chinese

'UHDP ZRXOG EULQJ MRLQW EHQHÂżWV WR both the countries, ensuring greater livelihood to its people to enjoy the UHDO EHQHÂżWV RI FRPPRQ GHYHORSPHQW The Chinese Dream can thus act as the axis to uphold the ‘Panchsheel’ in the current times, making it more real in existence. Hence, India can actively engage with a more responsible and KDUPRQLRXV &KLQD LQ IXOÂżOOLQJ WKH objectives of prosperity and peace for the human race. In this way, both the Asian powers will become an epitome of ‘friendship and peace’ and build a road that looks forward to development. It would bring fortune to Asia and the world as a whole both literally and ÂżJXUDWLYHO\ 7KH GDZQ RI WKH $VLDQ Century awaits the cooperation of India-China in actualising the Dream. This makes the Dream look more real and concrete. China and India, making up nearly a third of mankind, can chase the Dream cooperatively, and thus become a game-changer for the holistic good of the people of the

THE CHINESE DREAM IS NOT JUST A STRATEGIC BLUEPRINT THAT IS LIMITED ONLY TO FURTHERING CHINA’S OWN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT, BUT IT ALSO REFLECTS A NEW ERA IN CHINA’S FOREIGN POLICY WHICH HAS SIGNIFICANT AND WIDE SPREAD IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WORLD AT LARGE. whole world. This Dream of shared YLVLRQ VKRXOG QRW EH VDFUL¿FHG LQ WKH name of great power ambitions and competitions. A lot can be gained through cooperationand by making Asia an anchor for world peace. Chinese Dream and the World In its broader understanding, the Dream is a ray of hope not just for the people of China but the people around

the globe as well. It acts as a linkage to connect China to its own people as well as to the larger international public. It is exhibited in the commitment of unison to create a harmonious world and peaceful development, rested on mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This gives the realization of the Chinese Dream profound meanings for the world at large. There is a focus on global peace and development that goes beyond China’s borders and reaches worldwide. It is equally extrinsic as it is intrinsic in approach. The international sphere is more saprophytic than parasitic in character. So, if China dreams of prosperity and well-being, it can only be achieved with the help of the others. This pool of strength to actualise the dream would thus bring fortune to the world at large. In analysing the connection of the Chinese Dream to the world, one can draw a link in terms of Xi’s aspiration to make China a more responsible acWRU LQ WKH JOREDO VWDJH WKHUHE\ IXO¿OO-

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ing the objective of ascending China’s image in the global sphere. This can be viewed in the scenario of the ‘China rise’ factor that has impeded this core desire of the Chinese leadership in the recent past. It has led to negative apprehensions and speculations resulting in ‘China threat theory’ that questions China’s ability to play a responsive actor in the international domain thereby, making China seem to be more of a foe than a friend in the circle of nations. In its connect to the world, Xi’s Chinese Dream also acts like magic wand that can dispel the erroneous myths and speculations that have often been attached to China’s rise. $V WKH RI¿FLDO VWDWHPHQW RI &KLQD posits that “the Chinese Dream is

THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHINESE DREAM IS BEING ACCESSED IN PARALLEL WITH THE AMERICAN DREAM, WHICH IS ATTRIBUTED TO CHINA’S GREAT POWER AMBITIONS. not the Chinese people’s dreaming of remaining behind closed doors, but a dream of opening up; a dream that China can collaborate with the world and achieve a win-win situation. The &KLQHVH GUHDP ZLOO EHQH¿W &KLQD DQG the world. It will remove doubts and misunderstandings in the world about China’s rapid development.” China is now ready to become more visible in the international realm. The time is seen to be ripe for China to JLYH DZD\ LWV ORZ SUR¿OH DQG HQJDJH LQ a more proactive diplomacy in order to become a more responsible major power in global politics. The aim is therefore, to make China more open to new issues, ideas, engagements, and developments in the multi-polar world. The slogan of “Peace, Development and Win-Win Cooperation” adYRFDWHG E\ &KLQD LV DQ DI¿UPDWLRQ RI D positive role that China aspires to play on the international stage. It exhibits China’s benign intentions towards the |28| India-China Chronicle January 2014

international community. This very composition of the Chinese Dream makes it a World Dream, as there is a commonality of aspirations, as the people of the whole world strive for the ultimate goal to accomplish peace, prosperity and happiness. In this light, China’s efforts at “national rejuvenation, improvement of people’s livelihoods, prosperity, construction of a better society and military strengtheningâ€?- can all add to the economic well-being of the world. The military strengthening comes as a natural trait,which coupled with its defensive posture, can contribute to increased international security. With this China can become an equal stakeholder in the international arena vis-Ă -vis the U.S., and stands tall as a responsible global actor. But to make it a World Dream, China has to accommodate the interests of other countries. How China will do it is the question that remains unanswered. At this stage, Chinese Dream can either be one that conforms to the colonial great powers with hegemonic

outlook, or one that can change the entire paradigm of global order which is hegemonic, ethnocentric, unequal, and exclusive and to replace it with a democratic, equitable, inclusive and consensus-driven world. China is at the centre of high politics as a permanent member of UN Security Council, a member of G-20 and BRICS, in fulÂżOOLQJ LWV GUHDP DQG FDQ WKXV XVH LWV privilege either to pursue the big power road or the egalitarian road. Thereby, it would be in the best interest of China to have excellent external relations as that can fetch China its goal of reforms, development and stability. Chinese Dream: No Zero-Sum Game The Chinese Dream is at its nascent VWDJH EXW LW FDUULHV VLJQLÂżFDQW LPSOLcations for the future. To gain for the whole, one need to assess this dream with a leap of faith than with preconceived notions. It opens a window of opportunities both for the world at large making it a ‘World Dream’ and ,QGLD LQ VSHFLÂżF E\ PDNLQJ LW DQ Âľ$VLDQ

Dream’. With apprehensions of it being translated into the agenda of becoming a dominant world power, the “peaceful rise of Chinaâ€? can also be a civilizational catalyst for transforming the unequal world. The Dream can VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRQWULEXWH WR WKH IXOÂżOOing of the objective of making China a self-reliant global power which is responsive and egalitarian and not hegemonic in approach. The Chinese Dream is therefore, the gateway to China’s ‘Peaceful Rise and Development’. There is no zero-sum game in this dream as it is more absolute in nature, holistic, inclusive and pragmatic in approach. The realization of this dream won’t be at the cost of shattered dreams of others but it would help in realizing the dreams of all other nations. Therefore, it can be rightly called a ‘World Dream with Chinese Characteristics’ based on peace and prosperity for the humankind. ‰ The writer is Ph. D Research Scholar at the Centre for East Asian Studies, Chinese Division, School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

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