Wang Yang
Revolution in enteRpRise solutions
Silver bullet in the Cloud The use of customized software is the next big step in the world of computing.
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nterprise solutions provide a scalable and easy to manage programming solutions for business management and information for industries, organizations and countries. With software and tools tailor made for businesses and governments alike, enterprise software creates an easier way to connect with audiences. These can be considered the final destination for building comprehensive networks as it deals with the problem of providing information to clients both externally and internally dealing with programming and databases for them. A combined study by FICCI and Price Water House in 2011 states that the Indian enterprise segment have been growing at a healthy pace of 20 to 25 per cent CAGR since 2008. With local businesses and a booming economy that is adopting IT and network technology to increase productivity there is no doubt that India too has been bitten by the enterprise solution bug. Enterprise software and its effects can be seen in every facet of our daily lives. Enterprise solutions today provide governments with intelligent transportation, railway monitoring systems and E-government affairs network solutions. Network architecture of data centres of e-government affairs network can realize virtualization of network and resource, convergence of heterogeneous network,
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high-speed network connection and intelligent management of the network on the basis of cloud characteristics. By building unified data centers, data service ability and expansibility of the network can be enhanced while realizing the dispatch of resources as required. Enterprise software also helps organizations and governments in commodities traceability and anti-falsification enabling them to inspect the complete supply chain from production to the final stage of retail. The systems are integrated and built to help in tracking the information of the commodities in different stages in the supply chain as well as locate the problem commodities and find a timely solution. All this is done through the complex system of specially designed software and the concept of cloud computing. The concept of cloud computing is based on outsourcing of services, platforms, applications and infrastructure to enable the conversion of capex into opex costs. SaaS, broadband, Serviceoriented architectures (SOA) are some of the technologies that are enabling cloud computing. Cloud and managed
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storage services are proving to be a ‘silver bullet’ for corporations to increase efficiency while keeping their costs low. ZTE’s CoCloud total solution has been providing complete cloud computing solutions for quite a while now to large businesses. The advantages of cloud computing systems include low monthly costs, automatic software up-
An increAsing number of enTerprises Are AdopTing cloud compuTing And Are gAining greAT benefiTs from cosT reducTion, flexibiliTy, speed And AgiliTy. frosT & sullivAn hAve esTimATed This porTion of The cloud mArkeT To be in The $400 million rAnge AnnuAlly
dates, data back-up, least amount of infrastructural investment to name a few. An increasing number of enterprises are adopting cloud computing and are gaining great benefits from cost reduction, flexibility, speed and agility. Frost & Sullivan have estimated this portion of the cloud market to be in the $400 million range annually. Undoubtedly, cloud represents a huge potential worldwide and in India, and any global IT services leader, cannot afford to miss the opportunity. Even the education sector does not remain untouched and world over customized software specially cloud computing have made a significant change enabling students to learn from the periphery of their homes. From online counseling to classes, customized enterprise software help education centers reach out to a larger audience. This also helps in creating centralized national and international level databases of students and help education providers provide holistic education services. With the growing global population even the complex field of medicine is lending a helping hand. Software designed specifically for the field focuses on the growing demands of hospitals, universities and communities, integrating medical resources and help in downstream and upstream supply chains at vertical and horizontal direction to realize the target of digital hospitals, digital city and harmonious society. These intelligent medical solutions provide services such as hospital basic bearer network construction, medical data storage, wireless access, remote diagnosis, remote visiting, hospital security monitoring, medical assets management and family medical monitoring. The need for such enterprise solutions is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s day, especially as cities all over the country are becoming more modern in terms of technology. As modern cities develop rapidly, the cities are facing great challenges in management and planning, social stability and security as well as sustainable development while the city’s development space is enlarged. ZTE understands these
needs and has creatively put forward the I-City, a smart city solution which is based on hierarchical model of cloud architecture. This solution has helped in developing a city architecture targeting at integration, horizontality and openness by combining cloud computing technology and rapidly building abundant industry applications at a uniform business development platform. ZTE’s smart city system consists of social public security system, government emergency command system, urban intelligent traffic system, wireless city, smart-park and other systems. Social public security system adopts operating model of safe city video monitoring system subcontrolled by primary organizations, mainly controlled by relevant functional departments of individual district, county and municipal governments, and uniformly dispatched by municipal government (emergency response command center). This also includes police reporting sub-system, intelligent analysis sub-system, GIS, GPS, video meeting system, OA system, and multi-field advanced technologies, which improves comprehensive application of technologies related to site investigation and disposition, identification of physical evidence, detection and monitoring, playing the role of limited police force to the highest extent. This system is a powerful comprehensive management platform integrated with digitization, networking, intellectualization and integration. RFID-based city traffic management and service system put forward in smart city solution by ZTE builds comprehensive vehicle information platform with aim to improve platformization and servicisation of vehicle information between public security, traffic and other system, which can fundamentally share vehicle information resources and enhance in-
ZTe undersTAnds These needs And hAs creATively puT forwArd The i-ciTy, A smArT ciTy soluTion which is bAsed on hierArchicAl model of cloud ArchiTecTure. This soluTion hAs helped in developing A ciTy ArchiTecTure formatization of vehicle management by means of RFID-based information collection. In 2008, ZTE created an emergency response and monitoring system for the Ministry of Internal Affairs (public security and fire special police).They went further on to build a private network across the country, linking the departments of police, prison, fire protection, hospital, medical aid and customs and other relevant departments. They also provide users with a uniform
emergency command centre system, prison management system, VOIP phone, video monitoring system, video meeting system and supporting power supply system. For smart power distribution grid sector and under the premise of fully considering the diversity of businesses, safety and reliability, ZTE customizes an EPON-based comprehensive solution with fibrebroadband access for the power sector. These integrated technologies provide perfect, intelligent, strong, advanced and professional solutions, like ODN, business as well as operation and maintenance solution for power distribution automation, electricity utilization information collection currently implemented in power sector and PFTTH projects of smart communities. Power dispatch network solution is the successful practice of ZTE’s Smart IP convergence network and consists of five key elements, including reliability, real-time, safety, self-improvement and network management. ZTE boasts its sophisticated bearer network products in the industry, and can provide data equipment of networks at each level for power dispatch data network. Today it is enterprise software that enables handling everything from national security networking, power grid management, easy bill payment options to online banking, railway bookings to train scheduling. The use of customized software reduces the chances of errors and provides greater accuracy and precision and it is the next big step.
Wang Yang is Director Enterprise ZTE India
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