Feng Xingyuan
The Yin & Yang of free trade
Like Yin and Yang in Chinese science and philosophy defines every manifestation, so it defines trade relations between India and China. |8| India-China Chronicle November-December 2010
lthough trade relations between India and China developed fast in recent years, trade protectionism and potential military strife constitute a threat to the peace and well-being of the two great nations. Free trade is a key to attain these two goals. And it starts with the inequality of the two nations. Inequality as the foundation of social cooperation India and China have many things in common: both are mega-states in terms of population and economy; both are stars in out-performing other nations in terms of speedy economic growth; both are proud of their own long lasting civilizations; both suffered from colonization or semi-colonization by Western powers, and thus are very sensitive of preserving their “national dignity.” Further, both countries are still poor in terms of per capita GDP the ranking of both in economic freedom is also lagging. In the 2010 Index of Economic Freedom of the Heritage Foundation, India is ranked No. 123, while China No. 140, after India. At the same time, India and China are also quite different: India is the largest democracy in the world, while China is an authoritarian regime; India is based mainly on common law, while China adopted continental law; India is advanced in elite education, while China emphasizes more on general education and education for all; most educated Indians speak fluent English, even more fluent than some British and American native speakers, while most Chinese don’t have this advantage. Although both nations are quite different, the cultural connections have had a long history. For instances, during the 1st Century AD, during the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was brought from India into China. It became popular after its adoption to Chinese culture and conditions later on, while it vanished in India, the very country of origin. We can add up almost endless points to the list of similarities and differences between the two nations. In short, India and China are not equal in many fields. People might hate, discriminate or exclude each other just because they
feel that they are equal, or unequal or different. Equal men regard easily each other as rivals. Unequal men might not accept each other because they might not identify each other as own fellows. However, just as Ludwig von Mises mentioned in his famous book >Human Action, it is precisely the inequality of men that generates social cooperation and civilization. In relation to the relationship between India and China, we have to base our discussions upon this insight, especially in current period in which trade between two countries grows fast, but vulnerable to the protectionism which can be easily imposed upon each other. Protectionism as hindrance to bilateral trade and investments The economy of India is the eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), while China is the world’s second largest economy after the United States by both nominal GDP and purchasing power parity. According to IMF statistics, India and China made 5.05% and 12.56% of the World GDP in terms of purchasing power parity in 2009, respectively. Put India and China together, their GDP makes 17.6% of the World GDP. If adding up further the size of all the ASEAN countries (4.04%),
their economy makes 21.65%, which is larger than the share of the GDP size of the US (20.42%) and that of the EU (21.19%). However, the value of trade between India and China makes only 2% of the total trade value of China, while that between the ASEAN and China makes 9.7% of the total trade value of China. Apparently, there exists a scissors gap between India-China trade and the ASEAN-China trade. One of the main reasons should be the trade barriers between India and China. No one is to blame. However, one can attain the improvement of the trade situation in terms of Pareto improvement which means an improvement that leaves everybody better off by reducing or even removing the trade barriers. The consolidated GDP size of India and China makes 17.61% of the world GDP, while that of ASEAN and China 16.6%. Taking the ASEANChina trade level of 9.7% as a base, India-China trade can reach 10.2% (=17.61%*9.7%/16.6%), so 8.2% up in comparison to the current level if catching up a corresponding level by reducing trade barriers. In this regard, the India-China trade has a great potential. Fortunately, trade relations between India and China improved rapidly during recent years in terms of trade volume (exports plus imports), which rose from 7.6 billion USD in 2003 to 43.4 billion USD in 2009, at an annual growth rate of 33.7%. However, it went up to 51.8 billion USD in 2008, highest in its history, at an annual growth rate of 46.8%. Apparently, the global financial crisis and protectionism on both sides affected to some degree this turn. The above mentioned gap is to be traced back by and large to the trade barriers existing in both countries. Although the Indian economy seems to be more open than the Chinese, both are not sufficiently open. India’s exports to China stood at $ 11 billion while China’s exports to India were in excess of 27 billion USD in 2009. The trade gap is expected to be further widened and cross 20 billion USD in 2010. The sharp rise in the trade deficit with China was seen by the Indian government
November-December 2010 India-China Chronicle |9|