Indianapolis Monthly's 2014 Medical Guide

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Guide As you take to the court, field, or course this summer, learn how to best protect your bones, joints, and muscles.

86   IM | July 2014


Stay in the Game The weather has warmed up, but what about you? Preparing for outdoor activities can help prevent many orthopedic-related aches, pains, and injuries. by Shari Held


It’s summer—time to take advantage of the sunshine and get active. But as you hit the tennis courts or throw yourself into a DIY landscaping project, remember this: Without proper preparation, your pleasure can quickly turn to pain. And that may put the kibosh on your activities for the season. Summer injuries are common enough that local physicians gear up to treat the “weekend warriors” flocking to their offices. “Injuries often occur when people go straight from the couch to competitive activities such as softball,” says Wesley G. Lackey, M.D., a hip- and kneereplacement specialist with Franciscan Physician Network, Joint Replacement Surgeons–Mooresville. “They think they still have the body of a teenager. And they pay for it.” Unfortunately, there are many ways to pay for it—sprained ankles, cuts and bruises, arthritis flare-ups, fractures, and torn rotator cuffs, tendons, ligaments, or muscles. But that doesn’t mean getting hurt is inevitable. Here’s a look at some of the most common injuries of the season, how to recognize when pain warrants a trip to the doctor, and how to protect yourself so you can enjoy the great outdoors. What’s the risk with your activity?

Many sports and activities popular in the summer use a specific set of muscles and joints and come with potential injuries.

You’ve perfected your swing, now be mindful of shoulder and elbow injuries that can strike golfers.


“Shoulder injuries, usually rotatorcuff tendonitis–type issues, are common in golfers,” says Jonathan B. Shook, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and sportsmedicine specialist with OrthoIndy. “It’s an overuse issue.” Other injuries that can take their toll include golfer’s elbow (tendonitis on the inside of the elbow) and meniscus issues, which affect the cartilage pad between the upper and lower bone of the knee.


Pitchers are prone to shoulder problems and elbow injuries, such as a torn ligament. It’s rare, but occasionally they dislocate their shoulders. “More common for baseball players in general are finger injuries from getting hit by the ball or grabbing the base with their thumb in the wrong position as they slide into base,” says Michael Pannunzio, M.D., a specialist in microvascular reconstruction and hand, wrist, and July 2014 | IM   87


elbow surgery with Reconstructive Hand to Shoulder of Indiana. Other common injuries for the sport include twisted knees and sprained ankles. Cycling

IT band syndrome is a condition in which the tendon that goes down the outside of the knee (the iliotibial band) becomes inflamed and causes pain. “It’s an overuse injury that happens with the repetitive motion of cycling,” says Rodney Benner, M.D., a knee specialist with Shelbourne Knee Center. Running

Vigorous running or jogging can leave knees sore, stiff, and weak, and those aches can get progressively more intense. “A lot of overuse injuries don’t have specific structural diagnoses attached to them,” Benner says. Repeated pressure on the ankles and knees can result in stress fractures. “I urge runners to try alternate forms of cardio exercise, such as cycling, swimming, or running on an elliptical, where they avoid the repetitive impact of the footfall on the ground,” says Stephen P. Jacobsen, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine with Hazel Dell Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, part of Riverview Medical Group. Tennis

A pulled calf muscle is a common tennis injury. And then there’s the one we hear the most about—tennis elbow, which is tendonitis on the outside of the elbow. “It’s usually caused by an inappropriately sized racquet or an inappropriately sized grip on the racquet,” says Shook of OrthoIndy.

A wrong-sized racquet can contribute to tennis elbow.

“Folks who are getting a little older and who have a bit of arthritis can sometimes have a flare-up from working in the yard,” Pannunzio says. Squatting and stooping load and stress the knee while it’s bent, which can cause flare-ups in arthritis and in past injuries to the meniscus or cartilage in the knee. “Those seem to be more symptomatic when people have their knees in a bent position,” Benner says. Other issues such as rotator-cuff tendonitis or rotator-cuff tears cause pain in the shoulder blade and halfway down the arm. “Many people ignore it until it gets severe,” Jacobsen says. “If you have trouble laying in bed on that side, that’s your cue to see your doctor because that usually indicates a potential tear. And tears are best treated early.”

Yard work

Homeowners are also prone to tennis elbow. “Hold a weedeater palm down, away from the body for a long period of time, and depending on how heavy it is, you’re going to start to feel it in your elbow,” Jacobsen says. Tendonitis of the hands or wrist, caused by the repetitive motion of pulling weeds, grasping a shovel, or operating clippers to prune or trim bushes, is a major complaint of gardeners. 88   IM | July 2014

Never underestimate overuse

Overuse injuries can be caused by using the same muscles and joints repeatedly. If you’re a weekend warrior, pay attention—you have some control over this. “Overuse injuries, in general terms, are painful injuries caused by doing exercise that your body either isn’t conditioned for or doesn’t have the capacity to perform at that time,” Benner says.

Muscles may not be able to withstand the stress placed on them, and bones can ultimately develop fractures if they’re subjected to repetitive loading. Overuse injuries can be serious problems for kids who throw overhand. Jacobsen suggests they take a few months off each year. “It doesn’t need to be three consecutive months, but the body has to have time to heal,” he says. “The joints, ligaments, and tendons just can’t handle so many repetitions year-round.” How do you know if you have an overuse injury? Pain is the most common sign, Lackey says. “Many times that can be addressed by just backing off a little bit and then easing back into the activity.” A typical overuse issue, tendonitis, is often indicated by pain and stiffness. “Tendonitis feels like a sore muscle, but the soreness is more intense where the tendon attaches to the bone or crosses the joint,” Pannunzio says. “It’s not uncommon for it to be worse in the morning when you first get up and start moving.” Red flags for other types of injuries, according to Jacobsen, include pain that persists after you quit your activity; swelling, especially in a joint; bruising that isn’t the result of direct impact; and a sensation of catching or locking of a joint that impedes motion, especially in the knees.


HIPS By having an anterior hip replacement with Dr. Brad Prather, Beverly reduced her recovery time by half. She walked a quarter of a mile the first day home from the hospital and currently walks six miles round trip to her daughter’s house. Now that she is pain-free, Beverly is also back to her true passion, gardening. Talk with our orthopedic surgeons at a free seminar about joint replacement. Register at HENDRICKS.ORG/JOINTS or call (317) 718-4676.


Avoid being sidelined this season by taking time to properly warm up.

It may be time to see the doctor if your injury doesn’t respond to simple techniques such as RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), if the pain is severe and continues to worsen, if the pain lasts for more than a week, or if there is any deformity—your sprained ankle doesn’t look like your other ankle. “Trust yourself,” Shook says. “If it hurts and it’s not something that you’re used to hurting, then see an expert.” Protect yourself

Here are some practices to keep your bones, muscles, and joints safe so you can enjoy your summer. Stay active. “Motion is lotion,” Lackey says. “Exercise is the best thing we have to keep our bodies working well. We just need to be smart about keeping it consistent in terms of easing into new activities and maintaining the activity level.” That’s especially true for seniors. “Staying in shape in general tends to help with overall balance and minimizes the risk of falls,” Pannunzio says. “If you trip over something, you’re able to right yourself rather than falling down.” Start slow. “The temptation when you are starting a new exercise activity is to jump in with both feet, but that can lead to muscle injury, stress fractures, 90   IM | July 2014

and other kinds of orthopedic ailments,” Benner says. Get expert instruction—especially when beginning a new activity. Benner suggests joining a runners’ group, investing in lessons, or hiring a personal trainer to give you proper guidance. Warm up and stretch. Whether it’s a new pastime or one you participate in routinely, warm up and give your muscles a good stretch for about 10 minutes before beginning. This is key to preventing injuries. “The best warm-up is to do the activity you are going to do at halftempo and then ease into it,” Lackey says. “And rather than stretching the muscles prior to warming up, incorporate stretching into the warm-up.” Wear protective gear. That can help prevent new injuries or further damage existing ones. “Wrist bands, elbow pads, helmets—almost every sport is going to have its own protective equipment,” Shook says. Ensure a good fit. Beware of borrowed tennis racquets with an inappropriate grip size or shoes that rub and give you blisters. They may contribute to problems down the road. Use supportive devices on old injuries. Compression sleeves, ankle braces, or knee sleeves—they can keep you from hurting yourself again.

“Being smart and taking steps to prevent a reinjury is critical,” Jacobsen says. Pre-medicate. If you’re living with a condition that’s already been diagnosed and for which you’re undergoing treatment, such as arthritis, taking an anti-inflammatory beforehand can help reduce aches and pains. “There’s some good science behind that,” Shook says. “It helps with the buildup of inflammatory chemicals that cause the soreness after you finish your activity.” Take a break. Whenever you start to feel sore, it’s time for a breather. “You don’t need to lay down all 13 cubic yards of mulch in one day,” Jacobsen says. “Once you start fatiguing, you start using different groups of muscles, and the reactive forces across the joints start to increase. In short, you set yourself up for an injury.” Schedule smart. If the temperature is in the 90s—a typical Indiana summer day—schedule that tennis game early in the morning or later in the evening. Lack of hydration can cause heat cramps, which is easily resolved by rehydrating, but heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that requires emergency attention and hospitalization. “You see this during tennis tournaments, track meets, and soccer matches,” Jacobsen says. “Those are very high-risk activities.” Wind down. A cool-down restores your body for the next time you exercise so you won’t have achy or tight muscles. It’s most beneficial for someone who is living with a condition like tendonitis or osteoarthritis. Jacobsen notes that previous afflictions—especially those in the foot and ankle— can be prone to post-activity swelling months after the original injury. “When you get done with your activity, you need to be sure you’re propping it up and icing it down each and every time,” he says. Rest is a good thing. Don’t start your next game until you’ve given your body time to rest. And when you do, consider doing something different. “Varying your activity is probably the No. 1 thing you can do to prevent an overuse injury,” Shook says.

Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana Knee Pain?

Knee pain is not just a part of life or even part of the normal aging process. When a warning light comes on in your car, you know you need to have your car serviced. Knee pain is your body’s warning light that something is wrong.

Founded by OrthoIndy surgeon, Dr. Jack Farr, the Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana (CRCI) has been restoring knees with advance techniques and clinical research since 1998. Its goal is to return the “tread” to your knees to restore function and comfort, without replacing it with a new one. Don’t ignore your warning light. Visit to learn more. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Farr, please call (317) 884-5163.

Jack Farr, MD

Medical Director Cartilage Restoration Indianapolis Monthly Top Doctor Orthopedics This Week Top 28 North American Sports Knee Surgeons, 2014


More Than a Pain in the Neck


You don’t have to live with acute and chronic aches.

by Shari Held

That annoying shoulder soreness you feel when you extend your arm overhead could actually be a good thing. Pain is our body’s SOS that there’s a potential problem. But for many people, pain itself has taken center stage. Statistics from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies estimate that 100 million American adults currently live with chronic pain. Fortunately, musculoskeletal (bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves) aches and pains can be managed, from conservative treatments to surgical procedures. And innovative ways to relieve pain are continually being added to the mix. Why you feel pain and ways to prevent it

When an area of your body feels stressed or damaged, it transmits signals to the spinal cord and eventually to the brain. Once the brain processes them, you feel pain. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the knee, the back, and the shoulder are the top three areas for which people visit their doctors when it comes to musculoskeletal pain. To avoid low back, knee, or hip pain, stay active and maintain an appropriate weight so pressure on your joints is minimized. Keeping your core strong also helps. “When the discs degenerate, the best thing you can do is improve the scaffolding around the spine—the core muscles—so they absorb the brunt of the shock,” says Christopher Doran, M.D., an interventional pain-management physician and an anesthesiologist for Goodman Campbell Brain & Spine. 92   IM | July 2014

And if you smoke, stop. If you don’t, keep it that way. There’s a direct correlation between smoking and disc degeneration, according to Doran. When pain needs to be managed

“Ninety percent of lower-back pain will get better on its own in two weeks,” Doran says. “It’s usually managed with basic over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, a day or two of rest, and ice or heat.” Pain that persists or that gets worse with time warrants a trip to the doctor. It can signal a more serious issue such as osteoarthritis, commonly referred to as OA. OA, a progressive, degenerative joint disease that affects 27 million Americans,

is the most common form of knee arthritis. With OA, the protective cartilage gradually wears away, resulting in painful joints and reduced function. “OA has no known cure, and it’s the leading cause of disability in middle-aged adults,” says Jack Farr, M.D., medical director of the OrthoIndy Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana. “While it cannot be fully prevented, if the risk factors are minimized, the onset and extent may be improved.” Conservative pain treatment for earlystage knee OA includes weight loss, physical therapy, supportive devices (canes, shock-absorbing shoe inserts, or knee braces) and anti-inflammatory medications. Steroid injections or


hyaluronan injections may also be used. These measures may make you feel better temporarily, but they don’t usually provide permanent relief. Surgery is typically the next step. For knees, the most common treatments are partial-knee replacement (replacing one portion of the knee, whether it be the kneecap; the inside of the knee, called the medial; or the outside of the knee, the lateral) and total-knee replacement. Innovations, such as the KineSpring System made by Moximed Inc., may offer pain relief to patients with medial OA, the area of the knee most prone to the condition, who are unwilling or unable to have joint-replacement surgery. “We think it could potentially be a bridging procedure,” Farr says. “No bone is removed, so you can do a partialor full-knee replacement afterward.” Farr is the principal investigator of the U.S. SOAR Trial, a study designed to delineate safety and evaluate the effectiveness of the KineSpring System, which is already approved for use in Europe. The SOAR Trial is being conducted at Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital South and is

open to patients with medial compartment knee OA. During the surgery, two incisions are made to insert the device, a springlike unit about the diameter of a pencil, and its two small mounting bases. It’s implanted on the bone outside the knee joint. The procedure requires an overnight hospital stay, and patients are on crutches for about two weeks after surgery. Post-operative therapy focuses on improving stiffness and swelling and regaining motion in the knee, a process that takes about three months. The true benefits of the KineSpring System are not known, though potential benefits include a relief or decrease in knee OA symptoms and/or an improvement in knee function, or a delay in the need for joint replacement surgery—but there are no guarantees. “We are finding similar types of improvement as reported in European trials,” Farr says. “And they are finding the vast majority of patients have had sustained relief of their OA symptoms.” For more information, visit soarstudy .com. The KineSpring System is an

Respected Nationally, Providing Care Locally.

investigational device and limited by federal (or U.S.) law to investigational use only. Benefits and potential risks will be discussed with interested people. PAIN YOU DON’T WANT TO IGNORE

“Pain associated with weakness or that significantly limits you at home or at work should be evaluated by your healthcare professional,” Doran says. If you ignore pain caused by overuse issues, you risk turning a minimal muscle or tendon tear into a larger tear and a bigger problem. Pain accompanied by weakness could indicate a pinched nerve. “The danger with that is the longer there’s pressure on the nerve, the better chance it can be chronically damaged,” Doran says. “Sometimes the function won’t come back completely.” Another potential consequence to living with long-term, untreated pain is that the tissues can become hypersensitized, and your pain could continue even when the physical cause is resolved. “It’s much more difficult to treat at that point,” Doran says.

Left to Right: Dale Dellacqua, M.D., Michael Pannunzio, M.D., Alex Meyers, M.D., Lance Rettig, M.D.

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Medical Directory

A glance at the hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare options in and around Indianapolis. This list of hospitals and practices is just a sampling of what’s out there. Entries may not mention every service a provider offers, and inclusion does not imply an endorsement by Indianapolis Monthly or Emmis Communications. For recommendations on what’s right for you, talk to your doctor. HOSPITALS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL EAST

The first full-service hospital of Community Health Network, Community Hospital East has met the needs of patients since 1956. The comprehensive acute-care facility offers cardiovascular, maternity, orthopedic, behavioral, inpatient and outpatient surgery, emergency, and cancercare services. The hospital’s affiliation with the MD Anderson Cancer Network provides certified physicians at Community East with access to MD Anderson’s evidencebased guidelines and treatment plans. Additional highlights include the Center for Joint Health, private birthing suites, Community Breast Care, a sleep/wake disorders center, Community Spine Center, accreditation as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center and Chest Pain Center, and patientconcierge services. STAFFED BEDS: 163. 1500 N. Ritter Ave., 355-1411,


Community North was the first hospital in the state to offer the latest innovations in da Vinci surgical-robot technology, helping to increase precision and safety. The facility and its surrounding campus include Community Cancer Care, home to MD Anderson Cancer Network–certified oncologists. Community Breast Care (which offers services in the evening); a sleep/wake disorders center for adults and children; a treasure hunt–themed pediatric area; an advanced neonatal intensive-care unit; private maternity guest suites; the Center for Joint Health, dedicated solely to joint-replacement patients; and Wellspring Pharmacy are among other services and amenities offered. STAFFED BEDS: 420 (including staffed behavioral-health beds). 7150 Clearvista Dr., 621-6262,


The comprehensive, coordinated care here serves residents of south-central Indiana and the southern metroIndianapolis area. Open since April, Community Cancer Center South provides a full range of certified oncologists specializing in radiation, medical, gynecologic, breast, colorectal, lung, and head and neck. The multidisciplinary approach includes an oncology dietitian and social worker, patient navigators, and diagnostic imaging. Community South also provides bariatric services and weight-loss surgery, the Center for Joint Health, Express Care ER triage service, Community Breast Care, private labor and delivery suites, a Level IIB special-care nursery with advanced respiratory equipment to treat babies born as early as 32 weeks, Community Heart & Vascular, and an onsite Wellspring Pharmacy. STAFFED BEDS: 158. 1402 E. County Line Rd., 887-7000,


Indiana’s only osteopathic hospital offers medical and surgical treatment, preventive care, and wellness services that focus on the whole person. It offers 24-hour emergency 94   IM | July 2014

services, a breast-care center, internal medicine, cancer and cardiopulmonary care, a sleep-disorders center, acute rehabilitation, imaging and laboratory services, and geriatric behavioral health. Community Healthplex Sports Club provides cardio and strength-training equipment, wellness education, a spa, two indoor pools, and tennis courts. STAFFED BEDS: 68. 3630 N. Guion Rd., 920-8439,


This short-stay hospital, which opened in April 2012, offers outpatient services such as imaging, sports medicine, physical therapy, and laboratory services; primary care; the Center for Hip & Knee Surgery; outpatient cardiovascular services; and cancer care, among others. STAFFED BEDS: 6. 12188B N. Meridian St., 705-4500,


It’s the only teaching hospital in the state to earn the HealthGrades Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence three years running (HealthGrades also ranked it among the nation’s best for overall heart care, heart surgery, and coronary interventions). The facility’s emergency room features a new process for faster care and an accredited Chest Pain Center, and its renowned Heart Center offers comprehensive heart and vascular services. Other amenities include multidisciplinary cancer care; the Wound Care Institute; a pain-management clinic; a weight-loss center; outpatient services, such as physical therapy, laboratory tests, and sports medicine; the Center of Hope for victims of rape and sexual assault; and a full slate of women’s and children’s services. STAFFED BEDS: 459. 8111 S. Emerson Ave., 528-5000,


This hospital provides a wide range of programs and services, including those for behavioral health, diabetes care and education, sleep disorders, and rheumatology. The Wound Care Institute; the Neurosciences Center; and WorkingWell Occupational Health, which helps employers prevent illness and job-related injuries; and the Center for Hip & Knee Surgery are also housed here. Outpatient services include physical therapy, diagnostic testing, and laboratory work. STAFFED BEDS: 116.

disorders center also are offered. STAFFED BEDS: 86. 801 N. State St., Greenfield, 462-5544, hancockregional


Hendricks Regional Health serves west-central Indiana, including a full-range hospital in Danville; radiology, a cancer-treatment center, and the Thomas J. Hibbeln Surgery Center in Avon; and healthcare services in Plainfield, Brownsburg, Lizton, and Bainbridge. The Danville facility includes the Women’s Center (designated a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence), the Center for Diabetes Excellence, an emergency department, and an inpatient and outpatient surgery unit. The Hendricks Regional Health YMCA in Avon offers a diabetes-support group, nutrition counseling, weight management, and physical therapy, among other services. STAFFED BEDS: 160. 1000 E. Main St., Danville, 745-4451,


This longtime regional and national healthcare leader has been ranked among the top 50 national programs in U.S. News & World Report ’s “America’s Best Hospitals” for 10 consecutive years. Its designation as a Magnet hospital also speaks to its achievement in excellence for nursing service and clinical outcomes, and its partnership with the IU School of Medicine and the Methodist Research Institute at IU Health gives patients access to innovative treatments and therapies using the latest research and technology. It’s home to one of two adult Level I trauma centers in the state, a nationally recognized organ-transplant center, awardwinning cardiac care, renowned orthopedics and sportsmedicine services, and the largest neuroscience criticalcare unit in the country. STAFFED BEDS: 823. 1701 N. Senate Blvd., 962-2000,


Medical services here include an emergency department and an intensive-care unit, the Bridges Senior Treatment Program for older adults facing the struggles of aging; diagnostic imaging, the Regional Cancer Center staffed with a team of oncology hematologists and radiation oncologists, outpatient rehabilitation, and the Center for Better Breathing to help those with respiratory diseases. STAFFED BEDS: 71.

1201 Hadley Rd., Mooresville, 831-1160,

2209 John R. Wooden Dr., Martinsville, 765-342-8441, iuhealth .org/morgan



This facility provides outpatient services, including imaging (general X-rays, ultrasounds, and digital mammography), laboratory work, and physical therapy, to residents of Hendricks and Morgan counties. It also houses physician offices for Plainfield Integrative & Family Medicine and Franciscan St. Francis Sports Medicine Specialists. 315 Dan Jones Rd., Plainfield, 837-4700,


A full complement of inpatient and outpatient services are provided here, including a wide-ranging surgery department; 24-hour emergency services; cardiology, neurology, and oncology care; rehabilitation; and home healthcare. An expansive Hancock Wellness fitness facility; the Andis Women’s and Children’s Department; a bariatric weightloss program in partnership with St. Vincent; and a sleep-

This full-service hospital offers a wealth of services for adults and children, as well as an attached medical office building. Clinical services include breast and cardiovascular care, orthopedics, cancer, urology, rehabilitation, radiology, endoscopy, minimally invasive surgery, emergency care, and a sleep-disorders center. The da Vinci surgical system is used for general, gynecological, urological, and bariatric surgical procedures. Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health North offers pediatric services including diabetes care, an intensive-care unit, hematology/oncology, neurology, orthopedics, allergy, cardiology, ear/nose/throat, urology, and a sleep lab. STAFFED BEDS: 189. 11700 N. Meridian St., Carmel, 688-2000,


Opened since late 2011, this hospital in Fishers focuses


on cardiovascular care, orthopedics (specializing in bone, joint, and spine care), and emergency services, and features an onsite cardiologist 24/7. The facility also provides cardiac-rehabilitation services and a sleep-disorders center. Breast care includes mammography, bone-density screenings, ultrasounds, and surgery. IU Health Saxony is the first hospital in Central Indiana to offer 3-D breast tomosynthesis screening for cancer. All patient rooms are private, and a cafe and retail pharmacy offer convenience. STAFFED BEDS: 42. 13000 E. 136th St., Fishers, 678-2000,


Throughout the years, U.S. News & World Report has consistently ranked several of IU Health University Hospital’s clinical programs among the best in the nation. The facility also boasts one of the most comprehensive organtransplant centers in the United States; a nationally ranked gastroenterology program; a pain-medicine center; pulmonology; radiology; full surgical services; an emergency department; diabetes and endocrinology care; a slate of maternity services; and a top orthopedics program that provides joint, bone, spine, and muscle care for adults and children. STAFFED BEDS: 385. 550 N. University Blvd., 944-5000,


Earlier this year, IU Health West earned Magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center, meaning its nurses rank in the top tier nationwide. This hospital serves Hendricks County with a unique “sanctuary of healing” design that creates a soothing, stress-free atmosphere. Highlights include emergency services, a special-care nursery to treat pre-term babies, a Back & Neck Center, a Cancer Center, cardiovascular testing and treatment, orthopedic and sports-medicine care, imaging, rehabilitation, and a full spectrum of care at the Women’s Center. STAFFED BEDS: 142. 1111 N. Ronald Reagan Pkwy., Avon, 217-3000,


The Cardiovascular Care Center here is offered in part-

nership with Community Health Network and Community Heart & Vascular Physicians. The hospital provides a comprehensive weight-loss and wellness program, including medical and surgical approaches, as well as care centers related to cancer, diabetes, breast health, maternity, orthopedics, pain, and sleep. Its Wound Care Center has earned a Center of Distinction honor by Healogics, a wound-care management company. The facility’s newly opened Stones Crossing Health Pavilion offers imaging and lab services, primary and specialty care physicians, and rehab and sports-medicine care. STAFFED BEDS: 149. 1125 W. Jefferson St., Franklin, 736-3300,


Major’s UnaVie Cardiology Center provides non-invasive cardiology and pulmonary treatment, and its ReNovo Orthopaedic Center offers a full range of services, including radiology, rehabilitation, and sports-medicine care. Additional highlights include a Level II special-care nursery for high-risk infants; the Benesse Oncology Center with radiation and medical oncology; interventional-pain care; the Center for Women’s Health; an anti-coagulation clinic; a comprehensvie suite of surgery services; a sleep center; and an emergency department. STAFFED BEDS: 59. 150 W. Washington St., Shelbyville, 392-3211,


Open since 2003, Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent features more than 50 pediatric specialties, including cancer, blood diseases, cardiology, diabetes and endocrinology, nephrology, neurology, pulmonology, orthopedics, sleep disorders, and the Hilbert Pediatric Emergency Department, the state’s first emergency room for children. The Youth Services Stress Center provides mental-health services, and the Adolescent Medicine Program offers primary and specialty care. STAFFED BEDS: 55. 2001 W. 86th St., 338-2345,


Accredited by the Joint Commission, this VA Medical

Center has been serving the healthcare needs of returning military since 1932 with a full range of services that includes extended care and rehabilitation, crisis prevention, mental-health services, caregiver support, palliative care, primary and specialty care specifically for women, a weightmanagement program, and dental care. Three community outpatient clinics are based in Bloomington, Terre Haute, and Martinsville. STAFFED BEDS: 229. 1481 W. 10th St., 554-0000,


For the past three years, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Riley among the top children’s hospitals in the areas of cancer, cardiology and heart surgery, diabetes and endocrinology, gastroenterology, neonatology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, pulmonology, and urology. Riley offers a comprehensive newborn intensive-care unit with 60 private rooms. It also features the state’s only pediatric-based sports-medicine program, a Level I pediatric trauma center, and a Level I pediatric burn center. Additional services include developmental pediatrics, emergency care, and a pain center. STAFFED BEDS: 296. 705 Riley Hospital Dr., 944-2060,


A recent name change from Riverview Hospital reflects this organization’s network of services throughout Hamilton and Tipton counties. The main location delivers comprehensive medical care, including family medicine, emergency care, surgery, orthopedics and sports medicine, diabetes and endocrinology, wound care, internal medicine, cardiac and cancer care, sleep disorders, and a wide spectrum of women’s services. STAFFED BEDS: 156. 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, 773-0760,


Part of Eskenazi Health, the new Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital accommodates nearly 1 million outpatient visits each year, with Indiana University School of Medicine physicians on hand to offer a comprehensive range of primary and specialty care services. Facilities include one of only

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two adult Level I trauma centers in Indiana and the region’s only adult burn center. Midtown Community Mental Health serves those with mental illnesses and chronic addictions, and 10 Eskenazi Health Centers provide physical exams, prenatal care, social services, and dental care throughout the community. Other services include Eskenazi Health Senior Care; women’s and children’s services; clinics focused on dermatology, infectious diseases, orthopedics, eye health, and urology; the Healthy Aging Brain Center; and palliative care. STAFFED BEDS: 315. 720 Eskenazi Ave., 880-0000,


A recipient of the HealthGrades Outstanding Patient Experience Award, this hospital recently renovated its maternity department, which features a Level III neonatal intensivecare unit for high-risk babies. The facility also offers a wide range of surgeries; the Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Genetics Center; a Bariatric Center of Excellence; an Emergency Center of Excellence; centers dedicated to headaches, breast care, and sleep disorders; joint replacement; spine treatment; cardiopulmonary services; and medical imaging. A new Women’s Center has broken ground and is expected to be complete by early 2015. STAFFED BEDS: 127. 13500 N. Meridian St., Carmel, 582-7000,


A relative newcomer to Hamilton County, St. Vincent Fishers features an ambulatory surgery center, an all-digital imaging center, and a medical office building that houses primary-care providers, a pediatric and adult sleep-disorders center, a spectrum of outpatient surgeries, rehabilitation services, and mental-health care. STAFFED BEDS: 50. 13861 Olio Rd.,
Fishers, 415-9000,


Five Centers of Excellence—cardiovascular, neurosciences, orthopedics, spine, and cancer care—are located here, as are services in emergency medicine, digestive health, physical therapy, sleep disorders, organ transplants, sports performance, breast care, imaging, hospice care, wound treatment, and general surgery. The Center for Healthy Aging provides in-depth geriatric services, and the Stress Center serves youth and adults with issues such as depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol addiction. STAFFED BEDS: 572. 2001 W. 86th St., 338-2345,


This hospital provides services to medically complex and critically ill patients who require an extended hospital stay and more specialized treatment programs. Facilities offer ventilator management and individualized weaning programs; intensive respiratory care; complex infusion therapy; telemetry; hemodynamic monitoring; long-term wound care; chemotherapy; and surgical, radiological, dialysis, and laboratory services. STAFFED BEDS: 74. 8050 Township Line Rd., 415-8500; additional location in Lafayette,


Boone County’s Witham offers cardiovascular care, a sleep-disorders lab, private maternity suites, an Allergy and Sinus Center, a Wound Healing Center, emergency services, radiology and imaging, pediatric care, surgical services, Transitions Senior Behavioral Health Care Unit and Senior Assessment Center, and The Cancer Institute. STAFFED BEDS: 52. 2605 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, 765-485-8000,


Surgical services are offered in the areas of orthopedics; ear, nose, and throat; gynecology; vein removal; pain management; neurosurgery; plastic and reconstructive surgery; ophthalmology; colorectal surgery; and general surgery. Pre-procedure and recovery areas, as well as a separate pediatric waiting room, allow for patient privacy. 13421 Old Meridian St., Carmel, 706-1600,


These outpatient surgery centers, part of Community Health Network, feature private patient rooms and surgeons representing nearly every specialty. They’re located on the north, northwest, south, and east sides of Indianapolis, as well as in 96   IM | July 2014

Noblesville, Kokomo, Greenfield, and Anderson. North: 8040 Clearvista Dr., 621-2000; Northwest: 8651 Township Line Rd., 621-3010; East: 5445 E. 16th St., 355-7000; South: 1550 E. County Line Rd., 887-7600; Hamilton: 9700 E. 146th St., Noblesville, 621-3500; surgerycenter


E. 126th St., Fishers, 436-8961; BACA-Z: 6704 Central Blvd.,
 Zionsville, 769-4335;


8244 E. U.S. Highway 36, Avon, 272-4372, hibbeln-surgery-center

Community Health Network’s bariatric services provide individualized weight-loss surgery and non-surgical medically supervised weight-loss options with help from seminars, board-certified bariatric surgeons, a boardcertified bariatrician, dietitians, exercise specialists, and psychologists. The programs at Community North and Community Surgery Center Hamilton are accredited by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program.


7250 Clearvista Pkwy., Ste. 100, 621-7771; 9669 E. 146th St., Ste. 340, Noblesville, 621-2511; 1550 E. County Line Rd., Ste. 315, 887-7771;

The center offers a chronic pain–management area to treat muscular, lower-back, and neck pain, or pain caused by cancer. Surgical specialties include orthopedics; ophthalmology; urology; gynecology; oral surgery; podiatry; general surgery; pain management; and ear, nose, and throat.


American Health Network—now with more than 70 medical practices that employ more than 1,600 individuals in Indiana and Ohio—was founded in 1994 and provides care in a number of areas, including family medicine, cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, pain management, and physical therapy. Disease-management programs are also offered. 580-6309,


Community Physician Network is a multispecialty medical group composed of more than 600 providers including primary-care and specialty physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in more than 80 locations across Central Indiana. Community Physician Network is part of Community Health Network. 800-777-7775,


This group of doctors associated with Franciscan Alliance provides a comprehensive range of services. Areas include cardiology, dermatology, diabetes and endocrinology, oncology, orthopedics, sports medicine, and bariatric surgery, among others. 528-8983,


Hendricks Regional Health’s network of primary-care, specialty, and immediate-care physicians in west-central Indiana provides a spectrum of services for youth and adults in internal medicine, family practice, pediatrics, orthopedics, sports medicine, diabetes, neurology, obstetrics, and gynecology.


This physicians’ group, a partnership with IU Health and the IU School of Medicine, features more than 1,000 boardcertified or board-eligible doctors with 100-plus locations around Indiana, offering care in a large variety of specialties. 944-4000,


Riverview Health’s network of primary, specialty, and immediate-care physicians provides care to patients throughout Hamilton and Tipton counties. Areas include pediatrics, gynecology, orthopedics and sports medicine, pain management, and family medicine.


St. Vincent Medical Group features more than 800 primarycare physicians practicing in a large range of services, such as cardiology, dermatology, family medicine, neurology, internal medicine, pediatrics, and urology, among others.


This Center of Excellence, as designated by the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, provides comprehensive medical and surgical weight-loss options, support groups and classes, and nutrition and behavioral counseling. 5230A E. Stop 11 Rd., 528-7525,


The program, honored as an ASMBS Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence, offers surgical procedures to aid weight loss, as well as non-surgical medically supervised weight loss, nutritional counseling, weight-loss support, long-term care, and informational seminars and classes. 6640 Intech Blvd., Ste. 300, 275-7010,


Named an ASMBS Center of Excellence, St. Vincent’s program includes surgical and non-surgical weight-loss solutions, consultations with dietitians, behavioral counseling, support groups, and educational and cooking classes. 13430 N. Meridian St., Ste. 168, Carmel, 582-7088, mybrand


Located on the campus of Community Hospital North, the facility offers a 24/7 heart-care emergency room and is home to the first cardiovascular genetic-counseling center in the state. A cardiologist is onsite all hours of the day. Services include electrophysiology, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiovascular care for expectant mothers, a full range of diagnostic tests, vascular surgery, a Heart Failure Center, and prevention and wellness care. Since opening in 2003, Community Heart and Vascular has received honors from Thomson Reuters as a Top 100 Hospital for Cardiovascular Care four years in a row. Services are also offered at Community Hospitals East and South. STAFFED BEDS: 56. 8075 N. Shadeland Ave., 621-8000;


HealthGrades has ranked this center among the top in the country in several areas, including heart-valve repair and replacement, heart surgery, and overall heart services. Its nationally recognized Emergency Heart Attack Response Team protocol has helped transform heart-attack care and has been replicated at more than 300 hospitals worldwide. Technology used here has allowed patients to regrow heart tissue, and the center’s mitral valve-repair surgery program has gained international attention. Full cardio care is available, as is electrophysiology, cardiac imaging and rehabilitation, and non-invasive testing. 8111 S. Emerson Ave., 528-1580,


The organization uses the principles and procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach language, social, selfhelp, academic, daily living, and employment skills to children and young adults with autism and related disorders. BACA: 11902 Lakeside Dr., Fishers, 288-5232; BACA Prep: 9929


As one of the highest-volume heart and vascular programs in the nation, IU Health Cardiovascular offers a full range of diagnostic testing, interventional radiology, cardiothoracic transplants, heart-failure therapy, and care for congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and coronary artery disease. Its close affiliation with the IU School of Medicine, one of the nation’s lead-


ing academic medical centers, allows access to clinical trials and innovative treatments, and it’s been ranked among the top 50 cardiology and heart-surgery programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. 705 Riley Hospital Dr., 944-5000; 1701 N. Senate Blvd., 9622000; 11700 N. Meridian St., Carmel, 688-2000; 13000 E. 136th St., Fishers, 678-2000; 550 N. University Blvd., 944-5000; 1111 Ronald Reagan Pkwy., Avon, 217-3000;


HealthGrades has ranked St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana No. 1 in the state in cardiology services each year from 2006 to 2013. Several cardio-related Centers of Excellence are based here. Amenities include a 24/7 Heart Emergency Unit; the Sleep Center of Indiana; a Women’s Cardiac Risk Clinic; radiology and imaging; bypass, heartvalve, and other open-heart surgeries; cardiac rehabilitation; heart transplants; cardiac catheterization; and pacemaker installation and replacement. 10580 N. Meridian St., 583-5000; 2001 W. 86th St., 338-2345;

Chronic KNEE PAIN?


The largest colorectal surgery group in Indiana, the center’s doctors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus, colon, and rectum, including Crohn’s disease, incontinence, hemorrhoids, prolapse, diverticulitis, and ulcerative colitis; colonoscopies; and surgery services.

Research Study at Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital South Please call 888-977-KNEE or visit

5255 E. Stop 11 Rd., Ste. 250, 528-2270; 1215 Hadley Rd., Ste. 201, Mooresville, 834-2020;


The specialists in colon and rectal surgery here provide laparoscopic and da Vinci surgery for colorectal cancer and other maladies; colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies; and diagnosis and treatment for conditions such as incontinence, abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis, and pelvic-floor disorders, among others.

Scan to view a patient video > or view at

13421 Old Meridian St., Ste. 210, Carmel, 844-5273; 8424 Naab Rd., Ste. 2M, 872-1577; 2505 N. Lebanon St., Ste. 130, Lebanon, 872-1577;


This fertility-specialist group addresses and treats causes of infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and more. 10610 N. Pennsylvania St., 575-6565,


An experienced team of physicians and support staff provides treatments for men and women, including fertility evaluations and advanced reproductive techniques. Those who wish can donate eggs at the facility, and surgeries related to infertility, reproduction, and menstruation issues also are offered. 12188A N. Meridian St., Ste. 250, Carmel; 395 Westfield Rd., Ste. D, Noblesville; 571-1637;

Making the most of life and least of cancer Phone (317) 925-5595 | 1801 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46202


Formerly known as the Indianapolis Endoscopy Center, this location has specialists dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disease using endoscopic procedures. Board-certified gastroenterology physicians and registered nurses experienced in gastrointestinal endoscopy provide patient care. Colonoscopies are also offered. 8315 E. 56th St., Ste. 100, 621-2232, communityendo


Services here include capsule endoscopy, in which the patient swallows a pill-size camera that takes photos of his or her digestive tract; colonoscopies; endoscopic ultrasounds; liver biopsies; and upper endoscopies. Additional offices are located in Mooresville, Seymour, Decatur, Crawfordsville, and Shelbyville. 8051 S. Emerson Ave., Stes. 150 & 200; 8920 Southpointe Dr., Ste. B; 865-2955;




1.888.403.9005 JULY 2014 | IM 97


A member of the IU Medical Group, this team of doctors diagnoses and treats diseases and conditions of the gastrointestinal system, like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, esophageal disorders, diseases of the liver, and more. It also provides liver-transplant services, colonoscopies, and a hepatitis C program. Six outreach locations are located in Carmel, Lebanon, Batesville, Martinsville, Greensburg, Greenfield, Zionsville, and on the northwest side of Indianapolis. 550 N. University Blvd., 274-5000; 1001 W. 10th St., 630-7175; 1481 W. 10th St., 544-0000;


These facilities throughout the Indianapolis area offer evening and weekend appointments for services like MRIs, X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, mammography, and bonedensity testing. Nine Central Indiana locations, general scheduling: 3554680,


Part of a national network, these locations around Central Indiana provide MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasounds, pain injections, biopsies, and nuclear medicine. 1250 N. Post Rd., Ste. A, 899-7980; 521 E. County Line Rd., Ste. D, Greenwood, 882-9422; 9818 E. U.S. Highway 36, Avon, 2717428; 11900 N. Pennsylvania St., Ste. 100, Carmel, 846-0717; 10206 Lantern Rd., Fishers, 598-1133;


Founded in 1967, Northwest Radiology Network has three free-standing imaging centers in the Indianapolis area. Services include general diagnostic X-rays; bone-density, MRI, PET-CT, and CT scans; mammography; breast ultrasounds; and nuclear medicine. Northwest Radiology also offers a test in which the drug Amyvid is injected and a PET scan is used to detect plaque levels that may indicate a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. 10603 N. Meridian St., 844-2511; 8260 Naab Rd., Ste. 101, 8758655; Meridian North Imaging Center, 12188A N. Meridian St., Ste. 100, Carmel, 715-9999; scheduling: 972-9669; north


Community Health Network’s inpatient and outpatient services provide psychiatric and mental-health care for children, adolescents, and adults. Special features include individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, chemicaldependency treatment, and Seasons, a program designed for those 65 and older. Gallahue Mental Health Services provides outpatient behavioral care in Marion, Madison, Hancock, and Shelby counties. 7165 Clearvista Way, 621-5700,


Fairbanks is a nonprofit organization that focuses on recovery from alcohol and other drug problems. Services include inpatient detoxification; residential, partial hospitalization, and outpatient programs for adults and adolescents; Hope Academy, a recovery high school; La Verna Lodge, residential treatment centers for men and women; transitional-living and recovery-management programs; and family counseling. 8102 Clearvista Pkwy., 849-8222,


Doctors and staff provide comprehensive psychiatric and chemical-dependency treatment. Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment are offered for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults, and include inpatient, outpatient, and partial-hospitalization programs. Specialty services cover anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, depression, chemical dependency, and memory and cognitive issues. 1701 N. Senate Blvd., 962-2000; 550 N. University Blvd., 9445000; 98   IM | July 2014



8401 Harcourt Rd., 338-4800,

East: 1500 N. Ritter Ave., 355-1411; North: 7150 Clearvista Dr., 621-6262; South: 1402 E. County Line Rd. S., 887-7000;

A variety of behavioral-health services for all ages is offered, including crisis intervention, assessments, and consultations; inpatient treatment; addiction services; a partial-hospitalization program; intensive outpatient programs; inpatient detoxification; and individual, couples, and family therapy.


Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine is the merger of the Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group and the IU Department of Neurological Surgery. Clinical specialties include back and neck pain; aneurysms and other neurovascular conditions; artificial-disc replacement; interventional neuroradiology, a minimally invasive approach to blood vessel abnormalities and other disorders of the brain and spine; functional neurosurgery; neuropsychology; peripheral nerve disorders; and brain and spine tumors, among others. Multiple locations in Central Indiana, Muncie, and Lafayette, 396-1300,


The continuum of integrated care at these three Central Indiana locations includes radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical treatment, immunotherapy, a neuro-oncology clinic, cancer screening and diagnostic services, breast-health navigators, support groups, and clinical trials. Doctors certified by the MD Anderson Cancer Network have access to evidence-based guidelines, treatment plans, and studies developed by MD Anderson experts. North: 7229 Clearvista Dr., 621-4300; East, medical oncology/ hematology: 1400 N. Ritter Ave., Ste. 340, 621-4300; East, radiation oncology: 1500 N. Ritter Ave., 621-4300; South, medical oncology: 1550 E. County Line Rd., Ste. 325, 497-6270; South, radiation oncology: 679 E. County Line Rd., Greenwood, 497-6270;


These centers offer fully integrated outpatient facilities providing state-of-the-art cancer care. Clinical hematology, medical and radiation oncology, radiosurgery, diagnostic imaging, education resources, support groups, and palliative care are all offered. Six Central Indiana locations, 888-600-4822,


IU Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center is Indiana’s only National Cancer Institute–designated cancer center. Research conducted here has centered on breast cancer, cancer prevention and control, experimental and developmental therapeutics, and immunology. Annually, physicians lead more than 300 clinical trials in pediatric and adult cancers. The center is home to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tissue Bank, the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma, and DNA. 535 Barnhill Dr., 888-600-4822,


Selected by the National Cancer Institute to support advanced cancer research, this outpatient center provides state-of-the-art therapeutic and diagnostic care for a broad range of cancer types; a resource library for patient education; and amenities such as a chapel, gardens, stream, and indoor waterfall. 8301 Harcourt Rd., 415-6760,


Part of Franciscan St. Francis, these nationally recognized locations focus on hips, knees, and shoulders; surgeons perform about 2,500 joint replacements each year. Treatment of sports-related injuries, hip resurfacing, and rotatorcuff repair are offered as well, and physical therapists and nurses provide inpatient and outpatient therapy. 1201 Hadley Rd., Mooresville, 831-2273; 12188B N. Meridian St., Carmel, 706-2361; 8111 S. Emerson Ave., 528-5000; franciscan

The Center for Joint Health at Community Hospitals East, North, and South is a dedicated unit for hip and knee jointreplacement patients. Experienced orthopedic surgeons and clinical staff provide support, education, and physicial therapy for patients to build strength and get back to the activities they enjoy.


This group provides orthopedic and musculoskeletal care for all ages, including that related to the neck, spine, foot, ankle, hip, and knee; joint-replacement surgery; treatment of work-related injuries; sports-medicine services; electrodiagnostics; imaging; and a spine clinic. Walk-in clinics are offered at the Muncie and Anderson locations, and satellite locations are based in Fishers, Elwood, and Upland. 2610 Enterprise Dr., Anderson, 765-683-4400; 3600 W. Bethel Ave., Muncie, 765-284-7738;


Community Health Network’s sports-medicine program is focused on promoting healthier lifestyles benefiting young athletes and their families through sports. Community Sports Medicine physicians and certified athletic trainers provide sports-medicine coverage at area schools and sports organizations across Central Indiana. Services include CPR training, sports physicals, concussion screenings, and injury prevention. Community Sports Medicine is the official provider of the Indy Eleven soccer team.


Part of Riverview Medical Group, this location offers comprehensive orthopedic care to patients of all ages. Services include treatment of fractures, strains, lacerations, and sprains; joint reconstruction; arthroscopy; musculoskeletal health; and treatment of sports-related injuries. 14535 Hazel Dell Pkwy., Ste. A, Carmel, 705-4392,


Doctors and specialists in Hendricks’s Motion360 program diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate injuries, autoimmune disorders, and diseases of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Patients receive both surgical and nonsurgical treatments and occupational, physical, and aquatic therapy; an outpatient surgery center; isokinetic testing; foot orthotics; and spinal rehab. Physical & occupational therapy: 1000 E. Main St., Danville, 745-3420; 1100 Southfield Dr., Plainfield, 838-3434; 65 E. Garner Rd., Ste. 100, Brownsburg, 858-9400; Hendricks Regional Health YMCA: 301 Satori Pkwy., Avon, 272-4186. Sports medicine (non-surgical): Inside Hendricks Regional Health YMCA, 718-4263; Orthopedics & sports medicine: 1000 E. Main St., Danville, 718-4676; Rheumatology: 1000 Southfield Dr., Plainfield, 837-5510;


This center features comprehensive specialty care for problems and injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. Areas of expertise include microsurgical techniques, joint replacement and reconstruction surgeries, collaborative arthritis care and treatment, care of simple and complex sports injuries, and non-surgical treatments, like splints, casts, pain management, and strength-building programs. Patients can rehabilitate at the largest hand-and-upperextremity therapy facility in the U.S. Main office: 8501 Harcourt Rd., 875-9105. Additional locations in downtown Indianapolis, Avon, Kokomo, Terre Haute, Fishers, and Lafayette;


Owned by OrthoIndy physicians, Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital is the area’s first specialty facility with a direct focus on bone, joint, spine, and muscle care. In 2012, CareChex, a healthcare-information service company, ranked IOH No. 1 in Indiana for patient safety in major orthopaedic surgery, overall hospital care, overall surgical care, and joint-replacement surgery. STAFFED BEDS: 38 inpatient, 39 pre/post-operative rooms, 10 operating suites (IOH Northwest only). 8400 Northwest Blvd., 956-1000; IOH South: 1260 Innovation Pkwy., Ste. 150, Greenwood, 884-5200; IOH West: 7950 Ortho Ln., Brownsburg, 268-3123;

Turning the latest innovations into successful treatment options. That’s stronger than cancer. With Indiana University Health Cancer Centers, the state’s only nationally ranked cancer program*, you can access the latest clinical trials and treatment options, including the IU Health Proton Therapy Center. Proton therapy precisely targets tumors, resulting in fewer side effects, a faster recovery and—along with our experts— gives you the best chance to beat cancer.

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This Center of Excellence for comprehensive spine care provides diagnoses for all spinal disorders and abnormalities, surgical treatment by board-certified specialists, minimally invasive procedures, complementary therapies, specialized injections, and physical therapy. The facility is also home to the Medical Academic Center, a state-of-the-art, hands-on medical-education training facility for physicians, clinicians, educators, and students.

fied strength/conditioning specialists, sports psychology, performance nutrition, and certified athletic trainers. 8227 Northwest Blvd., Ste. 160; 14455 Clay Terrace Blvd., Stes. A & B, Carmel; 415-5747,


Part of Westfield Medical, this practice is helmed by Dr. Tim J. Williams, a surgeon who offers orthopedic joint replacement and both surgical and non-surgical treatment.

8040 Clearvista Pkwy., Ste. 450; 13225 N. Meridian St., Carmel; 998 E. Main St., Building 1, Ste. 201, Danville; 1115 N. Ronald Reagan Pkwy., Ste. 14, Avon; 228-7000. Additional offices in Kokomo and Anderson;

510 E. State Rd. 32, Ste. A,
Westfield, 867-5263,



Patients can get up and moving again with a full range of specialties here, which include hip and knee joint-replacement surgery, arthroscopy, orthopedic oncology, sports medicine, hand and upper-extremity surgery, foot and ankle surgery, orthopedic trauma, and pediatric orthopedics and spinal care. 11 area locations; 944-9400 for adults, 274-2500 for kids;


Serious athletes and weekend warriors alike can find the treatment they need here. Dr. Norman Mindrebo and his staff specialize in hip, knee, and shoulder replacement; knee and shoulder reconstruction; treating fractures, dislocations, and ligament tears; and sports injuries. 13421 Old Meridian St., Ste. 202, Carmel, 815-1700,


At the largest private, full-service orthopedic practice in the Midwest, physicians handle all orthopedic subspecialties, inpatient and outpatient surgeries, bone tumor and softtissue oncology, cartilage restoration, pain management, sports medicine, physiatry, total joint replacement, pediatric orthopedics, and trauma. 8450 Northwest Blvd., 802-2000, plus 10 additional clinic locations, five physical-therapy facilities, and three walk-in clinics in Central Indiana,


A full range of orthopedic services is offered here, including hip and knee arthritis, onsite physical therapy, partial knee replacements, total joint replacement, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. 493 Westfield Rd., Ste. A, 
Noblesville, 770-4100,


A team of doctors, nurses, and therapists provides comprehensive care for all conditions involving the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand, including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren’s contracture, nerve-compression disorders, tendon problems, and fractures and dislocations. 13431 Old Meridian St., Ste. 225, Carmel; 6085 Heartland Dr., Ste. 200,
Zionsville; 13914 E. State Rd. 238, Ste. 301, Fishers; 249-2616. Additional office located in Bloomington; indiana


Dr. Donald Shelbourne established the Shelbourne Knee Center in 2004. He and his staff focus on all things knee: ligament and meniscus injuries, ACL tears, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, tibial spine avulsion, and arthrofibrosis. Surgeries offered include knee replacement, ACL reconstruction, patella realignment, and arthroscopy. Physical therapy and rehabilitation also are available. 1815 N. Capitol Ave., Ste. 600, 924-8636,


This center houses the St. Vincent Spine Center and its Center for Joint Replacement. Services include non-operative/minimally invasive treatment for the hand, shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, and elbow; knee and hip replacement; sports-medicine care; and pediatric orthopedic care. 2001 W. 86th St., Entrance 8, 338-2663; 13500 N. Meridian St., Carmel, 582-7000; 8402 Harcourt Rd., Ste. 100, 338-7674; 13861 Olio Rd., Ste. 305, Fishers, 338-7674;


Two centers offer training for students and adults, running assessment, speed/agility development, sports-related and acute orthopedic-injury assessment and treatment, certi100   IM | July 2014


The board-certified otolaryngologists here specialize in treating pediatric and adult ear, nose, and throat disorders affecting the voice; allergies; sinuses; tonsils and adenoids; the thyroid and parathyroid; and head and neck cancer. They also see sleep-apnea patients and utilize a CT scanner to help diagnose sinus conditions. 12065 Old Meridian St., Ste. 205, Carmel, 844-5656, north


Located on the campus of Community Hospital North, Community Rehabilitation Hospital provides intensive rehabilitation services to treat patients living with cognitive and physical disabilities related to brain and spinal-cord injuries, stroke, amputations, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Amenities include a therapy gym; private treatment spaces for physical, speech, occupational, and recreational therapy; an outdoor courtyard; an onsite apartment for family members; and dedicated therapy dogs.



Two centers feature acute rehabilitation for conditions like stroke, brain and spinal-cord injuries, athletic injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and hip fractures; cardiopulmonary rehabilitation; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; concussion testing; aquatic therapy; arthritis aquatic classes; and post-rehab fitness training. 601 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, 776-7225; 14535B Hazel Dell Pkwy., Carmel, 705-4350;


This program has received the Outcomes Excellence Award from Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes. Services include surgical and non-surgical therapy, sports-specific and oncology rehabilitation, pediatric therapies, audiology, aquatic therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation specifically for women, and speech-language therapy. More than 30 locations statewide, 338-5483 for adults, 3384769 for kids,


Specialists here are dedicated to helping women with pelvic-floor disorders, pelvic-organ prolapse, and urinary and bowel incontinence. Its Center for Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at IU Health Methodist is the first established fellowship program accredited by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Board of Urology. 1633 N. Capitol Ave., Ste. 436; 11725 N. Illinois St., Carmel; 9626600,

7343 Clearvista Dr., 585-5400,



One of the top-10 largest urology practices in the U.S., Urology of Indiana’s expert urologists and urogynecologists treat patients for disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system in men, women, and children, including diagnosis, care, and treatment for enlarged prostates, pelvic-floor dysfunction, kidney stones, male infertility, urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction. Vasectomies; urogynecology services; and testing for bladder, prostate, testicular, and kidney cancers also are offered. Two Centers for Prostate Cancer are located in Indianapolis and Greenwood.

Community Physical Therapy and Rehab has 15 outpatient locations that provide care to patients of all ages. General and specialized services include physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy. Sports-medicine rehabilitation is also available for athletes of all levels. The facility is well equipped to manage the treatment plans for those recovering from surgery, injury, or musculoskeletal disorders. Multiple locations, 800-777-7775,


Two Central Indiana hospitals provide long-term acute care to medically complex patients who require continued care and extended recovery time. The facilities provide intensive-care units, transitional or sub-acute care rehabilitation, dialysis suites, pulmonary services, complex wound care, antibiotic therapy, cardiac monitoring, pain management, and nutrition support. Sixteen transitional care and rehab centers are located around the state. Kindred Hospital Indianapolis: 1700 W. 10th St., 636-4400,; Kindred Hospital Indianapolis South: 607 S. Greenwood Springs Dr., Greenwood, 888-8155,;


Three locations offer sports-medicine and sports-performance services; joint replacement; concussion management; treatment for conditions of the spine, hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, foot, and knee; and rehabilitation. The group, composed of all fellowship-trained physicians, is partners with IU Health and provide care for the Indianapolis Colts. 201 Pennsylvania Pkwy., Ste. 100, Carmel, 817-1200; 99 S. Dan Jones Rd., Avon, 272-6481; 8820 S. Meridian St., Ste. 235, 8591048;


A collaboration between IU Health and St. Vincent Health, this hospital offers brain, spinal-injury, and stroke rehabilitation and intensive rehab for patients with complex medical, surgical, and/or neurological injuries and illnesses. Specialized services include a general physiatry clinic, massage therapy, a balance-retraining program, vision rehabilitation, driving re-education and evaluations, a Transitional Living Unit so patients can practice independent living before discharge, and a therapy gym and pool. 4141 Shore Dr., 329-2000; 12425 Old Meridian St., Ste. B2, Carmel, 566-3422; NeuroRehab Center: 9531 Valparaiso Ct.,

17 area locations, 877-362-2778,


This center offers in-office, minimally invasive “band-aid” breast biopsies, fine-needle biopsies, and sentinel lymphatic node mapping; personalized care using Oncotype DX, a test for molecular profiling genomics of breast cancer; surgical catheter placement for five-day SAVI radiation treatment; and more. 8550 Naab Rd., Ste. 200, 875-5461,


The IU Health Women’s Health network offers a complete range of services and education for women, including obstetrics, gynecology, high-risk pregnancy management, menopause treatment, minimally invasive surgery for endometriosis and cancers of the reproductive system, imaging services, and pelvic-pain treatment. 9 locations in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Fishers;


At the largest comprehensive women’s health facility in Indiana, moms can receive a full slate of pre- and post-birth services, including maternal-fetal medicine, care for high-risk babies, and a newborn intensive-care unit. Breast, gynecological, and urological surgeries and exams; senior services; bone-density testing; a weightmanagement program; and nutrition and exercise classes are also offered. 8111 Township Line Rd., 415-8111,




A directory of top doctors in the central Indiana area listed by specialty




TOP DOCTOR Sarah Longmire-Cook, MD Breast Care Center of Indiana, P.C. 8550 Naab Rd., Ste. 200 Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 875-5461 (800) 829-8558

TOP DOCTOR R. Thomas Schmidt, MD Breast Care Center of Indiana, P.C. 8550 Naab Rd., Ste. 200 Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 875-5461 (800) 829-8558

Practice Focus: Surgical Treatment of Breast Disease

Practice Focus: Treatment of benign and malignant breast disease

Medical School: UCLA

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 1982

Residency: General Surgery, University of Louisville Affiliated Hospitals, Louisville, KY Board Certification: American College of Surgeons, American Board of Surgeons Professional Affiliations: American Society of Breast Surgeons, American Medical Association, Indiana State Medical Associ ation, Indianapolis Medical Society, American College of Surgeons, American Board of Surgery Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital, St. Vincent Womens Hospital, St. Vincent Carmel Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital Kokomo Additional Information: Practice is devoted to the treatment of breast disease.

COLON & RECTAL TOP DOCTOR J. Scott Pittman, MD Midwest Colon and Rectal Surgery 13421 Old Meridian St., Ste. 210 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5273 Physician Field of Practice: Colon and Rectal Surgery Practice Focus: Colonoscopy, Colon and Rectal Cancer, Laparoscopic Colon Surgery, Hemorrhoids Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Colon and Rectal Surgery – Ferguson Clinic Board Certification: American Board of Surgery, American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, I.M.A., American College of Surgeons, Christian Medical Dental Association Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Carmel and Indianapolis, IU North Riverview Additional Information: Hemorrhoid treatments, Colonoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery

Residency: General Surgery, University of Louisville Affiliated Hospitals, Louisville, KY

Fellowship: Surgical Oncology of the Breast, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX Board Certification: American Board of Surgeons

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital; St. Vincent Womens Hospital

Professional Memberships: American Society of Breast Disease; National Consortium of Breast Centers; American Medical Association; Indiana State Medical Association; Indianapolis Medical Society; American Board of Surgeons

TOP DOCTOR Patrick Y. Park, MD, FACS, FASCRS Midwest Colon & Rectal Surgery 13421 Old Meridian St., Ste. 210 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5273 Practice Focus: Colonoscopy, colon and rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, laparoscopic colon surgery Medical School: New York University Residency: New York University

Fellowship: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Board Certification: American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery, American Board of Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, Indianapolis Medical Society Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Carmel and Indianapolis, IU North, Methodist, Riverview

Additional Information: Dr. Schmidt is the Medical Director of the St. Vincent Breast Program and an avid participant in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk.

TOP DOCTOR Nikhil M. Patel, MD Midwest Colon & Rectal Surgery 8424 Naab Rd., #2M Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-872-1577 Practice Focus: Colon and Rectal Surgery, Colon and rectal cancer, diverticulitis, colonoscopy, hemorrhoids, laparoscopic colon resection, inflammatory bowel disease, Robotic Surgery Medical School: Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL Residency: Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN Fellowship: Grant Medical Center, Columbus, OH Board Certification: American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery, American Board of Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, Indiana State Medical Association, Indianapolis Medical Society Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, IU North, Witham

COSMETIC SURGERY TOP DOCTOR John S. Aker, MD My Plastic Surgery Group Sando Jones Aker 11450 N. Meridian St., Ste. 225 Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-5512 Practice Focus: All aspects of cosmetic surgery including hidden scar breast augmentation, drainless tummy tuck, facial rejuvenation & postbariatric body contouring Medical School: University of Buffalo School of Medicine Residency: Pennsylvania State University (Plastic Surgery Fellowship: New York University (Aesthetic Surgery) Board Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery Professional Affiliations: Member of American Society of Plastic Surgery Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, Community Health Network Additional Information: Dr. Aker has lectured and published on a variety of plastic surgery topics, and he and his partners pioneered the endoscopic hidden scar breast augmentation technique & drainless tummy tuck technique in the State of Indiana.

Stanley J. Harper, MD Turkle & Associates Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery 317-848-0001 Physician Field of Practice: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Practice Focus: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Face and Body Medical School: Wayne State University Residency: University of Illinois (Chicago) – General Surgery & Plastic Surgery Board Certification: American Board of Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgery Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital Carmel & Indianapolis, St. Vincent Women’s Hospital, Riverview Hospital, Surgery Center of Carmel, Multi-Specialty Indianapolis Surgery Center

TOP DOCTOR Christopher S. Jones, MD My Plastic Surgery Group Sando Jones Aker 11450 N. Meridian St., Ste. 225 Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-5512 Practice Focus: All aspects of cosmetic surgery including hidden scar breast augmentation, drainless tummy tuck, facial rejuvenation & post-bariatric body contouring Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Residency: Indiana University Medical Center (General Surgery), Indiana University Medical Center (Plastic Surgery) Fellowship: Louisville Jewish Hospital (Hand Surgery), Memorial SloanKettering (Microsurgery) Board Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery, American Board of Surgery Professional Affiliations: Member of American Society of Plastic Surgery Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, Community Health Network Additional Information: Dr. Jones and his partners pioneered the endoscopic hidden scar breast augmentation technique & drainless tummy tuck technique in the state of Indiana.


COSMETIC SURGERY TOP DOCTOR William C. Sando, MD My Plastic Surgery Group Sando Jones Aker 11450 N. Meridian St., Ste. 225 Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-5512 Practice Focus: All aspects of cosmetic surgery including hidden scar breast augmentation, drainless tummy tuck, facial rejuvenation & post-bariatric body contouring Medical School: Duke University, Bachelor of Science, Bioengineering (Summa Cum Laude), Washington University School of Medicine Residency: University of Virginia (General Surgery), Emory University (Plastic Surgery) Board Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery Professional Affiliations: Member of American Society of Plastic Surgery Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, Community Health Network, Indiana University Health Special Interest: Tummy tuck, breast contouring, rhinoplasty, lip enhancement, facial rejuvenation and liposuction Appointments: Volunteer instructor Indiana University School of Medicine Additional Information: Awarded Top Doctor: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Dr. Sando and his partners pioneered the endoscopic hidden scar breast augmentation technique and drainless tummy tuck technique in the state of Indiana.


DERMATOLOGY TOP DOCTOR Janet K. Turkle, MD Turkle & Associates Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery 11455 N. Meridian St., Ste.150 Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-0001 Physician Field of Practice: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Practice Focus: Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Face and Body Medical School: University of Kansas

Board Certification: American Board of Surgery, American Board of Plastic Surgeons Professional Affiliations: Indiana Medical Society, Indiana State Medical Association, Ohio Valley Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Board Certification: American Board of Ophthalmology Professional Affiliations: American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Indiana State Medical Association Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, St. Francis, Community South, IU North Additional Information: Dr. Klapper is President-Elect of the Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and member of the prestigious American Eye Study Club. He is a scientific reviewer for the following speciality journals: Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, EYE (United Kingdom), and Graefe’s Archives of Clinical and Experiment Ophthalmology (Germany).

Fellowship: Mohs Micrographic Surgery – Cleveland Clinic, Dermatopathology – Indiana University Board Certification: American Board of Dermatology & Dermapathology

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Carmel Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital, Indiana University Health


Practice Focus: Gastroenterology

Fellowship: University of Ottawa Eye Institute

Residency: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

Additional Information: Has been named a Top Doc for Cosmetic Surgery and for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery on multiple occasions; member of Medical Advisory Council Pink Ribbon Connection

Physician Field of Practice: Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Residency: Baylor College of Medicine

Medical School: University of Iowa – Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa

Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Dermatology; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; American College of Mohs Surgery; International Society for Dermatologic Surgery

TOP DOCTOR J. Scott Buckley, MD Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology 8051 S. Emerson Ave., Ste. 200 Indianapolis, IN 46237 317-865-2955

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Practice Focus: Dermatologic surgery, Dermatopathology, Mohs micrographic surgery for skin cancer, laser surgery, cosmetic surgery, clinical research trials.

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital Carmel & Indianapolis, St. Vincent Women’s Hospital, Riverview Hospital, IU Health North Hospital, Surgery Center of Carmel, Multi Specialty Surgery Center Indianapolis

TOP DOCTOR Stephen R. Klapper, MD, FACS Klapper Eyelid & Facial Plastic Surgery 11900 N. Pennsylvania St., Ste. 104 Carmel, IN 46032 317-818-1000

Practice Focus: Eyelid and upper facial plastic surgery, tear duct surgery, orbital disease, and thyroid eye disease

TOP DOCTOR C. William Hanke, MD, MPH, FACP Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Indiana 13400 N. Meridian St., Ste. 290 Carmel, IN 46032 317-660-4900

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Gastroenterology, IU Medical Center Board Certification: Gastroenterology, American Board of Internal Medicine Hospital Affiliations: Indianapolis and Mooresville Franciscan St. Francis Health, Community Hospital South Additional Information: Dr. Buckley serves as the Medical Director for the Endoscopy Center at St. Francis. He sees patients in Indianapolis and Mooresville.

Additional Information: Dr. Hanke has been President of 11 National and International Societies and has made over 400 contributions to the medical literature.

DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY TOP DOCTOR Ernest Asamoah, MD Diabetes & Endocrinology Consultants (Indianapolis) 8435 Clearvista Place, Ste. 101 Indianapolis, IN 46256 317-621-1006 Practice Focus: Diabetes, Thyroid & Parathyroid Disorders, Pituitary Disorders Medical School: University of Ghana Medical School Residency: University of Virginia School of Medicine – Roanoke Fellowship: Brown University School of Medicine Board Certification: Diabetes, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism Professional Affiliations: American College of Endocrinology, American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine Society, Royal College of Physicians (London), American College of Physicians Hospital Affiliations: Community Health Network Additional Information: Chairman of the Board of Community Physicians Network, nominated as “Top Doc” for several years. Teaching medical students, residents, fellows and other medical practitioners has been his great passion over the years.

HAND SURGERY Alex M. Meyers, MD Reconstructive Hand to Shoulder of Indiana NEW ADDRESS: 13431 Old Meridian St., Ste. 225 Carmel, IN 46032 317-249-2616 Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic surgery/upper extremity Practice Focus: Microsurgery specializing in hand, shoulder and elbow Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA – Hand, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospitals, IU Health Additional Information: Dr. Meyers has publications ranging from the effects of osteoporosis and rotator cuff tears, elbow tendon and ligament reconstruction, and surgical treatment of wrist arthritis and ligament injuries.

TOP DOCTOR Michael E. Pannunzio, MD Reconstructive Hand to Shoulder of Indiana NEW ADDRESS: 13431 Old Meridian St., Ste. 225 Carmel, IN 46032 317-249-2616 Practice Focus: Upper extremity specializing in reconstructive surgery of the hand, wrist, elbow; microvascular surgery Medical School: University of Virginia Health Services Center Fellowship: The Hand Center of San Antonio Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Certificate of Added Qualifications in Surgery of the Hand Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, American Orthopaedic Association Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital, Franciscan St. Francis Health, Witham Memorial Hospital Additional Information: Generated multiple publications in the orthopaedic hand surgery literature, has been a speaker at both local and national conferences, remains active in the teaching of residents, Clinical Associate Professor at the IU Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.


INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MGMT. Christopher M. Doran, MD Goodman Campbell Brain & Spine at IU Health West Hospital, Ste. 148 Avon, IN 46123 Goodman Hall 355 W. 16th St., Ste. 5100 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-396-1414 Physician Field of Practice: Anesthesiology Practice Focus: Interventional Pain Management Medical School: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


NEUROSURGERY TOP DOCTOR Peter Gianaris, MD Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine 355 W. 16th St., Ste. 5100 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Practice Focus: Neurooncology, Disorders of the spine Medical School: Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Residency: Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Fellowship: Medical College of PA

Saad A. Khairi, MD Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine 355 W. 16th St., Ste. 5100 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-396-1300

Physician Field of Practice: Neurological Surgery

Practice Focus: Comprehensive eye care including Cataract, Glaucoma, Lasik

Practice Focus: Complex and Routine Spinal Surgery, Scoliosis and Major Spinal Deformities and Arthroplasty, Artificial Disc Replacement.

Fellowship: Northwestern University

Board Certification: American Board of Neurological Surgery

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Professional Affiliations: American Medical Association, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians

Professional Affiliations: AANS, CNS, Joint Section on Tumors, Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine, American Society for Clinical Oncology

Residency: University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill, NC

Hospital Affiliations: IU North, IUMethodist and Community Hospitals

Fellowship: Cedars Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders, Beverly Hills, CA Board Certification: ABNS Board Certified since 2008

Board Certification: Anesthesiology

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, Indiana University Health, Franciscan St. Francis Health Additional Information: I currently see patients Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at IU West Hospital in Avon, as well as at Goodman Hall every Thursday and Friday.


TOP DOCTOR Thomas Ciulla, MD Retina Service, Midwest Eye Institute 200 West 103rd St., Indianapolis, IN 46290 Telephone: 317-817-1822 Fax: 317-817-1898

Physician Field of Practice: Retina, Macula and Vitreous Practice Focus: Macular Holes, Macular Pucker, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy Medical School: University of California, San Francisco Fellowship: Harvard Medical School – Ophthalmology; Tufts Medical School – Vitreo Retinal Diseases and Surgery Board Certification: Ophthalmology

Additional Information: Dr. Gianaris is a full time faculty member of the IU Department of Neurosurgery and serves on the Simon Cancer Center Development Board.

Professional Affiliations: ISMA, IMS, Fellow of AANS and CNS Hospital Affiliations: IU Health/ Methodist Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital of Indianapolis Additional Information: Dr. Khairi grew up in Indianapolis, Brebeuf graduate – 1988, IU School of Medicine graduate – 1997. AVID Colts Fan!

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Board Certification: American Board of Ophthalmology Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Ophthalmology, Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology, and Indiana State Medical Association Hospital Affiliations: IU Hospitals, St. Vincent Hospital Additional Information: Voted “Top Doctor” in Ophthalmology by area physicians in every ranking year since 1998. Team Ophthalmologist for Indiana Pacers, Indiana Fever, Butler University and University of Indianapolis. Ophthalmologist for NCAA and Big Ten Basketball Championships when held in Indianapolis. Consultant to Indianapolis Motor Speedway and several IndyCar teams.

ORTHOPAEDIC TOP DOCTOR Jack Farr II, MD OrthoIndy 1260 Innovation Parkway., Ste. 100 Greenwood, IN 46143 317-884-5163 Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Focus: Knee Restoration Surgery, Cartilage Restoration, Sports Medicine and Partial Knee Replacement Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Residency: Orthopaedic surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Professional Affiliations: Board of Directors Midwest Eye Institute, Scientific Advisory Board Ohr Pharmaceuticals, Editorial Board Current Opinion in Ophthalmology

Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, International Cartilage Repair Society

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital, Indiana University Health

Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital, Community Hospital South

Additional Information: Participated in clinical trials in macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, uveitis

TOP DOCTOR John H. Abrams, MD Abrams EyeCare Associates 11455 N. Meridian St., Ste. 100 Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-4223

Additional Information: Voluntary Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery IU Medical Center; Director, OrthoIndy Sports Medicine Fellowship; Director, Cartilage Restoration of Center of Indiana and Vice President, Patellofemoral Foundation

TOP DOCTOR David A. Fisher, MD OrthoIndy 8450 Northwest Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46278 P: 317-802-2828 F: 317-802-2050

Scott Gudeman, MD OrthoIndy 1260 Innovation Parkway, Ste. 100 Greenwood, IN 46143 317-884-5161

Practice Focus: Orthopaedic Surgery – Hip and Knee Disorders

Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN

Practice Focus: Sports medicine, shoulder and knee

Residency: Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Fellowship: Total Joint Replacement, St. Anthony Hospital, Columbus, OH

Fellowship: Sports Medicine at Mercy Hospital Anderson, University of Cincinnati

Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons Professional Affiliations: Director of Total Joint Center at Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Indiana State Medical Association, Indianapolis Medical Society Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital Professional Appointments: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital; Assistant Clinical Professor; Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine

Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Subspecialty Certificate in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Professional Affiliations: Arthroscopy Association of North American, The American Orthopaedics Society for Sports Medicine, Indiana Orthopaedic Society, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, Community Hospital South, St. Vincent Hospital Additional Information: Team physician for Franklin College and Indian Creek High School


ORTHOPAEDIC Corey B. Kendall, MD OrthoIndy 7950 Ortho Lane Brownsburg, IN 46112 317-268-3634 Practice Focus: Knee and Shoulder Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine Medical School: Indiana University

Fellowship: Atlanta Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Board Certification: Orthopaedic Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Indiana Orthopaedic Society Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, Hendricks Regional, IU West, St. Vincent Additional Information: Accepting patients at OrthoIndy West in Brownsburg and OrthoIndy Northwest at 86th Street and 465.

TOP DOCTOR Frank Kolisek, MD OrthoIndy 1260 Innovation Parkway, Ste. 100 Greenwood, IN 46143 317-884-5160 800-537-2673 (Toll Free) Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Focus: Total Hip and Knee Replacement Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL Residency: Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville, FL Fellowship: Arthritic Reconstructive Surgery of the Hip and Knee, Emory University and Peachtree Orthopaedic Clinic, Atlanta, GA Board Certification: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Indiana Orthopaedic Society, American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, Indiana State Medical Society Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, Community Hospital South

TOP DOCTOR Eric A. Monesmith, MD OrthoIndy 1260 Innovation Parkway, Ste. 100 Greenwood, IN 46143 317-884-5166 Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Focus: Joint Replacement of the Hip and Knee Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Joint Replacement, New England Baptist Hospital Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Association of Hip & Knee Surgeons Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, St. Francis Hospital Additional Information: Past President Indiana Orthopaedic Society, Board of Councilors for American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Mihir M. Patel, MD OrthoIndy 13450 N. Meridian St., Ste. 355 Carmel, IN 46032 317-569-2513 Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Focus: Sports Medicine, Foot and Ankle and Industrial Medicine Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine Residency: Orthopaedic Surgery at Case Western Reserve University Fellowship: Foot and Ankle Surgery and Sports Medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery/Cornell University, NY Board Certification: Board Certified Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis Additional Information: Team Physician for Indianapolis Indians

Additional Information: OrthoIndy President, 2005 to 2012 Awards: Indianapolis Monthly Top Doctors Orthopaedic Surgery 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013, Becker’s Orthopaedic Review: 125 National Top Knee Surgeons, 2012 and 70 National Outstanding Hip Surgeons and Specialists, 2011



TOP DOCTOR K. Donald Shelbourne, MD Shelbourne Knee Center 1815 N Capitol Ave., Ste. 600 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-924-8636 888-FIX-KNEE (Toll Free)

Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery and Physical Rehabilitation Practice Focus: Knee Disorders and Injuries, Orthopaedic and Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, Knee Ligament Reconstruction, Total Knee Replacement, and Rehabilitation Medical School: Indiana University Residency: Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University Medical School Fellowship: Sports Medicine, University of Wisconsin Board Certification: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Professional Affiliations: American Orthopaedic Association, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy Association of North America, National Athletic Trainers’ Association Additional Information: Pioneered the Contralateral ACL Reconstruction Technique and developed the Accelerated ACL Reconstruction Protocol used worldwide. Named a Top Doctor more times than any other.

Michael Thieken, MD OrthoIndy 10995 N. Allisonville Rd., Ste. 102 Indianapolis, IN 46038 317-802-2863 800-223-3381 (Toll Free) Physician Field of Practice: Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Focus: Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy of the Knee, Shoulder and Hip Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN Fellowship: New Mexico Orthopaedics Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Fellowship, Albuquerque, NM

TOP DOCTOR Jeffrey C. Beach, MD, FACS Northside ENT 12065 Old Meridian St., Ste. 205 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5656 Physician Field of Practice: Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Practice Focus: Special interests: sublingual therapy; allergy management; sinuses; thyroid and parathyroid glands; salivary gland tumors and sleep apnea Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Board Certification: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Residency: Indiana University Medical Center

Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Indiana Orthopaedic Society, Arthroscopy Association of North America, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine

Board Certification: American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery

Hospital Affiliations: Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital, St. Vincent Hospital Carmel, St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis, St. Vincent Fishers

Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital

Additional Information: Also sees patients at OrthoIndy Greencastle, OrthoIndy at St. Vincent Carmel and OrthoIndy at St. Vincent Fishers

Additional Information: Sees both children and adults. Strong interest in Allergy and Sinus.

Seth D. Bruggers, MD Northside ENT 12065 Old Meridian St., Ste. 205 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5656 Physician Field of Practice: Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Practice Focus: Endoscopic sinus surgery, pediatric otolaryngology, allergies, thyroid and parathyroid surgery Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School Residency: St. Louis University Hospital Board Certification: American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Central Indiana Otolaryngology Society Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital



OTOLARYNGOLOGY TOP DOCTOR Scott A. Hackett, MD, FACS Northside ENT 12065 Old Meridian St., Ste. 205 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5656 Physician Field of Practice: Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Practice Focus: Minimally invasive parathyroid and sinus surgery, thyroid surgery, pediatric diseases Medical School: Indiana University

Residency: Indiana University Medical Center Board Certification: American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Professional Affiliations: Indiana State Medical Association, Central Indiana Otolaryngology Society, Christian Medical Dental Association Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital Additional Information: Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. reported physician peers named Dr. Hackett a top ENT specialist in six consecutive surveys. Twice named specialty teacher of the year by the St. Vincent Family Medicine residents.

RADIATION ONCOLOGY TOP DOCTOR G. Irene Minor, MD Radiation Oncology IU Health-Central Indiana Cancer Centers 10212 Lantern Rd. Fishers, IN 46037 317-678-2700 Practice Focus: I treat all cancers, but my practice is mostly Breast Cancer, Lung Caner, Head and Neck Cancers including thypoid cancer and cancers of the gastrointestinal system Medical School: University of Kentucky Fellowship: University of Louisville

Board Certification: American Board of Radiology Professional Affiliations: ASTRO, ASCO, American Radium Society, American Board of Radiology Hospital Affiliations: IUH North, IUH Saxony, IUH Methodist, Community Hospitals, Hancock Regional Hospital

TOP DOCTOR Robert A. Youkilis, MD, FACS Northside ENT 12065 Old Meridian St., Ste. 205 Carmel, IN 46032 317-844-5656 Physician Field of Practice: Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Practice Focus: Treatment of complex sinus disease, thyroid and parathyroid disorders Medical School: University of Cincinnati School of Medicine Residency: Indiana University Medical Center Board Certification: American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Central Indiana Otolaryngology Society Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital Additional Information: Joined Northside ENT in 1999. Previous Chairman of Department of Otolaryngology at St. Vincent Hospital. Enjoys boating, snow skiing, and watching his kids grow up.

SPINE MINIMALLY INVASIVE TOP DOCTOR Kevin Macadaeg, MD Indiana Spine Group 13225 N. Meridian Carmel, IN 46032 317-228-7000 Physician Field of Practice: Anesthesiologist Practice Focus: Spinal pain management Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine Board Certification: American Board of Anesthesiology in Pain Medicine Professional Affiliations: North American Spine Society; American Pain Society; American Academy of Pain Medicine; Indiana State Medical Association Hospital Affiliations: Community Hospital East/North; St. Vincent Hospital-Carmel and Indianapolis; IU Health North Hospital; North Meridian Surgery Center

TOP DOCTOR David M. Ratzman, MD Anesthesia Pain Consultants of Indiana 8240 Naab Rd., Ste. 101 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-471-1400 855-664-3636 Practice Focus: Interventional Pain Medicine / Pain Management, Spinal Pain (Low Back & Neck Pain), Cancer Pain, Workers Compensation Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Residency: Anesthesiology, Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Pain Medicine/ Pain Management, Indiana University School Medicine Board Certification: Pain Medicine and Anesthesiology (American Board of Anesthesiology); Pain Medicine (American Board of Pain Medicine) Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Pain Medicine, North American Spine Society, International Spine Intervention Society, American Society of Anesthesiologists Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent, Hancock Regional, IU Health, Riverview Additional Information: Past President of Indiana Society of Anesthesiologists, Member of Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee, Clinical Asst. Professor Indiana Univ. School of Medicine, Teaching Faculty Member St. Vincent Hospital, AAPM Scientific Review and Guidelines Committee

SPORTS MEDICINE TOP DOCTOR Bryan R. Mayol, MD Indiana University Health Physicians IU Health Saxony Hospital 13100 E. 136th St., Ste. 2000 Fishers, IN 46037 IU Health North Hospital 11725 Illinois St., Ste. 515 Carmel, IN 46032 317-688-5980 orthopedics-sports-medicine Practice Focus: Sports medicine, Tenex© procedure for chronic tendon pain, musculoskeletal ultrasound, joint/soft tissue injections, fracture care, exertional compartment syndrome testing, concussion management, acute and chronic muscle/ bone/joint concerns for people of all ages Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Fellowship: Central Indiana Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Board Certification: American Board of Family Medicine, Certificate of Added Qualifications in Sports Medicine Professional Affiliations: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM); Indiana State Medical Association Hospital Affiliations: IU Health Saxony Hospital and Ambulatory Surgery Center, IU Health North Hospital, IU Health Methodist Hospital Additional Information: Assistant Professor at IU School of Medicine; Believes in helping people maintain an active lifestyle, and that exercise is truly the best medicine

PAIN MEDICINE & REHABILITATION TOP DOCTOR Shashank J. Dave, DO Indiana University Health; Neuroscience Center 355 W. 16th St., Ste. 4300 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-963-7077 Practice Focus: Spasticity management, botulinum toxin injection, interventional pain management Medical School: Midwestern University Residency: Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Board Certification: American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, American Board of Pain Medicine Professional Affiliations: American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Association of Academic Physiatrists; International Spine Intervention Society Hospital Affiliations: IU Health; Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana; St. Francis Hospital Additional Information: Dr. Dave currently serves as the President of the Indiana Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; he is also the co-chief of Rehabilitation Services at IU Health and Associate Residency Program Director

THORACIC SURGERY Richard K. Freeman, MD St. Vincent Medical Group – Thoracic Surgery 8433 Harcourt Rd., Ste. 100 Indianapolis, IN 46026 317-583-7600 Practice Focus: Minimally invasive and robotic treatment of benign and cancerous conditions of the lung, pleura, esophagus as well as treatment for hyperhidrosis Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA Board Certification: American Board of Thoracic Surgery, American Board of Surgery Professional Affiliations: American Association for Thoracic Sugery, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Fellow of American College of Surgeons Hospital Affiliations: St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis (Chief of Thoracic Surgery), The Heart Center of Indiana Additional Information: Dr. Freeman is the Vice Chairman of Surgery and Medical Director of Cancer Services for St Vincent Hospital. His clinical interests include minimally invasive/robotic surgery and the multidisciplinary care of thoracic malignancies. Dr. Freeman has authored numerous book chapters and original scientific articles and regularly lectures at national and international conferences. This has led to Dr. Freeman being selected as a “Top Doctor” for the last ten years by Indianapolis Monthly Magazine and one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons in the United States by U. S. News and World Report.


VENUOUS & LYMPHATIC MED. Jeffery P. Schoonover, MD Indiana Vein Specialists 11876 Olio Rd., Ste. 700 Fishers, IN 46037 317-348-3023 Physician Field of Practice: Venous & Lymphatic Medicine Practice Focus: Non-surgical treatment of varicose vein disease and related disorders Medical School: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Residency: Flower Hospital, Sylvania, Ohio Board Certification: Diplomate American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine, Diplomate American Board of Family Medicine Professional Affiliations: American College of Phlebology, American Academy of Family Physicians, Indiana State Medical Association, Indiana Academy of Family Physicians Additional Information: Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation, Registered Vascular Technologist

UROGYNECOLOGY Douglass S. Hale, MD, FACS, FACOG Urogynecology Associates, PC Methodist Tower 1633 N. Capitol Ave., Ste. 436 Indianapolis, IN 46202 IU Health North 11725 Illinois St., Ste. 560 Carmel, IN 46032 317-962-6600 Practice Focus: Female Pelvic Floor Disorders Medical School: Medical College of Ohio Fellowship: Urogynecology Fellowship Training Board Certification: American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology Professional Affiliations: Member, American Urogynecologic Society; Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Fellow, American College of Surgeons; Member, American Medical Association; Member, Indiana Medical Society; Member, Indianapolis Medical Society; Member, Society of Gynecological Surgeons; Member, Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Hospital Affiliations: IU Health

Additional Information:

Michael H. Heit, MD, PhD Urogynecology Associates, PC Methodist Tower 1633 N. Capitol Ave., Ste. 436 Indianapolis, IN 46202 IU Health North 11725 Illinois St., Ste. 560 Carmel, IN 46032 317-962-6600 Practice Focus: Female Pelvic Floor Disorders Medical School: St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO Residency: University of Louisville, Clinical Investigative Sciences Fellowship: Rush Pres. St. Luke’s Med Center, Chicago, IL Board Certification: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professional Affiliations: Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Member, American Urogynecologic Society; Member, International Continence Society; Member, International Urogynecological Association; Fellow, American College of Surgeons; Member, Louisville Ob/Gyn Society; Member, Jefferson County Medical Association Hospital Affiliations: IU Health

Additional Information:



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