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Vol. 111 — No. 322
24 pages — 2 sections
Wednesday 1
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Obama legacy on Iran unclear
Who’s in the news There is good news today in The Indiana Gazette about these area people: Sue Ackerson, Breanna James, Sharon Perkins, Richard Turk.
CORRUPTION CHARGES: The former mayor of Harrisburg was arrested Tuesday on corruption charges, including allegations he unlawfully used public money from various agencies./Page 5 VIDEO RELEASED: A federal judge ordered a suburban Los Angeles city on Tuesday to release video of police fatally shooting an unarmed man two years ago./Page 7 WAITING FOR ANSWERS: For many families of the 298 people killed when Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was brought down last year over eastern Ukraine, agonizing uncertainty is still woven into the fabric of life./Page 8 AUDACIOUS FEAT: A visit on Tuesday by journalists to a mile-long tunnel’s exit in an unfinished barn near the prison that held drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman provided a look at the last few yards that the leader of the Sinaloa cartel traversed to make his second prison escape./Page 9 SEEKING REFORMS: Calling it an issue America can’t afford to ignore, President Obama on Tuesday laid out an expansive vision for fixing the criminal justice system./Page 10 THE STARS COME OUT: Mike Trout led off the game with a home run to help power the American League to a win over the National League in the All-Star Game in Cincinnati./Page 13 AT RISK: Following a deadly listeria outbreak in ice cream, the Justice Department is warning food companies that they could face criminal and civil penalties if they poison their customers./Page 24
Weather Tonight
Mostly clear tonight. Sunny and nice tomorrow. See Page 2.
Deaths Obituaries on Page 4 GRIFFITH, James Austin Jr., 72, Indiana KUNST, Elise A. Warhol, 85, Indiana McCOMBS, Thomas Gerald Sr., 76, Commodore Late death BARNA, Mary Cathleen “Kitty,” 78, Rosemount, Minn., formerly of Coral
Index Classifieds ...............21-23 Comics/TV....................19 Dear Abby .....................21 Entertainment ..............11 Family ...........................20 Lottery.............................2 NASCAR ........................14 Sports.......................13-18 Today in History...........21 Viewpoint .......................6
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AP White House Correspondent
AMELIA RIVES, 5, met Jersey, a service dog in training, at Indiana Free Library on Tuesday as part of a family program. Mary Jalongo taught children the difference between service dogs and therapy dogs, and about dog training. Amelia is the daughter of Alex and Brad Rives, of Indiana. For more information on the library’s summer programs, visit www.indianafreelibrary.org.
IRMC, Punxs’y, Clarion get go-ahead for hospital network By The Indiana Gazette The Pennsylvania State Attorney General’s office announced it had no objections with the proposed affiliation of the Pennsylvania Mountains Care Network by Indiana Regional Medical Center, Clarion Hospital and Punxsutawney Area Hospital. The three organizations have been cleared to begin working collaboratively. “It’s the beginning of a new day,” said Stephen Wolfe, president and CEO of IRMC, in a press release. “This new network will help position three, locally owned community hospitals to remain that way for years to come while creating new opportunities for improved
health care for the people we serve.” The three hospitals first announced plans for the affiliation in July 2014. “This model is what we think is the road map for the continuing success of independent rural health care providers,” the three hospital CEOs said in a joint statement. “As founding members of the Pennsylvania Mountains Health Care Alliance (PMHA), we have an outstanding record of working collaboratively over the course of the last decade on sharing resources, developing new programs, pursuing grants and achieving significant cost reductions.”
PMHA was formed with a mission of helping community hospitals remain independent by improving efficiency through group purchasing, a health insurance pool, information technology initiatives and more. The new Pennsylvania Mountains Care Network encompasses three hospitals with more than 2,200 employees, 200 physicians, hundreds of volunteers, an extensive primary care network, urgent care centers, extensive community services and combined net patient revenue of more than $220 million. The affiliation does not include the combination of assets and is not a merger, officials said. Continued on Page 12
Spacecraft delivers mankind our first up-close look at Pluto By KENNETH CHANG
New York Times News Service
LAUREL, Md. — After a long day celebrating the arrival of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft at Pluto and wondering about its fate while it was out of radio contact, mission controllers finally received confirmation Tuesday night that the spacecraft had performed its scientific tasks. On schedule, at 8:52:37 p.m. Eastern time, a message from the spacecraft arrived at Mission Control at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. “We are in lock with carrier,” said Alice Bowman, the missions operations manager. “Stand by for telemetry.” And a few moments later, when she confirmed that data was coming down, cheers erupted Tuesday for the second time. By design, communica-
PLUTO ... from New Horizons craft tions from New Horizons ended at 11:17 p.m. the night before, and as planned, the craft remained out of contact for almost 22 hours as it took pictures and collected bountiful other measurements of Pluto and its five moons. The design of the spacecraft did not allow it to perform its observations while communicating with Earth, and the mission team wanted to squeeze in as much work as possible as
The White Township planning commission reviewed a sketch plan Tuesday that would add a building for retail/professional development on Indian Springs Road. The building would be 12,300 square feet and would be located in the vacant lot between the former Ponderosa restaurant and Blueberries: U-Pick And Picked stutzmanfarms.com (724) 463-7915
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• The nuclear deal with Iran was met with a profound wariness in the Arab world.
TOM PEEL/Gazette
KIM BETZ volunteered to paint the entrance signs at Mack Park on Tuesday, changing the color in the process. She is the wife of Paul Betz, the park’s new caretaker.
Plan would add retail building Heatherbrae, according to Chris Anderson, assistant township manager. There would be room for multiple retail/professional spaces. The plan was developed by co-owners Ralph and Mark Miller, who own Heatherbrae and Indiana Professional Buildings Inc. It is not yet known what stores would occupy the spaces, Anderson said. Developers did not indi-
New Horizons flew within 7,800 miles of the former ninth planet. At a news conference a half an hour later, Bowman said that everything appeared to have gone smoothly. “We didn’t have any autonomy rule firings,” she said, referring to actions the spacecraft takes when something goes wrong. “And what that means, in layman terms, is that the spacecraft was happy.” The first round of cheers came Tuesday morning, as a countdown clock for the closest Pluto approach, as calculated by mission scientists, ticked down to zero. It was like New Year’s Eve. “We’re going to do our 109-8 thing, and you can get your flags out,” S. Alan Stern, the principal investigator for NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto, told the people gathered to mark the occasion. “We’re going Continued on Page 12
WASHINGTON — To President Barack Obama, the historic nuclear accord with Iran is a validation of an arduous, politically fraught diplomatic gamble, one he foreshadowed before winning the White House and one that will shape his legacy long after he leaves. The deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program may prevent Tehran from developing a bomb or being the target of U.S. military action during Obama’s presidency. But whether the agreement succeeds in stemming Iran’s nuclear ambitions after his tenure is a far murkier question. The sheer amount of time and political capital Obama invested in the Iran talks has fueled speculation that he had too much at stake to walk away from the negotiating table, no matter the compromises in a final deal. Obama authorized secret talks with Iran in 2012, followed by nearly two years of formal negotiations alongside Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. His rapprochement with Iran sent U.S. relations with Israel plummeting to near-historic lows and deepened tensions with Congress. Even with the high-stakes implications of an Iranian nuclear program, the talks over time seemed to represent more than just the quest for a deal. They were a referendum on Obama’s belief that even America’s most ardent enemies can be brought in line Continued on Page 12
cate a timeframe for action, and the next step would be for the commission to review a site plan upon submission. In other business, the commission: • Approved a final site plan for Tri Bro Ventures LLC at Christy Park Drive at the former Crep’s Publishing location. The plan will turn the site into a used car lot owned by Continued on Page 12 Healing Broken Hearts Counseling Ministry Angie Logsdon, PhD www.HealingBroken Hearts.org
Clymer seeks funding to renovate playground syoder@indianagazette.net
CLYMER — The Sherman Street Park in Clymer could be getting a major overhaul. Rob Barto, borough manager, applied to the state for a possible $250,000 grant, which would require a 15 percent match. American Le-
gion Post 222 has already helped to bring in about $8,000, Barto said at Tuesday night’s borough council meeting. The grant would provide for a park face-lift and a Continued on Page 12
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