Indiana Statesman For ISU students. About ISU students. By ISU students.
Wednesday, April. 11, 2018
Indiana Statesman
Volume 125, Issue 71
Spring Week kickoff with ‘Back to the 90s’ theme Alexandria Truby Reporter To pump students up for this year’s “Back to the 90s” themed Spring Week, the Union Board held the annual Spring Week Kickoff in DEDE I on Monday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event was originally supposed to take place in Dede Plaza, but was relocated due to weather. The Indiana State University website states that Spring Week is “intended to create a sense of pride and enthusiasm toward Indiana State University at the end of the spring semester.” Visors, giant pixie sticks, chips, soda, bagel
bites and more were given out to make the area pop. People were dancing and singing along to songs, especially when Kirk Franklin & The Family’s song “Melodies from Heaven” came on. “Back to the 90s is a very fun and colorful time,” Teaundra Smith, an ISU student, said. “This is like a smaller version of homecoming and we all agreed the theme would make it feel like that.” Jasmine Showalter with KAMAN’s Art Shoppes, Inc. drew caricatures of students for free to keep. Her talent was outwardly appreciated, as the line to be drawn by her was con-
History of great women at ISU, on display at the Cunningham Memorial Library Devin Neely Reporter “The History of Great Women at ISU” is a display inspired by the progress women have made at Indiana State University in the Cunninham Memorial Library. With the president’s inauguration quickly approaching later this week, campus is buzzing with excitement. This has led to the inspiration and design of a display titled “The History of Great Women at ISU”, created and designed by Dr. Crystal Reynolds, a researcher and instructor here at ISU, assisted by Catherine Kennedy, the graphic designer for the project. Dr. Reynolds is an alumni of ISU since 1985 as an undergrad, and she has been a supporting staff member and faculty member ever since. Dr. Reynolds explained she knows many of the women who are included in the display and is proud to have been in connections with them. “This project was a labor of love, and includes a history of women at ISU from 1870 to present time.,” said Reynolds. “I tried to include women from all the decades of the university, of all races, and all of the various colleges and majors.” Reynolds also stated that technology proved to be a challenge due to the small amounts of technology female graduates and faculty. Dr. Reynolds found inspiration in her previous displays such as “The History of the African American Experience,” “The History of the Hispanic Experience,” and “The History of the International Experience,” all of which have been created and put on display here at ISU. “I decided that in keeping in the same spirit as the above displays, I would do a display on the history of great women here at ISU,” said Dr. Reynolds. “This display proved to be the most challenging.” “I am a historian, researcher, and an alum of ISU,” said Dr. Reynolds. “I know much of the history of the university, as I am currently working on a history of ISU with Dan Clark.” Reynolds added that she had researched several of
ISU Communications and Marketing
Crystal Reynolds
the individuals who are included in this display, and knew most of their history, but she chose who to include based on her idea of “herstorical interpretation.” “My choices may be different than a male historian or non ISU graduate,” said Dr. Reynolds. “The choices were based on my lenses, my experiences, my knowledge of the people and my historical framework.” In order for a woman to be presented on this display, many factors such as their contributions to the university and their longevity as well are considered. Since this display has been sponsored by the Sesqui committee, several individuals including current members and retirees were asked who would be their top five people for such a display, and note was taken from there. “I was pleasantly surprised at how their answers compared to each other’s and to my choices,” said Dr. Reynolds. “There were even a couple choices I had not considered.” There is a vast variety of women who are included in the display, going from the categories of “Student Alumni,” “Administrators,” and “Faculty.” Such women included, but not limited to are early ISU female students who were from the first graduating class of 1872, Holli Hyche, a track and field start from the late 80’s into the early 90’s; administrators such as President Curtis, our first female president in the school’s history; faculty such as Marsha Miller the current librarian and an educator since the 1980s; and
sistently over ten people long. “That’s amazing, she’s so talented,” an attendee said. According to, the “throwback airbrushed t-shirts might be the next big customization trend.” The Union Board’s kickoff proved this source right since they had shirts being airbrushed in customizable ways. “Tell everyone to come to the rest of the events. We have events all week. We’re just starting it off today,” Kenya Claiborne, chairperson of the Community Service Committee Union Board, said.
Kabrisha Bell | Indiana Statesman
To celebrate the start of 2018 Spring Week, the kickoff event took place on Monday with food, activities and photo booths for the students to get in the spirit for the upcoming week.
Presidential inauguration a reminder of university’s partnerships and impact When Deborah J. Curtis is inaugurated as Indiana State University’s 12th president on Friday, April 13, she will use the platform to highlight the institution’s partnerships and reinforce its role as Indiana’s university. The inauguration will be held at 1 p.m. in the Hulman Center and features a theme of “Partnering for our Future,” as these relationships enhance students’ experiences at State and help advance the university’s strategic goals. “I am pleased that the planning committee has been able to utilize this event as a way of spotlighting Indiana State’s many partnerships,” Curtis said. “These partnerships are making a major impact on our students’ experience as well as our community, our state, our nation and even our world.” Delegates representing Indiana State’s partnerships will be represented at the event -- more than 100 nonprofit organizations, corporations, state, regional and international education institutions and student organizations. A reception on the upper concourse of Hulman Center will follow the ceremony. U.S. Deputy Surgeon General Sylvia Trent-Adams’ speech on Friday,
President Deborah J. Curtis
April 6, kicked off a weeklong series of events -- on campus and beyond -celebrating the inauguration. Other highlights include the Gibson Track and Field Invitational, president’s scholars brunch, a blood drive, unveiling of a new display for the Vigo County History Center, Terre Haute Symphony children’s concert, ISU Spirit Day at Vigo County Schools, faculty recognition banquet and local premiere of the Eva Kor documentary, “Eva.” In addition to the university itself contributing nearly $400 million to the economy, 85 percent of State
graduates remain in Indiana to work and raise their families. “Indiana State University is the state of Indiana’s university,” Curtis said. Curtis’ hiring has been described as “a tremendous selection during an important time” in the university’s 152-year history. Her presidency marks the culmination of a career filled with experience at every academic capacity of higher education, from faculty member to provost. A Chicago native, Curtis worked ear-
Annual Earth Day set for April 18 Sarah Padan Contributor Environmental efforts take off at Indiana State University with efforts such as the launch of a campus bike share at the ninth annual Earth Day celebration on April 18. This year’s festivities include more than 50 booths of community organizations that will offer educational activities about sustainability, along with a picnic catered by Sodexo, outdoor games, and an award ceremony. Dr. Shikha Bhattacharyya, vendor at ISU’s Earth day and President of reTHink, Inc, an environmental organization that promotes environmental sustainability in the Wabash Valley, will attend the event for a third year. “reTHink has always participated and appreciates the opportunity to participate and be able to communicate our message of reducing trash to huge crowds and Indiana State University,” Bhattacharyya said. Nick McCreary, who is in his first year leading the Office of Sustainability, leads the efforts. McCreary plans to bring new aspects to the celebration along with the campus bike share like partnering with the Fashion Merchandising Association to implement a thrift shop. “There will be a map with the location of all of the bikes,” said McCreary. “You go find one of the bikes and scan it with your phone, there’s a QR code you can scan with your phone. It’s 50 cents every half hour.”
Photo courtsey of the Statesman Archive
Earth Day promotes sustainability and enviornmental efforts with over 50 booths on campus.
Meanwhile, the Sycamore Closet will be selling secondhand clothes to students on April 13 and 18 at their annual pop up shop. “This is the second year for the Sycamore Closet,” said FMA secretary, Jordan Koegler. “It’s a place where people on campus can donate clothes, and they’re sold at a low cost to help keep clothes out of landfills.” Other sustainability efforts will take place at the community garden at the Office of Sustainability on the
east side of campus involving the poverty-stricken Ryves neighborhood. “We want to expand the garden another block, we want to turn the block that we’re expanding into a permaculture forest so there’s a place for the Ryves community be able to come and get free, healthy food, because they’re experiencing what’s called a food desert,” said McCreary.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Free physicals at ISU Health Center Patrick Chavis Reporter The ISU Physical Therapy Program will be offering free Physical Therapy Health Screens to all ISU students on Thursday April 12 from 6 to 9 p.m. The screenings will take place at the ISU health center on campus, which is located directly across from the tennis courts and in between Reeve Hall and the Lincoln Quads. Students in the Doctoral Physical Therapy program and trained Physical Therapists will be administering the screenings. As a reward for attending the event and partaking in the screenings, the Doctoral Physical Therapy program will keep track of all the participants names, which will be entered in a raffle and everyone will have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. The purpose of these screenings is for students to engage in a variety of physical activities that will test their general wellness and give them a better idea of how great of shape their body is in all around.
Melissa Gifford, who is a student in the Doctoral Physical Therapy Program and helping to put on the event stated that “The screen will consist of an overall health screen which will consist of looking at the individual’s background history, vital signs, blood pressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, walking pattern, posture, strength, flexibility, and balance.” “Throughout the process, participants will be asked to perform a series of tests that relate to these various different aspects of wellness,” said Gifford. At the end of these tests, students will be able to talk to both a physical therapist and a student physical therapist to review how they did on the tests to see how well their general wellness is compared to the others in their age group. This will be the first year that the program is hosting this event and they stress the importance of students making sure they try to take advantage of this opportunity. “The DPT program as never studied this age
group before (18-50 year olds),” said Gifford. “The Doctoral Physical Therapy students have been researching tests and the importance of having annual Physical Therapy screens all semester. Everything we do during the screen is backed up with research and can be compared with normative values to show individuals how they performed.” In total there will be over fifteen Physical therapists and Doctoral Physical Therapy students in all that will be helping to administer all of these tests to students free of charge. Gifford claims that students will end up getting a quality experience from participating in the screening. “Often times when we are in school we are so focused on getting the next assignment done or preparing for our upcoming exam, that we tend to forget or even neglect our general health,” said Gifford. Gifford stressed students should be aware of their health. “Being proactive about your health is the best way
ISU Communications and Marketing
ISU physical therapy program to offer free health screening at the ISU Health Center on campus.
to limit your risk for injuries in the future, and by doing annual screens we can catch any limitations in mobility and recommend physical therapy or other options,” said Gifford. “This is something that I highly recommend for students because it is an easy, free way to get an
Sycamores donate blood as Spring Week begins
AJ Goelz Reporter
Despite the snow that has been falling as of late, it is April and that means it is time for Indiana State’s annual Spring Week. One of the events that always occurs during Spring Week is the Blood Drive in the Dedes of the Hulman Memorial Student Union. Dedes 1, 2 and 3 were taken over for the past couple days as people could go and donate blood. “There are very few causes for deferral and very few medications that are not acceptable. Indiana Blood Center must see 550 individuals each and every day in order to meet the patient needs at the 60+ hospitals it supplies,” according to the Indiana State website. The Blood Drive was on campus for the past two days as part of the Spring Week festivities. Spring Week is filled with “weeklong events intended to create a sense of pride and enthusiasm toward Indiana State University at the end of the spring semester,” according to the school’s website. “Spring Week events are planned by several departments and organizations including Union Board. Major
Anna Bartley | Indiana Statesman
Blood drive took place on Monday and Tuesday, giving sycamores the chance to donate blood as part of the Spring Week activity.
events for the week include Spring Sing, Battleship, and the Tandem Race.” Spring Week began Monday with the kickoff event at the plaza outside the Student Union. Also on Monday was the Tri-Athlon and the Blood Drive. The drive also continued into Tuesday. There are still more
events planned for Spring Week with Spring Sing planned for tonight at 7 p.m. There is also Thursday Night Entertainment tomorrow night and the Tandem Race on Saturday. Tandem is an annual bike race where men and women pair up and ride together on a two-person bicycle. It is the final event
of Spring Week. To those interested in donating blood on their own time there are multiple locations within Terre Haute to do so. The three locations to donate are Octapharma Plasma at 115 Walnut St., Plasmacare at 1132 Locust St. and Indiana Blood Center 2021 S 3 St.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg faces tough questions on Capitol Hill David Pierson Los Angeles Times (TNS) Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg faced criticism Tuesday from senators over his company’s handling of user data in a Capitol Hill hearing that could amount to a reckoning on the technology industry and its practices. “Let me just cut to the chase. If you and other social media companies do not get your act in order, none of us are going to have any privacy anymore,” Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., told Zuckerberg, who was making his first appearance on Capitol
Hill, underscoring the severity of Facebook’s crisis. Clad in a dark suit and bright blue tie rather than his signature gray T-shirt, Zuckerberg offered contrition for his company’s mishandling of personal information from up to 87 million unsuspecting Facebook users that landed in the hands of Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that worked on Donald Trump’s campaign. His opening statement closely mirrored prepared remarks that circulated Monday. The billionaire tech executive is also scheduled to appear before the House
Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday. The congressional grilling adds to the mounting crisis at the Menlo Park, Calif., company, which has been on the defense since it downplayed the effect of Russian interference on its platform during the 2016 presidential election. The Cambridge Analytica scandal has also resulted in a new Federal Trade Commission investigation looking into whether Facebook violated a 2011 consent decree requiring the company to properly inform users about changes to their privacy settings. The biggest threat to Facebook, however, would
be new regulations that challenge the company’s lifeblood: access to increasing amounts of personal data from its 2 billion users. Rather than wait for that worst-case scenario, Facebook in recent days has announced a slew of changes aimed at boosting transparency for users and limiting how much data are accessible to outside apps. Zuckerberg has also expressed support for the Honest Ads Act, a bipartisan proposal to apply the same disclosure rules to political ads online as those on television or print media.
overall look at your health and to stay on top of your wellness and be proactive about your health,” Gifford added. Freshman Isabel Prodan, who plans on attending the event, stated, “I think that the results that I shall receive from the screenings will give me a better understanding of what it
means to have good general wellness.” “I think that a lot of college students don’t have the resources to properly maintain a good well- being, and I believe that this event will help provide them with the knowledge to do so,” said Prodan.
Voting center on campus open to the public Patrick Chavis Reporter With spring already among us, the clock is winding down to be able to register for this year’s primary midterm election. The last day to register to be eligible to vote in the upcoming primary election is April 9, and Election Day is May 8. The Vigo County registration office is located on the second floor of the Vigo County Courthouse. Vada L. Long, the Republican appointee to the voter registration office will also be in the parking lot of the courthouse at 4 p.m. quick registering people so that they do not miss the register deadline. “Usually it takes about eight days to process someone’s information so that they are able to vote. However on April 9, we have decided to quick register any last minute potential voters who want to partake in May’s election,” Long said. Long stressed the importance of voting in this election and in general. She expressed concern about what she sees as younger people’s negative attitudes towards voting and the electoral process as a whole. “Most of the voters I see coming in to register are senior citizens,” Long said. “I wish younger voters would realize how important these state and local elections are, because they will determine how their counties are run.” Only one U.S. Senate seat and one U.S. Representative seat to represent Indiana are eligible to vote for, while the rest of the offices consist of state and local positions. Long stated how important it was for voters, especially young voters to study these local candidates. “It’s very important for young voters to study these candidates and to vote based on who they feel would represent them the best, as opposed to just voting blindly for whom their parents voted for,” Long said. The Vigo County Election Board, along with Long, wants younger voters to become a stronger voting block. One of the relatively easy ways to do this, is to make sure that younger voters vote in the county that they are registered to vote in. LeAnna Moore, Joyce Raley, Jamie Auterson and Jaymie Duerlinger, who are all employees of the Vigo County cleark’s office, explained that students have been unable to vote in Terre Haute because they were already registered to vote in their home county. It is against the law in all fifty states to be registered to vote in more than one county. Raley, who’s the Vigo County clerk’s office manager encourages students to get in contact with their county clerk’s office to provide them with alternate voting options, if voting in person for them is not plausible. “Students have the ability to fill out absentee ballots and mail them to their county clerk’s office, so that they can vote from the comfort of their dorm or local place of residence while they are at school,” Raley said. Board members also suggest that if voters want to know ahead of time which candidates they would be voting for, that a sample ballot could be found online at The board believes that having informed voters will lead to a higher voter turnout in general, however their main emphasis for this primary election is younger voters. The Vigo County clerk’s office and county election board’s goal is for voter turnout to improve by 3-4 percent and for the on campus voting center that will be located in the Dede Activity Center on Election Day, will go to good use. The voting center on campus is not only open to students, but also anyone else who are registered to vote in Vigo County. The on campus voting center is just one of 21different voting centers that voters may choose to cast their ballot
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 • Page 3
“There’s no location for them to get healthy food which contributes to a number of different things that continually marginalize that community.” Dr. Bhattacharyya has also instituted gardens for low-income areas. The sign at one garden, Eden of Ryves reads “Where children learn to fish,” inspired from a quote from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Bhattacharyya urges citizens to donate healthier foods to food pantries and soup kitchens, rather than canned goods. “We didn’t solve the problem at the root cause. By teaching people to garden, we can teach them to feed themselves,” Bhattacharyya said. Another on campus initiative McCreary is also working on involved partnering with Sodexo in areas of food waste and recovery. “Food is a really interesting area where it has a big effect on all three aspects of sustainability – economic, social, and environ-
countless award winning professors who have had a role at ISU. The display is currently located and can be found near the
PRESIDENTIAL FROM PAGE 1 ly on as an elementary music teacher in neighboring Edgar County, Ill., also with stints as a coach. As the first woman -- and second graduate -- to lead the university, Curtis, Ph.D. ‘86, attributes her experiences at State as the “launching pad” of her career. Curtis aims to do the same for other young adults by being externally focused during her
ISU Communications and Marketing
Dr. Shikha Battacharyya
mental,” McCreary said. “There’s people on this campus that who are food insecure, and that just makes it harder for them to graduate, and harder for them to be a student, if they don’t know where their next meal is coming from.” McCreary obtained a Master’s of Sustainability from St. Louis University, and has noticed several changes in the campus cultures between his alma mater and Indiana State. “ISU is a lot more supportive of sustainability by far,” said McCreary. “Most people here are pretty receptive to the idea.”
at, the other 20 voting locations are listed on the Vigo County website. All voters need to bring with them is a driver’s license or state ID so that their vote can be counted at the polls. “Your vote really does matter, all these representatives from congressmen, to your governor and to the president, affect your everyday life,” the board said. Correction In an article that appeared in the March 22 issue of the States-
events center in the Cunningham Memorial Library, and will be on display during President Curtis’ inauguration. It will be included on the main floor for everyone to see, which was highly encouraged by the Office of
the President. After the inauguration, the display will be relocated to the Women’s Resource Center at the Hulman Memorial Student Center until the end of the semester.
man about the establishment of a voting center on Indiana State’s campus, please note the following corrections: •Vada Long is the Republican appointee to the voter registration office. Originally, she was referred to as a board member of the Vigo County registration office. •Leanna Moore should be spelled LeAnna Moore. • LeAnna Moore, Joyce Raley, Jamie Auterson and Jaymie Duerlinger are employees of the Vigo County Clerk’s office, not members of the election board.
•Joyce Raley is the Vigo County Clerk’s office manager, not the office manager of the election board. •A reference to the board’s goal to improve voter turnout by 3-4 percent should have stated that this was the goal of the Vigo County Clerk’s office and the county election board. Clarification •One paragraph of the article stated that students have been unable to vote because they were already registered to vote in their home county. That should have read: students have been unable to vote in Terre Haute because
presidency and working to keep a State education accessible and affordable. A champagne reception and presidential inauguration dinner is set for 6 p.m. April 13 in the Sycamore Banquet Center. Proceeds will support the Michael L. Phillips Student Emergency Fund. For more information, go to inauguration/dinner. Story by ISU Communications and Marketing
Parking available in Lot D located at Ninth and Eagle Streets or in the Cherry Street Parking Garage located at Eighth and Cherry Streets.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Eight contestants participated in this year’s Mr and Miss International ISU pagent hosted by the Multicultural Services and Programs.
Photo Courtesy of Alyaa Malibari
Mr. & Miss international pageant Alexandria Truby Reporter
Mr and Miss ISU International named at pageant last Wednesday. Eight contestants representing eight countries competed in the Mr. and Miss International Pageant, held by the Multicultural Services and Programs Office on April 4 in the University Hall Theater. The MSP office and director, Dr. Elonda Ervin, created this event to showcase the diverse community and international students of the university. “The Mr. & Miss International Pageant is open to all who understand that this is not a “beauty pageant” but Photo Courtesy of Alyaa Malibari a program that judges conTop winners were Sara Bayed and testants on a broad range of qualities: personal interview, Jorge Zurita Valdebenito.
formal interview wear, talent, and the capability to speak with confidence, poise and grace. Those in this pageant are intelligent, talented, and accomplished and are seeking ways that assist them in pursuing their life goals educationally and professionally,” Alyaa Malibari, Graduate Assistant of the International Student Resource Center, said. The contestants included: Faith Ologun - Nigeria Sara Bayed - Morocco Laiya Sultan - Russian Federation/ Syria Chinonye Olumba - Nigeria Moataz Bokhari - Saudi Arabia Jorge Zurita Valdebenito Chili Amire Sako - Chad Wei Li - China Chinonye Olumba won the International Favorite by au-
dience choice while ISU International Talent and Miss ISU International awards went to Sara Bayed for singing and the Mr. ISU International award went to Jorge Zurita Valdebenito. “It is great to see all these nationalities represented as Sycamores,” Malibari said. Malibari explained that this is the first time that this event has been held in this manner. There used to be a different version years ago. “We used to have a lot of support from ISU as international students in certain areas but this is really an area to recognize the international students based on their value and culture. I hope we gain more support from all because we want to share with this community and take Photo Courtesy of Alyaa Malibari good experience when we go back,” Malibari said. Sara Bayed, who won Miss ISU International is from Morocco.
Portugal. The Man A rock band with a pop hit at Coachella
Mikael Wood
Los Angeles Times (TNS)
The members of Portugal. The Man have made a habit of representing rock in spaces dominated by pop and hip-hop. Last year its song “Feel It Still” — a maddeningly catchy number about being “a rebel just for kicks” — peaked at No.4 on Billboard’s Hot 100 behind rap hits by Post Malone and Cardi B. In January “Feel It Still” beat “Despacito” and a Chainsmokers track to win a Grammy Award for best pop duo/group performance. And then there was the band’s recent gig on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” amid the smiling likes of Mariah Carey and Camila Cabello. “I remember the show people said, ‘Can you be really outgoing?’” bassist Zach Carothers recalled the other day with a laugh. “I was like, ‘This is as excited as I can look — I’ve never looked more excited than this.’” Now Carothers and his bandmates are preparing for yet another stint as outliers at next weekend’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, where Portugal. The Man will be one of the most prominent rock acts on a bill that features no rock headliners for the first time in the festival’s 19-year history. (Beyonce, the Weeknd and Eminem are the star attractions at the show, which runs April 13-15 and again April 20-22 at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, Calif.) Not that this long-running group from Alaska is some sort of po-faced blues-revivalist operation. With its processed backing vocals and swinging, tick-tock beat, “Feel It Still” — a stream-
Gaston De Cardenas | EFE | ZUMA Press | TNS
Singers Luis Fonsi (L) and Daddy Yankee (R) perform during the Billboard Latin Music Awards at the Warsco Center of Miami University in Coral Gables, Florida, United States, 27 April 2017.
‘Despacito’ is the song that won’t go away, but it briefly did from YouTube Peter Sblendorio
New York Daily News (TNS)
Lionel Hahn | Abaca Press | TNS
Portugal. The Man attends the 60th Annual Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden on Jan. 28, 2018 in New York City.
ing smash with more than half rest of Portugal. the Man’s latest a billion plays on YouTube and album, “Woodstock,” which the Spotify — exudes a coolly mod- band made with producers inern vibe; ditto the bleary synth textures threaded through the
Music videos for “Despacito” and a wave of other popular songs were hacked on YouTube, with the online perpetrators altering song titles and images while wreaking other havoc. The video for “Despacito” — which, at over 5 billion views, is the most-watched upload in YouTube history — was briefly deleted from YouTube, but only after someone changed the lead photo for the Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee hit to a picture of hooded figurines pointing guns at the camera. Drake, Taylor Swift, Chris Brown, Selena Gomez, Post Malone and Shakira are among the other artists who had videos fall victim to the hack. Every video affected Tuesday morning was originally posted by the music-sharing company Vevo. “Vevo can confirm that a number of videos in its catalogue
were subject to a security breach today, which has now been contained,” a rep for Vevo said in a statement to the Daily News. “We are working to reinstate all videos affected and our catalogue to be restored to full working order. “We are continuing to investigate the source of the breach.” The videos themselves did not appear to be changed in any way, but the hackers — who went by Prosox and Kuroi’sh in their posts — wrote their names under several videos. A Twitter user named @ProsoxW3b also claimed to be one of the hackers, tweeting, “It’s just for fun i just use script ‘youtube-change-title-video’ and I write ‘hacked’ don t judge me i love youtube” (sic). In addition to the changes made on YouTube, several affected videos also featured the names of the hackers on the Vevo website.
Samantha Shepherd | Indiana Statesman PORTUGAL FROM PAGE 4 cluding Danger Mouse, John Hill and the Beastie Boys’ Mike D. “They followed every crazy impulse we had in the studio,” said Hill, known for his work with Shakira and M.I.A. “It was exciting.” But the group is serious about keeping its music hand-played at a moment when many acts perform to prerecorded tracks — so serious, in fact, that its concerts often feature a large sign assuring observers that there are “no computers up here.” That message led to a small controversy when Portugal. The Man appeared last year at the American Music Awards; some took the statement as an implicit criticism of the other artists at the pop-focused event. “It was ‘Portugal. The Man hates programmed music,’” frontman John Gourley said over drinks on a Koreatown rooftop after a taping for Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show. “And that couldn’t be further from the truth. I mean, we start-
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 • Page 5 ed playing music because of the WuTang Clan,” said the singer, who wore the influential hip-hop crew’s logo on a chain around his neck. “The reason we show that sign every night is to let people know they’re getting a unique experience,” he continued. “If anything, it was a shot at rock bands — and I know three or four of them — that play to tracks, even when they’ve got six people onstage. That makes no sense to me.” Gourley and Carothers, who formed Portugal. The Man around 2004, learned to play the hard way: by touring relentlessly for years. (Today the group also includes Kyle O’Quin, Eric Howk, Jason Sechrist and Zoe Manville.) And it’s those chops, they say, that have drawn listeners, if only subconsciously, to the sleek but funky sound of “Feel It Still.” “There’s a certain pocket you just can’t re-create with a computer,” Gourley said, referring to the subtle rhythmic tension found in a killer groove. Added Carothers: “In music, human error is a huge plus.”
A newspaper so good you may have to look twice
Indiana Statesman
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Dance Marathon is an eye-opening experience
Rachel Modi Columnist
This past Saturday, I experienced the most heart-throbbing event I have been honored to be a part of in the 19 years I have been alive. As most of you know, Indiana State University’s Riley Children’s Dance Marathon was Saturday. To elaborate, this event is a fundraiser to raise money for the children at Riley Hospital. The money helps advance pediatric research, aid newborn and maternity wellbeing and family support programs. This is not only an Indiana State University event, but an international event led by college and high school students. More than 80 Riley Dance Marathons are hosted for the kids and the numbers are growing. Last year, we collectively raised $116,850.99, but if you were not aware, we raised $200,940.70 this year. This is my first time participating and even hearing about Riley’s Children Hospital and Dance Marathon on top of that, and I was not sure what to expect. I was told that everyone stands for a straight 12 hours and there are activities throughout the night to stay busy. When I heard that, I did not know how I would last standing for 12 hours, because I can barely walk around this campus for classes for a couple hours. However, as the event came closer, the more the campus became excited. I slowly started to hear more and more about State DM and accepting challenges to raise money. My big, apart from my sorority, ended up raising over $2,000.
As soon as I stepped into the building, I felt the spirit bounding off of each individual; the energy and happiness across all the faces, and the pep and excitement. There were places to take photos with adorable props, “For the Kids (FTK)” letters and a merchandise tent to donate even more with something in return. Next, Morale, the dance team, taught a good six minute dance, but broken down into four parts throughout the day. Morale kept the crowd hyped up and energized as the hours passed by and made sure everyone stayed on their feet, but still enjoyed their time standing. There was also a couple musical performances put on by children and bands. On top of all that, there was a man who went a bit deeper than catching the attention of some individuals, but rather hypnotized them. But the most important part of State DM was meeting the Riley kids and hearing their stories and struggles. Every time a Riley family came to the stage, we took a knee. We full-heartedly listened. Personally, this opened my eyes up a little bit more, because hearing the life-changing obstacles these kids face absolutely destroys me. It is not fair to finally come out of your mommy’s tummy to be rushed to Riley’s and hooked up to a billion machines to just keep your baby heart pumping as long as it can. Yet these kids did not show signs of weakness and defeat. They keep going. They prove to the world that having a health problem will not stop them to find happiness and to keep fighting. Not only was this another bonding event for my sorority and friends, but it impacted me in ways I could not imagine. It makes me proud to do something for some-
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
David Swanson | Philadelphia Inquirer | TNS
Laura Ingraham speaks during the Republican National Convention at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland on July 20, 2016.
Boycotts are not an attack on free speech Joe Lippard
Opinions Editor
Late last month, Fox News host Laura Ingraham drew the ire of advertisers as she mocked Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, a student of the school who has, since the tragedy, pushed for stronger gun legislation. Ingraham tweeted a link of a news story about Hogg being rejected from a few colleges, saying, “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)” Yes, Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked a teenage school shooting survivor for being rejected from colleges with his 4.1 GPA. As inappropriate as it was, a lot of people probably didn’t think much of
the tweet, until Hogg saw it and responded with a list of her sponsors, urging his followers to contact them about her inappropriate tweet. Several sponsors then dropped advertising from her show. Ingraham later apologized for her tweet, though she didn’t delete it. Of course, it doesn’t mean as much, considering it only came after several high-profile sponsors, like TripAdvisor and Nutrish, drop their ads from her show. Over 20 sponsors have now dropped advertising from Ingraham’s show, according to the Washington Post. But apparently more conservatives than just Ingraham are angry with this 17-year-old holding and advocating for an opposing viewpoint. St. Louis radio host Jamie Allman, whose Twitter account has now been locked, appeared to physically threaten Hogg on Twitter, saying, “When we kick their a-they all like to claim we’re drunk. I’ve been hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s a-- tomorrow. Busy working. Preparing.”
Now, this just floored me. I cannot, in any way, fathom how someone could ever possibly think that saying that wanting to sodomize a 17-year-old with a sharp object is in any way okay. Honestly, I can’t believe that I even have to type that statement. What kind of world are we living in when our political discourse has devolved to threatening to sodomize teenagers because they hold a different political view? After Allman’s tweet, many listeners called for the show’s sponsors to drop advertising from his show, which many of the sponsors (thankfully) did. Sinclair Broadcasting, his network’s owners, has canceled his show, which is now devoid of advertisers. In addition, Sinclair confirmed to CNN on Tuesday that Allman had resigned. But the outrage doesn’t end there. Four days ago, Tim Jones, another host from the same station as Allman, tweeted, “So the Far Left continually weaponizes tragedies [to] argue that we should be stripped of our Constitutional
rights all the while playing the race/gender/class warfare card & [Allman] is supposed [to] just say ‘yeah, that’s fine’? Get a life you leftwing liberal losers.” I honestly don’t even know what to say about that. Honestly, it sounds delusional to me. Sure, he’s only got so many characters, since he’s on Twitter, but it’s a clear misunderstanding of the issue. The issue with Allman wasn’t that he said that “weaponizing tragedies” or playing some “race/gender/class warfare card” wasn’t okay, because he didn’t say that. The issue with Allman was that he said he wanted to physically assault a 17-year-old school shooting survivor. Through Jones’ Twitter feed, I also found an article about Bill Maher, who said that he wanted to defend Laura Ingraham and her comments. “I think those kids did a great thing. They put this issue in a place we’ve never had it before. And I wish them success,” Maher said. “But if you are going to be out there in the arena and make yourselves
The end of presidential press conferences Jonathan Bernstein Bloomberg View (TNS) It’s hardly surprising that White House correspondents are getting antsy at events as festive as Monday’s Easter Egg Roll. President Donald Trump is far from approaching even Ronald Reagan’s low standard for holding solo press conferences, the grandest display of engagement between our chief executive and the fourth estate. Reagan only held 46 of them during his eight years, which was the record lowest pace during the era in which we have statistics (going back to Calvin Coolidge). Trump’s only held one in more than 15 months in office. He’s held a healthy number of combined press conferences with a foreign leaders — 21 — although he’s fallen behind that pace this year. The larger question is about Trump’s availability to report-
ers: Is it sufficient? Trump will sometimes take questions in impromptu groups of White House reporters. He’ll sit down for extended interviews with individual reporters or a team from one outlet, which past presidents have done with both national and local media. And he’ll sometimes answer shouted questions; according to one reporter, he does that a lot more than Barack Obama did. Indeed he did that at the Easter Egg event that provoked some outrage. He answered CNN’s Jim Acosta’s first question before ignoring the follow-up. The other question is just how important formal press conferences are, anyway. Would it really be a big deal if Trump’s Feb. 16, 2017, effort turned out to be the last one ever? In a way, there’s nothing special about them; nothing that separates them from all the other formats in which all presidents
wind up answering questions from reporters. There’s really very little to distinguish them from impromptu sessions — it’s not as if the very competent White House press corps really needs advance notice to prepare their questions (indeed, I suspect that most White House correspondents would be fully prepared to ask a long list of questions if the president woke them up in the middle of the night with no notice at all). Nor do either formal press conferences or any other format force the president to talk about something he doesn’t want to talk about. No one gets to the White House without learning the skill of deflecting a question — even a perfectly conceived one. But on balance, presidential press conferences are an institution worth saving. Even if they aren’t the only, or even necessar-
ily the best, way for presidents to interact with real questioners, they at least guarantee that he’ll be exposed to tough questions from independent reporters on a somewhat regular basis. I suspect we all intuitively think that’s important in a democracy without knowing precisely why. I’ll suggest that it’s related to representation. A healthy representational relationship requires that politicians explain their actions in office to their constituents. That imperative, however, conflicts with the natural incentive to only report good news, including the good news of promises fulfilled. A politician who must take questions has a greater chance of being nudged into explaining all of his or her actions with respect to promises, even the ones that haven’t worked out well. Again, that’s not by forcing them to admit failure; no question can make a skilled politician do
that. But it at least pushes them to have something to say about their promises, even if it’s only ducking the topic. The other reason for preserving and defending presidential press conferences is for their purely symbolic value. Whatever their actual importance, these events have come to stand for democratic values of openness in government and the idea that the president works for the people, rather than ruling over them. We should value such democratic norms even if they didn’t make much sense to begin with. I’ve been surprised and a bit disappointed that the press hasn’t made a bigger fuss about Trump’s failure to hold solo news conferences. I hope they step up the pressure. And I suppose yelling questions at otherwise inappropriate times is one way to do it.
Editorial Board Grace Harrah Editor-in-Chief Rileigh McCoy News Editor Joe Lippard Opinions Editor Claire Silcox Features Editor Andrew Doran Sports Editor Danielle Guy Photo Editor Wednesday April 11, 2018 Indiana State University
Volume 125 Issue 68
The Indiana Statesman is the student newspaper of Indiana State University. It is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the academic school year. Two special issues are published during the summer. The paper is printed by the Tribune Star in Terre Haute, Ind.
Opinions Policy The opinions page of the Indiana Statesman offers an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the university, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content. This newspaper serves as a public forum for the ISU community. Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor at Letters must be fewer than 500 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters from non-student members of the campus community must also be verifiable. Letters will be published with the author’s name. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity. BOYCOTTS FROM PAGE 6 the champions of this cause, people are going to have the right to argue back.” Maher is correct about this. They do have the right to argue back, and they can counter the Parkland students’ gun control arguments if they want to, but Ingraham wasn’t doing that. She didn’t bring facts about gun control or the cons of it; instead of actually engaging him in a rational discussion about the issues they disagree on, she chose to insult him for “whining.” Allman wasn’t engaging in a rational discussion, he was talking about sodomizing a teenager. So yes, I agree with Bill Maher, but he’s still wrong. Ingraham and her ilk do indeed have the right to argue their side, but it has to be their side, not personal insults or threats. We simply don’t have civilized discourse when people talk about how their opponent is a “whiner” or that they want to physically assault him. This free speech argument seems to have caught on, since Laura Ingraham is back from a sudden va-
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 • Page 7
cation to tell us all about how liberals supposedly hate free speech. “I have been the victim of a boycott,” Ingraham said. “It is wrong. You shouldn’t do this by team. It is the modern way of cutting off free speech.” Except boycotts are a perfect example of the free market in action, something that one would expect Ingraham to love. Someone being sponsored by a company does something stupid. People stop associating with those companies, because they don’t want to support the sponsorship of such a person. Then, the company must either decide to continue supporting the person they are sponsoring, or cut ties with them. In addition, I seem to remember an awful lot of calls for the boycott of Broadway musical Hamilton after the cast called Vice President Mike Pence out after a show. Why are boycotts against a supposedly “liberal” show okay, yet boycotts against Ingraham and her advertisers aren’t? This is a pretty egregious double standard. Apparently we only like the free market when it makes us money.
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DANCE FROM PAGE 6 one other than myself. We stood for 12 hours for the kids who couldn’t, because they are hooked up to a bed for days or months, unable to leave, because their lives depended on it. Countless amounts of donations and words moved mountains. Two of the most inspirational individu-
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Page 8
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
ISU Softball Visits Purdue for Sycamores face Non-Conference Matchup Wednesday Rival Redbirds
in weekend series
Jay Adkins Reporter
Athletic Media Relations
Lesli Sims (20) leads the offensive for the sycamroes as they travel to Purdue for a match on Wednesday.
Garrett Short Reporter
The Indiana State softball team travels to West Lafayette Wednesday for a doubleheader against the Purdue Boilermakers. ISU has played well against teams from the state of Indiana this season. The Sycamores are 3-1 against in-state opponents with a series sweep against MVC opponent Valparaiso and a 2-1 loss to Butler over a month ago. ISU (17-17 overall, 4-6 in MVC) takes on Purdue (10-28 overall, 3-6 in Big 10) for the first time since 2015. Purdue beat ISU twice that year allowing the Sycamores to score no runs. The last time ISU
beat Purdue was back in 1999. The Sycamores have prided themselves on their pitching staff in 2018. After losing pitchers from last year’s squad ISU has been putting up solid numbers. Their team ERA is 3.21 which is much better than Purdue’s 5.21 ERA. From top to bottom the pitching staff has been the model of consistency with every pitcher holding an ERA between 3.00 and 4.00. Offensively ISU has been led by sophomore Leslie Sims. Sims continued where she left off last season. After hitting .368 a year ago she is hitting .398 this season, well above the overall team average of .260. Sims, who was All-
MVC Second Team last season, is on track to make it a First Team finish this year. She currently ranks third in the conference in batting average and is 12 for 12 on stolen base attempts. Additionally, Sims is just one steal away from entering the top-10 in steals at ISU. Purdue boasts three hitters with an average over .300. A bright spot in the Boilermaker batting order has been junior Jenny Behan. She has been on fire in 2018 hitting at a .308 clip while leading her team with 6 home runs and 26 RBIs. Whoever steps in the circle against Purdue will have to be mindful when throwing to Behan. Following a 7-1 start to
the season ISU has slowed down. In their last series against Bradley the Sycamores struggled to break away in close games. Following the first game that went to extra innings, each of ISU’s next two were decided by a single run. While ISU won one of three games against Bradley, Purdue is coming off of a 2-1 series win over Northwestern. The Boilermakers plated 28 runs in the series against the Wildcats which indicates their offense may be improving. First pitch Wednesday is at 4 p.m. Eastern time. After their midweek matchup with Purdue, Indiana State travels to Southern Illinois this upcoming weekend.
This upcoming weekend, the Indiana State University Sycamores baseball team will stay at home to compete against the rival Illinois State University Redbirds. The Sycamores are currently 16-10 on the season and coming off of another unfortunate weekend series against the Bradley University Braves. Indiana State ended up snagging one win over the Braves this past weekend. The team came very close to upsetting the Braves in the final game of the weekend, but the Braves offense was too much for the Sycamores to handle. Junior outfielder Luke Fegen leads the Sycamores in batting average at .316. Redshirt senior infielder Dane Giesler, junior infielder Jake Means, and junior infielder Romero Harris are all tied for the team lead in home runs with five each. Romero Harris leads the Sycamores in runs batted in with 22 on the season. Junior infielder Jarrod Watkins leads the team in runs with 21 on the season. Triston Polley leads the pitching staff of the Sycamores this year. Polly leads all pitchers on the team in wins with five against only one loss. Jarrod Watkins and junior infielder Clay Dungan are both tied for the team lead in assists with 77 each. Dane Giesler
leads the team in double plays and pullouts with 16 and 216 on the season, respectively. The Illinois State University Redbirds are 11-15 on the season and have most recently won a matchup against the Dallas Baptist University Patriots (43). Junior outfielder John Rave leads the Redbirds in batting average (.382), hits (42), and runs batted in (27). John Rave and senior outfielder Noah Sadler are both tied for the team lead in home runs with five each. Junior infielder Owen Miller leads the team in assists and runs with 62 and 28 on the season, respectively. Redshirt junior infielder Ryan Hutchinson leads the Redbirds in putouts with 133 on the season. Sophomore left-handed pitcher Matt walker leads the Redbirds in wins with three on the season. The Indiana State University Sycamores will face off against the Illinois State University Redbirds this weekend at Bob Warn Field. The first game will be played on Friday at 6:30 p.m., the second game will be played on Saturday at 2:00 p.m., and the final game will be played on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. The Sycamores will have plenty of time to fix their mistakes and get their team ready before the Missouri Valley Conference starts in May.