April 2, 2012

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Sycamore Baseball takes series against Illinois State University. Page 12

Monday, April 2, 2012 Indiana State University www.indianastatesman.com Volume 119 Issue 68

ISU kinesiolology professor nominated for two awards Page 2

Campus egg hunt underway

Organization Spotlight

Secular group lends a hand

Students and staff gather at Mogger’s as the Secular Student Alliance every last Friday of each month to discuss relevant current affairs as well as plan involvement in ISU’s Human Right’s Day (Photo by Kyle Seeley).

An egg hidden in bushes on campus (Photo by Alexa White).

The Division of Student Affairs is scattering one thousand blue eggs throughout campus filled with Operation Beautiful quotes and prizes donated by several local organizations. See more on page 8


Page 2 • Monday ,April 2, 2012


Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney 812-237-4102

ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu


Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney Chris Sweeney Dustyn Fatheree 812-237-4102

ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu

HMSU 143 • 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237-3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Jessica Squires, Editor in Chief, 237-3289 ISU-statesmaneditor@mail.indstate. edu

Jamie Nichols, Photo Editor, 237-3034 ISU-statesmanphotos@mail.indstate. edu Jade Conrad, Student Advertising Manager, 237-4344 ISU-statesmanads@mail.indstate.edu

The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except during exam periods and university breaks, and is published three times during the summer. The Indiana Statesman was founded May 16, 1929, the same year that Indiana State Normal School became Indiana State Teachers College. The newspaper began in December 1879 as the State Normal News. In November 1895, the paper was first issued as the Normal Advance. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The unauthorized taking of multiple copies, however, may constitute theft, which is a crime, even with free publications. Thefts will be reported to campus police for possible prosecution and/or for other disciplinary actions. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader comments, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.


ISU professor nominated for two awards Lacey Brinegar Reporter

One of ISU’s own was nominated for two awards at an American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) in Boston during the week of March 12. Professor of the Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Department Thomas Sawyer was nominated by the president of AAHPERD, which he served as 12 years prior. “I didn’t know until 10 seconds before my name was called that I would be receiving the awards,” Sawyer said. The first award was a presidential citation. It is in recognition of leadership and mentoring of younger professionals in a certain field who are Thomas Sawyer is in leadership roles. It was presented by nominated to receive two the American Association for Physical awards. (Photo courtesy Activity and Recreation. of ISU Communications “This covers a 25 year period of and Marketing). working with leaders to improve the functioning and efficiency of the national association,” Sawyer said. Secondly, Sawyer was awarded a lifetime achievement award from the national Council for Facilities and Equipment. This honor is given to a person who is dedicated to their career and enhances the profession. The recipient also does research and compiles scholarly components of their profession, Sawyer said.

“This isn’t given out very often,” Sawyer said. “The organization has existed since 1946, and I am the second person to receive this award.” In Sawyer’s case, this award was given based on the 43 years of continuous service in the planning and design of publications and presentations at state and national meetings, Sawyer said. “They look for individuals doing something for a long period of time consistently and that makes a significant impact,” Sawyer said. While at the convention in the Back Bay area of Boston, Sawyer witnessed a big flash and saw smoke rising Tuesday night walking back from dinner. It was soon discovered that a malfunctioning transformer had melted another transformer causing the electricity to go out across the Back Bay area. Sawyer spent four hours in the lobby of his hotel before an elevator was available to take him to his room. “We stayed without hot water until Friday and without lights until Thursday,” Sawyer said. “I told one of my colleagues that they were going to rename the convention the Stinky Convention.” Sawyer spent most of his time in meetings until the convention was cancelled due to the power outage. He did purchase candles to use for his room, and the hotel had enough blankets to keep its residents warm. “One of the plusses of the power outage was that I was able to spend some of my time being a tourist,” Sawyer said. Sawyer has served as the editor of the AAHPERD journal for the past five editions and plans on continuing his role. “It was a pleasant surprise for a lifetime achievement because they don’t happen very often,” Sawyer said. “So I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing, and I don’t plan on retiring anytime soon.”

Briefs Free Latin dance lessons offered The Hispanic Student Association at Indiana State University will host a free Latin dance lesson on Wednesday, April 4 from 8-11 p.m. in the Sycamore Lounge of the Hulman Memorial Student Union. ISU students and the general public are welcome to attend. Instructors will teach a variety of dance styles, including bachata, merengue, cumbia, salsa and reggaeton, using Latin music. The event’s Facebook page invites the public to “discover a new and fun way to exercise.” The dance lesson is co-sponsored by the Hispanic Student Association and an ISU Wellness mini-grant. For more information, contact Erika Verduzco at everduzco@sycamores.indstate.edu.

ISU garden begins fifth season An Indiana State University project is growing a sense of community while helping to fight hunger. For the past five years, Indiana State has provided land at 217 N. 11th Street for expert and novice gardeners to plant food in plots that are 10 foot by 10 foot, 10 foot by 15 foot or 20 foot by 20 foot. In return, gardeners promise to tend to their plots, plant only annuals and refrain from using pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Participants are encouraged to donate a portion of the produced raised to the food pantry of their choice. Returning gardeners will gather from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 31 to learn gardening basics and begin work on their plots. John Rosene, chair of the agriculture department at Ivy Tech Community College-Wabash Valley, and Jim Luzar of the Purdue Extension Office will conduct a workshop on soil preparation at 11 a.m. Garden plots are available to individuals, families and organizations. Applications are available at http://www.indstate.edu/publicservice/events/garden.aspx. Newcomers to the community garden will be able to work in their plots Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m.-noon. The garden is made possible through a partnership between Indiana State and Apple House, Purdue Extension, Ivy Tech Community College-Wabash Valley, Sisters of Providence, White Violet Center, Catholic Charities of Terre Haute, Downtown Terre Haute Inc. and the city of Terre Haute.


International service work available at ISU Sam Lewis Reporter

Indiana State University is now allowing students to experience international service work for various majors. During spring break, Robyn Lugar, chairperson of the social work department, took three students to South Korea to not only experience a different culture, but to make a difference. During their time there the students, Alyssa Byers, Christina Monteleone and Heather Tuell, had the opportunity to visit several social work agencies as well as interact with other social work students at Hanil University in Jeon Ju, South Korea. Although this is the first time the course has been open to all majors, traveling abroad to different social work agencies for Lugar is not a new concept. “We have had for the last 14 years several international collaborations. We have gone to Russia, Morocco, South Kore and Guatemala,” Lugar said. “Each university we attend is very unique. Whether it is in Russia or Morocco, each institution we have gone to varies in practices as well as progress in advanced practices.” Originally this opportunity to experience other social work agencies abroad was only open to students with a focus in social work; however, this past semester their course has widened their horizon giving an opportunity to students who want to do more than just spend their spring break in the states and instead spend a week in South Korea or Guatemala. “We decided we wanted to put forth a course that meets undergraduate requirements. So we now have a social work 450 International Social Work course,” Lugar said. “Each trip is faculty led, and although the main focus of this trip is to experience different social work agencies, we are looking at allowing this trip to be applicable for other majors such as nursing, psychology, as well as other majors. [We] can take up to 10 students for each group and are looking for a wide array of diverse students in different majors.”

While traveling abroad for a semester or summer may be financially difficult, Lugar explained how collaboration between the social work department and the international office has allowed this program to offer two grants that will help cover the costs associated with travel. “Many students can’t afford to go study abroad for a summer or a semester, so this course gives students a great opportunity to get to travel over spring break, as well as in future fall breaks,” Lugar said. During this course students meet before the experience to discuss various topics regarding their trip such as variance in culture, theory associated with the designated institution, as well as various materials on the conditions of the facilities in which they will be visiting. With their being two locations offered to students, Guatemala and South Korea, each course is designed to fit the institution in which they are visiting. “During the Guatemala trip students were more focused on helping an orphanage down there, while on our trip to South Korea our students focused more on visiting and interacting with different establishments such as mental health agencies, hospitals, and other agencies,” Lugar said. Although students who attended these courses got first hand experiences with the social work agencies, Lugar explained. During the day, the students that came with her to South Korea spent the day visiting three to four agencies followed by an evening of attending classes at Hanil University to meet and openly discuss with other future social workers from that institution. On April 4th the students who took the trip will be presenting over their time spent in South Korea to the public in Rhodes Hall lounge from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. “It’s a great thing to put on your resume, and it’s over all a great experience. It changes your life, whether through making new friends or just experiencing culture in a different light,” Lugar said. “Even a week makes a big difference.”

Monday, April 2, 2012 • Page 3

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White House, higher ed leaders agree on cooperation Dave Taylor

ISU Communications and Marketing

President Daniel J. Bradley

Indiana State University President Daniel J. Bradley said today the Obama administration and higher education leaders agree all interested parties must work together to keep college affordable so that more Americans can complete a four-year degree. President Bradley made the comment following a 90-minute roundtable discussion at the White House with senior administration officials. “The meeting went well,” Bradley said. “The big issue discussed was how to make sure that the affordability issue is looked upon as something that needs to be solved by cooperation between the federal and state governments as well as higher education institutions, parents and students working together. None of us can solve the affordability problems independently.” After launching its own affordability initiative last fall, President Bradley said Indiana State is “making substantive

changes that will save everyone money, but we’re also making sure everyone understands we have responsibility with regard to affordability.” The ISU president was part of a 25-member delegation from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) that took part in the roundtable. Participants included college and university presidents and chancellors and senior AASCU staff. The White House officials “definitely agree” all stakeholders must work together on issues of college affordability and completion, President Bradley said. “They’re very frustrated because they see significant new federal dollars going into higher education and then most of the money is eaten up by tuition.” PresidentBradley said he and others in the AASCU delegation believe “too much rhetoric is being used to point fingers at universities rather than making people understand it is not just a university problem. Much of the increase in tuition is a direct result of enrollment growth and decreasing state appropriations.”

Sycamore Safety Tip of the week If an earthquake occurs, people in wheelchairs need to move to cover, lock the wheels and protect their head with their arms.

Daniel J. Badley, President

Police Blotter March 30

Open Cases • •

At 8:14 a.m., on March 29, a suspect was arrested for public intoxication. At 10:51 a.m., on March 29, a theft was reported on campus.

Arrests • At 8:14 a.m., on March 29, a suspect was arrested for public intoxication. Closed Cases •

(Information courtesy of Safety on campus, Emergency Procedures)

“Too much rhetoric is being used to point fingers at universities rather than making people understand it is not just a university problem.”

• •

At 2:19 p.m., on March 29, an injured person was reported at the Lincoln Quad. At 2:32 p.m., on March 29, a fire alarm was reported at the facilities management grounds. At 3:23 p.m., on March 29, a tresspass warning was reported at Cunningham Memorial Library.

Lights Out! Hey You! Yes You! You can help conserve energy every time you turn off a light in a classroom when not in use! Let’s all make a conscious effort to help save energy! Turn the lights out! Brought to you by: Adrienne Cook, Courtney Martin Elizabeth Hines, Courtney Stephens. Lights Out! Energy Conservation Project


Students, professionals learn about orientation during regional conference

Austin Arceo

ISU Communications and Marketing

As Jeremy McQuigge discussed how the positive elements of playing games can help incoming college students navigate through orientation, his ideas resonated with the audience. For many of them, it wasn’t long ago when they were there themselves. McQuigge presented one of the more than two dozen informational sessions during the three-day Region 7 conference of the National Orientation Directors Association (NODA) at Indiana State University. The conference provided a variety of informational sessions and networking opportunities for undergraduate and graduate college students and professionals who work in orientation at a variety of colleges and universities in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Ontario, Canada. More than 275 people from more than 40 different institutions of higher education across the region attended the conference. McQuigge informed people on how some of the positive

elements of playing games, such as cooperation and perseverance, can be related to students’ college experience. During his presentation, he cited the example of how people can relate to the long-running game show Price is Right. “It was a lot of fun to present, but it’s games,” McQuigge, student transition coordinator at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada, said of his presentation. “Everybody loves to play a game.” Other conference attendees, including undergraduate and graduate students, also presented the various sessions and roundtable discussions. Kaila Butcher and Curtis Wassum, students at Purdue University, attended sessions on Saturday morning before giving a presentation in the afternoon about how their university’s diversity awareness program is implemented during orientation. As part of their presentation, they also led an activity as an example of programming that is provided. They also enjoyed the networking opportunities to speak with others attending the conference. “It’s great that people are so

A fashion show closed out a regional conference of the National Orientation Directors Association March 17 at Indiana State University (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).

Monday, April 2, 2012 • Page 5

More than 275 representatives from more than 40 colleges and universities throughout Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Ontario attended a regional conference of the National Orientation Directors Association March 17 at Indiana State University (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing). willing to share, and people are always willing to talk here,” Butcher said. People attending the conference openly exchanged ideas and experiences, even though they didn’t know each other, Wassum explained. “They want to hear the things you have and just bounce ideas off each other and brainstorm with fresh ideas,” he said. “You might not even know their name, yet you’re bouncing ideas off of each other as to how you can make your orientation programs better for students you haven’t even met yet.” The regional conferences encourage students to network with each other, said Kathy Jicinsky, assistant director of new student programs at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. It’s important for conference attendees to network with

each other, since colleges and universities conduct student orientation differently, she said, and “because our students are changing every year.” Jicinsky helped organize the informational sessions during the conference. Topics ranged from implementing different technologies in orientation to issues affecting students of color to a roundtable discussion on research, assessment and evaluation. The group received more than 40 proposals for different sessions, which allowed organizers to be selective in determining which ones to offer, said Joe Thomas, director of new student programs at ISU who helped organize and host the conference. “There are a lot of undergraduate students here who are doing orientation for the first time, but we also have

a good pool of professionals who have been doing this for years,” he said, “so we want to make sure that everyone, no matter what their experience, is getting something out of this conference.” Some presenters also enjoyed learning more about the different universities’ programming. Karina Garduno, a graduate student at Indiana University in Bloomington, helped lead a presentation about addressing transfer students’ needs. Having earned her baccalaureate degree from Indiana, she is experienced with the way the university implements student programming. “I think it’s really interesting how some of the smaller schools have some of the same struggles we have,” she added, “but how they’re dealing with them a bit differently.”


Page 6 • Monday, April 2, 2012


Brianne Hofmann


ISU-statesmanopinions@ mail.indstate.edu

Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman. Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.

Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.

Statesman editorial ISU RAVE alert system: Too little, too late ISU’s RAVE alert system can be effective—but it depends. In November, a woman reported to Public Safety that a black male, riding a moped, pulled up behind her vehicle as she was picking up her friends. The suspect then held her a gunpoint, took her purse and fled down the street. The incident occurred about 7:30 a.m., a time when many students would be walking to their early morning classes, and a RAVE alert was issued two and half hours later. Last weak, another incident would occur on the outskirts of campus, but would be handled quite differently. At 11 p.m. Wednesday, two students were making their way back to campus from Long John Silvers, when an unidentified female stopped them. The suspect also “confronted” the pair at gunpoint, but only demanded their drinks. As stated in our issue, Friday, Public Safety Director Bill Mercier didn’t feel like that particular situation warranted a quick response. A RAVE alert was released 10 hours past the original time of the incident. “It wasn’t that significant and didn’t pose an immediate threat,” he said. “I thought it could wait for the morning.” What made Wednesday’s crime less “significant” than November’s? Both perpetrators brandished deadly weapons and were close to student living quarters on campus. Although one suspect was monetarily motivated while the other was…thirsty, lives were threatened nonetheless. If firearms are involved, the validity of the either incident shouldn’t matter. The purpose of the RAVE alert system is to keep the ISU community informed about all things dangerous—be it severe weather, chemical spills or “major criminal [events] resulting, in, or having potential to result in, widespread person injury,” according to University Police’s link on indstate.edu. Perhaps the female suspect was just parched Wednesday night and didn’t keep any manners in her glove box. Or maybe she was testing her luck, pushing the limits to see how much she could get away with. And thanks, partially, to a delayed system, she did.

“...lives were threatened nonetheless. If firearms are involved, the validity of either incident shouldn’t matter. ”


Letter to the editor: Get to know your candidates Dear editor: My name is Jules Hampton and I am a candidate for SGA President and my running mate, Tammy Lewis, is a candidate for SGA Vice President. We both are juniors here at Indiana State University. We have been a part of SGA since our freshmen year start out in SGA Freshmen Council and the SGA Emerging Leaders Program. Being involved with SGA has helped expand our knowledge about the organization, ISU’s campus, networking skills and helped us excel academically. Also, for the last 2 years we have served in SGA Senate and currently are chairs over Senate committees, Oversight Rules & Administration and Organizational Funding. The reason we are running for SGA President & Vice President is because we believe that with our experience in SGA we could be an asset to ISU’s students, campus and SGA. Areas that Tammy and I would like to work on are Encouraging student involvement, Building a higher retention rate, and Strengthening commuter student relationships. To encourage student involvement we would like to hold an Organizational Expo where all organizations are present to capture firstyear students’ attention by getting them involved so they remain here at ISU. This is an important factor that will lead to get students involved and help better our retention rate. Others ways we want to build ISU’s retention is by getting students involved in mentoring programs that provide incentives such as scholarships, more organizational funding, and networking opportunities. Lastly, we want to strengthen commuter student services by teaming up with different faculty and departments on campus to create stronger relationships. Tammy and I would also like to look into expanding the commuter lounge and overall making ISU feel more home felt. We really care about all ISU students’ and their success and as we continue this journey to become the next SGA President and Vice President we want to “Build Future Leaders.” Voting takes place April 3 from 6 a.m. -6 p.m. via MyISU Portal. Thanks for the support. Jules Hampton Junior Math education

Letter to the editor: In regards to ‘Benjamin’s Budget’ Dear editor: I read with interest the column that appears in the March 30 issue entitled “Benjamin’s Budget”; it is a provocative column, and I commend you for publishing it. Indeed, a fundamental role performed by the print media is to expose questionable practices that occur within an institutional setting. Such exposure can be a catalyst for change. Unfortunately, the column does not get to the “bottom” of the story; why did the Board of Trustees enter into this “sweetheart” contract with President Benjamin in the first place? The market dictates that contracts of this sort be approved in order to attract and retain individuals of the caliber who are qualified and willing to serve as the president of a public university; it is a thankless job. William J. Warfel, Ph.D., CPCU, CLU Professor of Insurance and Risk Management Scott College of Business


Monday,,April 2, 2012 • Page 7

Obama’s controversial healthcare law debated by Supreme Court

High school students reading at fifth grade level

This week marked a pretty historical week in the world of politics, legal studies and healthcare. For those of you who have paid any attention to the news, you know that this week the Supreme Court heard the case challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. The hearings were divided into three parts, heard over the course of three days. First, is the challenge to the law coming too early, before the law has gone into effect? If the challenge isn’t too early, is the individual mandate unconstitutional? Finally, if the individual mandate is ruled unconstitutional, how much of the law falls with it? This case is historical for a number of reasons. Most cases before the Supreme Court are not given anywhere near as much time for arguments as was allotted for this case. Like, nothing approaching this has happened since the 1960s. Second is the topic at hand. The healthcare law pushed by President Obama two years ago is a pretty significant change to healthcare policy. The sheer size of the law aside, it has already begun to change how people interact with insurance companies— from eliminating pre-existing conditions to allowing children to remain on their parents’ policies until age 26. Additionally, it represents a pivotal change in the powers of Congress and what they are allowed to mandate, both of individual citizens and states. The individual mandate is the biggest topic of contention in the healthcare law. Under the new law, everyone will be required to purchase healthcare. Those who choose not to do so will face a penalty, to be paid when they file their income taxes. Proponents of the law argue that healthcare is something that nearly everyone will eventually consume. If they do so without first purchasing health insurance, the cost of their costly care will mostly likely be spread to those who do purchase health insurance because emergency rooms are required to provide care regardless

This GOP race has absolutely baffled me. We spend so much time talking about topics that will never be resolved fully, thanks to prejudice or religious reasons, but we don’t look at things that could threaten future leaders. Where’s the education debate? Education laws are being passed in individual states consistently and have been pressing in the news for the last year at least. The laws are basically out of the limelight now that the presidential race is heating up, but that doesn’t change the fact that what/how we teach our children is changing, and we need to be more aware. An example: A recent study concluded that most high school graduates—you know, those kids going on to college or beginning careers?—don’t read above a fifth grade level. Kids graduating aren’t reading books any harder than they did when they were ten years old. The study didn’t take into account the CONTENT of the books that were being read, so there may be violence and social themes. They only examined the actual words, sentence length and such, so if there are adult themes, then of course it shouldn’t be read by an elementary-aged kid. But when the actual structure of the book was in question, fifth and sixth grade reading levels were the most popular for young adults. The list included all three of Suzanne Collins’ “Hunger Games” books (roughly a 5.3 grade level), Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” (4.3), Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” (5.6), Elie Wiesel’s “Night” (4.3), the “Twilight” novels (not even reaching a fifth grade level), and two of Nicholas Sparks’s books (at an average of 5.3). Looking at the list, some are more

Aurora Dreyling The Pink Elephant

Daniel J. Bradley ISU President Parsons Hall 208 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-4000

of the patient’s ability to pay. Therefore, if everyone purchases healthcare insurance, the pool will be wider and costs for everyone will go down. While the merits of the individual mandate may be reasonable, I have a problem with the constitutionality argument. For the first time, Americans are being forced to purchase something they may not have otherwise done so. Some argue that car insurance is mandated by many states, but the fact remains that no one is forcing you to buy a car—and if you don’t drive, you don’t need insurance. And yes, most individuals will use healthcare at some point in their lives. But not everyone will be unable to pay for their care without the aid of insurance. Things like health savings accounts allow people to save their money to be used later for health care expenses—programs such as the Healthy Indiana plan. So while insurance is certainly beneficial, mandating everyone get it is taking away their freedom to choose how they would like to handle their own healthcare—not to mention forcing the termination of health savings accounts programs like the Healthy Indiana plan. And while in theory, everyone having insurance sounds like a good idea this isn’t going to happen as a result of the healthcare law. Currently about 50 million people are uninsured, and this plan hopes to provide coverage to about 30 million of them. But that still leaves 20 million people who aren’t insured. Not to mention that some businesses may decide to forgo providing insurance due to costs and the fact that their employees will have to buy it anyway. Additionally, the law stipulates that an insurance company can’t deny someone with pre-existing conditions. So, what incentive is there for young, healthy Americans to get insurance now when they can just get it later? The penalty for not having insurance is far less than the cost of buying insurance. The hearings in the Supreme Court ended last week, but we won’t know their final judgment likely until mid-June. The Supreme Court could decide that the question is too early and essentially do nothing. Or they could argue that the law is constitutional. They could rule that only part of it is unconstitutional, or all of it. No matter what they decide, this issue won’t be over before the election—so keep watching.

Carmen T. Tillery Dean of Students & VP for Student Affairs Parsons Hall 203 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-8111

Amber Jones Well Read

Contact your campus leaders

intense than the grade levels their words suggest. No fourth grader would understand the cultural oppressions and the complex themes in “Of Mice and Men,” and the Holocaust in Wiesel’s “Night,” of which the author was a survivor. The actual content of the books need to be brought into question before we say what is or isn’t appropriate for English classes or young readers. Notwithstanding, books like “The Hunger Games,” “Twilight,” and Sparks’ “Dear John” aren’t exactly mentally straining, and are still overwhelmingly popular amongst kids our own ages. I understand that not every book we read needs to be Dickens; I’ve read the “Twilight” series (unfortunately), along with “Harry Potter” and several other books deemed fifth and sixth grade levels. At some point, though, reading is about learning new things and challenging ourselves, expanding our vocabularies and stretching our mental limits to new heights. And no offense, but that’s sort of hard to do when you read Stephanie Meyer, and you’re supposed to be studying words like “acrimony” and “juxtaposition” for the SATs. So where are the educational standards headed? I know that, in my senior Honors English class in high school, we got to choose books to read from a list; I considered donating a couple of them to my 7-year-old cousins because they would get more out of them than I would. Where are the requirements? Sure, everyone reads one Shakespeare play a year, “Frankenstein” when they’re a senior, but is there nothing else out there for kids to read? Books are published every day that are better for kids to read than what we push at them, and it should be the teacher’s job to present them to their students. Students deserve more than “Twilight,” “Harry Potter” and “Hunger Games.” But just because they’re good stories or they make you feel fuzzy inside, doesn’t mean you stop reaching for new, bigger and better things.

Nick Utterback SGA President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841

Lezlie Maslanka SGA Vice President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841


Page 8 • Monday, April 2, 2012

News Nick Hedrick, News Chris Sweeney


Campus-wide Easter egg hunt in session

Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 mail.indstate.edu ISU-statesmannews@ Nick Hedrick, mail.indstate.edu Chris Sweeney Ella dela Pena Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Aaron Abel Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 mail.indstate.edu

News News Features

ISU-statesmanfeatures@ ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu mail.indstate.edu

Upcoming Events Alliance for Servant Leadership brown bag discussion

Monday 12 p.m.–1 p.m. Hulman Memorial Student Union, Room 227

Wind/Percussion Recital Tuesday 11 a.m. Recital Hall

MFA Thesis Exhibition Tuesday 11 a.m– 4 p.m. University Art Gallery

ISU/Cuba connection being explored Tuesday 12 p.m.–2 p.m. Rhoads hall lounge

One thousand blue eggs are being scattered throughout campus containing various prizes and positive quotes in support of Project Beautiful (Photo by Alexa White).

Cassie Hauser Reporter

Students have the opportunity to win prizes and get candy by finding eggs across campus on their way to class. The division of student affairs organized an event where females from campus got together and filled Easter eggs with inspirational quotes, candy and certificates for prizes. The event was organized by Tracy Machtan, Aimee JanssenRobinson and Anita Gabbard, who have invited female professors and predominantly female organizations around campus to join. Prizes were also donated by various sponsors, such as Applebee’s and Regis Salon. Regis Salon donated five certificates for facials, with other prizes including t-shirts, food coupons and gift certificates. “I was very pleased with the support of faculty and staff, and I was very pleased with the people who came to fill eggs,” Gabbard said. Many different organizations showed up, and different professors sat with the girls and helped them fill the eggs. Then the girls went and hid the eggs after filling them. It was very important to those who organized the event to have girls from strong female

groups on campus, and many organizations were very willing to participate. Junior Social Work major Allyssa Byers participated with her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi. “We attend a bi-weekly tri-council meeting, and the sororities got an invitation for five people to show up,” Byers said. Another member of Alpha Omicron Pi felt that the project would benefit students, especially at this particular time in the semester. “It will be good for people to find them oncampus, especially when they’re having a bad day. They’ll help brighten peoples’ days since it’s stressful toward the end of the semester with finals,” said junior human development and family studies major Anissa McKibben. The project is actually part of a bigger organization. “Project Beautiful started as a movement where people would write inspirational sayings on mirrors or other places that people might see them,” Gabbard said. Indiana State University decided to do a different take on the project by using eggs. This is the first year that ISU has sponsored a project like this, but it is one that the staff would like to happen again.

“I hope it’s continued, whether it’s something we do or something that another group does,” Gabbard said. Students also hope that the project is continued. “I will definitely be doing this again next year. It was a great way to represent Chi Omega and had a very positive message,” said psychology sophomore Malorie Howard. Howard’s favorite part about the project was reading the quotes out loud to her friends while stuffing the eggs. The project received a lot of positive verbal feedback, and the women who organized it also plan to send out evaluations to find out more. “I think Operation Beautiful was a great, fun opportunity unlike anything we have done before. I hope ISU continues this project in the future to promote that everyone [that] any body type is beautiful,” said Delta Gamma member Alexa Davis. Those involved with the project expect to see a lot of positive outcome. “I think people will be so excited when they find the blue eggs around campus. They have fun surprises and candy as well as the inspirational messages to lift spirits. I hope the nice messages make people feel happy,” Davis said.


Monday, April 2, 2012 • Page 9

Art students work with former faculty member to create mural Kari Breitigam

ISU Communications and Marketing

Indiana State University art students are getting out of their studios and into the community to create a piece of public art. Seven students from Nancy NicholsPethick’s intermediate painting class are working with local artist David Erickson in creating a colorful, larger-than-life mural at the Terre Haute Children’s Museum. “The mural was the reason I signed up for this class,” said Amanda Vanatti, a senior in Nichols-Pethick’s class. “I’m an art education major so I am excited to work over at the Children’s Museum. The museum is such an exciting thing for Terre Haute. I thought it would be really cool to be a part of this project and do something in the community. It is something that will be around for a long time.” The students are viewing the chance to work with Erickson as much of an opportunity as the mural itself. “I was excited when I heard that David was the artist since he used to be an instructor here and I really like his work,” Vanatti said. The project challenged students with new

ways of working and approaching the act of painting. “I’m excited but nervous because it’s not my design,” said Michelle Visker, a third year studio art major. “It’s more difficult to work on someone else’s design because everyone works differently. I hope he likes my work. I’m excited to work with David; to learn from someone who used to teach here.” Erickson, professor emeritus of printmaking, created the design for the mural after Brad Venable, associate professor and interim chair of the art department, contacted him in November. The mural, titled ‘Flightful Fantasy: We can Fly, We can Fly,’ depicts the evolution of flight through time. “It illustrates the history of flight from prehistoric times to the future with mythological elements as well as factual flying machines,” Erickson explained. The mural will occupy a wall on the third floor of the museum that is more than eight feet high and more than 40 feet long. “The size is daunting,” Visker said. “David mentioned the mural would take a total of 16 gallons of paint and I thought ‘Wow, that’s a lot of paint.’”

This will be the third mural created as part of the Gilbert Wilson Memorial Mural Project. The goal of this project is to bring public art to the Terre Haute community and honor the memory of Gilbert Wilson, a Terre Haute native and mural painter in the 1930s and 40s. The mural project began as an idea of Venable who enlisted the help of NicholsPethick, associate professor of painting. Both have served as faculty leads for each of the three mural projects. The previous two murals were created at the Terre Haute Boys and Girls Club in 2006 and the Booker T. Washington Community Center in 2008. The current mural is being funded by Energize Downtown, an initiative of the Indiana State University Strategic Plan. “We want students to get experience with public art. To work with an elite artist, work on a large scale, and see how people organize large projects- these are all things the students gain,” Nichols-Pethick said. “It’s easy for painting students to get stuck in their own bubble. This gets students out of that bubble by thinking about the public realm rather than just their private one.” The mural, scheduled to be completed in April, will have several Medium Density

Fiberboard (MDF) panel components that attach to the wall in low relief. In class, the painting students have been working on one of these components - a moon. Others will be completed by museum visitors in a one day event supervised by the Art Department’s art education students at a date yet to be determined. Jane Thornberry, a third year graphic design major, said she enjoying seeing the mural come to life. “As you work it’s really encouraging to step back and see how the mural is coming together,” she said. “There is so much preparation, thoughtfulness, and time going into [the mural’s] conception,” said Vanatti. “I think it’s going to turn out great.”

“As you work it’s really enjoying seeing the mural come to life.” Jane Thornberry, third year graphic design major

Page 10 • Monday, April 2, 2012


Organization Spotlight

Secular student alliance strengthens in numbers Aaron Abel

Assistant features editor

A group of godless students gathered at Mogger’s Restaurant and Bar on Friday night for drinks, food and fellowship. Indiana State University’s secular student alliance is a group of atheists, agnostics, humanists and secularists committed to providing non-religious members of the ISU community with an opportunity to gather, share and advance important social and personal issues. “We’re a group of people who hold secular values and think that you don’t need a god to be good,” said senior information technology major and alliance president Andrew Garber. The club watches and discusses various debates and talks related to certain social issues, Garber said. “For instance, when Indiana passed senate bill 89 to allow creationism to be taught in schools, that was a big topic for us.” “We come together to discuss topics like separation of church and state,” Garber said. “And things that are pertinent to the humanist and secularist society.” The organization is involved in much more than group discussions, however. Last week nearly twenty members of the alliance traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the first ever Reason Rally, an event celebrating irreligion, nontheism and secularity. ISU professor of journalism Susan Sharp attended the event as well and subsequently learned about the organization while she was there. “I was lucky I found them,” Sharp said, “as I really needed a ride back to Terre Haute from the rally. Now I’m part of the group.” The organization also aids in organizing ISU’s Human Rights Day and plans to become more active as the group grows. “Since the inception of the group we’ve provided a speaker for the Indiana State Human Rights Day,” Garber said. “We also hope to become involved in more community service activities.” The group’s primary aim is to increase the awareness and understanding of public opinion regarding secular culture. “We hope to make secularists more visible and ultimately show people that

Every last Friday of the month, the ISU secular student alliance meets at Mogger’s and discusses social and personal issues (Photo by Kyle Seeley). we aren’t evil,” Garber said. “This isn’t so conservative a town that you would think atheists aren’t around. But even here, people who lack religious beliefs find themselves isolated. They find themselves thinking that they’re the only person who doesn’t hold superstitious beliefs in an almighty sky-daddy, but they’re not.” Junior mathematics major and newest member of the group, Mike Stong, understands and can relate to this feeling of isolation. “The group has been good for me so far. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone,” Stong

said. Stong also offers advice to those hesitant to take initiative and join. “I think the major reason people don’t come out is due to the image from the public and from their friends,” Stong said. “My advice is to not be afraid. You’ve got to do what is true for you. If you’re curious, don’t be afraid to ask questions.” The group meets for discussion every Friday in room 316 of the Hulman Memorial Student Union at 6 p.m., and they meet at Mogger’s on the last Friday of every month.

“We hope to make secularists more visible and ultimately show people that we aren’t evil.” Andrew Garber, alliance president


Monday, April 2, 2012 • Page 11

Graduate college dean named American Council on Education Erin Hennessy

ISU Communications and Marketing

Jay Gatrell, dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies at Indiana State University, has been selected to be a 201213 American Council on Education fellow. Council President Molly Corbett Broad announced Gatrell’s selection today. The ACE Fellows Program, established in 1965, is designed to strengthen institutions and leadership in American higher education by identifying and preparing promising senior faculty and administrators for responsible positions in college and university administration. “I am honored to be selected as an ACE fellow and truly appreciate the support of President Daniel J. Bradley, Provost C. Jack Maynard, and my colleague deans,” Gatrell said. “Over the past decade, ISU has had two outstanding ACE fellows–Dr. Darlene Hantzis and Dr. Josh Powers-and their experiences and their individual postfellowship contributions demonstrate the positive impact the program has at Indiana State.” At Indiana State since 2000, Gatrell, in addition to serving as dean of the Graduate College, is a member of the geography

faculty. He previously served as associate dean for budget and research in the College of Arts and Sciences. He has held appointments as social science education director, interim sociology chair and an administrative fellow. Additionally, he serves as the editor of Applied Geography. In 2007, he was recognized by the Association of American Geographers’ Regional Development Planning Specialty Group as a distinguished scholar and received ISU’s faculty award for Communitybased Scholarship. He earned a Ph.D. in geography from West Virginia University, a master’s in geography at The University of Toledo, and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Eastern Michigan University. Gatrell is among 57 fellows, nominated by the presidents or chancellors of their institutions, who were selected for the 2012-13 academic year following a rigorous application process. Sharon A. McDade, director of the ACE Fellows Program, noted that most previous fellows have advanced into major positions in academic administration. Of the more than 1,700 participants in the first 47 years of the program, more than 300 have become

chief executive officers and more than 1,100 have become provosts, vice presidents or deans. “We’re extremely pleased with the strength of the incoming class,” McDade said. “The Fellows Program will sharpen and enhance their leadership skills and their network, and prepare them to address issues. Each ACE fellow will focus on an issue of concern to the nominating institution while spending the next academic year working with a college or university president and other senior officers at a host institution. The program combines retreats, interactive learning opportunities, campus visits and placement at another higher education institution to condense years of on-the-job experience and skills development into a single semester or year. As a fellow, Gatrell will be included in the highest level of decision making while participating in administrative activities and learning about an issue to benefit Indiana State. Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents,

Jay Gatrell, dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and more than 200 related associations, nationwide. It provides leadership on key higher education issues and influences public policy through advocacy. For more information, visit www.acenet.edu.

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Page 12 • Monday ,April 2, 2012


Sycamores takes series from Redbirds, 2-1

News Nick Hedrick, News Chris Sweeney Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 News Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ News 812-237-4102 News Nick Hedrick, mail.indstate.edu ISU-statesmannews@ Chris Sweeney Nick Hedrick, Nick Hedrick, News Sports mail.indstate.edu 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney Chris Sweeney

Ernest Rollins Nick Hedrick, ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 812-237-4102 Thomas Hardesty mail.indstate.edu Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ ISU-statesmannews@ (812) 237-3036 mail.indstate.edu 812-237-4102 mail.indstate.edu ISU-statesmansports@ ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu mail.indstate.edu

Upcoming Events Baseball Tuesday at Chicago, Ill., vs. Illinois Chicago, 7:05 p.m.

Softball Wednesday Double header at Terre Haute vs. Butler at 2p.m. and 4 p.m.

Track and Field Friday-Saturday at Auburn, Ala.., Auburn Tiger Classic, 4:30 p.m.

Women’s Golf Friday-Saturday at Peoria, Ill., Bradley University Spring Invitational, All day

Junior Dakota Bacus winds up to throw a pitch fo the Sycamores in the ISU vs Illiniois State game (Photo by Kyle Seeley).

Derek Johnson Reporter

The Indiana State Sycamores baseball team defeated the Illinois State Redbirds, 11-3, Sunday afternoon at Bob Warn Field, finishing the weekend series with a 2-1 record over the Redbirds. Junior Ryan Torgerson got the start and recorded the win for the Sycamores, giving up three runs on four hits in five innings pitched. Freshman Landon Curry led the offensive attack with three hits. Senior Jon Hedges, junior Robby Ort and sophomore Tyler Wampler added two hits apiece. Hedges and junior Jeremy Lucas each recorded homeruns and two RBIs apiece. With the win the Sycamores improved to 23-6 overall and move to 4-2 in the Missouri Valley Conference. Meanwhile, the Redbirds drop to 17-8 overall and 1-2 in the conference. Indiana State struck first in the bottom half of the first thanks to a leadoff base-hit bunt from Curry, who advanced to third on a single to center field from Ort. Hedges hit a sacrifice fly ball to right field, allowing Curry to tag up and score, giving the Sycamores a 1-0 headstart. Lucas led off the third inning with a solo homerun over the left field wall. Ort, who reached

on a hit-by-pitch, stole second base and later scored on a successful hit-and-run from senior Ryan Walterhouse who drove a single through the left side of the infield adding two more runs to the Sycamores lead. The Redbirds got on board and knotted the score at 3-3 thanks to a couple of walks, a passed ball and back-to-back doubles in the top half of the fourth. The Sycamores responded, however, in the bottom half using a double to the right-center field gap from Ort to score Burnam, who reached on a hit-by-pitch, and Lucas, who drew a walk to tack on two more runs and take a 5-3 advantage heading into the fifth. The Sycamores opened the game wide open, scoring six runs over the next three innings, while holding the Redbirds scoreless for the remainder of the game. Junior Devin Moore entered for the six and seventh innings while senior Brandon Flora and sophomore Tyler Browning combined to hold the Redbirds scoreless in the eighth. Junior Chris Machado entered in the ninth to finish the Redbirds and secure the victory. Game Two: The Indiana State Sycamores baseball team defeated the Illinois State Redbirds, 7-3, in game two

of the three game series Saturday afternoon behind the arm of sophomore Sean Manaea. Manaea (3-1) struck out a career-high 12 batters and allowed just three hits in 8.1 innings pitched. Senior Reggie Hochstedler entered in the ninth and finished the final inning for the ISU bullpen. Senior Kyle Burnam and Ort led the Sycamores at the plate with two hits apiece, while Burnam and Hedges, each drove in two RBIs. Eight Indiana State batters recorded a hit in the game. Indiana State got out to an early lead as they loaded the bases with one out for Hedges, who drove in Burnam and Lucas, with a single to center field to take a 2-0 lead after one inning of play. Manaea managed to allow just two base-runners over the next five innings. Curry led off the fifth inning with a single to left, later advancing to second on an error in the outfield, then to third on a balk. Lucas brought Curry home with a sac-fly to give the Sycamores a 3-0 advantage heading into the sixth. Junior Casey McCurdy sparked a two-out rally in the sixth with a single to center. Junior Koby Kraemer sent him home with a double to right-center field.

Continued On Page 16


ISU softball 0-3 in series

Junior Kristen Felker prepares to throw for the Sycamores (Photo by Kyle Seeley).

Ernest Rollins Sports editor

The Indiana State University softball team fell 0-3 in weekend series against the Creighton University Bluejays. The Sycamores’ record for the 2012 season fell to 12-18 overall and 0-9 in the Missouri Valley Conference. The Bluejays improved their overall season record to 17-13 and 6-3 in league play. The Sycamores began the competition on Saturday as they travelled to Omaha Nebraska to face Creighton in a doubleheader. The Sycamores fell 9-2 in the first game and 12-4 in the second game. Game One: The Bluejays struck first taking a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning. The Sycamores came close to getting on the scoreboard early in the third with runners on second and third but were unable to reach home. Meanwhile, the Bluejays extended their lead scoring five in the third and three more in the bottom of the fourth for the final 9-0 score. Game Two:

Despite a commanding start from the Sycamores in the third inning they were unable to sustain the lead. The opening was a battle between pitchers with the first runs coming from the Sycamores in the bottom of the third inning. The Sycamore offense went into high gear beginning with freshman Ashley Dickerson finding home. On the very next play senior Olivia Andres sent the ball over the left field fence and the Sycamores scored three more runs to make it 4-0. The Bluejays responded in the same inning scoring 12 runs off nine hits to retake the lead from the Sycamores, 12-4. Creighton would hang on to take game two as well in the series. Game Three: The Sycamores were able to get runners on base but were unable to capitalize. The Bluejay offense began to gain momentum in the bottom of the fourth inning as they put two runs and added two more at the bottom of the fifth to push their lead to 4-0 over Indiana State. The Sycamores will take another break from conference play as they host Butler University in a doubleheader Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Monday, April 2, 2012 • Page 13

Page 14 • Monday ,April 2, 2012


ISU Track and field competes at Big Blue Classic

Junior Robert Webb (left) makes an attempt at the bar in the pole vault competion. Junior Felisha Johnson (right) competing in the women’s hammer throw. (Photos courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).

Thomas Beeler Reporter

The Indiana State men’s and women’s track and field team traveled to Eastern Illinois University Friday and Saturday to compete in the Big Blue Classic. Men’s Track and Field Senior Ernest Rollins was a winner for ISU. He competed in the triple jump leaping 14.85 meters (48’ 8.75”). Junior Robert Webb won the decathlon scoring 6352 points. Webb’s efforts moved him to number five on the ISU All-Time list and broke the Big Blue Classic meet record in the event. The previous record was held by Billy Stadele of Lewis University at 6,548 established in 2004. Along with Rollins’ and Webbs individual victories the team had many personal best. Freshmen Gabe Ocasio ran his first 3000 meter steeplechase and was four-hundredths of a second of winning the event finishing second with a time of 9:30.20. Three Sycamores took the top collegiate spots in the 1500 meter race. Junior Dustin Betz led the pack running 3:56.78 followed by senior Craig Padgett finishing with a time of 3:57.58 and junior Albaro Escalera finished in 3:58.55. Running in the hurdles for the Sycamores was sophomore Duane Brown finishing fourth in the 110 meters. He ran a personal best of 14.62 while sophomore Maurice Lyke took eighth in 14.98. Lyke also competed in the long jump leaping 6.78 meters (22’ 3”).

Opening from an red-shirt indoor season, sophomore Brad Adams who ran a personal best of 1:52.04 placing fourth in the 800 meters. Fellow sophomore Kevin Piraino ran 48.10 placed fourth in the 400 meter run. Sophomore Devin Price also ran a personal best in the 200 meter dash in a time of 22.42 placing 10th and running the 100 meters in 11.02. With the combine efforts of ophomoress Max Tuttle, Ray Skamay, Piraino and freshmen Arqeil Shaw the 4 x 400 relay finished fourth timing in at 3:15.80 while the team of freshmen Ryan Henirckson, Ryan Dickson, junior Justin Baxton and senior Andrew Stull was fifth finished in 3:15.81. Sophomore Leo Cordova, Price, Piraino and freshmen Israel Mercado placed fifth in the 4 x 100 relay in 41.42. In the field, sophomore Jordan Colanese took fourth in the javelin throw at 49.03 meters (160’ 10”). Sophomore Chris Fields placed third in the discus throwing 48.85 meters (160’ 3”) and sixth in the shot put at 15.17 meters (39’ 9.25”). Junior Brandon Pounds was fourth in the discus throwing a distance of 48.40 meters (158’ 9”). Women’s Track and Field On the women’s side junior Felisha Johnson took first place in the shot put throwing 16.80 meters (55’ 1.5”). In the discus Johnson finished fourth throwing the sixth best throw in school history 49.31 meters (161’ 9”). Also in the throws junior Mary Theisen was fifth in discus throwing 47.26 meters (155’ 1”). In the pole vault sophomore Hannah McKnight cleared a personal best of 3.37 meters (11’ .75”) placing eight. Senior Nikki

Snearley and sophomore Rachael Johnson tied for second in the high jump both leaping 1.63 meters (5’ 4.5”) which is a new personal best for Snearley. Freshmen Carmelia Stewart leaped in the triple jump placing fourth jumping 11.41 meters (37’ 5.25”). Competing in the women’s heptathlon was sophomore Kelly Steffen placing third scoring 4609 point with senior Patricia Merrion scoring 3602 placing seventh. On the track, junior Leeann Michl ran a personal best in the 400 meters race timing in at 55.56 second capturing sixth. Also sophomore Shelby Higginbottom ran a personal best in the 800 meter at 2:16.23 finishing 13th. Senior Kristy Twitchell established a personal best timing at 4:38.59 in the 1500 meter run also placing 13th. Junior Stacia Weatherford finished sixth in the 100 hurdles at 14.12 seconds. Three Sycamores placed in the top ten in the 3000 meter steeplechase. Junior Hanna Mercer led the three placing third at 11:19.06 with senior Andrea Prusz was fourth timing in at 11:28.16 and Emily Mercer finishing eighth at 12:39.85. The women’s 4 x 400 meter relay consisted of junior Macey Black, Weatherford, Michl and senior Kaci Smith placed second timing in at 3:45.34 also the Sycamore’s 4 x 100 meter relay team, senior Jaquelle Spencer, freshmen Taylor Gilles and Ja’liza Prophet finished fourth at 48.05 seconds. The 4 x 800 relay team placed second with Higginbottom, Twitchell, Michl, and Smith. The Sycamore will be making a trip down to Auburn, Al. to compete in the Auburn Tiger Classic next weekend. The team will be taking many Sycamores that scored at the conference meet.



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Page 16 • Monday ,April 2, 2012


Continued From Page 12 Wampler and Curry both got on base with hit-by-pitches, followed by a two-run RBI single to left field from Burnam to score Kraemer and Wampler, extending the Sycamores lead out to 6-0. Ort recorded his fourth homerun of the season with a shot down the right field line in the seventh to record the Sycamores final run of the game. Sophomore Mike Hollenbeck avoided the shutout for the Redbirds with a three-run homerun to right field in the ninth, but it wasn’t enough as the Sycamores were able to secure the 7-3 win. Game One: The Indiana State Sycamores baseball team was defeated, 3-2, Friday afternoon in game one of the three-game series with the visiting Illinois State Redbirds. Junior Dakota Bacus (4-2) got the start for the Sycamores and allowed three runs on seven hits to go along with three strikeouts in eight innings pitched. Junior Chris Razo (4-1) picked up the win for the Redbirds allowing two runs on four hits to go along with six strikeouts in six innings pitched. Walterhouse, led the Sycamores at the plate with a pair of

hits, while fellow Hedges, picked up the team’s lone run batted in. Hedges picked up his RBI in the second inning with a groundout to score Lucas, who singled and advanced to second on an errant throw from the Redbirds shortstop to put the sycamores on the board first. Illinois State responded with a pair of runs in the fourth thanks to back-to-back doubles to start the inning followed by a two-out single from junior Eric Aguilera to score fellow junior Zac Johnson. With two outs in the bottom of the fifth, Wampler and Curry hit a pair of singles before Kraemer, hit a fly ball to left field that was misplayed by the Redbirds outfielder, allowing Wampler to score and the Sycamores to tie the game with 2 runs apiece. Aguilera blasted a homerun over the right field wall in the seventh to regain the lead for the Redbirds, who were able to maintain the lead for the remainder of the game and take a 1-0 lead in the series. The Sycamores will be back in action Tuesday, April 3 Sophmore Sean Manaea strucke out a career high of 12 batters during when they travel to Illinois to take on Illinois Chicago. First the ISU vs Illinios State game (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications pitch is set for 7:05 p.m. and Marketing)

Junior Robert Ort gets a hit during the ISU vs Illinois State game (Photo by Kyle Seeley).

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