Nail-biter: Basketball edges out Iona College in ‘ESPN BracketBuster’ Saturday PAGE 12
Student March: African-American students march to celebrate past and coerce action for the future PAGE 10
Board of Trustees approve 2.5 percent increase in parking fees and more Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 Indiana State University Volume 120 Issue 58
Men finish first, women second at indoor track and field championship
Senior Felisha Johnson prepares to throw at the 2013 Missouri Valley Indoor Conference Championships (Photo by Surface lot prices will rise by $3 and parking violation fees will increase to as high as $100 for some violations (Photo by Kaitlyn Surber). Ayden Jent).
Page 2 • Monday, February 25, 2013
Trustees approve higher parking fees, demolition News
Brianne Hofmann ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102
HMSU 143 - 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237: 3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Ernest Rollins Editor-in-Chief, 237-3289 Mae Robyn Rhymes Photo Editor, 237-3034 Rachel Leshinsky Copy Editor, 237-3034 Gabi Roach Student Ad Manager, 237-4344 John Wakim Video Editor, 237-3030 ISU-statesmanmultimedia@mail.indstate. edu Joel Yoder Web Editor, 237-3030 ISU-statesmanmultimedia@mail.indstate. edu The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and is published three times during the summer. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.
The Statesman Towers, which formerly housed the Bayh College of Education and Scott College of Business, have been approved for demolition next spring by the ISU Board of Trustees (Photo by Mae Robyn Rhymes).
Brianne Hofmann News Editor The Indiana State University Board of Trustees approved a 2.5 percent increase in parking fees Friday. Effective Aug. 16, 2013, surface lot prices will rise from $125 to $128, Diann McKee, vice president of business affairs, finance and university treasurer, said adding that the inflation rate and operational maintenance costs for parking facilities were to blame for the fees hike. “This is the first increase we have proposed since the new parking system put into place in 2011,” McKee said. “Our parking facilities are funded solely by the permit fees paid by faculty, staff and students; there are no state monies that are allowed to go toward the maintenance and
upkeep of parking facilities.” President Daniel J. Bradley and McKee said, however, that Indiana State is seeking additional parking areas to alleviate congestion on the west side of campus. Parking near the Lincoln Quads has been limited due to the construction of North Residence Hall and the recently-built satellite chiller plant. With the purchase of the parking garage near Cherry and Eighth streets, the university has seen a “net gain” in parking availability, with the deal producing 652 spots. Despite this, the growing demand is causing Indiana State to develop “one, maybe two” lots west of Third Street over the next six months, Bradley said.
“We are somewhat landlocked, so [west] really is the only direction we have to go to address the parking demand on the west side of campus.” Diann McKee, vice president of business affairs, finance and university treasurer
Although the university has surplus property north of campus, Bradley said placing parking facilities in that location would force students to cross the railroad tracks, endangering their safety. Therefore, Bradley and McKee said moving west was the best option. “We are somewhat landlocked, so that really is the only direction we have to go to address the parking demand on the west side of campus,” McKee said. Parking violation fees are going up as well, with most fines increasing from $20-$25. Handicap fees will rise from $75 to $100 while stolen or altered permit violations will climb from $100 to $125. “These proposed fees are in line with what the other institutions of public higher education charge in the state,” McKee said.
Monday, February 25, 2013 • Page 3
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 ISU Board of Trustees member Edward Pease raised concern about fees at the meeting but said McKee’s current method of increasing the prices was more efficient than two years ago. At that time, parking fees hadn’t been raised in eight years, and as a result, the increase in prices was greater, McKee said. “I do think it makes more sense to take the approach that McKee and her staff have taken of looking at fees more frequently rather than waiting so long like we used to do,” Pease said. In other new business actions, the Board of Trustees approved the demolition of the Statesman Towers, where the Bayh College of Education and the Scott College of Business were located. McKee and Bradley will now work with state legislators for endorsement of the project, which will have a proposed budget of $4 million and would be funded through residence
hall and university general facility reserves, McKee said. Bringing down the towers will be a lengthy process. A two month, environmental remediation phase will begin in late August followed by a two-month period where the selected demolition contractor will salvage recyclable items such as 600 window air conditioners and doors. The demolition won’t take place until spring 2014. Once the towers are gone, McKee said the university has no plans to use the space for parking, adding that doing so would be “frivolous.” During Friday’s meeting, the Board of Trustees also approved of a reduction in required 300 and 400 level courses, a merger between Cunningham Memorial Library’s reference/instruction and circulation departments and fees for the new flight academy.
The ISU Board of Trustees also approved the following: • seeking bids for the sale of three areas of surplus university-owned property north of the campus in the 800 block of N. Eighth Street and the 800 block of N. Ninth Street. • new laboratory and course specific fee schedules and new fee schedules for the University Hall Clinic, new student orientation • handbook amendments concerning instructional load, faculty appointments and evaluation of non-tenure track and temporary faculty
Page 4 • Monday, February 25, 2013
ISU community comes together to combat lead exposure in Vigo County Tamera Rhodes Reporter Lead exposure continues to be an issue in Vigo County, but the university is doing its part through research and awareness, an Indiana State professor said Saturday. Jennifer Latimer, associate professor of geology, conducted a community awareness presentation entitled, “Science Café-Urban Legend: The Legacy of Leaded Gasoline, LeadBased Paint, and Coal” at Clabber Girl. Lead poisoning “is a problem that every city with a major highway or interstate has to deal with … the key is awareness,” Latimer said. During her presentation, Latimer said the program has been ongoing at ISU and that she, faculty members, current and former students, local community members and organizations collaborate on projects that consist of soil tests for heavy metals and data sharing. Many areas on the university campus have tested safe, including the garden areas at the University Apartments. However, according to the research, Latimer said the only place located on campus with a high lead concentration was the community garden, located at 219 N. 11th St. The experience while testing the community garden gave Latimer and her team a goal for the next step of research for the program. “Our interaction with the community garden on campus helped us to develop our plan for the entire city,” she said. Since 2006, students have collected data from soil tests at many Terre Haute locations, including Fairbanks Park, Gilbert Park and the Farrington Grove District. Data has also been collected from parts of Indianapolis, Associate professor of geology Jennifer Latimer explains a graph on elevated lead levels during her presentation Saturday (Photo Brazil, Bloomington and Clinton through the courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing). program. McBride traveled from Vincennes, Ind., to attend the take to fix the problem with as inexpensively and adequately Through the completed research, specific areas with high presentation so she could remain informed about new data, without taking risks. lead concentrations have been pinpointed and the research techniques and concerns of lead poisoning in her field. Faculty will advise residents on the best options available to will be useful in collaboration with the city to produce The newest part of the program’s research is to conduct minimize the lead in their soils including placing cardboard updated maps to review the status of the problem. In addition, Latimer said the data shows that areas local residential soil tests at no cost to obtain the most box material underneath the first few layers of top soil to with high lead content generally also have high arsenic efficient data for the new map as possible. Soil will be tested act as a filter, putting down mulch, creating raised beds for concentrations. Arsenic is a more dangerous toxin that can for 35 different metals by using a portable, hand-held X-ray plants and gardens or relocating the garden. fluorescence analyzer that produces results in a matter of actually affect plant growth, whereas lead cannot. “People should know there is arsenic in their soils… seconds. Latimer said the ideal scenario is to test as many yards as arsenic is more mobile and it has different health concerns,” possible\ by effectively testing one to two yards every couple she said. of blocks. Windy McBride, ISU alumna and environmental manager, The program is also designed to educate local citizens conducted several soil samples as an undergraduate prior to who test positive for lead in their soil on the steps they can 2011.
Monday, February 25, 2013 • Page 5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 The Indiana Department of Health reported that 11 percent of Vigo County children have the highest percentage of lead poison in the state. Latimer said pregnant women and children up to six years old are the most at risk to acquire lead poisoning. She said many times children contract it through playing in toxic dirt or paint and ingesting it from their hands and fingers. Since the body cannot excrete lead, when the body regenerates, the lead goes back into the system. Furthermore, the health effects of lead exposure cannot be corrected. According to the Center of Disease Control, children can appear normal while suffering from attention deficit-hyperactivity disorders, learning disorders resulting in lower IQ’s, inability to focus and pay attention or attain academic achievement. These learning difficulties typically become evident in the fourth grade, when their knowledge of basic skills shifts to cognitive development. “Lead in soils can be very scary, but it is one of the most manageable environmental issues we deal with,” Latimer said. She said the contributing factors to the increased local lead levels in the county are the historic, extensive railway system, industrial activities, coal mines, processing plants and old homes where lead-based paint was used and high fuel usage from the high traffic volumes on Interstate 70. University studies show that lead concentrations are two times higher around high traffic areas and less exposure is found at locations farther away from the road. The Terre Haute Department of Redevelopment has reported that the city has the greatest percentage of houses built before Left: An aerial view of Terre Haute’s Fairbanks park, located along the Wabash River and First Street. Right: The pink rectangles 1950 compared to the rest of the state. indicate where lead was detected in Fairbanks, with darker shades correlating with a higher concentration (Submitted photos). Latimer said many people exclusively focus on a myth that lead paint is the single and largest contributing factor of lead poisoning, areas are most at risk, current data shows high lead levels are concerns in the local community as a professional and when it is not always attributed to lead paint usage on older- located near the highways, railways and mines. member of the local community. area homes. The soil samples Latimer, her fellow colleagues and The presentation “reminded me that lead exposure is still The Environmental Protection Agency reports that lead students at ISU have collected a significant public health concern here in Vigo County,” can be in the air, the soil, the locally provides much data Sharifi said. water and even inside our allowing the university to work Sharifi and Heine said they both plan on having the soil homes. In addition, the EPA with Pat Martin, the Terre from their residences tested by ISU. reports that human activities Haute City Planner. Any Vigo County residents interested in the Department are the greatest source of lead Carol Heine, ISU alumna and of Earth & Environmental Systems testing the soil on their which includes paint, ceramics, local optometrist, attended the residential properties can contact ISU-Lead@mail.indstate. pipes and plumbing materials, event and said she was amazed edu. solders, gasoline, batteries, at the percentage of kids who For more information on the program and data, visit ammunition and cosmetics. test positive for lead poisoning the ISU Institute for Community Sustainability webpage at “Reality is there is a lot of despite all of the public lead in our soil and we need to awareness in the last 10 years. focus on that aspect,” Latimer said. Susan Sharifi, neurologist at UAP Clinic, said the event While there are no visual signs to alert people to which sparked her interest about lead and its potential health
“Reality is there is a lot of lead in our soil and we need to focus on that aspect.” Jennifer Latimer, associate professor of geology
Page 6 • Monday, February 25, 2013
Fat Shame
Opinions News
Alice Brumfield
812-237-3036 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmanopinions@ ISU-statesmannews@
Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman. Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.
Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.
I went to and typed in the word “fat”. These are just a few images that came up. These images illustrate perfectly how our society views the concept of “fat.”
In the past few months, the movie “Pitch Perfect” has been talked about and quoted almost non-stop. It’s almost like it’s the new “Mean Girls.” However, it doesn’t seem like people are watching the movie for Alice music. No, people are Brumfield the watching “Pitch Perfect” for Through the character, Fat Amy. Fat Amy, portrayed the by Rebel Wilson, is the Looking woman that everyone, fat and skinny, wishes they Glass could be. She has intense confidence in herself and doesn’t let people bother her. She intentionally calls herself Fat Amy so “twig bitches” can’t do it behind her back. She confronts the word “fat” with intensity that most people couldn’t dream of, and she is hilarious while doing it. I was nervous about Fat Amy’s character because until her, fat people in media are usually lazy, stupid or mean. If the characters aren’t any of those, they probably tried to alter themselves in a particular way so they were no longer considered fat. Fat is something that, in today’s society, has negative connotations. When people
look at fat people, they assume that they are unhealthy or lazy, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Discrimination against fat people is the most widely accepted discrimination that we have in our society today. Anyone who says differently has obviously never paid attention to the media. In a recent study, the prevalence of weight discrimination has gone up in the United States by 66 percent in the past 10 years and is “comparable to rates of racial discrimination, especially among women.” The media tells us to love our bodies everyday, but how are fat people supposed to love themselves if they’re told to hate how they look? Fat shame is especially bad among women. Women seem to naturally tear each other down, but when it comes to body size, it gets much worse. There is no better way to hurt a person then to tell them that the very base of all their core features is wrong and disgusting. Fat people are torn down and dehumanized everyday. They’re told that they have to be a certain size and that if they aren’t, they damn well better get to that size. This is a big problem. Society has put so many labels on it that it’s hard to face it directly. Fat Amy had a point. She didn’t call
herself “Fluffy Amy” or “Chubby Amy,” she confronted the issue head on and chose a name nobody could argue with. By doing this, she took away all of the negativity associated with the word. Throughout the movie, she makes references to the word “fat,” but very rarely uses it negatively. She took a word, made it positive and rocked it the entire movie. This sort of thing needs to happen more often. The context of the word “fat” is often used negatively, but fearing the name of the word only increases the fear itself. Some people would be offended by my use of the word “fat.” They would say that I’m being insensitive and rude, but why? People make it insensitive, people make it rude. I’m simply saying that it doesn’t have to be. Why don’t we try to take a stand against this type of discrimination? Stop using the word fat in a bad way. It isn’t bad. It’s just a body type. By flinching away from the word, we are reinforcing fat shame. Let’s try as a society to stop using the word “fat” so negatively. I’m fat. I’ve got fat on me, and if you feel the need to do so, you can even call me “Fat Alice.” If you mock me and try to make fun of my body and try to make me love myself less, I will finish you like a cheesecake.
Monday, February 25, 2013 • Page 7
Female domestic abuse is still very real By the time it takes you to read this first sentence, statistics show that a woman will be assaulted or beaten. Every nine seconds, a woman is abused according to The website also says that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women. Kenzie These statistics are shocking and McAdams downright scary to think about. Dating and relationships are such big focuses at this time in our lives and the Prove fact that abuse is brushed under the Them rug is unacceptable. Wrong Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, forced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Now is the time to put an end to domestic violence. A very well-known story in the media about
domestic abuse is about entertainers Chris Brown and Rihanna. Back in 2009, the couple’s relationship took a dangerous turn. Photos emerged of Rihanna with a bloody nose, her lip split open and various bite marks on her body. Law enforcement also told celebrity news website, TMZ. com that Rihanna’s injuries were severe. Two “huge contusions” were on both sides of her face. Chris Brown soon became one of the most hated men in America. How far is far enough though? Nearly four years later, the couple is back together and fans all over are wary. Many women who are abused often fall into denial, making excuses for their partner. However, every day in the United States, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends. These statistics are very shocking to me, especially since they’re so rarely heard. Most people that are victims of dating violence rarely ever speak out.
Victims sometimes don’t even realize what constitutes as abuse. Abuse can range from actual physical harm to name-calling, according to Many women are often scared to escape from their abusive homes, since that is one of the most dangerous times for them. The Department of Justice recorded over 100 celebrities that signed up for“Join the List” an initiative to raise public awareness on issues around violence against women including Ellen DeGeneres, Tony Hawk and the whole U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. While many face these challenges every day, most of them do not get the help they need. However, there are many resources and support groups available that help women get through these difficult times. The majority of women in abusive relationships have not asked for help in any way. These women are fighting their battle alone and we need to help. We must start teaching children that women never deserves to be hit or abused in any way.
Your ‘Snapchat’ never goes away Millions of people use the Internet on a daily basis and what people use it for varies widely. What makes the Internet so revolutionary is the fact that you can talk with anyone instantly, you have unlimited amounts of knowledge at Jacob your fingertips and you can discover yourself with it. Rivers Released in September 2011, Letters to “Snapchat” is a photo sharing My Fish application that allows the user to share daily or monumental moments with friends. You can take a self-photo where you’re making an ugly face, add a caption and only your friends can see it for a few seconds. It’s a good way to make a friend laugh before the photo disappears. Surely people on Snapchat don’t only do selfies, but also just share something picturesque. Snapchat is about the relationship between friends and just having fun. But there are also some users who explore the dark side of Snapchat by sending inappropriate photos of their bodies.
Most users think that it doesn’t matter how bad they look or what they send because after the one to 10 second time slot the picture is gone. But is that photo actually gone forever? According to a Huffington Post article, “When you send something, you should consider it permanent.” Another form of social media would be today’s ever popular Twitter. Some use Twitter for classes, social protest, entertainment or to communicate with friends. However, people need to be careful what they say in the 140 character limit because it can effect them drastically. Today, more and more employers are looking at your social media outlets to see how you use them. If you misuse Twitter, it can limit your chances with that employer. What you post is on the Internet forever, for anyone to see. Think wisely before you tweet. The problem with privacy is that we don’t have it. Our dorm rooms are not private. Our apartments and our houses are not private. Privacy is something that we think we have, but we don’t. The definition of “private” is that no one is observing you, you’re not being disturbed by other people or that you’re free from public attention.
One may wonder about how their home isn’t private. According to, there are 2.4 million Internet users as of 2012. says that nearly 85 percent of the United States population owns a cell phone, and The Washington Post stated that there are approximately 315 million people living in the United States and there are nearly 327.6 million smart phones, tablets and wireless cards in the nation. Many adults now own more than one wireless device. Even in our homes we have no privacy. With the Internet and cell phones, you’re not free from people disturbing you. There is no privacy in this day and age. No matter what we do, our day-to-day life on the Internet is always there. You can never escape what you say and never delete that inappropriate photo. Privacy is gone, and people still don’t understand the consequences of what they say on the Internet. It’s okay to have fun with social media, but it would be wise to not tweet about your professor, friend or classmate being a “f*****g idiot.”
Page 8 • Monday, February 25, 2013
Diversity event addresses sexual assault Nicole Mercker Reporter
Features ISU-statesmanfeatures@ 812-237-4102
Upcoming Events Monday Student Health Promotion will offer free, confidential HIV testing every other Monday, beginning Feb. 25 from noon to 3 p.m. in the SHP Office, third floor of the Sycamore Center for Wellness & Applied Medicine (on 5th Street across from the tennis courts). No appointment necessary.
A statistical analysis done by the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) estimates only about 46 percent of rapes and sexual assaults ever get reported. This low percentage could be the result of fear, but Lynn M. Phillips —filmmaker and social and developmental psychologist— suggests these women are denying to themselves that they have been raped because the feeling of victimization would simply worsen the situation. Last Thursday several students and a few members of the community gathered to attend an event that was part of the “Eye on Diversity Series” sponsored by the Office of Diversity. The main event of the evening was an informational film by Phillips, called “Flirting with Danger”, which portrayed interviews of young women dealing with sexual assault, rape and abusive relationships who had sought therapy. “Flirting with Danger” addresses how women interpret their relationships,” said Azizi Arrington-Bey, assistant professor of interior architecture design and event coordinator. “There are always multiple scenarios of what happens: what we saw and felt and what others saw and felt. More times than not, these interpretations don’t line up.” Phillips discussed extensively how young women do not want to feel victimized. They would prefer to reluctantly say yes to sex, than say no and be forced into it. The act of granting permission gives the illusion of having some power. Many of the girls who Phillips interviewed admitted that they did not want to have sex, but they all had a reason why they wouldn’t consider what they had gone through to be rape. Phillips said most of the girls were in denial because they compared their situation to others’ situations. If they were raped by someone they knew, they felt that wasn’t nearly as bad as the women who were attacked in alleys. One issue presented was that many of the women placed the blame of being raped on themselves. Many at the event said they wished they could just go into the movie and tell the women that it wasn’t their fault. “I cannot understand how a woman can blame herself for something that is so clearly not her fault,” Kara Mann, senior criminology major, said. Many of the girls that Phillips interviewed
Information from the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network website
said they should have known what was coming. They felt they deserved what had happened because they allowed themselves to be alone with a man, and they knew “how that looked.” One aspect of the movie that was striking was how many of the interviewees weren’t necessarily scared of their boyfriends; they were more concerned with letting their boyfriends down. According to Phillips’ video, society has led young women to feel that their purpose is to please the men in their lives. In previous generations importance was placed on the woman being a perfect wife and mother. Today, the perfect wife and mother role is losing its
prominence while the expectation that a woman be sexually satisfying is vital. Another issue causing outrage in the predominantly female audience at Thursday night’s event was that in many instances of rape, the blame is placed on the woman. People believe that because a girl is dressed in a sexy outfit, she is “asking for it.” While it was agreed that some of the clothes young women wear can be inappropriate, that never gives any man a right to rape a woman. “A woman has a right to be a woman,” junior dietetics major Hannah Cline said.
Monday, February 25, 2013 • Page 9
Winning name for wind turbine announced
Indiana State University revealed the contest winner for naming the wind turbine, located between Mills and Rhoads Halls, during its dedication ceremony on Friday. The ISU Science Department and the Institute for Community Sustainability announced sophomore Brett Ferry as the wind turbine naming contest winner with the name “Helix”. Ferry said the inspiration for the name came from his fiance’s assignments. “It was really just the first thing that popped into my head. I help my fiance out a lot with her science homework and I guess it just fit, because it does look like the DNA double helix,” Ferry said. “There were so many great names that made it difficult to choose. Some were very well thought out and offered a lot of diversity, but I am really excited about the name that we have selected,” professor of earth and environmental systems James Speer said. A contest was held at the beginning of February 2012 giving students a chance to submit a name and a reason for the name and then the Institute for Community and Sustainability staff would select the winner. Over 200 entries were submitted. “It is nice to see something here at ISU that is not just a piece of art, but shows science in application,” Katherine Burbrink, Ferry’s fiance, , said. “It will give us another place to hang out instead of just the science building.” Sabrina Brown, a junior earth and environmental sciences major, began this project and saw it all the way through, along with Speer who teaches Environmental 460: Conservation and
Sustainability of Natural Resources class. Brown spent her time investigating the wind patterns from the data collected in the past two years as well as data that was collected decades before. After the data was collected. ISU students figured out the structure of the wind turbine, where to place it and measurements. Phil Roberts was hired to get the wind turbine here and making sure that procedures were done properly. He noted that this was his easiest project by far. “As a designer I have to cover all areas: wind analysis, equipment, solar analysis and getting all the ISU students, faculty and members of the Terre Haute community cut the blue ribbon Friday at the materials. I barely had to official dedicate the wind turbine, ‘Helix’, Friday (Photo by Thomas Beeler). do anything for this project, and I am very impressed was supposed to receive it had a strike,” that, and I want other students to feel that with the students that put this together,” he said. way too,” Brown said. he said. When the strike was over the turbine Brown and Speer said that the project Roberts said that the hardest part of was loaded and shipped to and it was the took a long time, but they are proud of this whole project was getting the turbine ready to be installed. the results. Four hundred students were here. The project had to be delayed a The organizations agreed that they did involved with this project and it is a great few times and missed deadline due to not want to name the turbine themselves, success for them. This is one of the first unforeseeable problems. but wanted the student body to have an steps in the climate action plan, which “At first we order the turbine and we invested role and come up with a name seeks to make the university carbondiscovered that for an entire week all of that is both fitting and meaningful. neutral by 2050. China was shut down for a week-long “My favorite part of this project is holiday. When the holiday was over seeing how science can be put into action, they loaded the turbine on a ship where and knowing that I had a part of that. In it had to make a three-week trek across twenty years I can bring my kids back the sea. Then the Los Angeles. port that here and show them that I had a part of
Keeping ISU Informed
Speaker: Ann Rider Feb. 25th 7:00 pm Dede 1
Showing of the Movie:
Page 10 • Monday, February 25, 2013
Student march honors those that paved the way
Students gather on the steps of Tilson Auditorium Friday to end the “Bringing Back the Black” march celebrating Black History Month (Photo by Thomas Beeler).
Ernest Rollins Editor-in-Chief For senior biology major Timothy Jewel, the African-American community on campus needed a wake-up call. It was not enough to just go to small meetings at the African-American Cultural Center. As a community on campus they had to make a more conscious effort of coming together and getting involved, much like their ISU forefathers. “It was an idea that came to me while I was thinking about what we could do that would be prolific enough to get the eyebrows moving,” Jewel said. “[To] see what we can actually do to inspire black people and this is what I came up with. However small or minute it may be it is still a good showing.” The “Bringing Back the Black” march and rally was a call from the African-
American student body to celebrate Black History Month and remember the African-American history on campus. Jewel said it was meant to get out of the routine of having closed meetings indoors and go out to the people and interact. Against the white backdrop of a snow and ice-covered campus, a group of ISU students clothed head to toe in black marched around the university’s perimeter Friday afternoon. Valerie Hart-Craig, African-American Cultural Center program coordinator, said that students wanted to do something in honor of Black History Month and pay tribute to those who opened the door to education for them. Hart-Craig said that Indiana State University was the first college in the state
of Indiana to enroll African-American students. Back when the university was a teacher’s college, African-Americans were enrolled because ISU administrators wanted them to teach other AfricanAmerican students. Since then, ISU has had a number of rallies and marches seeking to solidify the African-American community on campus. George Nelson, senior safety management major and a member of the Mentoring Assistance Program that sponsored the event said there has been a downturn in African-American student involvement on campus since 2009. “I really just want the black community to come together and reunite,” Nelson said. Nelson said in his freshman year, ISU
was a much different place than it is today. Many African-American students just came on campus for class and went home rather than try to actively get involved or get behind a cause. Jewel said that many AfricanAmerican students are walking around as if there is “a space between their ears.” This march was only the opening statement to push for stronger unity not only among African-American students but also throughout campus. Nelson said it is important to know where you came from before you move forward.
Continued From Page 11
Monday, February 25, 2013 • Page 11
Continued from Page 10 Hart-Craig, an ISU alumna, said there was a rich history of AfricanAmerican culture at ISU from as far back as the 1880s. Hart-Craig said she remembers rallies pushing for the need to include African American studies as part of the ISU curriculum. Standing on the grassy quad outside Gillum Hall, what used to be the home of the ISU president, Craig said students from before “shut it down” in protest, pushing for the creation of a cultural center, making African American studies part of the university’s curriculum and the creation of AfricanAmerican organizations on campus. “There is something to be proud of being black
at ISU,” Hart-Craig said. “We do it out of respect for those people … You can’t do that if all we do is sit in the commons, if all we do is [go to] Tippecanoe Place. I am going need you all to do a little bit more.”
“There is something to be proud of being black at ISU.” Valerie Hart-Craig, African American Cultural Center program coordinator
Film and panel to discuss what true beauty really means Campus organizations will sponsor a documentary viewing and panel to address some of the dangers associated with pursuing the perfect physique. ISU Student Health Promotion, Residence Hall Association, Student Government Association and Office of Diversity presents will be showing the film “America the Beautiful” followed by a panel discussion in HMSU Sycamore Lounge Wednesday at 7 p.m. According to the documentary’s website the video focuses on America’s obsession with beauty. Filmmaker Darryl Roberts examine the causes behind the obsession and how some
young women’s quest for “physical perfection” come with deadly consequences. The event corresponds with National Eating Disorders Awareness week. According to the National Eating Disorders Awareness website the week long event is one of the organization’s biggest outreaches to make the general public aware of eating disorders. According to the website 10 million American men and 20 million American women suffer from some type of eating disorder.
Page 12 • Monday, February 25, 2013
Cummings hits buzzer beater to win BracketBuster
Thomas Beeler
Jared McCormick Reporter
812-237-4102 ISU-statesmansports@
The Indiana State men’s basketball team ended a three-game losing streak with the victory over the Gaels of Iona College Ramada Worldwide BracketBuster by a score of 65-64. The Sycamores played in front of a home crowd of 4,378 screaming fans who helped propel the Sycamores in their Saturday contest. The Sycamores started the game strong and had a 15-6 advantage within the first few minutes of the opening half. Indiana State struggled throughout the half to maintain a rhythm because of the Iona’s fast-paced style of play. The Gaels battled throughout the half but ISU was able to enter into the half with an eight point lead. ISU had similar issues in the second half. The Gael’s three point lead came only a few minutes into the second half. The Sycamores got into foul trouble early in the second half as they put the Gaels in the bonus only about three minutes into the half. The Sycamores were able to seal the victory with four seconds left in the half off of a successful layup by junior guard Dawon Cummings with four seconds left. Indiana State and Iona traded the lead nine times throughout the competition. The Junior guard Dawon Cummings hit the game winning shot for the Sycamores during Sycamores were able to hold the Gaels to a mere their game against Iona College Saturday. (Photo by Joe Butler). 12.5 percent from the 3-point mark. The Gaels and the Sycamores were just about even on all The Sycamores improve to 17-11 on the season and are looking other statistical categories except for free-throw shooting. For free to finish their final regular season stretch on a high note. The throws, Iona was 18-21, 85.7 percent as the Sycamores hit 50 percent Sycamores’ next competition is Wednesday against Drake University. from the free throw line, 8-16. This is their final regular season home game for the year and tip-off Junior forward RJ Mahurin had a strong showing for the Sycamores is scheduled for 7:05 p.m. and paced ISU with a 20 point performance. Mahurin came out hitting two 3-pointers in a row and helped put the Sycamores ahead. Junior forward Manny Arop posted ten points 12 rebounds in his double-double performance. “We needed to get wins back,” Arop said. “Losing three in a row, it feels like you haven’t won a game in a year. This win was huge.” Head men’s basketball coach Greg Lansing said that he was not too worried about the free-throw shooting because he knew his guys were fighting so hard on the defensive side of the ball that they just did not take a chance to relax before their foul shots. The players were confident that their free throw percentage could still improve. “We just have to practice them and we know they will start to fall,” Mahurin said.
Upcoming Events Baseball
Wednesday at Clarkville, Tenn. vs. Austin Peay, 4 p.m. Friday-Sunday at Eastern Kentucky vs. Richmond, Ky, 2 p.m.
Men’s Basketball Wednesday at Hulman Center vs. Drake, 7:05 a.m. Saturday at Evansville, Ind. vs. Evansville, 5 p.m.
Softball Friday-Sunday at Athens, Ga. for the Bulldog Invitational, 12:30 p.m.
Track and Field Friday at South Bend, Ind. for the Alex Wilson Invitational, 5 p.m.
Women’s Basketball
Friday at Hulman Center vs. Missouri State, 7:05 p.m.
“We needed to get wins back,” Arop said. “Losing three in a row, it feels like you haven’t won a game in a year. This win was huge.” Manny Arop, ISU men’s basketball forward
ISU track and field continues to make history Thomas Beeler Sports Editor Indiana State’s women’s and men’s track and field teams concluded indoor competition at the Missouri Valley Conference Indoor Championship this weekend in Cedar Falls, Iowa with positive results. The men’s team won their second indoor championship in school history with a total team score of 164.5 points. Head men’s track and field coach, John McNichols, earned the title of MVC Coach of the Year. The women’s team finished second behind Wichita State with a team score of 138 points. Men’s track and field Junior Maurice Lyke took the first All-Conference honor for the Sycamores and second championship in the long jump with 7.49 meters (24’ 7”).
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Junior Greggmar Swift grabbed another win for the Sycamores in the 60-meter hurdles with 7.67 seconds and broke the MVC record simultaneously. Freshman Adarius Washington followed Swift in second place with a time of 7.97 seconds. In the throws, freshman Derek Bunch won the shot put competition with a throw of 17.72 meters (59’ 6.25”) as junior Chris Fields placed seventh with 16.22 meters (53’ 2.75”). In the weight throw, Fields took the fifth position with a toss of 19.63 meters (61’ 5.5”) as senior Brandon Pounds Indiana State’s men’s track and field team takes the title of Missouri Valley Conference finished seventh throwing Champions at the 2013 indoor competition. (Photo by Ayden Jent). 18.57 meters (60’ 11.25”). “A young guy won the shot put,” said McNichols, has adjusted very quickly. He came in at the right time “When throwers come in as freshmen the implements when we needed him and that credit goes to the throws are heavier. The shot put goes from 12 to 16 pounds coach, Erin Gilreath.” The 3,000-meter run ended with senior Dustin Betz and that usually takes some adjustments, but Brunch
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CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 placing third in eight minutes, 22 seconds and freshman John Mascari finishing fifth with a time of eight minutes, 26 seconds. Betz earned another All-Conference title in the mile finishing second in 4:13.64. Sophomore Arqeil Shaw sits as MVC champion in the 400-meter dash with 48.79 seconds earning AllConference honors. “Shaw was seeded sixth or seventh after the first half and came back to the 400,” McNichols said. Senior Robert Webb earned an All-Conference title in the Heptathlon finished third with 5405 points. Webb also placed fifth high jump leaping 1.98 meters (6’ 6”) and eighth in the long jump with 7.03 meter (23’ .75”). “Going into the second day of competition a lot of the team’s inspiration comes from the effects of Webb,” McNichols said. The men’s distance medley relay team consisting of senior Cory Hahn, sophomores Brad Adams, Gabe Ocasio and junior Max Tuttle earned All-Conference honors placing second in 10:16. Freshman Connor Curley finished fourth in the pole vault with a leap of 4.81 meters (15’ 9.25”) and sophomore Wes Schenck finished fifth with 4.81 meters (15’ 9.25”). In the 60-meter dash, junior newcomer Keith Housley placed third with a time of 6.87 seconds as senior Shane Smith finished fourth with 6.92 seconds and senior Justin Baxtron placed fifth in 6.93 seconds. Sophomore Jonathan Jackson placed fourth in the 800-meters timing in at 1:53.61. The men’s 4x400-meter relay the team consisted of sophomore Ryan Dickson, Jackson, Tuttle and Shaw finished fourth with a time of 3 minutes and 20.16 seconds. Women’s track and field Senior Felisha Johnson continues to lead the nation, establish than personal best and was named MVC champion in the women’s 20 pound weight throw, tossing out a personal best and new ISU school record of 22.56 meters (74’ 0.25”). Freshman Dawnielle Passmore placed ninth with 16.82 meter (55’ 2.25”). Johnson finished second in the shot put throwing 16.54 meters (54’ 3.25”) with freshman Whitney Walker behind her in eighth place with 13.63 meter (44’ 8.75”). Freshman Katie Wise continued to defend her undefeated record by winning the 60-meter dash with a time of 7.51 seconds. Sophomore Kaisha Martin followed Wise in fourth with 7.66 seconds and sophomore Demetra Camble rounded out the Sycamores in fifth with 7.67 seconds. Wise also competed in the 200-meter dash finishing sixth in 24.93 seconds. “I’m proud of our freshmen who put up such great performances for this being their first MVC meet,” said sophomore high jumper Katie Bekavac. “Our senior and upperclassmen held their own and did just as we expected! We had great efforts from everyone on both days. Our teammates were PR’ing constantly and getting us in good scoring positions. It’s tough getting second, but it’s the best the women’s team has finished since 2001! This just drives us even more and is going to make us work harder for outdoor conference. We refuse to
ISU women’s track and field team finished second at the Missouri Valley Conference Indoor Championship with many athletes earning All-Conference honors (Photo by Ayden Jent).
lose to Wichita State twice in one year.” Fellow freshman Kimyanna Rudolph also won her first conference championship in the pole vault with a leap of 3.95 meters (12’ 11.5”). Senior Richelle Kimble followed in second with a distance of 3.85 meters (12’ 7.5”). Seniors Kalli Dalton, Hannah Mercer, Macey Black and sophomore Nicole Lucas finished sixth in the distance medley relay with a time of 12:14. Junior Kelly Steffen earned her first All-Conference title with a third place finish in the pentathlon totaling 3691 points. Junior Rachael Johnson followed Steffen in sixth place with 3296 points. Steffen also placed seventh in the long jump competition jumping 5.59 meters (18’ 2”). In the triple jump, senior Shalesa Smith placed fourth, leaping 12.33 meters (40’ 5.5”). Sophomore Carmelia Stewart also aided the Sycamores’ effects, placing sixth with 12.20 meters (40’ 0.5”). Stewart also placed fifth in the 60-meter hurdles with 8.76 seconds and finished fourth in the long jump with 5.76 meters (18’ 10”). Senior Stacia Weatherford was the top Sycamore and set a new school record in the 60-meter hurdles timing in at 8.43 seconds. Weatherford earned her second All-Conference title of the evening in the 200-meter dash placing third in 24.63 seconds. In 3,000-meter run, senior Jessica Zangmeister placed
eighth with 10:20. Senior Leeann Michl won the 800-meter race with a time of 2:11.33 as junior Shelby Higginbottom followed in sixth timing in at 2:15.81. The women’s 4x400-meter relay team finished third with 3:41.6. The team consists of Black, Michl, Higginbottom and Weatherford.
“Going into the second day of competition a lot of the team’s inspiration comes from the effects of Webb.” John McNichols, head men’s track and field coach
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“Breakfast with the Boys” was promoted by Student Government Association and sponsored by Baesler’s, Clabber Girl and Square Donuts.
Photos by Mae Robyn Rhymes
“BREAKFAST WITH THE BOYS” Saturday morning, before the men’s basketball game, the athletics department hosted “Breakfast with the Boys.” Members of various sporting programs and studentdirectors of “The Forest” student section spent their Saturday morning greeting the first 200 fans as they walked through the door with “BracketBuster” t-shirts, donuts and bagels. Top: Student-athletes pose with their free donuts and t-shirts in hand after showing their appreciation to their Indiana State fans. Bottom: Sycamore volleyball members take their seats after handing out breakfast to students as a part of “Breakfast with the Boys” before the men’s basketball team’s game against Iona College.