Freedom Writers author speaks at ISU Page 2
Public invited to give up rights for free meal Page 10
ISU: 6 women, 1 minority; no problem Friday, December 2, 2011 Indiana State University Volume 119 Issue 38
HMSU hours to be extended
Illustration by Jamie Nichols
Dustyn Fatheree Reporter
Indiana State University officials are extending the hours of HMSU in a response to student demand. Beginning Monday, HMSU will be open until 2 a.m. through the end of the semester. The only exceptions will be on Friday and Saturday when HMSU will close at midnight. Only ISU students and staff will be able to use the facility during these extended hours. “We want to create a public, positive, programing space for students to interact and learn in a positive manner,” said Carmen Tillery, vice president for student affairs and dean of students. Student opinions influenced this change, Tillery said. HMSU personnel conducted surveys with students and staff to get feedback and ideas from many different groups, including Sodexo, the 24-hour Computer Lab, Student Affairs, Student Government Association and Public Safety.
A look at ISU’s top 25 salaries shows many disparities, including the pay of President Emeritus Lloyd Benjamin III, but ISU officials don’t see reasons for change Jessica Squires
Editor-in-Chief Among the top 25 paid positions at Indiana State University there are only six women, one minority, and one retired university president who makes almost $200,000 a year to teach three sections of a freshman level art class. While ISU officials agree that
the salary between men, women and minorities is a concern they believe it is a problem that can only be rectified with time. Most university officials interviewed for this story are complacent about the annual salary being paid to former president Lloyd Benjamin. Indiana State University students pay nearly $8,000 a year to attend ISU and a large
portion of tuition fees are used to pay the top 25 salaries at ISU, which amount to $3,891,765. The top two paid officials at ISU are President Daniel J. Bradley at $271,263 and Provost C. Jack Maynard at $213,411. Benjamin ranks third on the list of ISU’s top paid officials with a salary of $190,251. In exchange for that salary, Benjamin teaches three sections
of Art 151 - Visual Arts in Civilization. Benjamin said he also “fulfill(s) multiple roles as a faculty member and President Emeritus and ha(s) worked extensively in Morocco creating opportunities for faculty and student exchange.”
Page 2 • Friday, December 2, 2011
Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney 812-237-4102
HMSU 143 • 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237-3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Jessica Squires, Editor in Chief, 237-3289 ISU-statesmaneditor@mail.indstate. edu Emily Reed Photo Editor, 237-3034 Gabi Roach, Student Advertising Manager, 237-4344 The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except during exam periods and university breaks, and is published three times during the summer. The Indiana Statesman was founded May 16, 1929, the same year that Indiana State Normal School became Indiana State Teachers College. The newspaper began in December 1879 as the State Normal News. In November 1895, the paper was first issued as the Normal Advance. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The unauthorized taking of multiple copies, however, may constitute theft, which is a crime, even with free publications. Thefts will be reported to campus police for possible prosecution and/or for other disciplinary actions. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader comments, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.
Gruwell: “Sometimes, the good guy does win” Lacey Brinegar Reporter
Erin Gruwell’s first day of her teaching career at a California high school was not what she expected. Driving to Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach the scenery changed from suburbia to inner-city, what she described as an unsettling alteration. “The summer prior to my first year of teaching there were 126 murders in Long Beach,” said Gruwell, co-author of “The Freedom Writers Diary.” Gruwell described the challwenges of helping transform 150 underprivelged high schoolers into aspiring college students Wednesday in the University Hall Theater. Her speech was part of the University Speakers Series. A beginning video was shown that aired during the high school careers of the Freedom Writers which documented the changes they were making. “That video makes me so emotional, seeing my kids and knowing where they are now,” Gruwell said. She began by mapping out the journey she took to finding her calling as a teacher. While going to college to become a teacher, Gruwell recalled her first professor making it sound so easy to be a teacher. She then went on to discuss the lack of enthusiasm her students showed: they were flashing gang signs and carving their names into
the desks. One of her students even donned an ankle monitor and had layered on makeup to cover up a black eye. However, at first glance, the struggles they faced every day did not stand out clearly, Gruwell said. Trying to find out who her students were and how to connect the curriculum to their lives, Gruwell sought help in a few other faculty members. She was told that her students were not worth the effort and was not given assistance. Gruwell, disregardful of the faculty, took initiative and bought books out of her own pocket that were relatable to the students. She then planned a pact of sorts to bring about change in their own lives. Gruwell envisioned an academic change for her students, but they sought out a lifestyle change: to better their lives and fight to have a more desirable future. With this change, her students then made an academic change and started showing interest, engagement and hope. Along with what they referred to as a “toast for change,” Gruwell had the students keep journals to write whatever they wanted on a daily basis. Slowly, they began opening up and sharing their personal stories, most of which were filled with pain. “We decided to use her book for the Fall Read, then we set about to see if we could bring her in since she was not originally a part of the series. Over $18,000 was raised through various sponsorships to
“Freedom Writers” author Erin Gruwell speaks Wednesday in University Hall Theater. (Photo by Alexa White) bring her to ISU,” said Linda Maule, general education coordinator. The book was chosen as the Fall Read because many courses could use it as a part of their curriculum and because of its focus on social issues and community engagement, which ISU finds to be of importance, Maule said. Gruwell’s recollection was followed by a question-and-answer session where she was asked about how she was able to succeed in her
efforts and her ties to the students today. She said found the strength to continue in her efforts by the special moments and breakthroughs that occurred in the classroom along with her support system. Gruwell also said she remains close with the students and sees them often due to the foundation they created. “Our story is that glass slipper… that sometimes the good guy does win,” Gruwell said.
HMSU/FROM PAGE ONE Sodexo is working with its food vendors to handle this change of hours as effectively as possible. Sub Connection will be open longer to accommodate students until 2 a.m. when the building is open, but the change will delay Burger King from opening until after breakfast hours. The Campus Cupboard will also be open until 2 a.m. on the nights that the building is open until 2 a.m. “Dining services is very intentional about providing more nutritional options,” Tillery said. “That is why Sub Connection is staying open later.” The student lounges will be also be open to coincide with later hours at HMSU. The Information Center will close nightly at midnight except on
Sundays when demand is higher and students are more likely to be on campus preparing for finals. There will also be a printer installed in HMSU at the main entrance near Dede Plaza. Yancy Phillips, user services director in the Office of Information Technology, said the printer will be functional either Friday or Saturday. Students can help kickoff the new HMSU hours at a free midnight breakfast Dec. 14. Prizes will be handed out at the door and winners must be present to receive the gift. There may be similar programs forthcoming if students respond favorably, Tillery said “HMSU will be extending their staff so they will
be visible and working at the same time,” Tillery said. “HMSU staff, Sodexo, computer staff and police staff will be monitoring and responding to students’ concerns and questions.” Public Safety officers will do random sweeps of the place and check for disorderly conduct, Tillery said. Officers will ask any non-student to leave. ISU officials are considering the possibility of installing a card swipe system. For more information go to reslife/foodsvc or
Friday, December 2, 2011 • Page 3
Page 4 • Friday, December 2, 2011
Salaries/FROM PAGE ONE Upon becoming president of ISU in 2000, Benjamin negotiated a contract with the ISU Board of Trustees that would allow him to retain 70 percent of the salary he received while serving as ISU’s 10th president if he remained on faculty after resigning as president. Maynard, who also serves as ISU vice president for academic affairs, said Benjamin is also entitled to receive annual pay increases as they apply to ISU faculty and staff. Maynard said the model that was used to calculate Benjamin’s salary was the predominant model
used at that time and was also the model used for ISU’s ninth president, John Moore. Maynard said a number of universities are considering changing the model for new contracts for university presidents, and it would make sense for that to occur at ISU. Bradley’s contract is slightly different from Benjamin’s. Upon Bradley’s resignation from the ISU presidency, he would return to the regular pay of his position as determined by the market at the time. ISU’s Board of Trustees has the authority to renegotiate the
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
terms of Benjamin’s contract, but President Mike Alley says he does not think Benjamin’s salary is “something to be concerned about anymore so than other salaries across the entire campus.” Alley agrees with Maynard, saying the compensation structure is the same used for previous presidents and was a contemporary structure. He said it was “necessary and appropriate to ensure that we had a competitive compensation package for him at that time.” “I do not think changes need to be made as we made this
President Emeritus
contractual commitment in conjunction with his service as president of the University,” Alley said. While Benjamin’s salary is dictated by the terms of his 11-year-old contract, ISU officials have more direct influence to change the face of ISU leadership. Maynard insists that he is taking positive steps to recruit faculty that is more reflective of ISU’s student population. Likewise, Bradley says the process of grooming a faculty member to become a leader can require a 20-year commitment, and
Dean: College of Business
Research Director
that more diverse leadership will be at the helm of ISU in years to come. Currently, the top 25 paid employees of ISU come nowhere close to representing this community of diversity that ISU seeks to promote. 13 percent of current faculty members are minorities and 46 percent are women while 20 percent of ISU undergraduate students are minorities and 51 percent are female. In the fall of 2010, ISU established an opportunity hire program to complement Goal of ISU’s Strategic Plan.
Vice President of Business
Daniel J. Bradley
Jack Maynard
Lloyd W. Benjamin III
Nancy Merritt
John Taton
Diann McKee
Professor of Marketing and Operations
Board of Trustees Member
Vice President of Student Affairs
Dean: College of Technology
Dean: College of Professional Studies
Athletic Director
Carmen Tillery
Bradford Sims
Jay Gatrell
Jon Hawes
Edward Kinley
Ronald Prettyman
Friday, December 2, 2011 • Page 5
Salaries/FROM PAGE Four Maynard created a program to fund the hiring of “diverse, exceptional and nationally competitive” faculty members. The program allows for the hiring of “desirable, underrepresented candidates” who surface outside the normal faculty search process or when multiple highly competitive candidates are identified as from an underrepresented group. Maynard has praised the results of that program, releasing a document in October that
Dean: College of Arts and Sciences
stated the university hired five African American faculty as a result of opportunity hiring, increasing the number of African American faculty by 50 percent. Overall, the university made 15 minority faculty hires, 28 percent of all faculty hires, according to Maynard’s report. Maynard said that there is a “real commitment” at ISU to justify “the reasons behind the numbers.” With each new faculty member hired, ISU looks at the national average pay listed
Men’s Basketball Coach
Vice President of Enrollemnt
by the College and University Professional Association and sets a goal to keep the suggested salary at 95 percent of those peers. University Diversity Officer, Elonda Ervin said she believes the administration is making strides to make ISU a more equal playing field. She said recruiting the best people is the first hurdle and salaries are the second. “We are working to decrease the divide in people,” she said.
Dean: College of Nursing, Health, and Human
“The salaries will come automatically.” Alley said ISU is committed to diversifying the faculty. However, he said it is not something that can be done overnight. “We don’t want to achieve diversity in exchange for quality,” Alley said. “As a result of that dual objective, it is a longer process.” Bradley said ISU has had some improvement at diversifying but not as much as the school wants or expects.
Legal Affairs
“The only way to know if you’re on the right track is to see if it changes over time,” he said. In efforts to bridge the gap, ISU monitors the makeup of a group of 40-50 people in leadership roles, Bradley said. “We are not looking at salaries,” he said. “We are much more focused on leadership than salaries.”
Dean: College of Education
Professor of Earth and Environmental Systems
John Murray
Gregory Lansing
John Beacon
Richard Williams
Melony Sacopulos
Bradley Balch
Steven Pontius
Director of Gongaware Center
Dean: Library Services
Associate Dean of Scott College of Business
Chief Research Officer
Associate Dean: College of Technology
Director: Center for Public Service and Community Engagement
Terrie Troxel
Alberta Comer
Bruce McLaren
Mark Green
Robert English
Nancy Rogers
Page 6 • Friday, December 2, 2011
Brianne Hofmann
Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman. Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.
Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.
Statesman editorial Festival serves up food for thought, rights Our country takes a lot of its freedoms for granted—the bulk of which are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We know, roughly, what the First Amendment entails; we understand that it allots us the rights to exercise whatever religion we choose, to say what we want, to peacefully gather and to petition the government. Let’s not forget the freedom of the press. But how often do we truly ponder the impact those freedoms have on our every day lives? And how often do we think about the alternative? On Monday, Dec. 5, the Indiana Statesman is sponsoring an opportunity to do just that—the First Amendment Free Food Festival (FAFFF). At this event, participants will travel to Treelandia, a (fictional) country offering hotdogs and pizza, at no cost. All the participants have to do is sign away their basic rights, and they can enjoy their meals. Sure, it sounds easy enough. Give a signature, grab some grub, follow the rules for a couple of hours and everyone wins. But the participants will quickly discover that this isn’t your mother’s runof-the-mill lecture on government policy. In fact, this isn’t a lecture in the slightest. The Statesman has been encouraging you to be informed and involved the entire semester, and this is your unique and exciting chance. This is the first event of its kind on campus where students will be able to gain an outside perspective and appreciation of our rights. Georgia Southern University and Florida Atlantic University have already seen impressive crowds at similar festivals, and now it’s our turn. So bring an open mind, an empty stomach, a friend and your rights to the Dedes between 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday.
“...this isn’t your mother’s run-ofthe-mill lecture on government policy. In fact, this isn’t a lecture in the slightest.”
Daniel J. Bradley ISU President Parsons Hall 208 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-4000
Carmen T. Tillery Dean of Students & VP for Student Affairs Parsons Hall 203 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-8111
Break the [co]habit Thomas Hardesty Politically Direct
Commitment is becoming somewhat of a curse word these days. Everywhere our generation turns, we are met with opportunities and messages promoting the opposite of commitment. It seems our culture is terrified to make a choice that doesn’t have an escape plan. Do you remember how difficult it used to be to watch television? Before DVR you risked making it home in time to watch your favorite show only to find that it was a rerun. Now you can record shows to watch them whenever you want. Before you even begin to watch a show, you can read a paragraph summing up the plot of the show. Heaven forbid we should invest 30 minutes of our lives (22 if you skip commercials) in something we don’t really want to watch. DVR isn’t sending our society to hell in a hand basket, but our fear to commit is causing serious problems. Cohabitation—that’s what they’re calling it these days—when two people in a relationship move in together, happens 14 times more often now than it did in 1970. I may seem old fashioned with my antique plan of proposing to someone, marrying them, and then moving in with them, like “Leave it to Beaver,” but there’s a reason society has done that for thousands of years. I know, some people are reading this and thinking I’m inhibiting the future and stepping on people’s toes, but the fact is when commitmentphobia turns into cohabitation, it causes society to bleed. What’s the big deal with cohabitation? It may seem harmless at first when two people decide that although they don’t want to even consider the M-word, moving in isn’t
Contact your campus leaders
too scary, as long as there aren’t any strings attached. But if a child comes into the picture, problems for couples turn into generational problems. Ralph Banks, professor at Stanford Law School, says that “children benefit—“economically, psychologically, socially—from being raised by two parents who live together in a stable relationship. These sorts of relationships, in the United States at least, are almost always marriages.” When you really think about it, you don’t need a lawyer to tell you the obvious—it’s not good for little Johnny when he sees his dad walk into the door, only to hear his father say “Hey Sport! No, sorry—can’t play catch today. I only came by to borrow mommy’s waffle iron. See ya next week! Or maybe the week after!” Five years later, the school counselor will be asking Johnny why he threw his tray at the lunch lady when she asked him if he wanted a waffle. Kids can’t be supported financially and emotionally when their parents act like being around isn’t important. To be fair, sometimes people do live together without getting married for long periods of time. But as Banks points out, that’s the exception, not the rule. The New York times has a string of stories on this topic, debating whether or not cohabitation really is a major nuisance of society. The fact that the New York Times, one of the most popular liberal publications, would publish multiple articles praising marriage and traditionally conservative ideals sheds light on how important commitment is to society. I know marriage isn’t easy, and it’s never a good idea to go into it without being prepared or just because it sounds fun, like that idiot move pulled by Kim Kardashian. But we can’t let our fear of commitment trickle down to our children because they can’t walk away.
Nick Utterback SGA President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841
Lezlie Maslanka SGA Vice President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841
Friday, December 2 , 2011 • Page 7
Not all teachers are bad apples Every child has to go to school, despite the number of fake colds or dogs ready at hand to eat homework, but recent sex scandals and bullying issues don’t inspire much confidence in parents. Recently, the Penn State sex scandal, which has seen a large number of athletic and school administrators ousted unceremoniously, is not the only situation that has parents fearful of what goes on at schools. A Today Show article, “Teachers caught on tape bullying special-needs girl,” states a girl was reportedly bullied by her general education teacher and a teacher’s aide, all caught on tape by a hidden recorder placed on the child by her father. Reportedly, the tapes caught the teachers making remarks like “Are you that damn dumb?” and “Oh my god. You are such a liar. You told me you don’t know. It’s no wonder you don’t have friends. No wonder nobody likes you because you lie, cheat” and, on a test the student had just taken, “You know what? Just keep it. You failed it. I know it. I don’t need your test to grade. You failed it.” The article continues to state that the aide has since been fired, and the general education teacher was forced to take anti-bullying training, though the student’s father is trying to have the teacher fired and prevented from ever working in a school again. Even on a much less damaging note, an Associated Press article, titled “Judge: Facebook post should cost job of teacher,” states that an administrative law judge in New Jersey recommended that a first-grade teacher should be fired for a post she made on Facebook, calling herself a “warden for future criminals.” This article states the teacher posted this after a particularly hard day when the students were misbehaving in class.
Harold Bosstick Uncivil Discourse
Parents found out about the post through the grapevine and became upset for good reason. No one likes to have their children called “future criminals.” But the saddest thing about these three incidents is that it makes it easier for parents to look at all educators and education officials in the same light, whether or not such accusations even fit. When parents have to question whether or not their children are safe from teachers while at school, then the whole education system breaks down if one party is constantly paranoid of the other. But, the truth is that everywhere, every day, children go to school, sit in a classroom, and the worst they go through is failing tests they didn’t study for. These few examples of bad people sneaking into an occupation that affects children daily are not the standard; in fact they form a very rare, very sick fraction of a fraction that appear in the education field. According to the United States Department of Labor’s 201011 edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, nearly 3.5 million kindergarten through highschool teachers were employed in 2008, and almost 4 million are expected to be employed by 2018. So, of the millions of teachers who are currently employed in the U.S., only two that fit into the above population have harmed students enough to be worthy of national news coverage. Now, that doesn’t mean we are hearing about all other cases where teachers have harmed students, and it doesn’t mean that things like this won’t continue to happen. But parents do need to understand that the vast majority of teachers are caring individuals who want to help students succeed in life. When parents become paranoid about every teacher students go to, it can be harmful to the students themselves and it disrupts their education.
“Parents do need to understand that the vast majority of teachers are caring individuals who want to help students succeed in life.”
Discounted music travels into uncharted territory When I think of supporting artists one of the first things I do is buy their album. I am also a flat broke college student with bills to pay, so I will most likely shop around a little to figure out who has it for the most reasonable price. Apparently I am not alone in that thrifty endeavor because Billboard has decided that any album sold under $3.49 during its first four weeks of release will not be counted on for the charts. The logic being that selling a newly released record so cheaply will boost its rating and gives the artist an unfair advantage. While Billboard makes a sound argument by saying that “free or almost-free albums don’t represent a marketplace,” it is still putting a limitation on what artists can do for their fans and vice versa. The relationship between an artist and a fan is one that has give and take like any other. If artists want to have their albums sold for 99 cents the day they’re released as a way to thank their fans and show their appreciation for their support, why should they be penalized? On the fan side of that relationship, if I am able to back my favorite artist and not pay
Molly Sefton Sounding Off
an arm and a leg to do it, I should be able to without fearing that my contribution will be overlooked by the person who tallies up the charts. This kind of rule puts pressure on artists not to do promos like Lady Gaga’s and puts fans in a position where they have to choose between spending more money or trying to help their artist rise to fame. Call me crazy, but paying more for the exact same product and knowingly doing so is terribly unlikely and is not economical at all. Yes, an album is going to sell more than it normally would when you mark it at a lower price. But what isn’t taken into account is that the people who are buying would have most likely bought it anyway. The fact that they are just doing so at a discounted rate is somewhat irrelevant. With sites like Spotify, people aren’t going to go out of their way to pay for something they don’t have to. The discount may provide some incentive, but that is just a common part of business practices. Are we going to stop counting all the merchandise sold on sale at Macy’s from any fashion log just because it was on sale? I’m sure that Billboard is just trying to make the chart fair and, to an extent, this new rule may help that. Either way, money is money, and as long as it isn’t an illegal download, it should count toward the charts that have the ability to make or break an artist’s career.
“If artists want ... to thank their fans and show their appreciation for their support, why should they be penalized?”
Page 8 • Friday, December 2, 2011
First international silent auction kicks off Friday night, Community pitches in donations from around world
Mikaella dela Pena Features editor
Mikaella dela Pena Shaleena Barker 812-237-4102
Upcoming Events Spanish Conversation Tables Friday 1 - 3 p.m. HMSU
International silent auction Friday 6 - 8 p.m. Dede I
New Play Readings Friday 7 p.m. Swope Art Museum
Franz Liszt’s 200th Birthday Recital Saturday 4 p.m. Recital Hall
With hopes of joining students from across the globe and the community together, the Office of International Programs and Services invites the public to the first international silent auction. The event takes place tonight in Hulman Memorial Student Union, Dede I from 6 to 8 p.m. “This is a good chance for people to see what international students have been putting together,” said Zachariah Mathew, associate director of the Office of International Programs and Services. Mathew, currently pursuing his PhD in higher education administration, is responsible for coordinating international student and scholar services and events, including the silent auction. As a graduate assistant, Mathew arranged a similar silent auction through the Office of International Programs and Services in 2002 and saw positive results. “I bought items from India –I am from there– for the auction,” Mathew said. “I spent $500-600, and the profits tripled. They sold like hot cakes.” All proceeds for Friday’s event will go towards international student programming. “But it’s not just about the money,” Mathew said. “I wanted to engage the international students. Here is an opportunity to work together. Integration: that is the key.” Students, faculty and staff have contributed to donating items for the silent auction. Items for the auction originate from India, Japan, Argentina, Morocco and Russia. “Some students called their parents back home to help with donations,” said Tonya Collier, AmeriCorps program coordinator. “A lot of these items were literally flown in.” Collier has been a part of organizing
the event alongside Mathew and a planning committee made up of seven international students. Collier is also a graduate student pursuing her masters in student affairs and higher education. A variety of snacks, from sushi to crackers, will be offered at the auction, along with live entertainment: several international students will be putting on song performances, Collier said. “It is a great way to see what international students are doing on campus,” Mathew said, “while holiday shopping at the same time.” Items available for purchase include jewelry, showcase items, trinkets and tribal artwork.
Tonya Collier, AmeriCorps program coordinator Graduate student, student affairs and higher education
Zachariah Mathew, associate director of the Office of International Programs and Services, spoke at an ISU International Programs and Services awards banquet earlier this year. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing)
Friday, December 2, 2011 • Page 9
Student Spotlight
Miss ISU Ayanna Sykes gains more than just crown
Being Miss ISU takes more than just a pretty face, and freshman psychology major Ayanna Sykes is proof. Sykes was recently crowned Miss ISU and has seen her life change in many ways because of it. After Sykes completes her undergraduate degree, she plans to continue her schooling to become a music therapist. Sykes said she came to ISU because “it was more in my comfort zone. Everyone here is welcomed with open arms.” Aside from her studies, Sykes is also active around campus. In addition to her duties as Miss ISU, Sykes is a part of the Spotlight Entertainment group. “I’m also in the gospel choir, as well as the women’s choir,” Sykes said. “I plan to do more as I continue to attend ISU.” Sykes said she enjoyed her experience participating in the Miss ISU pageant. “It was one of the best experiences ever. I got to work with amazing young women. I really enjoyed spending every Tuesday with them,” Sykes said. “I wouldn’t change the great experience or friendships that I have gained for anything.” Sykes said she has also encountered some changes in her routine as a result of winning the pageant.
“Expectations, both as a person and a student attending ISU, have gone up tremendously, but for the better,” Sykes said. Heavy responsibilities have come along with the crown, Sykes said, such as upholding her image and how she carries herself. Sykes has also become a big supporter for the Children’s Miracle Network. “I cannot forget about being a positive ambassador and role model as I take this journey as Miss Indiana State,” Sykes said. With great responsibilty, however, Sykes sometimes feels the pressure. “I personally put that pressure upon myself,” Sykes said. “This helps me be a better person and put forth extra effort in all that I do.” In her free time, Sykes most enjoys watching movies. “I love anything scary,” Sykes said. She also enjoys many types of music, reading mystery novels and anything purple. “I have too many hobbies to name, and I am a very approachable person,” Sykes said. “I want people to know that I’m very open and always willing to talk to anyone and everyone. I also tend to be goofy and sing pretty much all the time. It makes my roommates mad sometimes.”
Ayanna Sykes was crowned Miss ISU for the current school year. (Photo by Kacie Daugherty)
Page 10 • Friday, December 2, 2011
Public forced to pick food or freedom KATY KARMAZINAS Reporter
Eat free or live free – but not both – are the two choices students will face this Monday. The Indiana Statesman and ISU Publications are aiming to bring recognition to the importance of First Amendment rights by running the first “First Amendment Free Food Festival”. Upon entering the First Amendment Free Food Festival, passports will be distributed to attendees. While free t-shirts are available for the first 150 people, along with free food – there is one catch: participants must give up their First Amendment rights. Each passport will specify what type of food a person is allowed to eat, as well as limits the topics of speech a person can talk about at the event. There will also be no right to peaceably assemble, no right to petition for the redress of grievances, no freedom of religion and no freedom of the press. Indiana Statesman and ISU Publications employees will be monitoring conversations; those who are caught talking about subjects not indicated on his/her passport will be thrown into a makeshift jail and forced to the back of the line. “It really brings to light what our First Amendment freedoms are,” senior communication and English major Jessica Squires said. “It seems second nature to us, [but] they are something that we take for granted too often.” Squires is also currently the editor-inchief for the Indiana Statesman. Senior communication and language studies major Alexa Larkin has helped with increasing publicity for the new event by posting up flyers throughout campus, as well as creating a Facebook event page. “There’s all this Occupy Wall Street going on right now that would not be possible if we didn’t have the First Amendment,” Squires said. “It is really important for young people to not just understand that but appreciate it,” Squires said. The event will take place in Dede I on Monday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m and coincides with the anniversary of the ratification of the First Amendment.
“There’s all this Occupy Wall Street going on right now that would not be possible if we didn’t have the First Amendment. It is really important for young people to not just understand that but appreciate it.” Jessica Squires, Indiana Statesman Editor-inchief
What is the First Amendment? I. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, PRESS, RELIGION AND PETITION: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Friday, December 2, 2011 • Page 11
Xpressions of Colour Modeling Troupe presents Culture Shock Fashion Show
Xpressions of Colour Modeling Troupe presented their fashion show Thursday night in Dede I. Tickets were $3 with the donation of a canned good and $5 without. All proceeds from the night go toward the Terre Haute Veterans Outpacient clinic. (Photo by Kacie Daugherty)
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Fortune Cookie “Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos.” Learn Chinese: Cucumber = Huang Gua Lucky numbers: 12,10, 41, 51, 25, 04 thanks to:
? ?
It’s a Riddle
Phonetic Alphabet
Find an circle the Phonetic Alphabet words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional word from the the Phonetic Alphabet.
What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than the trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?
Turn to page 15 to find out.
How to play:
Each row must contain numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9; and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.
thanks to:
Page 12 • Friday, December 1 , 2011
Sycamores ground Skyhawks, three players finish game in double figures Ernest Rollins Sports editor
Three players were in the double figures for the Indiana State University women’s basketball team in the matchup against University of Tennessee at Martin Wednesday night. The Sycamores defeated the Skyhawks 66-55. The victory improves the women’s basketball overall record to 3-3 and drops UT Martin to 4-2 for the season. Senior center Shannon Thomas led the Sycamores, scoring 22 points, pulling down 17 rebounds for a double-double and three blocks. Senior guard and forward Deja Mattox followed Thomas. Mattox finished the game with 18 points, four steals, three blocks and seven rebounds. Sophomore guard Anna Munn went 3 of 5 from long range and finished with 15 points and 10 rebounds for a double-double. The Sycamores led the game in rebounds pulling down 51 rebounds (40 defensive, 11 offensive) compared to the Skyhawks 40 rebounds (30 defensive, 10 offensive). ISU continued to battle with turnovers allowing UT Martin 21 points. A lay-up by freshman guard Natasha Zurek gave the Sycamores their biggest lead of the night of 13 points at 20-7 ISU. However, the Skyhawks were not out of the game yet as they slowly chopped away at the margin until, with 5:08 remaining in the first half they were within two points, 26-24 ISU. The Sycamores then went on a 7-0 run as Thomas made all baskets for the Sycamores. The final effort was enough to send ISU to the locker room on top 33-29 at halftime.
Upcoming Events Men’s Basketball Saturday at Boise, Idaho 10 p.m. vs. Boise State, Mountain West/ Missouri Valley Conference Challenge
Women’s Basketball Friday at Chicago, Ill. 8 p.m. vs. Illinois Chicago
Freshman guard Jessica Valley dribbles the ball down the court. (Photo by Amanda Leach)
Continued on Page 13/women’s Basketball
Friday, December 1, 2011 • Page 13
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12/WOMEN’S BASKETBALL UT Martin opened the second half with a lay-up from forward Beth Hawn and once again the Skyhawks were within two points 35-33. The Sycamores opened up the margin once again on an 8-0 run as Munn, Mattox and Thomas got their lay-ups to drop. A 5-0 run by the Sycamores once again gave them a lead of 13 points at 52-39. As the half was coming to a close, the Skyhawks battled back, bringing the score within five points with 4:05 remaining. In response, ISU went on a 6-0 run and finished the game with a victory, 66-55 ISU. “I think this is one of the games where we finally didn’t beat ourselves,” Mattox said. The Sycamores will be looking for their first road victory when they travel to face off against the University of Illinois-Chicago Flames. Tip-off is scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday.
“We’ve had a few close games and some has slipped away from us … so to come out here and have that so close and be able to come out on top I think that gave us a lot of confidence going into other games.” Shannon Thomas, senior center
Bell invited to Walter Payton Award Announcement ACE HUNT
ISU Athletic Media Relations
Indiana State sophomore Shakir Bell is one of three players nationally invited to The Walter Payton Award Announcement to be held at the Football Championship Subdivision Awards Banquet on Jan. 6 in Frisco, Texas. The 25th Walter Payton Award is presented by The Sports Network and Fathead. com, who sponsors the FCS’ most prestigious award, which is given to outstanding player in the division. Joining Bell as the top 3 vote recipients are quarterbacks Chris Lum of Lehigh and Bo Levi Mitchell of Eastern Washington. The national awards banquet will be held on the eve of the FCS Championship Game at the Embassy Suites/Frisco Convention Center. In addition to the Payton Award, the Eddie Robinson Award for FCS coach of the year will mark its silver anniversary and will be presented along with the Buck Buchanan Award, which is given to the FCS’s outstanding defensive player and the inaugural Jerry Rice Award, which honors the FCS’s freshman of the year. The Sports Network and sponsors those three honors, as well. Bell, a 5-foot-7, 185-pound sophomore, was the No. 1 rusher in the FCS during the regular season, gaining 1,670 yards and 14 touchdowns on 230 carries, for 151.8 yards per game on a scintillating 7.3 yards per carry. The Missouri Valley Football Conference Offensive Player of the Year had four 200yard games and missed a fifth one by one yard, helping Indiana State to a 6-5 record as it continued a remarkable turnaround as a program. “I told my coach, after my freshman season, that I was going to make a difference on the team,” Bell said. “Actually, to be considered for the Walter Payton Award, it just helps me think that I worked a little bit harder.” Lum, a 6-2, 205 senior, finished the regular season ranked third in the FCS in passing yards (348.6) and second in touchdown passes (31). He completed 297 of 443 pass attempts (67 percent) for 3,739 yards, with 15 interceptions. The Patriot League Offensive Player of the Year can build on those totals as he has helped lead the league champion Mountain Hawks (10-1) to the FCS playoffs. They will play at Towson in the second round on Saturday. “It’s a great feeling of getting this recognition on a national level. But I’ve always been one to try to stay grounded and be focused week to week and make sure I’m still a good example for the rest of the team,” Lum said. “It’s definitely not a one-man show. I have an amazing supporting cast and because
of their hard efforts and my hard efforts we’re having this success.” Mitchell, a 6-2, 210-pound senior, led the FCS in passing yards (4,009) and touchdown passes (33) in the regular season. As Eastern Washington (6-5) suffered through an injury-plagued season, the Big Sky Conference Offensive Player of the Year helped keep the Eagles competitive, completing 318of-503 attempts (63.2 percent), with four 400-yard games. He had 13 interceptions. A Texas native, Mitchell will return to Frisco, where last season, he was the Most Outstanding Performer in Eastern Washington’s FCS Championship Game victory. “I just tried to go out and do what you’re supposed do. If those [honors] come, they come,” Mitchell said. “It became easy to me because of how good my teammates were.” A national panel of sports information and media relations directors, broadcasters, writers and other dignitaries selected all of the FCS awards. In the Walter Payton Award balloting, William & Mary senior running back Jonathan Grimes finished fourth and Elon junior wide receiver Aaron Mellette was fifth.
“I told my coach after my freshman season that I was going to make a difference on the team. Actually, to be considered for the Walter Payton Award, it just helps me think that I worked a little bit harder.” Shakir Bell, sophomore running back
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Page 14 • Friday, December 1 , 2011
Women’s track and field prepare for new season
Junior Shalesa Smith in mid-flight in the women’s long jump at the ISU Pacesetter meet. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing) thrower Kasey Kahle and senior thrower TaraLyne Perigo. Ernest Rollins “From a thrower’s perspective, we have made leaps Sports editor and bounds above where we were last year,” Perigo said. “Throws are going so much further, and in the weight The Indiana State women’s track and field team room things are getting so much heavier.” increased depth in preparations for the 2011-12 indoor In the jumps, Outdoor Missouri Valley Conference and outdoor track and field season. champion senior Nicole Hope returns for the Sycamores ISU women’s head coach Angie Martin said the freshmen class of 2011 and one notable transfer student are in the women’s pole vault. Junior jumper Richelle Kimble accompanies Hope in the event. Kimble finished second expected to strengthen the team for the upcoming season. both indoor and outdoor at the MVC Conference meets. “Our team is a little more well rounded than it was last Both Hope and Kimble made the cut for the 2011 NCAA year, and the attitudes have been great, and I think all of Division I East Region Meet. Junior jumper Shalesa Smith them have this desire to win,” Martin said. leads the horizontal jumps. Freshman sprinter Kaisha Martin joins the Sycamores The hurdles have many returning conference roster line up after running away with the women’s state athletes. This includes junior hurdlers Tori Stone, Stacia champion in the 100m in Michigan. Additionally, Martin Weatherford and sophomore hurdler Brittany Housel with will be competing in the long jump. Accompanying senior hurdler Sarah Snapp as well in the line-up. Snapp Martin will be another state champion, freshman sprinter said that many of the new freshmen she expects would Demetra Camble, who won both the 100m and 200m at make an impact in her event area immediately. the state meet in Wisconsin. Freshman teammates Taylor “The hurdles this year on the women’s side are going to Gilles, Ja’Liza Prophet and Carmelia Stewart are also be very exciting,” Snapp said. joining the Sycamore line-up. Coach Martin said the middle and long distance groups Stewart joins the team as primary triple jumper and will are more mature and experienced and have a strong desire assist in the short hurdles. Gilles joins as a short hurdler to win. Senior long sprinter Kaci Smith, junior long but her and teammate Prophet will see action in the short sprinter Leeann Michl and sophomore long sprinter Shelby sprints as well. Junior thrower Mary Thiesen transferred Higginbottom are three of the team’s top middle distance from Division II Winona State University and she too returners. In the longer distances, senior runners Kacie is expected to make an impact. Thiesen was the NCAA Klem and sophomore runner Jessica Zangmeister are Division II National Champion in the women’s discus. among the top returners. The Sycamores finished last season in fourth place “I believe this team can be conference champions,” Klem indoors and outdoors in the Missouri Valley Conference. said. “The first step to achieving that goal is for each and The team graduated a low number of seniors and have every one of us to believe it, and to want it.” many strong returners, especially in the throws and jumps With the first meet of the season a week away, Martin areas. said the atmosphere on the team is full of excitement Coach Martin said junior thrower Felisha Johnson will continue to make an impact. Johnson enters this season as and anxiousness as the women cannot wait to compete the defending NCAA Division I National Champion in the and see the results of the work they put in during the fall. However, the main goal remained a conference victory. women’s weight throw. The Sycamores lost senior thrower “I think we have the depth and talent to win the and All-American Kelsey Hanley, but Martin said Thiesen conference meet, but it will be no walk in the park,” Hope is in a position to make a big impact in place of Hanley. Also returning for the Sycamores in throws are sophomore said.
Junior Felisha Johnson competing in the women’s hammer throw at the ISU Pacesetter Meet. (Photo courtest of ISU Communications and Marketing)
Page 16 • Friday, December 2, 2011
Police Blotter
Crimes and Consequences
Nov. 29 At 8:12 a.m., a trespass warning was reported on campus. At 11:39 a.m., conversion was reported at Jones Hall. At 1:00 p.m., a well being check was conducted at the Science Building. The subject was OK. At 2:44 p.m., a found laptop was reported at Cunningham Memorial Library. At 5:08 p.m., theft was reported at Blumberg Hall.
At 8:25 p.m., a suspect was arrested for battery at Hines Hall.
Nov. 30
At 4:51 a.m., a suspect was arrested on a warrant and for resisting law enforcement at Lot 9. At 2:10 p.m., theft was reported at Mullins House. At 2:15 p.m., a property damage accident was reported at the 500 block of North Ninth Street. At 3:37 p.m., theft was reported at Jones
Hall. At 6:55 p.m., possession of drugs and paraphernalia was reported at Mills Hall. At 7:36 p.m., a well being check was conducted at Lincoln Quad. The subject was OK. At 11:08 p.m., an ill person was reported at Cunningham Memorial Library.
Dec. 1
At 1:24 a.m., a well being check was conducted at Blumberg Hall. The subject was OK.
OIT warns of fraudulent FDIC emails The Office of Information Technology warns against opening any email that appears to be sent from the FDIC. There are several variations, but all are fraudulent. One looks like this: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Logo<> Dear Business Customer, We have important news regarding your bank. Please click here <http://> to view details.This includes information on the
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