Indiana Statesman

Page 1

News: Low voter turnout disappoints county clerk Page 5

Time runs out for 24-hour lab Friday, November 11, 2011 Indiana State University Volume 119 Issue 32

Veterans Day: Then and now

Sports: Check out our basketball tab inside Lacey Brinegar Reporter

The 24-hour computer lab in the Student Computing Complex will close in May, and the space will be used for ISU’s Career Services Center. This transition is in an effort to expand the resources of ISU and offer better flexibility by not solely offering one place to complete specific tasks, said Lisa Spence, associate vice president of academic affairs and chief information officer for the office of information technology. “To date, many of our computing resources on campus have been focused on fixed locations for hardware,” Spence said. Spence said the move would make it more convenient for students to use computers and print documents. However, it requires the sorting out of three focal points before it will succeed: power, printing and software. The new system will consist of multiple places to print, which are currently being discussed. Possible printing station locations include academic buildings, residence halls and the Commons.


The Indiana Statesman editorial discusses America’s perspective on Veterans Day through the years SEE MORE ON PAGE 6 (Illustration by Jamie Nichols)


Page 2 • Friday, November 11, 2011


Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney 812-237-4102


HMSU 143 • 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237-3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Jessica Squires, Editor in Chief, 237-3289 ISU-statesmaneditor@mail.indstate. edu Emily Reed Photo Editor, 237-3034 Gabi Roach, Student Advertising Manager, 237-4344 The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except during exam periods and university breaks, and is published three times during the summer. The Indiana Statesman was founded May 16, 1929, the same year that Indiana State Normal School became Indiana State Teachers College. The newspaper began in December 1879 as the State Normal News. In November 1895, the paper was first issued as the Normal Advance. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The unauthorized taking of multiple copies, however, may constitute theft, which is a crime, even with free publications. Thefts will be reported to campus police for possible prosecution and/or for other disciplinary actions. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader comments, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.

Fewer freshmen admitted conditionally this fall Aaron Abel Reporter

students to be successful in college, providing that the students take full advantage of all the resources The number of students conditionally admitted and assistance we provide them through the proto ISU declined this fall. gram,” said Cynthia Evans, Academic Opportunity Conditional admits are those who show potenProgram coordinator. tial to succeed academically— Last fall, the university admitted 498 through college prep curriculum students conditionally, whereas 316 and standardized test scores—destudents were admitted into the prospite having slightly below a mingram this fall, Evans said. imum high school GPA of 2.5, David Wright, director of the Stusaid John Beacon, vice president dent Academic Services Center, said for enrollment management. many of the students conditionally ad“We are not the same univermitted are struggling. sity of just five years ago,” Beacon “Probably 50 percent of Academic said, “when more than 22 percent Opportunity Program students make of new students were admitted it,” he said. “They are definitely the least conditionally. This fall, only 11 David Wright, director successful of that group, but they don’t percent of enrolled students were carry the entire weight of the issue.” admitted conditionally.” of Student Academic According to ISU’s Office of InstiConditionally admitted stututional Research, first-year retention dents are required to enter ISU’s Services Center rates for conditional admits are nearly Academic Opportunity Program 20 percent below the retention rates for (AOP), where they are assigned unconditional admits. However, conditional adan upperclass mentor, required to enroll in Univermits comprise a small portion of the total first year sity 101—a two credit hour class designed to help admits. On the same token over 25 of this year’s students make a successful transition to the univerun-retained students were conditionally admitted sity—and must meet frequently with their advisors. Academic Opportunity Program students. “The AOP program is very effective in preparing “Yes, it is true that retention of Academic Oppor-

“Probably 50 percent of [AOP] students make it.”

tunity Program students is not great,” Evans said. “If actual consequences were imposed on students who do not comply with the rigors of participating in the program, more students would most likely be retained.” Some students also expressed concern over the program. “I understand that educating as many people as possible is important,” said senior legal studies major Jake Capps. “But there’s a point when the university needs to cut its losses and protect the value of their degree for the students who are completing college.” Wright agreed. “The same goes for the alumni,” he said. “Everybody who’s got one of our diplomas on their wall needs to be worried about that.” Beacon said the university is tightening its standards on who is admitted to ISU. “Over the last few years, we have intentionally denied admission to the most at-risk of those who met the requirements for conditional admission,” Beacon said. “This year alone, we have denied more than 335 more conditional students than just one year ago, so our message is being made clear: if you want to be an ISU student, you need to do well in high school to be admitted and persist on to graduation.”

LAB/FROM PAGE ONE Beginning in December, a pilot program will begin in which a printer will be placed in the Commons, Spence said. Those in charge of the transition of the new printing system will be able to observe the effectiveness of the location. One concern is how the equipment will be treated seeing as there will not be an attendant like there is at the lab, Spence said. Additionally, the library is teaming up with the Office of Information Technology to provide locations for printing and an operative environment for group projects, Spence said. This will require the acquisition of furniture to encourage the use of

laptops. Seeing as furniture will need to be obtained to achieve this conversion, there will be expenses as a result of this change, Spence said. Similarly, the virtualization of software to make the process possible will have a cost with it. Although the resources the campus already has will be used as much as possible, more equipment will more than likely need to be purchased. A main priority in this initiative is to keep the budget as low as possible. A student advisory committee will be voicing input on the change to shed light on what will be most beneficial for students, Spence said. Before any changes are made, everything will be positioned

fairly accurately to ensure a smooth transition. For example, the location of the printing stations will need to be sorted out as well as relocating the classes that meet in the building that the lab is housed in at present. The printing stations will function by a person being able to wirelessly send what they want printed to the station, Spence said. Once the student arrives at the station, they will authenticate their identity with a card swipe, select the settings they want and then proceed to print. “We’re going to have to try some things out and see how it goes,” Spence said. “We’re changing one piece for the chance at a great opportunity.”

Friday, November 11, 2011 • Page 3

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Put yourself out there. Seeking student leaders for Spring 2011 Indiana Statesman and Editor in Chief and Student Ad Manager. The EIC is responsible for managing a newsroom staff as it produces three issues per week, covering campus and the greater ISU community. SAM manages a staff of advertising account executives and advertising designers for three times a week publication.

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Page 4 • Friday, November 11, 2011

Police Blotter Nov. 8

Emergency Contact References Indiana State University Police Department 210 N. 6th Street Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN 47809

Emergency: 812-237-5555

Student Counseling Center 3rd Floor, Student Services Building 567 North 5th Street Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-237-3939

ISU Health Center UAP Clinic - ISU Health Center Student Services Building 567 North 5th Street Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-237-3883

At 2:46 a.m., a suspect was cited for operating a vehicle without being licensed. At 10:36 a.m., theft was reported off campus. At 11:33 a.m., suspicious activity was reported at Lincoln Quad. At 12:08 pm., a recovered debit card was reported at Cunningham Memorial Library. At 5:33 p.m., a fire alarm was reported at the Hulman Center. At 7:30 p.m., theft was reported at University Apartments. At 7:43 p.m., theft was reported at the Student Recreation Center. At 8:38 p.m., a suspect was cited for driving while suspended off campus. At 9:17 p.m., a well-being check was conducted off campus. Nov. 9 At 1:34 p.m., a recovered debit card was reported at Wolf Field. At 1:41 p.m., an injured person was reported at the Health and Human Performance building. At 3:36 p.m., an information report was taken at Public Safety. At 4:52 p.m., an information report was taken at Rhoads Hall. At 3:30 p.m., a well-being check was conducted at University Apartments. At 8:08 p.m., theft was reported at the Student Computer Complex. At 10:14 p.m., a suspect was cited for possession of paraphenalia at Lincoln Quad. Nov. 10 At 1:42 a.m., a suspect was arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Union Hospital 1606 N. 7th Street Terre Haute, IN 47804 812-238-7000

Terre Haute Regional Hospital 3901 South 7th Street Terre Haute, IN 47802 812-232-0021

Catch the Sycamore Safety Tip every Monday!

Friday, November 11, 2011 • Page 5

Faculty Senate meets to discuss grading policy

ISU’s Faculty Senate held an open forum Thursday afternoon to hear input on the university’s grading policy and issues surrounding freshmen retention. Faculty members shared their views on the policy of adding minus grades and how that system affects grade point average. The issue of freshman class attendance was also discussed. (Photo by Alexa White)

County clerk: Education can improve voter turnout Nick Hedrick News editor

In light of low voter turnout in Tuesday’s municipal election, Vigo County Clerk Pat Mansard said residents—ISU students, included—should be more educated about local politics. “I think it’s just shameful and a disgrace for so few people to make decisions for the many,” Mansard said. Unofficial total voter turnout was 28.3 percent of registered voters, according to figures posted on the clerk’s office’s website. A total of 39,107 were registered to vote, and 11,066 ballots were cast. The numbers are certified within 10 days of the election, Mansard said. ISU students who live on campus voted at Deming Center in Precinct 5C. Turnout in that precinct Tuesday, which also includes Deming Center residents, was 3.27 percent. While 1,652 voters were registered in the precinct, only 54 ballots were cast. Turnout in Precinct 5C four years ago was 5.35 percent. City wide, voter turnout in 2007 was 30.41 percent of 39,673 registered voters. Mansard said the total numbers of registered vot-

ers in this election was inflated because some names of voters who changed their registration had not been purged from the list. Still, Mansard said she was disappointed with the turnout numbers and said residents need to become more active in learning about political issues and who their local government representatives are. Voter turnout was at an all-time high during the 2008 presidential election, Mansard said, thanks in part to heavy interest among ISU students in President Barack Obama’s campaign. She said she expected increased involvement among young voters in next year’s presidential election. But for municipal elections—when people vote in the mayor, city judge and city council races—college students are typically largely absent from the polls, Mansard said. She encouraged students to get active in local politics, such as helping register voters for future elections. “Many of them are probably not tuned in to city politics and may not be planning to be long-term residents,” she said.

Voting Results in Precinct 5C (Deming Center): • Turnout: 3.27 percent • Registered voters: 1,652 • Ballots cast: 54 • Straight Party:

Democrat 19, 70.37 percent

Republican 8, 29.63 percent

• Mayor:

Fred Nation (D) 30, 55.56 percent

Duke Bennett (R) 24, 44.44 percent

• Judge:

Sarah Mullican (D) 34, 62.96 percent

Christopher Dailey (R) 20, 37.05 percent Information courtesy of the Vigo County Clerk’s Office


Page 6 • Friday, November 11, 2011


Brianne Hofmann



Statesman editorial Veterans Day: Then and now Today marks 11/11/11—a palindromic phenomenon surrounded by superstition and speculation. It will serve as a memorable wedding date for many couples, a novelty birthday for others and could mean the possible end of the world of civilization to certain doomsday prophets. But to those who have fought, died and sacrificed for this country, November 11 is recognized as Veterans Day. On this date in 1918, an armistice was signed between German forces and the allies, putting an end to World War I and jumpstarting a push for global peace. Once World War II and the Korean War were over, it became a day dedicated to all veterans. Our grandparents remember those times as hard but prideful. The Great Depression was becoming a painful, distant memory, but tensions between Japan and Russian gave way to fresh fears of nuclear attack. America was rapidly expanding its industrial, agricultural and technological resources to meet the demands of its military. It was a country driven by war. Ninety-three years after the guns went cold in Germany, though, Veterans Day is just as commercialized and cheapened as Valentines Day or

Christmas. Streets that once held patriotic jubilees honoring our soldiers remain vacant, merely littered with ads for the Veterans Day sale at Macy’s. Perhaps there was more at stake back then. America had a promising future; it was a country determined to pull itself up by the bootstraps after an exhausting war. The soldiers weren’t just protecting our freedom on those front lines; they were preserving everything America stood and worked for. Now, we see our nation as a former shadow of itself. We’re more enthralled with the wars waged in Statehouses and on Wall Street than we are with war in Afghanistan, which has been ongoing for over a decade. The country’s ego has been beaten by a poor economy and a failing government system. Why would America take pride in its veterans currently if the nation believes there’s nothing worth fighting for? However, what we have yet to realize is that there is just as much at stake today than there ever was in the past. With the strides we’ve made in civil rights, comes greater freedom. And with the trials and tribulations birthed from a corrupt government and struggling economy, comes the opportunity to rise higher.

“Streets that once held patriotic jubilees honoring our solidiers remain vacant, merely littered with ads for the Verterans Day sale at Macy’s.”

Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman. Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.

Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.

Music venues should be accessible to all ages How many times has your favorite band finally come within a fifty mile radius, and you get really excited and get that moment of “Huzzah I finally go see The Flying Dunder Muffins in concert?” Then you almost instantaneously feel like nothing is right with the world when you discover that the band is playing at a bar. Even though it is through no fault of your own, you are unable to go because you don’t meet the age requirement and lack a fake I.D. At this point, my count for that awful and soul-sucking moment is up to 23. My question, then, is who should be held responsible for my inability to go see one of my favorite bands just because it is in an establishment that carries a forbidden fruit behind the counter? Am I saying there should be anarchy to overthrow the institution that is controlling the consumption of liquor? Or that we should get rid of all the regulations and let 15-year-old Suzie come to a concert in a bar? No, but I am saying there has got to be some middle ground that allows me to see my favorite band and allows a bar to maintain it’s ability to cater to those who are of age. Some states, like Illinois, have laws that allow you to be in a bar if you

Molly Sefton Sounding Off

Daniel J. Bradley ISU President Parsons Hall 208 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-4000

Carmen T. Tillery Dean of Students & VP for Student Affairs Parsons Hall 203 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-8111

are 18. Sometimes, they require you get an ugly stamp that takes 3 days to come off or some other form of easy identifier that makes it easy for bartenders to tell who is allowed a drink and who isn’t without having to guess. It allows for the band to get more money in the cover charges and the bar to get more money in non-alcoholic drinks being served to said minors. It still keeps those who aren’t considered adults from being exposed to the bar atmosphere and the behavior that goes with it while allowing individuals who are considered adults to see the band I have been waiting to see for years. I know there are other opportunities to see the band that will probably arise, and if I don’t get to see Radiohead for the third time, it is not a giant travesty to the institution of music. However, I feel like music is something that is universal and thus should be as accessible as possible in every form. There is nothing better than the feeling you get at a concert when the band is phenomenal and people who are just as into the music and the atmosphere as you are surround you. That experience should be made more open without the bars having to worry about losing their liquor license for serving to a minor. The logic being that if they don’t have to sneak in, they will be more likely to go through proper channels making it easier to identify those patrons and take away just as much liability as they may gain from allowing the younger crowd in.

Contact your campus leaders

Nick Utterback SGA President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841

Lezlie Maslanka SGA Vice President HMSU 620 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-3841

Friday, November 11 , 2011 • Page 7

Multiculturalism goes beyond campus, classroom Thomas Hardesty Politically Direct

Foundat iona l studies require every student to take at least two multicultural courses, but if you’re a senior like me, you’ve probably taken at least twice that many, which begs the question: what are we really getting from these classes? For instance I was required to enroll in a multicultural class a couple of years ago. I don’t mean to say that the class was worthless. To be fair, the professor was earnest and sincere. She unabashedly stated that just because someone’s ethnicity is the majority does not mean that they are responsible for the oppression of other minorities when she said, “I think the whole ‘white guilt’ thing is totally inappropriate,”— something my Caucasian ears had been longing to hear since my freshman year. She also pointed out the fact that there is nothing disrespectful about asking someone a question about their culture. She said if more people simply asked questions, they would understand more and the distance between people from other cultures would be severed, or at least shortened, which is perhaps the most relevant statement concerning multiculturalism ever muttered here in the land of the Sycamores. Ultimately, the class, like many other multiculturalism classes at ISU, was a waste. What I learned over the course of a semester could have been easily explained in an hour-long seminar. Some fields, like English, that have been traditionally dominated by one ethnicity do benefit from bringing in other cultures, but many other classes seem to just stretch out material for an entire semester. Instead of focusing on how to react to differences in other cultures, many classes focus on how everyone is special and if you disagree with someone else’s beliefs, keep it to yourself. This message of “Not everyone believes the same way you do, so don’t even think about expressing how you truly feel!” was often ironic because it always came after comments like “Tolerating someone is not the same as accepting them.” That’s the way multicul-

turalism seems to go at ISU and many other places—stand up for what you believe in, unless the person next to you might believe something different. After all, we don’t want to offend anyone. How are we supposed to do that? Keep our mouths shut and pretend like everyone’s the same? No, that won’t work because “everyone is special.” Do you see the cultural conundrum caused by this mindset? What ISU needs to do is to stop forcing multiculturalism classes and “diversity” on students because they have become buzzwords that make the university look good. It almost never works. Instead of actually learning about other cultures, you get classmates reading verbatim from PowerPoint slides and earth-shattering, brilliant insights like “Did you guys know Muslims are people, not a religion?” A girl actually said that in one of my classes. Maybe the only way to truly understand other cultures is to be a part of it. I had read several times about all of the gods of Hinduism, but it wasn’t until I walked around a Hindu temple in Singapore, seeing dozens of believers bowing and praying ritualistically to thousands of intricate, miniature statues representing said gods that I realized that people actually believe and practice what I was reading about. Sometimes the only way to bridge the gap from textbook to reality is to go and be a part of another culture. Like my friend who, until he visited Germany for three weeks, considered the Olive Garden fancy, gourmet cuisine. He came back claiming that vegetarian dishes, when cooked with real food, can actually taste good! (I hope you’re listening, Sodexo employees who coordinate Meatless Monday). As powerful as experiences overseas are, ISU can’t require every student to study abroad. This is the real problem with designing effective multiculturalism into curriculum —there is no easy answer. However, as long as ISU treats multiculturalism with the same politically correct, hokey tone that it always has—“We’re all different leaves from the same tree”—then the majority of the students will treat it as it is—a joke.

Excuses, excuses, excuses Erin Friar Polite Society

Excuse: an apology for; seek to remove the blame of. We hear a lot of these, right? Phrases such as “I didn’t have time,” or “The directions were confusing,” come to mind. In a desirable society, an excuse would be an outrageous claim for unfinished or unsatisfactory work. However, the current society desperately needs a doctor check-up for its excuse infection. Let’s begin dissecting the first excuse listed above. “I didn’t have time.” Out of all possible excuses, not having time is one of the most offensive. Take an English essay, for example. The assignment was given yesterday, due today, one page required. You have exactly 24 hours to accomplish the task. You go throughout your normal day with the task looming above your head. After checking e-mails, surfing the web and grabbing dinner with your friends, you realize it’s midnight. You decide to go to bed with the plan of telling your professor you “didn’t have time.” But let’s do some math. If you spent 15 minutes on Facebook just for the first 10 hours you could have been composing your essay, that’s two and a half hours you wasted. After calculating this, the snarled look on your professor’s face may begin to make more sense. Moving on to the second excuse of “directions were confusing,” we visit the concept of responsibility. Let’s go back to that English essay. Imagine your instructor gives the class instructions for the writing prompt. You read the first three sentences and are completely

lost as to what the directions are stating. You and, most likely, 20 other confused people sit through the rest of class. However, when the professor inquires, “Does anyone have questions about the prompt?” not a soul raises their hand. The next day you turn in three jumbled paragraphs of lost words and unintelligible ramblings, under the idea that if the directions were confusing you could turn in disappointing work. Self-accountability plays in here. If you are not grasping a concept, especially in academia, you must ask questions. Even if you have the social anxiety of raising your hand in class, there’s the ever-impersonal e-mail that you can always send. It is not your professor’s responsibility to know when you are lost. You must come to them. They don’t have “not-smart-dar” after all. Excuses are not simply an apology or a justification for actions. They truly are a mask of personal non-effort. If you “didn’t have time” for an assignment, admit you spent too much time on YouTube watching cute kittens. In the case of “confusing instructions,” come to terms with yourself. You were simply too lazy to ask for an explanation. It all comes to down to self-accountability, though. If you are responsible for a task, get it done, whatever that takes. If you have to write thirty e-mails to clarify a prompt, start writing. If you have to lock your computer in another room to stay focused on schoolwork, find a key you can throw away, because truly, there is no excuse.

Excercise: something to be thankful for Finally, November has arrived. What does this mean? THANKSGIVING. Who is not excited about Thanksgiving break and feasting on all kinds of amazing food? I know I am. Every year, I stuff myself for days upon days on the mass amount of food from Thanksgiving. I do not expect this year to be much different. I will indulge myself in all of the delicious foods everyone makes. However, even though the food tastes amazing, it is also a terrible thing if you are trying to lose weight. Whether you are a person who works out a lot, a little or not at all, we all feel extremely fat after Thanksgiving. It is never a good thing to indulge yourself with food, but during Thanksgiving it seems almost impossible. To maintain losing weight, instead of piling food on your plate and going back for seconds or even thirds, cut down your portion sizes. It is going to be hard to do, but it will be for the best in the long run. Another good thing to do during Thanksgiving break is to exercise. Most of us are usually lazy during the break and do not even think twice about exercising. If you are the type of person who cannot pass up the food,

Angelina Ritter Meals on Heels

a small workout of some sort of exercise is a good idea. However, if you are the type of person who is trying to avoid eating the leftover food, you can always exercise instead. If you find yourself eating the food every time you walk past the refrigerator, maybe you should try doing some kind of exercise in place of eating when you are not hungry. Exercise is an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight and not force yourself to eat things you do not like or even try to starve yourself. Aside from exercise controlling your weight, there are many other positive side effects to exercising regularly. An article on Mayo Clinic states exercise also combats health conditions and diseases, boosts your energy, improves your mood and even promotes better sleep. This does not even need to be every day, but maybe every other day for an hour or so. It will make a world of difference in how you feel and in your everyday life. If you are trying to lose weight or just trying not to gain weight over the Thanksgiving break, try these suggestions above to help. It is going to be tough; it will take quite a bit of selfcontrol to not pile large amounts of food on your plate and a lot of self-motivation to make yourself work out every day. It sounds like it is going to be the hardest thing in the world to do, but if you stay positive and focused on your final goal, you will be just fine.

Page 8 • Friday, November 11, 2011

Student Spotlight

Shannon Thomas reflects basketball career

Mel Loveall Reporter

Mikaella dela Pena Shaleena Barker 812-237-4102

Upcoming Events Remembrance Day National Roll Call Today 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cunningham Memorial Library

MFA Thesis Exhibition Opening Reception Today 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. University Art Gallery

Collegiate Leadership Summit Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. University Hall

Ebony Majestic Fall Concert Saturday 6:30 p.m. University Hall

Shannon Thomas’ journey towards success as an athlete started 16 years ago as a five-year-old girl playing on the basketball courts. “Basketball has taught me determination, dedication and teamwork,” senior center Thomas said. Thomas, who was originally from Springboro, Ohio said that basketball was the foundation that molded her into the person she is today. She said the values she learned on the courts transferred into her relationships with family and friends and successes in education. During high school, Thomas said she participated in both volleyball and basketball. She said volleyball taught her similar lessons but not to the degree or impact that basketball did. Basketball runs in Thomas’ family, as her father, Dan Thomas, played for Miami University of Ohio during the 1972-73 season. Now her 23-year-old brother, senior Adam Thomas, carries on the family legacy and plays for the same team. When Shannon Thomas first visited ISU, she knew right away this was the place and team she wanted to be apart of. “The coaches were awesome and so were the teammates,” Thomas said. Within those first visits to ISU, she acquired a sense of comfort and belonging. Little did she know, ISU would soon become her home and mark great successes as a center for the Sycamores. Four years down the road, Thomas feels as though she made the right decision attending ISU. “My experience here has been awesome,” Thomas said. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” One of the things Thomas appreciates most about the team is the family-like atmosphere it provides. More directly, teammate senior guard Brittany Schoen and Thomas have been best friends since their freshman year and are currently roommates. “We are all so close,” Thomas said. She also appreciates her coach, Teri Moren. “Coach Moren is trip,” she said. Moren became the coach of the women’s basketball team last year, and according to Thomas, she has done the team a lot of good. Moren has certainly helped Thomas

Center Shannon Thomas enters her fourth season as a career leader in blocks with over 132 throughout her college career. (Photo courtesy of Communications and Marketing) refocus her attitude on the courts and learn what hard work is. “Thomas is our go-to kid on the inside. She’s one of the tallest kids in our league,” Moren said. Moren also said Thomas does a good job at balancing the lifestyle between being a student and athlete. Thomas is majoring in business marketing. She said she always wanted to do something in business and had a passion for working with people, leading her to choose business marketing. However, Thomas is still uncertain of a specific job area she wishes to pursue after graduating.

“I picked this major hoping it can get me into pretty much anything I want to do,” she said. Thomas hopes to someday have the opportunity to play basketball overseas and is open to further options that may come about. Determination, dedication and teamwork are the key aspects that Thomas said makes her the person she is today. That same five-year-old girl, who once ran around on a basketball court, has now grown into a leader of the ISU sycamores.


Page 2 •Basketball

From the coach’s desk: ISU Women’s Basketball

Teri Moren, ISU women’s basketball head coach, courtside during the ISU vs. Furman game. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing) Hello Sycamore Fans, On behalf of the 2011-2012 ISU Women’s Basketball team and staff, I want to welcome you into our favorite time of the year…. BASKETBALL SEASON! This year’s squad has had a very productive and rewarding off-season, and we are extremely anxious to get things started on Friday, November 11. We tip-off the PreSeason Women’s National Invitational (WNIT) with a first round match-up against the Detroit Titans at 8:05 p.m. inside the Hulman Center. We were fortunate enough to receive a home contest in the WNIT because of your basketball program’s history and tremendous crowd support. Your women’s basketball team was ranked 23rd in the nation last year in home attendance and 1st in the Missouri Valley Conference with over 4,100 fans per home game. THANK YOU for being the best 6th man in the MVC. We are extremely grateful for all of your support and hope to see even bigger crowds inside the Hulman Center this season. Our players enjoy nothing more than playing in front of large crowds, especially amongst their peers that they interact with on a daily basis around campus. This year’s team is made up of eight returners and six newcomers who will compete for a Missouri Valley Conference championship. Led by captains Brittany Schoen, Shannon Thomas, and Taylor Whitley, we have high goals for the 2011-2012 basketball season, and we will continue our quest to become the first team in program history to reach the NCAA tournament.

On behalf of our entire team, we hope to see all of you inside the Hulman Center this season. As a program, we are continually looking for ways to give back to the community and Indiana State, which supports us in many ways. If there is an event or organization that our women’s basketball program can assist you with, please feel free to contact our office. As our schedule allows, we will be more than happy to be a part of the many great things happening around campus! Once again, we look forward to another exciting year of SYCAMORE BASKETBALL! See you in the Hulman Center soon to share the experience of Indiana State Basketball with us all season long! GO SYCAMORES, Teri Moren

“Our players enjoy nothing more than playing in front of large crowds, especially amongst their peers that they interact with on a daily basis around campus.” Teri Moren, ISU women’s basketball head coach

Basketball• Page 3

From the coach’s desk: ISU Men’s Basketball Hello students and all Sycamore fans!!!

Just wanted to reach out to all of you and thank you for helping us win a Missouri Valley Conference Tournament Championship and a birth in the NCAA Tournament. You were integral in our success and really provided the momentum that led us to our strong finish. The atmosphere in the Hulman Center was exciting and what college basketball is all about. I would also like to commend you all for what you are doing at our home football games. I’ve been here several years and NEVER seen the student section rockin’ like it has been this year. Let’s make sure we do the same for the last home game and send this tremendous group of seniors that helped turn the program around out in the right way. They truly deserve it. Now here’s my challenge to you…can you be the best student section in the Missouri Valley? Can you make the Hulman Center the toughest place in the conference for opponents to win? Can you be our 6th Man and help us win games? I know you can, and I’m counting on you. I promise you this…YOUR team is going to be fun to watch, play very unselfish and awfully hard FOR YOU. We want our student body going into battle with us. We want you to be a big part of every win. Indiana State means a lot to our staff and our players. Wearing Indiana State across our chest brings us great pride and a sense of responsibility to you and all our fans.

We don’t take this lightly, and we are going to represent all of us the best way we can. There’s nothing more fun than being with a bunch of your friends and fellow students and supporting your team, going crazy at games, getting all over the other team and yes, celebrating victories…and we have to give you plenty of chances to do just that. Thank you for all you do and have done. We owe you an awful lot. Hope to see you ALL at the games. Go Trees!!!! Greg Lansing

“We want our student body going into battle with us. We want you to be a big part of every win.” Greg Lansing, ISU men’s basketball head coach Greg Lansing cutting the net after ISU won the 2011 Missouri Valley Championship. (Photo courtesy ISU Communications and Marketing)


from the Center for Community Engagement

From The Union Board

INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY MEN’S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 2011-12 Fri, Nov 11 Eastern Illinois Mon, Nov 14 Louisiana-Monroe Fri, Nov 18 Ball State Mon, Nov 21 Green Bay Old Spice Classic Thu, Nov 24 Texas Tech Fri, Nov 25 Minnesota/DePaul Dayton/Wake Forest/ Sun, Nov 27 Arizona State/Fairfield


Hulman Center at Monroe, La. Hulman Center Hulman Center

5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m.

at Orlando, Fla. at Orlando, Fla. at Orlando, Fla.

12:00 p.m. 12/2:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m./2/ 4:30/7 p.m

Mountain West/Missouri Valley Conference Challenge Sat, Dec 03 Boise State at Boise, Idaho Sat, Dec 10 Maryville (Mo.) Hulman Center Sat, Dec 17 Vanderbilt at Nashville, Tenn. Wed, Dec 21 Louisiana-Monroe Hulman Center Wed, Dec 28 Drake * at Des Moines, Iowa Sat, Dec 31 Bradley * Hulman Center Wed, Jan 04 Northern Iowa * at Cedar Falls, Iowa Sat, Jan 07 Missouri State * Hulman Center Tue, Jan 10 Evansville * Hulman Center Fri, Jan 13 Southern Illinois * at Carbondale, Ill. Sun, Jan 15 Wichita State * Hulman Center Wed, Jan 18 Illinois State * at Normal, Ill. Sat, Jan 21 Creighton * at Omaha, Neb. Wed, Jan 25 Northern Iowa * Hulman Center * conference games Sun, Jan 29 Evansville * at Evansville, Ind. Wed, Feb 01 Drake * Hulman Center Sat, Feb 04 Wichita State * at Wichita, Kan. Wed, Feb 08 Bradley * at Peoria, Ill. Sat, Feb 11 Southern Illinois * Hulman Center Tue, Feb 14 Illinois State * Hulman Center Sears Bracketbusters Fri, Feb 17 - Sun, Feb 19 at TBA Wed, Feb 22 Missouri State * at Springfield, Mo. MVC Wildcard Saturday Sat, Feb 25 Creighton * Hulman Center State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Tournament Thu, Mar 01 - Sun, Mar 04 at St. Louis, Mo.

10:00 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m.


2011-12 ROSTER 3

Arop, Mangisto


Brown, Devonte


Burnett, Brandon


Doluony, Koang


Eitel, Lucus


Gant, Justin


Kitchell, Jake


Lathan, Dwayne


Mahurin, RJ


McWhorter, Steve


Odum, Jake

TBA 8:05 p.m.


Printy, Jordan



Richard, Carl



Walker, Myles

* conference games


SYCAMORES From the Indiana Statesman


from the Center for Community Engagement


2011-12 ROSTER 44

Franklin, Travecia


Gunnin, Nikki


Henderson, Allie


Mahan, Racheal


Mattox, Deja


Morris, Marah


Munn, Anna


Oyer, Sadie


Rademacher, Andrea


Schoen, Brittany


Thomas, Shannon


Valley, Jessica


Whitley, Taylor


Zurek, Natasha

INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 2011-12 Fri, Nov 11 Detroit Hulman Center Sun, Nov 13 Quarterfinals at TBA Fri, Nov 18 Semifinals at TBA Sun, Nov 20 Championship at TBA Tue, Nov 22 IUPUI Hulman Center Sun, Nov 27 Belmont at Nashville, Tenn. Wed, Nov 30 Tennessee Martin Hulman Center Fri, Dec 02 Illinois Chicago at Chicago, Ill. Tue, Dec 06 Butler Hulman Center Sat, Dec 10 Eastern Illinois at Charleston, Ill. Sat, Dec 17 Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mich. Tue, Dec 20 Chicago State at Chicago, Ill. Thu, Dec 22 Northern Illinois at DeKalb, Ill. Fri, Dec 30 Evansville * Hulman Center Sun, Jan 01 Southern Illinois * Hulman Center Fri, Jan 06 Illinois State * Hulman Center Thu, Jan 12 UNI * at Cedar Falls, Iowa Sat, Jan 14 Bradley * at Peoria, Ill. Fri, Jan 20 Creighton * Hulman Center Sun, Jan 22 Drake * Hulman Center Fri, Jan 27 Missouri State * at Springfield, Mo. Sun, Jan 29 Wichita State * at Wichita, Kan. Fri, Feb 03 Illinois State * at Normal, Ill. Fri, Feb 10 Bradley * Hulman Center Sun, Feb 12 UNI * Hulman Center Fri, Feb 17 Drake * at Des Moines, Iowa Sun, Feb 19 Creighton * at Omaha, Neb. Fri, Feb 24 Missouri State * Hulman Center Sun, Feb 26 Wichita State * Hulman Center Thu, Mar 01 Southern Illinois * at Carbondale, Ill. Sat, Mar 03 Evansville * at Evansville, Ind. State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Tournament Thu, Mar 08 - Sun, Mar 11 at St. Charles, Mo.

8:05 p.m. TBA TBA TBA 7:05 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 2:00 p.m. TBA

* conference games


From The Union Board


Go get ‘em



Page 6 •Basketball

ISU Men’s basketball to be nationally televised Ernest Rollins Sports editor

The Indiana State University men’s basketball team will be in a minimum of six televised appearances in the upcoming 2011-2012 season. The team also has the potential to have its games picked up by ESPN if they compete in the Sears Bracketbuster and MVC Wildcard Weekend games. The Sears Bracketbuster game

will be potentially played Feb. 17, 18 or 19 to be televised on an ESPN Channel. In addition, the MVC Wildcard selection on Feb. 25 on either ESPN, or ESPN2/ An appearance in the State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Tournament Championship game will also nationally televise the Sycamores. The game is to be broadcasted on CBS March 4. Tipoff is 2 p.m.

Men’s Basketball Television Appearances Schedule: • Date • Nov. 24 • Nov. 27 • Jan. 15 • Jan. 21 • Jan. 29 • Feb. 4


Opponent Texas Tech Minnesota/DePaul Wichita State Creighton Evansville Wichita State

Time Noon Noon/2:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 p.m. 8 p.m. 10 p.m.

Information courtesy of


Basketball• Page 7

Meet the freshman class: ISU men’s basketball Shelby Young Reporter

Indiana State men’s basketball will be joined by three new freshmen for the 2011-12 basketball season: Justin Gant, Brandon Burnett, and Devonte Brown. “First and foremost, Devonte, Brandon and Justin are great people. We recruit good basketball players that have good character otherwise we don’t recruit them. These three fit in here perfectly. They are conscientious students and have been working awfully hard since they got here this summer,” head coach Greg Lansing said. Justin Gant is a 6’9” forward. He is from Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute North Vigo High School. Gant started playing basketball in fourth grade and is inspired most by his father. “It is a big difference, a lot faster pace but I am adjusting pretty well just have to keep practicing every day and try to listen to the upperclassmen and take good advice. My goals are to work hard every day and continue to get better.” Gant said. Brandon Burnett is a 6’6” wing guard. He is from Tuscon, Arizona and attended Cienega High School. Burnett started playing basketball in sixth grade and is most inspired by his dad, brother, and Colby Brant. “It’s been a hard transition, but the best way to adjust is just to work hard in practice every day and listen to your teammates and coaches and just be open-minded, not get down on yourself. Our goals for the season are to get back to the tournament and go a little bit farther into the tournament and just have a successful season overall,” Burnett said. “We are fortunate to have veterans on this team that have established a work ethic and a way that we operate on a daily basis. New guys either buy in or follow the lead of the older guys or it could be very tough…these three have bought in from day one,” Lansing said. Devonte Brown is a 6’3” point guard. He is originally from Louisiana but attended Ellison High School in Killeen, Texas. Brown picked up a basketball at age two and has been playing the game

ever since. He is most inspired by his mother, father, and brother. “My goal for the season is to just get better. As far as the team goes we want to do what we did not do last year, and that is to go deeper and win more games and just get better as an overall program. It was definitely more hard, lot faster, lot stronger, and they are a lot smarter ,but right now, I am in sponge mode, just soaking everything up right,” Brown said. “We work them awfully hard. They have basketball workouts daily, have to lift four times a week, have study table hours, as well as their class load. They find they don’t have much time for other things, but that’s life as a college athlete. If you want to be good, you have to make sacrifices…we feel winning championships and playing in the NCAA Tournament is well worth it,” Lansing said.

“We are fortunate to have veterans on this team that have established a work ethic and a way that we operate on a daily basis. New guys either buy in or follow the lead of the older guys or it could be very tough...these three have bought in from day one.” Greg Lansing, ISU men’s basketball head coach

Page 8 •Basketball

Meet the freshman class: ISU women’s basketball Shelby Young Reporter

Indiana State women’s basketball team will be adding five new freshmen to this year’s roster: Natasha Zurek, Jessica Valley, Travecia Franklin, Rachael Mahan, and Marah Morris. Natasha Zurek is a 5-foot-9-inch point guard. She is from Saint John, Ind. and attended Andrean High School. Zurek has been playing basketball since second grade and is inspired most by her mother. “Tasha is relentless on both ends of the floor, she has a tremendous work ethic and is a very smart basketball player,” head coach Teri Moren said. “At first it was really hard to adjust, the coaches kept telling me this wasn’t high school anymore, but I am adjusting and getting there, just taking baby steps. My main goal this season is to win the conference championship,” Zurek said. Jessica Valley a 5-foot-9-inch guard. She is from Lafayette, Ind. and attended McCutcheon High School. Valley has been playing basketball since second grade and is inspired most by her grandmother. “Valley is very talented, she can do a little of everything, she has 3 pt. range, she has a midrange game and she can attack the rim off the dribble,” Moren said. “I am picking up the intensity level that I have to have to play in college. My goals are to be an 80 percent free throw shooter and to help the team get to the NCAA tournament,” Valley said. Travecia Franklin is a 5-foot-9-inch off guard/ shooting guard. She is from Columbus, Ohio and attended Brookhaven High School. Franklin has been playing basketball since she was about five and is inspired most by her grandmother. “It was a little hard to adjust, time management was the biggest thing but I am getting used to it now. My goals for the season are helping the team as much as I can, defensively contributing rebounding, and being a leader on and off the court,” Franklin said. “VC (Travecia) is our most athletic kid on our team. She’s a tremendous on-ball defender, a great anticipator in our press and has the ability to get to the rim with her quickness,” Moren said. Rachael Mahan is a 6-foot-1-inch forward. She is from Mansfield, Ohio and attended Mansfield High School. Mahan has played basketball since eighth grade and is inspired most by her mother.

“Rachael is a strong, athletic post player that could potentially see lots of minutes on the inside throughout the season. She’s has a great touch around the basket and has a nose for the ball,” Moren said. “It is a lot of adjusting, faster pace, stronger people, so it’s a lot of adjusting, but I am hanging in there. I am giving it my all. My goals for the season, of course, are to win the WNIT, maybe make an NCAA appearance, and go on a winning record,” Mahan said. “Marah Morris and Rachael Mahan will see minutes at the post position. Marah has not been released to participate in any “live” play until she is cleared by our doctors,” Moren said. Marah Morris is a 5-foot-11-inch power forward. She is from Columbus, Ohio and attended Brookhaven High School. Morris started playing basketball in seventh grade and is inspired by her godmother, and first basketball coach, Melissa. She is currently not playing because of an injury. “Well, considering the fact that I am injured I haven’t been able to transition fully the way I want to, but it has definitely been different. It is an exciting process, and I am just ready to keep moving up the ladder,” Morris said. “Our freshmen are doing well. The first semester is always the most difficult for incoming kids, but this group had done a great job of juggling academics and athletics. Overall, these five players have made an immediate impact, and it’s been enjoyable to watch them grow as people and as players,” Moren said.

“Overall, these five players have made an immediate impact and it’s been enjoyable to watch them grown as people and as players.” Teri Moren, ISU women’s basketball head coach

Friday, November 11, 2011 • Page 9

Campus sightings: Owl makes home on campus

A white owl has been spotted by students living in the trees by Lincoln Quad and has been tending to her nest near the Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Gamma stairwell. (Photo by Kacie Daugherty)

Page 10 • Friday, October 18, 2011

High school students invited to ISU cadaver lab Dave Taylor

ISU Communications and Marketing

As dozens of high school students, who aspire to careers in health care, filed into an Indiana State University laboratory, some appeared apprehensive about the rare opportunity that awaited them. Most, however, were bursting with anticipation. As soon as the teenagers huddled around lab tables for an experience normally reserved for graduate-level college students, any remaining apprehension faded. The level of chatter made the lab sound like a high school cafeteria at the peak of lunch hour. “We were touching everything we could. We handled everything from the spleen to the liver, lungs and muscles on the leg of an actual cadaver that were still attached,” said Cody Kuiper of West Lebanon, a senior at Seeger High School. Kuiper was among about 70 students who, during the course of two, half-day sessions, held and touched actual human organs, muscles and tissues alongside more familiar models normally used in teaching. “It’s different than what you have at high school. You see more, especially taking an anatomy class,” said Abigale Keeling, a senior at Fountain Central High School in Veedersburg. Faculty and graduate students from Indiana State University’s College of Nursing, Health and Human Services and students from the Indiana University School of Medicine-Terre Haute explained to the wide-eyed teens that the real thing generally looks much different than models because human organs are often as different as individual humans. Both Kuiper, who plans a career in physical therapy, and Keeling, who wants to become a nurse, said the experience confirmed for them that they want to pursue a career in health care. “It helps me make the right move,” Keeling said. “I’ve seen ... how everything works.” In addition to 45-minute sessions in the anatomy lab, the high school students learned from Indiana State faculty members and students and IU medical students about diagnosis and treatment of such illnesses and injuries as diabetes. Matt Becker, a second-year student in Indiana State University’s master’s program in physician assistant studies who conducted a lesson on diabetes for the high schoolers, said he felt honored to participate in the program.” “For me, it’s about getting them involved and hopefully maybe helping them find what they want to do,” he said. Whatever the students decide lies in their future, Becker thought they left Indiana State with a better understanding for one of the biggest killer diseases. “They may have heard of diabetes, but they may not realize how many people actually live with diabetes, so that may have piqued their interest,” he

High school students were given the opportunity to learn about human anatomy, as well as the chance to touch real human organs. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing) said. Indiana University second-year medical students Teela Crecelius of Marengo and Christine Bayt of Indianapolis led a session on cardiovascular disease. In the cadaver lab, they showed students a human heart with a pacemaker. “It is important to get more people interested in the health care business and different health care professions and see what is available out there,” Bayt said. That is especially so for students from rural Indiana who may want to return to their roots to provide health care, said Crecelius, who is in Indiana University’s rural health program. IU and ISU are partners in the Rural Health Innovation Collaborative, and Crecelius appreciates that partnership and its emphasis on inter-professional education - an approach that can truly save lives in underserved rural areas and halp make health care more accessible. “I grew up in a really little town with one physician in our county, so from a young age, I decided that I wanted to be able to fix that,” she said. “My parents had to take off a whole day of work just to take us to the doctor an hour away.” This year was the first for the “Body Shop” program and Indiana State University’s investment in new facilities such as the cadaver lab, and new programs that have increased the breadth of its nursing and allied health faculty made it possible, said David Dominguese, assistant professor of anatomy and director of the gross anatomy lab.

“ISU has done an amazing job of recruiting students and retaining students and helping students to pursue careers or higher education within allied health care professions,” Dominguese said. “We have some outstanding facilities, and these facilities are available for students and also for the community to help produce better health care for patients and help with teaching and learning.” Dominguese created and directed the workshops. A grant from the Focus Indiana Area Health Care Initiative funded the program. The West-Central Indiana Area Health Education Center sponsored the event with Indiana State’s department of applied medicine and rehabilitation. Rita Keeling, health career teachers for four high schools in Fountain and Warren counties, said the program was the first opportunity the students had had to experience a cadaver lab and learn directly from university faculty members and graduate students. “The more hands-on you can give the high school students, the better opportunity they have to become interested in pursuing a post-secondary education,” she said. “I love bringing the students to ISU so they can see the innovative things they are doing here and find the field that interests them. My goal by May is that every student has a major declared and a college chosen.” Students from Linton-based Twin Rivers Career and Technical Education, which serves students from Greene and Sullivan counties, also took part in the seminar.

Friday, November 11, 2011 • Page 11

Sky no longer limit, students take flight AUSTIN ARCEO

ISU Communication and Marketing

Indiana State University senior Lindsey Butorac enjoyed flying in airplanes with her friends who are pilots, and she even considered changing her major to aviation. Though she didn’t make the switch, an activity in a new honors course this fall led to her soaring over the Wabash Valley - at least for a little while. Butorac was among a group of nine ISU students who spent a late October Saturday practicing their hand at piloting an aircraft. For several of them, the first time piloting a plane came as part of a new honors course taught by Troy Allen, an associate professor of aviation and assistant dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies at ISU. The class introduced students to different aspects of aviation technology, and it even included the event that took the interested students out for a day of flying to three airports in

west-central Indiana. “This is the first time this class has been offered,” Butorac said, “and so as soon as I saw it, I knew that I wanted to be in this class.” The students divided into groups of three and each joined a certified flight instructor in three four-seat airplanes. The group left from Sky King Airport near Terre Haute and flew to Sullivan County Airport, where students then changed pilots before heading to Putnam County Airport in Greencastle. Though the students controlled the airplane for most of the flight, the flight instructors sat next to them in another piloting seat with controls to help steer the plane back on course as needed. “It’s a great experience to actually feel like you’re in control of the aircraft, because you’re not just flying in an airliner or something like that,” said sophomore criminology major John Davis who participated in the event. “It’s 100 percent

different.” “They thought it’d be like a roller coaster ride,” Allen said, “but once they got up there and saw how structured it was, they were very comfortable with it.” ISU student Allison Gary was a bit apprehensive as the flight approached. But the students practiced for several hours on a flight simulator to prepare. “This isn’t like other classes, where you just learn it to learn it,” Gary said of the flight lessons. “This is a real-life situation.” Allen hoped that the project, and the class, would spark enthusiasm for aviation among the participants. They spent several weeks learning about flight instruments and how they worked before students then learned more in the simulators and taking to the air. One student has since suggested that he might minor in aviation. “You just can’t supplant the excitement of getting out there in the aircraft and flying it around,” Allen said, “the feel-

ing of getting away from the earth and just seeing it from a completely different perspective.”Each of the students had about a half an hour of flying time, Allen said. They flew the plane for most of the flight, which included the descent, as the plane was preparing to land. Depending on the instructor’s comfort level and how the students performed, they also did more prior to takeoff and landing, Allen said. Yet the instructors were always at the second set of controls in the planes and ready to help the students if slight corrections needed to be made, as well as when they needed to fly the plane. Though this was the first time the event was run, several students agreed that they would recommend it to others. “This is kind of a trial run,” Butorac, a business management major from Bloomington, Ill., said of the course. “We’re like little test dummies, but we’re doing really good so far.”

“Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Fortune Cookie

“Good beginning is half done.” Learn Chinese: No (not) = Bu Lucky numbers: 29, 32, 33, 27, 38

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? ? ?

It’s a Riddle


“I’m as big as an elephant, but

lighter than a feather. What am I?”




Turn to page 23 to find out.


How to play:

Each row must contain numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9; and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

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ISU women’s volleyball falls 0-3 against IUPUI Jaguars in non-conference game Shelby Young Reporter

Upcoming Events Women’s Basketball Friday at Hulman Center 8:05 p.m. vs. Detroit

Men’s Basketball Friday at Hulman Center 5 p.m. vs. Eastern Illinois University

Cross Country Saturday Great Lakes Regional Championship at Toledo, Ohio noon

Football Saturday at Springfield, Mo. 2 p.m. vs. Missouri State University

Women’s Volleyball Saturday at ISU Arena 1p.m. vs. Illinois State University

Senior setter Shelbi Fouty beginning her serve in the ISU vs. Chicago State game. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing)

Indiana State women’s volleyball held their last non-conference game in front of a crowd of 188 last Tuesday night in the ISU Arena. ISU fell to the IUPUI Jaguars 0-3, final set scores 19-25, 20-25, and 19-25. The Sycamores’ final record for their non-conference season ended 14-15. “We were pretty confident, but obviously it was not the outcome we had expected. We are just really trying to get ready to fight for the 6th place in the conference tournament,” said sophomore outside/rightside hitter Molly Murphy. Set one started out in the Sycamores lead. A kill by junior middle blocker Shea Doran followed by a kill by Murphy put ISU in a lead of 0-2 to start the game out. The score became tied at 9 before the Jaguars took a lead of 11-15 with a 5-2 run over the Sycamores. A Murphy kill stopped the run and brought the score to 12-15, IUPUI. ISU got one more point before IUPUI took off with an eight point rally, putting them in the lead 13-23. But the Sycamores did not give up. They fought back with a six point rally bringing the score closer at 19-23, but the Sycamores could not quite hang on. IUPUI finished out the set with a two point rally, final set score 19-25, IUPUI. “We have seen ourselves in this position before where we are trying to crawl back, and it was really a lot of our mistakes. We just have to clean up our game and everybody just has to bring their game,” Head Coach Traci Dahl said. Set two did not start out well for the Sycamores, IUPUI jumped to a 3-11 lead over ISU. A Murphy kill followed by a kill from sophomore setter Loni Mackinson put the score at 5-11. IUPUI kept moving up, but ISU did not give up. A kill by junior outside hitter Christie Fullenkamp brought the score to 18-21. IUPUI finished out the set by scoring four of the final six rallies. The Sycamores last point came from a Murphy kill. Final set score ended at 20-25, IUPUI. “We just did not wanna give up. We wanted to show we weren’t just gonna roll over, and we wanted to show our energy and our fight,” said Murphy. ISU took their first lead in set three with a Murphy kill to break a tie at 12 and bring the score to 13-12, ISU. ISU kept it up with a three point rally, putting them in the lead 16-13. Set three tied eleven times, and the final time at 19 was broken by a 6 point rally by IUPUI. IUPUI took the set at 19-25 and the game 0-3. Murphy led the team with 16 kills followed by Doran at 7. Senior setter Shelbi Fouty led the team with 30 assists and defensive specialist Kiya James led with 21 digs. ISU returns to the Arena on Saturday to take on Illinois State Redbirds. The game begins at 7 p.m.

Friday, November 11, 2011 • Page 13

Men’s and women’s cross country teams ready to compete in Great Lakes Region Meet on Saturday KEVIN JENSON

ISU Athletics Media Relations

Members of the Indiana State University cross country teams are in final preparation for competition in the 2011 Great Lakes Region Championships which will be held Saturday in Toledo, Ohio. Nine different regions will hold championships on Saturday with the top two teams and top four individuals, not on one of the top two teams, automatically advancing to the NCAA Championships. “We finally put a race together at the MVC Meet and hopefully that will carry us through the NCAA Region,” John McNichols, Indiana State University men’s cross country coach, said. “This team has maintained a very heavy workload through this season which should have them ready for the 10k race on Saturday.” The Sycamore men’s team will put seven runners on the start line for the Region Championship Saturday including Jeremiah Vaughan, Craig Padgett, Dustin Betz, Albaro Escalera, Tyler Kent, Tristan Selby, and Drew Gambill. Brandon Query is the men’s alternate. The Sycamore men won the Missouri Valley Conference championship for the third straight year and the sixth time in the past eight years two weeks ago. That effort propelled them to their best ranking of the season in the Great Lakes Region as they enter the 2011 Region Championship ranked ninth. “In 2009, we were also ranked ninth and ended up fourth,” McNichols said. “The Region appears to be stronger now than in 2009, but regardless, I am expecting our best effort of the season.” The Indiana State women’s team will also put seven runners on the line including Kacie Klem, Jessica Zangmeister, Andrea Prusz, Kristy Twitchell, Nicole Lucas, Kalli Dalton, and Valerie Burns. Hanna Mercer earned the alternate spot last week with her performance at the Hoosier Invitational.

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“For the first half of the season, we were ranked in the region, moving up eventually to 13th place,” John Gartland, Indiana State women’s cross country coach, said. “With our performances in the last two meets, we fell out of those rankings.” The Sycamore women did not have the kind of finish they were looking for in the Missouri Valley Conference championships two weeks ago, but Gartland knows the team has a lot more potential if they run as they did earlier in the season. “Our goal is to be in the top 15 to show that we did, in fact, belong with the elite teams of the region,” Gartland said. “Individually, Jessica and Kacie have led us for most of the year. They will be shooting for top 25 (All-Region) place finishes.” The Great Lakes Region Championship will be run at the Ottawa Park Golf Course in Toledo, Ohio, and hosted by the University of Toledo. Competition begins at noon on Saturday with the men’s 10k meter race. The women’s 6k meter race will start at 1:15 p.m. Competing in the Great Lakes Region Championship will be Akron, Ball State (W), Bowling Green, Butler, Central Michigan, Cincinnati, Cleveland State (W), Dayton, Detroit Mercy, Eastern Michigan, Evansville, Indiana, Indiana State, IPFW, IUPUI, Kent State, Marquette, Miami, Michigan, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Oakland, Ohio, Ohio State, Purdue, Toledo, Valparaiso, Western Michigan (W), Wisconsin-Green Bay, Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wright State, Xavier, and Youngstown. The top two teams and the top four individuals, not on one of those teams (providing they finish in the top 25), will automatically qualify for the NCAA Meet to be held on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011, at Indiana State University. Thirteen at-large teams and two at-large individuals will be selected on Sunday to fill the NCAA field. Thirty-one teams and 38 individuals will qualify for the 2011 NCAA Division I Championships.

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Page 14 •Friday, November 11, 2011

ISU Athletics Strength and Conditioning Program

ISU strength and conditioning coaches, from the left: David Watson, Matthew Seliger, David McMannus, Daniel Millington, Devin DuBose (Photo by Richelle Kimble)

Richelle Kimble Reporter

The success of Indiana State athletics is not only credited to the faculty in each sport, but also to the program that expands the core of each athlete’s robustness, stamina and character: strength and conditioning. The Indiana State Strength and Conditioning program is headed by David McMannus, who will be entering his eighth year at ISU and fourth year as the director. McMannus is aided by four graduate assistants: Daniel Millington, Matthew Seliger, Devin DuBose and Daniel Watson. McMannus was previously a graduate assistant for the Sycamores, and has earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and a master’s degree in physical education from ISU. In addition to his experience here, he also worked with the Chicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts strength and conditioning programs. Each graduate assistant must meet high qualifications prior to hire, including a background in exercise science or related field, prior experience with athletes or athletics, and a completion of an internship. Additionally, they must undergo a professional interview with the strength and conditioning staff. McMannus is the main program designer and oversees the assistants as they expand his basic outline to their own creative program for their assigned sport. Each program incorporates a similar root and obeys a main structure. “The philosophy includes a lot of the main strength lifts, a

hammer on core, and Olympic lifts,” McMannus said. “Almost every team will experience those.” In addition to the basic structure, each sport has a branch of lifts that emphasize on strengthening necessary skills. “You get as specific as you can without being ridiculous,” McMannus said. “Some programs are taking sport specific lifting and going overboard.” The structure depends mainly on three factors: the sport, how many times a week they train and weather they are in season or not. Football and track are the only two sports that incorporate peaking in season. McMannus partially credits the Bears coach for teaching him aspects of this philosophy. Supplementing the design of each program, the strength and conditioning staff must manage over 300 student athletes, while properly meshing facility space, time and each sport’s practice schedule. The busiest hours in the weight room are between 6 and 8 a.m., and 2 and 6 p.m. While a bystander may observe the weight room as chaos during these hours, the coaches have intricately planned for the swarm of athletes. “Every group has a coach assigned, and there is a certain flow to every workout. It generally is a nice, smooth structure,” McMannus said. “But of course, there are days when we get backed up. We try to avoid group conflict and other problems. Because then the efficiency of the lift is gone.” In addition to the weight lifting program, McMannus offers student athletes a nutrition evaluation and a diet formed to specific needs.

“To me, nutrition and recovery are just as important as training. It goes hand and hand. Every athlete should think of eating and recovery as a way of life,” McMannus said. The strength and conditioning program offers services such as the Bod Pod, which measures body fat and lean mass, and a fuctional movement screen, which is used to look at flexibility, mobility and imbalance issues. “Once somebody goes through a screen, you can see where their weaknesses are, and individualize exercises even more,” McMannus said. By interacting and coaching student athletes as their career, ISU’s strength and conditioning coaches witness the dedication it takes to balance academics and athletics, and they value hard work in and out of the weight room. Having played Sycamore football as an undergraduate, McMannus is able to relate to his athletes at a more personal level. “I definitely think that [being a student athlete] teaches a lot more responsibility and discipline,” McMannus said. “The lifestyle, in general, enforces you to be more responsible and disciplined. Whether it’s forced or in you, you can’t just say ‘I don’t feel like going today.’” While the life of an ISU student athlete is centralized around practice, competition, and school, the strides the strength and conditioning program take should not be overlooked. The program that is designed to improve performance is demanding and encounters unmentioned pressures. Just like every other position in ISU athletics, the strength and conditioning coaches strive to build champions.

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Page 16 •Friday, November 11, 2011

Sycamore football to battle Bears this weekend

ISU football players taking to the field in the ISU vs. North Dakota State game. (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing)

Ernest Rollins Sports editor

The Indiana State University football team travels to Springfield Missouri to take on the Missouri State Bears. The Sycamores enter the competition ranked 23rd nationally in this weeks’s Football Championship Subdivision Top 25 Poll. This is the seventh consecutive week the Sycamores were ranked nationally. The achievement is a new school record. In addition, the Sycamores are number 15 in

this week’s Gridiron Power Index (GPI). The index is a top indicator used by the NCAA Division I FCS of teams with potential to make the playoffs. ISU’s current ranking puts the team on the bubble for being selected for the postseason tournament. The Sycamores are currently 5-4 for the season, 3-3 in the Missouri Valley Football Conference (MVFC). The Missouri State Bears are coming off a bye week. They are currently 1-8 overall and are seventh in the MVFC with a record of 1-6.

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