Indiana Statesman For ISU students. About ISU students. By ISU students.
Indiana Statesman
Friday, March 30, 2018
Volume 125, Issue 66
Listening, learning and leading Ann Rhoades visit campus to speak on how to build a better business Jack Gregory Reporter On Wednesday, Ann Rhoades, former Vice President of People for JetBlue Airlines spoke at the Tilson Auditorium about the most successful companies, why they’re successful, and how to build a successful business yourself. She outlined what she called a “values-driven” company – one that strives to put its values first and to instill them in their employees. This idea to build and maintain an environment in which both the leaders of the company and the employees push these specific values forward isn’t just limited to businesses either. These ideas can be used to build any kind of social club or other organization. Rhoades’ idea for building a successful, values-driven business basically consists of five parts: making a “values blueprint”, hiring “A” players, accountability/rewards, customer branding, and continuous discipline. For the first part, it’s important to know what kind of company you want to be and to specifically outline the values you wish to both live by and run your business by. By stating your values clearly, there will be no confusion along the way as to what you or your company stands for. Next, you need to hire “A” players. Rhoades described these employees as
those who share your values and strive to live by them every day and who work passionately towards a shared goal. She also described “B” and “C” players. “B” players are those who share your values, but won’t necessarily work passionately toward them every day and “C” players are those who don’t share your values and won’t work very hard to promote and support them. “The most important thing you can do as a leader is hire people with the same values,” Rhoades said. As far as accountability and rewards go, Rhoades said that holding people accountable for what they do is important, and not just in a disciplinary sense. Employees that do bad work should be worked with the see what the issue is so that it can be fixed, and employees that consistently do good work and go the extra mile and show that they care about how well the company does should be rewarded, and not just financially. It’s also important to establish a working environment that puts your employees at ease and makes them feel like doing good work is easy. Rhoades used Google as an example. Google rewards its employees with “social” perks rather than
monetary ones and maintains a positive work environment. For example, many companies have Bring Your Kid to Work Day, but many of Google’s employees are younger, fresh out of college, so they don’t have kids. Instead, they implemented Bring Your Parents to Work Day and it’s a huge success. They’re employees love it and so do the parents and it doesn’t cost the company very much, either. Employees want to know how they’re doing and many of them want to know if they can improve, which is why accountability is important. The last two key items of the presentation were customer branding and continuous discipline. Customer branding basically means that however well your customers are treated is how well your brand is going to be perceived. Many companies will state that their customers come first, but Rhoades says that the most successful companies put their employees first. If you take care of your employees, they’ll take care of your customers because they’ll be happy to do the work. Continuous discipline means to always strive to maintain the values your company has established and to revisit
“The most important thing you can do as a leader is hire people with the same values.” Ann Rhoades
Photo courtesy of Google
Ann Rhoades.
them to make sure you and your employees are living up to those standards. The main idea of this presentation, ultimately, is to try to be part of or to build a different kind of company. Rhoades mentioned in her presentation that when you look at lists of the top 100 companies, the same ones consistently make the list each year and it’s because of how they run their business. They are typically values-driven, “employees first” companies who do things differently than anyone else. She said, “Don’t be afraid to be a dis-
An ‘eye’ opening Conquering collegiate money experience matters with CollegeGurlJB Patrick Chavis Reporter The Cunningham Memorial Library has come up with a clever solution on a local level to the everyday problem of color blindness many people face. Starting in February the library has been offering glasses referred to as EnChroma glasses. The purpose of these glasses is to correct the color deficiencies that many color blind people face and give them a chance to see the world in a different light. Shelley Arvin, an associate librarian who helped suggest the program to the dean and got the funding to purchase the glasses and make them available to students had this to say about the glasses. “The main function of the glasses is to shade out the wave length of light where the overlap of color occurs,” said Arvin. “The glasses show less light and helps to divide the separate cones that would usually end up overlapping each other.” There are two different sets of glasses that the library offers, one for indoor use which have a lighter tent and one for outdoor use which has a darker tent to adjust for sunlight. She explained that these glasses were relatively new, only being available to the public starting about a year ago. This leads to many uncertainties about the effectiveness of the glasses and how they will end up affecting different people who have varying levels of color blindness. Arvin gave the example of her colleague Brian Bunnett, who is color blind, and stated that “When Brian tried on the glasses he said that the glasses did make images darker and for some images he was able to determine their correct color, but this did not happen every time he was shown an image.”
There were still images that he was unable to determine the correct color for, that non color blind people were able to correctly determine. Not only do the glasses not work 100% of the time, they also only focus on Red-Green color blindness. Since they do not have the ability to add cones that are missing from a person’s vision, these glasses would not be able to help someone that is completely colorblind. According to the National Eye Institute as many as 8% of American men and .5 % of women with Northern European ancestry are color blind. Although these percentages are low compared to the total population, this still leaves millions of people not being able to experience all the colors that people with normal sight are able to see. Color blindness is caused by a complication among three cones that our eyes use to see out of. These cones consist of long, medium, and short which are sensitive to different colors that give us our rich color vision. In rare cases some people end up missing two of those three cones, which leads to them seeing the world in black and white. However in most cases of color blindness, people have all three cones to see out of but these cones do not function properly together. These complications are due to long and medium cones overlapping one another, which lead to Red-Green color blindness. Researchers hypothesize that a long-term effect of wearing the glasses could end up being the gradual change in how someone interprets color without the glasses. If this turns out to be true, then potentially this would lead to the ability to being able to one day cure color blindness in all of its forms.
Jada N. Holmes Reporter An informational facilitation on financial literacy, presented by the Black Graduate Student Association and additional contributors on Tuesday, March 27, allowed ISU attendees to become more aware of financial aid opportunities and how to take advantage of them. Leading the event located in 138 of the Science Building was guest speaker, financial advocate, and author Jessica L. Brown—branded as CollegeGurlJB. With the diligence and collaboration of BGSA, the Department of Educational Leadership, and resources from Financial Aid & the Zeta Nu chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. students learned how to employ scholarship, Federal loan, work study and community involvement opportunities as a means of practicing financial stability while living on fixed incomes throughout their undergraduate studies. Representing BGSA was second year graduate student Tyrianna Jones, who reactivated the organization on Indiana State’s campus in December of 2016. Attributing the event coordination to BGSA Vice President and Educational Leadership graduate assistant, Ashley Robinson, Jones describes the objective for the financial literacy workshop as a need to present various options for a student to enable a secure financial foundation upon graduating. Lecture style implementation allowed the enthusiastic speaker to engage attendees with an essential segment relating to the recycling of scholarship funding that could serve as additional aid for those who are aware of it. The 28-year-old advocate, equipped with experiential knowledge and resources, first suggested that—when in pursuit of extra education funding—a college student must make it a priority to build solidified relationships with financial aid representatives. According to Brown, students who practice a healthy exploitation of financial advisement are most likely to receive extra money in the event that it is found and provided. Deeply invested into the teachings of Jessica L. Brown was an audience of approximately 50+ attendees, who took heed as they were informed of useful search engines and apps like Scholly, which assist in finding the money that pleasures a college kids pockets. Segmenting into explanations of
Photo courtesy of promotional poster
An informational presentation on financial literacy took place on Tuesday. Students learned how to employ scholarships, federal loans and much more.
internship possibilities and organization benefits, Brown urged students to not only begin their quest for jobs early, but also internships, which provide excellent financial gains. If there is any existing enemy to an undergraduate college student, it is the terror of unawareness, with an exceptional fear of loans and interest rates! Prepared with information on both maximizing and minimizing loans, Brown tackled the reality of student borrowing—specifically in the form of Direct, Parent Plus, Graduate, and Private loans. Percentage rates of 4.4 for undergraduate borrowers, 6 for graduates, and 7 for parent and private loans, students became informed of how excessive borrowing fiscally impacts their future—whether it relates to home ownership, credit building, and even professional employment. In other words, borrow only what you must, pay what you can early, and ensure that academic progress is satisfactory enough to generate more financial advantages; academic competitiveness may be the very
thing one needs to pay the fees! Guest speaker Jessica Brown successfully armed upcoming graduates with roadways to financial freedom, some of which are the following: 1) live within your means, 2) start a business (even while in school!), 3) build an emergency fund, 4) pay bills on time, and connect with lenders or collectors to reschedule payments to avoid penalty! Those who upon the cusp of graduation or nearing the finish line were—and are—encouraged to research job opportunities well in advance (6 months, if possible), secure their internships, view their credit scores to eventually build and pay off credit, and begin to build positive saving and investment habits. Senior Psychology major, Julienne Christian—also representing Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc—expressed satisfaction with the presentation, and the representation from ISU’s financial aid employees. To learn more about speaker Jessica L. Brown and her CollegeGurlJB initiative, follow her journey on Twitter and Facebook handles under CollegeGurlJB.
Friday, March. 30, 2018
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Professor of the Week: Dr. Amanda Muhammad
Alexandria Truby Reporter
Bio:Currently, I am the Interim Chair of the Human Resource Development and Performance Technology department. I came to ISU in fall of 2016 from Bowling Green State University to be the Coordinator for the Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising (TAM) program and received my doctorate in Human Environmental Sciences from the University of Missouri – Columbia. During my short time at ISU, I have been instrumental in helping the Fashion and Merchandising Association implement the Sycamore Closet, led in the redevelopment of the TAM program curriculum, and implemented a faculty led program to England and France for spring 2018. I enjoy and appreciate the opportunities I have been afforded at ISU. I thoroughly enjoy the students and the wonderful faculty with whom I have been able to build relationships. Looking forward to many more years at ISU! Favorite accessory? Earrings Favorite author? Paulo Coelho Favorite restaurant? Fa-
vorite fast food restaurant is Qdoba. Why did you start teaching? I started teaching because I needed a change from accounting. I did it to get a break and found out along the way that I enjoyed it. What has been your best ISU experience? My best experiences have been the result of my students. I love looking into their faces and seeing the desire to learn. What is your favorite place on ISU’s campus? My favorite place is walking along the pathways of campus on a sunny day when students are out and about so that I can steal a bit of their energy as I pass by. What is your favorite ISU tradition? I love the freshman walk at the beginning of the fall semester. It was a lot of fun to participate. What is your favorite movie/TV show? Right now it is “This is Us” If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would that be? Why? I would love to travel to Swaziland, Botswana or Lesotho. I’ve met and befriended some wonderful individuals from these countries and I would love to visit their homes.
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Amanda Muhammad
Dr. Amanda Muhammad
What did you study in college and why? I studied quite a few things during my undergraduate and graduate education. What is your best advice for students? Work in the now; give all you can in the now and the future will take care of itself. What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear to live in fear… to let my decisions be driven by fear. What three words
would you use to describe yourself? Persistent, outspoken and optimistic! What is the most frustrating thing you see students do? The most frustrating thing that I see students doing and something I also did as a student is procrastinate until the night before an assignment is due. What can you share about your research? My research interest focuses on
the disenfranchised populations around the world. More specifically, I am interested in how those in less formal economics use entrepreneurship and retailing activities as survival strategies. What is your favorite quote or motto? “What the caterpillar thinks is the end of the world, the butterfly knows is only the beginning” What do your students mean to you? My students are a great part of my purpose. When I graduated with my first undergraduate degree, I was unsure of how to use my education to empower myself. I felt unprepared and much like an imposter. When I decided to pursue academia, I promised myself that I would work to help my student to attain their professional endeavors. I never want my students or any student to feel insure about the education they attain when in my classroom. There are two types of people in the world. What are the two types? I believe there are way more than two types of people but if I have to limit it to two, they are (1) those that do and (2) those that don’t. What books should everyone read? My favorite books include “The Alche-
mist” by Paulo Coelho or “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Where are you originally from? How did this place shape you as a person? I was born in England but spent most of my adolescent years in Barbados before moving to the USA in my teens. Having to adapt to changing cultures and environments I believe has made me more accepting of the differences of others. What can you tell us about Global Women’s Empowerment (GoWE)? What led you to be a founding member? GoWE is a group of educators whose aim is to empower women and girls through textile and apparel education and is dedicated to the co-development of curriculum and training programs, leadership, service and research with a human centered design. As a girl, I grew up in what was a developing economy at the time. My grandmother worked on a local plantation as a fieldworker and seeing her doing such labor intensive work for little pay, ignited an early interest in women’s empowerment that is evident in my research and personal interest.
PlayStation Plus vs. Xbox Games with Gold: April AJ Goelz Reporter
Handout | TNS
An international student at UCF who displayed “disturbing behavior” will be deported to China after a judge found him to be out of compliance with his visa.
University of Central Florida student to be deported to China after ‘disturbing behavior’ Michael Williams and Jeff in a storage facility due to guns not being allowed at Weiner his off-campus apartment Orlando Sentinel (TNS) complex, The Verge on JefAn international student ferson Commons Circle, at the University of Cen- police said. Days after the interview, tral Florida who owned high-powered rifles and he bought a second gun: a alarmed police and class- .308-caliber rifle. The second gun “was mates with his “disturbing behavior” is being deport- particularly alarming” to ed to China, after a judge authorities, the universifound him to be out of ty’s statement said, because compliance with his visa, Sun had it modified to add a bipod and scope. He also officials said. Wenliang Sun, 26, came had purchased ammo for to the attention of UCF po- the gun, officials said. UCF police had already lice after university staff reported a “dramatic change” contacted the U.S. Buin his appearance and be- reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, havior — including spend- Firearms and Explosives, ing $70,000 cash on a new as well as federal customs car “out of the blue” — the and homeland security ofuniversity said in a press ficials, who began investigating, officials said. release. According to the state“People noticed a distressing change in this ment, both guns were puryoung man, and they alert- chased legally, as federal ed UCFPD,” said Chief law allows non-immigrant Richard Beary in a state- visa holders to own firement distributed by UCF. arms if they also carry a “Our detectives investigat- hunting license, which Sun ed and elevated their con- did. He had been particicerns to our federal part- pating in an academic and ners, who took swift and cultural program for international students at UCF. appropriate action. Sun’s non-immigrant In an interview with police Feb. 2, Sun con- status was later revoked firmed that he owned an due to an issue unrelated to assault-style rifle and ammunition, which he kept UCF CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
With March winding down, Sony and Microsoft have released their free games offered by their PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games with Gold services. For those with a PlayStation Plus account, in the month of April you can download “Mad Max” and “Track Mania Turbo” for the PS4, “In Space We Brawl” and “Toy Home” for the PS3 and “99 Vidas” and “Q*Bert Rebooted” for the PS Vita. “Q*Bert Rebooted” is also available on PS3 and PS4 via crossbuy according to IGN. All of these downloads are free for PlayStation Plus subscribers. On the Xbox side of things, players will gain access to “The Witness” on Xbox One throughout the entire month of April
according to IGN. Also on Xbox One is “Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate” and that is available April 16 to May 15. There are two games that are available on both Xbox One and 360, according to IGN, and those are “Disney/Pixar’s Cars 2” from April 1-15 and “Dead Space 2” from April 16-30. Like PlayStation Plus, these titles are free to those with an Xbox Live subscription. Games with Gold have some great offers next month. “The Witness” may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the puzzle game was loved by many and received a perfect 10 from IGN. “The Assassin’s Creed” franchise has been losing fans for a while and has seemed to find its footing once again with its latest installment “Assassin’s Creed: Origins.” Before taking a year off from the franchise in 2016, Ubisoft released “Syndicate.” “Syn-
dicate” had some trouble drawing attention, due to the prior year’s failure with “Assassin’s Creed: Unity,” but delivered a great game. Now that it is free, more people should take advantage of this opportunity and play this title. “Dead Space 2” is the icing on the cake for Games with Gold. “Dead Space” is a beloved survival horror franchise, and should have many gamers jumping on the free game. Despite the series ending on a lack luster game, “Dead Space” and “Dead Space 2” scored an 86 percent and 87 percent respectively. The only real standout for PlayStation Plus lineup for April is Avalanche Studios’ “Mad Max.” It was a great open-world game that captured not only the tone and feeling of the films, but included a satisfying combat system and a surprisingly deep car cus-
tomization system. Now that this title is available for free there is no reason to skip on it. Those interested in the free games from March need to act fast. The current free titles on PS4 are the new “Ratchet and Clank” and “Bloodborne.” For Xbox One, subscribers have access to the Xbox Arcade title “Quantum Conundrum” and “Trials of the Blood Dragon” through tomorrow. They also have access to “Superhot” until April 15 according to Along with free games, both services offer discounts on various other titles. For those without a subscription to these services, PlayStation Plus is available for $59.99 for 12 months, $24.99 for three months and $9.99 for one month. Xbox Live subscriptions are the same prices for the same time spans.
Generations’ themed buffet: Italy vs. France French menu included Vichyssoise Soup, Salad Nicoise w/French Baguettes, Pork Tenderloin w/Normandy Sauce, Brioche Stuffing, Parisian Potatoes, Steak Diane, Mini Creme Brulee and Macaroons. Italian menu includes Italian Wedding Soup, Chicken & Mushrooms in Wine Sauce, Spring Vegetable Pasta Primavera, Pesto Cream Orzo with Sundried Tomatoes and Fresh Spinach, Grilled Patty Pan Squash, Tiramisu and Limoncello Sorbet.
Indiana Statesman | Kabrisha Bell SHOW FROM PAGE 6 As the appellate panel noted, that’s a Catch-22. It’s also a pinched reading of what it means to use a person’s likeness in a transformative way. With Zeta-Jones on screen for barely 4 percent of the docudrama, the appellate panel held, De Havilland’s likeness is just one of the ‘raw materials’ used to produce “Feud.” And the series’ commercial value didn’t rely on De Havilland’s fame but on “the creativity, skill and reputation” of the cast and crew. That’s a far more reasonable way to balance the competing 1st Amendment and publicity rights.
RHOADES FROM PAGE 1 ruptor,” which is a statement I think we should all try to live by, regardless of whether or not we’re involved in business. No one should be afraid to do things differently because
UCF FROM PAGE 2 his gun purchases: He was not attending classes, but was required to do so in order to maintain his visa, officials said. Once his status was revoked, owning the guns became illegal, the university said. Sun was taken into custody Feb. 7 by federal agents for violating the terms of his admission to the country and potential violations of federal firearms laws, according to the statement. An immigration judge on March 21 ordered that Sun be sent back to China. He may not return to the
Similarly, the panel’s ruling against De Havilland’s claim that she was portrayed in a false light recognized that reasonable viewers can tell the difference between dramatizations and presentations of fact. As the panel put it, “Whether a person portrayed in one of these expressive works is a world-renowned film star — ‘a living legend’ — or a person no one knows, she or he does not own history. Nor does she or he have the legal right to control, dictate, approve, disapprove, or veto the creator’s portrayal of actual people.” The show can now go on. those that do, will typically find a way to succeed that no one else has thought of before. Anyone interested in exploring these topics even further can purchase Ann Rhoade’s book, “Built on Values,” available at various retailers. United States for at least 10 years, officials said. “This is a case where successful communication at every level of law enforcement may have prevented another school tragedy,” said James C. Spero, special agent in charge for the Tampa office of Homeland Security Investigations, an arm of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. According to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement database, Sun on Thursday was being held in the Baker County Detention Center in Macclenny, a city in North Florida.
Friday, March. 30, 2018 • Page 3
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Friday, March. 30, 2018
Ruling rightly allows show to go on Los Angeles Times (TNS)
Sheneman | Tribune Content Agency
March Madness: Disney vs Pixar Edition
Emma Osowski Columnist
I’m not one for basketball. I played in middle school, but I wasn’t great at running, so as you can guess. I didn’t go one to be some kind of basketball star. Basketball wasn’t something that I ever loved to watch. In high school I was the president of the spirit club, so I went to all the basketball games. That was fun, but it didn’t really carry over at all to my time in college. With all of that being said, I’m not big into the whole March Madness thing. But basketball isn’t what’s making everybody mad this March; instead it’s been the Disney versus Pixar bracket. It’s not that I like one over the other, but if I’m being honest, there are
more movies from Disney that I like, so in all fairness, it’s really not a competition. Although a Pixar movie beats out all the other ones, does not mean it beats my top four Disney choices. This has started a pretty big commotion amongst the internet community. Mostly, I think, because people are so taken back by other’s opinions on the matter. Some people are letting some movies get pretty far in the bracket, farther than other people would like. There’s one bracket in particular that has the internet screaming for some explanation, because they had “Monster’s Inc.” win the whole thing. I understand, people have different opinions, but that doesn’t mean I have to accept their opinions. And I think others have come to that conclusion as well. I mean if you really look at it, there are multiple Pixar choices that would qualify for that spot over “Monster’s Inc.” but I like “Monster’s University” better, so that might make my
opinion irrelevant to most readers. In this other bracket that’s popping up everywhere on the internet, they had “Tangled” beating “The Lion King,” which especially rubbed others the wrong way. And while I can understand where they’re coming from, because “The Lion King” is pretty much one of everyone’s favorites, I also understand the bracket, because “The Lion King” didn’t even make it past “Tarzan” with me. The thing is that I don’t accept this person’s bracket due to “Tangled” being the overall winner, but I respect it due to understanding they have their reasoning, just as I have mine. Honestly, if people saw my bracket, they would probably say mine is trash. I never was a fan of “Aladdin” or “Pocahontas,” and “The Lion King” always made me cry, so the major fan favorites of others were already on my bad list. I love the ocean and so the top two Disney spots for me were filled with “The Little Mermaid” and
“Moana.” My top two Pixar spots were filled with “The Incredibles” and “Toy Story 2;” however, if “Finding Dory” had a spot on the bracket I would have been left a little stuck. Anyway, they say that truth hurts, and I’m aware many people won’t agree with my decision, but hands down, “Moana” won. But this didn’t stop with Disney versus Pixar. I soon was sent a bracket for Disney versus Pixar versus DreamWorks that didn’t include “Shrek,” which I assume was a mistake, because how can you not love those movies. Then there was a bracket for; Nickelodeon live-action versus Nicktoons, best teen movies and even for Vines. These brackets have been getting posted in my sorority GroupMe, and while I don’t think any friendships will be ruined, these brackets definitely have been testing them. To me, I think it’s gotten a little out of hand and am hoping that, with April only being a few days away, the madness will stop.
Many people might be flattered to be portrayed by Catherine Zeta-Jones in a TV miniseries. Oscar-winning actress Olivia de Havilland, however, was not. Zeta-Jones played De Havilland last year in “Feud: Bette and Joan,” the FX channel miniseries about the rivalry between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. Not only was her name and likeness used without her consent, De Havilland asserted, but the series damaged her reputation by portraying her as a gossip who called her sister a “bitch” — something De Havilland insists she never did. So she sued, claiming the series violated what’s known as her right of publicity — the control that California state law gives people over the use of their name, image and voice — and presented her in a false light. Last September a California Superior Court judge denied FX’s motion to dismiss De Havilland’s claims, in part (counter-intuitively) because “Feud” had sought to portray her accurately. Think about the implications of that for a moment. Allowing someone portrayed realistically in a docudrama to sue just because he or she was included without consent would effectively give historical figures (and their heirs) veto power over movies, TV shows, books and other creative works that use their names or likenesses in the interest of verisimilitude. In other words, byebye, historical fiction. Happily, the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles ruled Monday that such works are protected by the 1st Amendment. And really, the law was already fairly clear on that point. The higher court’s ruling simply stopped an overly expansive reading of the right of
publicity from becoming a precedent. State courts have held multiple times that there is no requirement that creators get people’s permission before incorporating their names, likenesses or narratives into creative works. As the court of appeal put it, “Producers of films and television programs may enter into agreements with individuals portrayed in those works for a variety of reasons, including access to the person’s recollections or ‘story’ the producers would not otherwise have, or a desire to avoid litigation for a reasonable fee. But the 1st Amendment simply does not require such acquisition agreements.” Nevertheless, state law conveys a right of publicity that gives people control of how their identities are exploited for commercial purposes. So there’s a tension between free-speech and publicity rights that the courts have repeatedly sought to resolve. In a 2001 case involving T-shirts bearing the faces of the Three Stooges, the California Supreme Court created a test to determine which rights prevailed: If the work in question “adds significant creative elements” that transform it “into something more than a mere celebrity likeness or imitation,” then free-speech rights win. (The T-shirts flunked.) In the “Feud” case, Superior Court Judge Holly E. Kendig in Los Angeles held, in effect, that the efforts by writer Ryan Murphy to be authentic actually made the production more vulnerable to a lawsuit by De Havilland. In Kendig’s view, the more realistic a work, the less transformative it is. At the same time, the judge allowed De Havilland to seek damages for the inaccuracies she found in the portrayal.
Is wishful thinking clouding gun-control battle? Ramesh Ponnuru
Bloomberg View (TNS)
After a massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in April 1999, journalists thought they saw a groundswell of public support for new regulations on gun ownership. Frank Bruni, then a reporter for the New York Times, marveled that “the earth has finally moved.” He explained that the National Rifle Association had lost clout. In the Washington Post, Roberto Suro reported that polling had shifted in favor of gun control. Cities were filing lawsuits to hold gun makers responsible for gun deaths. Some Republicans started to waver in their opposition to regulation. Elizabeth Dole launched her presidential campaign by calling for new restrictions on guns. Republicans who remained opposed to gun control, the New York Times editorialized, were “out of touch with the tides of public concern.” In the Senate, Vice President Al Gore cast a tie-breaking vote for
tighter regulations, declaring it “a turning point for our country.” It wasn’t, as we all know now. The House defeated the Senate legislation a few weeks later. Dole’s campaign went nowhere. In the next presidential election, Gore lost three states the Democrats had carried the previous time, including his home state of Tennessee, and most observers attributed the losses in part to his stance on guns. Since 1999, federal law on guns has become more permissive. A ban on assault weapons expired in 2004. Polling from both Gallup and CBS suggests that public support for the ban has fallen during this period, too. Support for a more sweeping measure banning all handguns had already been declining for decades by 1999. It has kept falling since then. And those municipal lawsuits? Banned by federal legislation. Four years ago, another slaughter — this one at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut — led to another false dawn for anti-gun activists. Once again, legislative action was
blocked. A bipartisan measure to expand background checks fell to a filibuster. Another try at the assault-weapons ban got only 40 votes in the Senate. Even after those defeats, pro-regulation activists and journalists sympathetic to them kept insisting that the tide was turning in their direction. Red-state Democrats like Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Kay Hagan of North Carolina were going to get national financial support for bucking the gun lobby, the New Republic explained. As for the four Senate Democrats who opposed the measure expanding background checks, “that vote will not be without consequences,” warned two analysts at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. Landrieu and Hagan lost the next election. So did two of those four Democrats — but they were replaced by Republicans who sided with the NRA. Could this time be different? Sure. The movement to regulate guns has never had children as its spokesmen before, and they could prove to be just as powerful
as last weekend’s marchers are hoping. If the conventional wisdom that Democrats are going to gain House seats and governorships this year proves true, then it is highly likely that the NRA will have fewer allies in elected office next year simply because of that. But neither good Republican years nor good Democratic years have changed the fundamental facts of gun politics. The main reason we don’t have more restrictive gun laws on the books is that people who oppose them are more likely to vote on the issue than people who support them. No law of nature says that fact has to hold true forever. It could change if, for example, enough people who think that assault weapons should be banned but who have typically voted for NRA-backed candidates, or haven’t voted at all, alter their behavior. I can’t tell whether that is happening from reading and watching the news coverage of this debate. I do know that a lot of supporters of gun regulation, including journalists, are prone to wishful thinking.
Editorial Board Grace Harrah Editor-in-Chief Rileigh McCoy News Editor Joe Lippard Opinions Editor Claire Silcox Features Editor Andrew Doran Sports Editor Danielle Guy Photo Editor Friday, Mar. 30, 2018 Indiana State University
Volume 125 Issue 66
The Indiana Statesman is the student newspaper of Indiana State University. It is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the academic school year. Two special issues are published during the summer. The paper is printed by the Tribune Star in Terre Haute, Ind.
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Friday, March. 30, 2018 • Page 5
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Sudoku answers from Wednesday’s issue
The Samurai of Puzzles by The Mepham Group
Page 6
Friday, March. 30, 2018
Collin Markle | Indiana Statesman
Max Wright (12) scored a lead during the game against IU. Left: Dane Tofteland (23) , Redshirt junior.
Sycamores fall to Hoosiers at home, 5-3 Jay Adkins Reporter
Collin Markle | Indiana Statesman
Tristan Weaver (7), Left hand pitcher.
The Indiana State University Sycamores Baseball team came into Wednesday’s game at Bob Warn Field with a 14-5 record, including a nine-game winning streak and a 4-0 record at home. That all changed when the rival Indiana University Hoosiers came to town. The #11 ranked Hoosiers came into Wednesday’s game with a 16-5 record, but they were coming off a 5-1 loss to the University of Iowa Hawkeyes. The two teams failed to score in the first inning, but that all changed in the second when IU catcher Ryan Fineman hit a solo home run to put the Hoosiers up 1-0. ISU would eventually score in the second when junior infielder Jake Means singled to left field, giving junior infielder Hunter Lewis a chance to score. Junior infielder Jarrod Watkins dou-
Sycamores head to Ole Miss while Austin and Moore to run at Stanford The Indiana State track and field teams will head south to compete at the Ole Miss Classic on Saturday, while Taylor Austin and Brooke Moore will be competing in the premier distance races in the nation this weekend at Stanford. All-American Taylor Austin will be competing in the 3000-meter steeplechase on Friday night at approximately 8:00 p.m. ET at the Stanford Invitational. In 2017, Austin claimed the MVC title in the steeplechase along with earning the school-record at the NCAA East Regional with a time of 10:02.89, a record by over 45 seconds. She finished ranked eighth in the East Regional and placed 18th overall at the NCAA Championships in Oregon. Before Austin takes on the steeplechase, Brooke Moore will take on the 1500-meter run at 4:49 p.m. ET on Friday alongside some of the nation’s best. During the 2017 outdoor season Moore brought home the MVC championship in the 1500-meters, and followed that up by recording a new school-record at the NCAA East Regional at 4:18.64, which was good enough for 16th in the region. Junior Akis Medrano will also be competing on Friday, but his race will take him to the San Francisco State Distance Carnival. The San Francisco State Distance Carnival is also a highly respected outdoor meet and Medrano will have a chance to race against some topnotch competition in the 10K on Friday at 11:40 a.m. ET. Last season, Medrano made an appearance at the NCAA East Regional in
Athletic Media Relations
Taylor Austin will be competing in the premier distnace races in the nation this weekend at Stanford.
the 10K where he finished 44th at 31:39.60. At Ole Miss, Erin Reese will be returning to the field for the Sycamore women after two impressive performances at SIU last weekend in the discus and hammer throws. In the discus, Reese recorded a throw of 50.99m (16703.75) which is currently the best in the MVC, 14th in the NCAA East Region and 40th nationally. She unleashed a phenomenal throw of 61.85m (20211.25) in the hammer throw, which is second in school history just behind Kelsey Hanley from 2011. That mark currently sits at first in the MVC, fourth in the East Region and 14th nationally. Daley Carter will be making his first appearance of the outdoor season at Ole Miss this Saturday in the 110-meter hurdles. Carter was the runner-up in the 110-meter hurdles last season at the MVC Outdoor Championships behind All-American
teammate Marcus Neeley, crossing the line at 13.78 which is sixth in ISU history. He also earned berth to the NCAA East Regional where he finished 16th overall. Sprinter Tristan Parmley will also be looking to make a return trip to the NCAA East Regional, and that journey will start at Ole Miss where he will compete in the 100-meter dash for the first time in 2018. He picked up the school-record in the event en route to an MVC championship in 2017 with a time of 10.29 which gave him his first appearance at the East Regional. Track events at Stanford will begin at 2:30 p.m. ET and streamed live on Flotrack’s premium webstream. Competition at Ole Miss will begin on Saturday 10:00 a.m. ET with the women’s hammer throw and women’s javelin throw. Action on the track will get started at 3:00 p.m. ET with the women’s 3000-meter steeplechase.
bled in the second, which allowed sophomore catcher Max Wright the chance to score and gave ISU a 2-1 lead over the Hoosiers. The Hoosiers would tie the game up at 2-2 in the third when Luke Miller singled and eventually scored on a base hit from Logan Sowers. After a scoreless 4th inning, the Hoosiers took a 4-2 lead in the fifth when Logan Sowers hit a two-run home run. Redshirt sophomore pitcher Donnie Ames saved the Sycamores during the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, retiring 10 straight batters and allowing just one hit in his tenure. The Hoosiers would score again at the top of the ninth when Matt Lloyd singled to left field, allowing Jeremy Houston to score and giving a Hoosiers a 5-2 lead. The Sycamores got back into the game when junior outfielder CJ Huntley hit a solo home run out of left field to bring the score to 5-3 in the ninth. The Sycamores
would look to score again with Clay Dungan reaching on a walk and Roberto Enriquez up at plate, but the Hoosiers would secure the victory with a groundout back to the pitcher. The Sycamores gave up a lot of opportunities to score in this game, leaving runners on bases in every inning except the seventh. Junior pitcher Tyler Whitbread fell to 2-2 on the season. IU pitcher Tim Herrin would move up to 1-0 on the season. Although the Sycamores lost a close game, they should be confident going into their next game because they kept it close against a ranked opponent and they’re still 14-6 on the season. The Sycamores will face off against the Missouri State University Bears in a Missouri Valley Conference showdown here at ISU on Friday at 4:30 PM.
Sycamores head to Illinois State for First Road Conference Series Indiana State will finally return to action this weekend when the Sycamores play a three-game Missouri Valley Conference softball series at Illinois State. Friday will witness a doubleheader starting at 2 p.m. ET/1 p.m. CT with a single game on Saturday that will be broadcast live on The Valley on ESPN3 starting at 1 p.m. ET/Noon CT. The series, originally scheduled for a single game Friday and doubleheader Saturday, comes after Tuesday’s doubleheader at IUPUI – which, in itself was rescheduled due to weather – was canceled because of inclement weather. Quick Hits • Indiana State returns to action this weekend with a three-game series at Illinois State. • After back-to-back home Valley series to start conference play, the Sycamores will face a league foe on the road for the first time this season. • The 15-12 (3-2) mark by the Sycamores places the team tied for third place in the Missouri Valley Conference by win per-
centage after being selected to finish 10th (last). • Illinois State leads the all-time series against Indiana State, 83-16, and the Redbirds have won seven straight in the series. • The first game in this weekend’s series will mark the 100th all-time meeting between the two schools. • The last win over Illinois State in Normal came on March 29, 2014, a 12-8 victory. • A young team this year, Indiana State only has four upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) on its 18-member roster. ConsistenTree Indiana State sophomore Leslie Sims has been the most consistent Tree to date at the plate this season. She enters this week’s play ranked fourth in the Missouri Valley Conference with a .435 batting average while her on-base percentage of .506 ranks her fifth in The Valley. Trees Turn Two Indiana State’s defense has been seemingly on point with runners on base this year. The Sycamores enter this week’s action ranked 34th in the nation and third in The
Valley with an average of 0.44 double plays turned per game. Get In Gher When Della Gher (pronounced: GEAR) enters the game, go ahead and shut it down. She currently ranks second in the nation and first in the Missouri Valley Conference with five saves this season. She’s already etched her name in Indiana State’s record books - see the next note for more information. Della Gher Category National MVC Stat Saves 2 1 5 Get In Gher - Part II When Della Gher (pronounced: GEAR) registered her second save of the young 2018 season in an 8-7 win over Tennessee State on Feb. 17, she forever etched her name into Indiana State history. That marked her seventh career save, setting a new school record for the Sycamores. She surpassed the six career saves Darcy Wood recorded from 2005-09. Gher currently has eight career saves to her credit.