STAFF . . . . . . ALLY N L. PO NTI US Ed ito r . • Assista nt Ed itor . . . . . . . . HO LLI S V. YOU NG Spo rts Edito r . . . . . . . . . ROBE RT SAWY ER Ph otograph er ..... . ...... . JA MES MI NOZZI Typ ist ... ...... LENYILLE HARDI E Facu lty Ad viso r . MR. DA RR O W C . FOX Photogra phy . W OLF & DESS AUE R Photog ra ph y . . . . . NEU MAN STUDIO Photog ra ph y . . . WATTER S STUDIO •
Blood Bank
Buying Books Mail Call
Coffee Break
- -
Senior Ball
Full House
July Picnic
English Composition for Native Students
Ch e mistry Students with Mr. Guindon on Field Trip
Chemical Engineering Students Operating Distilling Column
English Composition for Forei gn Stud ents
Operating fluid flow apparatus and calculations following experiment
Studying Research in t he Library
Last day, fast term for Charl es Monk, Ch e mical Engineering Stud e nt.
Jose ph Petrovas ta kes time for smoke.
Laza r Wilinski , Colombia Joaqu in Fe rna ndez, Cuba Jose Garcia , Colo mbia Making use of spare mom e nts
/~ '
more de c ent things we are aware of, the more things
we have knowledge of, the more c han ce we have of being happy , successfu persons ."
• ·· -~
Mr. Erne st 5. Field s, President of th e Cincinnati Ga s and El ectric C o mpany, spea ks to the graduating seniors.
First Row :
WI LBUR T. A SH, B. S. M .E.; Be rwic~. Pa.; Pre 1deni's List ( 4 }; Honor Roll (I) . HAROLD L. AUER , B.S .M .E.; Connel lsville, Pa.· Flying Club; Presiden1' s List ( 4 }; Honor Roll (I). WA LTER A.I.E.E.
B.S .E.E.;
GLEN L. BAN SBACH, B.S.EI.E.· Bryan, Ohio; E.E.S.; Chess Club; Vi ce Pre si dent
Second Row :
PAUL S. BAR ETIA , B.S.M .E.; Stamford, Conn.· S.A.E.· M echanic al Club; Junior Class Treas urer ; UN Club; Pres.dent s List (1) . CHARLES E. BARN UM , B.S. M.E. ; Grand S.A.E.; Secretary, Treasurer; Bowling Club
Rapid s
M 1ch.:
SAMUEL BAR OODY, B.S.M .E.; W ilkes- Barre, Pa. RICHARD E. BEND ER. B.S.Ae .E.; PenMar, Pa.; I.A.S., President; Sig ma Ph i Delta, Pledgema ster, Assistant Chief, Chief Eng i neer ; Student Council (I 0 ), Pre si den t , Vice-President, Treasurer; Yearboo k Staff, Editor, A ssistan t Editor; Honor Roll (3); President's List (8); Studen t Instructor, ED ll , ED 12 , ED 13, ~D 21 , f[) 22 ; Bowling Club; Ame rican Rocket Soci ety.
First Row:
O RMAN 0. BLOXO M , Drafr.ng Diploma; Park ley, V1rginia.
M . S. BEREKET, B.S.C.E.: Istan bul, Turkey; A .C.E · President' s List (3), Honor Roll (2).
RO NA LD L BONAR , B.S .C.E; Fa rmdale, Ohio: Alpha Gamma Upsilon, President, Treasurer; Student CoJncd; Ma le Chorus; Pres1dent's List (2); Inter- Fraternity Council.
BARRY J. BERSO N, B.S.C.E.; Hartford, Conn.; Presidents List (6}. MARI O G. BERTERO, B.S.Ch .E. ; Quito , Ecuador, S.A.; A .E.C h.E.; A .C.S., Trea surer; Phi Iota A lpha; Varsi ty Soccer Team . RONAL D R. BLACK , B.S.C .E.; Kit+ ann i ng, Pa.; A .C.E.; Newman Clu b ; G olf Team.
CYR IL R. 0. BR OOK, B.S EI.E.; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: I.R E.; Electrical Club; President's List (8); Honor Roll (I).
Th ird Row: LYLE E. BROWN IN G, B.S .M .E.; Odon, lnd1ana · Flying Club CHARLES H. CARR , B.S. M .E.; Ph.ladelphia , Pa.; S.A.E.; Fencing Club; Foil Team Captain.
Seco nd Row :
THOMAS L. CIESLICA, B S.C.E.; Ladawanna, N.Y.; A.C.E.
L UTH ER E. BLAN KENS H I P, B.S. EI. E. · Leba non, M o. ; Pres· dent's List (2) .
KENNETH W . COVEY, B S.C.E.; H okah, Minn.; A.C.E.: S.A.E.; Flying Club, Membership Officer; Pres1dent's L1st (I).
' . J...y • I
First Row : •
W I LLl A'M A. C 0 YLE, B.S. E. E. ; A Ide n, N .Y.; N ew man C Iub, VJ ce-Pres1dent; W e1gh t lift-ing Club; Pre si dent' s List (I).
LU I S H . DE LA PEN A , B.S.M .E. ; M ex ico , D.F , M ex i co ; Ph i Iota Alpha , Pre si dent; Spanish H our Radio Program, Announcer.
,..:, .. J
... . .. . . . . .
GUS DERVEN IS, B.S.EI E.; lnd1anapolis, lnd1ana. DO NA LD A .I.E.E.
Rap ids,
M 1ch.;
Second Row : JOS E G. DI AZ GRANADOS, B.S.C.E.; Colombia, S.A; <;.A .E. · S.A .M .E. · Ph i Iota A lpha , Vi ce- President, Soccer Team. VINCEN T DI FILIP'PO, B.S. M .E.: Lora1n, Ohio; Mechan1cal Cl ub.
FRANK DISTEFA NO, B.S.M .E.; East- Mea dow, L.l., N.Y. •
REGINALD F. DOWNEY, B.S. M .E.; Lennoxville, Quebec; Kappa Sigma Phi; I. F.C.; Pre si dent's L1st (4 ).
First Row :
RICHARD L. FA NNIN, B S.M .E.; Shirley, Ind.; Glee Club : Pre si dent's Li st {6).
REYNOLD W . DUECK, B.S.EI.E.; Din uba , Calif.; President's List ( 3} .
M URRAY F. FELLER, B.S. EI.E.; Brooklyn, NY KU'RT FISC1HER, B.E.E.E.; New Haven, lnd ; Mal e Choru s; Pre si dent's List ( 2) .
DO NALD E. DUTIW EILER . B.S.EI.E. ; Findla y, Ohi o; Iota Ta u Kappa ; President' s Li st (5) . NI CK EAKER , B.S.EI.E.; Gorman, Texas; 'Pre sident's Li st ( I ); E.E.S., A ssistan t Instruct or, El 250a, El 130a, El Lab A ssistant.
Thir·d Row :
REGIN AL D J. FOR TUN E, B.S.Ch.E.; Garden City, Kansa s: C.E.S. : Pre si dent's List (4 ).
M. EULISON, JR.; B.S. M .E.; Lauren s, S.C .; Mechanical Clu b ; Honor Roll {2).
RO B5RT C. GALEN , B.S.E. E.; Batrle Creek, Michigan. GILMAN C. GERARD, B.S. E.E.; Mada·waska, Ma ine; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Sergeant of Arm s; Presi dent's List (2); Honor Roll (2); Intramural Sports.
Second Row:
JOH N Club.
B.S.A e.E.;
Painesville, Ohio:
Fly ing
ARTHUR L. GOLDIN, B.S.EI.E.: Ellenville, N.Y.
First Row:
B.S.E.E.; Deshler, Ohio· Pre~·dent's B.S .N.E.· Banara s, India; UN Club.
MOHAMEDALT HAFFAR B.S.E.E.: Chicago, Illinois. RICHARD C. HA NSEN, B.S.E.E. ; B.S. in Mdt h; May Landing, N.J.; A l.E.E., Secretary, "Tec..hnicran'' Represen ahve;
. ,
Physic Club, Chairman; Sh.dent Council; Prec; dents List {2)
Second Row:
GORDO N N. HART, B.S.E I.E.; Hartford, Conn· E.E.S.; A E. S. , Exe c ut 1ve Com mi tt e e ; Ho no r R"' II ( I ) ; Pre si d e nt s L1 .. t {2). DO NA LD B. HENDRICKS B.S.M E. Chas~a. Minn.; S A.E.· Student C ounc1, Trea surer; Sen1or C ass, V'ce-Pres dent; Pre c;'d ent's L1st ( 2). MARTIN J. HER MA t~NS, B.S. M.E.; Ma lone, Wi sconsin; S. A.E.; Mechanical Club; Newman Club; Honor Rol l (3). DU ANE G. HOFFMA N, B.S.Ae.E · Abilene Kansa s, I A.S., Chairman, Vice-Chairman; Student Councd, Campus President, Correspon ding Secretary; "Tec.hnician"; Yearb oo ~ Staff; Iota Tau Kappa; Pre~·dent's L's (5 ) · Ca )well Engineering Drawrng Award (Th'rd Pace); Mae Churus; R'fle: Club· Intram ural Basketball, Ass:stant ln-,tructor, ED.
First Row:
JA'MES A . HOPKINS, Honor Roll (I) .
B.S.EI. E.;
WILLIAM J. KELLER , JR., B.S .M E.; Pott svtlle, Penna.; S A.E ., Chairman , Se cretary; Intram ural Baseba ll Footba ll, Ba sket ball; Pre sident' s Li st (I); Student In structor, ED 21 , ED 22 ED 23.
LAYMON C. HOSKINS , B.S .EI .E.; Fort Wayn e, Ind.; E.E.S.
KENNETH E. KERR , B.S.Ae.E. ; Elkhart, Ind.; I.A.S.: President's Li st (I 0).
KENNETH 0. HUEBSCHMAN, B.S.Ae.E.; Evan st on, Ind .· I.A.S.; Student Council; President's Li st (2) . Thi rd Row :
RICHARD E. HUFF, B.S.M.E.· Constantine M ich .; Mechanical Club; Junior Class, President; Bowling C lub ; S.A.E., Secretary, Vice-Chairman.
EDGAR C. KOLB, B.S. M .E.; Drafting Diploma; Leban on, Ill.; S.A.E. ; Sigma Ph i Delta: Intramural Sports.
Second Row:
TADAO KURODA , B.S.M.E.; Wa ia koa, Hawa ii; Mechanical C lub; Hawaiian Clu b; Honor Roll (I).
JO H N F. JOHNSON, JR., B.S.EI.E.; Ironton, Ohi o ; E.E.S.; Alpha Omega Tau, Secretary; Pre sident's Li st (2) .
KARL W. KURZ, B.S M.E.; Fort W ayne, Ind.; Mechanical C lu b; Honor Roll ( 2) ; Pre si dent' s List (6).
W ILLIAM N. KEATING, B.S.E.E.; G loucester, M ass.; Electrical C lu b; A.E.S.; Pre sident's List (I).
THOMAS F. KWIATKOWSKI, B.S.EI.E.; Eve rett, A.E.S.; Pre si den t 's List (4) ; Hono r Roll (4) .
Ma ss.:
First Row:
H A R0 LD L. LA U RI LA , B.S C . E. ; A sh t a b ul a , 0 hi o : A .C. E. : S.A.E · "Technician" Sta ff; Golf Team· R fie Cl~...b· Pistc...l Club, President ; President' s List. EDMU N D LOBACZ, Drafting Diploma: Fori W ayne , Incl .: A .l E E; Bowling Club. JA M ES P. LOGUE, B S.EI.E.; For t W aynt::, Ind.: Sigma Phi
• .....,, ~
Del~a; Student Cnuncil: Soph~m 11e Cla!:,S, Presrdent· Senior
Class, Secretary, B<>wling Club; lntrarnUrdl Sports, Pre'lidenl'.. Lrst (2}. WESLEY A. LYBRAr JD, B S C .E.; Bate sburg, S C.: C.E.S., Charrman; A E S.; A ICE ; Kdppa Alpra : Studer t Cuunr il· Studt"nt lns t ruc~or, Chemi~hy, Presrclent s Lr~t.
Second Row :
THOMAS C. M cCOR MI CV, B S.EI .E.; Brush Valley, PPnnn.; E.E S , Bowling Club. ROBERT H. MACHLER B SEE.· Springfield, Ma ss.: E E S.; YM C A W or 1d Servrce; Pre sr dent's Lrst (2): H onor Roll (I). FRED M A RG 0 SI A K, B.S.M .E. ; Sp ri ng fi eId , M ass. ; M ec_ ha ni cal Club; S.A.E.; Flying Club; Presideni' s Lrst (3} · H onor Roll ( 2). L U I S MAS FO RR0 LL, J R., B S.C .E. ; H a b a na , Cub a : A C E. ; l l ewman Club; l n~ ramural B a~ ketba ll, Sofrball, Volley ball ; Sw11nmrng Team , Cvach: Pre .,r dent\ Li:;t (I}; H onor Rull ( I ).
First Row :
LARRY D. ODELl US , B S.M.E. ; Roc kford , Ill .; M echa nical C lu b ; S.A.E.; Cheerleader.
LIONEL C. MAXW EL L, B.S.C.E.: Jamaica , B.W .I.; A.C.E. ; Canterbury C lu b; Presi dent' s List (2).
JOH N C. O 'DONNELL, JR. , B S EI .E.: Buffalo, N .Y.· Kapp a Sigma Kappa ; Pre sident' List (I).
CHARLES J. M OE NIN G, B.S.A e.E.; M elrose, Minn.: I.A.S. , Trea surer ; Newman Club; Flying Club; President's Lr st ( II )
Thi rd Row:
JOHN B. M ONTEITH, B.S.C.E.; Ol d Fnrt, N .C.; S.A. M .E. , Secretary; A.E.C. ; Fen cing Club; President' s Li st (I).
BILLY G. OH MART, B.S.E.E.; Manche ster, Ind. ; A .E.S.; E.E.S. ; Rifle Cl ub ; W erghtliftinq Cl ub.
ROBERT H . M O RLEY, B.S. M .E. · Bay City, M ich. ; S.A .E. ; Bowling C lub; President's List (I).
PASQUALE L. PARENTE, B.S.E.E.; Warw· c Intram ural Softba ll. Secon d Row:
R.I. ; A I E.E.;
JORGE M . PEREIRA, B.S.Ch.E · G ua ema la, C .A .· A I.C h E.· A.C.S. ; Intram ura l Footba ll, Socc er Honor Roll (I ) .
DA RL MUSGROVE, B S Ae.E.· G lenwi llard , Penna.; I.A.S., Treasurer , Vice Chairman; A.R .S.
DO NALD L. PETERS , B.S.E.E.; Indianapol is, Ind. ; A .E.S.: E.E.S.; appa Sigma Phi ; A ssi stant ln c:. tr uc t or, EE ISOA, EE 210A· lntram Jra l Softba ll.
DO N V. MEYERS, B.S. M .E.; Fred onia , Kan sas; S.A.E., Trea surer.
/ 17
First Row :
RONALD PETROFF, B.S.M.E.: Akron, Ohio; Beta Sigma Ta u, Pre sident, Vice-Pre si dent; S.A.E.; Intramural Soft ba ll, Golf; Pre sident's List (5); H onor Roll ( I ) . DOMENICK PITONE, B.S.M.E .: Brooklyn, NY.; A lpha Gamma Upsilon Exe cut ive Council; Intram ural Sports. DAV ID W . RAY, B. S.EI.E.; Fort W ayne, lnd ; A lpha Omega Tau.
GORDO N L. REH M EYER, B.S.E E; Jacobus Penna.: E.E S Vi ce-Cha1rman, Secreary; A.E.S.; Student Council; A ss1stanr Lab Inst ructor, EE IOOA, EE 120A, EE 130A: President's L1st (4).
Second Row :
ANNA E. REID List (3).
B.S .Ch E.; N 1agara Fa lls
N.Y.: President's
LELAN D W . REID , B.S.Ch .E.; N iag ara Falls, N.Y.路 A .C.S.: C.E.S.; A.I.Ch.E. ; Sigm a Phi Delta, Business Ma nager: Bowlin g C lu b; Student Council, President, Secretary ; Pre siden t' s Li st (5); Instructor, Ch3 2 Lab . CARL E. RHO DA, B.S.A e. E.: Franklin,lnd.路 Clu b, Safety Officer; President's List ( 2).
I.A.S. ; Flying
RICHARD N . RIFE B.S. M .E.; Dun!ap, Iowa; M echanical Cl ub ; Studen t C ouncil; Presi dent' s List {8).
First Row :
JA'M ES E. SHERET, President's Li st (2).
B.S.A e.E.; Ogdensburg,
I.A .S.;
ED WAR D ROGERS, B.S.E.E. ; A then s, Penna. W ILLA RD W . ROGERS
RO BERT E. SHERLIN , JR., B.S. EI. E.; Catasauqua, Penna.: E.E.S. ; Sigma Ph i Delta, H is torian, Vice-President, lnrramural Footba ll, Softba ll, Bowl1ng; President's Lis t (8).
B.S. A e.E.; Lawtons, N .Y.
RAYLO N D J. RYA N B.S .E.E.: Norw ich, C onn.; E.E.S., C hairman ; Student C ouncil ; Instr uct or, Math A , II , 2 1, 31 . Third Row :
KULDIP S. SEK'HON, B.S.E.E.: Punjab, Ind ia ; Electrical Club· Ind ia A ssociati on; UN C lu b ; Pre si dent' s Lis t (2).
RICH A RD SIMO N IC, B.S.EI.E.· Trea surer ; Iota Ta u Kappa .
Patterso.n, Calif.;
Second Row:
SUKH M INDER SIN GH, B.S.C .E.: Punjab, S.A .M .E.; India A ssoci at ion; UN C lu b.
LAW REN C E K. 5EY M 0 U R, B.S. M .E. ; Sp ring fie Id , 0 hi o ; S.A .E., Cha irman; Pre si dent's List (3); H onor Roll ( I ).
RA LEIG H M . SMITH, B.S.M .E.; C olum b ia, S.C.; Mechan1cal C lu b.
TARUNKU M AR B. SHAH , B.S.EI. E., B S.E.E. ; Bom ba y, Ind ia; A .I.E.E.; A .E.S. ; E.E.S. ; Ind ia Students A ssoci ation .
EM IL S. SOM M ER FELDT, B S C.E · Wh ite stone N .Y: Band· W eightlifting Club· A .C. E
Ind ia;
A .E.S.,
A .C. E.;
First Row: •
RA LPH J. SPAYD, B.S.EI.E.: Mariah Hill, Ind.; E ectrical Club, Secretary; Intramural Softball; Presiden 's L'st {2 ; Honor Rcll (9). EUG Et'-1 E H . STERN ER B S E. E. : W instea <1, Min n. ; I.T. E A Presi den t 's Li~ t ( 2). KE NN ETH L. STUTZM A N, B.S EI.E.; Kan·.1s City, Mo.; Gclf Team .
~\~ ~\,
·~...) ')'>~
~ ~
J AM ES M TA EUCHI B S.EI.E.; Paha la, Hawai i; Hawa iian C lu b, SergPant-A--Arms; Intramura l Foo tball , Swimming , B a~ k etball, Tennts Softball, Horseshoes; Pre si dent's Lis t (6) · Honor Roll (2) .
Second Row :
KAZUO TOGASHI, B.S.Ch E.· 0 aa Hawaii· A.C S Treasurer· C E.S., Treasurer· Hawa an C .;b Secre tary· President's Li;)t (2 ). W ILLI AM K. W IG NER, B S E .E.; Fa rm ct1 n Clu b
$nd · F 1 inq
KO N Vv O RTH , B.S.M.E.; Ne'w Brunswic k, N.J.; Mechan·cal Clu b ; St uden t C ouncil: W eigh tli fting CIJb· Glee Cl 1b, Volleyball Tennis Team· Presiden t' s LiJt. STAN LEY S. YUMEN , B.S. M.E., Waia koa, Kula, Hawa'i: Mech a nical Clu b : Hawairan Club; Intramural Softball, Volley ball. Footbal. .
KE NN ETH A . Z IMM ERMA N, B.S E.E · Trenton, N .J.; A .I. E.E., C orrespon d 'ng Secre ary· Iota Tau Kappa , President ; Honor Roll (9 ).
THO M AS A ZRU NO, B.S. M .E · Scu h Greensburg Penna· A lpha Gamma Upstlon, Pledgemasrer, Vtce President; S udent Council; Newman Clu b.
CANDIDATES NOT SHOWN WI LLIAM A . CLO SE, B.S.M .E.· Fort W ayne, ln d List ( I ) .
CA RLOS PARR A G A Drafting D1ploma; El Salvador; S gma Kappa.
Pres.den T s
C A M I LL E PETERS0 t'-1 B.S.C h.E. ; Fo rt W ay ne, I nd . ; Te nni s Club; In t ramural Volley ball.
DALE E. C RAI G, B.S. M .E.: Syracuse, N.Y.· S. A E.: Newman C lu b, Presi dent; Stude nt Inst ruct or, ED I I , ED 12 , ED 13, ED 21 , ED 22 , ED 23.
TH O MAS S. PRI CE, B.S.Ch.E.; Covi nglon, C.E.S.; Speech Un limite d C lub, Sec ret ary.
FRANCIS J. LAVOI E, B.S.A e. E. ; Gardner, M ass.; Varsity C lu b ; Varsi t y Fenc ing; Intramural Softball; Presiden t' s Lis-! (2); H onor Roll {1) .
A .C.S.;
PETER D. SC HMITZ, B.S.A e.E.; Nrw Yor k, N .Y., I. A .S.· Kap pa Sigma Phi; Fencing Team; Intramural Foot ball, SoftbaiL Basketball. RICH A RD H. SCHO MM ER, B.S.E.E.: F rt W ayne, Ind.
LAMBERT A . MA RTIN, B.S.M .E.; Hobart, N.Y.
First Row :
WALTER BAGLEY, B.S.C.E.: Bowman, N.D .: A .C. E.
PHILIP E. AB SI, B S.M.E. Damascus, Syri a; M echan ical Club ; Arab C lub FRAN K J . A FFELDT Se cretary ; E E.S.
B.S. EI.E . ; Swc yerv i II e
B.S. C .E. ; Sa ng r ur,
GEO RGE C. BARTH OLOMAY, Electrical Club.
Penn a. ; A. E.S., I nd 1a ; L1bra ria n
Third Row:
A ssistant. DAV ID V A~JDERS . B.S.Ch E. A .C.S. ; Pre s1dent's L1st {I).
B.S E.E.; Roch ester , N .Y.;
Fort W ayne, Ind .· A .I.Ch.E.·
BYR O N E. BART LETT, B S M .E · Pre si dent's L1st (3} ROBERTO BELEN, B.S.M .E. ; Puerto Ri co ; Phi Iota A lpha ; Lat in Am erican Fratern ity.
Second Row : HERBERT ANDERSON . B.S.E.E. ; Portsmou th, Va .; A Iph a Ps1. RAM 0 N E. A N SPAC H List {4).
STEPHEN M . BEN IC, B.S.Ch. E; Hami lton, Ontario, Canada; A C .S., Se cretary; A .I.Ch.E. Vice-Chairman; Kappa Sigma Kappa· Pre si de nt's List (1).
B.S.A e. E. ; Li ma 0 hi o.; Pre s1dent's
ALE X W . BEN N ETT B.S. E.E. ; Pen Run, Penn a. ; A .I .E. E., Recording Se creaary ; Bowling C lu b.
First Row : CLEO E. BEDS , B.S.E.E.; Coon Rapids, Iowa; A .E.S.; Rifle C lu b , Se cretary; Student Council .
ERNEST B. BUS BOSO, B.S.EI.E.· Honolulu Hawaii; Hawaiian Cl ub; Bowling C lu b.
A .I. E.E.:
DON A LD L. CALVIN, B.S.M.E , M cntgcmery. M ich; Mechanical C lu b: A lpha Omega Tau· Student Councd; Sh.dent In structor, ME 100; Intramural Golf, Basketball, Softball; President's List.
JO NAS W . BLA IR , J R., B.S.M .E.; Pikeville, Ky.; Bet a Sigma Ta u; Flyi ng C lu b. PAUL E. BLA NCH AR D, B.S.EI. E.· Ca ra quet, N. B., Canada ; A .E.S. JOH N BOU MA, B.S. M .E.; Grand C lu b, Pre sident , Se cretary.
Rap ids,
M ich.;
Th ird Row :
GEORGE R. CA M PBELL B.S E.E.: M1ddlese~., N.Y.; Electrical Clt...b. Vice-President: "Techn1c1an" Staff, Photo Ed rrr ANGELO W . CASTELLON , B.S. M .E. ; New York c·ty, N.Y. :
Second Row :
S.A. E.
EARLE W . BR O W N, B.S.EI.E.: Gunningsvdle, N .B., Canada; E.E.S.; W eightli fting C lu b ; Intram ural G ol f : Pres 'dent' s List
LAW RENCE J. CAVA AUGH , B S.M.E. New Florence Penna.; M echanical Club, Cha1rman; Intramural Football, Softball: Pre si dent' s List {5).
( 5) . G ILBERT K. BUDDEN BA UM , B.S.E.E.: Val hall a, N .Y.: A .l E.E.· Rif le C lu b, Se cre ary; Pis ol C lub, Presiden l. ; Presiden 's List
RAGH BIR S. CHHINA, B.S.C.E.· Pat1ala. Punjab India· A.C.E.; India A ssociation; UN Club: President's List ( 5) .
( I ).
• • •
First Row :
WILLIAM H. CHILES, B. S.EI.E.; Fort W ayne Roll (1).
HENRY DeLaROSE, B.S.Ae.E.; Fort W ayne, Ind .; I.A.S.; Phi lora Alpha; I.F.C., President.
Ind., Honor
ROBERT DO NOHOE, B.S. M .E.; Richland, W ashington.
EUGENE W. CHMIEL, B.S.E.E.; South Bend, Ind.: Presidenr's L1s r (3). Thi rd Row:
EARL R. COLBORN. B.S.E.E: Connellsville, Penna.; Electrcal Club; Flying Cub; President's List {3).
LYLE A . FAJEN, B.S.E .E.; Abilene, Kansas; A .E.S.: E.E.S., Vice-President; Student Council.
RICHARD M . COX. B.S.EI.E.· K1ng George, Va.· A.E.S Treasurer; Iota Tau Kappa· Presidents List; Honor Ro I (7).
JOH N G. FENNO, B.S.EI.E.; Fort Lauderdale, Fla. SUTIRI GIAVARA B.S.C.E.· Bridgeport, Conn.; A .C.E .; Kappa Sigma Kappa; Intramural Softball, Bas ke tb aII, Bo·wl ing, Golf; Student Instructor, CE I 55.
Second Row :
JOSEPH V. D'A MB ROSIO. B.S.C.E.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; A.C.E.: A lpha Gamma Upsilon; Pr esiden t 's List (2).
RONALD L. GOULD, B S.EI.E.; Selma, Ind.; A lpha Gamma Upsilon Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Pre siden t; Yearbook Staff Editor, Two Years; President's Li st (4).
HARSHAD M. DAVE, B.S .C.E.· Bhavnagar, Bombay, India; A .C.E.; India A ssocia t ion, Treasurer; Tennis Team.
First Row :
KE NN ETH W . HOGGARD , B.S.M .E. ; W est Lafayerte, Ohio; A lpha Gamma Upsilon, Vice-President, Sergeant-At-Arms; Intramural Football, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball.
JO HN T. G RIFFI N, JR. ; B.S.EI.E.; Lanca ster, Penna. ; Beta Sigma Tau , Publicity.
WI NSTON B. HOLD ING, B.S.C.E.; Jamaica, B.W.I.; Ap ha Phi Alpha; A.C .E.; Tra ck, A ssistant Captain ; Soccer,'Captain.
SATYA P. GUPTA, B.S.C.E.; Delhi, India ; India A ssociation, Secreta ry. LOUIS H. HA JA M SY, B.S. M .E. ; W eiland, Ontari o, Canada ; tv1 echanical Cl ub; President's Li st (4).
Third Row:
RO BERT J. H AYES, B.S.EI.E.; Fort W ayne, Ind. ; Newman Cl ub; A ssistan t Inst ruct or, El 140.
ROLA N D E. HURLBERT, B.S.C.E. ; Funkley, M in n.; A .C.E., President, Vi ce- Presi dent. RUSSELL E. JOHNSTO N , B.S.E.E.; New Castle, Penna.
Second Row:
RO NA LD W . H ICKS , B.S.Ae .E.; M ount Olive, Ill.; Sigma Phi Delta, Secretary ; Varsi ty Tra ck; Presi dent's Li st (2).
HARISH KAPOOR , B.S.Ch.E. ; Panna, Indi a; Ind ia Association; A.Ch.E.S. ; Studen t A ss istant Instructor, M etallurgy.
GLE NN A. HISER , B.S.EI. E. ; Bradner, Ohio; Intramural Softball; Pre si dent's List ( 1).
W ILLIA M E. KELLY , JR., B.S.E.E.; Shamokin, Penna.; Electrical C lub ; President's List (2).
. ~,;.-~
,, #'filf!.
KENNETH J LA UFER, B.S.C.E.; Roch ester, N.Y.; A.C.E ., Sergeant At A rms; S1gma Phi Delta, Pre si dent; Intramural Ba seball, Footba ll, V0lleybal , Tennis, Basketball· S.A.M.E. ; President'.;> L1st (I).
First Row :
ROLAND KERR . B.S. M .E. , Fort Wa yne, Ind .: Rifle Club, Trea surer; Pres1dent's List { 3). SHAHMIR KHAN , B.S.E.E: Karachi Pakistan: Pakrstan Students Cl ub , Pre si dent, Vice-Presi de nt
Th ird Row :
JO.H N B. KIESSLING , B.S.EI.E, Flushing, N.Y.; R'fle Club; W eightlifting Club
M AKSYM E. KOCUR , B.S.E E, Buffalo, NY. : Urran·an Student C lub , Trea sure r; Intramural Volleyball.
B S.EI.E., Fort Wa yne, Ind .· A.I.E .E :
GARLAND F. LINDE, B.S.EI .E.: Dorchester, Iowa: E.E.S. : A.I .E.E. , Vice-Cha irman , Trea surer; Student Cou ncil ; Seni or Class, Presi dent : Student Instructor, Phys Lab 22 , Phys Lab 32 · Presr de nt' s Lrst ( 5): H onor Rol ( 2).
Second Row :
CHARLES E. M cANEARY , JR ., B.S.Ae.E. ; W oo dbury, N .J.: Flying C lub ; President's List {2).
STEPHEN KOSAN O NSKY , B.S C. E.; Newa d , N.J.: A .C.E. C'HRIS G. KUENNETH , B.S Ae .E.; I.A.S.; L.S.C. R0 N A L D T. LA N DER, B.S EI .E. · De tr oit , M i c h · A .E.S.; Student C ouncil; Pre siden t s List ( 3).
ROLFE C. M acCULLOUGH , B.S.Ch.E. ; Florham Park, N .J.; A .C.S , Secretary: lnstrucl.or, Phys 22 Lab ; President's List (3 ) .
E. E.S. ·
First Row :
J AM ES L. MAC KEY, B.S.M .E., B.S. E.E. ; Vern on, N .Y. ; M ech an ica! C lub , Trea surer, Vice-Cha irman.
HER BERT . MORGAN B.S.EI.E. 路 Sou t namptnn NY .路 A .I.E.E.; E.E.S. ; Kappa A lpha Psi, Vice- Pole march; Studen Coun ci l ; Pre si dent' s Li st (6 ) .
DON A LD V. MARTIN , B.S.Ae .E.; Drafting Diploma ; Hobart, N.Y.; I.A.S.; Beta Sigma Ta u, Presi den t , Vice- President; Varsi ty Ba sketba ll.
WESLEY N. M U NSO N , B.S .Ch.E. : Utira, Ill.; A C .S., Pre sident, Se cretary; C .E.S. ; Sigma Phi Delta ; Stud ent Coun cil; Pre sident' s List (6).
A LBERT MAYER , B.S.E.E. ; Hi cksvi lle, N .Y.; A .E.S.; W eightlifting C lub.
Th ird Row :
JO HN F. M ETZGER , B.S. M .E.; A llentown , Penna .; S.A .E.; Flying Club ; " Te chni ci an '' Staff, Reporter, New s Ed it or, Feature Editor; Pre sident's List ( 5).
JU AN S. NADER , B.S.C .E.; C olombi a, S A C lu b.
Secon d Row :
FRAN LI N J. NAT IVID A D B.S.E.E.; Lant ka i O aha, Hawa ,i Hawa tt an C lub.
PAUL M . M ilKE, B.S.E.E.; Fort W ayne , Ind. : A I.E E.; Ha wa iian C lub, Vice-Pres ident, Secretary; Studen C ou ncil; ln ramural Sport s.
G A RY . N ELSON , B.S .C.E. : Li tchfield, Ill.; A .C .E; appd Sigma Phi, Corre spond ing Se cretary; Pre st de n 's Lis t ( 3).
LA RRY A . M 0 C K, B.S .C. E. ; Syra cuse, I nd . ; A .C. E. 路 Va r sit y C lu b ; Vars ity Basketba ll, 3 Years; Pre sident' s Ltst (7) ; Honor Roll (1).
RICHARD C. N5LSON , B.S.A e.E.路 Ea st Berne, NY , Jun tor C lass, Vic e-Presi den ; Flying C lu b Vi ce- Pre si de nt , Secre ta ry ; Studen C oun ci l.
A.C. E.: UN
JOSEPH POLICE, B.S.EI.E.; New Ph il adelph ia, Ohio; President's List (8).
Fi rst Row :
B.S Ch.E;
A C.S.·
B S.EI.E.· Wi lsonville, Ill.
HARRY POSTOVOI T, B.S.EI.E.: W aterford, C onn.
JAM ES A . PARTRIDGE. B.S M.E .· W 1ndsor, Vt. J AYAN DR A N. PATEL, B.S.C .E.; M adras, India A.C.E , S.A .M .E.; Ind ia A ssociation, Pre si dent, Secretary; Presi dent' s List (2).
Th ird Row : THOM A S F. PREUSSER , B.S. M .E.; Canton, Ohio; Pre si d ent' s Li st (6).
VERNO N G. PAULSO N, B.S.EI .E.· Marysville, B.C., Canada; E.E.S.; Student In str uctor El 130Lab; Pre si dent' s List (5).
FREDDIE PRI NCE, B.S.E.E.; Sou th Vienna, Ohio; A .I.E.E.; Pi stol Cl ub.
Second Row :
JEA N RISSE, B.S. M .E. ; Catten om Moselle, Fran ce; President's List (6).
RO Y F. PETERSON , B.S . EI . E.~ Ram sey, Il linois; Kappa Sigma Phi , President.
MA URICE ROC K, B.S.M .E.: Mont erey, Ind .; Kappa Sigma Phi· Intramural Basketball, Football.
( 28
RA MES H M . SHETH, B.S.Ch.E.: Bombay A.I.Ch.E.; India Student A ssocia7ion.
First Row:
JOSE RUIZ-ZORRI LLA , B.S.Ch. E.; A.C .S.: A .I.C h.E .. Secretary.
M exico
D.F.. M exico:
GURDEV SINGH B.S E E.: Punjab, India: Ind ia A ssocia tion, Secretary; UN Club.
A REF SALEM , B.S.C.E.; EI-K oura Leban on: Arab Studen t s C lu b, Vice-Presi dent; A .C.E.; Intram ura l Volleyba ll . ED W ARD E. SALEM , B.S. M .E.; Students C lu b; UN C lub.
India: A C.S.,
MAJOR SINGH , B.S.M E; Punjab, India: Flying CIJb; M echanical Cl ub ; UN Club; India Association.
EI- Koura , Lebanon; A rab Th ird Row :
RO BERT A. SEO , B.S.EI.E.; H onolulu. Hawa ii; E.E.S .: A .I.E. E.; Keki on ga Amateur Radio C lu b ; Hawa iian C lu b, Trea surer ; Intram ural Softball; President's List (3); H onor Roll (3 ) .
JOHN F. STEGE, JR., B S.C.E.; Fort W ayne, Ind. JOH N S. STEWART Drafting Diploma; Fort W ayne, Ind.: Beta Sigma Tau, Treasurer; Studen Instructor, ED 21, ED 22 , ED 23 , ED II, ED 12: President' s List (2).
Second Row :
LYNN E. STEWART, B.S.EI.E.; Renron, W ash.; E.E S.. ViceChairman; A .I.E. E.: A .E. S.
RO BERT H. SHAR路PE , J R. , B.S. EI. E.; Kn oxville, Tenn.; E.E.S.: Bowlin g C lu b.
H 0 WA RD R. ST0 RER, B.S. C. E. ; Fort W a yne, I nd . ; A C. E ; S.A.M.E.
ED M UN D A . WA DELL, JR. , B.S.EI E.; Toma hawk , W ise.: E.E.S.· St udent In str uct or, El IIOLab .
First Row : FRANCIS D. SULAR Z. B S. M E · Missoul a, M on t .· Mechanical C lu b : lntram ura Sp orts.
RO BERT F WAG N ER , B.S.C. E.; Lancaster, Pe nna.
PA UL P. SULP RIZIO , B.S .C .E.. Ri.:hmon d lnd ; S.A .M .E., Reco rd i ng Secret ary ; Beta Sigm a Tau; Student C oun cil· Sophomore C la ss Vtc e-Prest de nt · Prest de nt' s List (8 ).
Th ird Row:
MA U RO G . TERRACI N I, B.S.Ch.E. ; Sa o Pau lo, Braz il, S A .: A .C .S.: A .C h.E.S.
ROGER E W HI TT IG , B.S.C .E.; H udso n, Ind .; A .C .E.: Varsity Basebal l, 2 Years; Va rstty Basketball , 3 Years.
W ILLIAM L. TIN KEL. B.S.EI.E ; Fort W ay ne In d .
SAM UEL M . W ILLI AM S, B.S.M .E.· M ario n, Ind . SID N EY W OLI N , B.S .EI.E.; Broo klyn , NY.: Rif le C lu b ; Stu de nt A ss ista nt, Phys La b ; Pr esi dent' s Lt st ( 3) ; Honor Roll ( 2 }.
Second Row :
BA SI L W . P. TURI AN SKY, B.S.E.E.: Stoc kt on, N .Y.; Ukra ini an Student C lub, Pre si dent, Vic e-Pre sid ent ; Intramura l Voll eyba ll, Team C apta in; Pre si de nt' s List (3 ).
FRANK T. YAMA DA , B.S.M E.: H onol ul u, Ha waii ; M echanical C lu b ; S.A .E.; H awai ian C lub ; Intram ura l Foot ball ; Presiden t' s Lis t (3 ).
BEN JA'MIN R. VIAN , B.S .M E.: Fort W ayne , In d.; S.A .E.; Presi dent' s Li st ( 3) .
ALBERT H. YAMAOTO , B.S.EI.E.; H onolulu, Hawa ii: Ha wa ii an C lu b ; Pre si dent' s Lis t ( 3) .
SA MUEL T. YAMAUCHI , B.S M .E: Honolulu , Hawa 11; Ha waiian Club.
ROBERT W . MANUA L, B.S.EI.E.· Front Royal, Va.
STANLEY J. FIGON , B.S.Ae.E.: Ham il t on, Onta rio, Canada ; I.A.S.; Newman C lu b.
DO MINIC E. NOEL, B.S.Ch.E. ; Lat ro be, Penna . VEL LO NOLVAK , B.S.Ch E.; Fort W ayne, Ind. ; A .C S.; President's List ( I).
R0 BERT S. G U IT A RD, B.S. C h .E. ; Fort W ayne, I nd . ; A .C .E., Vice- Pre si dent; Newman Club ; Intramural Basketball, Soft ba ll, Footba ll . ARLESS B. HADLEY, B.S.E.E.; Marseill es, 111 .
RICHARD J. RAJCHEL, B.S.A e. E., Fort Wa yne, lnd; S A .E ; Ameri can Rocket Society : Presi dent' s List (I).
RAY M OND J. HANSEN , B.S.EI .E.: South Bend , Ind .: E.E.S : Student A ssistant, EL 210 ; Pre si dent's List (6); H onor Roll (3 ) .
JOHN H. RIBBE, B.S.Ae.E.; Ludlow A sb ury, N .J; I.A .S., Vice-Cha i rman, Secretary ; Iota Tau Kappa Scholast ic Award : Pre si dent's List ( 7).
RALPH E. HYDE, B.S.E.E.; Cannel t on, Ind.
RO BER T W . W OL FE, B.S. Chemistry; Elizab eth N J. •
;; '
Pllll ; ~
First Row :
RICHARD T. AGAWA, B.S. E. E.· Lahaina , M aui, Hawa ii· A.I.E.E.; Student C ou ncil ; Intram ural Sports· Pres1dent's List (6): Honor Roll (2). T I M 0 K. A IJ A LA , B.S.C . E. ; Ra uma , Fi nIa nd ; Ph i I ot a A I p ha ; W e,ghtlifting Club; Caswell Engineering Draw1ng A·ward; President's List ( 7), Honor Roll ( 2).
MAN UEL !<'. ALBERAS , B SEE: l<' auai, Hawa1i· Hawai1an Club, Pres1dent Treasurer· Pres dent'~ L1st ( JO), Hunor Rol. (2 ). RICHARD ANTONI UK, B S.M.E.; Nort hampton Penna.; M echanical Club; S.A.E.· Intramural Softball; Pres1dent's L1~t (6): H onor Roll (2).
Secon d Row :
CHARLES A ARMBRUST, B.S E.E.· Zane sville, Oh'o; A.E.S. Chairman, Se cretary. M A RLl N A. BA I L EY, B.S. M at h · W i nfi eId , Ka nsa s; M a Ie Ch orus; Pre si dent' s List (2). ROBERT T. BARKER , B S.E E.: Norton, Va. ; Ele ctrical Club: Pre si dent's Li st (I). HONORE P. BARUS , B.S .EI .E.; Fort W ayne, Ind.; A.E.S.· Pre si dent's Li st ( J).
First Row:
Iota Tau Roll (4)
A GRIPI NO G. BATOO N, B.S.EI.E.; Oahu, H awaii; A .I.E.E. · Hawa iian Club; Srudent C ouncil; S~udent In structor, El 13 0A ; Pre si dent' s Li st (5).
r (8); Honor
JAM ES R. BU NTI NG , B.S.E.E.; Frankford, Dela.; A I E.E., Pre si dent, Secretary; Bowling Club; Student Cc uncil. Intramura l Softball; President' s List (I).
NO RMAN R. BECHSTEDT. B.S.M .E.: Brist ol, C onn.; Pistol C Iub ; I nt ra muraI So.ft b aII , Vo II ey baII ; Stud e nt Insrr uc tor, M E Lab .; Pre si dent' s List (3).
JOSEPH R. COFFIERS , B.S.E.E.: Trent on, N J.· Ele<tncal Club; Bowl rng Team; President's Li 5t (4).
THOMAS A. BERGHO FF, B.S.M .E.; Fort W ayne , Ind.; M ech ani cal Cl ub; Flyi ng Clu b ; S.A .E. ; Newman Club; President's Li st ( 4).
Th ird Row :
SYLVESTER E. CH M URA, B.S.EI.E.; Buffalo E.E.C. · H onor Roll (I ).
BLDEAN W . BOETTCHER , B.S.A e.E.; Elmo re , M inn.; I.A.S.; Flying C lu b ; H onor Roll (2).
N .Y., A .E.C.·
DOUGLAS E. CLA NCY, B.S. M .E.; Hardy, Iowa· Pre si dent s List (1).
Second Row:
TH O MA S W . COR BY, JR.: B S.M E; Pot sville, Penna.; Fre shman Class, Presi d ent; Beta Sigma Ta u, Pre <.r dent, VrcePre ~i dent; Student Council; President' List (2): In t ramural Sports.
ARN OLD A . BROOKER , B.S. M .E.; Fort W ayne, Ind.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, C orre spon di ng Secre tary, Recording Sec etary ; Pre si d ent's List (3); Honor Roll ( 1). EARL L. BR O WN
appa, v ·ce-President; President's Lt
RO BERT G DA LE, B.S.EI.E.: Natrona H eights, Penna :A E S.; A lpha Omega Ta u· " Techn.cran" Staff, A --.rctant Edrtor.
J R.· B.S.E .E. ; Re ading, Penna.; A E S.; 1
Fir st Ro w :
ALFRED A. DELISLE B S E.E.: Council· Presidents Li st (5). JOHN RAYMOND DU FF, JR., S.A.E.; Pre ">td ent' s Lt st (I). JOEL DUN I PACE Lisi (l); S A E.
B S. M E.
Lewi ston,
M a·ne; Student
B S.M E.;
Fort W avne, Ind .· Presidenl's
REYADH M Flytng Cub.
Ba '>ra, Iraq; Arab Club·
Seco nd Ro w :
B S ME .: Sanb_rn
N .Y.· Pres'dent' ..
PETER A ES BEN SES, B.S.Ae.E. · H 1ntington, Ind.· A E S. GE NE L. FAULKE I\lBERRY, B.S.EI.E.: Lone Jac Y M o. ; A .E S., Se cretary· Flying Club, Pre.)tden t ; Newman Club; M ala Ch orus; St udent ln struclor, ED . DESI J. FOLEN TA, B.S. M .E.; Eltzabeth , N .J.· M eehan cal Club; S A .E., Vice-President; Newman Club· M ale Ch ::>ru_, Student Instruct or ED.
Fi rst Row :
IVAN E. FOLK EN B.S.E .E.: K.A.R.C. ; Flying C lu b.
N ebr.·
NORMAN GELLMA , B.S M .E.; Broo lyn, N .Y.; S.A M .E. Vice-Presi dent; Beta Sigma Tau, Correspvnding Se . . re tary
E E.S. ·
LOUIS J. GERICS, B.S.E.E.; W eiland, Onta ' ''"" Canada: Electri(al Cub; Newma n C lu b ; Presi de nt s L1st (4).
ROBERT P. FORGIT: B.S.E.E.· Quinebaug, Conn: Electrical Club, Trea surer; Kappa Sigma Phi. ERNEST J. FOX. B.S.EI E.: Coopersburg Penna.: Kappa Sigma Phi, Trea surer, Presidenr· Pres dent's L1~ ( I ) .
Th ird
FRANK D. FRAZ IER B.S .M .E.· Avila Ind.· Student Council; Caswe ll Eng·neer'ng Drawing Award 2nd Pace· S uden Instr uct or, Phy s Lab· President's List ( 8); Honor R I (I}.
TIPTON A . GILBERT, B.S. M .E.: Princeton, Ill. C ARR OL R. GREEN ident' s List ( 4).
JOSE J. GARCIA, B S.C.E.: Fort W ayne, Ind .: AIph a.
B.S E .E.: Over and
LEROY GREEN , B.S. EI.E. ; Pittsburg, E.E.S.
Seco nd Row :
RAYM OND C. FUSCO, B.S.EI.E.; Patter <>on
Row :
M o.; A.E.S · Pres-
ans. · A E S.; A . I E.E.·
RICHARD H. HALL. B.S.M .E.; Newington, Conn.: M ech anical C lu b, Vice Cha1rman , Treasurer; Student Council; Intramural Softba ll Football Voll eyba ll; Pres1dent\ L1st (4 )· H onor Roll (2).
,. #. .
First Row:
W ILLIA M R. HALL, B.S. M .E.; Doans, Ind.: M echanical Club; S.A E, Secretary; Golf Team.
JOSEPH A. HALTERMAN , B.S .C.E.路 Cama c; Val ley Ore.; A.C.E., Pre s1 dent, Secretary, S.A.M.E.; Student Council, Vice-President.
DONALD R HARRAWOOD B.S M.E : Broughton, S.A.E.; M echanical Club; Prec;,dent's List (3). CARL C . HEDIN , B.S.E E.; Fort Wa yne
Ill .;
Ind. Dr . W a lker L. Cisler, Pre sid e nt of Detroit Ed iso n Company, spoke to the graduating seniors at th e Commencement on May 24 , 1959.
Second Row :
RO N ALD E. HICKS Honor Roll ( I).
Canada ;
W ESLEY L. H 0 L LEY, B.S.M .E : Sp r i ng fi eId M ass. ; Pres i d e nt' s Lis t (1). GO RDO N B. HONERT, B.S.EI.E.; Elgin, Ill .; A .E S., Cha,rman, Se cretary; Pre s1 dent' s Li st; Honor Roll (I). W I LS 0 N K. JAR J 0 U R, B.S.M . E. ; H om s, Syria , U .A R. ; M echanica! Clu b ; Arab Student C lu b, Treas urer; St uden t Co.Jncil; S.A .E.; President's List ( 3).
First Row;
WALTER R. KNIGHT, B.S.EI.E. · M cKeespcrt, We ightlifting Club; Intramural Sports.
J ACK L. JONES, B.S .C.E.; Wa uke sha, W ise. ; A.C E.
STEVE KOZLOVICH , B.S .M. E.: Kapuckas,ng. Ontario, Canada; S.A. M .E.: President' s List (I).
WI LLARD P. JONES , B.S .EI.E.: W illiamsfiel d, Ohio: S.A .M .E.· Preside,+: A .E.S., Vice-C hairm an. EDWARD G. JUR BALA B.S.C.E.; Fort W ayne, Ind.; A .C.E.· President's List (2).
Third Row ;
EARL C. KEPNER, JR., B.S.EI. E.; Yor , Penna. : E.E.S.; A.E .S. Trea surer; Iota Tau Kappa , Vice-President; Glee Club; Student A ssistan t , El 102A Lab; E 120 ; Pres1dent's L1st (8).
THOMAS A. RA TTLEY, B.S .M .E.: New Richmond, W 1sc.; S.A .E.; Flying Cl ub. NOR MAN F. KRUSE, B.S .Ch.E.; Decatur, Ind.: A.C .S; A .I.Ch.E.; Iota Tau Kappa; Ma harajh Award· President's List (7); Honor Roll (5) .
Second Row :
CHARLES E. KIESSLING . JR., B.S .EI.E.; Flushing, N.Y.
YUSU F S. ( I ).
JOH N P. KI NG, B.S.C.E.: W areham, M ass.; A.C.E .: S.A.M .E.; A lpha Gamma Upsilon; Newman Club, Secre ary; Intramural Sports; I.F.C., Secretary.
RICHARD C. LaFEVER, B.S .EI.E.; Bol,var, N.Y; E.E S., Pres'dent; Iota Tau appa7 A lpha Gamma Upsilon; Pres.dent's Lis t (9); Honor Roll (4).
t• :tff·oe
URIAL, B.S.M.E.; Baghdad, Iraq; President's List
First RoW':
DA VID LAI RD, B.S. E.E.; Ferg us Falls, Minn.: A.I.E .E., Chairman; Pre si dent's Li st (2). GERRET LAUER, B.S.EI. E. : Hamburg, Germany. KE NN ETH L. LaVAN, B.S.C.E.; Grove City, Penna.: A.C .E., Pre sident, Trea su rer ; President' s Li st (2).
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JOSEPH E. LI N K, B S.M .E , Farley, Iowa: "Technician" Staff· Pre5i dent's Ltst (2).
Seco nd Row :
KE NN ETH W . LONGW ELL, B.S.C.E.; Intram ural Basketball , Footba ll
Pana , Ill.; A .C.E.;
JA M ES D. McC AB E. B.S. M .E.; Pauld ing, Ohio; S.A.E. ; Flying Clu b ; Pi stol C lu b. M I L FO RD M cC LU N G , B.S. M .E. : Swa rtz Creek, M i c h. ; M aIe Ch orus. J AM ES R. MAR ELLO, B.S.EI.E.: Rochester, N.Y.; E.E.S. : Newman Clu b ; A .E.S.; Presi dent's List (7).
First Row:
CH A RLES M . M O N ROE, B.S. A e.E.; Laurel Hill, N.C., I.A S. : Presi dent's List ( I ).
JOHN R. M EYER , B.S.EI.E. ; Belle Vernon, Penna.; E.E S.; A .E.S.; Flyi ng C lu b ; Student C ouncil; President's List (3 ); H onor Roll (I ) .
ELLERY L. M OO RE B.S.E.E.; North Manchester, Ind.: Electrical Clu b ; Intramural Softball: President's List (2). W ILLI AM H. M YE RS, B.S.C.E.; St eubenville, Ohio; A .C.E.
M ELVIN L. M ILLER , B.S.Ae .E.; Fort W ayn e, Ind .; I.A .S., Pre si d en t ; Stude nt C o unc i I, Pre si d ent ; Ri fl e Tea m 路 I nt ramuraI Sofba ll, Bowl ing: Presi dent' s List ( 5); Studen t Instructor, Ph ys La b.
Third Ro w : M AX E. M IN NIEAR , B.S.M .E. ; Sidney, Ohio. CAR LOS NA DER M echan1cal Club.
PA UL J . MINOR, B.S.C.E.; Sou t h Port lan d , M a1ne; A .C.E.; Kappa Sigma Kappa , Presi de nt.
B.S.M E.:
IVO N UTH, B.S. M .E; Rochester, N.Y.; S A.E.: Kappa Sigma Phi; I. F.C., Presi dent.
Second Row :
J ERRY M . O KAM URA , B.S.EI. E.; Honolulu, Hawaii; A .I.E.E 路 Hawai1an Clu b ; Bowling Club, Secretary路 Student Councd.
CH A RLES MONK, B.S.Ch.E.: Plover, W ise.; C h E.S.; A .Ch.S. Trea su rer.
HA RRY J. OKESON, B.S.C.E.; Burnt Cab1ns, Penna.; A.C.E.; Varsit y Base ba ll; Varsity C lu b: President's List (I).
Fi rst Row :
A .C.E.: I
S.A.M .E.; President's List (I); H onor Roll (I). HERBERT W. ORTH, B S.E.E.: New York City, 1'-J.Y.· t~e·wman Club; Photo Club· Kappa Sigma Kappa Secretary; Fly1ng Club Secretary; I.F.C. · Presidents List (I).
B S.C.E.· Seoul. Korea· AC.E.
NORMAN S. PALAZZINI, B S.EI.E.; Holycke, Ma ss.; Beta Sigma Tau.
Second Ro w :
ARUIND 0. PARIKH, B.S.E.E.; Bombay, India: A .E.S.; India Student As sociation, Treasurer; Technician Staff. ROBERT R. PAYNE, B.S.EI.E.; Roseland Va.: Beta Sigma Tau; President's List (2)· Honor Roll (2). JA M ES N . PENCE, B.S.C.E.; Columb1a C1ty, Ind.; A .C.E.; S.A. M .E.; Pre si dent' s List (6); Honor Roll (3}. ALBERTO PESCATORI, B.S.EI.E.; Genova, Italy.
First Row :
DOt\lALD E. RICHARDSON, B S.E.E .: Avalon, N .J.; A .I. E.E., Treasurer; Intramura l Bowling ; President's List (I).
OWEN J. PORR , B.S.EI.E.· M iddle Vill age , N .Y.
W. JULIAN RICHEY , B.S.Ch.E.· Lewis t >wn, Penna.: A .l Ch.E.· Ma le Chorus; 'Technic an" Staff; Honor Roll (I).
STANlEY J. ·PUSKARZ, B.S. M .E. ; Bristol, C onn.; Sigma Phi Delta, Treas urer ; I. F.C. ; "Technicia n" Staff; R1fle C lub ; Pi stol Cl ub ; Bowli ng C lu b; Pres ident' s Li st (I }.
B.S.C.E.· Buffalo, N .Y.· A .C. E.
KE NTO N E. QUI NT, JR. , B.S. E.E.; Provid ence, R.I .; A .I.E.E.; Fen ci ng Team; Tra ck Team ; Varsity Club; Flying C lu b. Thi rd Row :
FERNANDO REBELLO , B.S. Physics; Pawtuc ket , R.I. ; Physics Cl ub, Pre si dent, Trea surer; Student ln st-ru ctc r, Phy s Lab· H onor Roll (I).
ROBERT A. SASKO, B.S.Ae .E.; Green Island, N.Y.; I.A.S.· Intramural Ba s ~ etba I, Vol eyball; A s·.istant Instructor, Phys Lab; President's List {8). ROY E. SCHMIDT, B.S. M.E. ; Ludingtc.;n , Mich; Mechanical Club; S.A.E.
Second Row :
MERVIN R. SHETLER, B.S. EI. E.; Elkhart, Ind.; A .l E.E.; Honor Roll (1).
DEAN M . REILY, B.S.E.E.; Red Lion, Penna .; Electrical C lub. Kappa Sig ma Phi, Trea surer; loa Tau Kappa ; President's List (9 ); Student In struct or; M II , M31; Intramural Sports.
THOMAS R. SHORT, B.S.EI.E.; Port Huron, M ich .
First Row : JOSEPH D. SI NCAVAGE, B S.C.E.; Bear Creek Vtl lage , Penna .; A .C .E. ; "Te chn 1cian " Staff, Feature Editor ; Stu de nt C ouncil· M ale C horus; Intramural Basketb al l, Foo tbal l, Softba ll , Tenn is; Pre sident's Li st ( 2). FREDERICK C. SM ITH , B.S.EI.E.; Fort W ayne , l nd1ana · E.E.S ., Trea surer ; Pre s1 dent's List (2); H onor Roll (2).
STAN LEY J SM RDE L. Club , Honor Rol l (2 ) .
B.S.EI. E · Bar berton,
ART HUR SOSENKO, B SM.E. ; S.A .E., Pre s1 dent' s List ( 3 ) .
Fly1 ng
W e1 rt on
Second Row :
ROBERT E. SPE NCER . B.S. M E.; Fort W ay ne Ind ia na ; S.A .E., M echan ic al C lu b; Newman C lu b, Pre : >1 dent, Vice- Pres1 dent ; Varsit y Ba seba ll; Intram ura l Footbal l, Basketba ll, Bowli ng : Pre s1 dent' s List (I ) . DI XFORD A . STO N ECYPHER , B.S.E.E ; Opa - Loc ~a . Florida ; Kappa Sigma Ph i · Pre sident's Lis t ( I ). MA LCOLM D. STR O A D, B.S.EI.E. ; Fort W ayne , lnd 1ana· Ri fl e C Iub ; EI. E. S. · Stud e nt C o unci I. ROY K. TANIKAWA, B.S.EI.E.· H onolulu, Hawa ii; Hawa ii an Cl ub ; Che ss Cl ub; President' s List ( I ) .
.. .. . .
. . . . .. ..
First Row :
SAMMI E K. WA LKER , B.S.M.E.: Sevi ervill e, Tenn .; Vars ity C lu b ; Varsity Baseba ll; Intramura l Sport s.
SEVIS F. THO MPSO N, B.S.Ch. E.; King ston, Jama ica ; Ch.E.S.
Second Row :
JOHN R. TO RRES, B.S.EI. E.; Fort Wa yne , Ind iana ; EI. E.S .: Chess C lu b ; Bow ling C lub ; Pres ide nt' s List (8); Honor Roll
LAWR EN CE WATANAB E, B.S .E.E.: Honolulu, Hawa ii ; Hawa ii an C lub, Secretary· President' s List {2). LAWR ENCE D. W ELCH , B.S .M E. : West Sa lem , Ohio: S.A.E. BY NG H. WOO , B.S.EI.E.; Toronto, Onta rio, Canada: C hi ne se C lu b : "Tech nici a n'' Staff. Feat ure W riter.
( I ).
LAW RENC E S. TU RC H IC K, B.S.C. E. ; Mo·nessen , Pen na . : A.C. E. , Presi d ent; Beta Sigma Ta u; S.A.M.E. Intram ura l Sports; Presi dent' s List {2).
I •
_ ....,
CANDIDATES NOT SHOWN J A W A F. A DH AM , B.S.A e . E.; For~ W ayn e , lnd ana ; I .A .S.; A .C . E , A ra b St ude nt C lu b; Va rs1 ty C lu b; Fe ncing C lu b , Vice -Prestden t ; U N C lub; Pre s de nt's Lis t (3). M USHTA QUE A H MED, B.S.C . E. ; Ka rachi, Pa 1sta r; I.A S._; S.A . E:: A .C . E.; Va rsi t y C lu b ; Fe nci ng C lu b, Saber Team C a p an ; Prest dent 's List (3) . JOSEPH BARO N E, Drafti ng Di p lo m a : Staten Isl an d, N .Y. PHILLIP BEEBE, B.S .M .E.; P en twa ~er , M 1ch. ; I nt ra mura l Spor ts: St ude nr I nst ru cto r , M il, M2 1; Pres.d ent' s L st (6); H o nor Roll (1) .
J A C K L. J O NES, B.S.C. E.; W au esha, W sc; A .C E. G ENNA DY KILI M ENKO , B.S.C. E.; New Y or ~ C t y, N .Y., Var s t y Soccer Tea m; Int ra mu ral Voll eyball ; St ud en t In str uct or, Phys La b. JOSEPH R. LECLE RC , B S EI. E.; Verg en nes, Vt. ; E. E.S. CHI RSTOS MANT IS , B.S M . E.; A t hens, Greece; M echanica C lub PA UL E. M OFFETT, B.S.C . E. ; Louis v ille, Ky.; A .C .E., Presid ent , Tr easurer. G ENAR O PE REZ , Pre stden.t' s List .
A LEX W . BENN ETT , B.S.M . E. ; Fo rt W ayn e , Ind. KENNET H BO MBAC H , B.S .C . E.; Ow en, W ise.; A .S .C . E : Lut herar Stud ent A ss o ct afo r ; Tenn1s . MART I N BUTLE R. B.S Ch.E .; Newa r r , N .J .; A .C .S., Vice Presiden t , Sec retary ; A . E.Ch. E., Trea su rer ; Kappa S1g m a Kappa V1ce- Pres1 dert · Intram ura l Swim mina Basketba ll· St udent C ou ncd . TH O MAS CH A U , B.S . E. E. ; Bro nx , N .Y. ; C h- nes e C lu b . DO NALD E. CO ULTER, B.S. M . E. ; 0 Yfo rd, O hto ; Rifle Club; Pre s· de nt' s Lis t (2) . A LBERT FREYL ER , B.S.A e E.; W hi te sboro, N .Y C HESTER W. GO LA SH , B.S . M .E. , Webste r, M ass.· S.A .E.; Ka p pa S' g ma Kappa. '
B.S. M .E.;
C iudad
Dom1n can
Re p ubl1c:
J A C K A . RICH AR DSO N , B.S.M . E.; A ron, Oh10; S A .E. H O W AR D Lea g ue.
Broo klyn,
N Y.,
A E.S.,
Bow l1ng
FIDEL SA LAZAR , B.S. M E.; C olombia, S.A . G U RDEV SI N G H , B.S. E. E.; Fort W ayne, l rd.; A . I.E.E.; l nd1 a St u d ent A ssoc 'a t' or, Secre tary. RA LPH E. SM ITH , B S M E.; N ew Castle, Ind.: Io ta Ta u Kapp a · Pre siden t' s List ( 10 ); H onor Roll (7). JOSEPH F. STARR , B.S.C.E.; St Paul, M 1n n.; A .C.E. H O W AR D R. STO RER B.S C. E. For t W ayne, l nd. A .C. E.; S. A .M E. PA U L V. STOV ER , B.S M .E; H art, M ich. EU GEN E R. VAN KLEY, B.S. EI.E.; Sou t h H olland. Ill; EI. E.S.; Flr·ng C lub, V'ce Pres'den t Prestder t' s L st (2); St uden t I ns t ructor, Phys La b. A LLEN A . W OO D B S M .E ; M endo ta, Ill.: Flyirg Clu b : A ~) stan t Inst ructor, M E 195, M E 197 , Presid ent 's L's t (1) .
RO BERT GO RN STEI N , B.S.A e E. ; N ew Yo rk N .Y.; S.A .M .E.; Beta Sig m a Tau ; Fenci ng Tea m, Capta tn. JAM ES A . H OP KI N S, B.S . EI. E. ; Pr ' ne ville, Ore . ; E. E.S . J A Y P. JARVIS, B S.M .E. ; M i a mi, Fla .; Io ta Ta u Ka pp a; S.A .E.: Flyi ng C l ub ; Presi dent ' s Lis t ( II ) .
First Row:
Th ird Row:
DO NA LD W. ALLEN, B.S.Ae.E.· M Pherson. ansas: I AS.: Band, Rrfle Team; lntram Jral Basi etball JAC D. A ~JSP A CH. B.S.EI.E.; Lima, Ohio: E.E.S.; l<'appa S1qma Vappa.
JOH N E. BOHR JR B S.E E., Bl 1ffion. lnd1ana ORLA N DO G. BRA DLEY, B.S.El.E.; Hebron, A.E S.: E.E.S. Fly1nq Club.
W ILLI AM G AUSTIN, B S.C.E.: Olyphdnt, Penna· A C.E .. V1 e.Prec:iden+· SA M.E StJden Ins rue. or CE 103 CE 104. M ICHEL BALMIP A.C.E. · A .Ch.E.
B S.Cn.E.: Por -Au-Prince, Haiti· C.E.S.·
Second Ro w :
SABR I BA RGHOUT B S C~.E Ramallah, Jcrdan; Arab Studen ts A ssoc at1cn Student CnJnril. CH AR LES J. BECHER. B.S C.E .. A.C.S.; Pre~ dent's Lis (I). JO HN C. BELL B S.EI.E.; G1and Ledg(~. M'cnigan: A .E.S Honor Roll {I). JOSE PH R. BIENA S, B.S. EI.E.; Lansdale, Penna.; A .E.S. Sigma Ta u; " Techn1C1an" Staff.
GER A LD J BUCHKO, B.S.EI.E.· Donoro, Penn a.; E.E.S.; A E.S.· Studen t Cnuncd V1ce-Prec:1dent; President's Lis t ( I ). WILLERT BULLERT, B.S. M E.· N-rt~..vo"d North Da~Jta M echdn1ca Cub· President's List ( 2 ).
First Row:
JACK L DAVIS B.S M.E · Fort Wa yne, Indiana· Presi dent' s List (2).
ROY A. BURGESS , B.S.Ch.E.; Kingston, Jamaica; A .l.Ch. E.
FLOYD J. DEVORE, B.S.M.E.; Findlay, Of-ro; S.A.E.· Honor Roll (1) .
GLENN H. CAMPBELL, B.S. EI. E.; Lowesville, Virginia; E.E.S., Vice- Presi de nt; Beta Sigma Ta u, Vi ce-Presi dent · Student C oun ci l ; Intram ural Footb all, Volleyba ll, Softba ll; Pre si dent' s List.
Th ird Row:
WALTER E. CASTRO, B.S. M .E.; M idd letown, New York; S.A .E. ; A .C .E. ; Iota Tau Kappa, President; President's List ( I 0); Honor Roll ( 9 ) ; Student In structor, M E I I 0.
ALLAN C. DICKMAN, B.S.EI.E.; Ind ianap olis, Indiana; Iota Ta u Kappa; Honor Rol (8).
RO BERT D. CLEVENGER , B.S. M .E.; For H ono r Roll ( I ) .
CLEMENT G. DO FF-ING B.S .EI.E.· W rch' ta l<an sas· A E.S.· Iota Tau Kappa , Pre sr dent's L"st (6); Student A .).)istant, El
Wa yne, Indiana ;
I I OA. Second Row:
MARCEL E. CLOUTIER, B.S.E.E.; Lewi st own, Marne ; A .E.S.
Lrncoln Valley , North
ED WAR D T. COOPER , B.S. M .E.; Hamilton, Ontari o, Canada ; M echanical Club; Pre sident's List (5); Honor Roll (2).
H A R0 L D M FA N N I N G , B.S EI. E Fe r W ayne, I nd i a na ; I ntramural Bowling, Pre c;i dent's List (2). J_
Fi rst Row :
JOS EPH E. FIELDING, B.S ME · Tore nt<, Ontario Canada Honor Roll (3}. DO NALD H . FRE EMAN , B S EI.E: W rppany, N . J · Bowling Club . EARL FRENCH , B.S EI.E: Detrort. M ichigan. RICHARD W . FULLERTON, B S Ae E; W rlliamsport Penna; Beta Sigma Ta u. Second Row :
FRANK FUTALA, B.S.E.E.; C levelan d, Ohio; A .I.E.E · Newman C Iub ; Presi dent' s L1 st ( I ) W ILLIAM R. GALBRAITH , B S.Ae .E.: Pun xsutawney, Penna.; Bowling Club , Trea surer; Intramural Softba ll, Volley ba ll; President's Li st (I}. BILL GATLIN , B.S.EI. E. ; Fort W ayne, Ind iana; Pres,dent\ Li st { I ); Honor Roll (2). DON A LD C. GAUGLER , B.S.Ae.E. · Bethlehem, Penna .· I.A.S. ; Sigma Ph i Del t a· I.F.C.; Bowling C lu b, Secretary· Student C ouncil; Intramural Footba ll, Ba sketba I Softba ll. I
Third Row : SU BHAS C. GHOR AI , B S Ae.E .· Calcutta, Ind ia: Ind ia A s-
S()cia ion. President: Golf; Soccer: Tennis; Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List (9 ); H onor Roll (6): Student Instructor, Phys 22 , Phys 32. ROBERT W. GRESS. B.S.M E; Donora, Penna; M echanical Clu b · Junior Class, President· Student Council, CorrespondIng Secretary. RUSSELL J. GRI FFITHS , B.S. M .E. ; Fort W ayne, Indiana ; M echanical C lu b· Tau Kappa Upsilon; Pre side nt's List (2}. ISRAEL M . GUTER MAN , B.S.A e.E.; Bronx, Ne·w Yor ¥; Beta Sigma Ta u, Trea su rer ; Intram ural Sport....
First Row:
JAMES KING , B.S.EI.E.: East Chi cag o, Pre sident's Li st (3) ; H onor Rol (3).
RO BERT P. HATHEWAY, B.S. M .E. : Srockton, Illinois; S.A .E.
A .E.S.;
J EN 0 K0 RM EN DI, B.S. EI. E. 路 Br oo ~ Iy n, N . Y. ; E.E. S. 路 Che ss Clu b.
JO H N E. HEISS , B.S.E.E.: Baltim ore , Maryland; Eleci ri cal A ssoci ation; Intram ural Bowling. JESUS LUIS HERNANDEZ HERNAN DEZ, B.S.EI.E.: La s Villas, Cuba ; A .E.S.; Phi Iota A lpha, Vice- President.
Th ird Row :
W ILFRE D S. HON DA , B.S. EI. E. ; H onolulu, Hawa ii; Hawa iian Club.
B.S. M .E.;
Ind iana;
G L EN N T. LAY ER, B.S. EI. E. ; W est M iIto n, 0 hi o.
Second Row:
N ILS H . JEN SEN H onor Roll (8).
HAROLD G. LED BETTER , B.S.EI.E .: El izabethtown, Illinois.
B.S.C .E.: East Set au ket, N. Y.路 A .C E.;
ALLEN FU QUO NG LEE, B.S.EI.E .; Newark , N. J.; Chine se Studen t C lub, Pres1 dent.
HARRY R. KINCAI D, B.S M .E. ; Johns town , Ohi o; S.A.E.
.... •
. --
First Row :
Th ird Row :
G ARLA ND F. Llt\JDE. B S.EI.E.; Dorchester, Iowa E.E S.· A E.S, Vtce-Chatrman, TreasJrer, Student lnt::Jruclor, Phy s 22 . 32, 42 Prestdent s List (6); H"r'Jr Rcll (2). WA LTER S LYKINS , B.S.EI.E; Fort W ayne, lnd·ana RICHARD M cCRAY B S EI.E.· Tiff,n, Ohto Pres dent'~ Lt,t
H ER BERT K. M ERTEL, B.S.EI.E.: Fort Wa yne, Indiana; E.E.S.; A.ES · Prec:ident's Ltst (3); Honor Roll (2 ) ALT O~! R M O RRIS B.S.EI.E.· Jacksonville, 1'1. C. KHODAR MOU NKAR/\ , B.S E.E.: Tripoli, Lebanon; Arah Club.
(2 )
SYED M . N EHAL, B S.E.E.· Gumla-Ranchi, India : A .I.E.E.· lndta Club; UN C lu b.
BRAZIL H. M cDO NA LD, B S.EI.E.; Na ssau, Bahamas· A .E.S Second Row·:
JOH N T. MA IN , B S.E.E.; Paducah, Ky.; Electr'cal Club, Setret a ry ; A Iph a 0 meg a Ta u, Secret a r y, Vice-Presiden t ; I nt r amural Basketba ll, Softba ll; Student A ssistan t , EE Lab· President's Li st ( I). FRANKLIN B MA N N ING , JR., B.S.C.E.; Fall River M ass; A .C. E.; Intram ural Basketball, Volley ba ll, Softball. EDWAR D D. MAYO, B.S.EI.E. , Fort W ayne, lnd.ana· A E.5.· Flying C lu b ; Pre si dent' s Ltst (I). EDU ARDO MEJI A , B.S.C.E.; Bogota Colombia, S.A
First Row:
PHILIP H . RH ODES, JR., B.S.EI.E.; Cincinnati , Ohio.
THOMAS M . NEWTON , B.S.C.E .; Drexe l Hi ll, Penn a.
DO NALD L. SC HAA DT, B.S.E.E; Celina, Oh1o·; Electrical Clu b, Chairman· Intramural Foo ball Ba~ketba I, Honor R II
FRA N K C. 0 R0 PEZA, B.S. EI. E. ; Barnwe II , S. C.
( I ).
VERN O N PAUL, JR ., B.S.Ae .E.; Fayette, Iowa ; I.A .S.; H ono r Roll ( 3}; Pre si dent's List ( 4) . Third Row:
GERA IJD G . PI NS, B.S.M .E.; Farl ey, Iowa ; S.A .E.; Mechan ical Club.
RO BERT N. SHEN EFIEL, B.S. M .E.; Randolph, f'J. Y.· S.A.E. RICHAR D H . SO REN SEN, B.S.EI.E.; Rumford, Ma1ne· Sigma Phi Delta.
Second Row:
EL M ER RA N DVE ER, B.S.E I. E.; Sout h Procu pine, Ontario, Can ada; A .E.S.
LAR S J. SPINN ER, B.S. M .E.; Malone, N.Y.
JOHN J . RENNER , B.S.M .E.; Fort W ayn e chan ical Club; S.A.E.; Presi de nt' s List (I ) .
JO HN W . STER , B.S. M .E.; Lenox, Mass.; Sigma Phi Delta , Vice-Preside nt; Newman Clu b, Treasurer; Studen t Counc.d; I .F.C. ; Fenc in g Tea m ; H onor RoII ( I ) .
Indiana; Me-
• •
- ..
. ..
It I I I
First Row :
EDWARD G. STETS B S.Ch.E.; Ernest, Penna.; A C S.; A I Ch.E. · Newman Club. R0 L LA J . ST0 UT, B S. M .E. ; Eva nsvi II e. I nd 1an a ; FIyi ng C IL, b · Pre s1dent's L1st (2). RICHARD C. TABOR, B.S.EI.E.· Welch, WP~t V rgin·a· E E.S.: A .E.S. ; Pre stdent's Ltst (4). STANLEY T UYECHI, B S.E E; Kailua. Oahu , Hawaii: A.I.E.E.; S.A.E.; Hawa·tan Cl 1b; Intramural Fcotball Softball, Volleyball; President\ L's (5); Honor Roll (3). Second Row :
R0 BERT S. VA LAC H 0 VIC, B S M E ; Fort Way ne, Indian a . Mechanical Club; S.A.E.: Assistant Instructor, ED 22 . ALAN L. VANDERHEYDEN , B.S.M.E.· Coal Va lley, lllino1s. W ESLEY K. VANSCOY, B S ME.; Akron, Ohie> MA URICE VAN DIERENDONCK, B.S.M.E.; S A.E. Th ird Row :
ROBERT L. WAGEMAt'-l , B.S.M .E.; Sta(yville, Iowa; Kappa Stgma Phi; Weightl ifting Club.
JOHN B. WALKER , B.S.M.E.; Longview, Texas; M echanical Club; We ightlifting Club Student Council, Pre st dent, VicePresident; Assistant Instructor, ED 21, ED 22; President's List ( 6) . RONALD T. WARDLE, B.S.EI.E, Am ityville. N. Y.; Kappa Stgma Phi Secretary, Intramural Bcwl1ng, Softball· Pres1dent's List (1). ANDRE G W ETZEL, B S EI.E.; Fnrt Lee, N J; Beta Sigma Ta 1, IF C, lntramura Spcrts.
CLAUDE R. WHITE , B .S.Ae.E. ~ Flint, M ichigan; Flying Club· I.A.S.; President's List (I). GLEN L. WITT EN M YER , B.S. M. E.; Find lay, Ohio.
B.S.E I. E.~
Island, N. Y.; Kappa
Sigma Ph' ; Intramural Sof' ba ll.
JAMES C . A YCOCK , JR ., B.S M .E.; Longvie w, Tex as. CONRAD R. BRAULT , B.S. M E.; Salem Ma"s., Newman Club· A lpna Gamma Upsdon, Treasurer; S.A.E.; Student Instructor, ED 14, ED 21 ED 22 ED 23· Prestdent's List (I). FR'A N K ERB0 SKY , B.S. EI E. ; Da nvi Ie , Ill . ; S1g rr a Phi DeI I a . JOSEPH A . COFFA RO , B.S. E.E.; Fort Wa yne, Ind. FRANK T. DELLA BAD I A , B.S .M.E.; New Rochelle, N .Y.; IS A .; Flying C lu b, Secretary; A lpha Gamma Upsdon; Studert Cour.c1\, Intramural Football, Swimm ng, Ba sketball, Softbal. CHARLES W. DEM YA N, B.S. Ae.E.; Ma nville, N.J.; Sigma Pni Dt-lta; " Techn ician" Staff, Feature Ediror: I .A .S.; lnrramural Football. W ILLI AM J. FIO RE, B.S.EI.E.; Htghlan.d, N.Y. WALTER E. GOUDY , B S.M.E.; Co umbia Ctty, Ind.; Pres'dent's L'st (3) . JOSE A . GUERRERO , B.S.EI.E.· M iraflores, Lima, Peru. DALLAS A . JOHNSON, B.S.E.E.; Fort Wa yne, Ind. STEWART V. KERR , JR ., B.S. Marh; Orlando, Fla. HA ROLD R. LEWIS, B.S.C .E.· Stilwell, Ok a.; A .C E. C HR ISTOS MANTIS , B.S.M .E.; A thers, Greece. JO RGE Y. MEDOROI, B.S.E E.; Tel- A viv, Israel. W I LLIAM T. MILLER , B.S M.E .; Ossian Ind. W I LLIAM F. M ILL ER , B.S E.E; Ne11 Yorl·, N.Y., Pre~·dert's List (2) MAUNG A . MYI NT, B.S.EI. E.; Fort W ayre, lrd. HAR IPRASAD S. PANDE, B S.E E; Bombay, India. CA RLOS PEDRAZA, B.S.C.E.; Cal1, Colombia, A .C.E.; President's
ARN OLD W . RAWLIN SO N , JR ., B S.A e. E.; New Orleans, La.; Te nn1s Team; President 's List ( 1). LEON D. RIGGS , Drafhng Diploma: M etcalf, Ill.; A lpha Omega Ta u; " Technician" Staff ; President's L1st (1). SIMO N W . RUHL, B.S. M.E.; Lebaf'lon, Pen na.; Kappa Sigma Pr·, Pres'dent's L1st (2).
CH ARLES SEMLICH, B.S.C E.; New York, N .Y.; S.A. M .E. , Tre asurer; A .C.E.; Newman C lub, Trea surer; Flying Club; Student Cou n c I; Intramura l Bowltng . FREDERICK M. SLA UGHTER, B.S .EI.E.; Severna Park, Mo. K.A .R C., Pres dent. Yreasure ... RONALD L. SM ITH, B S.M E. ; Graytown, Oh'o. DA VID E. SN IDER, B S.EI.E.; New Lex'ngton, Ohio. FRED SCRIB N IK, B.S.M .E.; Bronx, ll ft in g C lub .
N.Y.; Beta S'grra Ta u;
We i gr~
G ERALD M . STANKIEW ICZ, B.S .M E ; Sagtnaw M tch.· S. A .E.; Newman Club, Vtce- Pres dent; ln +ramural Softball. RO NALD L STOBART, B S. A e E., Senecav lie
Oh1o; Glee Club.
RI C HARD D. TATE, B S.EI.E; Beecher C t y, Kappa; Pres.dert's Li::.t ( 5)
l11.; E.E S; Iota Ta u
ROBERT A . WENTZ, B.S M E.: Lex1ng ton, Oh1o; Kap pa S1gma Ph1, Trea!>urer; Varsity Ba seball, Ba sketball; Sophomore Class, Secretary , Var st ty C lub, Prestden t , Vice- President; Intra mural Sw1mm'ng, Te n nis, Vo lleyball, Footbal, Softball, Basketball; Presiden t 's L1st (4).
List ( 1) .
. I
~ ,
First Row : MUSHTAQUE AHME D, B S C E.: B.S.Ae E.. ara chi, Pa r::. ta n: I.A S; S.A.E.: A.C.E, Paridan Students As<-ociation Pre si de nT Varsdy Cub路 Fencing Team, Saber TearT' Cap ta rn. Intramural Voleyball; Presiderr s L"st (3). Sprino Term ALEX W . BENNETT, B.S.E.E.; Fort Wa ynP, Indiana. Spring Term. DONALD E. COULTER, B.S. M.E; Oxford, Ob.o; Ameri can Roc ret Society路 Rifle Club; President's List (2). Spring Term FRANK T. DELLA BA DI A, B.S.M E: New Rochelle, Ne'N York; I.A .S. ; Flying Club, Secretary: Alpha Gamma Upsilon Corresponding Secretary, Student Council: Intramural Footba ll, Swrmmrng; Ba ~etba l, Softba SJmmer Term
Second Row :
EDGAR ECHEVERRI , B.S .M.E.; Santander, Cauca, C olom bia W rnter Term. CHESTER W. GOLASH, B.S. M.E.: Web ster, Ma ss.: S.A.E.: Kappa Sigma Kappa . Spring Term . WALTER E. GOUDY, B S.M.E.; Columbia c路ty, A.C.E.; President's List (3). Summer Term.
Indiana :
ROBERT S GUITARD, B.S C E.路 Fo rt Wa yne Indiana; A C E. Vrce-P re si dent ; Newman C lu b; Intramural Football, Ba sretball , Softba ll. W in ter Term.
GENAR O J. PEREZ, B.S. M.E.; Ciudad Trujill o, Domini can Republ ic; Presi dent' s List; Honor Roll. Spring Term.
First Row :
RAYMOND J . HANSEN , B.S.EI.E.; South Bend , Indiana ; E.E.S.; Lab A ssistant, El 2 1OA ; Pre si dent's Li st (6); H onor Roll (3). W inte r Term.
DALE A . PU FF, B.S .EI.E.; Fort W ayne , Indiana. Summer Term. RICHARD J. RAJCHEL, B.S .Ae.E.: B.S. M .E.; Fod W ayne, Ind ia na; S.A .E.; Ame rican Rocket Soc iety; President's List ( I ). W inter Term.
JAM ES A . HOPKINS , B.S.EI.E.; Prineville, Oregon; E.E.S. Spring Term. JAY P. JARVI S, B.S. M .E.; M iami, Flori da ; Iota Tau Kappa ; S.A .E. ; Flying Cl ub ; President's List (II) . Spring Term. HAROLD LEWIS , B.S.C.E.; Stil well, Oklahoma; A .C.E. Sum mer Term .
Thi rd Row :
Second Row :
JOSEPH F. STARR , B.S.C.E.; St. Pa ul, M inn; A.C .E.; Spring Term.
RO NA LD L. SMITH , B.S. M .E.; Graytown , Ohio; Summer Term.
CHR ISTOS MANTI S, B.S. M .E.; Athens, G reece; Mech an ical Engineering C lub. Summer Term .
PAUL V. STOVER. B.S. M .E.; Hart, Michigan. Spring Term.
.. , '
. :;
/ ,
RICHARD E BENDER, B.S.Ae.E., PenMar, Penna.; I.A.S ., Pres1den!-; S1gma Phi Delta, Pledgemaster, Assistan t Chief, Chief Engineer; Student Council, President, Vice-Pre si dent, Treasurer, ( 10 Terms); Yearbook Staff, Ed1tor, Assistant Edi tor; Student Instructor, ED II, ED 12 , ED 13, ED 21 . ED 22; Br wlinq Club; American Rocket Society;
List (8
Terms}; Honor Roll (3 Terms).
B.S. M.E.; Middletown,
New Yor ,
S .A. E. ; A .C. E. ; Io·ta Ta u Ka p p a , Pre sid e nt ; Stud e nt Inst r uc tor, ME 110; President's List ( 10 Term s}; Honor Roll (9
Terms ).
•• ·.
Gamma Upsilon Recording Secretary,
tary, President; Yearbook Staff, Editor, (2 Years); President's List (4 Terms).
DU A NE G. HO FFMA N, B.S.Ae. E.; A bilene, Kansas; I.A .S., •
C hairman, Vice-Chairma n; St ud ent Council, Presi d ent, Correspon d ing Sec retary; "Technician" St aff; Yearboo k St aff; Iot a Tau Kappa; Male Chorus; Rifle Club· Intramural Bas ketbalL t
Assistant Instructor, ED; Caswell Engineering Drawing Award
(Third Place); President's List (5 Terms).
1 •
RALPH E. SMITH, B.S. M.E.; New Castle, Indiana; Iota Tau Kappa; Outs randing Mechanical Engineering Student of the Year Award; President's List ( 10 Terms); Honor Roll Terms) .
JOH N B. W ALKER, B.S.M.E.; Longview, Texas; Mechanical Engineering
W eightlifting
Student Council,
President, Vice-President· A ssistant Instructor, ED 2 1, ED 22 ; Presi d ent's List (6 Terms) .
C. A. OVERHOLT Vice- Preside nt and Treasurer
- -
ROBERT C. RUHL De an o f Eng ineer ing
DR. RALPH W. YOUNG Dean of Arts and Sci en ces
DR. LON D. RANDALL Dean of Students •
-MAC A. FUELBER Bu siness tv1 a nager and Director of Purchases
DR. LOUIS H. DOBBS A ssist a nt to th e Presi dent
OREN B. HUFFER Reg istra r
HERMAN A. SINEMUS Admin istrative Engineer
r '
' I
Front row , lef to r'ght: Rober+ W . Gre ss, C orresponding Secretary· Edward Arn old, Treasurer· John B. Wa l er Pres'den · Gera d J. Bucho v·ce-Pres'dent; Jorn F. Scott, Secre ary· B. L. Dow Fa culty Advisor. Se co nd row, eft ro r ght: Larry L. F ec · Tom Parag·an: Fran B. Vanad ·a Jr.· Car on L. Duncan · Lu·s H. Lenert· James Rober son ; R. H. Moussa; w · son K Jar:our; Ro ·e E. P'pes, Pas+ Presrden. Third row , left t o r'ght: John Donneny; Sabri Barghou ; Ernes J . Groome; Glenn H. Campbell; S ephen Charney; John Meyer; Charles Sem l.ch; R' ch a rd Ha ll.
The Student Council, as the official representative of the student body, serves as a liai son o rganizatio n between the ad ministration, the student body, and other coll ege s in matters relating to student a ct ivities. The Council is co mposed of a group of e lected students dedicated to t he duties and responsi biliti es of leadership and service.
Aeronautical Engineering ha s made m omentous strid es i n the 54 yea r s si n c e the fi r st flight of heavier-than -air machine s. Since the W right Bro t hers fi r st a i r pI a n e to today 's superso ni c fighters, the aircra f t indu stry ha s seen many changes . T oday's aircraft de si gners and builders work a s a team . Indi vidual engineers concentrate their effort o n small pha ses of the o vera ll project, re sul ting in a co mpli c ated but efficient design . M ore and m o re scientific knowled ge is necessary t o keep pa ce with today 's ad va路nced airc raft. T he impo rtan ce of ba sic knowledge in the fie ld s of mathematics, physics, and mechanic s i s be co ming more apparent. The Aeron auti cal Engineerin g Dep a rt men t at I n d i a n a Te c h n ic a I C o II c g e strives t o hav e the stude nt well prepared in the ba sic sc iences before the advanced aero na uti c al t op ics are undertaken . A graduate with a B.S . d egree in Aeronautical Engin eerin g may enter ma ny pha ses o f t he aeronau ti c al field. The eve r in credsinq advan ces in the field of aeronautics, such as the earth satellite project, wil l co nti nue t o o ffer a ch allange t o the eng in ee r s o f the present and future .
PR O FESSO R BEN JAM IN L. DO W H ead, A erona ut ica I Eng 路 neer i ng De pa r tm ent
A ssist ant Professor
I nstructor
--- --
On e of the newest bran ches of eng in eering , Ch em ical En gi neering, ha s advan ce d rap idly . Practically all indu stry in so me stag e .·· .·.
of proce ss ing, d eve lo pm en t, o r manufa ct ur-
ing , mu st d epend upon men with a knowledge of c hemi st ry . Today th ere are highly spec ial ized and diversifi ed field s such as Gas, M et allurgical, Cerami cs , and Petrole um. Beca use of its b eing the ba sic t ec hnology underly in g the d evelop ment and opDR. TOO B. DIXON
eration of virtually a II indu stry, Chemi c a I
H ead , Ch emical Eng ineering
Enginee ri·ng wi ll real ize even g rea t er growth in th e years t o co me .
Assistant Professor
Assistant Profe ssor
t" -
) ' '
The developement in the variou s bra nches of engineerin g ha s created new problem s in th e design and con stru cti on of building s, high ways, ai rport s, and oth er struct ures. Th e C ivil En gineer is meeting the demands of our pre sent age with new method s and idea s. Even th ough Civil Engineering is the oldest of th e fie Id s o f eng ineering , it co nt inues t o g ro w and develo p and pro vid e op portunitie s for men of visi on . PR OFESSO R ROB ERT C . RUHL Head , Civ il Engineeri ng Department
Inst ructor
The in c rea sing ut ilization of electrical power in th is country makes imm ense demands on th e Profe ss ional Electrical En ginee r. He must know how t o select, design , work out economics and production . H e is the ma st ermi nd in the field of control s, as evi den ce by ro day 's automation. The sk ill and creative ability of the Elect rical Engineer tran sfo rm s theoretical kno wledg e into practical se rvice t-o meet the challenges of the fu t ure.
PROFE SS OR RICHARD D. DERMER Head , Electrica I Eng ineering De par tm ent
MAURICE A. SIMMON S Assistan t Professor
I '
Assistan t Professor
In st ru cto r
Instruc tor
Instructo r
/ 63
Electron ic Eng ineering is a hig hly specialized branch of Electri cal Engi nee ring . The import an ce of elec t ronics is recogn ized as a f ie Id of e ng i nee r in g i n its own r i q ht . To the Electro nic Engi neer is attributed outst and ing develo pment in suc h realm s as guided mi ss iles , radar , color telev ision, electronic co mputer, radi o communication, and atomic ene rgy . The Electron ic Enginee ring curriculum is pla nned t o special ize a f undamen ta l knowledge of electrical engineering t o scientific app lication in the f iel d of electronics.
PR O FESSOR RALPH S. CAR SON H ead, Electronic Eng ineerin g Dep art ment
A RTHUR B. PRI CE A ssis tan t Professor
RAY KIN G I nstructo r
WALTER W . A PPEL Instructor
I ns t ructor
I ns t rudor
........... ÂŤb e,
The fie Id of Me chan i c a I Engineering is so broad that no man can be an c1u th o rity on all of its branche s. Consequently, M echanical Eng ineers tend to b ecome spec ialists in chosen bra nches . Therefore, the st udent is given a thorough backgrou nd in th e ba sic sciences . This field is very extsnsive, for practically every manufactured article requires the se rvices of mecha n ica I engineers both in th e design of the machine on which it is made and in the production of the Brticle on th ose machines in th e factory .
DR. IVAN A . PLAN CK H ead , M echanical Engineering Departm ent
• •
A ssist ant Professor
A ssocia te Professor
~ --
I nstructor
desc riptive
g raphi c al language used by eng inee rs and designers t hroughou t t he w orl d t o expre ss, develop, and reco rd their id eas and information . M en of ind ustry have indicated t hat Engi nee ri ng Drawing is no t o nly impo rtan t , but absolutely necessary . Stud ents need a tho ro ugh grounding in the fundamentals of science and communica t ion , and sho uld b e trained early in the engineering approach for the solu ti on o f problems . They mu st have X·
training in space visualization; t hey must
····" ~>
d evelop their powers of analysis and sy nthe sis; th ey mus t be given expe rien ce in ereat i v e t h i n ki n g at t h e st a rt of the i r co II e g e work; and th eir abilitie s t o develo p and record idea s must b e constantly c hal lenged . LEE F. BE RN H ARDT H ead , Engineering Dra wing Departmen t
I nstrudor
I ns t ructor
~ I ce"¢ I '
~ .
.1~;,),'t' ,-
. .. '
~.. ~
In ou r complex society , sc ien tific pro gress d epend s o n the mathematician, the engi neer, and many other sc ien ti st s wh ose primary t ool is mathematics. Th e Department of Math ematics offers a well roun ded cou rse f o r th e young mathemati c ian , as well as the essential mathematics for the enginee ring , phy sics, and chemi stry stud en t s.
First Ro w:
CH A RLES R. CAR R . . . . . . . . A s ociate Prof essor FRED H . C RON IN GER . . . . . . . . . . . . Lect urer RA DOS A V RA KETIC . . . . . . . . . Instructor RO BERT G HOEH N . . . . . . . . A ssrstan t Prof essor RIC HA RD E. SA RBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . lnstruc l or HUGH G. HARP . . . . . . . . . . A~c.ociaie Prof essor
DR. RAL PH W . YOUN G Head , Ma th emat ics De partmen t
Seco nd Row :
q 5
• •
• •
• •
. A ssistant . . • . • • • •
Instruct or Lecturer
P rofe~sor
Instructor Instructor Instruct or
~ - ~.
Ch emi stry is o ne of th e f und amental sc ience s, impo rt ant b o th in that it underlies all pha ses o f mo d e rn living and in it s own right a s a f iel d o f empl o ym e nt f o r the severa l hundred th o usand Ameri c an c hemi st s. It s sco p e in clu des everythi ng f ro m proce ss co ntrol and ana lysis t o th e " g Ia m o r " f ie Id s o f n u c Ie a r sc i en c e an d radi o a ctive tracer t echniq ue , bi oc hemi c al researc h, and o rgani c sy nth es is of vit al drugs, p lasti c s and exp lo sive s.
DR. W ILLIAM E. DONAHUE Head , C he mistr y De pa rtm en t
Ass istant Professo r
In st ruct or
Le ctu rer
\ •
If, as has been said , "this is th e atomic age," then thi s is th e age of physics . Nuclear wea po ns a nd machines are products of the p hysics laborarory . Ea c h new day finds the physicist s of our nation eve r widening ho ri zons of man' s knowledge . Th erefo re , nd iana Technical C ollege meet s th e need fo r training in physics by offering basic and adva nced courses designed t o prepare a student either for direct participation in indu stry, or for a scientific career of the mo re traditional type.
DR. RA LPH W . YOUNG Head , Phys ics De p a rtm e nt
LEONARD R. ETTER Associa te Professor
Associa t e Professor
Instructo r
Instr uc tor
First Row:
HELE N DINIUS . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Lecturer
. . . . Ass1 sta nt Professor
. . . . Assistant Profe·Jsor
. Assistant Professor
MARY E. WE IMER A ssoci a t e Professor H ead , Engl ish De pa rtment
Second Row :
. . . . Lecturer
ALVIN C. STEINBACH . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor SARA STIRLING
. .
. Lecturer
·.. -~
~ .- , .
.. <
.$ dO$ t 2
•• • 'l
Psyc hology
Psyc ho lo gy a nd Spee c h
Psyc hol o gy and La w
I f I
, I
. I
La w
Law and Econo mi cs
Mathematics, Athletic Directo r, Bas ke t ba II Ooa ch
·.· ·:-
_ .
. ...
..... ,
- I
' '....
.•. -:· '·
Left t o righ t: Larry H uff, Repo rte r, Lou is Le ne r·t , Assoc iate Ed ito r; To m Bo hm e r, Busi ness Manag e r ; J o hn Treece, Assist ant Ed it o r; Do n W agner, Rep o rt e r; Jay King , Edito r.
Al t hough o pe rat ing wit h a lim it-ed numb e r· of staff mem bers, th e TECHNICIA N, official st udent newspape r o.f Ind iana Te chnic a l C oll ege , ha s comp leted an ot he r succ e ssful year of publi catio n. Pub licati o n wa s every t hree week s during th e Fa ll, W inter and Spring term s, with two issu e s b e ing printed in th e Summer term. Av e rage circul a t io n wa s 2600 co pie s per issu e , 500 of wh ich were sent t o a lumn i, ind ustry a nd friend s of t he coll ege. It has be e n ins p iring t o ea ch of us t o se e th e coo pera t io-n and effo rt a s a team whic h 'wa s d is p layed by such a sma ll gro up. The staff ha s ha d ex ce ll ent leadership fro m the ed it o r, Jay King , and the fa cu lty a d vi so r, Professo r A lvin C. Stein ba c h. Associ ate Ed ito r, Lo uis Lene rt, pro mi se s t o be we ll q ua Iifi e d t o t a ke o ve r t he e d ito r' s pos it io n w he n M r. Ki ng retire s. Other me mbers of t he staff in clu d e To m Bo hm e r, Busi ne ss Manager ; Harol d Tree ce, Assistant Ed ito r ; G len Cra ig, News Edito r ; Mike W arren , Adve rti sin g Manage r; W il Draben st ot , C ircul at io n Manager ; A I Bjo rlin g, Ph ot ogra p hy Ed it o r ; Typ ist , Ro bert Essi g : Staff W ri t e r, Carm o n C out inho; La rry H uff and Phil H olt, C o rres pon dents; Sidney Barasch and Bernie Fre und , Repo rte rs.
W e of th e staff li ke t o fee l t hat we have d o ne a good jo b in re present ing the students he re a t Tech . It ha s b ee n t he o bje ct of the pa per t o aro use student in le rest wh e re inte re st wa s la c king, t o p ro mo t e the sc hoo l sp irit and t o bring th e studen t clos e r t o the pro b lem ha will fa ce in hi s profe ss io n upo n gra d ua ti o n. A b ove all o t he r t hi ng s, t he int e re st s of Ind iana Te c hni cal C oll ege bot h locall y, nati o nally and wo rld -wid e were kep t upperm ost in mind bec au se we believe in Tech a nd have fa ith in th e prin ci pl es upo n which it wa s fou nd ed. Crit ic ism where c riti cis m wa s warranted , wa s in' t e nd e d t o ma ke Tec h a better coll ege on e 'which we ca n be p rou d of.
First row, ef .. +o right: Be a High Lev r B ndjelian, Hag b N:nar·~r Federico Estop nan Abdulrahman Sui kar·yan, Radw n Jabt.r, ~ t..r.neth L:-ng..ve , J s-::p11 Srncavage. k.enne+n LeVan Second ro w: John Osadczuk· Pau Melton, Treasurer· Berton Re tz, Seroeant-at Arms· M r Willard Stevenson, Faculty MC'dera .-r· Lawrcn ... e Tur·ch:d Pre~· dent; A nthony Be tt inelli, Vrce Presi d en t ; Mush aq.Je A~med Did Reyno•ds, Secretary. Third ro w: Marta Szamozzi R< bert Keehn A rthur Olsen, Jame Pence, Don Crr:ssman, W hylie Chamber), Moses Kazanjian Lawrerve Pr, e, Rufino To edo, Harry Lentz, J . .van Singlet. Fourt h row : Jrhn Zar 1c ki, Jo"ln 'ino, R cnard Bayle Jac j l"'eS Lindsa'v Da h G en Garrels, Roger Lueck, Charles Jamrson, J...,seph Hal t erman, John Pidlrsny, Ja·""ad Adham. I
Th e A ssoc iati o n of Civil Engineering o f Indiana Techn!cal Coll ege is an o rg anizati on o f the students enro lled in the ci vi l en gi neering department and the department instruct o rs. The club ha s one field trip each term, one mid-t erm party, a senior banquet in honor of all th e senio rs of th e clu b, and an awa rd given to th e outstanding graduating senior each term . 74
Th e st ud en t sect ion of t he A udi o Engin ee ri ng Societ y was orga nize d t o provid e a med iu m f o r Tech st uden t s int erest ed in Aud io En g in ee rin g , either as a caree r or as a ho bby , t o excha nge id eas and t o learn of new d evelo pIll e nt s i n t he fi e Id . M embers of th e St ud en t Sect ion hol d th e g rad e of Stu d ent Member in th e Au di o Eng inee ri ng Soc iety and , as such, rece ive full benef it of members hip in that org aniza t ion.
First row , left t o right: W illard P. J o ne s, In co ming Vice Chairman· Rich ard M . C ox, O u g oing Trea su rer: Charles A. Armbru st , Outgoing Cha i rman; Garland F. Linde, Ou ~g oi ng Vice Chairman; Fra nk J. Affe ldt , O ut go1ng Se cretary· G~_,rdon B. H oner+ In coming Chairman. Second row: W ilson K. Jarjour, J o hn E. A uer, W arren Rushton, M arcel E. Cl ou ti er, Ron ald T. Lander, J ohn F. Sco tt, Ed ward D. M ayo, Jame s M arell o , C larence P. Ca in, Lynn E. Stewart, Earl C . Kemper, Jr., In co ming Treasurer .
First row , left to right: Jose Echemendia, C D Dalal, KazimPrz Szczeponia, M"rhel Balm"r, Rry A. BJrgess, Norman Kru se. Sec o nd row : Paul Flemin, Paul Cuarino , Edward Stets, Andrew Nogueiro, Presidl~nt; Charles Mr nl Scdnr:k Newell Th ird row: Mr. J W . Cranmer, Faculty Advisor; Jamai Qatato. Trea<:>urer, Rrc hdrd Tavano, SPcretary; Scvrs Thnmpc:.on, Emil Ra venda, Harry Sabada, TC>orilo W rllrams, John Laslo, Vr< e Presidenl; John R. Cochran, Fa cu ty Ad visor.
The purpose of th e Chemica l Engineering Soc iety is the di sse mi nati on of kn owledge pertai ning t o the theory and practi ce of chemical engineering and it s app lied field s Members of t he Chem ica l Engineering Society with Mildred A kins , g uide , in front of the Standard Oil Company bus, on field trip visi t t o t he plant at W hiting , Indiana.
and t o further profes sio nal deve lopment of the students. M embership is o pen t o any student in chemical engineering .
H ea t tra nsfer uni t s of cru d e oil fr act io na t o r.
Membership in the Electrical A ssociatio n is o pen t o an y studen t enro led in the electrical o r electro ni c departments. The as sociation prom o te s interest in electri c al engineering by p romoting new pha ses of engineering and by spon so ring t alk s and di sc ussions by speakers from indu stry .
First row , left t o right: R. Smith, J. Caffiers, K. Quinr, D. Schaat, Pres1dent; E. Robin son, Treasurer· V. M asulh, v ·ce Leon Sch ulz, Facul ty Ad visor· J. M ain, Secre ary; S. N ehal , G. Em ery. Second row: R. Forgit, Olin M iller, F. Hall M . Garibian, D. Reith , C. W ebster, R. Schooley, J. J ustice, R. N ystrom, J. Hei sse, J. Bun 1ng, T. Pinkham , J. Gallerly, Thi r d row : G . H o a f a kke r, G . I r'w i n, D . Sc ha e f e r, J . Ta y Io r, D . La i r d , H . Le nz~ e s, V. De A ng e Ii s, H . C a so W . J ae g e r, Le o Thaman, J. Stephen son, W inst on W urgler . •
Pres'dent Shet er S. G. Al ger. K . W hi t e ,
Ir First row, left t c right: Mr. Leon S:hulz, Fac L.Ity Adv· r, Lyn Stewart V1:e Pre si dent: Pa ul Scott, Secretary: Frederic k Smi t h, Treas ~rer . Secon d row: Robert Seo, R,rhard LaFever, Pres dent Rona d Lander, Garland Linde, Richard Cunningham, Roy Blac kman , FrPd K r epf~='-r, Roy Ha Jgen.
Th e purpos e of th e Electro ni c Eng inee ring Soc iet y is t o
r I
advan ce and st imula t e interest in Electro·nic Eng inee rin g and its a Ilied fie ld s, and t o coo p era t e w ii h ot he r depa rt men ta l o rganizati o ns. 78
The Inst it ute of A ero na L:J ti cal Sc ience s is t he representai'ive society fo r engineers, d esigne rs, and t echnical spec ia list s in a ll th e sciences relate d t o t he de sign and devel o pment of airc ra f t. It s b as ic mission is t o fa c i ita t e, by al availab le means, t he interc hange of techni cal ideas among aero na uti c al engi neers t hroughout the indu stry .
Fi rst row, left t o righ : Gene Eberly, Wa yne M atthes David Vidito, Trea surer; J o hn C. Sh o emaker, Cha i rman; Delbert F Case. Vi ce Chairman; Herbert M arch, Secretary; Peter Sardaro, R. Opderbe ck. Seco nd row : Andrew Tom ko, Larry Lines, James E Budette, M ichael Bohannon, Kevin Gau l, M e lvin M iller C harles M onroe, Jerome W idmer, Frank Vanadia Jr., John DeGeorgt? Pau Ortstadt. Th i rd row : Claude W hite, Ronald Lancaster, Glenn Ludwig , Jr., Claude Bradford, Vernon Pa ul, Don G oon, Charles Demyan, James Norris, Rudolph Beckert, Donald Smith.
I . ~I
... "! C
First row , left to r'ght: Mr Q...~inn, Fa culty Moderator; Jame~ A Milnes, Se:retary; Larry J. W agner, Treasurer Second ro w: Gerard W Knepp Carlo<;, Nadar , Robert f\lussdorfer, Louis M. nold R. Gahlrnger, Robert W . Gress, Lawrence V W a ~ owo:. ~ i Th ird row : Allyn L. Pontius, R'chard Gaston Aude t , John B. W alkr=>t, Jerry Prns Robert S. Vala chovi , Russell J.
Cavanaugh Chairman; Donald Hajamsy, Th oma- L. Koch, Ar W . Gasdorf, W ilbert E Bul ert, Griffiths.
Th e o b jectiv es of th e M echa nic a Engin ee rin g C lub o f Ind ia na Tec hnic al C oll ege are t o advan ce promote and t each new pha ses of Mec hanical Engin ee ring . Pro gram s inclu d e ta lks b y exp eri ence d engineers; project s f or th e b enefit of th e clu b and th e school ; and social activitie s am o ng the members of the cl ub . The gro up arranges a field trip ea ch term t o o ne of th e indu strial co mpanies in t he surroun ding area. M embers of th e M echa nical Engineeri nq Club are local affiliate s of the Fo rt W ayn e Bran c h of the Ameri can Soc iety of M echani c al Engineers ~ (A SM E). Membershio is limited t o stud ents of the M eehan ical Engin eering Department and the M ec ha nica I Dr.:lfti ng Departme nt . I
The Society of Automot ive Engi neers is a st uden t bran ch, affiliated with th e N ational Society of Automotive Engineers, and is sp o nso red b y t he M echanical En gineering Departm ent. M embe rship is ope n t o a II engineering st ud en t s wh o are in t ere sted in th e advancements of th e automotive indust ry.
First row, left t o righ t: W. Castro, P. Beebe, H. A. Ma c lin, Facul ty Advisor; R. Dup uy, Treasurer¡ T. G il be r C hairman; W . Ha l, Secretary ; R. Shenefiel, W . Jarjour. Second row : R. C owan , P. M cCr illis, C . Bran so n, B V1an A . Cas ellon, D. N evers, J. Duff T. Krat ley, D. Die ey , F. C o peman. Third row : J. Jarv is, J. Duni pa ce, R. A n oniu k J. Lin k D. Ha rra'v-1ood , T. Be rghoff, J. M cCabe , M . Va n D'eren d onc R. Lawson, D. Terry.
\. t.
. :
First row , left to right: Georqe W i Iiams, Lee Heydr¡c~ Thomas Newton, George Spohn Stan Mar us, W. Larson, Mike McCamrrond. Second row : Jo~n King, Ar hur Olsen, Arge c Boscolo Gerald W h' tne y, James Pence Arthur G'llman, Charles Semlich Wesley Hclley, Vim Henning. Th ird row : Rcberr Sherefiel, Arnold Custard, Roger Lueck, Glen Garrelts, Joseph Halterman, Lawrence Turchick M 1< hael Olear, Jr.
Th e purpo se of the Society of American Mi litary Enginee rs is t o advance knowledge and understanding of the science of military engineering in connection with its service t o the United States. A ll f ul l-time stud en t s are eligible f o r admi ss ion as student members of thi s natio nal o rganizati o n. 82
The Varsity Club is an association of men who have b&en awarded varsity letters for pa rti ci pati o n in int e r-co ll egiat e activities at India na Techn ica l C ollege . The purpose s of the cl ub are to act a se rvi ce o rga nizatio n and provid e socia l activitie s for members in g ood stand ing . Membership is open t o all st ud en t s of th e Co lege who have been awarded va rsity Ie tt e rs for p a rt ic i pati o n in at hIe t ic s .
First row , left t o right: N el so n W eneri c k. Th urman Shelton, Kent o n Quint, Bill Carroll, Toi ro M aiste, Larry Beerman. Second row : M urray M endenhall, Ha rry Okeson, Darwin King , Ra y Rowles, J o e M oore, Sam W alker, Harol d Griswo ld, Secretary; Bo b W entz , President .
• •
.JI!d',. "
First row , left to r1gh +· Mr. Cochran
Fa :ul ty Ad v.sor· Darrel R1chards, Bill Fr'sb'P Je se Durbir Second row : A I Bjorling, Han ~ Corson . Ton·s Pa1de Dary W a1te , Dennr~ C("wdr1c ~ .
The purpo se of th e Kekionga Amateur Radi o Club of Indiana Techn ical College is t o promote amateur radio activitie s among interested students of th e College and t o bring together students who have an interest in the practical application in comm unica ti ons . To qualify f o r membership a person
mu st
be a stud ent o r facualty
member of the College and m ust hav~e a Federal Com munication s Co mmi ssion License ranging from novice t o •
advanced . 84
The Indiana Techni ca l College Flyi ng C lu b is the largest student body grou p . The Clu b owns tw o planes, a Cess na 140, and an Aeronca Champ; both are hangared at Smit h Fiel d . Day and night local and c ross-country flights are ma d e at a ve ry slight expen se to the members. The Club wa s fo rmed to make fly ing possi ble for th e st udents who own licenses, and qualified instruction possible fo r the student who wi shed t o ob t-ain a lice nse at a reasonable cost . The Club o perati o n is so le ly suppo rted by members' dues.
First row , le ft to righ : T. Bergho!f, Me mb e rship Officer; E. C ol born Fl1gh t Coordi nator· R. Nelson, Se cretary· T Kilmurry, President; Mr. Ben Dow, Faculty M c.dera~or; D Harr.ngton Pub l·c· y Of icer; E. Va n 1ey, Vice Presiden D. Snyder, Treas'"'rer. Secon d row : E. Mayo , Ass·srant Safe y Of icer; L. Schul+-z, G. Fa ul enberry J. Tretter H. Orth, K. Becher, R. Smi·h S. Smrde 0. Brad ley, Safety Officer. Th ird row : F. Della Badia, R. E Taha C. McA neary J. Minozzi, M. Singh T. Krattley. Fourth row : D. Wrigh , F. Roc as, R. C unn'ngham, R. N1chols, L. Lines, L. Bognar. - - -
Fi rst ro w, eft to r1ght: Dan Bednarski, Paul M el~on, Treasurer: Jim Robertson, President; Steve Neme t h, Bo b M aine . Seco nd row : Gary W illiams, M orris Dit inger, Bruce House, Bob W ageman, W arren Frank, Bil M ann, Dic k Tavano, Ji m De b ley ker, G ene H ill egas . Th ird ro w : Fred Sribni k, Tim A 路jala, Tom Ca lison, Jim Bo d ette, Guy Thompson .
The Indiana Techni cal C olle ge Weightlifti路ng and Bodybuilding C ub , which meets in the Tech gymna sium, ha s one of th e better equipped g ym s in the area. Since the clu b took new quarters in th e Spring of 1957 it ha s become one of th e leading o rganizati o ns at Tech . The directi o n of th e Ph ysic al Ed ucation st ud en t s in weight lifti ng ha s been one of the cl ubs man y activitie s. A n active prog ram has been o rganized whi ch wi ll send members int o weightlifting competition and he lp to further the name of Tech . 86
The Tec h Student Wi ves' Clu b is an informal group de sig ne d to promote acqu ai ntan ces, social acti vi t ies an d fellow ship among the wives of the st ud ents of T ech . Bi-weekly meet ings are held in the college cafeteria w ith va ried prog ram s fro m se rious talks t o fun nights full of games. Banquets hono rin g mem bers who are wive s of graduating seni o rs are held semi-a nnually and " W ives Dip lo ma s' ' are p repared . All studen t 's wive s are asked to join t his info rmal club which has been organized for them .
Fi r st row , left to right: Marg ie Pumphrey, Na jla Jar1our, Lorraine Wo larski, Ruth Ba llentine, Luz Sandoval, Treasurer; Joan Scherba11., Vice Presidert: Ruth Pipes, Pres'dent ; Susie Hatch , Secretary; Ri a Ray, M rs. Dona d Rob'nson, A dvisor. Secon d ro w : Pat Krerder, Yolarde La Rcche, M yrna N echamkin, Beity Wood is, M arilyn Hultgren, R'ta Pa ul, Fr.eda M dnes, E ~ira Me jia, L nda Aaron, Shirley M oore, Kumie M clrtyre, R ta C~i pps,_ Joan Lyk'ns, Evelyne Bubernar , lr's Re 'ly, Reba A ger, Betty Schooley, Dorothy Donnelly, Shelby Groome, Gari Streeter A rg e Sadarts, Sh1r ley House. Th i rd r ow : M ona MacDona ld, Dawn Larson, M arilyn Ricci, Stephany W iliams, Kay Ke ssler, Bettye Kra tt ley, Joan Headlough, Kay Findlay, M ary Lake, Barbara Ch ipmaf'l, M ary A nn. Lafoon, Pat Dav is, Dorothy Salter, Barba ra Schaut, Laurel Kinman Ro se Tenn res, Jear Giffin, Beverly Garabedian , Joan W ood, J acquie Erwin, A nna M acHarbaugh, Sue Henderson, M ary M "llard. Fou rth ro w : Mary Da vis, Carol Bednarski, M adeleine Jersen , N acy Bradford, Sh irley Jakubowski, Oreda Clarke, Betty Clawson, Krtty Nuth Joan Van Kley, Carol Duncan, Terry Thomas, Kathy Scott, Dorot hy Lawson , Gail Ha len, Mary Stewart, Rubv S"'loema er, Sally K irg, Shrrley Testone, July Robert son, Gwen Barney Ka ren Pru itt, Kay Brad ey, Joan A rro d, M argaret A . M I er, Joan Wardle, Virgir路a Prrer, Nacy Ca rn Janet Ru;t, Othe Ia Green, Evva Corm ,er .
- -- - -
- - ... --
-· I
I . ' I
. i
i I
~ ·.·.
1 I
• •
I First row , left to righ t: Abed W lsattar Mawlawi, Ab ed Eshafiz Shehadeh, Ade l Na b han, Edward Sa le m, A hma d Hamdan. Second row : Wa ssi m Sadder, W ilson Jarjou r, Treasurer; A ref Salem, V1ce President; Sa b ri Barghou t, Presi d en t; Dr. Render Tuan , Faculty Ad visor; Ab ed Sukkariyyah, Corresponding Secretary; A nto'ne N imeh Secre tary; Na jdar Hanano. Th ird row: Khader M un~arah , Jawdat Ead, R1yadh Eltaha, Ghassan Shoushan1, Ka irallah Moussa, John Naser, El1as Samaan.
The aim s of th e Arab Student Club are the disseminati0 n of tru e and adequate informatio n abo ut the Arab people , their hi st o ry , culture, pro ble ms, and aspirations ; the exten sio n of help and guidance to Ar·a b ~ t u dents at Indiana Tec hni cal C o llege; and the promotion of a better un derstandi ng and stronger ties with th e American people and vario us friendly o rganizations . A s a part of the social program spon so red by th e club , lectures and movie fe stiva ls are pre sented . Beginning thi s year the cl ub started publishing a news letter named ~~ Arab Awakening " . Copie s are se nt t o variou s religio us, civic , a nd schola stic groups around th e area . 88
Th e Canteb ury Club is an organiza ti on of colle ge students of th e Epi scopali an fai th. Th e objective of the cl ub is t o interpret t o member students the meaning and method of full Chri sti an living and t o train stud en t s in active, inte lligent c hurch and community leadership . The Canrerbury Clu b meets at the Trinity Epi scopa Church .
First row , left t o right: Jerry A lger, Fat her McC ormic k, Chapla in; Edward P. Guindon , Herbert Carter, Advisor. Se co nd row : Elston Bout ilier, Dick Muir, W inston W urgler, Henry C orson Joseph M. Trette r Herber Lenzkes Dennis C ow dri c ~.
""' .;)V. ..
- - - -- - - -- -
-- --------------~-----·--------
q 1
I i
,_... ..
- ..
First row, eft rc right: Rudy Chung, Jum Ch"n, N eville Chuny A ll an Yee, Vice President; Allen F. Lee, Pres1den t · W illiam Eng, Don Good, Stephen Yo ng Secretary Secon d row : Tommy Eng, Pub icahons : Thomas Chau Sze N g, Edmon d W oon, M r. C. K . LIU, Faculty A dvisor; Dr Render TL,an . Facu lt y Adv ,sor; Jimmy L iao, J1mmy Quan , W illiam L. M on. Robert C hin. Th ird row : Johnny C~ ow Treas urer; W ahl ing N q Eager Lee Stephen M o y. W ing Eng.
The members of t hi s club are of Chine se origin and are students of Te ch. The primary purpo se of thi s o rgan ization is t o develop the general c ult ure and social re lat ion ship of its members. Th e Chine se Stud en t Club aims t o o rganize and pro mote the f riend ship of t he Chine se Students in Indiana Technical C olle ge, cul tivate a b etter cha ra ct er and ma nne r in its members, lea rn and retai n a good hobby. stud y the o rie nta l and western cult ure s. promo te a high degree of mo ral standards, develop orig ina li t y . initiati ve. and leadership . 90
The H awai ian Club is composed of Ind iana Technical College student fr o m the Hawaii an Isl ands . The primary purpo se of the o rganizat io n is mutual assista nce duri ng t he cou rse of th e members' under-graduate stud y .
First row, lef to right: Frank Natividad , Robert Sea, Treasurer: Richard Agawa Pres ident ; Mr. Arth ur Price , Fa cul ty Advi so r ; Lawrence Watanabe, Se c retary; Roy Tanikawa, Agripino Batoon. Second row: Erne st Bus bc so, Ro bert W oo Man uel A lbera s, Jerry 0 amura Th om a s Hamada Gordon Hashim ot o, Do nald Suzu i, Sammy Zaan , Sam Yamauch i, Jame s Yamaki , Be n Ce spede s.
• ' \t
' ~.,;.,. . ....
~ ...
,. '
First row, lef.1. to r·gh+- Manabendra Jana, Committee Member; Sa tya Gupta Secretary; Mr Cleo J. Quinn, Faculty Moderato r; Pate Jayandra, Pres1dent, Dave Harshand, Treasurer· J L. Siflg a, Joint Secretary Secon d row : Gurbakhsh Thind, Ramesh Sheth, Ja1 Krishen, Prithvi11t S1ngh, Manm onan Gill, C. C outinhc, S. Sukhminder Raghbir Chhina , Major Singh.
The aim s and o b jective s of th e Ind ia A ssoc iation are to promote mutual understandin g and soc ial and cul tural rela ti on between the Indians on the ca mpu s and th e no nIndians; and t o assist th e lndia·ns, throu gh various activit ies, to come in close co nta ct with o ne another. 92
The purpose of the Lutheran Student A sso ciation is t o stre ngthe n and sustain Chri stian students in their faith thro ugh its pro gram of w o rs hip ~ st udy~ ev? ngeli sml and fellow ship and to pro vide the o ppo rtu nity f o r cultivating friend ships and social ife o n a Chri stian !eve . The Lutheran Student A ssociation at Indiana Te ch incl udes in its membersh ip stud ents from th e co legesl exten s ion s ~ and nursing schools in th e Fort Wayn e area. M embership is open t o all students regard ess of faith. M eeting s are held on the second a·nd f o urth Sunday of th e mo nth at Tri nity Engli sh Lutheran Church . Reverend Ri c hard G. Frazier f ro m Trinity is our advi sor. Th e Lutheran Student A ssociati o n of Am eri ca is a nati onal o rg ani zati o n with it s office in Chicag o ~ llinois.
.-. •
Front row, left t o right: Dolores A llamong W ilbur W il kinson, Pre sident; Anna Kal len berger, V ice President. Back row: Intern Paul N . J ordan , St. Johns Lutheran Church; Richard Gasdorf, Secretary-Treasurer; Paul Trenary, Richard Leischner, Pa ul Smeltzer, Harland Jording, Richard Allen Smith, Benny Ce spedes.
• •
... •
First ro w, eft to righ . Larry Sch 1le r Crarles Sem i -~ Ge o rge M u · ~ca Steve S p 1a , Peter C ocyea, Ed ward Byrne, Presi d ent; Charle s Htltunen , V1ce President, Ro na ld Trahan Trea surer; Hank Kriegh , Terry Hughes. Second row : Bernard She a ron, D. R. Peters Mau nc e Keaty D Thr uc.h, J. O'Br'en C C Jfnh _, J. E Bodete , R. J. Fletcher, J oseph Gryglew sli. Third row : Larry Shearon J o~eph Longo, James S an n, ev.n Gau,, John Ulwelling Antn cny Mu cct a·d Jerry Bc dmer, Fred Bamford , Gerry Farre .
The purpos e of the Newman Club is to help the Catholic students on secula r and state college campu ses in their re ligious, cultural and social life . Membership in th e Newman Club is open to all Ca th ol ic college stud ents. M eeting s of the Newman Club are held at N oll H all, which is under the direction of the inter-co lleg iate Newma n Club . 94
0 0
Fron t row : T-:.m Beerman Roger Whitt ig, ent John-, Larry Bf-'erman, Jon S r-..up Steve Hat"'h Ba ck e,th H .J bf' r, Sam ro w : Cca_h M urray Merdenna ll Jr. Ro bert L tr e B Cr1e Rud y s~eqe1mann, Lew is .
Nov. 18
Griff in
72; TECH . 115
Nov. 22
H un t ington ... Home
79; TECH . . 94
Nov . 24
Vincennes . . . Ho me
Dec. 9
Taylor . . . . .
72; TECH . 88 97; TEC H 98
Dec. 12
Ma rian ....... Away
80; TECH . 82
Dec . 13
Oakland City . Away
68; TECH .
Dec. 16
A nderson
61; TECH
Dec. 20
Lawrence Tech
Awa y
66; TECH . 78
Jan. I0
Ha nover . . . . . Home
56; TECH
J an. 13
Huntington .
69; TECH
J an . 16
Tri -State ...
5 I ; TECH . 6 7
Jan . 20
Manchest e r .. . Away . 97; TEC H . 72
J an. 23
Giffin ...... .
Jan. 27
Jan. 3 I
Northwestern .. Ho me
60; TECH
Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. .Feb.
A nderson . . . . Ho me
70; TECH . 68
Oakland City
. Home
80; TECH . 87
Indiana Central Away
76; TECH . 65
Tri-State . . ... Ho me . 64; TECH . 90
Concordia . .. . . Th e re .. 6 7; TECH . . 84
Lawrence Tech . Home . 80; TECH .. 82
. . . Home
60 ; TEC H
60; TECH . 61
... 97; TECH .... .. 98
TECH BEATS HANOVER BY 95 TO 56 Our Warriers were in high gear to rou t invading Hanover 95-56 at the Tech gym . The W arriers breezed t o a 45-28 half-time lead and were never in trou b le . Ken t J ohns led the attack with 24 po in t s, and To m 1'tt1J
Beerman con trib uted 19 poin t s.
WARRIORS PIN 90-64 LOSS ON TRI-STATE Indiana Te c h bro e loos e in the second half t o rou t Tri -State, 90-64 and re t ain po ssess ion of the Bulging Boiler, symbol of b asetball su premacy. It wa s the fifth st raight season Tech ha s defeated Tri-State .
BY ONE POINT MARGIN A little of everything happe ned at the Tech gym o n Tue sday evening, Jan uary 27th. Whe n the smoke cle ared t he Con co t dia Senio r C olle ge \·va s still looking for its fir st victo ry o ver the Warrio rs. Th e fin a I sco re wa s 61-60 and it marked Te c h's eleventh win in fo urtee n games.
INDIANA TECH DOWNS CONCORDIA BY 84-67 Hitt ing a n even .500 from th e floor on 20 fiel d goa ls in 40 atte mpts, Ind ian a Tec h's W a rrio rs captured th e ret urn matc h f ro m Co nco rdi a Col leg e . Th e 1958-59 ba sketba ll season en d ed with a re co rd of 16 g am es wo n and 5 g ames lost .
., o
.• . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . o . . ,. .. o, o , '\ I
. . . , . .o .
• ···· 0
. . . . . . . . ---. --•
• • ' ' '
' ' '
--... . •
f '
· • ttl(• ,
G a mes
Johns, Ken r Steg e lmanr Rudy Huber, Ke ith . . Beerman, Tom • Stroup, Jon . . • Cole, B I I • • • Lewis, Sam • • • Hatch, s-eve Wh'tfg, Roger • Beer IT' a !'1, Larr 1 • Lit Ie, Robert • Moe~, Larry • • Tota I
21 21 21 21 21 21 20 18 20 6 16 9 21
Fie ld Goals Atts.
280 209 220 196 188 144 97 86 73 55 64 24 1636
Free Th rows
Re b ounds
Atts. Score
Pe t .
126 85 92 87 65 56 38 38 36 2 25 0
.450 .40 I .4 14 .443 .356 .388 .395 .44 1 .493 .391 .390 .416
98 132 52 56 44 46 20 33 17 25 IS 9
80 84 26 31 31 31 16 II 8 18 7 4
.816 .638 .500 .553 .704 .720 .800 .334 .470 .720 .466
.4 16
Pe rs. Foul s
Po ints
N o.
3.76 15.23 8.95 8 09 4.09 4.7 1 4.35 0 72 2 OS I 25 3.68 2.22
40 66 74 47 33 41 38 20 24 17 7 6
0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
332 754 210 205 163 143 92 87 80 60 57 24
I 5 80
79 320 188 170 86 99 87 13 41 20 59 20
12 09 0 00 9 76 7.66 6.80 4.40 4 83 4 OS 3.75 3.5 1 277
l 182
59 00
81 20
. ·. ~
Left to right: Bill Carroll, Bob W entz, Harry Okeson, Sam Wa lker.
Tech Te ch Tech Te ch Tech Te ch Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech
left to right: Kel ly Heffner, Bill Carroll, Neil Harr i ng ton, H a p H e ad Io ug h H a r ry 0 ke son, Da rw i n K· ng , Ron Gustin, John Semelsberger. Second row : Sam Wa lker, F ran~ Kizis, AI Ma ycock, Larry Beerman, Tom Beerman, Jack Barber, Bob W entz, Dave Lewis, Murray Me ndenhall. First row,
., .. rt ="'l,.
... . •
. . •
20; 6; 3;
. . ~ . . . . 3; . . . . . 4; 6; • • . 6; . . . . . . . 7; . . . . . . . . 18· ' . . . . . . . . I: 4· • • . . . . . . . . 8; . . • • 5; . . 2; . . . . . . . . . . . . 9; . . . . 9: . . • . . I4; . . • • • 6; • • • •
Man chester Ma nchester Concordia Concordia Goshen Goshen • Huntington Huntington Ma rion Anderson . A nderson . Ma nchester Ma nchester Huntington Huntington Goshen . . G oshe n • Concordia Concordia •
. 4
• •
4 • 7 5 • 2 . . 3 •
. . .
. . . .
. . 6 . . . . . . . I0 •
. . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . .
. . .
. . . . . . . 3 •
. .
. . . . . . . I0 •
. . . . I3 . I0 • • •
. . 5
. ... Moore Rowles Seme ls berger
19 2/3 I I 2/J
. 2 . 2
• •
. 2
. 3
II 2/J
12 14 15 18
7 7 14
2 3 4
9 2 2
5 8 4
3 7
14 18 16 15 8 6 10
. . . . 5
Barker W enrich
25 1h 22 2/3
. . . . 7 . 9 . . 4 • .7 . .
2 2 2
2 3 I
8 2
0 2 0 I 0 2
I .000 I .000
6 12
I 5 0
17 14 15
.333 I .000
.500 .000
W entz
Okeson Maycock
Av e .
. 19 19 IS
67 67
19 20 10 15 19 14 23
3 S
0 I
22 30
24 22
7 II 9
14 19 22 IS
21 7 14 12
.291 .232 .259
83 96 33
.365 .3 18
. . . . I7
Ki n.g
43 58 52 44
IS 15 He ffner • • • Barker . . . . . 19 16 Kizis • •
70 49
. • • I3
Carro II
Gust in Beerman, T.
Wenrick . . . Lew 1s . . . . Moore Head Iough
Semelsberger Harr in gton W alker Rowles
A verages Tota I
6 4
7 9 . 5
. . . •
FIELD I N G CH Err . Av e .
8 5 3
29 8 7 6
7 4 14 9 9
. 601
I 0
I 8
12 II 10
3 9 9 0 I 0 3
2 2
0 0
7 5
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 I I
2 2 4
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
.31 6
3 3 0
5.8 104
0 2 5.1 100
0 3 I 2 3
6.8 132
30 2S 3
12 14 I
14 II
I 0
I 0
.3 I 0 .000 .1 43 000
.428 .250
2 2 7
. 143
.306 .II 5 .285
IS 92 20 58 29 II IS
3 4 2 4 3 2 IS
.9S2 .979 .880 .940 .868
0 2 3 I 2
I .000 .966 .898 .901 .868
0 0 0
1.000 I 000 I .000 I .000 .7SO 1.000
3 6 8
0 2
2.3 44
.924 •
First row, left t o right: Thurman Shelton, Paul Fleming, Prescott Hoeck, Ed Battistelli, Joseph Cozzolino , A I M ichalkow, Charles Kerzetski. Second row : Robert Russo, Rickard De Ruby, Steve H oover , lvars Veldre, Darwin Ma inwaring, Frank May o, Conny Copeland, M urray Men d enhall.
'' '
Thurman Shelton was undefeated d uring t he 1959 trac k sea so n in t he 100 ya rd d as h. H e hold s t he bes t time record in th e sta te fo r sma II colle g es of 9.9 second s.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3 I 'I2 ~ Ta y Ior . 32 Manchest er 9 I '/ 2
· Anderson
· Ea rIham 2 3'I? W aba sh I I S'l 2
· Taylo r
. .
... 6 7
lvars Valdre wa s und efeated in the discus and the shot put in the 1959 track season. lvars holds th e best distance record for the discus for small colleges in the state. H is record is 144 feet. He also throws the javel in exceptionally well.
Pau l Fle mm ing is seco nd o nl y t o Thurm a n Shelt o n in th e 100 a nd 220 ya rd d a sh.
Kenton Quint , o utstanding te am me mb er ; Henry W a hl , Fe nci ng Te am C oa ch .
0; G oshen
5; Conco rdia 5; Tri-State
2; G osher
6; Tri-State
3· Conco rd ia
. . . . .
. . .
. .
Fro nt row, left to right: Art Lyman, l oiver Lega ll. Back row: Sark is Garibian , To m Deve re a ux, Rolli e Pipe s.
...~ i ....,
(i Left t o rig ht : Rollie Pipes, Tom Deve rea ux.
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The Varsity G ol f Team coached by Professor Be n Dow turned in an exce pti onally fine reco rd fo r th e 1959 seaso n; winning 5 o ut of 7 dua l matche s. The team was sparked by Captain J oe Boone who contin uously lead hi s tea m in scoring . Sta n Harper, Dean Heaton, and Holt To ney we re the othe r regular membe rs of the gol f squad; wh ile Do n Hende rson, Bryan Grapentine, and J ohn Gal letly alternated in the No. 6 position . All 5 of the first starting members of th e squad will be return in g for the 1960 golf sea son, and consequently, the tea m is looking fo rward t o another fin e sea son next year. Front row, left t o right: J oe Boone, Bra d ley Grapentine. Back row : Hol t Ton ey, Sta n Ha rper , Dean Hea t on, Do n Henderson , R. L. Dow, C o a ch.
Tech ........... I 2
; C onco rdia
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; Tri-State . . . . . . . . . . 6
Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . I2'/ 2 ; Concordia . . . . . . . . . 5 '/ 2 Tech ........... 13
; Taylo r ............. 2
Tech ........... 5
; Tri-S t ate ........... 10
Tech ........... I 5
; Taylo r ......
Tech ............ 9
; Ea rlam
........... 6 •
Left to rig ht : S an Harper Dean Heaton, Ho Toney, Joe Boon e , Do n Henderson, Bra d ley Grapentine.
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-Fi rst ro w, eft t::- right
Andre Bcuchard0n, Den Tanc red·. Second row : Ken Detro Freeman, Jim De Bley er.
Bill Turner, Don
The lnd 1ana Techni cal College Bowl ing Lea gue ha d another highly success ful sea so n. Thi s year -~he league co mpr ised of 19 t ea ms. MR. MARSHA LL
The sea so n wa s divided into two sect io ns. The leag ue wa s divided into halves. In the first half, the Div isio n B winner, the M echan icals, defeated the Division A winners, A lpha Gamm a Upsilo n. The Ele ctr icals were th e seco nd half winners when they won from the Div ision A winne rs, Kapp a Sig ma Phi. In the champions hi p play the Electricals bettered the Mechanicals f or top honors. Total pin s bowled
by the lea gu e was 849,723. Th e league average per in d i vid uaI was I 46.6.
Left t o rig ht: Jerry McDon a ld , John Mutk ow~ i, Yo d Fisher, emp Stieber.
Total Pins
Mechan ical . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Kappa Sigm a Phi ................. 66 A lpha Gamma Upsilon ............ 66 El ectrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
52454 49900 48445 47862
794 756 734 725
W on
61 561/2 531/2 531/2
Lo st
27 3 11/2 341/2 341/2
2609 2517 2517 2499
893 885 852 827
Front row, lef t o right: Ron Gou d, Holly Young. Second row : John Mutkowki, Yod Fisher, Jerry McDonald, Kemp Stieber.
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Am o ng the memo ries of college life, the Library remain s a plea sant place associat ed with unh urri ed st ud y and sati sfying research , with soft -s poke n words and gent ie peop le, and with the sme ll of new magazines and o ld books .
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The Indu strial Re sea rch, Development and Con sulting Laboratorie s of Indiana Te chni cal C ol lege were f ormed in 1950 with one purpose in mindTO SERVE THE SPECIALIZED NEEDS OF INDUSTRY. Th is goal has remain ed co nstant while th e f acili t ies of the De partm ent an d the experience of the st aff have grown steadily. The R & D Depa rtment has developed , designed, and produced many spe c i a Iized it em s of eq ui p m e nt si nc e its f o und i ng . I nel uded in such equ ip ment is a co mplete line of instruments used f or te st ing the in sulation qua li t ies of magnet wire . C onsulting servi ces in a wide variety of engineering and scien t ific areas are mu ch in deProfes sor D e rmer and Mr. Funk work on a pro blem .
rang ing f ro m Mechanical and Electronic En -
gineering through Mathem at ics and C hemistry. Since the founding of the Department in 1950, the operation has been on a non-prof it basi s. Re search charge s are ba sed on three f act ors: Th e sala ries of staff members assi gned to the pro ject , the actu al cos t of special equ ip ment and servi ces, and a fixed percentage of expen ses f or overhead . Wh ile the educational departments of Indiana Tech ni ca I College serve the need of stu dents seeking higher educa t io n, the Indu strial Re search Devel opment and Con sulting Depart ment serves ind ustry. The R & D Labora t ory is equ ipped with modern, practical sci entific equ ip ment. The Department is prepared t o sol ve all type s of ind ustrial problem s in the fields of re search, engineering development, scien tific investi gati on, enginee ring te sting , d esign, speciali zed mac hin ing, plus the practical or the oret ical applica ti on of higher mathematics an d physical
laws. 112
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Fi rst row, left to right: Joe Cozzolino, pledge; Harvey Unger, Chapter Councellor; Ron Goul d , President; Niel Harrington, pledge; Frank Rockas, pled ge; M ike Flanigan; Jim Z ofcha k, p.edge; Ron W eaver, pledqe. Secon d row : Frank Della Bad ia, Connie Brault, H o-lly Young, Pledgemaster· George Gephart, House M anager; Kemp Stt e ber, Dave Crotty, Jerry M cDonald, Dic k Ga ud i, Corres po nd ing Secreta ry; Bill M asi, Social Chatrman· Stuart Langsam, Dick W alsh, Treasurer. Th ird row : Ty Bali k, Sergeant- At-A rms: Joe D' A m b rosio, Tom ilmurry, Dave W ight, Tony Saltare, Recording Secretary· Frank Vit a Dom Tucci, John M ut kos ki.
Beta C ha pt e r of th e A lpha Gamma Upsilo n wa s accepted by Indiana Tec hni cal C ollege in May, 1932 the first frate rnity installed in the C o lege . Th e aim a nd purpose of Alpha Gamma Upsilo n is sum med up brie fly in th e follo wing pa ssag e : "This frate rnity sha ll be a sec ret fraternal o rganization whose aim a nd purpose is t o pro mote friend ship, comradeship , and mut ua l understandi ng among the me mbers; to develop character; to uphold the ideals of the College , and to foste r the highest idea ls of ethical conduct and good cit ize nship. '' 114
The purpo se o f thi s fraternit y is t o pro mote fellow ship, social, scho lasti c , and recreati on al activitie s f o r the members in good standing . Membership is open t o any student of Indiana Tech wh o is vouched for by a present member or who is reg ist ered on th e Ty ler' s Record o f a reg ul arly co nstituted Blue Lodge within the Fo rt W ay ne area.
First row , lef t o righ t: Lawrence Richie, Secretary路 Rollie Pipes, Pres' dent ; Dr. I Planc k, Facul t y Ad v sor; John M ain, Vice Presi dent ; Ed Ged i man, Treasurer. Second row : M art in Donahue , Le on Riggs, Bo b Dale , Joe M ille r , A Bjorling, Del bert Ca se, Bo b Ke ehn.
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Fi rst row , left t o right: R. Prather G. W est, R. Fletcher Secon d ro w : N. Gelman, C o rrespon ding Secretary; H . G itell, Trea su rer ; T. C o rb y, Pre ::.i dent; M r. Bern hardt, FacL ty Ad visor~ J Bienas, V ice President~ R_ N o rthey, Recording Sec retary; T. Sodan o. Th i ; d row : I. Longene c ker, E. Lo rah J. M lair, F Parent, j_ Bag ire Sergeant-at-Arms; R. Fu lerton, J. Stewart. Fourth row : D. M art in, J. Ch ow, I. Guterman, F. Sribnil, N. Adra , A. W etz.el.
Origina ll y organized at Indiana Technical College in J anua ry , 1957, as Theta Mu Pi Fraternity , Beta Sigma Tau places special importance on three items: EQUALITY, UNDERSTAN DI N G, and UNITY. A s the first national fraternity of its kin d , Beta Sigma Tau was f ounded in 1948 to level , not to raise, barriers am ong men , t o provide the atmosphere f o r cooperation, and t o daily practi ce the golden ru le of brotherhood. A co nstructive pledge program with no hazi ng or degradation of any so rt as we ll as special stre ss being placed o n high schol arship as a requ isite to a success fu I fraternity , are an integral part of the program. A ll members are accepted solely on their own individual worth, regardless of race, colo r, or creed. It is the ai m of Beta Sig ma Tau to con tribute t o the co mmunity by help ing to prepare better students and better cit izen s.
Iota Tau Kap pa is an hono rary engi nee ring fratern it y
w hose name symb oli zes Indu stry (Io t a), Thrift (Tau), and
Kn ow ledg e (Kappa). The chi ef o b ject ive of th is org anizat io n is t o pro mote and t o inculcate high ideas and attitu d es o f schola rship amo ng th e members of th e stu de nt body of Ind ian a Techni cal C o llege . In o rd er t o be co me a member of Iot a Tau Kap pa, an engi neering student m ust have a grad e-poin t avera ge o f 3.5 o r mo re f o r f o ur t erm s, not necessa rily co nsecu t ive t erm s. Left to ri ght: Joe Kennedy, Kenneth Kern , Richard Tate , N orman Kruse, F. M asullo, Don Duttweiler Rich ard C o x.
A t least six teen coll eg e cred it hours shall co mp rise each of the se f o ur te rms.
Front row , left to right: Me lvon Evans, Secre ary-Treasurer: N orman Kr use, Cement Doffing, Richard Ta e Second row : R1chard La Fever, Earl Kepner, v ·ncent Masu llo, Richard C o x, Ric hard Liebermann , Pre s1 dent· W al er Ca stro, Ra lph Smi h. I
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First ro w, left to right: Leroy Green, Polema rch; Dr. Tuan, Faculty Ad visor; Herbert A nderson , Keeper of Record s. Second row : Henry Lava a , Keeper c f E)cheq uer; Tommy Dav·s, Strateg us, Herbert K. Mo rgan, Vice-Polemarch; Fre d Myers, Jr. , Le o nard Wa tkins, Hi storran.
Kappa A lpha Psi, a coll ege fraternity now co mpri sed of mo re than 200 undergraduate and alu mni chapters on maj or ca mpuse s and in cit ies throughout the coun try , boasts a membership of over 20,000. It was fo unded in the sc hool year of 1910-1 91 I on the campu s of Indiana University at Bl oo mingt on, Indiana. Its co nstitution is the la w of an organiza t ion predicated upon, and dedicated to the principle s of ac hievement through a democratic fraternity. Preparation of the coa t -of-arm s wa s completed during the sum mer of 191 I by three of the fo unders wh o solicited the ai d of a professo r of Greek A rt at the Ind iana University together with that of a professor of Greek at C onco rdia Universi ty, Fo rt Wayne, Indiana . The second chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered in 1913. 118
Th e purpose of Ka ppa Sigma Kappa is t o develop an d e nha nce th e pe rso na lity of its members. t o encourage good schol arship, broade n out side interest s, promote mutual und e rstandin g and in c rease loyal t y on the part of the frat e rn it y broth e rs t o Ind iana Tech . Member$hip in Alpha Chapte r is ope n to all male st udents of Indiana Tech .
First row , lef
to righ : George Gandolfo, Don German, A scan·o Negrerj_' Secon d ro w: D c da Jim Stevens, Carlo Pezzon· Roger W ilson.
Pa ul M" nor, Artie Gerun-
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First row , left to right: Frank W ood C crrespond1ng Secretary: Ron W ard le, Secretary; Franz Frassmann, Pre sident ; Harol d Gri swold, Vice Pre si dent ; Dean Re ily, Treasurer. Second row : Mr. Ro bert Marshall, Faculty Advisor; Jerry Hawk, Maurice Hubscher, Raym on d Rowles, Donald King, Karl Kar1nch, Ro bert Forgit, Ernest- Fox, Ma.< Minniear, lvo Nuth. Third row : Bo b W entz, Toivo Ma iste, Dale Claw son, Roberi Powers, Joe Espos1to Maurice Roc k, Seymour Hatch, Simon Ruhl, A I Sronecypher.
Kappa Sigma Ph i is a soci a l fratern ity of college men dedicated to the promot ion of Fe llowship, Scholarship , and Sportsmanship. The purpose of this fraternity is to bring together, in close bonds, the brothers of this fraternity; to ass ist one another while in school as we ll a s in the business wo rld . Kappa Sigma Phi fraternity ha s a stand ing membership of approximately forty active members each term As the turnover in membership is usually large beca use of the number of members graduating each term, several pledges are accepted for initiation into the fraternity each term . 120
The N u Chapter of the Phi Iota Alpha, Latin-American Fraternity . is situated at 1509 Ea st Wa yne Street in the city of Fort Wayne , Indiana . The chapter ha s membership repre senting eight Latin-American countries . The purposes of this fraternity are to unite its members fraternall y. stimulate scientific study of the soc ial and economic pro blem s of Latin-America, and t o se rve as an ideological university wherein the student may find a favorab le atmosphere for the deve lopment of his ideals. Mr. Cleo Qui nn is the faculty advi so r.
Left t o right: Jose Regueira , Vice- Pre sident o f C onvention; H um be r o Aguilar, Trea surer of Convention, Sigma Chapter louisiana State University; Leonardo W il t hew, Secretary of C onvention; Jesus L. Hernandez, Pre si dent o f C onvention .
Left t o right: Henrique de Ia Rosa, Jesus Hernandez, Robe r o San iago, Teofilo W illiams, Hector Perez de A lejo, He ctor Lea l, Luis Preval.
Left •c r"ght: Luis Preva Secretary; A lvar-.> Christanc~o . Vtce-Pres"dent; Lazar G. ·ns · Pre "dent· Lenv le W. Hard te, Trea surer· A rmando Matos, Corresponding Ser.retary; Ramiro Zee H slorian.
Left to righ : Luis G Preval, Je'"us Hernandez Hector Leal Lenville Hard ie PPrez de A e1c.
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First row, left to right: Bo b W 1se, Bc b Power, Reverend Franc's E. Nugen t , Mr A. C. Steinbach, Bill Pokrzywka , Ed Byrne. Second row : J1m Marx, Terry Hughe s, Ed Mc Kean . J1m Bodett e, Art Newton, Jim Scan lon St eve Sep ia Charles H il t un e n, Herbert March, Lou;s Lener.
Ph i Kappa offers a brotherhood fraternity fo r the Catholic stude nt s at Indiana Tec h. Phi Kappa wa s the name selected by the charter gro up to serve as th e o utward sign of an o rganizati o n that w ill endeav o r to prom ote con du ct consistent with good mo ra ls, create an atmosphere whi ch will stimu ate substantia l inte llectual progre ss , and t o pro mot e prin ciples o f f raternal loyal t y in brotherhood . 12 2
Th e purpos e of Sigm a Phi Del t a is t o promo t e the ad v ancement of th e eng ineeri ng pro f essio n ; t o fo st er t he ad vance me nt of engineering edu cat io n ; t o inst ill a grea t er sp irit of cooperation among enginee ring students and o rga nizat ion s; to in culcate in it s me mbers th e high est ideals of g ood citi zenship , chri stian manhood , o b edien ce t o law, an d t o bro the rhood; and t o enco urage excellen ce in scholarship . Th e fr atern ity was f o unded at t he Un iversity o f Southern Ca li f o rnia in A pri l, 1924. The membership t o t al s ne arly 4,000 engi ne ers an d eng inee rin g students.
First row, left t o right: Ken Ka uffman , Ch uc k Demyan , M ike Koch , Larry Sch mitt , Sam Reitz, Ge ne M ars, Dic k So re nso n Ple dg ema ste r ; La rry Fleck, Da ve Rupp. Second row : To m Parag i an , To m Do we , Guid e; Rich ard H ein y, C ha pia in; J ohn Ster, A ssistan i Ch ief Eng i neer ; Ken La ufer, C hief Eng i ne e r ; Harry Ke ll er , Sec re tary; Ke n W hite , Business M anage r; Darryl Bach, H ist o rian. Th ird row: Ro n H ic ks , H ouse M anager ; Bill Strandberg , Ed M ac k, J ohn Sco tt, Jac k G uid ish, Fra nk Va nad ia, Gen e ra l C onven t ion De egate , D ic k M uir, Dic k Hu lt q uist, Frank C herb ous ky, C huc k Stinc hfiel d , Ed G ood , A lumni Secret ary; Lin d say Rush . •
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