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Editor: Sa1n l\Iedici Assistant Editor: John E. Jones Staff: Richard Cole Barry Si1nonds Photographers: Bill l\.1cln tosh Arnold Carlson Faculty lVIoderator: Professor Darrow Fox
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Tech Campus in the Fall
Eyes right!
Students bet\veen classes
1\loYing in to the n e\\. Alun1ni Qua dra n gle
Dorm counselor h elpin g student
Last minute cr amming
You m ean you h aYen 't been to class in a 'veek !
6 •
Do you think the Professor vvill find u s up h ere ?
.. •
a c •r
: ..
•• Skateboard craze ...,, llliiaW!o
Friday night dance
Smile you're on candid cam era !
She said it's 100 proof.
=--'·.:-. --
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Man y Tech students r espond to the Red Cross blood drive .
Much blood is shed f or the Vampire Cup.
I 10
Fo A SoPt.;O,IlOR£
CLASS P~e$PD£",... ~
PRE~IDENT ,---.~-··~
Tech Students vote once a vear for class officers . •
I thou ght h e was running for senior Class President .
I •
Future Civil Engineer Student analyzing chemistry experiment .
Reviewing class notes.
Psychology test.
I still think it was a good lab . report .
Relaxing night of study.
• •
... .. -
Scene familiar to all Tech. students.
Final calculations Lost in thought
Left to Right: Vinod Mehta, Bombay, India ; Ahmed Yamin Mirzi, Karachi , Pakistan ; Ahmed David Mirzi, Karachi, Pakistan.
President Johnson talking with three Indiana Tech students about the undeclared war between their countries. The President was on an afternoon stroll when he met the students. After talking with them, he invited them into the \Vhite House for a personal tour. While on the tour the President mentioned that he was glad that the Indian and Pakistanis students were still friends even though their countries were fighting. 15
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When the w eather outdoors is like this then the fun indoors is like . . . this
and the work indoors like this
16 •
• •
The new Playboy must be out
• •
emergency shelter
Neither snow or sleet shall hinder the hearty student especially if overcut.
.. 18
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A Tech secretary braves the cold
Dr. Edward C. Thoma
Our yearbook, the Kekiongan, provides the m emorabilia for each of us, students and faculty alike. It especially salutes our senior students , and we all join i11 wishing them , those great successes which they h ave envisioned and planned. For the rest of us, the yearbook serves as a challenge and a guidepost on what we can do the n ext year to improve upon this present year. Only as \iVe accept the challenge to not only strive to accomplish 111ore, but actually achieve this, do we m ake lasting and important contributions. May the Kekiongan serve both as a sounding-board and as a r ecord of the challenges that we have accepted and accomplished and provide for us insights to do even more. 20
L eft : President Thoma speaking at the
Awards Con vocation. Below: Mr. J ack Dillon , left , President of the Alumni Associa tion turns the n ew Alumni Quad路 rangle over to President Thoma.
Mr. C. A. Overholt
an reasurer 22
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Dr. Ralph Young
ean o
Harold Belt
sslstant to
Robert Ruhl
sszstant to
Dr . Walter William s
D. Randall
ean ents 27
Oren Huffer , Registrar and Director of Admissions.
Evelyn Bowyer , As is tant Registrar 28
Donald R. Steiner
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Robert Large •
trector o
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Paul Arnold
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lVlSlOn 31
Mac Fuelber ~ Business Manager Catherine Walsh,Secretary to the- President and Board of Trustees.
Christopher C. Kraft, Manned Space Flight Director, delivering the 45th Commencement address. He is shown wearing Doc tor of Engineering hood which was conferred just prior to the beginning of his address.
Fall Graduates Graduates receiving their degrees from President Thoma.
Winter Graduates
President and Mrs. Thoma congr atula ting gr adua tes .
Arbelaez, Cesar Jose, BSChE; Barquisimeto, Venezuela ; Dean's List ( 3 ) ; Chemical Engineering Society ; Latin American Association, Secretary, Treasurer; International Club. Bevins, Lyndon G. , BSChE; Genoa, Ohio; Dean's List ( 2 ); American Chern. Society; Chemical Engineers Society, Secretary, Treasurer; Sigma Phi Delta, Alumni Correspondent, Secretary, Housemanager. Bohnke, Glen L. , BSEE; Bryon, Ohio ; Dean's List ( 6 ); Secr etary Glee Club; Kekionga Amateur Radio Club, Vice-President; Nucleus, Photo Editor; Alpha Omega Tau. Bolinger, Herbert J., BSCE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; American Society of Civii Engineers. Bottone, Anthony George, BSEE; Bradford, Pennsylvania; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 1 ) ; Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. Bray, Richard Leigh, BSEE; Arcade, New York; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 8 ); Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers ; Iota Tau Kappa.
Bremanis, Jacob, BSAE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 3 ); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Dorm Governor ; Student Senate; Varsity Baseball; Intramural Sports ; Sigma Pi, Social Chairman . Casteel , Ronald G. , BSEE; Deshler, Ohio; Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers; N u cleu s Photographer; Alpha Omega Tau , Treasurer. Ch ellani, Jaikrishan A. , BSME ; Hyderabad, India; Dean's List ( 1 ); Treasurer India Association. Fager, Homer Martin, BSAE; New Holland, Pennsylvania ; American Institute of Aeronautics; Flying Club ; Varsity Track. Hoffman, David W. , BSEE; Fort Wayne, ana ; President's List ( 8 ); Dean's List Engineering Drawing ( 1 ); Institute of tronic and Electrical Engineers ; Iota Kappa.
Indi( 1 ); ElecTau
Hornberger, James A., BSEE; Cincinnati, Ohio ; Dean's List ( 9); Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineer s ; Henry Caswell Award.
Janzen, David C., BSAE; Ontario, Canada; Dean's List ( 4 ) ; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Flying Club, Safety Officer. Joseph, Ronald K., BSEE; Ulster Park, New York; Dean's List ( 1 ); Varsity Bowling; Tech Bowling Club, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Pre~i:. dent. Justis, Ferris Dale, BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. Liibbe, Duane H., BSME ; Omaha, Nebraska; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Rush Chairman ; Flying Club; Judo Club; Hockey Club ; Intramural Sports ; Varsity Fencing. Minnella, Thomas J. Jr., BSME ; Summit, New Jersey; Mechanical Engineering Club ; Society of Automotive Engineers; Sigma Pi, Vice-President, House Manager, Rush Chairman, National Convention Delegate. Moore, Gary A., BSEE; Adisian, Michigan; American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
Norr, David A., BSME; Grabill, Indiana; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Rush Chairman; Flying Club; Judo Club, Hockey Club; Intramural Sports; Varsity Fencing. Pacual, Julio Jose., BSME; Colon, Cuba; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List (2 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa. Patterson, Ronald, BS-Math; Collingwood, New Jersey; President's List (2); Dean's List (1); Judo Club. Perlman, Milton, BS-Physics; Queens, New York; Dean's List (9); Dormitory Counselor;Physics Club, President. Peters, Lawrence E., BS-Physics & Math.;' Hamilton, Ohio; President's List (6); An1erican Institute of Physics, Vice-President. Ramirez, Julio Jose, BSME; Bogota, Columbia; Mechanical Engineering Club; Latin American Association; Soccer, Varsity.
Rayyes, Sabah Amin, BSCE, Metallurgy Option; Kuwait, Ara bia ; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Organization of Arab Students, President; Varsity Soccer ; Arab Students Award ; Arabic Language Instructor. Sheth, Dinesh J. , BSME, Math. Option ; Bombay, India ; Mechanical Engineering Club ; India Association, Secretary; International Club. Stitt, Robert J. , BS-Math. ; Holland , Michigan ; Newman Club. Stout, Theodore R ., BSCH Crawfordsville, Indiana; American Chemical Society. Tolani, Santosh Gopaldas, BSME ; Bombay, India; President's List ( 6 ); Dean's List ( 2 ); Iota Tau Kappa; Mechanical Engineering Club ; India Association ; International Club. Warrix, Charles C. , BSEE ; Prestonburg, Kentucky ; Dean's List ( 2 ); Princess Elkhorn Scholarship ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Alpha Omega Tau. Weil, Pa ul B., BS-Physics ; Silver Spring, Maryland; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 6 ); Physics Club ; Alpha Epsilon Pi. Wood; Jay H. , BSCE Masonville, New York; ' Sigma Pi, Treasurer. Young, Melvin C., BSCE ; Kenmore, N . York ; Dean:- s List ( 1 ); American Society of Civil Engineers, President ; Student Council; Nucleus, Varsity Fencing .
Graduates Not Shown Dallal, Elie Y. , BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana· Mechanical Club ; Organization of Arab Students , Treasurer ; Intern ation al Club ; Glee Club. Diffend arfer, Roger L ., BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dixon, John A. , BSAE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Fit~gibbon s ,
J ames York, New York ; American Institute Sign1a Phi Epsilon ;
M ., BSAE, Metallurgy Option ; New Society of Automotive Engineers ; of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Tech Manor Club ; Varsity Fencing.
Kedutat, Chayakarn, BSEE ; Bangkok, Thailand; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 2 ). Lawhead, Gary K., BSCE; Clearfield, Pennsylvania; Dean's List ( 1 ); American Society of Civil Engineers; Weightlifting Club. Ofori, Edward T. , BME ; Krobo, Ghana; Society of Automotive Engineers. Schoof, Brian Fredrick, BSEE ; Forsyth, Montana; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Starewich, Arnold J., BME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Goldstein, Arthur, BSAE ; Swan Lake, New York; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Irani, Feroze, M., BChE ; Bombay, India; Chemical Engineering Society; India Association. 38
Wong, Chee Ying, BSEE; Hong Kong ; Christian Fellowship, Secretary; Dean's List ( 1 ); Chinese Club; Physics Lab Instructor.
Bruce, Robert E., BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Dean's List ; Glee Club. Bunner, Russell Douglas, BSEE; Garards Fort, Pennsylvania ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Intramurals . Butler, Dennis A. , BSMath ; Fort Wayne , Indiana ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Tech Flying Club. Cedeno, Oswaldo, BSEE; Caracas, Venezuela ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Latin American Association. Curtis, Russell P ., BSEE; Follawsbee, West Virginia ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Nucleus, Business Manager. Drennan, Lawrence M. , III, BSCE ; Panama City, Panama ; Dean 's List ( 3 ); American Society of Civil Engineers .
Duff, Donald R ., BSEE; New Haven, Indiana ; Dean's List ( 3 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers . Frey, William R ., BSEE ; Wauseon, Ohio ; Dean's List ( 2 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Theta Xi. Gaerte , Ken William, BSCE; New H aven, Indiana; American Society of Civil Engineers; Varsity Track. Gussman, Walter Jr. , BSCE; Elgin, Illinois ; Dean's List ( 1) · American Society of Ci\Jil Engineers. Johnson, Robert L. , BSEE; London, Kentucky; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 2 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Kempisty, Walter E. , :BSEE; Schenectady, ~Jew York; President's List (3 ) ; Dean's List ( 5 ) . 39
Kettler, William H. Jr., BSEE; Stockton, New Jersey ; Tech Flying Club. Kooser, Joseph L. , BSCE; Latrobe, Pennsylvania; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Newman Club. Kriegsman, Harvey A. , BSChE; Ossining, New York ; Presidenfs List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 3 ); Iota Tau Kappa Honor Roll ( 1 ); Chemical Engineering Society, President ; American Chemical Society ; Sigma Phi Delta, Secretary, Treasurer, Sports Director, Professional Program Director; Student Senate, Treasurer ; Artist-Celebrity Series Committee; Varsity Baseball ; Intramural Sports; Chemistry Lab Assistant ( 2 ); Chemical Engineering Lab Assistant ( 1 ) . Kruetzman, Allen E. , BSEE; Decatur, Indiana; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Glee Club; Varsity Golf; Intramural Sports. Lenz, John H. , BSEE; Leechburg, Pennsylvania ; Dean's List ( 5 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Tech Manor Club, Governor; Intramural Sports. Mirchandani, Dilip, BS ; Bombay, India ; Alpha Sigma Phi-, President, Treasurer; India Association ; Mechanical Engineering Club; International Club .
Murphy, Edward L. Jr. , BSEE; Nelsonville, Ohio ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer s ; Secretary and Treasurer of Twin Heights Dorm . Olbert Manfred , ESChE · Rosenberg, Germany ; Chemical Engineering Society; International Club ; Fencing Team . Oseid , Bjorn , BSEE; Oslo, Norway ; Dean's List ( 4 ); Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Secretary; Soccer Team. Perkins, Roy T. , BSCE; Conway, New Hampshire; Dean's List ( 2 ) ; American Society of Civil Engineers; Sigma Pi. Perus , George D . Jr ., BSME ; Walpole, Massachusetts ; Freshtnan Class President ; Glee Club, President ; Vice-President; Intramural Sports. Rood, James A. , BSEE ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Tech Flying Club; Intramural Sports. 40
. .... . .
Schoff, Brian F., BSEE; Forsyth, Montana; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Terui, Glen J. , BSCE; Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii; Dean's List ( 1 ); Hawaiian Club, Tech Bowling.
Thurber, Everett L., BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Webb, John H. Jr., BSAE ; Paulding, Ohio ; President's List ( 4 ); Dean's List ( 4 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Tech Flying Club, President, Treasurer.
Whittaker, Matthein Jerry D., BSEE; Bluefield, West Virginia ; Nucleus ; J. V. Basketball; Intramural Sports.
Zigler, Rony D. , BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Bert Means Award ( 2 ) ; Hayashi Award ( 3 ) ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Varsity Basketball ; Track; Physical Education Student Instructor .
Winter Graduates Not Shown
Brown, Charles 0., BSEE; Dayton, Ohio ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Tech Manor Club, President; Weight Lifting Club; Varsity Track; Intramural Sports.
McBride, Richard S. , BSAeE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Alpha Omega Tau, President; Tech Flying Club ; Bowling Club; Intramural Sports. Morris, Donald F. , BSME ; Masardis, Maine.
Carter, Karl F. , BSAe ; South Lyon, Michigan ; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Tau Kappa Epsilon, President, Vice-President, Special Activities Chairman ; Vice President of College Council; Interfraternity Council. Cooper, B. Drayton, BSMath and BSChE; Monrovi, Liberia ; Chemical Engineering Society; Physics Club; Varsity Tennis Team, Captain.
Pontius, Lee A., BSME ; Auburn, Indiana; Dean's List ( 1 ); Mechanical Engineering Club, President; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Alpha Omega Tau ; Nucleus. Van Dalem, John, BSAeE; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Wright, Roger D ., BSME ; Streato1·, Illinois; Iota Tau Kappa.
Spring Graduates •
Mr. Edgar H. Kilbourne receiving his Honorary Doctor of Humanitarian Services degree. -- -~~- -
Mr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. receiving his Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree.
Arbitrio, Domemick ; BSEE, Tarrytown, New York ; Dean's List ( 5 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Sigma Pi; Varsity Soccer; Intramurals. Barajas, Orlando, BSEE ; Bogota, Colombia; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Association of Latin American Students, VicePresident. Bauer, Joseph John, BSEE ; New Brunswick, N ew Jersey ; Dean's List ( 3 ); Sigma Pi, VicePresident ; Inter-fraternity Council; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Berg, Jeffrey, BS Physics and Math; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Physics Club ; Alpha Epsilon Pi. Bilicki, Daniel S. , BSChE; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan ; Chemical Engineering Society, VicePresident, Treasurer ; Sig1na Phi Epsilon ; Student Senate, President; Tech Manor Club ; Hockey Club ; Varsity Volleyball. Burns, Karl J., BSEE; Fostoria, Ohio; President's List ( 3 ); Dean's List ( 7 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges .
Buuck, Dennis Lee, BSME ; Ossian, Indiana ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; President's List ( 3 ); Dean's List ( 4 ); Basketball. Cechvala, Frank Regis, BS Math; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; Weight Lifting Club. Chatlosh, Robert L. , BSAeE; Palos Heights, Illinois ; Dean's List ( 3 ); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Secretary; Alpha Omega Tau ; Varsity Baseball; Varsity Bowling; Hockey Club ; Flying Club. Claydon, John E., BSAeE; Schenectady, New York ; President's List ( 8 ); Dean's List (1); Dormitory Counselor; Student Senate; Iota Tau Kappa; Student Christian Fellowship. Conarroe, Phillip G. , BSME ; Richmond, Indiana ; President's List ( 3 ); Dean's List ( 4 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges ; Senior Class VicePresident; Student Senate; Nucleus, Editor. Condon, James M. , BSCE; Osage, Iowa ; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Dean's List ( 4) ; Phi Kappa Theta, Treasurer.
Cooper, Richard Howard ; BSCE; Norwich, Connecticut; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Secreta1~y , Vice-President ; Intramurals. Currier, John W. , BSME ; Middletown, Ohio; Phi Kappa Theta, Treasurer ; Glee Club ; Secretary, Junior Class ; Intramurals. Dander, Kenneth E ., BSEE 路 Genoa, Il1inois ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 3 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Alpha Sigma Phi, President, Vice-President ; Interfraternity Council. De Pool, Homero A., BSEE; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 路 International Relations Club ; Association of Latin American Students , Secretary. Dobbins, Michael G., BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Dean's List ( 3 ); Phi Kappa Theta; Freshman Class Treasurer; Intramurals; Society of Automotive Engineers . Doriot, Roger E. , BSCE ; Fayette, Ohio ; President's List ( 9 ); Dean's List ( 1 ) ; Iota Kappa Freshman Award ; Iota Tau Kappa; Coolidge General Physics AV\'ard ; Christian Fellowship.
Drewes, Harvey N ., BSCE; DesPlaines, Illinois ; American Society of Civil Engineers, VicePresident, Secretary; Sigma Phi Delta, VicePresident, Pledgemaster; Freshman Class Treasurer; Student Council ; Intramurals. Easter, Kenneth R. , BSAeE; Kappa Alpha Psi; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; lntramurals . E ggers, Gene N. , BSChE; Custer, South Dakota ; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 6 ); Alpha Omega Tau, Business Manager. Farkas, David , BSEE; McKeesport, Pennsylvania 路 Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Flying Club. Fisher, Lynn E ., BSME ; Grabill, Indiana; Presidenfs List ( 5 ); Dean's List ( 3 ); Iota Tau Kappa, Secretary, Treasurer; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Fish er , Russell, BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
-{ er
Foo, Wendell, BSME, BSAE ; Kailua-Kona, Hawaii; Dean's List ( 1 ); Society of Automotive Engineers ; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vice-President; Sigma Phi Epsilon ; Hawaiian Club, President ; Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class President ; Student Senate; Nucleus ; Glee Club ; Bowling Club ; Flying Club; Varsity Cross-Country ; Varsity Track ; Varsity Volleyball. Friddle, Richard C., BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President's List ( 4 ) ; Dean 's List ( 3 ) . Frisch, Thomas W. , BS Physics , Ma th Option ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 1 ); Alpha Omega Tau ; Physics Club. Garita, Edgar A., BSEE; San Jose, Costra Rica ; Association of Latin American Students, President; International Club. Gar1nan, Barry L ., BSME ; Lititz, Pennsylvania; Dean's List ( 3 ); Senior Class Treasurer; Society of Automotive Engineers. Gillen, Edward, BSEE; Montrose, Pennsylvania; Dean's List ( 4 ); Student Council, Treasurer ; Varsity Golf; Intramurals ; Society of Automotive Engineers, Secretary; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Griffin, John U ., BSChem; Belleair Bluffs, Florida ; Dean's List ( 2 ); American Chemical Society ; Kappa Psi Upsilon ; Theta Xi; Ski Club; Varsity Golf; Varsity Fencing. Hammond Jr. , Arthur Robert, BSEE; Greentown, Indiana ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Varsity Track ; Dean's List (3 ).
Hayes, John L., BSME; Warsaw, New York; Mechanical Engineering Club, President ; Bowling Club, Intramural Sports . Helou, Michael 1., BSCE; Tripoli, Lebanon; President's List ( 3 ); Dean's List ( 6 ); Iota Tau Kappa; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges ; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Organization of Arab Students. Hernandez, Joaquin J. , BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Dean's List ( 7 ); Latin American Association; Bowling Team. Hodge, Charles S., BSCE; Watertown, New York; President's List ( 12 ); Iota Tau Kappa, President, Vice-President, Secretary; Collidge Award in Physics ; Casswell Award; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges ; American Society of Civil EnP"i-n~~,..c
-- -
Hoffman, Lawrence A., BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 3 ); Society of Automotive Engineers. Hollish, Charles D. , BS Math ; Physics ; Lakewood, Ohio ; President's List ( 7 ); Dean's List ( 1 ); Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges ; Intramurals. Jacobs, Maurice Edward, BSCh ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 5 ); ~'ho's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; American Chemical Society. Koyanagi, Lief A. , BSME ; Haleiwa, Hawaii. Maloney, Ronny J. , BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Dean 's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Flying Club, President. Matthies, Carl G., BSCE; Lancaster, New York; American Society of Civil Engineers, Treasurer; Flying Club. •
Moone, Everett C. E. , BSCE ; Germantown, Maryland ; President's List ( 7 ); Dean's List ( 2 ); Iota T au Kappa, PI¡esident; American Society of Civil Engineers, Vice-President, President; Sabre Team , Captain; Tech Manor Club, Head Resident Counselor. Morgan, Robert H. , BSME ; Utica, Michigan; Dean's List ( 1 ); Tau Kappa Epsilon ; Interfraternity Council ; Wrestling. Morse, David H., BEE; West Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ; Glee Club ; Weight Lifting Club; Intramurals. Ostrowski, Ronald A. , BSAeE; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pemberton, John C., BSChE; Ironton, Ohio; President's List ( 7 ); Dean's List ( 2 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's W ho Among Students in American Univer sities and Colleges ; American Chemical Society; Bowling League. Powell, Phillip L. , BSAeE; Findlay, Ohio; Alpha Omega Tau , Treasurer; Flying Club. 46
Ruts tein, H a rvey M ., BCE ; Baltimore, Maryl and ; American Socie ty of Civil E ngineer s ; Sigm a Pi, Vice-Pr esident ; I n terfraterni ty Council ; T ech M an or Club ; Intramu ral Sports. Sa ta , Bhalch andra S., BSME ; Bombay, India; President's List ( 1 ); India Associa tion, Treasu rer , Secr etary. Sch er ger , Ch arles T. , BSE E ; Delphos, Ohio ; Dean 's List ( 1 ) ; Phi Kappa The ta ; Newm an Club, Vice-President. Shep ard , R ay M. , BME; Fort Wayn e, Indiana; Bowling Club, Vice-President, Secretary. Shir k, Earl F. , BSE E ; Leba non, Pennsylva nia ; Presiden t's List ( 6 ); Dean 's List ( 3 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's W ho Among Students in American Univer sities and Colleges ; Institute of Electrical and E lectronic E n gineer s, President; Alpha Omega Tau , Secretary. Shor, Conra d Meyer , BSPh ; Upper Dar by, Pennsylvania ; Dean 's List ( 4 ) ; Physics Club, Presid ent; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Secr e tary. Simmermacher, William, BSEE ; Moscow, Pennsylvania ; Presiden t's List ( 1 ); D ean 's List ( 6 ) ; Institute of Electr ical and E lec tronic Engineers ; W eightlifting. Singleton , Bruce W ., BSEE ; Elkhart, Indiana ; Dean 's List ( 2 ); Institute of E lectrical and Electronic Engineer s ; T au Kappa Epsilon, Chapl ain ; Junior Class Vice-Pr esident ; Studen t Senate , Secr et ary; Intramural Sports.
Smith, Richard F. , BSEE ; Endicott, New York; Phi Kappa Theta ; Newman Club, Treasurer, President ; Neucleus Photographer. T chir, Donald J. , BSAE; Johnson City, New York ; President's List ( 1 ) ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Bowling. Thompson, Raymond, BS Math ; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Dean's List ( 2 ); Varsity Tennis ; Varsity Basketball. Ward, Dennis M., BSEE ; Jefferson, Ohio; Dean's List ( 2 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Society of Automotive Engineers. Yoars, John P. , BSCh, Metallurgy Option, Bunker Hill, Indiana ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 6 ) ; Chemical Engineering Society, Vice-President ; Alpha Omega Tau. Yung, Sai Ming, BSME; New York, New York; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Chinese Student Organization, Treasurer; Intramural Sports.
Summer Graduates
Adamek, Fred, BSEE ; Bellaire, Ohio ; Dean's List ( 4 ) ; Varsity Ba sketball. Ahmed, Mirza Daud, BSChE ; New Delhi, India ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Chemical Engineering Society. Bater, Sidney John Jr., BSCE ; Churchville, New York ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean 's List ( 4 ); American Society of Civil Engineer s, Treasurer ; Hockey Club ; Intramural Sports . Brockett, Charles H . Jr. , BSME ; Sommerville, N evv Jer sey ; Society of Automotive Engineer s ; Mechanical Engineering Club ; Sigm a Phi Epsilon ; Intramural Sports. Burek, John J. Jr., BSME ; Middletown, Conecticut ; Theta Xi ; Tech Manor Club ; N ewman Club; In tram urals. Cart, Duane J. , BSEE, Huntington, Indiana.
Chheda, Ratilal V. , BSME ; Bombay, India ; Mech anical Engineering Club ; International Club ; India Associa tion, Treasurer ; N a tions United Club. Cohen , Kenneth, BSEE, Ma th Option ; New York City, New York ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean"s List ( 1 ); Iota T a u Kappa ; Chrysler Corpora tion Engin eering Scholar ship ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic En gin eering ; Radio Club. Cramer , Ronald D. , BSME ; Findlay, Ohio ; Mechanical Engineerin g Club ; Society of Automotive Engineer s ; Intramural Sports. Engel, Darryl L., BSME ; Difian ce, Ohio; Dean 's List ( 1 ); T a u Kappa Epsilon ; Mechanical Engineering Club. Fernandez, Jode l\ ., BSChE ; Lugo, Spain ; Chemical Engineerin g Society ; The International Club ; Latin American Society. Folga, Thomas, BSME ; Phi Kappa Theta, President, Vice-President ; Society of Automotive Engineers; Glee Club . 49
Gar side, Peter G. , ESChE ; Royal Oak, Michigan ; · President's List ( 4 ); De an's List ( 4 ); Who's W ho Among Students in Univer sities and Colleges ; Casw ell E n gineering Dr a wing ; Chemic al En gineerin g Socie ty ; Secr etary , Hockey Club; Band · T ech Manor Club. Gasp ard o, Fred M ., BSME ; Long Point, Illinois ; Wall Stree t J ournal Award ; Flying Club, Flight Co-ordina tor ; Glee Club; Baske tball; Baseball ; Intramural Sports . Ger sh en son, Moshe, BSME ; Ra mat Hasharon, Israel. Gu ern sey, Robert G., BSCE ; W ellesley, Massac husetts ; American Socie ty of Civil Engineers , Secr e ta ry . H easley, John E . Jr. , BSEE ; E ast McKeesport, Pennsylva nia ; Dean 's Lis t ( 1 ); Institute of E lectrical a nd E lec tronic E n gineers ; Sigma Phi E p silon , President, Interfra ternity Council Repr esenta tive ; T ech Manor Club , Board of Governors ; Nucleus Circ ulation Ma n ager ; Varsity Soccer ; Intramural Sports ; W eight Lifting Club. H erber , Hubert, BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Her sch elma n , Fredric A., BSME ; Birmingham, Michigan ; Socie ty of Automotive Engineers , Treasurer.
Holst, Christian C. , BSEE; Richmond, Indiana ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Student Senate; Interfraternity Council ; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Judo Club. Katsifis, Christon, BSME ; Biotia, Greece; Mechanical Engineering Club, Treasurer. Khandhar, Rajendra P., ESChE ; Gujarat, India; Chemical Engineering Society ; India Association ; Nations United Club. Kim, Chong Suk, BSME; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Koetzle, Arthur R. , ESChE ; Rochester, New York ; American Chemical Society; Theta Xi; Intramural Sports.
Kothari, Prabodh J ., BSME; Bombay, India ; Mechanical Engineering Club; Society of Automotive Engineers ; India Association, President ; Fencing Team. Krumrie, Arnie, BSME ; Benton Harbor, Michigan ; Dean's List ( 1 ); Outstanding Greek Award; Interfraternity Council ; Tau Kappa Epsilon, House Manager, President of Pledge Class ; Student Senate ; Nucleus Staff. Kwap, John W ., BSCE; Yonkers, New York ; American Society of Civil Engineers ; Theta Xi ; Weight Lifting Club ; Intramural Sports . Levine, Larry S., BSEE; Bayside, New York; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Alpha Sigma Phi, President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, House Manager ; Interfraternity Council; Intramural Sports; Alpha Gamma Upsilon fraternity man of the Year. Lieber, Donald, BSCE ; Rochester, New York ; Dean's List ( 2 ); American Society of Civil Engineers; Theta Xi, Treasurer; Judo Club; Intramural Sports. Looker, Harry III, BSCE; Montville, New J ersey; American Society of Civil Engineers.
Mazzi-Kizza, Erie, BSMath; Mengo, Uganda ; Glee Club. Miller, George F ., BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; President's List ( 4 ); Dean's List ( 4 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers . Miller , John E. Jr. , BSEE; Fenton , Missouri ; President's List ( 3 ); Dean 's List ( 6 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic En gineers. Mueller, Carl J. , BSME ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; Society of Automotive Engineers, Secretary; Theta Xi- Pledgemaster ; Secretary Senior Class 路 Interfraternity Council. Ng, Chong G. , BSEE ; New York City, New York ; Institute of Elech路ical and Electronic Engineers. Nuttie, Keith R. , BSChemistry; New Haven , Indiana ; American Ch emical Society. 51
O'Brien J. Robert, BSCE; Little Falls, N ew York ; American Society of Civil Engineers, President, Vice-President , Treasurer ; Residen ce Counselor. Parvizi , Mahmoud , BSChE; Ahwaz, Iran ; i\meric an Chemical Society ; Sigma Pi. Puhlhorn , J ohn E ., BSME ~ Tenafly, N ew J ersey ; Sigma Pi, Vice-President, President. Rosynsky, Victor, BSME ; Newark:r New Jersey ; Dean's List ( 1 ) ; Sigma Phi Delta, President, Pledgemaster , Professional Progr am Director. Sa'ad , Hassan , BSChE; Haifa, I sreal ; Dean's List ( 2 ); Ch emical Engin eering Society; International Club; Arab Students Organization. Sadakne , George, BSChE; Tartous, Syria ; Dean's List ( 1 ) ; Ch e1nical E n gineering Society ; International Relations Club.
Scarlett, Steven C. , BSCE; Churubusco, Indiana; American Society of Civil Engineers. Schultz, Richard G. , BSME ; Brick Town, New Jersey ; Dean 's List ( 2 ) ; Mechanical Engineering Club ; Sigma Pi ; Tech Manor Club; Varsity Baseball ; Varsity Track; Intramural Sports. Scoggan, Jack D. , BSMath; Indianapolis, Indiana ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 1 ); Golf Team. Sheppard, Charlie A. , BSEE; Dean 's List ( 2 ); Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; Kappa Alpha Psi, President, Secretary ; Interfraternity Council ; Student Senate; Nucleus; Intramural Sports. Shin, Rich ard C. , BSMath; Syosset, Long Island, New York ; President's List ( 2 ); Dean's List ( 5 ); Scholastic Achievem ent Award ; Chinese Student Association , Secretary 路 Institute of Electrical and Elec tronic Engineers ; American Institute of Physics, Tech Manor Club. Thompson , Willia1n C. Jr. , BSCE ~ Dixon , Illinois ; President's List ( 4 ); Dean 's List ( 5 ); Iota Tau Kappa ; Who's Who A1nong Students in American Colleges and Universities ; An1erican Society of Civil Engineers, Corresponding Secretary ( 2 ) , Recording Secretary ( 2 ) , VicePresident ( 2 ) .
Tomcheski, Richard H ., BSME ; Terryville, Connecticut; Mechanical Engineering Club ; Sigma Phi Delta, Pledgemaster, Alumni Corresponding Secretary, Business Manager ; Intramural Sports. Utz, Richard H. , BSME ; Rochester, New York ; Theta Xi , House Manager ; Intramural Sports.
Vegas, Vicente, BSEE ; San Indoo, Lima, Peru ; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Latin American Students Association ; Secretary, Treasurer. Woodrich, Joseph D. , BSChE ; Buffalo, New York ; Chemical Engineering Society, VicePresident ; Sigma Phi Epsilon. Zoeller, Leon R . III , BSEE; Alden, New York ; President's List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 6 ); Sigma Phi Epsilon , Scholarship Chairman ; Student Senate, President, Recording Secretary. Kridler, Edwin G., BSCE; Speedway, Indiana. McBride, Richard . •
Spring and Summer Graduates Not Shown Berwald, Charles W. , BSEE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Campagnino, John A., ESChE ; Staten Island , New York; Dean's List ( 2 ); Chemical Engineering Society. Csencsitz, Thomas A., BSAE ; Orlando, Florida ; Presidenes List ( 1 ); Dean's List ( 4 ); Iota Tau Kappa; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ; Alpha Tau Omega. Jacobs, Michael P., BSEE; Eau Claire , Wisconsin ; Theta Xi, House Manager, Scholastic Chairman ; Intramural Sports; Judo Club. Jur, Tim A. , BSME ; Fort Wayne, Indiana · President's List ( 4 ); Dean's List ( 2 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa; Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges ; Phi Kappa Theta ; Varsity Soccer.
Morse, David H ., BEE · Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ; Weight Lifting Club ; Intramural Sports. Patil, V. S. , BSChE; Bombay India ; India Association, President ; Glee Club. Wong, Thomas S., BSChE ; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Dean~s List ( 1 ) ; American Chemical Society ; Chemical Engineering Society; Alpha Gamma Upsijon , Social Chairman, Treasurer ; Nucleus. Wehle, Lee, BSCE; Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Who's Who in American College Students; American Society of Civil Engineering. Weiss , William, BSME ; Yonkers, New York ; Presidenfs List ( 3 ) ; Dean's List ( 3 ) ; Iota Tau Kappa ; Alpha Sigma Pi, Exchecker.
Kehoe, John M. ; BSCE; Schenectady, New York ; _Alpha Sigma Phi, Pledge Master, Secretary .
Ronny J. Maloney IEEE Award
Charles D. Hollish Summa cum laude.
Lynn E. Fisher Summa cum laude, Charles L. Zoltani Memorial Award in Mechanical Engineering .
Phillip G. Conarroe Senior Class Vice-President, Nucleus Editor, Kekiongan Feather Award.
Everett C. E. Moone, l\1aharajh Trophy in Civil Engineering, Kekiongan Feather Award.
John E. Claydon Summa cum laude, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Scholarship Award.
John E. Pemberton Maharajh Trophy in Chemical Engineering.
Kenneth W. Cohen Summa cum laude.
en tor
Roger E . Doriot Summa cum laude.
Daniel Bilicki Kekiongan Feather Award, President Student Senate .
Charles S. Hodge Summa cum laude, President Keene Civil Engineering Award.
Rony Zigler 1st Member of T ech Hall o f Fame.
Julio Jose Pascual Summa cum laude.
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Sigma Phi Epsilon first place display.
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Tau Kappa Epsilon"s Display took third place . • •
Kekiongan Radio Club.
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Maxwell and Summit Dormitories
Crull Hall won first place in the dormitory class.
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Homecoming Queen Bob Snowball and the Orchestra entertain .
Fun and festivities, su ch as the d an ce, highligh ted Homecoming W eek . •
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Benjamin Dow, Chairtnan; David Cormier, Bennett Kemp.
Today's aerodynamic courses are quite different from those of a few years ago since supersonic flow causes significant heating and thermodynamics has to be carefully taken into account. Earthbound navigation courses have been supplanted by special navigation. Structural analysis courses have shifted the emphasis from triangulated, determinant frames to the indeterminate, stressed-skin structures. Mathematics continues ( in its radically advanced forms ) to be an important tool in this field. This department continues as one using the most advanced scientific information to help develop and produce modern means of transportation through space beyond.
ennett Kemp
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t '
Left to Right: Joseph W . Crammer, Dr. Tod G. Dixon, Chairman ; John Cochran.
em lea
The Department of Chemical Engineering Aims to develop the student into a wellrounded, competent, and socially adjusted graduate. The development of the ability to THIN!( is paramount. The project method of instruction is used in the laboratory which is equipped with standard pilot plant apparatus such as stills, evaporators , filter presses , and mass and energy transfer units. The curriculum covers basic sciences, engineering sciences, applied science ( engineering sciences , applied science ( engineering ), and general subjects , which gives a broad foundation enabling the student to be employed in design, operations , sales , teaching, and research.
-- --
--- - --
Dr. Warren Hoffman, Chairtnan ; Edward Guindon, Robert
Dr. Norman Long, Past Chairman ; Dr. Robert Blair .
Chemistry is the science of change, and serves as one of the main foundations for all science and engineering. It is one of the essential backgrounds for every educated man in the Technological Age. The Department of Chemistry not only serves to provide instruction in basic chemistry for all science and engineering disciplines , but offers advanced courses in chemistry for those interested in research in industry or in further study in graduate schools.
Dr. Warren Hoffman, present Chairman.
Left to Right: Robert Ruhl, Donald Cochran, Dr. Petro, Chairman, William Schrader.
Civil En gin eering is the oldest of all the en gineerin g fields. It has always been concer11ed with projects of both public and private n ature that affect the social and economic life of the people. Origin ally, Civil Engineering was concerned with the construction of bridges, roads, buildings which are still major areas in the civil engineering field. In the last halfcentury, addition al areas have been added to the field , such as , w a ter supply, waste disposal, city planning, and traffic engineering. These are of importance for the public health welfare. 66
--~----------------------~ - -
Dr. Eugene Klingler, Chairman ; Rich ard Dermer, George Hatch , John Whitney, Arthur Price.
Peter Sorenson, Earl Devlin , Charles Kitchen , Charles Siskind, Gordon Johnson .
Dr. Eugene Klingler, Chairman.
Electrical Engineering encompasses m any and varied fields. The graduate electrical engineer may find himself working in the fields of radar, guided missiles and satellites, atomic energy, electronic computers , radio communications , television, control sys terns, po\Ner generation and distribution , and other numerous specialized phases of Electrical Engineering.
Lee Bernha rdt, Chairman .
The en gineer must h ave a thorough knowled ge of En gineering Graphics if he is n ot to be con sidered an en gineering ccilliterate . ' This is the lan gu age by which the engineer communicates with others of his profession dr af t s m a n and technicians for whose work he is responsible to his employer, and other s in his broad field of endeavor. Indus try h as indicated th at it considers this on e of the most important subjects of which a n ewly employed graduate engin eer mus t h ave knowled ge. Engineering Graphics assis ts in the development of creative ability by training in space visualization. It develops the powers of analysis and synthesis. It provides a superior m eans of developing and recording ideas for posterity. It is, in other '/\lords, a tool of great importarlce to all who anticipate a career in • eng1:neer1ng. •
Dwight Case
Left to Right: Vonne Muessling, Loren Yaggy, Margaret Huff, Mr. Lau er , Mar y Wein1er, Ch airman ; Darrow Fox, Helen
artment The primar y purpose of the En glish Department in an en gineering school i.s to teach the en gineering student to express him self effectively in both speecl1 and writing. The English Department offer s courses in composition , liter a ture, and speech so that the student m ay becom e a well rounded per sor1 able to m eet th e ch allen ges i11 life. 69
Left to Right: Dr. Robert Bahney, David Schlundt, Dr. Meredith Sprunger , Department Chairman ; Phillip Kennell. Standing: .Paul Arnold, Loren Yaggy, Herbert Muessling, George Mendenhall, Robert Large.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
umanlttes artment The Humanities and Social Sciences in the college curriculum present the Historic, literary, artistic and philosophical heritage of our culture along with the accumulation of knovvledge in the behavioral sciences. 70
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Left to Right: Stephen Kublank, Harry Mellen, Dwight Keck, Walter Bartlett, Jerald Van Meter, Charles Carr, Chairman ; Hong-i Yang, Robert Leeper, Juana Santana.
In our complex society, scientific progress depends on the mathematician, the engin eer and many other scientists whose primary tool is mathem atics . The departm ent of Mathematics offers a well rounded course for the young m a them a ticians , as well as the essential mathematics for the engineering, physics and chemistry students.
ematlcs artment
Charles Carr, Chairman.
. ..........
Mr. Keck explains a point.
Left to Right: Cleo Quinn, Dr. Erwin Horiak, Howard Macklin, Robert Marshall, Dr. Ivan Planck, Chairman.
Prof. Cleo Quinn explains some of the intricate machinery in the mechanic al engineering laboratory.
The Mechanical Engineer is responsible for the designing and building of machines to produce power and the m achines to utilize that power. Every m anufactured article, no m a tter what its n ature, requires the services of Mech anical En gineers both in the desig11 of the m achines by which it is m anufactured and in the oper a tion of the factory itself. Creative thinking is nurtured and en couraged in the Mech anical Engin eering Labora tories . 72
Left to Right: Chimanlal R. Patel, Dr. Kozaburo Myakawa, Chairman ; Orville Kern, Lionard Etter, Daniel Dwyer .
• •
If, as has been said, "this is the atomic age," then this is the age of Physics. Nuclear weapons and machines are products of the physics laboratory. Each riew day finds the physicist of our nation expanding the horizons of man's knowledge. Therefore, Indiana Institute of Technology meets the n eed for training in physics by offering basic and advanced courses designed to prepare a student either for direct participation in industry, or for a scientific career of the more traditional type. 73
Tech scores again
_occer •
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Due to lack of experienced players , Tech's soccer season was not the most profitable. Hustle and desire were the key points which at times put Tech in the winning column. Experience was perhaps the factor that was best gained from the season as numerous players will return next year with the promise of a 1nuch better season.
Well, try again
On offense
A Techman makes his final approach for a kick.
. Boom t And the ball is off.
... â&#x20AC;˘
Kick it 76
don't stomp it.
... ...
A typical Tech crowd encourages the team to victory.
A battle for possession is on .
• •
Soccer Scoreboard
Watch out ball
Stay in bounds
Shall we dance
A practice session
here he comes
"The tie that binds"
Cross Country Scoreboard The Tech Cross Country team had a slow season this year but are looking forward to next year. They should have a strong team with the addition of some new incoming freshmen.
First Row: Bob Cronin, Dave Robling, Jim Sells. Second Row: Steve Jakatt, Richard Knott, Mike Cox.
((Under the apple tree"
Coach Jerry VanMeter
Bob Cronin
They're off and running-
Richard Knott
Dave Robling
ennls Under the coaching of Benjamin Dow the Tech Tennis Team finished the season with a third place standing in the Mid-Central Conference, and a 5-5 overall r ecord for the year. Drayton Cooper, Don Rataj czak, Chuck Dittman , John Kloster , and Ron Sheets were the top five m en in the singles division with Cooper and Sheets, Ratajczak and Dittman, and Kloster and Doug Anderson forming the three doubles teams. Drayton Cooper was elected team captain and John Kloster was named most valuable player on the basis of most points earned. John Kloster
Coach Ben Dow
planning strategy?
----..-------.........--------------------- -
Ron Sheets, Drayton Cooper, Bud Woods, Chuck Dittman, Doug Anderson, Dan Ratajczak, John Kloster, Coach Ben Dow.
Tennis Scoreboard Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech
5 6
3 0
7 4 1
2 0
Grace 3 Hunnington 2 Hunnington 1 Tri-State 4 Concordia 7 Ft. Wayne Bible Col. 0 Grace 3 Manchester 6 Tri-State 5 Concordia 7
Chuck Dittman
Don Ratajczak
It likes you
and you like it.
Don't be afraid.
Doug Anderson
Drayton Cooper
The Champs
- -
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Sigma Phi Delta
ntramura oot a
This action is not the place for a white shirt.
Sigm a Phi Delta on the move in the champion ship gam e .
A GDI ball carrier.
First Row: Coach Bob Macy, Jim Whitt, Ross Cole: Walt Byer s, Denny Peppler, Ph il Love, Assistant Coach Jerre McManama. Second Row: John Sovinski, Don Blackstone, Jim Brown , Leo Ochs, Carl Jacqu ay, Mike 'Noods, Jim Wagner.
Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech
107 104 92 96 99 85 95 93 95 83 74 121 89 94
Olivet Sprin g Arbor Grace Hun11ington Davenpor t Malone Con cordia St. Fran cis Franklin Tri-State Anderson St. Fran cis Earlham Tri-State
111 88 91 90 106 78 56 81 92 70 65 89 82 87
104 87 83 102 94 97 86 RIT TOURNEY Tech 88 Tech 98 TECH TOURNEY Tech 84 Tech 72 Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech
Concordia Manchester Con cordia Malone Hunnington Spring Arbor Grace
86 79 97 99 91 101 71
Detroit Tech
Rochester Tech West \ lirginia
73 87
3 .
Jim Whitt
1,h e 1965-66 basketball season with the Warriors sporting a fine 17-8 r ecord. In spite of a loss to Anderson in the N .A.I.A. District 21 playoffs, it was a good year for the team. The winning of the lVI.C.C. with a 7-1 record and impressive victories of Hoosier College Conference foes m ade the season successful. A quick look into the future sees the return of the entire squad barring grade problems etc. However , before we get too hopeful, it should be pointed out that n ext year's schedule will be the toughes t in the history of the school. It must be the pains of progress. Two for Walt
.. Mike Woods
Our future star Foul on Tri-State
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Ron Zigler
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\ Did you hear the one about ...
Tech's first Hall of Fame member.
All right now
let's go.
Jim Whitt
Jim Wagner
Tech supporter s watch another good ga m e.
Mike Woods
Coach Robert Macy
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Coach Jerre McManama
9 1
Dan Lambert
Safe by a step.
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Tech scores another run
Her schel Clouse .
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Kneeling: Dave Schutte. Standing Left to Right: Jim Newton, j ack Scoggan , Ray D,Amore, Dan Krepich .
With Jack Scoggan leading the team in each of the contests the T ech golf team h ad a fairly successful season finishin g with 4 wins, 5 losses and one tie . Under the coach ing of Benj amin Dow, Ch airman of the Aerosp ace department, the duffers took second place in the Mid-Central Con feren ce. With the return of several n ew players , n ext year the team should be in good sh ape and perhaps have a chan ce of trouncing Tri-State.
Dave Schutte
Jim Newton
Jack Scoggan
Tech sprinters won many points for the team.
Another producer of points \Vas the shot and disc us m en
... ~
Several of Tech s all around athletes h elped in track as they did in several other sports. 1
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First Row: Edward Guindon, Michael Brownfield, Owen Fox. Secon d Row : Tom Bosserman , Jack Griffin, Richard Rauktis, Keith Quttle , Dennis Ludberg. Third Row : W arren Hoffman, Ger ald Brooke, Dean Hagerty, Barry Profeta, Pa ul Lawyer , George Levy.
merlcan •
em lea •
The ACS student's affiliate of Indian a Tech is a Chapter of the American Chemical Society, the world's lar ges t organization devoted to a single scien ce. The purpose of this club is to create and stimulate interest am on g students of ch emistry and ch emical en gineering and to help them academically and socially to becom e better qualified candidates for future positions. Periodic field trips also h elp to acquaint the students vvith industry and give them insight into the vast potential of their chosen field.
First Row: R. C. Ruhl: Faculty Advisor, J. R . Obrien, Carl Matthies, Everett Moone, Richard Cooper, Sidney Bater, William Thompson. Second Row: Gian Zani, John Koch, Charles Hodge, Bob Guernsey, Joe Kooser , James Fennema, Don Wise, Third Ro·w: Joe Galbreath, Don Leslie, Dennis Fawcett, Harry Looker , Mike Drennan, Joe Latona, Dean Scott.
The Associa tion of Civil Engineers Of Indiana Institute of Technology js an organization of students and faculty in the civil en gineering department. The purpose of this organization is to attempt to communicate to the student some of the difficulties he will experien ce in his chosen field . This is accomplish ed by inviting as his guest speakers m en from different branches of the civil engineering field.
Fir st R otu: Tom1ny Csen esitzy , Preside nt ; Bob Ch a tlosh Secretary · Dave Cormier . Second Row: John Claydon, Wendell Foo, Vice-President ; Kenneth Fowler . Third R ow: Rich ard Cronk Leroy D. Lynn , Allen W . Bradley Robert Bruce , Treasurer .
nstltute o
mertcan •
eronauttcs an
stronautlcs The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is the representative society for engineers ) designers and technical specialists in all of the scien ce related to the design and development of airborne cr aft. Student m embership provides the student en gineer or scientist with broad opportunities to en gage in activities associated with his future career in aviation.
First Row: George Sadakna, T. Kheiry, Nadiya Abweh. Second Row: Osama Albassan, Michael Helou, Hassan Sa'ad, Jamil Abu-Hamdeh, Abdul Jabbar, Christo Wassouf.
The objectives of the Arab Student Club are : the pro1notion of better under standing with the American people, the dissemination of true and accurate informa tion about the Arab people, the exten sion of h elp and guidance to Arab students at Indiana Institute of Technology, and th e securing of scholarships for the ben efit of Arab students . Member ship in this organization is available to any Arab student and any student interested in the Arab world. 105
-- -
First Row: R. P. Khandhar, Gene Eggers, Jose Fernandez, Joe Cranmer, Advisor. Second Row: Dr. Tod Dixon, George Sartakne, Gary Williams, M. Yamin Ahmed , H assan Sa'ad. Third Row: Joe Woodrich , Christo Wassouf, Frank Utsch, Dan Bilicki, Don Disque, M. Daud Ahmed.
emzca • ~OClet
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The Chemical Engineering Society is open to any student in Chemical Engineering. Its purpose is to h elp develop the student in his profession disseminating knowledge relating to the practice and theory of chemical en gineerin g for him .
First Row: B. L. Dow, Dave Farkas, Bill Scheyer, Steve Randall, Richard Stone , Lew Chung. Second Row: S. P. Bennett, Tom Walton, Jeffrey Farnsworth, Pete Leffe, James Cunningham. Third Row: Bud Woods , Lewis Starr, Mike Richardson, Tom Sundstrom, Alex Skoczylas, Gary Henman.
ec â&#x20AC;˘
The Indiana Tech Flying Club was formed to give members an opportunity to fly, to obtain their licenses and to learn to fly at a minimum cost. Day and night, local and cross-country flights are made at slight expense to the members . The organization has two planes ; a Cessna 140 and a Cessna 120) both of which are hangared at Smith Field. Membership is open to all students and faculty of Indiana Institute of Technology.
First Row: Ron Hoverman, Charles Shappard, Dennis Roberts. Second Row : Larry Hosto, Kenneth Liechty, Tom Seriven. Third Row: David McBride, Owen Fox, Lynn A. Gerig, Professor Loren Yaggy, Advisor.
1 08
The Indian a Tech Electrical Association is an association devoted to prom otin g profession al growth in the field of Electrical and Electronic En gineering. It prepares the student for his profession by field trips into industry and guest speakers from industry in these fields. The association is an affiliate of the Am erican Institute of Electrical En gineers and m embership is open to an y student enrolled in the electrical or electronic departments.
First Row: Douglas Bunner , Jim Hartman , Rex H elms , Bill Simmermach er , David Martin. Second Row : Russel Curtis, Ed Kopala , AI Fiorentino, Domingo Morales , Edward Gillen , Larry Hosto. Third R o-w: Russel Fish er , Ernest L . W alker, J ohn H. Len z, · George Buhrfeind, Charles Sch er ger , Joseph Morrow .
nstltute n
ectronlc •
First Row : Robert Loiselle, H arry L. Albreckt, Secretary ; Charlie Sheppard, Publicity Chairman ; D avid Baker , Trea surer ; Roger Sentman. Secon d R ot.v: Erwin Schoeny Jr. , Arthur Hammind , Donald R. Duff, Gary Streeter , R. J . Maloney , Vice Chairman . Third Row: Professor P . F . Soren sen , Edward L. Murphy, David F arkas, John E. Miller Jr., Earl F. Shirk, Chairman .
,.. "' ''
First R ow: Jim Sa t a, Pra bodh Koth a r , Ra tilal Chhed a. Second R ow: Rajendra Khandhar, Dilip Mirch a nda ni, S. T. Razzacki.
n ta •
The purpose of the organization is to provide better under standin g between the Indian students and the non-Indian students at Ind] a11a Tech and to extend guidance to n ew Indian students. Member ship is available to any student who is interested in Indian culture. Our participation in social functions may enhance closer ties between the Indian students and the Americans.
First Row: Mrs. Gerald Buss, Mrs . Leonard Hebert, Mrs. Gerald Brooke, Mrs. Philip Perrey, Mrs. Rex Helms , Mrs. Gene Eggers. Second Row: Mrs. David Lear, Mrs . Maurice Jacoqs , Mrs. Ed Scheverlein, Mrs. Benjamin Dow, Advisor; Mrs. Ken Cohen, Mrs. Richard McCord, Mrs. William Irick, IV, Mrs. Charles Hodge. Third Row: Mrs. Roy Perkins, Mrs. Thomas Hnat, Mrs. Robert Niemeyer, Mrs. John -Yoars, Mrs. Carl Burns, Mrs. Darrel Williamson, Mrs. Earl Shirk, Mrs. Gloria Walker, Mrs. Conrad Gutowski, Mrs. Dominick Arbitrio. Fourth Row: Mrs. J ean Desnouee, Mrs. Daley Fadley, Mrs. J. A. Voehringer, Mrs. William Barnette, Mrs. Jack Bishop, Mrs. Lawren ce Drennan, III , Mrs. Joe Latona, Mrs. William Fitzgerald, Mrs. Russel Fisher, Mrs. George Buhrfeind, Mrs. William Householder.
ec ents' â&#x20AC;˘
ives â&#x20AC;˘
Organized in July of 1957, the purpose of Indiana Tech Students' Wives Club has beer1 to further social activities , acquaintances, and friendship among the wives of students of liT. Wives of all married stude11ts of liT are eligible for m embership. The club arranges programs of varied types for the m embers. These range from an address on the social problems of our time by a local authority to bingo or a humorous skit given by m embers of the Club. It is also the purpose of Indiana Tech Students' Wives Club to contribute to and work for the good of the College whenever possible. At banquets held twice annually wives of graduating students are presented with their P.H.T. ( Puttin g Hubby Through) degrees. 111
R o-zv One, L e ft to Right: Robert Large, Faculty Advisor; John Kish, Robert H. Morgan, President; Robert Jung, Treasurer; Dilip Mirchandani, David Aleons. Row T1.uo: Arnie Krumrie, Pichard Sestile, Robert Keegan, Christian Holst, Charlie Sheppard , Kevin MacKinnon, Richard Cooper, Bill Bensing, Frank Racey .
nter raternlt •
. . . . ouncl
The interfraternity council is the judicial body which governs the standardization of the pledging program , and promotes cooperation among the fraternities in both scholastic and social affairs. It is composed of representatives of each fraternity on campus.
First Ro1.u: Nadrija Abweh, Prabodh Kothari, Jim Hill, George Sadskne, Catherine Walsh, Advisor ; Osama Albassam. Second Row: Michael Helou, A. Abdul-Jabbar, Jamil Abu-Hamdeh, S. M. Farooqi, Christo Wassouf, Jose Feinandez. Third Row: Jes Schienbein, Arthur Munger, T. Kheiry, Manfred Olbert, Advisor ¡ Dr. E. A. V. Horiak, Domingo Morales, Hassan Saad.
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nternattona u
The purposes of the International Club of Indiana Institute of Technology are : 1. To stimuate better student-to-student relationships and u11derstanding through common activities, discussion s, and debates on matter s of international n a ture, and through these discussions, to acquaint the students with problems of the world, thus providing the students with the knowledge to converse intelligently on national and international problems ; 2. To serve as an area for cultural exchange between both American and foreig11 students here on ca1npus ; 3. To be linking m edium betvveen all countries, for both the purpose of realizing and analyzing the differences a11d sim.ilarities of the student; 4. To help smooth the adjustme11t of nev1 students to the cosmopolitan atmosphere on the campus of I.I.T. 113
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Seated, Le ft to R ig ht: Bill Gor1nan , Jon Trahan , Greg Flinn, Joe McKonly, Barry Sinonds, Lee Sensenbaugh, Bill Meyer , Bill Englehart, Scott Logan. Standing, Left to Right: Gale J ennings, Bill Scheyer, Lou Harvath, Ed Woods, Jim Letterich .
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The purpose of the Junior Inter-fraternity Council is to prepare prospective fraternity m en for some of the duties and responsibilities they will encounter as active m embers . They also assist the I.R.C. in planning the activities for Greek Week and other school functions. The organization is composed of representatives from each fraternity pledge class.
First Row: John Rogers, Terril Johnson, Frank Goodman. Second Row: Kozaburo Myakawa, Advisor : Tiam Sak Asvaraksh, Bob Filipovits, Bob Baird, William Gregor.
The purpose of the Indiana Institute of Technology Judo Club is to promote Kosokan Judo on this campus. 'rhe club was founded in the spring of 1962 and was fully accredited with the school in December 1962. The club is a member of the Natio11al Collegiate Judo Association and is fully accredited by the Judo Black Belt Federation of America. The club is under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Black Belt Association and all promotions are sanctioned by this association.
First R ow: Tom Walton , Larry Rily, Vice-President ; Joseph Litterer, President ; Robert L. Nichols, Treasurer. Second R o1v: Richard Schulte, James Ludberg, Francis B. Cooper, Secretary; Thomas Mass. •
Junior Class 0
Sam Medici , Editor
Th is year's Kekiongan is presented to the Stude11t Body with the hope th at it h as successfully summarized a variable cross-sec tion of campus functions each representa tive of the emphasis and influen ce of Indian a Tech. We hope that in years to com e you will look back at these p ages with proud m emories of your Alma Mater.
John Jones, Assistant Editor
Professor Darrow Fox, Faculty Moderator
Rich ard Cole
William Mcintosh Arnold Carlson, photographer
First Row: Mike Feher , Lynn Gerig, Roger Sentman , Bruce Hoverman , Allan Bald. Second Rotu: Ger ald J acyno, Charles Bliley, Joe Novak, J ay Ballard , Ed Paragi, AI Ridilla. Third R ow : Mike Dodd, Ted Rissel, Dennis Roberts, Andrew Van Der Plaats, Francis Dobbs, Ken Fowler.
The Kekiongan Amateur Radio Club's objectives are to prom ote am ateur r adio activities among interested students and to bring together students who h ave an interest in practical application of communications. To qualify for m embership, a student or f aculty m ember must h ave a Feder al Communications Commission Licen se ran ging from 11ovice to advan ced. Instruction for this licen se is provided by the qu alified Inem ber s to those who \vish to take the examinations for them.
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'fhe Club's contribution to homecoming .
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Left to Right, Row One: Edgar Garita, Oswaldo Cedeno, Jose A. Fernaudez, Orlando Barajas, Ricardo Cruz-Breucop. Row Two: Manuel Pena, Vicente Vegas, Joaquin Hernandez, Harry Gotthilf, Emilio Cristancho, Domingo Morales. Row Three: Guillermo Pico, Francisco Bracho, Oswaldo Villarroel, Homero De Pool.
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The Association of Latin American Students has completed its third year of aiding Latin A1nerican students with their adjustment to college life. The Association functions not only as an instrument of mutual help but also for social enjoyment for its members. Incoming Spanish speaking students have found tl1is to be an invaluable guide in learning about this foreign environment, becoming acquainted and having fun .
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Row One: Christos Katsifis, Don Ratajczak, Chuck Brockett. Row Two: Gerald Gardner, Dale Harshman, Frank Ripka , Bill Bartels, Dave Graeff. Row Three: John Fowler,Don Vaughan, Bill Niemeyer, Art Davis, Bill Bush . â&#x20AC;˘
The Mechanical Engineering Club is a local affiliate of the Ft. Wayne section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The objectives of the club are to advance, promote, and teach n ew phases of mechanical engineering. This is accomplished by programs which include talks by experienced engineers , and field trips to industries in the Tri-State area. Membership is restricted to students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
First Row: Basil Arend, Joseph Longo, John Lavens. Second Row: Martin Hanagan , Ken Auer, John McFann, Robert Muldoon.
ewman u
The Newman Club is an organization for Catholic students designed to help the student in his religious , social, and cultural life. The club is guided by a chaplain appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese. The inspiration of Cardinal Newman is the guiding light of the clubs which now exist at more than 300 colleges and universities in the United States.
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The staff r elaxes after publication.
Phil Conarroe, Editor In Chief ; Ed Mawhorr, Associate Editor.
We of the staff like to feel tha t we h ave m aintained the rich tradition of the Nucleus by presenting to the student body all responsible information of con cern. Our main intent as the official publication of the campus is to stimula te the mind of our fellow students by pr esenting noteworthy n ews. We believe in Indiana Tech and h er students, and principles ; and we consistently support all organizations and progr am s th at contribute to the growth of the college and the students. When ever controversy arises, we intend to present both sides lest we f all prey to irresponsible reporting.
Gary Williams, Tom Dwenger, Danny Walchle.
Photographers: Lee Sensibaugh and Bruce Smith . â&#x20AC;˘
Neil Hansen
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Left to Right: M. Yamin Ahmed, M. Daud Ahmed, Riaz Ahmed Chaudary .
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The purpose of the Pakistan Student Association is to interpret the culture, problems and aspirations of the Pakistanis to the campuses and communities of America. Any student or trainee who is a citizen of Pakistan and who is enrolled in any Ft. Wayne institute of higher learning or attached to any organized training group is eligible for membership.
President Johnson giving Tech students White House souvenir books .
Standing: Shor Conrad , Theodore A. Wasielewski, Ruth Ann Goodlin, J effrey Ber g, Richard Reeves. Seated : Eugene Sammartino. â&#x20AC;˘
The goal of the Physics Club is the advan cem ent and diffu sion of knowledge pertaining to the scien ce of physics and its applica tion to human welfare . The or ganization h as acquired a laborator y for experimental projects. Besides these p~oj e~ ts , t~ e organ iza tion 's goal is reached by trips 1nto Industry and n oted lecturers in the field of physics.
First Row: Gerald Gardner, Howard Macklin , Faculty Advisor; Barry Garman, Carl Mueller, Prabodh Kothari. Second Row: Erwin Schoeny, Michael Dobbs, Don Ratajczak, Jeff Parsons, Ed Gillen, J eff Wagner. Third Row: Larry Hoffman, Dick DeMato, Art Davis , Larry Black, William Bush, Fred Herschalman, Jim Trumbower, Jim Ludberg.
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The Society of Automotive Engineers a t Indiana Institute of Technology is a student branch affiliated with the n a tional society. It is sponsored by the Mech anical En gineering Department and is open to all engineering students who are interested in the advancement of the automotive industry.
First R o1u: Vonne Meussling, Ben Pursell, Garry Laaker, Richard Schulte, Richard Weiss, Gary Williams. Second Row: Arnie Krumie , Jeff Crocket, Cliff Meyers , Larry Riley, Edward Gillen, Tom Walton . Third Row: John Clayton, Richard Sestile, Rich ard Knott, Dan Bilicki, Phil Conarroe, Francis Dobbs, William Bush.
The StudeJ!t Senate is an organization composed of elected students of each class. It serves as a liaison organization between the administration the student body, and other colleges in matters related to student activities .
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President Thoma at the dedication of Tech's new radio station.
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Broadcast Room
Professor Whitney showing some students the various controls.
"From the Pages of Greek History." Teke's winning float.
ree flea vyweigh t tricycle race.
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Silverman ( Teke )
Ogsbury ( Sig Ep )
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Drewes ( Sig Delt ) First place by Antoniuk .
Daly ( Phi Kap ), Antoniuk ( Theta Xi ) Leslie ( Sigma Pi )
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Tug-of-War between actives a nd pledges .
Pledges retaliate after losing the Tug-of-War. It was undecided who won the mud fi ght .
'fhe actives winning team.
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Chariot r ace lineup
Sigm a Phi Delta's entry
President Thoma and Dr . Plan ck judging ch a riots.
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Alpha Sigma Phi loses a wheel.
Theta Xi placed firs t in r ace . •
Sig Delt pulls into third place.
Teke coming into the home s tretch .
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Tony Celeste Orchestra
Greek Queen , Miss Sue Hardwick Greek Semi-formal Ball
First Row: Ken Cohen, Lynn Fisher, Everett Moone, Charles Hodge, Bill Thompson. Second Row: Roger Doriot, Michael Helou, Judson Van Houten, John Pemberton) Art Davis, Leonard Herbert, Peter Garside . Third Row: Karl Burns, Tim Jur, John Webb, Phil Conarroe, Gary Streeter, Joe Litterer, William Weiss, Robert Ruhl, Faculty Advisor.
Iota Tau Kappa is an honorary engineering fraternity whose name symbolized Iota ( Industry ), Tau ( Thrift ), and Kappa ( knowledge ) . The chief objective of this Organization is to promote and to inculcate high ideals and attitudes of scholarship among the members of the student body of Indiana Institute of Technology. In order to become a member of Iota Tau Kappa, an engineering student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or more for four ter1ns , not necessarily consecutive terms. At least sixteen credit hours shall comprise each of these terms.
Row One: Gene Eggers, James Scott, Dan Wagner, President; Jack Bishop, Vice-President ; Bob Schoenike, Secretary; Dan Roberson. Row Two: David Stensland , Gerald Buss, Earl Shirk, John Yoars, Robert Hyer, Bob Chatlosh, Dale Fadley, William Householder, Dr. Erwin Horiak, Faculty Moderator. Row Three : Philip Perry, Albert' Kramer, Rex Helms, Gary Dean, Edward Mawhorr, Philip Powell, Treasurer; Tom Frisch, Lee Pontius, James Talley, Richard McBride.
Blackfeet Rain Dan ce?
The Alpha Omega Tau social fraternity became a part of Indiana Institute of Technology in January; 1957. The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fellowship, social, scholastic, and recreational activities for its members.
Are we together?
Pledges go window shopping.
Ugh! This '"'Alka-Seltzer" does nothing for me.
How about another cigar, fell as?
Love that shaving cream pie!
First Ro1u: Larry Levine, Arthur Price, Faculty Advisor; Michael Wilchek, Terry Quinn, Dilip Mirchandani, Ken Dander, Stanton Swartfiguer. Second Row : Gary Seewer, Louis Korolis, John Schwarze, Ed Steier, Bill Cook, Conrad Ramsaran, Jack Quinn, Chiman Patel. Third Row: Dan Nolan, Paul Stash, J eff Michael, Richard Kallens, Max Murphy, Terry Rowley, Craig Leighty, Fredric Jaessing.
In May 1932 Alpha Sigma Phi, then known as Alpha Gamma Upsilon, was the first fraternity installed by Indiana Institute of Technology. The purposes of Alpha Sigma Phi are to foster education , to maintain charity, and to promote patriotism. The objects of the fraternity incidental to these purposes are to en courage culture and high scholarship, to assist in building of character, to promote college loyalties to perpetuate friendships , to cement ties within the fraternity membership.
At the house of the Alpha Sigs
Some hold up the walls .... Some paint the Wails . . .
Some love animals .
Some wreck the walls .
First Row: George Mendenhall, Advisor ; Chas Sheppard, Michael Walsh, Albert Johns. Second Row: Kenneth Easter, Halton Williams, Reuben Bradford. Third Row: Raymond Williams, Allen Fenderson, Ernest Walker.
Kappa Alpha Psi, a college fraternity now comprised of more than 200 undergraduate and alumni chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout the country, boasts a membership of over 20,000. It was founded in the school year of 1910-11 on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana. Its constitution is the law of an organization predicated upon and dedicated to, the principles of achievement through a democratic fraternity. Preparation for the coat of arms was completed during the summer of 1911 by three of the founders who solicited the aid of a professor of Greek art at the Indiana University together with that of a professor at Concordia University. The second chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered in 1913.
''Big Brothers get r eady for the scrollers are coming."
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Our fundamental purpose is "Achievement." I.F.C. winner, Winter of 1965-66 school year.
First Row : Harvy Kawano, Mike Feher, Frank Koehl, David Schutte, Neil Hansen, John Currier, Frank Racey, Jim Dau gh etee. Second Row : George Sollner, John Trahan, John Daly, Gregory Flinn, Don Chislagi, Tom Folga, Alex Driessen , Ray D'Amore. Third Row: Mike Dobbins , Charles Schergr, Jon Pirrello, Carl Jacquay, Raymond Stann, Tom Sweeney, J erry Dobbins, Richard Smith.
Phi Kappa Theta offers a brotherhood fraternity for the Catholic students at Indiana Tech. Phi Kappa Theta is an organization that endeavors to promote conduct consistent with good morals, and an active Catholic faith , creating an atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress and scholastic achievement; and also to promote principles of fraternal loyalty through brotherhood.
Party Time
One for a dime
Three for a quarter.
One of the many trophies for victory.
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First Row: Harold Burkett, Joseph Bauer, John Pullhorn, Gary Bush, Jeffery Cole. Second Row: Harvey Rutstein, James Ashteri, Bob Jung, Jack Micklovich, Lee Bernhardt, Advisor; Steve Smith, Richard Sch u 1 te, Richard Buehner. Third Row: Dave Theobauld, Tom Mass, Phil Miller, Tom Krause, Fred Illingworth .
The objectives of the Sigma Pi fraternity are: to establish a brotherhood of college m en ; to promote scholarship and literary culture; to advance the cause of education ; to raise the standard of morality and develop the character of men · to diffuse culture ; and to encourage chivalry among men. All m en are solely accepted on their own individual worth, regardless of race color or creed.
Kneeling : Ken Cunningham, Sirrous, Ed Reddinger. Second Ro1u: Lee Bernhardt, Advisor; Jim P aterson, Vic Tsao, Gary Laaker. Third Row: John Osborn , Ban·y Profeta . Peter Bergendahl, Edward Winczowski.
An everpresen t work party.
A Sigma Pi banquet.
First Row: Ri c hard Col e , Vi c Rosynsky, Charles Kitch en , Advisor; James Schrader, Geor ge Oplinger. Second Row: Bill Ben sing, Jim F ailor, Dean Hagerty, William Jurek , Bob Graziano, Ronald Malanowski, K ev in MacKinnon. T h i r d Row: Edward St. Claire, C h a r 1 e s Shrontz, Thomas Smith , Richard Tomcheski, H arvey Drewes, Tobias George Samuel Medici , Edward Kridler.
First Row : Dean Boggs, Jim Lute-
r ek , Joe LaRoch e, Ray Littlefield , Bill Barack . Second R ow: Fred Norris, Tom Nowocien , D an Brown , Dave Baker , Lynn Eaton , John DiBe ll a, Louis Horvath . ThiTd Rotu: Robert Becker , Larry Black , Ron Hughes, Maurice Herbignat, Lou Loren zi , Barry Simonds, John Mull, John Kleban .
The purpose of Sigma Phi Delta is to promote the advancement of the engineering profession · to foster the advancement of engineering education· to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among en gineering students and organizations ; to inculcate in its m embers the highest ideals of good citizenship, Christian manhood ; obedience to law and to brotherhood ; and to encourage excellence in scholarship. The fraternity was founded at the University of Southern California in April, 1924. The membership totals nearly 4000 engineers and engineering students.
SPD's Term Banquet
Intramural football champions The annual beatnik party
FiTst Row : R. J. Swindell Elmer Clark, Jim Sundy, Gary Williams, Joseph Woodrich, John Heasley, Jr., John Paulawski. Second Row : Wendell Foo, John Rogers, Donald Zehner , Ron ald Sheets, Thomas Sundstrom, \ V illiam Hines . Third Row: Rich ard Nott, Ralph Riehl, Mel Schurdell, Bill Barton, Christiam Holst, Stanley Prozny, Jr.
I Firs t Row : Joh n Kovaleski , Ch ar les Mink, Sam u el Uhler , Rollan d Zech , Lee Nott, Mich ael J oyce . Secon d R ow: Bob Koch aw ski , Ken P almer , J oh n Pu ckett, John lVIorse , Dan Krepich . Third Row: Dick Weiss , J am es Wagn er, Dan iel Bilicki, William Ogsbury, Steve Randall, Dave Sch r ock.
Theta Tau Upsilon, a local fraternity founded in April, 1962 , becam e The Indiana E ta Chapter of Sigm a Phi Epsilon on February 2 , 1963. The m ember ship has grown to be the largest on Indian a Tech's campus . The basic ideals of the fraternity are to promote high academic standards ; provide a u seful service fo the college and community to guide and m an age gentlem anly conduct at all times, to always put forth with high est n1oral ch aracter , and to develop an unsurpassable union of brotherhood that will serve as a guide throughout life.
Rushing function, Playboy Party.
Preparing for orphanage Easter Party.
Champion I.F .C. basketball team.
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First Row: Craig McGinnis, Anthony DiMarco, llruce Singleton, Warren Garraway, Larry Riley, John Beidler, Joe Kaszycki, Jaime Uscocovich. Second Row: Anthony Lisinikchia, James Goodnough, Jim Lynch, Terry Gleave, Dick Schul, Richard Silverman, Bob Jetter, Ken Boyd, Howard Turner. Third Ro-ru : Lester Pursell, Arnie Krumie, Dick Sestile, Karl Carter, Don Blackstone, Dale Dreher, Don Smith, Bob Crockett, Bryan Richardson, Chuck Enea.
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity was founded at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois , January 10, 1899, as a new fraternity in which its members would be chosen '' ... not for wealth, rank or honor, but for personal worth and character." As Tekes, we stress character, mental aptitude, health, and physical strength, and proficiency in social graces. With these ideals we have grown to be one of the largest social fraternities with 213 chapters in forty-one states and provinces of Canada.
Tekes guarding the Vampire Cup
Christmas party for the Allen County Children's Home The Teke House •
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First Row: David Graeff, Bill Anderson, Robert Sikora, Jeffrey Farnsworth, Mike Jacobs Schuastic, Howard Bishop. Second Row : Dave Griffen, Charles Simmons, Henry Bittmann, Jerry Weber, Don Lieber, Gerald Cheselka, Marlin Hall. Third Row : Dave Hurd, Robert Merle, Robert Filipovits, Tom Allan, Ronald Green, George Perna, Peter Leffe, John Griffin . Fourth Row : Bob Nichols, Dick Utz, Dave Crosse, Ron Antoniuk, Bud Byroads, Frederick Bruns, John Kwap, John Fosmire, Carl J. Mueller.
eta The Purpose of Theta Xi is to develop and enhance the personality of its members, to encourage scholastic achievement and good conduct, broaden outside interests promote mutual understanding and increase loyalty on the part of the fraternity brothers to Indiana Tech. Membership is open to all male students of Indiana Tech.
Brothers working on their cars on a Saturday afternoon.
Some brothers in front of one of Theta Xi's two houses .
Brothers and pledges digging out from a big Ft. Wayne snovv. Brothers preparing to take their "School Spirit" sign to one of Tech's home basketball games.
Brothers relaxing from their studies
\Vinston S. Churchill III and his wife Minni talking with President Thoma and Dean Randall after his lecture on ccThe Changing Face of European Politics .''
\tValter Sullivan being interviewed after delivering a lecture about 158 "Lie Beyond Earth."
Winston S. Churchill III answering students questions.
New Lost City Ramblers perform a Folk Music Concert
Ramblers autographing records for students .
Artist Celebrity Series hosts Singing Hoosiers.
Under the direction of Professor Robert E. Stoll of the I.U. School of l\1usic, the 45 voice choir sang arrangements of selections from ''Gigi," "The Music Man," "Funny Girl." "The King and I," "Oklahoma," and ((The Sound of Music."
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Lou Culp, director of Public Relations, and Winifred Troyer, secretary .
e attons
The Public Relations Department has three principal areas of responsibility: the writing, editing, and printing of most of the colleges major publications; writing and releasing news stories to local, state, and national press, radio , and television ; and the planning of special events, which covers many activities ranging from the Artist-Celebrity Series and Commencement programs through a variety of luncheons , dinners , tours of the campus, and so forth. The department is a service organization vvhich cooperates with all other departments and divisions of the college. The Public Relations Department is available in an advisory capacity to student organizations, often assisting with the planning and promotion of student events when such activities relate to the public image of Indiana Tech. The essential purpose of the department is to define and ex plain the college to all segments of the general public.
L eft to Right: Janet Foss, Executive Secretary, and Paulette Miller, secretary.
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ssoczatlon 162
The Alumni Office is directed by an executive secretary, who is responsible to the board of directors of the Indiana Tech Alumni Association and to the administration of the college. All graduates of the college become members of the National Association when they graduate. Alumni do not pay membership dues but, instead, are asked to give to the Alumni Support Fund which provides the funds to underwrite operational costs and salaries. The Association looks on each student as a potential alumnus who will some day become a vital part of the foundation on which the college is built.
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Mr. Hunsberger, Director of Library.
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