End per 1 / dental implant courses by Indian dental academy

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INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education

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Comparison of presentation of apical and marginal periodontitis Causes for attachment loss Pathways of communication between pulp and periodontium * Lateral and accessory canals *Dentinal tubules *Developmental defects *Cementum defects *Iatrogenic perforations and root fracture www.indiandentalacademy.com

Diagnosis of endo perio lesions *history of dentinal pulpal and periapical pain *history of periodontal symptoms *signs and symptoms of pulpal or periapical disease *periodontal charting(probing profile) *radiographic pattern of bone loss Possible causes of endo perio lesions Definition and classification of endo perio lesions Single isolated endo perio lesions Multiple endo perio lesions Management of endo perio lesions *estimation of prognosis *treatment of endo perio cases *root resection *role of regenerative techniques www.indiandentalacademy.com


Periodontal ligament supporting teeth

Junctional epithelium


Loss of marginal attachment www.indiandentalacademy.com

Differential Diagnosis Clinical Pulpal Cause : pulp infection Vitality :non vital Restorative :deep or extensive Plaque /calculus: not related Inflammation :acute Pockets :single and narrow 

pH value :acidic Trauma :primary or secondary Microbial :few www.indiandentalacademy.com


:periodontal :vital :not related :primary cause :chronic :multiple and wide coronally :alkaline :contributing factor :complex



Pattern :localized Bone loss :wider apically Periapical :radiolucent Vertical bone loss: no

periodontal :generalized :wider coronally :not related :yes

Histopathology Junctional epithelium :no apical migration :present Granulation tissues : apical (minimal) :coronal (larger) Gingival :normal :recession Treatment Therapy :RCT :Periodontal therapy www.indiandentalacademy.com


pathways www.indiandentalacademy.com

Case report I: primary endo lesion with secondary perio lesion

Abscess irt 23 Radiolucency irt 23


Flap reflected, curettage done

Bone graft placed

Post treatment view after augmentation of 23 with composite


Post surgical radiograph

Case report II: Primary perio lesion with secondary endo lesion

Bone loss up to apex of 44

Pre operative probing


Flap reflected, curettage done

Bone graft placed

Post operative probing after 9 months

Post operative radiograph after 9 months

Case report III: True combined periodontal endodontic lesion www.indiandentalacademy.com

Per operative probing

Horizontal bone loss and periapical radiolucency


Flap reflected, curettage done

Bone graft placed

Post operative after 6 months Post operative radiograph after 6 months


Combined lesions: Two separate lesions: “pulpo periapical” and “periodontal with no communication between them Single lesion that involves both endodontic and periapical problem Separate endodontic and periodontal lesion that later communicate “concomitant pulpo periapical lesion” www.indiandentalacademy.com

Early periodontal lesion

Advanced periodontal destruct


Horizontal bone loss

After 4 yrs

Vertical bone loss

After 12 yrs


Bone loss encroaching the bone apices

Periodontal bone loss involving the mesial root of 36


Lateral periodontal bone loss of pulpal origin

Resolution following RCT


Early periradicular bone loss in 32

Further apical and marginal bone loss over a 10 yr period


Pathways of communication between pulp and periodontium ďƒ˜Lateral canals and accessory canals




Dentinal tubules

Microorganisms within dentinal tubules of infected tooth www.indiandentalacademy.com

Development defects

Palatogingival groove in the maxillary central incisor Cementum defects Iatrogenic perforations and

root fractures www.indiandentalacademy.com

After infilling of bony defect

Effect of pulp disease and its treatment on the periodontium

ď ś Periodontal inflammation and bone loss

Sub marginal bone loss Horizontal bone loss Furcation involvement ď ś Periodontal wound healing

Gingival tissue thickness Alveolar bone level Surgical trauma to flap Effective flap repositioning Root canal treatment


This is why many periodontist’s insist on RCT on teeth with “ doubtful" pulp status when regenerative surgery is planned…….the rationale is to eliminate possible sources of infection to maximize the potential for successful outcome

Extrusion of root filling material causing delayed healing www.indiandentalacademy.com

ď ś Effect of iatrogenic problem


Reparative dentine defending the pulp space


Effect of periodontal disease and its treatment on the pulp ď ś Effect of periodontal disease on the pulp

Pulpal and periodontal involvement of maxillary premolar

Progression of the two separate lesion to give a combined


Effect of periodontal disease and its treatment on the pulp ď ś Effect of periodontal treatment on the pulp

Scaling and root planning may sometimes result in removal of excessive cementum and exposure of the dentinal tubules, leading to pulp inflammation

--Micro flora --Host defense Pulpal inflammation adjacent to open dentinal tubules www.indiandentalacademy.com

Endo perio lesions


An isolated, usually narrow, deep probing depth of pulpal or periodontal origin Lesion with sub marginal or intrabony periradicular bone loss of pulpal and/or periodontal origin that communicates with the oral cavity via probing defect A localized periodontal probing depth of pulpal or periodontal origin www.indiandentalacademy.com


According to SIMON GLICK FRANk (cohen) Primary endodontic lesion Primary endodontic lesion with secondary periodontal involve Primary periodontal lesion Primary periodontal lesion with secondary endodontic involve rue combined lesion

According to WEINE I. Tooth in which symptoms clinically and radiographically simulate periodontal disease but are due to pulpal inflammation II. Tooth that has both pulpal and periodontal disease concomitantly III.Tooth has no pulpal problem but require endodontic therapy plus root amputation to gain periodontal healing www.indiandentalacademy.com

According to OLIET, POLLOCK (Grossman

Lesions that require endodontic procedures onl necrotic pulp and apical granulomatous tissue replacing periodontium with or without sinous tract Chronic periapical abscess with sinus tract Longitudinal and horizontal root fractures Pathologic and iatrogenic root perforations Teeth with incomplete apical root development Endodontic implants Teeth that require hemisection Root submergence www.indiandentalacademy.com

II.Lesions that require periodontal procedures only

Occlusal trauma causing reversible pulpitis Occlusal trauma plus gingival inflammation resulting in pocket formation and reversible pulpitis Suprabony or infrabony pocket formation treated with overzealous root planning and curettage leading to pulpal sensitivity Extensive infrabony pocket formation extending beyond the root apex and sometimes coupled with lateral or apical resorption yet with pulp that responds with in normal limits to clinical testing www.indiandentalacademy.com

III. lesions that require combined endodontic and periodontic treatment Any lesion in Group I That results in irreversible reactions in the attachment apparatus and requires periodontal treatment Any lesion in Group II that results in irreversible reactions to the pulp tissue and also requires endodontic treatment


Diagnosis of endo perio lesions History of dentinal / pulpal pain History of periodontal symptoms (bleeding, mobility) Signs and symptoms of pulpal / periapical disease (vitality) Periodontal charting (probing profile) Radiographic pattern of marginal and periradicular bone loss www.indiandentalacademy.com

Diagnosis of endo perio lesions



Mesio palatal

Three point probing depths www.indiandentalacademy.com

Periodontal probing

Continuous probing around maxillary molar showing sudden changes in probing depths www.indiandentalacademy.com

Charting continuous probing profile of a single tooth


Long narrow pockets: endodontic origin

“Blow out� lesion www.indiandentalacademy.com

Lateral endodontic abscess: wide and deep pocket

Radiographic patterns

( angularity and presence of marginal bone) Bone loss and absence of periodontal ligament space www.indiandentalacademy.com

Possible causes of endo perio lesions ď Ź

Single isolated endo perio lesions

Bone loss on one side because of lateral canal Resolution after re treatment www.indiandentalacademy.com

GP points used to trace localized deep probing defects www.indiandentalacademy.com

Fractures in teeth with vital pulp ď Ź

Definitive treatment is placement of cusp covered cast restoration

Suspected cuspal fracture


Tooth preparation with occlusal reduction

Root Fractures

Bucco palatal fracture Mesio distal fracture

Following removal of fractured root


Fracture of mesial root of vital molar

Bone loss related to fracture of mesial root of vital molar


Fracture at middle third


RCT of whole incisor

Horizontal fracture at middle third RCT till fracture line


Root perforations

Perforation with furcal and periapical bone loss www.indiandentalacademy.com

Coronal third perforation Crown lengthening with RCT and new post retained restoration


Lateral perforation www.indiandentalacademy.com

Management of perforations


Radiograph following sealing www.indiandentalacademy.com

3 yrs later

Root resorption

Internal resorption

Required resection www.indiandentalacademy.com

Anatomical anomalies

Probing developmental groove



Max : lateral incisor with two roots and a palato gingival groove


Orthodontic Treatment

Loss of periodontal attachment on the distal side of a maxillary canine following orthodontic treatment www.indiandentalacademy.com

Tooth transplantation and replantation poorly designed restorations

Localized periodontal breakdown related to a poorly placed restoration


Management Of Endo Perio Lesions

ď Ź Estimation of prognosis

ď Ź Treatment of endo perio cases


Endo perio lesion : usually isolated, narrow localized pocket Check endodontic status


o Endo o Perio o Fracture o Resorption o Anatomy

Root treated Not root treated Evaluate adequacy Vitality tests Preparation: Obturation: oUnder prepared oOver prepared oPerforation oZipping oledges

oUnder filled oOverfilled oPoor adaptation

Is root canal re-treatment feasible? www.indiandentalacademy.com

Feasible re-treatment? No Yes Try OHI + debridement OHI Resolution? Resolution? No Yes No Yes oDo first stage endo oClean and shape canals Extract oDress with calcium hydroxide Resolution? No Yes



Vitality tests Negative


Root canal treatment Resolution? No Yes Check Check vitality again: OHI and perio If in doubt- do RCT Still no resolution: look for other causes

Perio treatment Resolution? No Yes

Extract, resect , hemisect www.indiandentalacademy.com

Tooth resections: ď Ź Classification of degree of Furcation

involvement I. Horizontal loss of periodontal support< one third of tooth width II.Horizontal loss of periodontal support> one third but not encompassing the total width of the tooth III.Horizontal through and through destruction of the periodontal tissue in the furcal area www.indiandentalacademy.com

Root Amputation : Removal of one or more roots of a multi rooted tooth while the others are retained Hemisection : Removal or separation of root with its accompanying crown portion of mandibular molars Radisection : Newer terminology for removal of roots of maxillary molars Bisection / Bicuspidization : Separation of mesial and distal roots of mandibular molar along with its crown portion, where both segments are then retained individually www.indiandentalacademy.com

Indications for Resections Periodontal indications

Severe vertical bone loss involving only one root of a multi rooted tooth Through and through furcation destruction Unfavorable proximity of roots of adjacent teeth, preventing adequate hygiene maintenance in proximal areas Severe root exposure due to dehiscence www.indiandentalacademy.com

Restorative and endodontic indications: Prosthetic failure of abutments within a splint Endodontic failure: perforations, over extension , obstructed canals, separated instrument , root resorption Vertical fracture of one root Restorative reasons: sub gingival caries, erosion of large part of crown and root, traumatic injury Combination of these www.indiandentalacademy.com

Contraindications Root fusion making separation impossible Angulation or position of tooth in the arch: if the tooth is buccally or lingually, mesially or distally cannot be resected Root morphology: short conical roots are difficult to resect Improperly shaped occlusal contact may convert occlusal forces in to destructive forces and cause failure of hemisection www.indiandentalacademy.com

Surgical exposure of Furcation prior to sectioning of disto buccal root

Initial cut with a diamond instrument


Widened cut to allow instrumentation

Appearance of tooth following the removal of disto buccal root

Elevation of disto buccal root


Surgical closure

Vertical bone loss around distal root

Retained mesial root

Vertical cut towards the bifurcation

Full coverage cast restoration of hemisected molar


Role of regenerative techniques in treatment of endo perio lesions

Histological section showing new attachment formation using a barrier www.indiandentalacademy.com

References o Management of periodontitis associated with endodontically involved teeth: The journal of dental practice, volume 6, No2 2005 oWeine FS: endodontic therapy

oStepten Cohen : Pathways of pulp oJan Lindhe : clinical implantology

oGlickman : periodontology : periodontology oStock : endodontics www.indiandentalacademy.com

Conclusion A concise knowledge of both pulpal and periodontal disease is necessary for proper identification of the lesion.  Thus with adequate tender love and care we can nourish it for a peaceful coexistance……. Between the tooth and gums 



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