Regulatory Sovereignty in India: Indigenizing CompetitionTechnology Approaches, ISAIL-TR-001
3 The Proposals for Newer Approaches This section focuses on proposing assertive solutions and options on the trajectory of related issues of digital colonialism and the limitations of the Competition Law regime in India, in line with proposing how India should shape its own considerations on digital colonialism, dispute resolutions, IP issues and other relevant matters in suggestion. We recommend proposals in the following schemes, at a limited preliminary level (for multiple stakeholders and not just government bodies and authorities): •
Decolonising Coherentist Approach towards Technology Law • Decentralise and Re-nationalise the privity of governing first Principles Rights • Reform Common Law Machineries • Assert Dispute Resolution Mechanisms None of the proposals are absolutist. Thus, we have adopted a reflective tone to suggest sustainable solutions.
Decolonization of the “Coherentist” Approach towards Technology Law Decolonization is assumed to be the utmost reverse of colonization. However, the possibilities do lead to the assumption of several issues of costs, which might be a bigger impediment. It is also important to realise that absolute decoloniality as a phenomenon, and absolute decolonisation as a policy reality is not possible, simply because the theory of decoloniality can be applied to specific problems, and generalist claims cannot be created anyways. Now, with respect to this report, the kind of